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enior Secondary Schoo! Mathematics for Cla 41. Put (2+ log 9) 44 pe nO) ax Ge PRGA. 62, Muttpty nun td denom. by # and pu 7. 1=/ tx 74. x dx= —_ dx. (cos x~ sin x) (cos'x - sin’x) tcl pital Ganz coes (sinx + cosx) 77. 1= J SS*=SDY ate. Put (sin x +.c08 x)= # (sin x + cos x) 79. Put sin x = 78. 1=f 1+ 2) + log xfdx Put (x + log x 81. Put (2e*+5)=1.82. Put sec(x*+3)=t 80. Put tan x 88, Put (xe')=1. 89. Pute™ Put 2 tan“'x 97, Put tanx =t and —"— dx = dt (+x) =6t°dt, | L x hp =Saagagry Now putx=t and a t ( ) Then, 1=6f -ydle6 fle “ta 101. “Divide num. and denom, by x’. Put dt Is[o~aee SR Methods of intearation Integrati i i ration Using Trigonometric Identities When the integrand consists of tri jdentities to convert it into a form whet es, neti identities useful for this purpose are piven been e tesrated @ 2sin?{*)= (1 —cos x) (iy (iii) 2 sina cos b = sin (a (iv) 2cos a sinb =sin (a +b) — sin (ab) (v) 2.c0s a cos b = cos (a +b) + cos (a — b) (vi) 2sina sinb = cos (a ~b) — cos (a+b) SOLVED EXAMPLES EXAMPLE 1 Evaluate: Wain? By Gi) [tan (iti) | cos*nx dx Ra J cos® (@) J sin’x dx SOLUTION (i) J tan? 5 dx 5 x =2tant-x+C=2tan5—* 2 cos-nx dx ii) | costnx dx =5 t j 1 +cos 2nx) dx 1 x — sin 2nx +C 4n s*x - cos x dx (iv) J cos*x dx = 2. cos x dx = (1 -?) dt, where sin x feast nt dre f tes frttn af a an ec sin x + in’y ~ in 3 (v) [oin’xdte = fsin’x «sin x dx = [= cos*s)'sin x dx J(a- at, where cos xt =f d'-3¢'+30-1)dt= (vi) Jsin2x +1) dx =f (1 = cos%2x-+1)} - sin 2x +1) dx =-Zfa-ea, where cos (2x +1) =! 1 lf, Abd) 1s =-zJat+5 fear= Bere P +c 1 Ts : =—4cos (2x = 1)+ 7008 2x +1) + & cos'(2x +1) + ¢ | Beawple 2 Evaluate cos mx cos nx dx, when (i) men (ii) m=n. SOLUTION (i) When m#n, wehave 1 Jcos mx cos mx de=5 [cos (m + n)x + cos (m—n)x] dx 1 =) cos (m+ nyrde +3 {cos (m= n)x dx sin (m + n): (m+n) (i) When m =n, we have sin (m=n)x 2(m — n) +C. Jos mxcos mx dx = f costae dx sin 2nx ‘ st 2 4n EXAMPLE 3 Evaluate: @ [sin 3x sin2x av i) f cos 3x sin 2x dx (iii) Joos 4-cos.x dx [CBSE 2001) tof cos*x dx Methods of int SOLUTION (i) Using 2 sina sin J sin 3x sina J sin2x (ii) Using Jrcos 3x sin2s (iii) Using 2 cos a cos b = cos (a J cos 4x cos x dx (iv) J sin’x cos*s dx E LE4 Evaluate | cos x cos 2x. cos 3x dx. SOLUTION Joos x cos 2x cos 3x dx =;Je@ cos x cos 2x) cos 3x dx dary Schoo! Mathematics for Cla 1 3x) dx 1 3x) dx ++ J (2.008 x cos 3x) 2.cos’ax) dx + 4 ale 4 == J (1+ cos 6) dx t 8 4 s 2x) dx cos 6x) dx + J (cos 4x + cos 2x) fa ) a) 1 a1 facrg feos 6 dx + ff cos ax ds + qJcos 2x Gx fh sin de 1 SnD 5 wh Evaluate [ sec*x tan x dt. Pl i 2 2 sowumion J sects tan x dx = f sec*x: sec’ tan x dx EXAM -fa + tan?x) sec*x tan x dx =Ja+#) ede, where tanx=t Pautt / ! ee Bia aftdt+fPa=5+7+C { 1 2 | is ayees Evaluate sin*x dx. [CBSE 2004 souumion J sin'rdx=4f Qsin'y)fdx TS tan’x +3 tan‘x +C. 1 1 =a wee dPdx=F fc + cos?2x — cos 2x) dx 1 =gJ (2 +2.cos'2x— 4 cos 2x) dx 1 =) (2+ (1 +c0s 4x) - 4.cos 2x] dx ah 1 1 <5) des 5 J cosdede—4 cos 2x ax 3 sin4 git a5 in 2x Methods of I EXAMPLE? Boaluatc sin x sin(x—a SOLUTION Put (x — a) #0 that » ) and de dy 1 Sing EXAMPLES Evaluate: (j) {54% in 4 V cos 2x (i {2% SOLUTION (i) fHRAX gy _ / 28in 2 cos 2 cos 2x ae cos 2x =2J sin2x dx =~ cos 2x + sin dx | 2sin2x cos 2 Dect ats = dx 4 sinx cos x cos 2x f ——dx=2 | 2.cos x cos 2x dx sinx Din cos x) dx =2 | cos 3x dx +2 | cos 2sin3 =p +2sinx +c EXAMPLES Evaluate V1 +sinx dz. x x SOLUTION Jvissinx dx= J sin? 5+ cos 5 +2sin 70085 dx elfen’ cop 2)ps Pipe oat x x =2cos= = + 2cos5 + 2sin5 Cc 40 Evaluate f--" dx, sane 4 (1 +.c0s x 2 /2) cos (x/2) rats sinx _ {{2-sin (&/2) ec SOLUTION [ieee (lamers) aa iP 2.cos* (x/2) =f tan?(x/2) de = {sec?5-1]ax = it sec” y dx — | dx =2 tan (x/2)- 1+ Exampce 11 Evaluate: (i) J sinx V1 cos 2x dx wf = sowuTion (i) J sin x VI= cos 2x dx =fsinx- V2 ix dx= V2 f sin?x dx= ! -7/ = cos 2x) dx | sin2x = —e +C. | Pi ew 20,” ~ 8 cos 2x i | 24 60 Ir Feoemr* V2 cos?2x a! Je ea pa \ dx | “pxampue 12 Evaluate: (i) f ——* cif BY | CAME Te Gaticneee sinx + cos SOLUTION (i) Puta=rcos 6 and b=r sin 050 that P=(7+) and 0=tan (bf), i : dx. Bf dx asinx+bcosx * rcos@sinx+rsin@cos x 1 7 - J cosec (x + 6) dx (ii) We can write, pee eae (mane sinx+cosx 2! 1 1 ia a men a AMA ST janine) alii , oP wale Spl cosee E+ sax ) 4 : “Flea tanlE Dec. A EXAMPLE 13 Evaluate A cos x SOLUTION (i) Put4=rsino a 4c0s x43 si J 1 log {tan|2 1 1 (ii) Put 2=rcos@ and 3=rsind dx J sin x +3 cos x) EXAMPLE 14 Evaluate \cos=+sin = 2 cos x SOLUTION J- z ne eee) cos5+sin> Ne 2) 5 (x/2) - sin (x/2) forse Basin?) tx =2 | a eine | cos 5 sino} 2 dx sia EXAMPLE 15 Evaluate (fae 0 that r NE LAS (&/2) + sin (X/2) x = dt, where t= Cos > fs for Clat ndary Schoo! Mathemat dx re (x/2) + c08" (x/2) 8 nx i ue 16 Evaluate Pees sinx y,-[G+8inD=1 gy oo ee os =| irsing dx-f5=— = z 2, =f cos? + sin’ 5 +2sin > cos > dx dx a eos? (x/2) + sin’(x/2) +2 sin (x/2) cos (x/2) 5 at dx = feos (2/2) + sin @/2))dx- | aI | yee dx -[2sin5 =2c085)- la oo Be cos ieee ein = Meee 2 -[2sing =2cos* 5)- ela = : apes ot4 x | -(2sin -2cos5|- sl cosee (5 +4) dx BN ei ayelaig te 2,2 =2{sin 3 ~ cos 3] 7x2 log | tan|4+]| +c =2{sin 2 — cos2)—VT 2 K)| =2{sind cos >| WZiog |tan(F+2)| +c Methods of Integrat! EXERCISE 28 Evaluate the following integral 1. @ Jsin’x ax [ 2. i) J cos? (x/2) dx ; (ty | cot e/2) a 3, (i) J sintnx dx { Gi) J sin’x dx 4, Joos? (Bx +5) dx j 1 = cos 2x aoe 6. @ Seo 2x) w f(r feos) ee Pats 608 x oT eee wo Sf = | 8, J sin 3x cos 4x dx 9, [cos 4x 006 3: 08 4x cos 3x dx (CBSE 2007) 10. fsin 4x sin 8x dx (CBSE20071 J sin 6x cos x dx ooo 42, fsinx V1+ cos 2 dx 13. J costx dx [CBSE 2000, 03] 14, [cos 2x cos 4x cos 6x dx 15. J sin’x cos x dx 17. J cos*x sin'x dx 16. J sectx dx te : 18. J costs sin’x dx 19. | sin’®/*x cos*x dx 20. J cos’/°x sin’x dx 21. J cosect2x dx cos x Ak cos (x + @) forza om | cos x 24, [ cos’ sin 2x dx 26. [cos'2x dx $ j dx wy (Bcosx+4sin x) Sa fee » { Qtanx—3 cot xd 29 Nese in 5 J ices) (cos x+bsinx) ay gy j dx_____,q>Qandb>0 BSE 20121 39} }\7 cot x | 32. Jsin x sin 2x sin 3x dx IC [CBSE 2000C, 04] 6 \ aanxcosx+3) a 1 2 32x) u cos? (3 = 28) - cos! 8 - 2 8 fos G-29-ew"’G 2 (ii) -cotx-x+C 5 i 20. ~3 cose + cos! e ~Feot2x—4 cof 2x + ¢ 20. — Feo Tpeos4C 21, -j cot 2x} cot 2 2sin seg | sex [+C 23. xcosa~sina- log | cos (x +«) a4 Few +C 25 gna 2s Sate Zate sd sas 1 fi a 3 28. = log tan|>tan*=4> Hogtnf oa 343]ac 30. = log | tan|% a7 +0 31. 4 tan x-9cotx-25x+C 32 33. —log HINTS TO SOME SELECTE B 1=J A+ cot 2x) cosec*2 (@Qcos"x- COs x 24 1=2J cos‘x sin x dx. Put cos x ys fee ae sin’x)‘cos x , sin x (1-cos"x) fj ax- sy n° (l+cosx) Z. 8. Put3=rsin® and 4=rcos 0 99. Puta=rsin® and b=rcos®. 30. (cos x — sin x) feos x= SIN) F, Put (sin x + c0s x) 33, I=- (Gin x + cos x) % 2dt 2t Beeeieet, x=; sinx=—_p, and cos x= 5 2 a+f) a+P) 1+t Ch. integration by Parts THEOREM If wand vare two functions of X then (uo) dx=[u foax- ie Jodx} ax REMARKS (i) If the integran jary Schoo! Mathematics for Cla Por any two functions Ae and f,09, we have 4 LAC) AOD] = AC F (x) +0) SO Pipex fr) +00) AO] dx = fi falx) oe RGD pce) dx J fay f'@) de = file) fl) or fic fio) ax = filX) +O -fpe fio) dx vdx and f(x) = vso that fy) = Let fi@)= Jaw dv=u foax-f[# fodx} ax We can express this result as given below: Integral of product of two functions = (Ist function) * (integral of 2nd) 4 ~ J KGderivative of 180) x (integral of 2nd)) dx d is of the form f(x)x", we consider x" as the f function and f(x) as the second function. nd contains a logarithmic or an inverse trigonor (ji) If the integral e it as the first function. In all such cases, if tt function, we tak second function is not given, we take it as 1, SOLVED EXAMPLES EXAMPLE 1 Evaluate: SOLUTION (i Jxsecx dx (ii) [xsin 2x dx (i) Integrating by parts, taking x as the first function, we get 2 d an) Jxsec'x dx=x- J sec’ dx-J (5 (0): | seexax| ax =xtanx—J1 + tanxdx=xtanx+log | cosx | +C (ii) Integrating by parts, taking x as the first function, we get J xsin 2x dx=x- J sin 2x dx -J{ c- Jsin2xax} ax ei ‘os 2x dx = cos 2x) mee EXAMPLE 2 SOLUTION EXAMPLE 3 SOLUTION PLE 4 Evaluate "| Integrating by parts, tak log x= (logx)- { x" ax — f (log (n+1) x"* og x (+i) 41) Evaluate f sin x dx Integrating by parts, taking x as the first function J xtsin xdx=2 f sin x dx- =X (- cos x) cos x) dx =-x7c0s x +2 | x cosx dx [integ { Jy] sx +2 [xsinx—J sinx dx} 3x42 [x sin x +cos x] + C ating x cos x b' 4 4 4 “4 4 x Evaluate flog x de parts, taking log * as the fir EXAMPLE 5 soLuTION Integrating by second function, we get fogxax= J dog x-1) dx =(ogx)-J1de=f{4 dog» J 1 . = (og x)-x-f(F-x}dx =x log x- f = xlogr-x+C=x(log x - 1) + C Evaluate flog (1 +2°) de. ON Integrating by parts, taking log (1 + x*) as the first functior the second function, we get Jlog a +22) dr =f flog (1 +27). 1) dx =log (1+x)-f1dx—f[4 toga +x) -f 2 =log(+2)-x-[a a a aa Radx (1+x) =xlog(1+x)-2f 1 z\dx Ze =rlog(+x)~2{{1- 1+ xe dx =xlog(1+x)-2{ dx+2{—*— g(l+x)-2]dx+ fers =xlog(1 +27) -2x+2 tan” 'x+C. Er eoadute —{dogs)dx SOLUTION Integrating by parts, taking (log x)? as the first function and 1 as the second function, we get BAWPLE 8 Evaluiat PPSOWTION Integrating by a arts, takir Second function We get (. Integrating by parts, we get & sin x dx=(e*. | sin x dx (~ cos x)-2] 2 cosx) dx “cos x +2 f cos x dx * cosx+2\( | cosxdx)-J dx [integrating =—e* cosx + 2e%sinx—4| sin x dx +¢ 5 | 2 sin x dx =e (2 sin.x~cos x) + ( Fi 1 J ein x dx= 5 e (2 sin v~c0s x) +( 5 nior Secondary Schoo! Mathernall f Py ae sownon f{= Jax nx, Sa ebb x) 2sin (x/2) 008 (x/2) 4 2 sire(x/2) — d: (1 = cos x) fx cosec’(x/2) dx = f cot (x/2) 4x pie re =3[* feosecr«/2) ax-§ {7 (x): cosec?(x =f cot («/2) dx [integrating t % (-2eot5}-f[t {-2cor%)|ax— J cor ) x x Se E =-xcot $+ f cot 5 ax Jcot dx C=-x cot 5 + exawpue 11 Eoaluate fx tan'x dx [CBSE 2000C, "04° SOLUTION _ Integrating by parts, taking tan x as the first function, we get Jortantede=(tan"'): fae J{ Fan Jxdx| dx Rie e -on' Say 2” rere MO ale [on dividing 7 by 1+ °] _ ane 1 1 aide awa” Se be 2 a5 5 x+C =ta+2)tanx-4 Fate tan x5 x+C. 12 Evalual in te J sir x dx, [CBSE 2000] soled Integrating w parts, oe, sin 'y as the Are function we get EXAMPLE 13 Evaluate @) J cos'x d: { J rk Gi) fran SOLUTION (i) Put cos x= so that x 4 =cos t and d. Joos dx =—[ t sin t dt Gal G cost) = (ins cos f) dt] integrating t =toost—f cost dt=t cost sint =xcostx= 1-2 4c [ cost=x = sint Gi) Put tan x=t sothatx=tant and dx=se o ftane dx =Jtsect dt =t-tant tantdt — [integratin =t-tant+log | cost | +C 1 = (tan 'x) -x+log Be Vit2|. |. tant=x => cost | V1 =x (tans) —$ log | 1422) +C t so that x=sect and dx =secf tan (iii) Put sec” J sec 1 d= f (sect tan t) dt = t (sect) =| sect dt [integrating by parts nt | +¢ =t (sec t) —log | sect + ta!

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