Spanish Grammar - Más Bien

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Part of communicating in Spanish is to be able to correct yourself while speaking, doing this

without apologizing is important. When we commit grammar mistakes or change our mind
during a speech, we use Más bien to keep fluency and to clarify information recently given.
Sometimes, we use Más bien use as a logical connector to explain an idea. So, the listener has
a closer interpretation of what the speaker wants to express.

Depending on the context, there are two “Más bien” structures we can use. Generally, we use
Más bien in a subtle and spontaneous way. As a result, identifying which Más bien structure fits
better in any situation will require a bit of practice. Más bien is an alternative to “Más bien
dicho” or “Mejor dicho”. In English, you probably know it as Better said. In this article, we will
teach you how to enhance your speaking and writing by using the Spanish phrase Más bien

How to use Más bien during a speech

While speaking, your thoughts might come and go. As a result, giving a clear speech is
sometimes challenging. Yet, it’s really important to be as clear as possible. It enhances
communication and keeps your audience engaged. By using Más bien, we can achieve this
goal. In that case, the formula we generally use when giving a speech is the following:

Main idea + Más bien + Detail-explained idea.

Las abejas, o más bien los insectos polinizadores, mantienen el equilibrio del ecosistema.
Bees, or better said pollinating insects, keep the balance of the ecosystem.

In this example, the speaker realizes that it was appropriate to use a better term. It’s because
bees are not the only responsible ones for pollinating.

Another use of “Más bien” is to correct the information given, even if the idea is clear but the
words or terms are not technically accurate. In that case, the structure we use is the following:

Main idea + Más bien + Technically accurate idea.

Los infectados con Covid19, más bien, infectados por SARS-CoV-2 requieren atención médica
People infected by Covid19, I mean, infected by SARS-CoV-2 need immediate medical

Note that the speaker decided to correct the previous sentence, even if the idea was clear for
most listeners. This is why the right translation for “Más bien” is “I mean” or “Better said” in this
context. We can also use it to correct a grammar error, and you can use the previous structure
or the following:

Incorrect sentence, correct sentence + “Más bien”.

Te quedo secada la carne, seca, más bien.
You made the steak dried, dry, I mean.

As we previously mentioned, using both structures interchangeably is possible. Let’s see the
example below.

¡Gracias a usted!, ¡a los dos!, más bien.

Thank you, sir! thank you both, better said.

¡Gracias a usted! más bien, gracias a los dos.

Thank you, sir! better said, thank you both.

Más bien may also mean “even better” or “rather”. In that scenario, we use it to give advice. We
can even use it to connect an idea with a new one using previous information and make it count.

Puedes ir en taxi, pero yo tomaría más bien el metro, es más rápido y económico.
You could go in a cab, but I would rather take the subway, it is faster and cheaper.

Vayamos a la terraza a tomar aire, más bien, bajemos directo a la playa y así caminamos
Let’s go to the terrace to take some air, even better, let’s go to the beach and have a walk too.

How to use “Más bien” in written form.

While speaking, Más bien has several different uses. However, we can use Más bien to write
any file or necessary document. Some writers, when trying to express that a situation should
happen differently use Mas bien. The structure we use in that situation would look like the

Extraordinary situation, + “Más bien” + Ordinary situation.

Estuvo lloviendo mucho ese otoño, una época, más bien, infrecuente para las lluvias en mi
It rained a lot during that fall, not a usual time for rain in my country.

El equipo no logró los objetivos esta temporada, situación, más bien, irregular considerando la
buena racha que tuvieron al comienzo.
The team did not improve the goals this season, the situation was, rather, irregular considering
the good run he had at the beginning.

These are good examples of how a writer uses "Más bien" so the reader knows that an event
didn't happen as expected. Sometimes, it is important for storytellers to let readers know what is
normal to develop a story.
Why you should learn to use “Más bien”.

Using Más bien isn’t a struggle. It’s a great tool to keep fluency and simplicity while speaking.
As you can see, Más bien usages are many but the structure is simple and often the same.
Below, you’ll find some examples to review what we have just mentioned. These are some
common examples and, therefore, you’ll probably use mas bien this way on a daily basis.

● To explain better an idea:

Main idea + Más bien + Detail-explained idea.

Son un excelente grupo de trabajadores, más bien, un excelente equipo.

They are an excellent group of workers, actually, an excellent team.

● To amend sentences when the idea is clear but the terms aren't right.
Main idea + Más bien + Technically accurate idea

Los productos de la gasolina, más bien de la combustión, son dañinos para el ambiente.
Fuel gases, better said combustion gases, are damaging to the environment.

● To make grammar corrections.

Me compre una coche, un coche más bien.

I bought an car, a car I mean.

The correction is necessary because the noun “coche” is masculine, and the right article
has to be masculine, which is “un” and not “una”.

In summary, when we communicate our thoughts it is necessary to prove confidence, clarity,

and that we know about the topic we talk about. Consequently, being able to use Más bien
correctly will help you show others that Spanish isn’t a weakness for you but the opposite.
Wait… That's even a great example!

“El Español no es tu punto débil, más bien lo contrario!”

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