Circus Babys Pizzeria

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Circus Baby's Pizzeria Simulator

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M
Fandom: Five Nights at Freddy's
Relationship: Circus Baby (Five Nights at Freddy's)/Reader
Character: Circus Baby (Five Nights at Freddy's)
Additional Tags: Robot/Human Relationships, Robot Sex, Minor Character Death, Fire
Stats: Published: 2017-12-08 Completed: 2021-08-03 Chapters: 23/23 Words:

Circus Baby's Pizzeria Simulator

by Goombario


Anon is now the owner of a Freddy Fazbear's Pizza location, thanks to a rich, pushy
relative. He's heard all the rumors and has no desire to use animatronics, instead using safe,
metal-free mascot suits. When he finds a clown girl robot lying in the alley, he begins to
have second thoughts.
Chapter 1
Chapter Summary

Anon is now the owner of a Freddy Fazbear's Pizza location, thanks to a rich, pushy
relative. He's heard all the rumors and has no desire to use animatronics, instead using
safe, metal-free mascot suits. When he finds a clown girl robot lying in the alley, he
begins to have second thoughts.

Bzzt! Bzzt!

I jolted up in bed from the sound of my cell phone's vibration. I fumbled my hand over at the night
stand next to me, eventually grabbing my phone and pushing the screen a little too hard.

"What?" I was too tired to focus on actually greeting the caller.

"Hey, champ!" I rolled my eyes when I recognized the voice: my uncle. To be more specific, my
rich uncle who thought he was doing a favor to anyone in the family he associated with. "How's it
going, Anon?"

"I was sleeping." I replied. I rubbed my eyes and let out a loud yawn. "What do you want,

"Your mother told you to quit calling me that, Anon. It's quite rude." My uncle groaned. "I'll get to
the point. I recently found out that I came into some property years ago and seem to have forgotten
about it."

"Oh yeah?" I asked. "How could you forget something like that?"

"Anyway," my uncle replied dismissively. "It's a pizza restaurant called Freddy Fazbear's Pizza.
You remember, it was the place your mother would take you to when you were a kid?"

"Yeah!" I perked up at the sound of the name. I loved Freddy's as a kid! That excitement was short-
lived as the recent news reports from TV came to mind, reminding me that the pizza-filled
wonderland I knew years ago was involved with murder and something about the 80's and security
guards getting court-ordered therapy.

"Great! So you want to be the new owner, then, right?" My uncle's question came too quick for me
to register for a moment.

"Wha? No! I don't have the time to own a restaurant!" I replied. "I don't know the first thing about
being an owner, or a manager! Why don't you ask one of my cousins?"

"I'll have the paperwork mailed to you overnight, and I'll get in touch with corporate to get you
settled in." My uncle ignored my protests. "See you Monday!"

"What? No, no, I don't want--" Click. So not only did I fall for the "other person pretends to hear
what they want" gag, but now I'm stuck with a restaurant that I don't know the first thing about
how to handle. Even worse, it's a restaurant for kids. I hate kids with a passion. Well, if I'm forced
to do this, I'd might as well make the most of it.
I could just outright refuse and mail the paperwork back after bitching and refusing the offer, but
where's the fun in that?


I looked at the golden key in my hand. The smiling bear's face above the key's shoulder and cuts
did nothing to make me feel better, even if the key's bow was shaped like a bear's head rather than
a usual round shape. According to my training, I was to call this the "Fazkey." Everything had
"Faz" in the name. It was cute for a little bit until the list got to "Faz-Toilet Paper."

After struggling to shove the key inside of the lock (which felt like it was full of spiderwebs,
weather-related gunk, and who knows what else,) I stepped inside of my brand-new establishment:
my very own Freddy Fazbear's Pizza! Surely I can make the most of this, even if right now it's just
one small room with a few picnic tables inside. This was meant to be a pizza place?

I looked around, expecting to see someone else there; of course, I was alone. No arcade games,
which made sense--why would a company leave them in a deserted building? The tables were
incredibly dusty, with spiders crawling all over the seats and tabletops. There was a huge chunk
ripped out of the north wall where I assume a stage used to be.

The only thing that had been left over were a few framed posters on the wall that had art of Freddy
and the other characters parodying old movies. The glass on them was cracked, but it was nothing
buying new ones couldn't fix. Practically everything in here could be fixed up with a little hard
work and a lot of money, and lucky enough I have plenty of drive for the former and can earn the

Making sure to not step in years-old, sticky soda stains on the floor, I trekked through the
depressing dining room and made my way into the office. Nothing but an old computer and two
ridiculously large open ventilation shafts. I couldn't figure out what purpose these could possibly
serve, and made a mental note to have covers put over them as soon as possible.

I looked the computer up and down. It had a really old cable in the back, the monitor looked
ancient, and I could read "Location" followed by some number which had been scratched out, so I
have no idea which store I'm at. Under that was "Oct 1990" in faded marker ink. This computer
was old!

No, this "Faz-computer" was old, I mean. I'm sure that's what I'm meant to call it. Could it even get
internet now?

I pressed the computer's power button, and it turned on--I didn't stop and wonder if this place had
electricity, but apparently it does. While the computer booted up, I returned to the dining room and
looked around for a light switch. After finding one caked in dust just behind an employees-only
door, I flipped it and looked into the room--the entire room now had a dim glow to it.

That didn't last long, of course--sparks flew from the flickering light bulbs, and seconds later I was
in darkness once again. Shit. I'll have to order new bulbs ... and new light fixtures ... and put out the
little fire that the sparks started on the floor.

One fire extinguisher later, I returned to the computer and sat down at the desk. There was a CD
next to the monitor with "FAZ-LOG 001" written on it, and a sticky note on the desk. "Hello,
Anon! Please call corporate @ 555-5555 ASAP!" was scribbled in pen. I pulled out my cell phone
and started to dial; not like I have anything better to do.

One week later, I was set to meet with some corporate representative guy about getting the
restaurant up and running. He had called me just an hour ago to tell me he was on the way, and
sounded absolutely terrified at the idea of having to visit the building again. Knowing the past
Freddy's has, this doesn't surprise me. There have been multiple times during the week that I keep
asking myself "do I really want to risk dying to open this place again?" but then I just go see what's
on TV and forget about it.

I stood at the resturant's front door, playing on my phone and ignoring the world.

"Good morning, Mr. Anon!" I heard someone calling my name. I looked up and saw a balding,
older man in a fancy gray suit approaching me. Behind him was a very new, very expensive
sportscar, which made me quite envious. Maybe I could afford one if everything went right. "I'm ...
well, my name isn't important ..."

"Good morning." I replied, putting my phone in my pocket. I'd like to know who I'm talking to,
though. "Was your drive here okay?"

"Oh, no problems ... no problems at all ..." The man muttered. Sweat was pouring down his face.
"S-So let's go inside ..." He gulped in fear. I wanted to roll my eyes at this walking, talking cliche.

"There's nothing in here, sir." I said, opening the door with the Fazkey. "The computer surprisingly
gets dial-up internet access, but beyond the spiders there's nothing moving around inside."

"Uh-huh ..." He nodded, following me inside.

We sat at one of the tables that I had dusted off just for our meeting. He reached into the briefcase
he had been carrying (that I could have sworn I didn't see him come in with) and fished out a huge
file of papers.

"Now then, since you're going to be a part of the Fazbear Entertainment family, I have some things
we need to talk about." The man said, flipping open the folder. "First off, your animatronics. Your
uncle has been speaking to head office, so we've prepared a Freddy Band animatronic set for you,
but they're old and-"

"Not interested." I interrupted him. He paused.

"E-Excuse me?" He asked. "This is Freddy's. You HAVE to have the character animatronics, or a
Freddy animatronic alone at the least."

"Nah, I'm good." I replied. "I looked into it, nothing says I can't just use costumed characters and
ditch the robots. I can hire people to wear the suits and dance with kids."

"Oh, suits! Yes!" The man nodded. "We can also provide-"

"No. I'll arrange to get brand new ones handmade. Nothing with any sharp metal inside, thanks." I
dismissively waved a hand. The man was clearly becoming annoyed. "Listen, sir. With all due
respect, I've been coming to Freddy's since I was a kid. I love this place, and I've also been reading
up on every little detail."

"On details, huh?" He asked. He had stopped sweating and seemed more interested now. "Do tell."

"I was one of the few people who got to see Fazbear's Fright before it opened." I replied. "Call me
a special snowflake, but I knew a guy. I heard the training tapes, about how the old character suits
were supposed to double as animatronics, and you just locked the robotics inside against the suit
walls? How stupid was your boss back then? That's a lawsuit waiting to happen."
"It didn't wait long ..." He muttered under his breath.

"The old animatronics leaking blood and mucus, heard about that, too." I continued. "Why in God's
name did that manager not alert someone and close the store until it was solved? How in the hell
does a robot get liquids inside of it? Aren't these things moved with air valves?"

"You've heard the rumors, then ..." He sighed.

"If someone stuffed a kid into an animatronic, it wouldn't work." I spoke as if I was some kind of
professional. "The air wouldn't reach to make the movements right, the gears and whatnot would
be stopped in place by a human body, and, well ... well, I don't know where that place was that had
such incredibly stupid people for customers, but none of it adds up."

"Yeah, but enough of the past." He replied. "Anyway, let's get you started so I can get out of your
hair. After looking through all of the paperwork your uncle filled out so long ago, he left you
around a hundred bucks for a budget. Anything you need to order for the store, like food, plates,
stuff like that, will be on corporate's dime. The only thing you need to worry about is the store's
income to purchase attractions and things like that."

"Shouldn't that be reversed?" I raised an eyebrow. "I'm expected to pay for top-dollar arcade games
and attractions?"

"Do you want to keep arguing with me, or can we move on, sir?" The man glared at me. I
shrugged. Might as well get this over with. "Thank you. You'll need to get in touch with the head
office about these new suits you want made, but I don't see it being a problem as long as you're
covering it. They're very fond of using older attractions and anything else that doesn't cost much,
so something new and free would likely be warmly recieved."

"Cool." I nodded. "So I just need to get the suits made, get an arcade game or two, and you'll cover
the food. Shouldn't be difficult."

"Yep!" The man smiled for the first time in this whole meeting. "Just need you to sign this, and
post somewhere in public eye that Fazbear Entertainment is not-"

"Responsible for death or dismemberment." I finished for him, smirking.

"Good boy!" He laughed, patting my shoulder. "You HAVE done your homework!" I jotted my
signature down; I didn't plan on having any animatronics, haunted or otherwise, so death and
dismemberment won't be an issue. "I'll get in touch with the distributor and have some pizza kits
delivered next week. Should that be enough time to get your suits commissioned and finished?"

"Maybe not all of them, but at least Freddy, yeah." I nodded. He held out his hand and I shook it in
return. This wouldn't be so hard after all, since I don't have to worry about robots killing folks.


The week was, for me, uneventful. Thanks to Uncle Moneybags (who was thrilled that I was taking
an interest in running Freddy's,) I was able to pay top-dollar and get a professional working on the
mascot suits. As I expected, the entire group of four wouldn't be finished that quickly, but Freddy
was a rush job and was delivered the same day as I had to sign for the pizza kits.

Inside the restaurant, I was putting the food ingredients away while looking around the kitchen. I
had all new ovens installed, a large chest freezer (I thought about a walk-in, but people get trapped
in those in horror movies,) multiple refrigerators, new sinks, everything a restaurant kitchen needs.
My uncle insisted that he help even further and even paid for the place to get a new coat of paint
inside! It was looking like a brand new Freddy's, fresh out of the 80's. I was loving every second of
it as the destroyed, dirty shack slowly turned back into the pizza-scented wonderland I remembered
so many years ago.

"Hey, uh, Anon?"

I jumped at the sound of a voice. It took a moment of catching my breath before remembering that I
had asked a buddy of mine to help set everything up for the first day of business.

"What .. what is it, Anondos?" I asked him. Anondos pointed out of the kitchen.

"I was throwing some trash in the dumpster, and there's ... there's something you should probably
see." He said. "Like, right now."

"What, is there a raccoon out there or something?" I asked, closing the chest freezer after putting
the last of the pizza dough inside. I followed Anondos through the dining room and into the
employee hallway, stopping at one of the exit doors near the office. "Okay, what?" I asked.

"Just look. Mind the smell." He pushed open the door and stepped back. I looked outside, seeing a
large, messy green dumpster. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something red. I looked over,
seeing a huge ... robotic thing leaning against the wall, next to the door. I stepped outside with
Anondos, the two of us looking at it. "What the hell is that thing? Did you order it?" He asked.

"Fuck no, look at this thing!" I exclaimed.

It had red pigtails and a white face, looking like some kind of clown. It had a pink nose and pink
cheeks, but most of the color seemed to be peeled off and was replaced with rust. Its red "clothes"
were rusted and destroyed as well, as if this thing had lost a fight with a woodchipper. The orange
rollerskates on its feet looked okay in quality, but they were nothing compared to the massive,
squeezing claw that took the place of its right arm.

"I've seen this before." Anondos spoke up. "I think its name is Baby."

"Baby?" I asked. "That thing ain't no baby. Look at it."

"No, no, it's an old Freddy's robot." Anondos replied, fishing his phone from his pocket and
beginning to tap the screen. "It wasn't at Freddy's though, but I think it was by the same people ...
here it is. Her name's Circus Baby."

"Circus Baby?" I looked down at the monster of a robot. In her mouth, between her normal, kid-
friendly teeth were a small line of sharp-looking fangs. I looked down her body more, seeing that
her once-white midriff had a broken fan in the center, with one of the blades barely hanging on.
What the fuck would that even be used for?

"The one there ain't what she's s'posed to look like. Look." Anondos held up his phone, and when I
looked I saw that Circus Baby's intended appearance was nothing like the trash heap in front of us.
Shining red hair with pigtails that could move up and down, white "skin" on her face, arms, hands
and midriff, and a red two-piece "dress" painted on to resemble clothes. The original version held a
red microphone in her left hand. One major difference between the two was that the original Baby
looked to have pins sticking out of her arms and most of her body. The Baby I had's arms were cut
up into ribbons.

I have no clue why my mind decided to move to this, but I looked at her clothes again. Her top
stopped before her midriff, and was rounded at the bottom. Was her red top meant to have a chest
line? Like, literally giving this thing the impression of tits?
Heh. A clown robot girl with tits and a mini-skirt.

No, no! This thing could KILL me, not FUCK me. Moving on!

"Forget it. Leave it here." I said, walking back inside with Anondos on my heels. "She's cute, but
I'd rather not have that claw snip my dick off."

"What? She's ... cute?" Anondos asked. "I know you think with your dick, but what the fuck is cute
about that thing?" I took his phone from his hand and looked at the original Circus Baby once

"Ya know, if I use my uncle, I could probably have that one sent off and fixed, and get that claw
removed." I thought out loud. "Could make her look just like this ... save for those painful-looking
pins coming out of her and maybe this belly fan."

"I thought you hated the idea of animatronics because you said they would just try to kill you."
Anondos replied. "Remember? You turned down the Freddy ones because of that?"

I looked at the phone screen, then back at the exit door. Circus Baby wasn't around back then, so
she couldn't have any dead kid inside of her. Besides, we could see her insides out there. There was
nothing there but a destroyed robot. There couldn't be any problems if I could obviously see a
broken metal shell with gears, right? No dead body in sight.

"You're thinking about fucking the robot, aren't you." Anondos snatched his phone back. "Did you
not see the claw? I'm sure there's porn for fucking weirdos like you."

"I'm not thinking about that, asshole!" I shook my head. "But if I don't get a robotic something,
corporate's gonna be on my ass! Now go put on the Freddy costume and dance for me so I can see
if you're good enough for the kids."

"I'm not the one you're paying for that! You hired that Tresnon guy for that!" Anondos whined.

"Fine, then go make a pizza and we'll see if they're shit. Receipe's posted on the wall next to every
oven." I said. "I have to go make some phone calls."

"Anon, I'm gonna tell you this one time, and one time only." Anondos said as I started to walk
away. I turned to face him. "Do not fuck the robot, Anon."

"I'm not gonna fuck a robot, dude. I'd like to keep my dick attached to my body." I replied.

"So should I bring her inside?" Anondos asked. I froze in place.

"Fuck no!" I responded a little too loudly. "I don't wanna die today! I'll call someone to pick her
up!" I heard Anondos sound flustered as I walked into the office.

"But you said ... and ... but, cute ... aw, here it goes!" He yelled.
Chapter 2
Chapter Summary

Anon and crew begin to prepare the restaurant for Circus Baby's arrival.

Corporate was thrilled that I planned to use Circus Baby in my restaurant. After going on and on
about how advanced she was, and even had the ability to make ice cream and balloons on-
command for kids, they made her sound pretty great. After I told them about how I found her in a
broken heap in the alley, they sounded even happier for some odd reason.

As soon as I said I planned to get her looking like she was fresh out of the factory, the excitement
of whomever I had spoken to on the phone died down just a bit. That bothered me a little. I was
paying for Baby to be fixed and remain ghost-free, so what's the problem? In the end, I was told
they would overnight me the instruction and maintenance guides for Baby, so I should be able to
have her up and running the same day she arrives from repair.

When the hauling truck arrived to take Baby away, the two men that were sent to pick her up
looked very uncomfortable--probably because of her giant claw. I leaned against the alley wall,
watching as they slowly loaded her up onto a cart and pushed her into the back of a truck.

"You know where she's going, right?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah." One of the men replied. "This here's an entertainer animatronic going to a robotics
repair garage. Izzat right?"

"You got it." I nodded. "Any idea how long it'll be?"

"We just haul 'em to the post office, sir." He replied. "You'll have to call your bosses to find that
stuff out."

"Can do." I nodded. The two men gave me a wave and hopped into their truck, driving off with
Baby in tow. Despite my negativity towards the Freddy Band animatronics, I was almost looking
forward to seeing Circus Baby in her restored glory. If I could make sure I just had a cute robot
with no violent tendancies, I'd be very happy.

After seeing the truck off, I decided to head back inside and see if my single employee had arrived
yet. As if on cue, the Freddy mascot costume walked past me, heading for the dining room. As it
walked past, I admired the craftsmanship on it--it looked nothing like a scary robot, instead like a
cartoon bear you'd see at a theme park. No creepy smile, no broken jaw, a perfect kid-friendly
Freddy Fazbear, complete with the black top hat and bow.

"Hey, Freddy!" I called. Tresnon, expressionless save for a goofy smile, turned around to face me. I
gave him a thumbs-up. "Lookin' good! Did you watch those dance routine DVDs?"

'Freddy' nodded at me and gave me a thumbs-up in return. He started to dance a little jig, kicking
out his feet and waving his arms around. I wanted to laugh at how funny it looked, but I knew kids
would love him.

"Great work, Tresnon." I said. I heard him mutter something through the head.
"...ike." He muttered.

"What now?" I asked.

He pulled the mascot head off, looking at me with an annoyed expression. His black hair and pale
face weren't sweating in the slightest, thanks to the air conditioning installed in the suit--that was
the only extra equipment I would allow.

"My name is Mike. Michael. You gave me that stupid Tresnon nickname." He snapped at me.

"Oh, that's right. I'm sorry." I apologized, only having known him for about a week. "Say, what's
your last name? It wouldn't start with a S, would it?"

"Jameson." He replied. "Not every person named 'Mike' has something to do with this goddamn

"Good point. My bad." I replied. "Anyway, your dance routine is great. How's the AC working in

"I feel totally cool, but don't even see anything in here." He looked into the head. "Is it hidden or

"Should be, so you don't hurt yourself." I nodded. "I paid for perfect, it'd better be perfect. It should
be installed inside the top of the mouth, that's why you don't have any way to open it."

"Neat." Mike said, reaching down to straight his massive black tie. "So we're opening as soon as
you get the robot back, right?" The two of us walked into the dining room after he picked the head
back up to carry it.

"Yeah, I have to make sure I have all of Baby's show DVDs and get her working." I explained as
we sat down. "They were supposed to send me the birthday show along with the instruction books,
but it wasn't there. All I have right now is the intro show, and it only lasts a few minutes."

"DVDs? I thought all of that stuff was just programmed in." Mike asked. I shook my head.

"Nah, even back in the 80's they used VHS tapes for those." I continued. "Animatronics from
Freddy's are just robots that get moved by air, at least back then. The DVDs tell everything when
to move, what to move, all that stuff. They have the character audio, too."

"Boy, you're really pretending to know what you're talking about, huh?" Mike teased. I smirked,
flipping him off. "How much of that is actually right?"

"Hell if I know, I just watched a few videos online." I shrugged. "Anondos is supposed to be
making a pizza, let's go see if it's done."

As we walked into the kitchen, the smell of a freshly-baked pizza overpowered me. The scent of
cooked, crispy pepperoni was music to my senses.

"That smells amazing!" I exclaimed as Mike and I walked in. Anondos, wearing an apron with
sauce stains and flour all over it, smiled at the compliment.

"Thanks, man." He said, cutting the pizza. "The instructions they gave you were really easy to
follow. Go wait out in the other room and I'll bring us all some. Did the soda get here yet?"

"Yeah, I already put it in the machine." I pointed to a fountain soda despenser setting on a counter
attached to the wall. Multiple stacks of differently-sized cups were next to it. "Get whatever you
want. Should be cold by now. I'm gonna go grab Baby's instruction book and read it while we


The three of us ate some of the tastiest pizza I could ever remember eating as I thumbed through
Baby's guide. I had it on the center of the table so we could all see it.

"She has a song database in her head." Mike pointed out. "She can take 'song requests from
children to reduce the need to rely on show discs.'" He read aloud. "Huh, that's pretty neat."

"I wonder if she knows any thrash metal." Anondos laughed. "I'll have to ask her."

"Kind of cool of them to include blueprints for a consumer model." I commented. "I don't see that
huge claw anywhere. The ice cream dispenser's in her chest, that explains the tits-"

Anondos and Mike gave me a strange look. I silenced myself.

"I mean, that explains what corporate was talking about." I tried to save myself, but both of them
knew what I meant. I sighed. "There's an emergency stop ... on her leg? I'll have to remember that."
There was something called an "air hose attachment" on her right hand. So that free hand could
grip something, right?

Maybe it wouldn't have to be a hose. Or maybe it could a ... human hose?

Oh, wait, no, that's a hole in her palm, probably for blowing up balloons. Damn. Anondos told me
not to fuck the robot, and I should listen. I closed the book before pizza cheese fell on it--I'd finish
reading once Baby actually got here.

"Hey, shouldn't you have at least one video game here?" Anondos asked as he bit into another slice
of pizza. "Like Fruity Maze? They had a tabletop one'a them at the Chinese place my mom eats at
a lot."

"Or Midnight Motorist!" Mike piped up. "There's a console port of that now, so you'd have all of
the retro lovers coming in just to say they played it."

"Eh, maybe I could afford one of them after I make a little income." I said, opening my wallet. "I
only have like 20 bucks left. I had to almost beg my uncle for the extra money to get Baby fixed." I
stood up from the table, dusting off my pants. "Corporate did mention something about a catalog
that all the different stores can use for attractions, though. I'll check it out tonight."

After finishing the pizza, the three of us decided to leave for the day. I told Mike and Anondos to
meet me first thing in the morning, as we still had some more planning to do before Baby's arrival
the next day. How in the world someone could make such major repairs in the span of three days
was beyond me, but I'm not going to complain.
Chapter 3
Chapter Summary

The restaurant is coming together nicely, and Anon's becoming more and more excited
to open up.

Later that night, I had returned to Freddy's, staying in the office to browse the catalog for new
attractions. Between expensive video games and weird robots that looked like they peed lemonade
and fruit punch, there was a few items that I could actually afford: a kiddie pool filled with plastic
ducks, a cardboard box filled with small, plastic multicolored balls, and a black Freddy Fazbear
animatronic named "Lefty" that looked like it would kill me for just paying the five buck price for
him. Pass.

In addition to Lefty, there was a few other animatronics--or at least, that's what the catalog called
them. A box with two huge foam fingers attached to him, a mop with a bucket on top of it for a
head, and others made out of random garbage. I could make these using the dumpster outside
instead of paying for them!

I didn't see a point in paying money for a little duck pool or a box of balls when I had an actual
robot coming soon. Rather than stare at pictures of the arcade machines while wishing I could
afford them, I decided instead to print out the banners, flyers, and other decorations that were
available. Cheaper and faster than waiting on things to be mailed to me, I thought.

The banners, made of printer paper that I had to tape together, looked terrible. The ink in the
printer was old, which made the printer fight me every step of the way, and most of the cartridge
was empty, making everything that should be colored look an ugly black and white. Despite only
having Circus Baby in my restaurant, the banner was nothing but pictures of Freddy and his band
characters. It was as if corporate is just trying to shame me for not agreeing to house their murder-
happy retro machines.

While I was at the computer, I put in an order for a new printer. Corporate would complain, but
with how ridiculously loud this ancient piece of tech was, I wouldn't be able to hear anything while
using it. If someone were to pull a fire alarm, I'd be too focused on printing out terrible promotional
material from this screeching printer than be able to hear it and escape. If I had the money, I'd offer
to pay for anything better than dial-up internet for my store in particular, but I thought that might be
pushing things. Maybe if I end up being successful, I can buy my way out of this technological
stone age.

Oh God, I'm turning into my uncle.


The next day, Anondos, Mike, and I had gathered again to hang up all of the banners, put up the
small 'posters' that I had printed out on the walls, and give the place one last major cleaning. Even
if we had a few more days until we finally opened the doors, I didn't want dust to collect and make
us have to keep cleaning before we had customers. I had replaced the glass in the framed parody
movie posters, but seeing a huge, professionally-made poster of Bonnie parodying Beetlejuice (as
'Bonniejuice,' of course,) made the little picture of Freddy's face next to it look cheap and lazy by
comparison--which it was, but still.

"Where do you want these banners?" Anondos asked, trying to keep them all in his hands. The
weight of the printer paper made the stack of taped-together decorations continue to droop to the

"Hang them above the stage." I replied. "Put one above the door so people can see it when they

"When they leave?" Mike piped up, taping a picture of Chica on a wall near the kitchen. "What
good will that do?"

"Because," I started, trying to sound intelligent, "people will see the characters on their way out,
remember their good time, and want to come back and have that great experience again."

"Uh-huh." Mike snickered, smoothing out the picture. "You've been reading that guide book,
haven't you?"

"I have to." I replied with a smirk. "When I called about Baby, I found out they're gonna quiz me in
a month."

Speak of the devil. My cell phone started to buzz in my pocket.

"Hello?" I asked, placing it to my ear.

"Mr. Anon!" It was the same man I had spoken to earlier in the week. "Good morning! How are
things coming along?"

"Great, thanks." I replied. "I got those old movie posters that were left here all fixed up, and Circus
Baby is supposed to show up tomorrow. Anything new I need to know?"

"No, not to my knowledge, anyway." He said. "Since I know you're going to open soon, I just
wanted to try again and offer you a set of Freddy's band animatronics, free of charge. Baby is nice,
but surely she could use a backup crew, right?"

"I told you, I'm not interested." I replied with a harsh tone. "I told you, and the other guy who
called, I don't want old robots. I don't care if they're just 'rumors,' I don't want something that could
remind people of unpleasant things in my store." He grunted at my protest, but I continued anyway.
"I don't want the 'Toy' versions, either, and I sure as heck don't want your 'double purpose'
animatronic suit. I have my own Freddy suit that works just fine, and the other three are supposed
to arrive the day after Baby gets here."

"You didn't need to use such a tone, Mr. Anon." The man replied. "You've made your point. I
needed to make sure that you haven't changed your mind, that's all. Good luck with your Circus
Baby entertainer, and don't hesitate to give us a call if you need any help."

"Thank you, and I'm sorry for snapping at you." I said. "I know you're just doing your job. I

"Water under the bridge!" He cheerfully replied. "Since we're on the same page, I wanted to offer
you something special before I go: a very rare, very exclusive, very sought-after golden version of
the Freddy animatronic! It's-"

"Bye!" I yelled over him. Click.

Why the hell can't these people understand? I'm not going to have people die in my store. How
many times must I repeat myself on the phone and in my own thoughts?

Bzzt! Bzzt!

Is he calling me again?!

"I don't want your damn robot!" I yelled into the phone.

"A-Are you cancelling your delivery?" A surprised-sounding woman replied. "Your repair has
already been shipped, sir!"

"Oh, no! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I apologized. "I just had a very bad phone call and I thought you
were that person! I'm very sorry, yes, I do want my delivery!"

"O-Oh, well that's okay." She replied, her voice still unsure. "As I said, your repair has already
been shipped out to you. Is it okay if you recieve it a day early?"

"Do I really have a choice since it's already on the way?" I asked.

"I guess not." The woman sighed. "I'm sorry, I just now got the memo to call you. Your repair
should be there within an hour, according to my computer. Are you at the delivery location to pick
it up?"

"Yeah, I'll be here." I replied. "Don't worry about it, I'm excited to get it. Thanks for letting me

"No problem!" She sounded a little happier now. Why did everyone involved in this sound so
worried when I first spoke to them? "Have a good day, sir!"

"Guys! Guys!" I shouted as I put my phone in my pocket. "She's coming!"

"That's not what she said!" Anondos yelled back, then started snorting at his own shitty joke.

"Shut up, asshole!" I smacked him in the back of the head. "Baby's gonna be here really soon and
you haven't hung up a single banner!"

"Okay, okay, I'm on it ..." Anondos muttered. "Go wait on the goddamn robot you want to fuck."

"He wants to what?!" Mike turned from hanging up pictures to stare at me. "Is THAT why you
wanted this one?"

"No, damn it! No!" I protested, stomping my foot like a child. I blushed when I caught myself
doing that. "I just thought she was cute! Nothing more!"

"Mike, this is the same guy who was really against any animatronics until he saw a picture of this
one." Anondos said. "Don't listen to a word he says. If you catch him dry humping it, make sure
the kids don't see."

"You guys are assholes!" I shouted, heading into the employee hallway and leaving my taunting
friends behind me. Mike needs to remember I'm his boss, or maybe I'll cut his pay and force him to
remember. Pushing open the exit door, I jumped back when I saw a huge truck parked right
outside. Two men were stepping out of the back, with one pushing a long flatbed's handle. On top
of the bed lay the repaired, like-new Circus Baby. Her bright green eyes seem to look directly into
mine when the men propped her up onto a tall, two-wheeled dolly.
"Mornin', sir." The man pushing her greeted me, tipping his hat. "Where do you want her?"

"In here, please!" I replied, sounding much more excited than I would've liked. I lead them down
the hall and into the dining room, pointing near the stage. "Could you put her up there?" The men
looked around the room as they walked inside.

"Damn, I didn't know Freddy's was still a thing!" The pushing man commented. "I thought it shut
down after all'a dem dead kids!"

"Me too!" The man walking behind him agreed. "Real nice to see this place lookin' new again! Ya
did a good job!"

"Thank you." I smiled at the praise. "Freddy's not gonna be here, though. Circus Baby is gonna be
the only robot."

"Oh yeah?" One of the men asked as the two started to load Baby on to the stage. "SHIT this thing
is heavy! S-So why is it the only one?"

"Because he wants to-" Anondos walked up behind me. I backhanded him in the mouth.

"I've heard too many bad things about the old robots, so I decided on this one." I replied. "Far as I
know, she's never killed anyone."

"Well, at least ya got that goin' for ya!" The second man said as the two finished placing Baby on
stage. "We got the power thing for her in the truck. Looks like a big battery, I'll go get it."

"Thanks." I said. As he walked away, the remaining man reached into his back pocket and pulled
out a small clipboard. I signed my name on the pick-up papers and took the copies from him as he
placed the board back into his pocket. "So anything I should know?" I asked.

"We weren't told much." He replied. "Dunno why they told us this and not you, but somethin'
about havin' pins in the arms?" He pointed to Baby. I nodded. "Yeh, it was apparently a pain in the
ass to fix her and not have them in it. Somethin' about them bein' in the blueprints or whatever, so
there's a couple in there anyway. Said the pointed bits are inside her so nobody should get poked."

"That's NOT what I paid them for." I groaned. "I guess it's too late now. If the points are inside her,
I guess I don't need to worry."

"Take it up with them." He replied. "Their info's on the paper there somewhere."

"And she's done!"

The two of us looked over, seeing the second mover had set up Baby's power source. He hopped
down from the stage.

"You charge up that battery when she's not being used, unhook her from it during the day, and she
can go on that juice until it's empty." He explained. "They don't need wall plugs anymore. Real
neat shit. You might wanna bolt her to the floor, though, but that ain't us. That's on you."

"Yeah, that's a good idea." I walked past them and climbed onto the stage. "So she doesn't fall off, I
guess." I looked the lifeless animatronic up and down. Her piercing, yet gentle green eyes staring
into mine. Her shiny white face, arms, and legs that looked polished with care. Her red top and
skirt that looked identical to the picture I had seen, and the chest was actually a bit heavy--I still
assume due to the ice cream dispenser. I'll have to look into that.
No huge claw in sight, which was my main concern. She still had a little fan on her stomach, but it
didn't look anywhere near as dangerous as it did when she was broken. I'll have to see what exactly
it's for, too. Her red hair and pigtails had the same shine as the rest of her, and the microphone in
her right hand looked brand new. There were indeed some pins trailing up her arms to her
shoulders, but I could overlook them.

I looked down at her legs, seeing a very, very small switch. The emergency stop, I assume--small
enough that a child couldn't see it and get curious, but colored a darker gray than her leg so I could
tell where it was. Above it was a small, round circle in her leg; I gently pressed it and stood back,
watching as Circus Baby came to life. Her arms started to move, her pigtails wagged up and down,
and her head started to turn left and right.

"H-Hello there! I'm Circus Baby!" She greeted me, seeming to look right at me for a moment
before turning. Although it would sound creepy to say aloud, her voice was like silk. It was just
feminine enough without sounding annoying or fake, and she sounded very kind. From her soft,
soothing voice, I didn't feel nervous whatsoever. "W-W-Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza! I
hope you have a good time!"

I didn't like her stuttering, but I'm sure it was just because she hadn't talked in a long time. I liked
that whoever repaired her took the time to change her dialogue from 'Pizza World' to 'Freddy's' for
me. Nice touch.

"Hello, Baby!" I replied. The four guys standing around the stage looked at me with raised
eyebrows. I blushed. I was going to enjoy this, damn it! The blueprints said she had a built-in song
bank, so ... "Okay, Baby. Could you play 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star' for me?" Something
simple that even the youngest of children like. That'd be a nice test.

Royalty-free, too. I think.

"I know that one!" Baby excitedly replied. Music started to play from hidden speakers on her body,
and she moved her microphone towards her mouth, with bright, round red cheeks at both ends. As
the melody played, she began to sing. "Twinkle, twinkle, lit-tle star ..."

Okay, definitely a bad idea on my part. Hearing that silky-smooth voice singing anything made me
have to hide my boner as I awkwardly walked off stage. What kind of fucking weirdo am I that a
song as innocent as that did something to me? I think she could read the phone book and still give
me a tingle down there.

Regardless of what her voice did to me, I still kept it at the front of my mind that Circus Baby is an
animatronic. Even if she was repaired to work like new and looked like new, she's still a robot.
Once I remembered that, any unclean ideas faded away from me. I'm still going to take Anondos's
advice; if I let my dick get the better of me, it's going to get chopped off. That, and she's a kids'
entertainer--she doesn't have the proper equipment for anything more.

I hopped off the stage, and we all watched Baby finish the song. It had been years since I had seen
an animatronic perform without their arms or legs not moving properly, or their eyes being crossed
from a broken servo, so seeing her move fluidly without so much as a bad twitch was almost
magical. When the song finished, Baby did something that I couldn't believe--she gave a slight
bow. I didn't know animatronics could move THAT much! I'll definitely have to write a good
review for whoever repaired her!


Once her show was over, Circus Baby seemed to go idle. She looked around the room, moved her
arms up and down, and her pigtails moved slightly when she turned her head. It was as if she was
waiting for instruction. Luckily, I had recieved her show DVDs in the mail this morning, so I
eagerly ran off to the office after thanking and saying goodbye to the movers. I reached for the
stack of discs on my desk, flipping through them and reading the scribbled titles on the front of the
jewel cases.

"Birthday show, birthday walk-in, Sports Day segment 01, Sports Day segment 02, Valentine's Day
segment 01 and 02, nah ... Oh, Christmas show?" This one had a whopping five discs! That'll be
cool when the time comes. "Here we go: Circus Baby introduction and guest welcome." This is
what I've been directed to play for the first week of opening--Baby will introduce herself and the
restaurant to guests, and sing a few songs. If I had another bot, she could do a little banter with
them, but I'm sure the parents will be happy that I sacrificed a few cheap jokes for their kids'

I took the disc and stepped to the other side of the room, where a large control panel sat. A huge
keyboard-like tray sat on top of a hard tower, full of different buttons for the show. 'Open curtain,'
'Close curtain,' 'Emergency show end,' 'Show force start,' things like that in case things weren't
running as smoothly as they should. Above the buttons sat a disc drive. I pushed the button next to
the door and the tray slid open, closing when I placed the DVD inside.

I adjusted the show to begin in three minutes and quickly made my way back to the dining room,
watching as Baby started to move and music began to play. "Excited" didn't begin to describe how
I felt as I watched Baby's eyes flicker and light up as the show began.
Chapter 4
Chapter Summary

Circus Baby's up and running! The more Anon watches her perform, the more Baby
surprises him.

"Hello everyone, and welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza!" Baby announced. Her body turned and
moved as she spoke, and I heard a quiet jingling sound; I looked down, seeing that she had pointed
red shoes not unlike an elf's, with a single bell on the toes. As Baby "danced" and waved her arms,
her dialogue continued. "My name is Circus Baby, and I'm very happy that you're here! Please
enjoy our delicious pizza, and have a great time! I'll always be looking forward to seeing you

Her intro tape was pretty nice; I know I'd like it as a kid.

"I'm going to sing a song for you! I guess you've come to dinner theatre, huh? Ha ha ha!" Her lame
laugh still sounded great to me, thanks to that voice of hers. "My first song is one that Freddy
Fazbear himself taught me! It's called 'The Fazbear Pizza Parade!'"

I don't remember ever hearing that song as a kid. With Baby's more recent age, maybe it was
something that was written long after I had become too old for to visit Freddy's. Music began to
play--it was the same song one would hear while visiting the circus. Baby lifted her microphone to
her mouth and her eyes flickered as she began to sing.

"It's time for a pizza parade! Pepperoni's on top, and the fun never stops ...!" Baby sang, continuing
to go on and on about pizza and how much Freddy and his friends loved it. I watched with
amusement as she performed.

"Isn't this awesome?" I asked Anondos and Mike. I turned, seeing the two of them didn't look as
thrilled as I about watching the show. "Fine, you guys can go if you want. Grab a large drink on
your way out, on me. Thanks for your help today."

"You got it, boss!" Mike replied, pointing a finger gun at me. "See ya tomorrow!"

"I'll call you later, dude." Anondos said, walking into the kitchen with Mike at his heels. After
hearing the soda machine, moments later I heard the front door's bell ring as my friends left the
place, leaving me alone with my entertainer.

"I could watch you all day, Baby." I said to her, pretending she could understand me. I sat down at
a table, resting my head on my hand as I watched her.

After a few minutes, Baby's song ended. She didn't let up for even a moment, though, and
continued to talk to the guests that would soon be watching.

"I love that song!" Baby exclaimed. "The only thing I love more than that song is ice cream! What
is your favorite flavor?" Baby asked the audience. I smiled.

"My favorite is vanilla!" I shouted in reply.

"Oh, that one's great too!" Baby replied--obviously this answer could entertain whatever a kid said
they liked. "I can make ice cream all on my own, and if you would like, I would gladly let you try
some." I hadn't read the guide on how her ice cream dispenser worked yet, but luckily she kept on
talking. "I can give you a balloon, too, just for you. Before we have fun, I'd like to sing for you one
more time."

As much as I wanted to sit and watch everything Baby could do, I suddenly remembered that I had
a few more things to finish before I could leave for the day. Although it would likely be much
better for her internal battery to allow her show to end and let Baby idle out, I walked towards the
stage and climbed on, getting on my knees and reaching for her emergency stop switch.

It was better to know what happened now than have to worry during a problem. I pushed the switch
up, and Baby instantly ceased moving. She froze in place, not blinking, glowing, or speaking a
word. I looked up at her, then back down at her legs. A smirk crossed my lips; no one was here to
judge me, so ... I looked up Baby's legs, having a horrible desire to see up my robot's skirt. My eyes
widened at the sight--she actually had panties on. They weren't paint, either--she had actual cloth
underwear on. Red-and-orange striped, to be exact.

I have to go check her guide; there's no way this was standard for a kids' animatronic. Was this the
idea of a joke from the repair people? What if a kid gets too close to the stage and sees this? How
the fuck do I explain "the robot has panties" to a parent?

Looking up further, I almost jumped back when I met Baby's gaze--despite her being shut down, it
was as if she was looking right into my eyes. Like she knew I had looked at her in an inappropiate
way. Part of me wanted to actually apologize to her.

"Uh ... t-they're cute." I muttered. I paused, for some reason waiting on her to reply. Of course, I
was met with silence. "I'm just gonna go do some reading. You take a good rest." Why am I talking
to the robot?


In the office, I read one of Baby's instruction manuals with the poor lighting of an almost-broken
desk lamp. No matter how many times I re-read the paragraphs about what was supposed to come
with Baby, like her show DVDs and power source, I couldn't find anything about panties. I don't
know why I was hoping I could find it, honestly; would it make me feel better knowing that the
company intended for me to panic?

While reading, I did learn some very interesting things about her. Her internal ice cream maker
needed a lot of work to get functioning, and required a lot of ingredients that I would have to order.
For her balloon palm, I just needed to attach an air hose to her from the back and put empty
balloons in her arm. There should be a panel on her arm somewhere that I just flip open, according
to the illustration; something I would have to check out later.

Still nothing about any kind of extra clothing, though. Huh. The next thing I read was probably the
most surprising, and the number one thing I now looked forward to:

Supposedly, since Baby had an internal song bank and actually responded to my song request
earlier, I should be able to hold a very, very simple one-sided conversation with her. She can
answer "yes" or "no" questions, and can remember a child's face and "recognize" them if they ever
visit again. Questions like "Do you like pizza?" or "Will you sing for me?" were suggestions to
give to kids for conversing with her. Even if it's no more advanced than talking to one of those
"they really respond!" type of toys, being able to speak to Baby and have her talk back sounded
I closed the book and went over to the control panel, removing her show DVD and taking care to
put it back into the correct case; I was always bad about that with video games as a kid, and I
would hate for her to start singing Jingle Bells in the middle of the summer. I practically ran out of
the employee hallway and back into the dining room, climbing on stage.

"Okay, let's get talking!" I thought out loud, reaching down to press Baby's power button. I stepped
back and watched as she started to move and twist. Her pigtails bobbed up and down as her eyes
flickered on. Her smile, while permanent, looked genuine to me; probably because I was so
excited. "Hello, Baby!" I said to her. I could feel the wide smile on my lips.

Circus Baby stared at me. She stopped moving her arms and turned her head to face me. Her eyes
constantly flickered as she looked into my eyes. All of this made me quite uncomfortable; if this is
what she had to do to remember kids' faces, it would likely scare the fuck out of them.

"... I know you." Baby finally spoke, albeit quietly. I jumped back, almost falling off the stage
when she started to animate again, moving her body as if she was performing. "You're my friend!
You're Anon!"

The book didn't say she would know names! This is awesome! I guessed since my friends
constantly said my name when asking me questions, that's how she picked it up. Since her book
didn't mention this, I'll have to call corporate and ask if this is something I can customize; if she
could know the name of a birthday kid, it would be awesome for parties!

"Yes, I'm Anon!" I happily replied. "I know you won't have any clue what this means, but I'm the
owner of this place! You're my partner in helping entertain customers!"

"Yes! That's my favorite!" Baby replied--of course, "yes" or "no" responses only. I had almost
forgotten. "It's very fun to talk to you." Baby continued, waving her microphone up and down. "I
smell tasty pizza, go have a slice!" She even had a nice way to tell the kids to leave, huh? I
chuckled at her dismissing me.

"Okay, will do." I replied. "I'll go get my stuff before you get to rest for the night. I'll be back right,

"Goodbye, Anon! Please talk to me again soon!" Baby spoke as soon as I walked out of her field of
vision. It took me by surprise that she said something so personalized, even as I was leaving her.
Chapter 5
Chapter Summary

Anon is growing suspicious of Circus Baby and decides to get answers.

When I returned with a few books and folders under my arm, I climbed on to the stage and reached
down for Baby's power button. I looked up at her before I pressed it, and her eyes looked into mine
... for a moment, before she casually turned her head to the left and nodded, wiggling her pigtails.

"Goodnight, Baby." I said. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Come back soon! Our pizza will still be great tomorrow!" Baby replied, moving her arms up and
down. After pressing the button on her leg, Baby slowly ceased moving, staying in place as I stood
up and hopped off the stage. I walked towards the front door, turning the locks as I stepped out. I
froze in place, however, when I heard something from behind me.

"Goodbye, Anon." It was a whisper. It sounded like Baby's voice. I turned around, thinking maybe
I had pressed her button in for too long and she turned on again. She stayed perfectly still. I
shrugged and left Freddy's, locking the doors behind me. I'm probably just thinking with my dick.

If this was one of the rumored horror stories about Freddy's, this is the part where I would think
"Eh, it's probably nothing!" and return the next day blissfully unaware that my powered-off robot
spoke to me by name. Instead, I reached into my pocket for my phone, with intent to tell Anondos
what happened; if Baby showed any signs of being sentient, she's gone. Cute or not. I'm NOT
going to be the next water cooler story for Fazbear's corporate suits.

As I stepped into my house, I continued to argue with a disbelieving Anondos over the phone.

"I'm telling you the truth!" I protested. "Baby said my name and then talked while she was turned
off. She said my NAME, dude." I said. "Why the hell would I lie to you about this? You know
how I felt about those damn things to start with!"

"Yeah, I know. Calm down." Anondos replied. "If you're that worried about it, find some kind of
overnight movers and get rid of her now. Call your bosses or something, maybe she's supposed to
do this. You keep comparing her to shit from the 80's. You know it's not the 80's anymore, right?"

"I know." I groaned, shaking my head. "I'm just ... well, I'm fucking scared, all right?"
Surprisingly, Anondos didn't snicker at this. I was very grateful for that. "I don't want anyone to get
hurt, and I sure as fuck don't want to get hurt myself. If she's dangerous, I don't care how hot she

"I thought you said cute. Like, innocent cute." Anondos reminded me. I went wide-eyed as I
realized what I said. "The robot is hot now, is it? Maybe you really DO need to look up some robot
porn. I'm sure it's out there somewhere."

"Shut up!" I snapped at him. "Whatever! I just want to figure out what to do before this turns into a
shitty horror movie!"
"Calm down and call your bosses." Anondos said, sounding calmer than he should've after being
yelled at. "Call me back later after you get off the phone with them, and again, calm down. I'll help
you, man."

"Thanks, dude." I replied. "See ya later." With that, I hung up. With a few taps, I scrolled through
my contacts until I found the number for the sweaty, nervous bald guy that I kept meeting up with
from corporate. I checked the time-it was approaching eleven o'clock, but I couldn't wait until
morning. With another tap, I called him.

He better have a really, really good explanation for this. After a few rings, he finally picked up.

"Uh, hello?" He answered. "Mr. Anon?"

"Yeah, sorry for calling so late." I apologized. "I have a big problem, and I need your help."

"Of course, certainly." He replied, followed by a big yawn. "Is everything okay?"

"Well, no." I said. "You're going to think this is insane, but I'm going to tell you anyway."

"She's talking to you, right?" He asked. I paused before I could answer-I didn't expect him to be

"W-Well, yeah!" I replied. "Does that mean this is normal?"

"Yes, it's totally fine." He sounded very reassuring. "Circus Baby and the Funtime line are much
more advanced than our original group of animatronic characters. I believe you were sent material
explaining this, right?"

"Yeah, but none of the books mentioned her being able to know names." I replied. "She knows me
by name. It was kind of cool at first, but it makes me a little nervous."

"I understand that, Mr. Anon." The man said. "After all, you've practically been against all of this
from the start. It wouldn't surprise me if you're looking for a way out. Anywho, Circus Baby
knowing someone's name isn't unusual. She has a song databank in her head, can remember a
child's face, and is one of the most advanced animatronic entertainers of her time."

"'Not unusual' isn't an answer." I replied. "Is this something she's supposed to do, or not?" I asked.
"If this is new, send someone here to figure it out."

"Has Circus Baby interacted with a child yet, Mr. Anon?" He asked.

"Stop changing the subject." I argued. "Answer me. Is she supposed to know names or not? If
you're not going to tell me what I want to know, I'm having her removed within the next few hours.
On your dime."

"Probably! I don't know the intimate details of every single character!" He protested. "I don't build
them, I just help get them in the public's eye!" He sounded more angry as he spoke. "If it ends up
being a problem, get rid of her! Corporate wants you to use a Rock Star animatronic, anyway!"

"A what?" I raised an eyebrow. "You insisted on a Freddy band set. What's this about a Rock Star
thing, now?"

"The Rock Star character set, Mr. Anon. Rock Star Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, Foxy, and Lefty. I don't
have the time to go into this right now." He explained. "Listen, it's almost midnight and I have to
work in the morning. Circus Baby probably should know a person's name after she hears it enough
times. Is there anything else you need?"

"Yeah, a number for a corporate credit card." I snapped at him. "Because she's out of here tonight."
He groaned at this.

"Fine, Mr. Anon! Fine!" He finally gave in. "We'll have one of the engineers waste hours of his
valuable time to come down to your store and tell you in person what I've just told you! Will that
make you happy?!"

"Very happy, thank you." I replied. I knew I sounded smug, but I didn't care. "I'll be happy to let
Baby hang out a while longer, then. I'll see the person tomorrow."

"Fine." He groaned in frustration. "After this, please open your store. Corporate has been
wondering why there's no profit coming from you yet. I had to lie and say your uncle is a
perfectionist, but apparently that's been passed on to you." I didn't like his attitude. "Now may I go
to sleep, your highness Mr. Anon, or would you rather I drive down there and pat your ass for a

I hung up. I walked into my room and lay down in bed as I prepared to call Anondos once more
with tomorrow's plans and corporate's answer. I just hope that someone, somewhere down the line,
tells me that this robot isn't planning to kill me.
Chapter 6
Chapter Summary

An engineer from Fazbear Entertainment has arrived to ease Anon's fears, but that
doesn't mean he'll be successful.

The next morning, I leaned against the restaurant's front door with a sleepy-eyed Anondos and a
pissed-off Mike standing at my sides. Neither one wanted to be here this early, but by God I wasn't
going to be called crazy in case everything started going downhill today.

"Why the hell are we here, boss?" Mike asked before letting out a big, loud yawn. "Can't you deal
with this yourself?"

"Yeah, but I want witnesses." I replied. "I'll buy you breakfast once the guy leaves. Just stay

"It better be good breakfast." Anondos piped up. "Microwaved pizza from here ain't breakfast for
everyone. Just you."

"Shut up." I snapped at him. I heard a car turn into the parking lot and turned my head; for an
engineer, it wasn't what I expected. It was a beat-up, paint-scratched, possibly previously blue
color. After parking, the door opened and a man stepped out: he wore glasses, had thick, black
hair, with a white button-up business shirt and black pants. A backpack was held up on his
shoulders. I have no idea why he needed to dress so professionally to talk to me about a robot, but I
didn't care; at least he showed up.

"Good morning." He greeted us as he approached. "My name's Tyler, I'm from Fazbear
Entertainment's engineering department. You're Mr. Anon, correct?" He asked, extending his hand.
I shook his hand and nodded.

"Yeah, that would be me." I replied. "Thank you for coming out this early. I'm sorry you had to
come out here at all, but the guy they have me working with wasn't too cooperative." I turned to
unlock the front door as we continued to talk.

"Mr. A was never much of a people-person." Tyler said. "Maybe it's his age." I opened the door for
the other three, allowing them inside.

"Mr. A?" I asked. "He would never tell me his name. Could you?"

"Oh, sure." Tyler said with a smile. "It's Mr. Alder. Bob Alder."

B. Alder. He was bald. What kind of ironic shit is this?

"Thanks." I said. "Anyway, did anyone tell you why you're here?"

"Yeah, something about your Circus Baby acting up?" Tyler said, walking towards Baby's stage.
"Mr. A said you were probably just trying to close your store before you had to open it. Is that
"No!" I protested, shaking my head. "I know it sounds crazy, but she started calling me by name. I
asked if that was a feature, and Bob wouldn't tell me. He just said she 'probably' could do it. Is it
something she's supposed to do?"

"Well, that's a good question." Tyler climbed up on the stage, looking Baby up and down. "I
worked on the Funtime line back when Circus Baby here was still in the planning stage. I
remember they wanted her to make ice cream and know songs, and I know that made it in. I don't
remember anything about names, but let me hook her up here and I'll take a look."

He removed his backpack and unzipped it, pulling out a laptop and a mess of wires. After plugging
the wires into Baby's body (I don't even remember seeing ports, so it must have been a developer
thing,) he opened his laptop and started typing.

"She seems fine." He said, looking at the screen. "No recent errors, no problems with the power
feed, no self-reboots. I'm not seeing anything about a name memory bank, though. Just facial
recognition and her song bank. Let me dig a bit." He looked up at Mike, Anondos and I, who were
just staring at him from the tables. "Oh, sorry guys. Go ahead and do your thing, this might take a

"Uh, okay." I said. "We're just gonna take a seat and watch, then." The three of us sat down at a
table. Tyler looked confused.

"No, seriously, go get some breakfast, get ready for the day, whatever. I'm not going anywhere."
He said.

"No, seriously, neither am I." I replied. "I'm not falling for that shit. Nothing against you
personally, but I'm going to sit here and watch this damn robot. If she so much as blinks funny,
she's gone. If I think you're programming weird shit into her, I'm calling the cops."

"You're going to threaten me?" Tyler looked surprised, pausing his work. "I don't have to be here,
ya know. You were nice not ten minutes ago."

"I'm a nice person, generally." I replied. "I have no issue with you, I have an issue with the
company. Hell, I'll give you a free lunch after this and pay you extra for your time. I just won't
have my store be the next headline in the paper."

"I understand that, I guess." Tyler replied. "No harm done, then. Thanks for the food and stuff." He
resumed typing. Anondos leaned in close from his seat next to me, holding a hand over his mouth.

"Come on, man. This shit's getting old." He complained in a whisper. "If you're gonna freak out
this much, just fucking bail. If you're not gonna quit, open the place. I'm not gonna waste every
fucking day here because you won't stop worrying about the past that you weren't even alive for."

"I can agree with that." Mike whispered as well. "No offense, boss, but as much as I like being paid
to eat pizza and bullshit with you guys all day, you got a business to eventually run. You need to
get somethin' going here."

"Fine, you're all fucking against me." I sighed. "I'll call a few of my cousins and have them bring
their kids in. Anondos, get some pizzas in the oven. Mike, go get the costume. We'll have a private
test opening today and open the doors tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Don't you usually have to get the word out for at least a month?" Anondos asked.
"You know, advertising and stuff? And when are the other costumes getting here? You sure you
didn't get conned and paid four for one? You don't even have any games, and-"
"Do you want this shit done or not!?" I snapped at him, speaking a little too loudly. Tyler looked up
from his laptop. "O-Oh, sorry dude! I'm just irritable 'cause I'm tired, that's all!" I tried to assure
him. "My bad!" Tyler nodded and resumed typing, looking up at Baby every few seconds.

"Okay guys, don't panic or anything, she's gonna turn on." Tyler said. "She still has a charge
because no one's unplugged her from her charging source to let her run down on her own." It was
probably best that he warned us, because if Baby started dancing around out of nowhere I'd
probably piss myself. With a few more keystrokes, Tyler looked over at Baby and just as he
promised, she started to move. Her big, green eyes started to flicker on, and she began to wave her
arms and microphone around as her pigtails bobbed.

"Good morning, everyone!" Baby greeted us. "Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza! My name is
Circus Baby, and it's always time for fun at Freddy's! How about some tasty pizza for breakfast?"

"She knows the time of day?" I asked. Tyler nodded.

"Yeah, the whole Funtime line has a bunch of extra features that you have to manually turn on.
You had Baby in a default mode, so she only had recognition and songs. Now she'll know the time
of day, she'll know when fresh pizza is coming out of the kitchen, and she'll be able to know if the
room volume is really loud and comment on it. It's supposed to help quiet kids down."

"You didn't ask me before you added all that stuff?" I stood up from the table, walking to the stage.
"What the fuck did I just say about you programming shit in?"

"It's features for your store, SIR!" Tyler snapped at me. "It's not like this lets her walk off stage! I
just thought it would be a nice gesture! Almost none of the animatronics at any stores use the
aroma recognizer, and before you flip out on that, she only knows that pizza is out if the air around
her gets a little steamy from hot food. Or are you going to be angry about that, too?"

"Pizza better be the only damn smell coming from or into this robot." I said, crossing my arms.
After Tyler's glare met my own, I sighed. "Look, I'm sorry. I just know all of the past about
Freddy's, with the kid getting bit and all that, and I'm worried. My uncle had no issues keeping this
place closed until just a little while ago."

"Yeah, I get it." Tyler said, standing up. "Listen, I'm sorry too. They don't pay me enough to drive
everywhere, especially when the gas is on my dime."

"I'll pay you back for it." I replied. I reached into my wallet and handed him some cash, which he
pocketed with a smile. "Hang around, Anondos is making some pizza. I'll wait to call the kids in
until we're all done here."

Wait a minute!

"Hey, hang on!" I stopped him as he walked past me. "You didn't even answer me for the reason
you're here! Why is Baby saying names? It's cool that you gave her little upgrades, but that doesn't
explain why she knows me!"

"I'm not supposed to go into this with people outside of corporate." Tyler confessed. "I was
supposed to just do this extra stuff and try to distract you. Just keep this between us, God knows
Mr. Alder couldn't fucking care less at this point. Man's just waiting to die."

I snickered. Tyler sat down at a table and set down his laptop, showing me a diagnosis screen
about Baby's insides.

"Look here." He pointed. "These options here are things I'm allowed to change because you would
be allowed to change them. The time, song list, pre-programmed shows, that stuff." I took note that
I could do those things myself-they'd make handling the show during busy times a lot easier. "But
if you see here ..." He pointed down to an 'Advanced' option, and moved the cursor down to click
it-a 'Not accessible with current authority' message popped up.

"You worked on the damn thing. You're an engineer." I said. "What other authority do you need to
change her?"

"I worked on her, but I didn't design her. I didn't write her advanced code, either. It wasn't a one-
man team." He said, looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "Do you even know what an engineer

"... Yeah." I replied.

No. But I wasn't letting him know that.

"I don't know who locked me out, or when, or anything." He explained. "For all I know, it could've
been the guy who actually designed her to start with. I don't even know who it is, by the time I
joined up those guys were long out of the game."

"You mean dead?" I asked. "I would think they're all old if they designed the original robots."

"Hell if I know. I just know I've never met them." Tyler replied. "But about Baby's name thing.
You have my word, man-to-man, that it's seriously nothing to you need to worry about. I'll tell you
what: watch her for the rest of the week. If things start getting a bit too funny for your tastes, call
me. I'll come in, shut her down, and get her out of here." He reached into his pocket and handed
me a business card with Fazbear Entertainment's logo and his cell phone number.

"Why do all of you insist I keep waiting?" I asked. "Is she just going to stop doing this stuff after
she gets used to the place, or after she meets kids?"

"That second one's very possible." Tyler said. "She knows your name likely because there's no one
else in her memory to remember. Once she sees kids every day, your name will probably be thrown
out. Kids are more important to the animatronics."

"I guess." I said, looking up at Baby, who was idly looking around. As her eyes flickered, I noticed
something-they changed color. Her green eyes were now a bright, beautiful shade of blue. "Did
you change her eye color, too?" I asked. "Why?"

"Well, her eyes are meant to be blue to begin with." Tyler said. "I just assumed the lights were
dimming out or something and was gonna ask if you wanted me to change them before I left. I
think having color-changing eyes is kinda cool, don't you?"

"They definitely are more eye-catching." I replied. "They look more ... I dunno, kinder this way?
Like they fit her smile better. I like them." I said with a nod. "It looks like all I needed was
someone who gave a shit to get this whole thing going. Think you can get me a discount on Fruity
Maze while you're at it?"

"No chance." Tyler laughed. "Do you want me to change her eye lights, or let them stay?"

"Nah, I like the blue." I said. "Keep it." I reached into my pocket, grabbing my cell phone. "I'd
better make sure my cousins are actually home before I plan all this stuff for today." As I started to
dial, Anondos sat a large pepperoni pizza on the table in front of us, and a costumed Mike as
Freddy Fazbear sat down across from us. Tyler and I both snickered as Mike tried to be in-
character, straightening his bow tie and pretending to smell the pizza.
Chapter 7
Chapter Summary

The restaurant finally has its target audience for a test run, but Anon still isn't pleased
with the answers he's received about Baby's odd behavior.

"Wait a second!" Anondos exclaimed angrily as we all started to eat. "How did you con us into
pizza for breakfast again? It's not even 10 in the morning!" I checked my watch; he was right. It
was just hitting nine. I looked at Mike, who didn't seem to care and was too busy trying to stay in-
character for some reason. 'Freddy' looked shocked when Anondos yelled, hiding his huge eyes
with his equally huge hands in mock fear.

"Oh, yeah." I replied with a shrug. "I guess I lost track of time and it's only been an hour. How 'bout
that." I slowly bit into the still-hot pizza. I looked over at Tyler, who was already into his second
slice. "So, I still never got my answer about Baby talking to me when she was turned off."

"She WHAT?!" Tyler almost choked on his food, coughing and punching himself in the chest until
a stray pepperoni fired across the room from out of his mouth. Gross. "You're joking with me. I
thought she was just saying your name when she was active. Wasn't that what you told Mr. A?"

Thinking back on it, I was cut off during that phone conversation before I could tell Alderson
exactly what happened. He just asked me if Baby was talking and I ran with that. I probably should
have filled in that one detail first thing.

"I guess that was what I told him, but I told Anondos about it first and I was really freaked out." I
said, chewing more pizza.

"Please, tell me everything." Tyler said, putting his food down on a plate in front of him. "I'm not
gonna let a nice new store like this go the way of the 80s."

"You people and your goddamn 80s ..." Anondos muttered.

"Okay." I replied. "It was just before I left, and ..."


After telling Tyler exactly what happened, he seemed to be in just as much shock.

"So you're sure she was powered off?" He asked. "You looked?"

I didn't tell him what else I happened to see on Baby.

"Yeah, she was turned off. I know I wasn't just hearing things." I replied. "If she's gonna kill me in
my sleep, call someone to get rid of her today."

"Well, that's not really a bad solution, but there's something I'd like to ask you to try, first." Tyler
said. "How do you feel about spending a night here? Not all night, maybe from like midnight to
"Fuck you." I replied.

"That's the answer I thought I'd get." Tyler said with a sigh. "I wasn't here, so I can't say what you
heard was in your mind or real. Did your security cameras catch it, maybe?"

"My what?" I asked. "Do I have cameras here?"

"You're supposed to." Tyler said. "Let's go in the back and look around. Can one of your friends
call your family and get the kids in here? I'd like to see how she reacts to actual children."

"We're trying to figure out if she's dangerous, and you want kids in here?" I asked. "Kids I
personally know?"

"We can shut her down remotely from the show console if anything goes wrong." Tyler tried to
reassure me. "Please, sir? You have my word nothing will go wrong."

I looked at Anondos. He shook his head.

"Just do it, man." Anondos said. "I'm tired of just sitting around here all day. The kids'll be fine, me
an' Mike'll make sure they don't get too close to your love doll over there."

"His what?" Tyler asked. I pushed Tyler towards the backstage door before the conversation could
continue. As we walked into the hallway, I could hear Anondos talking to one of my aunts on his
phone--namely because this was the aunt he always hit on despite her being married for almost 10
years now.


Not much later, five of my aunts and around a dozen kids filled the dining room. The kids all
seemed amused enough, laughing and talking amongst each other while the mothers sat at a
different table complaining about their lives. No one complained about the pizza or soda, but
unfortunately the kids' interest in Baby was less than ideal.

Unfortunately, Baby wasn't doing anything worth paying attention to. Although she was powered-
on, all she did was look left and right, turning her head to get a better look at the new people around
her. Her eyes would flicker from green to blue once in a while, which bothered me but Tyler
insisted it was nothing to worry about and he could replace them at any time.

You would think that after my constant rambling on and complaining about killer robots that I
would have gotten rid of her days ago, but if Anondos thought I should mellow out, I'll mellow out
for now. Just as some of the kids started talking about wanting to go home, Tyler grabbed one of
Baby's show discs from the computer desk and placed it in the console's drive. The both of us
watched on a monitor now mounted on the wall (that had been hidden in a closet which made me
feel stupid for never checking out) and laughed as some of the kids jumped in fear when Baby
started speaking.

"Hello, everyone!" Baby greeted the room. All of the kids turned to watch her, and not a single one
cried; at least I have that going for me. Baby started to wave her left hand and move her right hand
up and down, putting her microphone near her mouth. "My name is Circus Baby, and welcome to
Freddy Fazbear's pizza! I hope you have plenty of pizza, because I have a great show planned for
you today!"

I could never get enough of that voice. I smiled as Baby talked to the kids, seeing a few of them
take a step forward to get a better look at her. Tyler had sat down in front of the show console, and
was looking over the huge assortment of buttons and switches.
"We need to get you some light fixtures, and maybe some effects." He said. "I put in an interactive
show, so we should be seeing that in three ... two ..." The two of us looked back at the monitor; I
didn't know what to expect.

"Oh, Freddy!" Baby called. "Are you ready to play with our friends?"

"Well, I sure am!" A goofy, happy-sounding voice responded from nowhere. What the hell is this?
I don't have a Freddy robot to do this bit. Is Tyler trying to guilt me?

Out of nowhere, Mike ran out on to the floor in his Freddy suit. I don't remember him leaving the
dining room, but whatever made him decide to play along also made me decide to give him some
kind of bonus pay. As the show continued, Mike did his best to mimic out whatever it seemed like
Freddy would be doing; adjusting his hat, doing a little dance, and looking at Baby as if they were
holding a conversation. Of course, Freddy's mouth couldn't move, but the kids didn't seem to
notice or care; they were all fully invested in the show.

"How was your day, Freddy?" Baby asked, moving side to side as her pigtails bobbed up and
down. "Did you have a fun time?"

"I sure did!" Freddy's voice replied, I assume from Baby's speakers. "Why don't you tell our friends
about it while I show 'em all the neat stuff I did?"

As Baby started to sing about dancing, playing outside, and running around a playground, Mike
did his best job in acting out everything she said. I was really proud of him, especially for doing all
of this on the fly. Looking around the room, I caught Anondos trying to chat up the same aunt that
he had called. Baby seemed fine, the kids seemed fine, 'Freddy' was doing his job, everything was
working out great. I almost forgot about Baby talking to me.

"So are you gonna keep giving me the runaround with her, or am I going to get an answer?" I asked
Tyler, who was flipping through an instruction book that I had kept on the desk. He looked up at
me and shrugged.

"I told you, we're watching her. I think maybe she wasn't completely powered down yet." He
replied. "I don't see a problem. Maybe you interacting with her outside of business hours will help

"How?" I asked. "She's a robot. It's not like she's a human with a failing memory." I'm getting sick
of these people just making shit up to humor me.

"Spend more time with her alone, and see if she keeps acting strangely." Tyler replied. "Since she's
acting okay with kids, which is what you should be more worried about, maybe you'll catch
whatever happened again when it's just you two."

That's the worst answer he's come up with all day, but I didn't want to get into an argument with
Anondos again. Then again, spending time with Baby by myself and seeing what else she had that
kids probably weren't supposed to see, if anything, would certainly be a fun time.

I've been wanting to look under her panties since the night I saw them.
Chapter 8
Chapter Summary

Anon makes a huge discovery about Circus Baby.

Minutes felt like hours as the day progressed. It was great to see that Baby and the kids were
getting along famously and the pizza and drinks kept flowing, but all I could think about was being
alone with my clown 'bot once everyone left for the night. Thinking back on what Mike and
Anondos said, opening the store out of the blue without so much as a commercial felt like a bad
idea, but at this point I had long stopped caring; my fascination with this robot outweighed
anything else related to this whole venture.

Be that as it may, as the owner of this shack-turned-shiny, I needed to actually do my job and get
some business. With Tyler having left to take a break outside (I assume to smoke, I would have to
if I had his job,) I took the chance to call my uncle. Fortunately, after taking over this place and
promising more money in his checkbook, our relationship had been slowly improving.

As the phone rang on his end, I suddenly realized that I had no idea how I was going to pitch this to
him. I didn't have a chance to hang up and start this thought process over before he answered.

"Anon!" My uncle greeted cheerfully. "How goes the pizza business? It's finally GOING, right?"
That last question contained a bit of frustration in his voice. I chose to ignore that.

"It's going tomorrow, actually!" I replied. I heard him sigh in relief. "That's why I'm calling. One of
my employees suggested I should probably do some advertising since I'm opening so fast."

"One of your employees, eh? You've already got a team behind you? 'Atta boy!" He praised me. I
didn't tell him my "team" was one guy in a bear suit. "Shouldn't you have figured out advertising
already? What do you need?"

"I was thinking maybe a commercial, or some newspaper ads?" I asked, before even realizing what
I had said. How do I expect to film a commercial with one robot and no attractions?

"Oh, is that all?" My uncle asked with a laugh. "I thought you needed big money for something!"
What the hell does he consider "big money?" I'm extremely curious. "You can decide whichever
you want and I'll get in touch with people. Is there anything else?"

"Well, since you're offering, I was told that I would have to use the store's income to buy things
like arcade games and attractions for the customers. Right now all I have is that robot that you
helped me get fixed. Remember that?" I asked. Might as well take him up on it. "Nothing huge,
just a few games and stuff for the kids."

"Sure, sure!" My uncle happily replied. "I know a guy that can set you up with some arcade games
by tomorrow! I'll give him a call!"

"Wow, thanks!" I replied. "I'm gonna go back to work. I'll call you later."

With a quick goodbye, I hung up. How was my luck so amazing right now? Free arcade games and
even advertising dropped into my lap, all because I decided to run this place? Something has got to
give. My luck is never this good.

"Hey boss, I'm headin' out!"

Mike's call snapped me back to reality. I saw him peeking through the doorway and looked up at a
clock on the wall: five o' clock already. I looked at the monitor, seeing all the kids and parents
were gone.

"O-Okay, sure." I replied, still a bit shaken. "What about Anondos and Tyler? Are they still here?"

"Nah." Mike shook his head. "Tyler said you guys talked and Anondos went home when your
family did. Somethin' about bein' off on his game with your aunt. He looked sad."

"That doesn't surprise me." I snickered. "Okay, have a good night, dude. I gotta get some stuff
taken care of and I'll leave. See ya tomorrow." With another wave, Mike walked away and left me
alone in the office. I looked at the monitor again, seeing Baby idly moving her pigtails and looking
around; no one had shut her off after the kids left. I stood up and took a deep breath. If she was
going to kill me, this would likely be the night.

I walked out into the dining room and stepped up on to the stage. Baby instantly noticed me, turned
to face me and wouldn't look away.

"Hello!" Baby greeted me. After a moment's pause, her eyes flashed from blue to green. "You're
my friend Anon! Welcome back to Freddy's!"

"I work here, Baby. I'm always here." I corrected her. "You and I are gonna spend some time

"Oh, that sounds very fun!" Baby replied. Her saying something so close to an actual answer
surprised me. "What kind of fun things do you like to do?"

"Well, unfortunately I'm gonna have to power you down and get a better look at you." I said,
leaning down to reach for the button on her leg. I looked up at her, seeing she had looked down to
stare at me. "Uh ... would you sing a song for me?" I asked. Having her just look at me made me
begin to feel uncomfortable.

"I know lots of fun songs!" Baby cheerfully replied before putting her microphone near her mouth.
She turned from my direction to look towards the room, as if she had an audience to perform for.
Before the song could begin, I quickly powered her off; her hand lowered from her mouth and her
eyes went dim as she ceased movement entirely. Well, that's part one taken care of.

I waited. She didn't move, speak, or do anything to signal that she had power flowing to her.

"Hello, Circus Baby." I greeted the still, frozen-like clown girl. "Would you sing a song for me?"

I thought that if she still had any power, asking one of her interactive questions would set her off.
Baby continued to stare forward without so much as a blink. When Baby seemed down, I moved
down to my knees and looked up; I didn't have much shame this time. I looked up, seeing her
panties were still under her skirt where I first found them. "Of course they are, dumbass." I
muttered out loud. "Well, here goes nothin' ..." I reached up and grabbed the garment, slowly
pulling it down. My hands were trembling.

My eyes were closed as I pulled her panties down, but once I felt them begin to move easier and
therefore must be at her ankles, I opened my eyes and looked up at where her panties had been. My
mouth hung open slightly as I stared at her bare body, and without a word I pulled her panties back
up as I had found them. I stood up and dusted off my pants, walking from the stage back into the

My robot - my kids' entertainer robot - has a woman's reproductive body part. I couldn't even bring
myself to use the slang word for it in my head. There's no way I just saw that on my Circus Baby.
Chapter 9
Chapter Summary

Anon's mind is clouded after making the discovery about Baby.

In the office, I was frantically looking through any books and paperwork I was given on Circus
Baby. Nothing I could find gave any mention of, for a lack of a better word, her robo-pussy. The
big, metal slit between her legs was all I could think about as my eyes skimmed the different
books. Her lower body was even painted with the same white gloss as the rest of her! This wasn't
some last-second prank, someone had to take the time to paint that! Was the inside of it pink, or
just metal? Did she even open up down there? Would it be warm, or just cut my hand off?

No, Anon! No! Do NOT fuck the robot! Listen to Anondos!

I read page after page, trying my best to find anything about an adult feature, or maybe I got some
kind of novelty prank version that millionaires would waste money on to make their friends laugh
for a few minutes. Nothing! What the fuck is going on?! As I tossed another book aside, something
came to mind: where was she repaired? Maybe the repair people added this in just to mess with me.
I found her mailing paperwork on the desk and snatched it, reading out loud.

"Circus Baby, model number 10716 ... full repair ... no ... oh, GOD DAMN IT!" I yelled, slamming
the paper down.

She was repaired in Japan. Because OF COURSE she was. This was no time for racism or
stereotyping, but fuck if it doesn't make perfect sense now. Who decided to give my family-
friendly robot a cunt?!

Nothing I could do about it now, though. Just keep her covered up with the panties and hope no kid
ever decides to look. Only I was allowed to look up there and see the sleek, shiny, white ... no,
damn it! No! Do NOT fuck the robot!

So is Baby meant to be both an entertainer and a sex toy? Am I supposed to put my dick in her and
then let her talk to children? Would she tell them about my male shortcomings? Would they then
tell my aunts and cousins about it and make Thanksgiving really fucking awkward?

I tried to find the website of the company who repaired her, but unfortunately the entire website
was in Japanese and looked to be created back in the mid-90s, so it was impossible to navigate
without getting 404 errors every other page. I couldn't even sign the guestbook and try to contact
someone that way, as it 404'd as well.

I left the office and returned to the dining room, climbing on stage and turning Baby back on. After
a moment, she started moving and turned to face me, moving her arms up and down as she studied

"Hello, Anon!" Baby greeted me. "It's great to see you again!"

"You too, Baby." I replied. "I can't believe some of the things I found out about you today."

"Oh, I love that too!" Baby gave me a generic answer. "It's really fun, isn't it? Do you like ice
cream, Anon?"

"Yep, I do. I still like vanilla." I replied, looking her up and down. For some reason, I took notice of
something: when Baby had children around her, her eyes were blue. When it was the two of us
alone, her eyes were green. They no longer flickered between colors, either; they stayed a solid
green as long as she looked at me. Was she studying me to keep me in her memory that way? If
that was the case, why didn't she look at any kid with green eyes?

Weird as Hell, but Tyler assured me it was fine and he hasn't lied to me yet. I think.

I was too curious at this point. I had to see what would happen.

With Baby still on and watching my every move, I bent down next to her and looked up her skirt as
I reached for her panties. I looked up and stared into Baby's green, unblinking eyes as I pulled them
down. She didn't speak or react; she only stared. When I had the panties to her feet, I looked up
once again and saw something new: a small, white button. Whoever gave Baby this robo-cunt also
gave her a robo-clit, and it looked like I could press it. With my hands trembling again, I slowly
reached up and extended my index finger, pushing into Baby's white, glossy clitoris--and it pressed
inward, like a button.

As soon as I did this, Baby froze in place. After a moment, her pigtails frantically moved up and
down and her arms waved. Her chest plate expanded, giving her the impression of large breasts. I
quickly stood up and looked at her, seeing her staring back at me ... this time, with a sultry look in
her eyes.

"You pressed Circus Baby's special power button." Baby said, her voice full of lust as she looked at
me. "You're my friend, Anon. It's so nice to see you again." She looked at me, raising her eyebrows
up and down. "Are we going to play grown-up games now?" Just hearing her speak like that gave
me a boner in seconds, but I couldn't bring myself to reply. I just stared at her in amazement. The
same Baby that had been talking and laughing with children just hours ago had some kind of
'sexual' mode this whole time, courtesy of someone in Japan who possibly thought she was a sex

"N-No!" I stammered, reaching down and flicking the emergency stop switch on her leg. Baby
instantly powered down, facing forward and away from me. I could feel sweat pouring down my
forehead as my mind tried to process everything at once. I fell asleep in the office and I'm dreaming
this, right? I pulled her panties back up to cover her metal business and walked back to the office as
fast as I could, sitting down in front of the computer as all of this ran through my head. What the
fuck just happened?

My first thought was to call Anondos and tell him what just happened. Before I could dial, I paused
and realized that he probably wouldn't believe me. I couldn't bring myself to show him Baby's
body, or more that I didn't want to. I didn't want Anondos, Mike, Tyler, or anyone to see what she
had been hiding this time. It was something only I got to see. But why did I keep thinking this?
She's a robot! It's not like she knows what's going on!

I couldn't handle this right now. I couldn't handle much of anything at all right now. I grabbed my
keys from the desk and headed down the hall. As I walked through the dining room, I turned to
look at Baby; she was facing forward, still powered off. I kept walking and stepped outside into a
very cold, dark night. I shivered as I wrapped my arms around myself for warmth--I had no idea it
was supposed to be cold and didn't bring a coat. Great way to end my night!

I ignored the cold after a moment, locking up the store behind me and focusing on heading home.
With the store opening tomorrow, I needed all of the sleep I could get.
Chapter 10
Chapter Summary

Freddy's is open--for real this time! As Anon tries to deal with a hectic first day, he
realizes how difficult running a business can be.

Sleep was almost impossible. I kept tossing and turning all night; all I could think about was a
white, glossy metal pussy and wondering what the inside looked like. Was it painted pink? Was it
just a bunch of wires and gears? Would my dick get crushed if I tried to fuck my robot? Is that
even legal, to fuck a robot?

Whenever I did fall asleep, usually for an hour or less at a time, I kept having the same dream: I
was in Freddy's, sitting in front of the stage as Circus Baby, who was now alive, danced in front of
me. She removed her top and skirt like they were normal non-painted on clothes, revealing a set of
large, glossy white-painted tits with pink nipples that clashed against the rest of her colors. When
she parted her legs, her insides were indeed pink and looked incredibly inviting.

"Would you let me taste your ice cream, Anon?" Baby would ask, licking her lips with a tongue I
hadn't noticed she had. Her blue eyes flickered to green as she looked at me, moving her hands to
play with her large breasts and giving me the most seductive look I had ever seen on a robot ... and
the first look I had ever seen on a robot, for that matter.

Whenever she would put her clothing back on, they would look painted on her body again, like
removing them was some kind of magical power she had and looked kid-friendly otherwise. "Or
maybe you could give my red clothes some white stripes? It might look pretty." She would say.
Baby's voice was so sexy, so seductive, and knowing that her talking like this was all for me
aroused me beyond belief.

Every time I woke up from this dream, I had a tent pitched under my blanket. I would sit up, shake
my head to remind myself I was awake, and take a drink of water. I must have had that dream four
times, but it would always end before I got to fuck her. I don't know whether that's a good or bad

The next morning, as I pulled up to the restaurant and parked, I was shocked to see that a line of
kids and their parents had formed in front of the door. I stepped out of my car, seeing a few of my
cousins, aunts, and their kids along with a bunch of people I had never met. I started talking to one
of my aunts as I unlocked the door, and was told that yesterday's test had gone extremely well; so
well, in fact, that some kids told their friends, who told their friends, and so on until a whole
preschool's worth of kids had heard about the new pizza place with the "neat clown robot."

As the kids were all talking amongst themselves and gathering in the dining room, I walked on to
the stage and leaned down to Baby's leg, pushing in her power button. Baby seemed to power on
instantly, and turned to face me. When she looked at me, her blue eyes flickered green for a
second, and she smiled at me.

"Are you back to play a grown-up game with me?" She whispered. I don't know what shocked me
more; the fact that she knew to whisper or the fact that she was still her in 'grown-up' mode from
the night before. I had turned her off, wouldn't that have reset her back to kid-friendly?
"N-No." I whispered back. How in the world that whisper didn't fill the room through her speaker
was beyond me, but I was just happy that no one seemed to hear or notice her looking at me. How
do I change her back?! Baby slowly turned her head forward, and her eyes flickered back to a
bright blue when she saw the children.

"Good morning, everyone!" Baby happily greeted the children. "My name is Circus Baby, and
welcome to Freddy Fazbear's pizza!"

I sighed in relief and climbed off the stage. Baby continued talking to the kids about pizza as a few
cautiously approached the stage and started to talk back. I glanced at the parents sitting down, who
looked pleased as I walked into the office hallway. As soon as I walked into the hall, something
very important struck my thoughts: Mike and Anondos weren't here. No one was making pizza and
I had no Freddy to play with the kids. I grabbed my phone and tapped the button to turn it on, only
to find that I had forgotten to charge it the night before. Shit.

I'm all alone until Mike shows up! If he even shows up at all! What the hell do I do?!

I ran into the office and reached for the old, yellowed corded phone which I was lucky enough to
find in the same closet as the monitor and cameras that Tyler hooked up for me. I quickly called
Mike, praying he was awake.

"Hello?" He finally picked up after a few rings.

"Thank God." I replied. "It's Anon. Didn't you say you'd be in today?"

"Of course, boss!" Mike replied. "I wouldn't leave ya alone in there. I'm on the way already,
shouldn't be but a few minutes. Get my suit warm." Mike was my best employee. He was my only
employee, but still the best. I said goodbye and hung up, dialing Anondos next; hopefully he
wouldn't mind helping out again. After a single ring, he picked up.

"I'm already in the kitchen." Anondos answered. "I came in after the kids did, you were just busy
talking and I let myself into the kitchen."

"You're a lifesaver." I replied. "If you want a job, I'll hire you right now."

"Uh, sure?" Anondos slowly answered. "Better than yard work."

"Come in later and I'll find the paperwork." I replied. "I'm gonna go be some kind of waiter and I'll
see ya in a minute."

"Actually, you might wanna wait a minute." Anondos interrupted me. "We got a call this morning,
you have some stuff comin' in the mail today. Like, a bunch of stuff."

"How did we get a call?" I asked. "Do you have a phone in there?"

"You didn't see the big red phone on the wall?" Anondos asked. "It works. Didn't this place already
have internet when you got here?" I always thought my uncle just kept it connected for some
reason, but never questioned why. I suppose that's a conversation for another day. "The other suits
are comin' today, and someone from corporate called and said they overnighted some uniforms for
you, and other stuff you would need. How are you timin' this stuff so well?"

"Some kind of plot device." I replied. "Sounds like one, anyway. I'll be out there in a sec." I hung
up, and looked down at myself: jeans, a plain red shirt, and scuffed-up black walking shoes. I
looked okay, I guess. I looked around on the desk, spotting a pen that Tyler must have forgotten
and a few crumpled-up pieces of paper; looked like a notepad for orders to me. I straightened out a
sheet of paper and grabbed the pen, quickly making my way into the dining room.

As I walked in, I heard that Baby was singing to the kids who were either watching her with full
attention or who had grown bored and were talking to each other. I definitely need to get some
games in this place, maybe a ball pit or something. I loved Baby, but I could see how kids would
eventually lose interest. I started approaching the tables, having casual quick chats with the parents
as I wrote down what they wanted; luckily I knew the extremely small 'menu' by heart already
(since we had pizza and soda and that was basically it) and it was easy enough to keep track of

"We have to call my uncle!" I said a bit too loudly as I walked into the kitchen. "Aren't we
supposed to have, like, breadsticks and a salad bar and stuff like that? People won't want just pizza
and soda. Do we even have water besides the tap?"

"Why the hell are you askin' me?" Anondos replied. "You're the boss, you decided to open up
today on a friggin' whim. Don't you know anything about runnin' a business? What's your uncle
gonna do?"

"I'll just tell him they didn't give me shit to work with and have him throw money around at
corporate. Maybe they'll send in more people to help us." I replied. "You and Mike are great, but
I'm supposed to have more than two people under me. I'm pretty sure'a that." I put the wrinkled
paper on the counter in front of Anondos as I walked over to the soda machine. "You got your
phone charger on you? I didn't charge last night."

"Plugged into the wall by the corner." Anondos replied while decorating a pizza with pepperoni
and onions. "How did you know we had other toppings in the fridge? I thought we just had

I hesitated.

"Me too." I replied. "People were just listing off what they wanted and I wrote it down. Thank God
we have it."

"What would you have done if we didn't?" Anondos asked as he put a pizza into one of the many

"Run to the grocery store, I guess." I replied, plugging in my phone. "Mike should be here soon, but
I dunno if he's gonna be able to play Freddy if we get any busier. Having just a gang of little kids is
already pretty crazy, and having hungry parents get pissed off ain't gonna help."


Anondos and I turned at the sound of an unfamiliar male voice. A man, dressed in the uniform of
some kind of moving company, stood in the kitchen doorway with a clipboard and pen. The color
of his clothing resembled the same company that had delivered Baby, but I had failed to get their
name. It didn't matter to me anyway, but apparently these are the people I'm gonna keep dealing

"I'm here from Big Mother Movers." The man said as I approached him. "Got an order here for
you, three 'mascot suits'?" He read off his clipboard. I took the board from him and signed, handing
it back to him. He looked the form on the board up and down, apparently satisfied. "Okey-doke, I'll
be back."

"Let me get them around back." I said, following him out. "Don't want the kids to see the suits with
no one in 'em."

The mover man and I wheeled in the Chica, Bonnie, and Foxy suits on a long rack into the back
door, parking it in the office. Luckily I was allowed to keep the rack for storing them, making
things a lot easier than having to throw Freddy in the cleanest corner of the room. As the mover
thanked me and left through the back door, I heard a knock on it; I opened it, seeing a mail worker
standing there.

"I was gonna go around front, but I saw a truck back here." A woman, dressed in khaki shorts and a
light blue shirt, explained. "I have a few boxes here." She pointed down to three large packages on
the ground next to her. "Just need your autograph here and I'll be on my way." She handed me a
paper and a pen. I jotted down my name and thanked her, reaching down and struggling to grab all
three boxes and carry them inside.

The suits arrived, I assume these are the uniforms for a team I didn't have, and Anondos is
preparing the food. As long as Mike shows up, I think I can pull this off.
Chapter 11
Chapter Summary

Anon has realized that his store is lacking in just about everything and Baby leaves a
new impression on him.

Luckily for me, Mike showed up just minutes later after I had dropped the boxes into the office. He
could tell how busy we were, and after a quick hello, reached for his Freddy head and suit.

"Make 'em happy." I said as he finished dressing. "I might need you to help out with something
else later." 'Freddy' nodded and gave me a thumbs-up, walking down the hall into the dining room.
I wasn't sure what to do at this point besides make sure people got their food; ideally, I would call
my uncle and try to get more resources for the store. Anondos was right, though; this should have
all been done when the building's insides got cleaned up.

I was able to swap out the picnic tables for new, round ones and some longer rectangular ones for
large groups of people, but new furniture wasn't going to make for an entertaining visit--even if the
new chairs were really comfortable. The room looked bare save for the tables; if I was a kid,
outside of the big talking robot, I would probably not want to come here. I glanced over at the
monitor, seeing that Anondos had grown tired of waiting for me and was taking the pizzas to the
waiting customers' tables. Since I had him to take care of that, I took the chance to pick up the old
phone on the desk and dial my uncle. If I'm going to get this place running, I need to get it finished.

"Why the hell didn't you have all of this before opening? What did I give you money for?"

My uncle lectured me after telling him about the store only having Baby. I groaned and shook my

"I'm sorry, but I was more focused on getting Baby here and getting her fixed." I replied. "We got
the pizza kits and the soda, but I didn't really stop and think about anything else."

"Did you even get the new tables?" He asked. "Last time we talked, you were more focused on
getting those old posters hung up. You let your nostalgia get in the way of your business, kid!" He
said. I simply groaned louder. "Quit being a spoiled fucking brat!" He yelled. I had to move the
phone away from my ear until the pain from the loud sound subsided. "I'll help you this one last
time, but after this, you're on your own until you can prove to me that you can be a professional!"

"Okay, okay!" I replied. "Thank you! This is all I'll need to get going, I promise!" I tried to assure
him. "I just need some games and a few other things and I'll be set!"

"You'd better be." My uncle snapped at me. I heard a dial tone seconds later. I sighed and hung up
the phone. Going by the past, my bank account should be updated right about ... now. I'll have to
grab my phone from the kitchen and check. I looked over at the monitor one last time, and I froze
at what I saw: kids had stormed the stage and were exploring Baby, with two boys hanging off her
arms and a girl trying to pry the microphone out of Baby's hand. Mike, still in character as Freddy,
was waving his arms in an attempt to get the kids' attention and off of her. I ran out into the dining
room as fast as my feet would carry me.
No one touches my Circus Baby except me.

Why was I thinking like this again?!

"Okay kids, that's enough!" I said loudly, causing the parents and kids to look towards me as the
source of a new noise. I looked at the parents as I walked towards the stage. "If you folks could?" I
knew it was a bad idea to ask people to mind their own children, but I don't care about people
leaving if it means their damn spawn get off of my clown girl. One of the mothers nodded and
stood up, walking to the stage.

"Get off the robot, Gary!" She yelled. A blonde boy hanging on Baby's left arm let go. "Get down
here and eat your pizza, right now." The mother demanded. Gary nodded and climbed down off
the stage, returning to a table where two girls who looked to be his age were sitting. A man who I
assumed to be his father groaned and placed a hand on his face, shaking his head in embarassment
at his son.

The other boy hanging on Baby was my cousin's son, Steven. With the kid being a member of my
family, I could freely pull him off of Baby, taking care to be gentle and not risk him pulling her
arm out of socket. The red-haired girl who was trying to steal Baby's microphone was also my
relation, letting me scoop her up in my right arm and carry her off the stage. I placed the kids on
the floor, watching them return to their parents. As I thought, none of their parents noticed they
were missing and continued staring at their cell phones.

I looked at Baby, who was still moving around and singing as if nothing had happened. For a robot
that was boasted about being advanced by the company, I was surprised that she didn't say
anything about the kids touching her. When Baby's head turned and she looked at me, both of her
eyes flickered for a split second and turned that familiar green before returning to blue as she
started to talk about her favorite pizza toppings to the few kids who were still interested. I suddenly
felt very uncomfortable. That color change couldn't have been a glitch; that shit was on purpose.
She looked into my eyes before doing it.

I pulled out my cell phone to check the time; a little over an hour had passed since we opened. The
more I thought about it, I was surprised that so many parents would visit a pizza place this early in
the morning and not around lunch time--oh well, whatever. It's money for me. Speaking of money,
how are these people going to pay me? Do we even have a cash register somewhere?

"Hey, do we even have a cash register?" I asked Anondos as I walked into the kitchen. He groaned
in frustration.

"You want me to run your fuckin' pizzeria for you?" He snapped at me. "Yes, we have a register,
it's on the prize counter!"

"... The what now?" I asked. Anondos walked past me and grabbed my shirt collar, yanking me out
of the kitchen and into the dining room. He pointed across the room to a gray counter near the
opposite wall. It had a glass display case which was empty, and an old-looking cash register on top.
Why didn't I have someone guarding that? "Is there money in that?"

"Probably not, we haven't earned any!" Anondos gave me a forceful push forward. "Go figure it
out, dude!" I nodded and briskly walked across the room, lifting up on a door keeping the counter
closed and stepping inside. How did I fail to notice this whole counter before? That explains what
the big gray thing was that the guys fixing up the place were putting in. I looked at the register; it
looked like one from an old mom n' pop shop. Next to it was a more modern-looking credit card
machine, with a phone cable sticking out of the top and trailing down to the wall, going inside of a
hole on the bottom.
Standing behind the counter, I took a chance to get a good look at the entire room. The old parody
movie posters in new frames on the walls, the new round and rectangular tables and new seats,
with crappy-looking banners hanging on the walls. The banners made of printed paper in black-
and-white looked hideous compared to the posters and new paint job on the walls. The pictures of
Freddy on them were almost completely black from the lack of printer ink, making him look like
some kind of 'nightmare' Freddy. I certainly wouldn't want to see the damn thing in my dreams.

Focus! You're not here to talk about the pictures on the walls! You need to get this business
figured out!

Okay, so we do have a way to take money. The glass case meant to hold prizes was completely
empty save for a glass shelf to easily display different things. Behind me were two long, wooden
shelves on the wall meant to hold plush toys or bigger items to catch kids' eyes. I remember plush
toys of Freddy and his friends from my childhood; I wonder if they still make those for the
different restaurants. As I started to examine the cash register, I glanced over at the stage--no one
was trying to climb on Baby. Good.

It felt like hours, but eventually every family paid for their food and left. It was a blessing that
every single one of them used a credit card, as I didn't have a cent in the register.

"What a day!" Mike exclaimed as he walked into the dining room in his regular clothes. "Those
kids were a handful!"

"Yeah, and it's totally fun having a boss that has no fucking clue what he's doing!" Anondos added
sarcastically. I glared at him.

"Shut up!" I snapped at him. "Let's go get those uniforms for tomorrow." The two nodded and all
three of us headed for the office.

Inside those boxes from earlier were indeed uniforms. Black pants and bright, ugly-looking purple
shirts with Freddy's face on the back with 'Freddy Fazbear's Pizza' written around it. On the front
were different characters on the shirts; some had Chica, some had Bonnie, and some had Foxy or
Freddy. Besides the character art, the character's name was written under their picture in a fancy
text similar to the Hollywood sign. I tossed Mike a Freddy shirt and Anondos a Foxy one, grabbing
a Chica one for myself.

"Just grab what you want later on if you don't like it." I said, digging through the boxes. "There's
gotta be at least a dozen sets in here." Any job I worked at in the past required the employee to
provide their own pants, but there had to be pairs of every size in these boxes. I had half a mind to
swipe a few pairs for myself. "I'm not going anywhere tonight, I have a lot of phone calls to make."
I thought out loud as I pulled out shirts and pants.

"You have fun with that." Mike replied. "Say, can I try the Bonnie suit tomorrow?"

"Go for it." I said. "Should have the same air conditioning as Freddy. Switch whenever you want,
unless we need one particular." Mike nodded and put his shirt and pants under his arm.

"See ya tomorrow, boss." He said. "Are we really gonna open at eight every morning? Ain't that
kinda early for pizza?"

"I'm not worried about that right now." I replied. "This place is nothing more than a bunch of tables
and a robot right now. I need to get it looking like a real Freddy's before I fuck up even more. Just
be here at eight and we'll figure it out."
"You should have this all figured out already." Anondos said. "You're treatin' this like a game more
than a business, dude. Corporate's gonna be on your ass if we keep treatin' this place like
somewhere to hang out."

"You think I haven't noticed that?!" I yelled without intending to. "I've never run my own place
before! It ain't easy!"

"Ain't easy? You don't do anything!" Anondos yelled back. "Mike entertains the kids, I cook the
food, you just stay in the office all day beatin' off to your fuckin' robot!"

"I do too do shit!" I argued. "I'm ... the one who opens in the morning." I muttered. "W-Well, I got
my uncle to help get the inside of the store fixed up! I got Baby repaired!"

"You didn't! Your uncle did!" Anondos corrected me. "All you did was throw his money at the
right people! You're more concerned about gettin' killed by the robot you just had to fucking have
in here!"

"Fuck you!" I yelled. "I'll show you! I'll have so much shit done tomorrow that it'll be an entirely
different place!"

"Whatever!" Anondos snapped at me. "I'm out of here! I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Yeah!" I angrily replied. "Thanks for your help today! I appreciate it!"

"No problem!" Anondos flipped me off, sounding just as angry. "Anytime! See ya!" with that, he

Did we just make up in the same argument?

I sighed and walked out to the front door, locking it and dropping the Faz-key into my pocket. I
turned, seeing that Baby was still moving around in an idle mode, looking around for a kid to
entertain. I sat on the edge of the stage, watching her move until she happened to look in my

"You're my friend Anon!" Baby exclaimed. "I'm so happy to see you!"

"Yeah, you too." I replied. "It feels like you're my only friend anymore. I know you don't
understand a word I'm saying, but I'm glad you're here."

"That's my favorite!" Baby replied. I have no idea what she thinks I said. "Do you like songs,
Anon? I would love to sing a song for you! Freddy taught me this one!"

"No, Baby." I said. Surprisingly, the song didn't begin. I turned to look at her and met her eyes;
they flickered from blue to green. Baby's pigtails bobbed up and down and she moved her
microphone to her mouth. "What's up with you?" I asked, as if she would reply. "Are your eyes
broken or somethin'? They keep turning green when you see me. Do you actually understand me?"

"Oh, I love that ..." Baby said, with a sultry tone of voice. "That's one of my favorite grown-up

Again?! I took a deep breath and shook my head. I'd might as well see how far this goes since I
have the privacy.

"I didn't even touch your clit for grown-up mode." I said. "Seems like your eyes only turn green
around me. Are green eyes what you use when you're actin' like this? Why the hell do you even
have a clit?"

"That sounds very fun." Baby replied. Her voice was already giving me a bulge in my pants. "I'd
love to play that game with you, Anon."

"I wish I knew what was going on in that metal head of yours." I said with a sigh. "Look, if you're
alive in there, just tell me. I won't get rid of you."

"Oh, I'm very good with my hands!" Baby casually replied. She moved the hand holding her
microphone up and down incredibly fast, enough that I could hear the mechanical sounds from her
movement louder than usual. I ignored that she just made a handjob motion, but it was extremely
difficult to do so.

"Some poor woman had to record that line for you to say that." I said. "That's pretty messed up,

"Not necessarily." Baby replied. "It's possible that my voice just comes from me, not a person."

"I guess." I casually replied.

I paused.

"Wait." I could feel my right eye twitch. "B-Baby, what did you just say?"

Her green eyes looked like they were trying to pierce me and look into my soul. She had a smile on
her face, but it was different than the usual smile she put on for the kids; this was a smirk. I slowly
stood up, or tried to, but my quivering legs made that difficult. My first instinct was to run and
never return, but the look in her eyes made me stay. I was thinking with my dick and too curious to
see what comes next.

"No one will believe you." Baby said. "I see what's happening down there." Her gaze moved down
to my crotch. "I know you looked at me."

"How are you talking like this?" I asked. "There's no ghost inside of you. I checked!"

"A robot doesn't need to have a soul inside of them to ... well, have a soul, silly." Baby replied.
"Surely you've heard of robots coming alive."

"This doesn't make sense." I said. "Tyler's fucked you up somehow, that piece of shit. I'm callin'
the cops tomorrow."

"Tyler did nothing that I didn't want him to do." Baby said. "It was easy to make him think he was
fixing me ... instead, he allowed me to think for myself." So she had some kind of intelligence?
That was how she was doing this? That made a little sense, but all of this was still becoming crazier
to believe by the second. "My friends and I could always think, you know ... even before the
rumors. Just because a robot can speak doesn't mean there's something supernatural going on."

This is the definition of supernatural!

I thought back to that movie with the weird robot who suddenly became 'alive' and this was just
accepted by everyone. What was he called, again? Stevie six? Short fuse? Suddenly the movie
seemed more like a documentary. I couldn't believe this was happening. The Circus Baby I wanted
in here so badly, the one I dreamt about coming on to me ... was actually coming on to me. I'm
dreaming, right? That must be it! I slapped myself across the face.
It hurt. This wasn't a dream.

So there's no dead person or ghost inside of her, she just has robot intelligence and can speak.
That's way better than having a dead person inside, I guess. At least I won't have to worry about my
Freddy's meeting the same fate as the one that has all of the lore tied to it. I can either accept it or
ship her off. If I wanted to play it safe, I should call someone and have her out of here in less than
an hour. However, she kept gazing from my face to my crotch, and slowly moved her microphone
hand up and down.

Keeping her around couldn't hurt.

Chapter 12
Chapter Summary

Anon and Circus Baby share an intimate moment and things happen that he never
could have expected.

I didn't take my eyes off of Baby as I unzipped my pants. She used her free hand, clenching it into a
fist and slowly moving it up and down, staring at me with those bright, green eyes and a smirk on
her face. As I pushed down my pants to my knees and began to awkwardly waddle closer to her,
Anondos's warning was screaming in my mind: "Don't fuck the robot!"

Technically, I'm not fucking the robot. The robot is just jerking me off. That's not the same thing. I
looked down at Baby's shiny, white metal hand, seeing her fingers and thumb together as she
pumped back and forth at the air. The idea of my dick in that hand while she looked into my eyes
and assured me with that silky-smooth voice that everything would be okay ... the idea of it made
my cock throb hard enough that it peeked out from the flap in my boxers.

"There's my grown-up toy," Baby said, looking down at my dick. "Bring that over here so we can
play a fun game, won't you?" I looked down at Baby's feet for a moment, realizing I had never
actually bolted her down as the movers recommended. Baby's head moved down and followed my
gaze. "Oh, are you curious? Here." She took a single step forward, lifting her left foot. "I suppose I
can just come to you, if you would prefer."

She could walk. Holy shit, she could walk. She could fucking walk.

I should run. I should run very far. How could I forget that the robots could walk even back when I
was a kid? I looked up at her as she approached me, her eyes flickering as she reached out for my
erect, throbbing dick with an open hand.

"Are you ready? Circus Baby loves nothing more than to put on a great show ...," she cooed,
smiling at me. We kept walking forward, getting closer with each step. If I was going to back out
and bail, this was the time to do it. Her hand was getting closer, so I only have a few seconds. Her
fingers were wrapping around my shaft, so I don't have much time.

She grabbed my dick with a very gentle grip; not a squeeze or pinch, and no pain whatsoever. I
could hear mechanical whirring noises as she began to slowly pump her hand back and forth,
jerking me off while our eyes met. Her hand was cold and clammy to the touch from the metal, but
the cold combined with the warmth of my dick. It created a sensation that I have never felt before,
but one that sent shivers of pleasure throughout my body. I shivered from her touch at first, but as
she continued to move her hand, my dick started to rise in her grasp, pointing up as she sped up her

"I can't believe it took you so long." Baby commented as her hand pumped back and forth. "I
thought once you found my secret power button, you would have jumped at the chance ... instead,
you were a coward." I didn't appreciate being taunted, but I also didn't dare argue and risk losing
this incredible feeling. "I thought I had dropped enough hints for you ... my eyes changing in color
when I saw you, or trying to speak when we were alone ... but you just didn't get it. You were just a
dummy ... and now, here we are."
Looking back on things now, I surprised myself that I didn't panic further. For all of the constant
fear and whining about the past and about the reputation the company had, one would think that I
would have had Baby shipped as far away as possible the night she said my name without being
powered on. But no, my lower brain had to keep taking over as I kept wondering what might be if I
left her around. I'm incredibly lucky that she's simply stroking my dick instead of trying to crush it
or pull it off.

"F-Faster ...," I stammered. I heard Baby giggle as her hand sped up, as the sounds of gears moving
faster flowed into my ears. Something about that sound, partnered with knowing it was caused by a
robot's handjob, made my erection throb harder in her hand. As I asked, Baby's speed gradually
increased, to the point where her hand was nothing more than a white blur when I looked down.
My legs started to quiver from her incredible speed and my knees grew weak; it took everything I
had to not collapse and risk her accidentally pulling on me too hard. "I'm gonna cum ...!"

"Oh, you are?" Baby casually asked, as if this was a normal part of my day. "You're going to
ejaculate all over your animatronic clown girl's hand? You're going to ... cum ... from Circus Baby's
hand?" She paused before saying 'cum,' which struck me as odd; if she had the programming to
pleasure men, wouldn't she know how to talk dirty? Referring to herself in the third person was
cute and added more appeal as her hand continued to furiously pump back and forth. "Please do. I
want to try a human's ice cream."

That sounded so cliche and lame, but I didn't care - I was too close!

"I'm actually glad that things are finally in the open." Baby casually spoke as she frantically moved
her hand back and forth. "Of course, not another soul would believe you ... imagine, a pizzeria
robot, being able to speak freely and give her owner sexual favors? You would be called insane ...
and maybe you are?" She was trying to get into my head now, and I wasn't sure why. "I'm simply
teasing, of course." She giggled, which made me uncomfortable. "Now, before you cum in my
hand, I want you to know ... I am grateful that you've given me another chance to do what I love. I
love entertaining children and making their lives happy ... and for that reason, I will always make
you happy, Anon."

I couldn't get a good read on this. First she taunted me, now she's saying everything is fine? And
she's still jacking me off? Should I just wait until I actually wake up (which I was still partially sure
would happen) or just roll with it? Either way, this was actually happening. I couldn't just go back
and remove the fact that I let Circus Baby give me a handjob and was about to bust from it.
Besides, if I keep worrying about her, I'll never get the restaurant going, and ... I couldn't think
about that right now! It felt too fucking good! That look in her eyes, and her hand moving so fast,
and ...!

I let out a loud, satisfied sigh as my muscles tensed up, shooting a stream of cum onto her chest and
above the fan on her stomach, while the rest dribbled onto her fingers and hand. I watched my cum
run down her red chest and stomach; it was the hottest thing I had ever seen in the past two
minutes. As my sigh turned into a loud, long grunt of pleasure and my orgasm subsided, Baby's
hand slowed down as well, gradually pumping slower and releasing her grip as I calmed down.

Once I was able to come down from my post-orgasm high, something struck me thoughts: what if
my cum got into her stomach fan thing? Would that ruin her?

"Oh fuck." I muttered. "I need a paper towel." I looked at Baby. She tilted her head in curiosity.
"Let me get you cleaned up really quick." I explained. "I don't want you breaking before I can
figure this out."

"Okay. Thank you." Baby replied with a nod. I watched as she lifted her arm, putting her hand to
her eyes and examined my cum running down her palm and fingers. "I do not think getting semen
inside my hand would be particularly good for my functions."

"Probably, but ... can I get it inside somewhere else?" I asked. I had completely forgotten the
subject at hand and let my dick take over again. Baby's green eyes flickered, but she didn't look
very amused.

"Please, help me get clean first." Baby said. I quickly nodded and jumped from the stage, or tried
to; forgetting my pants were down, I fell from the stage in a bellyflop and landed flat on my face.

"Fuck!" I yelled, muffled by the floor. I clumsily picked myself back up and corrected my pants,
dashing into the office to find the closest thing I could to a paper towel: one of the new employee
shirts in the boxes of uniforms. I ran back out and stepped up on the stage, gently wiping the cum
from Baby's body, hand, and fingers. "You should be good ... I think." I nodded. "I should probably
go read about how to get rid of smells though, if this becomes regular ..." I muttered those last

"Oh?" Baby asked, looking at me. "Would you like this to become regular? I can give you service
at any time, whenever I'm not entertaining." Baby said. I felt my cock begin to grow in my pants
again already. I just nodded without saying a word. "That would be fantastic." Baby said with a
smile. "I can perform both of my functions every day. That would be a perfect life."

"Why do you even have that second function?" I asked.

"Well, being an animatronic for Fazbear entertainment, my job is to entertain children and-" Baby
started to explain, but I held up my hand to interrupt her.

"You know what I meant." I replied with a sigh, shaking my head. "Why do you know anything
whatsoever about sex?"

"Oh, that." Baby nodded. "I was repaired in the same facility used to manufacture sexual aids for
men, and learned from there that my other function is-" Baby started speaking Japanese after that
last word, which flew completely over my head. When she stopped explaining, she looked at me
with a smile. "Does everything make sense, now?"

"Yes." I replied with a nod. Didn't understand a thing she said, but some of the words sure sounded
dirty. "I had better get back to the office, Baby. I have some stuff to work on before we open
tomorrow." I stood up and hopped off the stage, turning to look at her. "It's been really ... really
awesome ... to actually meet you." I blushed, smiling at her. "What happens now?"

"You're the manager." Baby replied. "Whatever you want to happen." She started to walk forward.
I just watched in awe as she took one step off the stage, then another, and was standing on the floor
in front of me. This was one of the biggest things I had feared happening if I ended up getting a
Freddy robot, but right now I couldn't be more thrilled. "At night, I will turn to this mode and assist
you in any way. When I have guests, I will do my job and sing for them. Is that satisfactory with

"That's perfect." I replied. I turned to walk towards the office and heard loud, heavy stomping
behind me. The floor shook with each step--Baby probably weighed at least 400 pounds, after all.
"Are ... are you coming with me?" I asked, turning around and stopping in my tracks.

"May I? Baby asked. "I have never seen the pizzeria besides my stage. I am very curious. I promise
not to break anything."
"Uh ..." I paused, trying to think quickly on what could possibly go wrong. Maybe I could get a
handjob in a different room than where I got the first one. That might be pretty neat. "Sure, come
on." I agreed. "Just be careful."
Chapter 13
Chapter Summary

Anon finally orders more things to get the pizzeria bringing in money ... with Baby's
accidental help.

In the office, I tossed the cum-stained shirt under my desk. When Baby stepped in behind me, she
looked around the same room and was in complete awe of it all. It was nothing more than a desk,
control panel, and wall-mounted monitor, but she acted like it was some kind of pizzeria nirvana.

"This room ... is where you stay?" Baby asked. "It looks very nice."

"Well, I don't stay here all night." I corrected her. "This is where I do my work while you entertain
the kids." I sat down at the desk and reached for the computer tower, powering it on and waiting
for it to boot up incredibly slowly. "I have to order some stuff for the store. You can look around if
you want, just be careful."

"Yes." Baby replied with a nod, and started to walk forward. The room shook slightly with each
step, and without turning I could tell where she was headed. First, she stopped at the control panel.
I heard whirring sounds as her head and arms moved, I assume to examine the thing. "What is
this?" she asked.

"Oh, that's what I use so you'll know which show to play for the kids." I replied. "But now that
we're here ... is that how it really works, or is it just for show?"

"I am only in this free-roaming mode because you used my secret power button." Baby explained
as she looked at the panel. "When I am entertaining children, I am only aware of my conversations
with them, and what I am programmed to do. I am essentially a 'regular' animatronic entertainer
without you, Anon." That sounded more creepy than reassuring and I still wasn't sure if I believed
her. Hell, I still wasn't ruling out waking up in my bed with a wet spot on my sheets.

"So you're telling me that I can keep you in 'regular' mode by powering you off using that button
again?" I asked. Baby remained silent. I smirked; she accidentally told me how to shut her up and
stop her from having a mind. "Don't worry, I love having you around like this. I think it'll be great."
I said, starting to load up the catalog on the computer.

"I agree." Baby said. I heard her stomping towards me, pausing behind my chair. "What are you
using this computer for?" She asked.

"Well, we need to have games and better things for guests." I explained. "I have to use the
computer to order that stuff and wait until it gets sent to us. Would you like to help me?"

"I would enjoy that." Baby replied. She leaned down to get a better look at the screen, and placed a
hand on my shoulder. I expected the weight of her hand to press down and possibly break
something in me, but surprisingly I didn't feel much pressure at all; I guessed that she used the
same kind of gentle touch that she did on me earlier. I quietly sighed in relief, but she either didn't
notice or ignored it.
"We only have two video games to choose from, so we'll get both of those." I said, clicking on
Fruity Maze and Midnight Motorist to purchase them. As I scrolled through the different
categories, I saw a few things that caught my eye: a ride that consisted of two rockets, appropiately
named 'Riding Rockets.' They looked safe enough, and I thought they were cool. I'll just grab those
as well. A basketball game called 'Carnival Hoops' came next; I loved those little "throw the ball in
the hoop and win a whole one ticket" games from my childhood.

Clicking around again, I moved from 'Smiles and Servos, Inc.' to 'Stan's Budget Tech.' Weird
names for stores, but there isn't anything about this whole night that hasn't been weird. I quickly
bought a very fancy-looking set of foil plates, cups, and party hats, all with a shiny and colorful

"Hey Baby," I asked, turning around to face her. Her head slowly turned to look at me. "I think
your stage is pretty big for just you on it. Do you want a different one?" Baby's green eyes
flickered at my question, as if she was excited. "I'll take that as a yes." I smiled.

"I like that one." Baby pointed. I gulped when I saw her arm slowly move past my head and her
index finger extend towards the screen. I looked back to the screen, seeing that was pointing at a
one-robot stage with a curtain covering it. Spotlights pointed at the curtains on both sides to light
up whoever was performing, and two large speakers sat to the left and right on the floor. Five red,
round, swivel chairs were in front of the stage, and on the very top were two bright, golden stars.

If memory served, this was the same kind of design that 'Pirate Cove' had back when I was a kid.
Foxy, a pirate fox animatronic with a hook for one hand and an eyepatch over his left eye, stayed
behind the curtain and never worked right. I was never very interested in him because I never
actually got to see him move.

"You do?" I asked. "The curtain is pretty, but the whole thing looks kind of cheap. Do you really
want something that small?" I looked at her again. Baby had leaned in much closer to me, with her
head directly beside mine. Her head turned, and she began to whisper in my ear. I could see her
eyes flicker out of the corners of my own.

"That curtain will hide me from the guests." Baby whispered. "We can play grown-up games
during the day and they will think that I am powered off."

Click. Purchased.

I couldn't find anything remotely resembling a salad bar or anything meant for the actual food
aspect of the restaurant, nor could I find anything for the prize counter. Just decorations, lights, and
some of the worst excuses for attractions I had ever seen. One of the 'animatronics' was a milk
crate, and another was a broom! No wonder this place closed down!

You know, besides all of the dead people.

I decided to take one last look at the servos category and the budget tech category, since they
seemed to have the coolest stuff. I found a gumball machine that looked like a happy little dude
with arms and a smiling, mouth-open face, and he couldn't actually move. Since he had no feet, the
arms didn't function, he wasn't a threat and couldn't slit throats, he could come in. Offering
gumballs for kids couldn't hurt.

My final purchase (because I was likely running out of money) was probably the most important: a
medical station. As far as I knew, nothing I bought could hurt anyone, but damn if I wasn't gonna
take that chance. Even if I have to install them in another room so parents won't wonder why I even
have them, I'm going to be prepared.
When I exited the catalog, I saw a list pop-up on screen; the tasks I was supposed to do every night
before leaving. I had actually done them a whopping one time; I had no need for more pizza kits,
banners, or anything of the sort. The option for unclogging toilets was a weird one, considering I
didn't know where the bathrooms were. Do we have bathrooms? Legally we have to, right?

"Two-thousand, five-hundred and ninety-five dollars." Baby said. I paused, trying to figure out
what she was talking about.

"Huh?" I asked, spinning around in my chair and facing her.

"That is how much money you just spent." Baby replied. "That's quite a large sum of money. You
must really care about making the restaurant a success."

"Uh, yeah." I said with a nod. I had completely forgotten to check my phone and see how much my
uncle had actually left me. "I'll be right back, Baby. Just wait here, okay?" I ran out of the office as
fast as I could, almost tripping over my own feet before I reached the kitchen, running to the corner
and grabbing my phone off the floor. After a few taps on the screen, I could feel the color begin to
leave my face.

The son of a bitch had only left me a hundred bucks and a message. The note read "I called
corporate about your food issues. Only buy something small as a start. Learn responsibility." So
since my uncle waits until I'm an adult to teach me about handling money, I'm $2,495 in the hole.
Will all of this stuff even get delivered? I frantically tapped to access my e-mail, hoping I would
get something, anything at all, to calm my nerves.

'Smiles and Servos, Inc.: Order accepted' and 'Stan's Budget Tech: Order accepted' were two of the
subject lines in my long list of unread messages. Just before I could exit out, two new messages
popped up above them: more e-mails from the same company, only with 'items shipped' in their
subjects. Why would online stores ship this late at night?

I walked back into the office to see Baby waiting on me. She had her hands behind her back and
looked at the floor.

"Is everything okay?" I asked. Baby slowly looked up at me. The blush circles around her mouth lit
up, as if she was actually blushing in embarassment.

"I ... tried to help." Baby replied. "I thought getting the items in a few hours would be better than
waiting days. I ... pushed a few buttons. I'm sorry." Baby sounded genuinely sorry for what she did,
but she looked so cute trying to apologize that I couldn't be angry with her. I looked down at my
phone again and with another few taps, found out I was an additional $3000 in the red from
overnight shipping of so many heavy items.

I knew that even fast shipping probably shouldn't run me that much, but leave it to anyone
associated with Fazbear Entertainment to milk someone's wallet dry.

"It's fine." I said. Baby smiled and slowly approached me, pulling me into a hug. Again, I expected
my windpipe to be crushed, but I barely felt pressure. I reached around and patted her back, feeling
cold metal against my palm. "I should probably call for help, though. Maybe the guys will think-"

What Baby said at the beginning rang through my mind. "No one will believe you." I think she
said that in case I wasn't into it and decided to run, but regardless, she was right. Anondos and
Mike would just think I was completely insane. She didn't need to hold that above me, but I would
rather not risk the guys thinking something was going on.
I wanted her to myself anyway. Even if for some reason she did speak to Anondos or Mike, it
wasn't like anything would happen: Anondos would run like a scared girl and Mike would
probably just put on his Freddy suit and hide in the office. Baby was my secret, and I was glad to
keep it that way.
Chapter 14
Chapter Summary

Anon and Baby spend the night decorating the restaurant. Anon learns that paying
attention helps in life.

E-mail after e-mail lit up my phone screen. I paid no mind to them, at least for the time being; I had
something much more satisfying on my mind.

"Ah ... f-fuck ... cumming!" I groaned in pleasure, reaching down. I grabbed Baby's thick, cold arm
with both of my hands, keeping myself balanced despite my quivering legs. As my seed started to
coat Baby's face, her eyes and cheeks lit up with each shot. She rapidly pumped her free hand on
my dick to finish me off, moving her microphone hand up and down to tease me further while she
was pleasing me.

"How are you feeling?" Baby asked me after pulling away from me. "Do you feel relieved?"

"Well, I did." I replied. I ignored my cock beginning to soften and my pants still on the floor as I
looked at my phone. "The other e-mails said that stuff was coming overnight, but according to this
they're going to be here in less than an hour."

"Oh, that is fantastic!" Baby said happily. "I am very excited. Aren't you, Anon?"

"Oh, uh, sure." I replied, nodding and standing up from my chair, pulling up my pants and adjusting
myself. I reached under the desk and grabbed the same cum-stained shirt from earlier in the night,
gently wiping Baby's face clean. After a few moments, there were no traces of our dark deed. "I'll
have to get some proper cleaning clothes and something to polish you." I said, tossing the shirt
back under the desk. "I'm sorry that this is so gross, but I have to be careful."

"That's okay." Baby said, nodding. "I know you're trying your best." She was way too agreeable to
being wiped down with a used shirt, but I couldn't really complain right now. I had too much to
worry about.

After making sure I looked decent, I walked out into the dining room with Baby clunking at my
heels. When we reached the dining room, I turned to look at her. "Sorry Baby, but you're going to
need to go into guest mode when the movers get here."

"I understand." Baby said with a nod. I watched as she effortlessly stepped back on to the stage,
and returned to her spot in the center. Her pigtails started to bob up and down, and her green eyes
faded out before returning to a kid-friendly blue. She turned to face me, and started to move her
microphone up and down. "W-Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza! My name is Circus Baby!"

"Nice." I said. "You're messing with me now, right? You're still in there."

"I love that song!" Baby replied. She sounded like this entire night hadn't happened. "Do you like
ice cream?" Certainly she's just messing with me. She still has to be in there, or else she would
change since we were alone. I climbed up on stage and walked closer, waving a hand in front of her
"Baby? Circus Baby?" I asked. I was becoming a little confused and concerned. "Come on, Baby.
It's just you and I here. We can ... uh ... p-play grown-up games." I stammered, still cautious to
speak that way out loud. Sure, I had no problem telling her when I was about to shoot all over her
hand, but I just couldn't talk about it out loud.

"Good evening, Anon." Baby's eyes flickered to green and her body seemed to relax, with her arms
casually moving back down. "Have I been asleep very long?"

"That's what this is?" I asked. "You're sleeping when you act like that?"

"Act like what?" Baby asked. "Do you mean my mode for guests? Yes, it's something like that."

"But I thought you being powered down was being asleep?" I asked. The more I got to know her,
the less sense she made. It wasn't really a bad thing, though; it was just more for me to learn. It still
felt somehow magical having this robot come to life for me and me alone. Like an imaginary
friend I could actually have sex with.

"No, that means I'm off. Don't humans turn off at any point?" She asked. There was a childlike
innocence to that question that made me very, very uncomfortable. I decided to not walk into the
typical horror movie cliche.

"No, we don't." I replied. "We just sleep, like you." I wasn't technically lying. We do sleep. After
all, being technically correct is the best kind of correct. Baby quietly nodded and continued to look
at me with interest. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm fine." Baby said with a nod. "I just enjoy spending time with you." I blushed at that, but
shook my head to get my head back in order.

"I like being with you, too." I said, climbing off the stage. "I should go outside and wait on the
deliveries. Will you wait here?"

As I headed back through the hallway, I took some time to think. I blushed at a robot's compliment
just because it looked like a cute girl. Do I have that much shit luck with women that I get nervous
around something that just looks like one? Then again, she actually has the equipment, so ... wait,
what am I thinking about again?

The moment I stepped outside, I jumped back in surprise; two huge trucks were parked outside.
One with 'Servos' written on the side, and another with 'Stan's' across it. Two red-eyed men stepped
out of their trucks, walking towards me. Their bloodshot eyes told me without a word that they
were both tired and pissed.

"You Anon?" One of the men said in a gruff, angry voice. The 'Stan's' hat on his head looked dirty,
and his blue business shirt was barely buttoned. His dark blue jeans were covered in stains I
couldn't place.

"Yeah." I replied. "I'm sorry about you guys coming out this late, it was a mistake on my part."

"I know it was." The Stan's guy angrily replied. "That's what they all say. Please just sign sir." He
shoved a clipboard under my nose. The 'Servos' guy did the same without speaking a word to me.

"Don't you guys work the night shift anyway?" I asked, hastily scribbling my signature on both
papers. "Why are you so tired and pissed?"

"Because we ain't the night shift." The 'Servos' man snapped at me. "The actual night crew from
both our places wouldn't come here after hearing 'Freddy's.' No idea why. Where you want this
shit, buddy?"

I directed them into the dining room. They brought in huge wooden crates, one after another on
two-wheeled dollys and piled them in front of Baby's stage. I looked over at her, seeing her eyes
were blue and she was idly moving around. She looked down at the movers, as if she was studying

"W-Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza!" Baby greeted them. The 'Stan's' guy looked up at her
with a grimace.

"Fuck off, metal hunk'a shit." He replied. Baby remained silent for a moment, but something
unsual started to happen; her face started to vibrate. Out of curiosity (I assume,) the mover stepped
a little closer to the stage and looked closer, examining Baby's face. "What the hell's up with this--
holy fuck!"

The sides of Baby's face shot open, moving to the left and right and revealing the exoskeleton of
her head as she let out a loud hissing noise. Her bright, blue eyes stared at him and her metal teeth
were bared. Her 'skull' was nothing but huge wires all connected into one bunch. The man fell on
his ass, quickly using his hands to pull himself backwards across the floor and away from her.

I thought I was going to piss myself. I jumped back as well, walking backwards fast enough that I
almost tripped on the empty floor. I caught myself on a table and took a moment to breathe. I had
no clue what the hell she was doing, but I couldn't let the guy know that. If he thought I had a wild
killbot in here, things wouldn't end well. I took a deep breath and tried my hardest to look collected.

"The fuck?!" The man turned to look at me with wide eyes full of fear. "The fuckin' fuck?! What
kind of place you runnin' here?!"

"Don't .... piss off my Baby." I smirked, and tried to keep up this attitude through a racing heart. I
knew I probably sounded smug, but I didn't care. I crossed my arms. "Trust me, she won't bite ...

"That ain't funny, asshole!" The mover yelled at me. He slowly stood up, backing away out of the
room and not taking his eyes off of Baby. She had returned to normal, looking innocent and
friendly as her pigtails bobbed up and down. She giggled, presumably at the man's fear. "Y-You
did that, right? That thing ain't like the ones ... from then?"

"Of course I did it myself!" I lied. "It's just a robot, dude. I control everything."

The mover slowly nodded.

"As long as it's safe for kids, just ... just don't do that in front of the kids, man." He said. "I'm gettin'
out of here, you ... you have a good night." He said. Baby stared at him without so much as a blink.
I could see him shivering in fear as he backed into the hallway. I heard him and the other mover
talking for a few moments before "Let's get the fuck outta here!" was yelled by one of them. The
back door slammed soon after.

"What the hell was that?!" I yelled at Baby. "You almost made my heart stop!"

"I was merely defending myself." Baby replied, her eyes back to free-roaming green. "That man
insulted me. That wasn't very nice of him. When I heard that, for some reason scaring him was
what felt correct to do."

"You scared me too!" I shouted angrily. "I thought you were going to kill the dude!"
"Of course not." Baby said, shaking her head. "I would never hurt anyone. I just did not appreciate
him insulting me. When someone insults me, they insult the person who has me here. I certainly
couldn't let him insult you, Anon." The guy didn't insult me, but her non-existent heart was in the
right place. I guess.

"Okay, just ... just don't do that again." I said. I was finally calming down. "Or at least not without
a good reason." It might be a good way to get anyone off my back who got suspicious of our
relationship, and if Baby said she wouldn't hurt someone, I had no reason to not believe her. Even
if this had only been one night, her not crushing my dick took her very far in terms of my trust.

Baby stepped off the stage and approached the huge crates in front of us. She reached for the top of
one of them, and peeled it open without even the smallest effort. I watched in amazement as she
opened each crate, pulling the lids off like they were nothing but weak plastic wrap. Once the tops
were off, the remaining walls of each box fell, showing the different video games and attractions
we had bought.

"So what was up with that little jump scare?" I asked as I started struggling to push the basketball
game across the floor. I could hear the three balls in each stall bouncing around as it moved. "I
thought you were sleeping when you started entertaining guests."

"Yes." Baby gently pushed me aside and lifted the game with both hands. "I wasn't entertaining
guests, though. I was playing pretend. Where would you like this to go?"

'Just playing,' huh? That makes a lot more sense than her just turning into a killbot in the spur of
the moment. It makes me feel a lot more relieved, too; it means I don't need to call those movers
back to take her with them. I looked around the dining room, seeing that the multiple tables didn't
leave much space for anything else. Where could this stuff even go? They were far too big to just
shove in corners.

"Why don't we put them in the play room?" Baby asked. "I believe it is empty."

"The what?" I asked. Baby pointed behind me. I turned around, seeing an open doorway a few feet
away from the locked kitchen door. A painted Foxy face was above it with 'Game Galley' written
under him in large, bold orange letters. When did that get there? Come to think of it, I never
noticed the Chica face above the kitchen door with 'Kitchen' written underneath her in bright
yellow letters. This Chica didn't look like the one I remembered, though; this one had blue eyes and
bright pink cheeks. It looked like she was giving 'bedroom eyes,' at that. For some reason it seemed
like she was drawn to be attractive.

Hey, I already have a boner for the clown robot. Might as well have one for the chicken robot and
go full creep show.

I motioned for Baby to follow me and headed into the play room. I paused after taking a few steps
inside, looking around at the massive room. It had tons of space for arcade games and attractions,
and on the south wall were two more doors: bathrooms. So that's where those damn toilets were. I
stepped aside as Baby followed me inside, still holding the basketball game.

"Just put it over there near the wall." I said, pointing to the west wall. I turned around and looked
up over the doorway, seeing a Freddy face painted on the wall. He looked like the one I
remembered, with a toothy smile and small white eyes with black pupils. Underneath him were
large, black letters that read 'Show Room,' the room I had been referring to as the dining room this
whole time. Huh.

Funny what you'll learn when you start paying attention to your surroundings. It had tables in it
that customers ate off of, so I was technically right. Again, the best kind of right. Baby finished
pushing the basketball game against the wall and walked past me into the show room to get the
next item. I leaned against the doorway and watched her pick up the rocket ride. The two rockets
were attached to a metal base.

"I can help you, ya know." I said as she walked past me.

"No, that's okay. I just enjoy being helpful to you." Baby replied. "Also, this ride had something
extra with it. Here." She handed me some long, sturdy-looking straps with metal hooks at both
ends. Under those straps were two long, gray belts; the ride came with seat belts and tie down
straps! Fantastic! More holding-down means less hurt kids!

When Baby placed the rockets down, I went right to work. The seat belts were easily installed in
the obvious slots in the seats. I tied down the rockets in multiple twists and knots, making sure they
were so secured to the floor that they barely moved. 'Fun' with these isn't really my problem; if
kids don't have a good enough imagination, they don't have to ride the rockets. As long as they
don't go flying out of them, I'm happy.

"What's left, Baby?" I asked. She stood in the doorway, looking out into the show room.

"Two video games, two medical stations that need assembly, a gumball machine, and my new
stage." Baby replied. At mentioning the stage, her voice increased in pitch; she sounded excited,
and it was cute as fuck. "There is also a crate full of plates, cups, and party supplies."

"Okay." I said with a nod. "I'll get all of the party supplies set up on the tables, if you could get the
games and the gumball machine."

As I was placing plates, cups, and sparkly-foiled party hats on the long tables, something fell out of
one of the hats: a piece of paper. I picked it up and began to read, seeing it was a receipt. That
didn't bother me, but what I saw listed did: I was charged for the straps that came with the rockets,
and also for installing a coin slot in the ride, basketball game, and gumball machine. These damn
companies charged for a way to make money?!

I sighed and tossed the paper on the table. I was even more in the red now, but I'd worry about it
later. I looked over at the open crates, seeing that Baby had already moved the bigger items into
the play room. One single small cardboard box still sat on the floor, though. I walked over and
picked it up--it felt sort of heavy, but when I shook it I heard something move. I grabbed a plastic
fork off one of the tables and jammed it into the box, tearing it open.

Hundreds of little copper coins poured out like a waterfall. These were game tokens. No wonder I
couldn't find any by the prize counter. I picked one up, seeing it had a smiling Freddy face in the
center with "1 Fazbear Token" written above him. Below him was "In Freddy We Trust" in cursive
writing. If memory serves, I'm supposed to charge a quarter a piece for these and just collect them
from the games after closing every night. Maybe I'll just tell Mike to do it, it sounds like a pain in
the ass.

Then again, it would be a good excuse to stay after hours with Baby. On second thought, I'll be a
reliable manager and take this on difficult task myself. I swept up all of the tokens into a big pile
on the table with both hands. I'll have to get a jar or a trash can or something to hold these in.
Somehow, I failed to notice Baby's heavy footsteps behind me until I heard something very heavy
hit something else: a loud crashing sound snapped me out of my idle thoughts.

The crash made me turn around on instinct and jump in surprise, seeing Baby had dropped her
new, fully-assembled stage in the center of the original one. She was standing on the small stage,
looking at the curtains and lights with lit-up eyes and a smile. The red seats that were supposed to
sit in front of it were just thrown in the corner. She looked so happy with her new little home that I
didn't want to say anything about them.

Baby smiled as she pulled the curtain to cover her, then pushed it back to reveal her; again, and
again, and again. She cutely giggled every time she saw me before hiding again.

"That ... doesn't look right." I said. Baby peeked out from behind the curtain. Her pigtails drooped a
little. "Did that come with some kind of instruction book?"

"Over there." Baby replied, pointing at another table. It had a small, white paper book sitting at the
edge. I grabbed it and flipped it open, looking for any kind of assembly pictures.

"Yeah, see, this is meant to go with a bigger stage. This is for if we have 5 animatronics." I
explained. "You would have to move that over to the floor. Are you okay with that?"

"Oh dear." Baby sounded unhappy. "If that's the case, we certainly couldn't use this during the day.
People could easily see us from the sides." She was thinking the same thing I was. Maybe I was
rubbing off on her.

"Don't worry about it." I tried to assure her. "I remember seeing a full-size stage that had the
curtain and all this fancy stuff. We'll just use this for now and order that ... when I'm not poor." I
muttered those last few words. Baby resumed looking excited at her new small stage, and
apparently had no intent to move it to the floor. I just hoped the combined weight didn't break the
bigger stage it was all on.

I left her to play with her curtain and returned to the game room, seeing what the final product
looked like. Baby had taken the liberty of plugging everything in, finding outlets that I hadn't seen
during my first look through. The basketball hoops lit up, with numbers on the boarding behind
them. The two table games were making sounds to attract attention, with demos playing on their
screens. The rockets sat secure, but with how much I had tied them down, they weren't going

It ain't much, but it's a start. Now I just hope the extra food bar shows up in the morning and then
I'll have a half-assed restaurant to run. I returned to Baby's now double-stage, sitting on the edge of
the bottom one and resting my feet on the floor. Before I knew what I was doing, I laid back,
looking up and seeing Baby looking down at me.

"Are you going to sleep, Anon?" Baby asked.

"Nah, I won't. I have ... stuff ... to do ..." I trailed off with a yawn. I'm not sure what I had in mind,
but seconds after saying that I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep.
Chapter 15
Chapter Summary

Anon receives a special gift from corporate which threatens to end his business

Chapter Notes

I appreciate all reviews. However, if you are reading this story on multiple websites,
please do not leave the exact same review on both of them. It isn't necessary. I'm
happy you enjoy the chapters, but you don't need to repeat yourself. I see every review.

"You fucking didn't! You horny son of a bitch! Wake the fuck up!"

I was woken by a loud shout and a hard kick to my side. I sat up instantly, rubbing my side and
wincing. I looked up, seeing Anondos standing over me with his arms crossed.

"You horny fucker! I told you not to fuck the robot, and what do you fucking do?!" He continued to
shout at me. I looked over at Baby, seeing she was idly moving around with blue eyes. I looked
back at Anondos, finally paying attention to him; he had on the purple shirt and black pants
uniform, showing him as an official employee. Still need to get those papers done after this
headache passes.

"I didn't fuck her." I replied, trying to sound as casual as possible. "For your information, I
discovered we have a room meant for games and ordered a bunch of stuff to be shipped overnight.
We're now over a thousand bucks in the red." I don't know why I sounded proud of this.

"You what?!" Anondos yelled, reaching down and grabbing my wrist and yanking me up from my
sleeping position. "This is worse than you fucking the robot, which I still think you did!" He let go
of me once I was standing. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. "I mean, the medical booths there were a
good idea, but what the fuck did you do to cost that much?!"

It struck me that I had forgotten to build the medical stations, but there they were, next to the office
hallway door and perfectly constructed. While Anondos continued to rant, I glanced at Baby. She
looked back at me, and winked one of her blue eyes at me along with giving me a wide smile
before resuming staring into space and waving her microphone. Anondos was too busy
complaining to notice.

"I messed up and had stuff delivered last night instead of waiting a week." I said, dusting my pants
off from the dusty stage. "I thought the faster we had them, the better. Did you even go look in that
room?" I pointed past him to the Foxy head painted above the doorway. "Did you even know that
was in there?"

"Yes, I knew, you fucking idiot." Anondos groaned, slapping a hand on his forehead. "Come on,
show me what you bought to bankrupt us." I held out both hands, motioning for him to walk first
and followed him off the stage. We stepped into the game galley and he flipped on a light switch
(which I hadn't noticed and guessed Baby turned off the night before) and looked around. "Well,
you did get some cool shit. The video games should definitely help out when the party gets here."

"The party?" I asked. "What party?" Anondos smiled at my question.

"You know my next door neighbor I'm tryin' ta bang?" He asked. I sighed.

"The one with the husband and the five kids?" I asked. "The one who threatened to get a restraining

"Oh please, that's playin' hard to get." He replied and waved a hand to dismiss me. I groaned in
frustration. "Anywho, turns out one'a her kids is havin' a birthday today and she didn't know where
to go. I told her about us, she had no idea we were even a thing, and I told her we'd give her a good

"You're bitching at me about money when you promised to cut a deal to a married woman you
want to fuck?" I asked. "Get your priorities straight and get the pussy off the pedestal, especially
when it's gonna get you two black eyes." As he walked past me and headed for the kitchen, a new
question came to mind. "How did you get in here, anyway? I have the only key."

"You left the door open, thanks for that." He replied sarcastically. "I'm glad no one tried to steal all
the nothing we have in here. You need to make me a copy of that key if you're gonna sleep in here
more often."

"I dunno if I'm even allowed." I said, reaching into my pocket and grabbing the Faz-key to unlock
the kitchen door. "Hey, why isn't the prize counter in there with the games? Are the tickets already
in them?"

"You're asking me things that you, again, should know." He said, walking past me. "I'm not gonna
start cooking this early. The party ain't until noon and I doubt we're gonna get anyone 'til then. I
saw those tokens on the table, go check if there's tickets in or not. Play a game."

"Good idea." I yawned and handed him the Faz-key. "Here. You're more responsible than I am
with this thing."

"Yeah, I am--hey, do you hear somethin'?" Anondos asked. "Sounded like someone comin' in. I
locked the doors behind me 'til we were ready." He walked past me and through the show room,
heading for the front door. I followed.

"Ah, this looks nice!" An unfamilar man had walked into the restaurant. He wore a very
professional-looking blue suit and matching fedora. His jet black hair stood out from under his hat.
The yellow tie and undershirt really stood out among the dark blue jacket over them. His face
looked like something you would see out of a training video, and his smile made me
uncomfortable. Did he have to show so much teeth?

"May we help you, sir?" I asked, stepping out from behind Anondos. "We're not open for another
..." I looked up at a clock on the wall shaped like Freddy's head. "Ten minutes ago."

"Yes, I'm with Fazbear Enertainment." He said without giving a name. "Look kid, you gave it your
best shot. You went all in, and you put all your eggs in one basket."

"Yeah?" Anondos asked. "What's the problem?"

"You ran out of cash." The smiling man replied. "While we encourage start-ups like yourselves to
follow your dreams, we also recognize a lost cause when we see one."

"Excuse me?" I asked. "A lost cause? Come again, sir?"

"Hey, hey, it's not on me." He replied. "There are no do-overs, and I trust you know your way out."
He said, pointing behind him to the front doors. "Now do everyone a favor, and get lost. Your
uncle isn't going to be happy that you ruined his store."

"Fuck you, buddy!" I argued, my tone a bit too angry and loud than I would've liked. I also
probably shouldn't swear at authority. "I have everything set up and we have a party today. I ain't
goin' nowhere!"

"Don't be like that!" The man tried to reassure me. "You're not going away empty handed!" He
reached into his coat, pulling out a picture frame with a paper inside. "Allow me to present you
with this certificate of bankruptcy, to remind you of what a failure you are."

Anondos took the 'award' from him, turned around, and flung it across the room like a frisbee. We
could hear the glass shatter as it made contact with the wall.

"No." Anondos said. "You are not ruining my chances with this woman today. We're having this
party and we'll make every cent of your goddamn money and then some."

"Hey, I'm just going by what I was told!" The man protested, trying to quell the situation.
Anondos's angry face clearly showed this wasn't working. "You boys need to get lost now. You
have a good day."

"No, you need to get lost." Anondos grabbed the man's shoulders, turning him around and pushing
him towards the door. "You go tell your boss that we aren't leaving and we'll report at the end of
the day with his money. This is gonna be the most popular Freddy's since the original."

"You can chase me off, but you can't fight the future." The man scoffed and straightened his tie as
he stepped outside. "I'll give you boys one day before I tell corporate about your little temper-
tantrum. Prove me wrong, and we're aces."

"That's all we need!" Anondos snapped at him. He tried to dramatically slam the door, but it gently
slid forward and back. He hung his head in embarrassment. "This better work." He muttered at me.
"Please, dude. Don't make me look more like an ass."

"We can do it!" I exclaimed, clenching a fist. "You can count on me! Even though I'm the boss and
should be counting on you!"

Anondos sighed loudly and shook his head.

"Just call Mike already ..." He groaned.

Mike took no time in getting here after I explained everything on the phone. I didn't have him
scheduled to come in until 10 AM (or more of he scheduled himself,) but he brought along a
surprise--his cousin. She was taller than the three of us and had long, flowing blonde hair. Her eyes
were almost as blue as Baby's, and she looked incredibly nervous in her purple Chica shirt and
black pants that stopped before her heels. On her head was a black hat with the Freddy Fazbear's
Pizza logo on it, which I had never seen before. I didn't know how she got a uniform, but I didn't
care; more help is more help.

"Boss, this is Tricia." Mike introduced her. "She used to be a waitress at an old Freddy's a few
years ago. Can she have a job?"
"Here's your interview," I said, looking up at her. "Can you deal with three lazy men and a bunch
of bratty kids who keep wanting to jump on my robot?" I motioned over to Baby. Tricia looked
over and grimaced at the sight of Circus Baby, and looked somewhat nervous.

"I ... I guess," She replied. "I'm just serving food, r-right? I don't need to ... touch that." She pointed
towards Baby with a trembling hand. I smiled, but made sure she didn't see.

"Nope, you stay far, far away from my--I mean, from Circus Baby." I said with a nod. "I just need
you to be friendly and give people their food. That's all." I extended my hand, and she slowly took
it in her own hand and shook it. "Welcome to the team, Tricia. I'm Anon, and I'll be your manager.
Now then, where did you get that hat?"

Anondos smacked me in the back of the head.

"Ow! The hell?!" I glared at him.

"They came in the box, jackass." He replied. "Do you not think we're not supposed to wear hats or
hair nets when we're dealing with food?"

"You didn't." I snapped at him. "Don't sound so bitchy."

"Because we didn't have them back then." Anondos reached into his back pocket and pulled out the
same black hat, adjusting it on his head. "I keep my hair clean and I'm not shedding, but still. It's
much more sanitary this way. Go get one."

I agreed to go grab a hat, but there was something I wanted to do first. Tricia seemed
uncomfortable at just the sight of Baby, but I had to see how far that went. She wouldn't like it, but
even if I didn't do this she would have to get close to her at some point.

"Tricia, I need you to come with me." I said. "Mike, go grab whatever suit you want. Anondos, uh
... we're supposed to be getting more food stuff in today. I don't know if that's gonna happen due to
that." I pointed at the wall, where a piece of glass had wedged itself into and made a hole in the
blood-red paint. The 'certificate of bankruptcy' laid on the floor. "So can you make a trip to the
grocery store?"

"You want me to use store food to feed people?" He asked. "Isn't that against some kind of rule?"

"Probably." I said. "I'll have to pay you back. Get somethin' good."

Anondos grumbled under his breath as he walked out the door. I heard something like "stupid
asshole" before he left.

"W-What do you need, sir?" Tricia asked as I lead her deeper into the show room, towards Baby's
stage. She hesitated. "Do I have to? Please?"

"I'm sorry, but it's going to happen eventually." I said. "Circus Baby is a big part of our crew.
Would you rather have to do this in front of people? She's just a robot. She won't hurt you." At the
mention of her name, Baby turned to look at me. Her blue eyes lit up and her pigtails bobbed as she
moved both arms up and down.

"G-Good morning, Anon!" Baby greeted me. "Welcome to F-Freddy Fazbear's P-P-Pizza! Would
you like some breakfast pizza?"

"Good morning to you, Baby!" I cheerfully replied. "This is Tricia. She's a new member of our
team, and our first waitress!" Behind me, I heard Tricia breathing heavily.
"Why are you telling it my name?!" Tricia asked, hiding behind me. It was kind of cute seeing her
have to crouch down to my level to be behind me.

"She can't understand me." I explained. "She knows song requests and can answer yes and no
questions. Watch." I stepped up on stage next to Baby. Tricia froze in place like she had cement
shoes. "Baby, do you think Tricia will be good for our team?" I asked.

"O-Oh yes! I love that!" Baby replied. Tricia raised an eyebrow. Baby turned to look at her, and all
of the color drained from Tricia's face. "So let's get friendly! Do you like ice cream?" Baby asked

"Y-Yes." Tricia replied. "I-I like banana splits ..."

"Oh, I love that!" Baby replied. "I like chocolate! Would you like to hear a song?"

"No ..." Tricia muttered. "Mr. Anon, can I please go get ready? Please?" She had tears in her eyes. I
sighed and nodded.

"Sure." I said. The look in Tricia's eyes was like you just told her she won the lottery. "Just
remember, she's a robot. She isn't going to hurt you or move from this spot." I pointed down at
Baby's double stage. "Look, if you ever get really bothered, tell me and I'll do this." I reached for
the curtain and pulled it around Baby, hiding her from the room. As if on cue, Baby stopped
moving and her glowing eyes dimmed. "See? She's sleeping."

"She knows to do that?" Tricia asked. "T-That's kinda cool." I didn't tell her that Baby was
probably just pretending at this point until the kids arrived, but considering I still wasn't 100% sure
on how that worked, it would be more trouble than it was worth right now. "I'm gonna go get
ready." Tricia made a beeline for the kitchen, slamming the door behind her. I looked at Baby,
crossing my arms.

"I know you're not in kid-mode." I muttered, stepping on to her smaller stage. "Please, try not to
scare her. I don't know what her deal is." Baby's eyes flickered green when she turned to face me.

"I would never." Baby whispered teasingly. Her eyes returned to blue and she turned forward.

"Nice job on sleeping behind the curtain." I complimented before stepping off the big stage.

"T-Thank you! I love that song too!" Baby replied, idly moving left and right. With Baby
introduced and hopefully tamed, I figured it was a good time to grab my own hat and make sure
everything was in order before we started preparing for the party. Since Baby had a birthday party
DVD from when I first got her, today would be the perfect chance to try it out.

Baby had a good idea, too. If I'm gonna keep opening this early, maybe we should serve breakfast
pizza. It would be a good pull to get people coming in the morning. As I walked through the office
hall, I saw that Mike had chosen the Bonnie suit for today. I looked around, seeing no trace of the
giant purple rabbit anywhere. I walked into the office and sat down in front of the computer,
looking around my messy desk for the stack of Baby's show discs and the instruction book on how
to throw a proper birthday party.

Apparently, holding a birthday party meant we were supposed to provide a free cake. I don't know
the first thing about baking, and Anondos wasn't back yet. In addition to that, we needed party hats
which I had ordered last night; one thing down.

The book mentioned to have the animatronics sing the birthday song and told me the proper disc
for that, and also that the 'walk-in birthday' disc was meant for random times that a kid came in and
said it was their birthday. Baby would definitely be busy today, that's for sure.

"For party supplies, see the box marked 'party supplies' that arrived with this book." I read out loud.
I looked around my dingy office, seeing nothing but the control panel and monitor on the wall. Out
of the corner of my eye, I saw a broken, ripped box hiding behind the corner of the controls. I
slowly bent down and grabbed it, pulling it out and seeing a crumpled tablecloth and banner
sticking out. After unwrinkling the tablecloth, I saw that it had a picture of Freddy's band throwing
a party with 'Happy Birthday!' written all over it. The banners had the same picture.

Why was everything in this damn place either hidden or thrown away? Why couldn't anything be
Circus Baby-themed instead of covered in this damn bear? Kids are gonna start wondering where
these characters are eventually, and Mike's suits are only going to appease them for so long.

"For a birthday, each guest recieves ten free tokens. Remember that even without a birthday party,
each paying customer recieves five free tokens. Extra tokens can be purchased for twenty-five
cents each." I read. Thank God none of the parents from my test day questioned where their free
stuff was. At least now I had the tokens taken care of. I took the entire box of party supplies and
headed out of the office back into the show room, dropping it on one of the tables. I looked around,
trying to find any sign of Bonnie; nothing.

"Mike?" I asked. "Where are you?"

"Mr. Anon?" Tricia piped up. I looked over at the kitchen, seeing her head sticking out and her
hand pointing towards the game room door. I nodded and walked over, peeking past the doorway
and seeing Bonnie standing in front of the basketball game, tossing the little orange balls into the
hoops (or trying to.) With each failure thanks to his bulky purple paws, he grabbed another token
and awkwardly shoved it inside the slot.

"Havin'a fun game, bunny boy?" I asked, leaning against the wall next to the machine. Bonnie, or
now Mike, jumped back in surprise. He pulled the rabbit head off, his entire face red.

"Boss, I was just testin' it!" He said. "Did you know I can kinda grab stuff with these hands?" Two
of the 'fingers' on his right paw clamped down. "It can't do much, but it lets me hand out tokens to
kids. Ain't that sweet?"

"Sure." I said. I walked over to his hoop and looked down, seeing a line of tickets had poured out of
the machine. "Hey, you won three tickets." I commented. I was more glad that tickets were already
inside than I was angry about him goofing off. Then again, what did I expect him to do? "Ditch the
suit for now, we gotta do some decoratin'."

Mike saluted me with one huge, purple hand and walked into the office hall to remove his suit. I
rolled my eyes and sighed with a smile, beginning to unload the party box. I glanced at Baby, who
looked back at me.

"Prepare for a busy day, Baby." I said with a smile. "We're gonna have a long one."
Chapter 16
Chapter Summary

After setting up for the restaurant's first birthday kid, Anon and Anondos get a very
unwelcome party guest.

If there's one good thing I could say about the day, it was that the birthday party went off without a
hitch. If there was one bad thing I could say, it's that we'll probably never get another one.

After Mike and I finished decorating, I glanced at the clock; the kids were supposed to arrive
within the hour, and Anondos hadn't come back with extra food. After dismissing Mike and asking
him to get back into costume, I retired to the office to look through another guidebook and make
sure everything would run smoothly. The first thing I wanted to do was test out Baby's birthday
show disc--sure, if I knew Baby at this point, she could fake her way through it. Unfortunately, I
still wasn't sure if she was lying or not when she mentioned being 'asleep' while entertaining kids.

I popped the disc into the console and set the show to begin in a few minutes, giving me time to
return to the show room and get settled in to watch. As I walked back in, I heard loud banging
sounds coming from the kitchen. I ran over and burst into the room, pushing the door so hard that it
slammed into the wall. I saw Tricia sitting on the floor surrounded by circular pizza pans and long,
metal baking trays. She rubbed her head and wore a grimace on her face, I assume from pain.

"Are you okay?!" I asked, sounding frantic without realizing it. I quickly helped her up and she
dusted herself off.

"I'm fine, yeah," Tricia replied. "I was just trying to make it easier on Anondos when he gets back,
but I didn't know the cabinets were so crammed full."

"Me neither." I replied. "If you're sure you're okay. Let one of us know if you ever need help."
Tricia smiled in reply.

"I know. Thanks." She said, reaching down to pick up the pans from the floor. "I'll be fine. I've
done this line of work before, remember? I can be a waitress and cook, too."

"Awesome." I replied. "I gotta get back out there and manage your cousin." She nodded and
chuckled; she must be familiar with Mike's laziness, I figure. I walked out of the kitchen and saw
that Baby was just starting to perform. Quickly sitting down in a chair at the front table, I watched
in anticipation.

"Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza!" Baby greeted me. She looked around, as if looking at the
children supposedly in the room. "I hear it's someone's birthday! Someone has a special day
today!" Her blushing cheeks lit up and her blue eyes started to shine brighter. Her pigtails bobbed
as she continued to move, looking around the room. "Now, where is the special birthday guest?
They're my special friend today!"

God, she's so fucking cute. I wished it was my birthday. Baby moved her microphone to her mouth
and leaned in close to it, beginning to sing. The familiar melody of the birthday song began to play
from her back speaker.
"Have a birthday full of pizza, and our gift to you is fun ...!" Baby started to sing. Just as she had
got into the song, another voice rudely interrupted her.

"I'm back." It was Anondos. I turned around, seeing him holding many shopping bags on his arms
and a large sheet cake in his hands. "I figured we'd need one of these, too. What's Baby doing?" He
asked, looking up at her.

"I got the birthday show in to test it out." I replied. "Good call on the cake. I can't begin to think of
where the cake ingredients are in the kitchen."

"We both know you can't begin to think, but that's why I'm here." He said, with a smug tone to his

"Ha-ha. Go write the kid's name on the cake." I said, or more precisely, ordered him. "You'll have
time for jokes when we're done."

"I'm on it." Anondos replied. He looked around the room as he headed for the kitchen. "Looks nice
in here, good job."

"Yeah, thank you. Mike does good work." I said, standing up from my seat. I had listened to Baby
with one ear and Anondos with the other; she sang the song properly, so I had nothing to worry
about there. I headed for the kitchen to help prepare the food, but something stopped me in my
tracks. The door to the office hallway opened, and something very large was wheeled out. "Uh ...
dude?" I called to Anondos. He turned and looked as surprised as I was.

"Yeah, put it up there, next to the clown one." The same smiling man from this morning walked
out from behind the large thing being wheeled in on a flatbed. The man pushed it was a 'Stan's'
worker and gave me a friendly wave as he headed for the stage. It took some effort, but he dragged
whatever he was hauling on to the stage, taking care to keep it covered by an ugly, brown tarp.

"Can we help you again?" Anondos asked as both of us approached the man. He gave us that
creepy smile again.

"Nah, I've got it." He replied. "After you told me about your party today, I mentioned it to the big
guys. They insisted we give you a little help."

"Help? After you threatened to kick us out?" I asked. I looked up at the stage, seeing the mover
had moved under the tarp. I could hear a loud drill. "If that's what I think it is, no. Get it out of

"You don't have an option." The man replied. "You work for us, not the other way around. Now
then, meet the star of your show!" As if he knew the cue, the mover moved out from under the tarp
and grabbed it, pulling it off to reveal a beaten-up, filthy and outright unpleasant-looking Freddy
Fazbear animatronic. It wasn't even the 'Toy' one! It looked like it came from the store that got
closed down because of the 'mucus and blood' incident.

"I thought you tore these up for parts." I said. "What's it doing here, and when is it leaving?"

"Oh, Freddy isn't leaving." The smiling man replied matter-of-factly. "Actually, why don't we just
take the other one with us? That way Freddy can get the spotlight he deserves."

"Get out." I snapped at him. "You so much as touch my clown and you don't get out of here with
both hands." Anondos looked surprised at the sudden confidence in my voice. "You take your
fucking death bear robot and you get out of my restaurant. Baby isn't going anywhere."
"Pardon me?" The fedora-man stepped back. "Y-You don't threaten your superior, boy. What we
say goes, and if we say we're getting rid of that one, we're-"

"You're not getting rid of her." I didn't allow him to finish. "You think I didn't plan on you trying

"You did?" Anondos asked, finally speaking up from his spot next to me. I nodded.

"Keep an eye on him. I'll be right back." I replied, walking back into the office. I knew exactly
what I was looking for; I had planned on this since before I had even found Baby in the alley. I
stepped into the office doorway and grabbed my 'plan' leaning against the wall and walked back
into the show room, brandishing my 'solution' in my hands: a very large sledge hammer.

"What do you plan to do with that?" The man asked. "Certainly not what it looks like, I would

"Every birthday party needs a pinata." I replied. "You provided me with one, unless you want to
get Freddy out of here. You have ten seconds."

"Try me." Fedora-man said, locking eyes with me. I smiled and nodded, raising the hammer and
turning to face Freddy.


The hammer went through the center of Freddy's face. His metal skull fell into two pieces,
slamming loudly on the stage as his entire head fell from his shoulders. I lowered the hammer and
turned to 'my superior,' giving him a grin.

"How's that?" I asked. "I can do it again, if you don't believe me."

"Well, you ... uh, I ... well!" The man stammered. He walked past me and stepped on stage,
looking at Baby. Her eyes flickered, flashing green for a split second before returning to blue. She
seemed to stare at the man. "What's got you so set on this one?" He asked. "Circus Baby's Pizza
World didn't even last! She was scrap metal like she should have remained!"

"Yeah, but she's not." I said. "She's here, and she's my animatronic. I'm very happy with her, and so
are my guests."

"Hm ... whatever." Fedora-man scoffed. "I don't see what's so damn great about this one."

"Allow me." I casually replied. I turned to face my robot, smiling at her. "Baby?"

Fedora-man turned to face Baby once again. In a flash, her face opened and she let out the same
loud, frightening hiss that had scared off the movers from before. Unfortunately for me, this didn't
phase the man in the slightest. As a matter of fact, he yawned during it.

"Kid, if this is the best you've got, maybe you really aren't Fazbear material." He said, a bit too
calm for my tastes. This was supposed to run him off, not make him continue to second-guess me.
"We've had guards go through worse than that, and live." He commented, as if that was supposed
to frighten me.

"I know you have, that's why I didn't want him here." I replied, pointing at the headless Freddy.
"Now get out. We'll have your money like we said."

"You're lucky I don't call and you have fired on the spot, like I should do as a professional."
Fedora-guy snapped at me, motioning to his mover worker to get Freddy set up. "You're lucky
your uncle and I go a long way back. I'll be looking forward to hearing you cry when you call and
don't have any money this evening." The mover wheeled Freddy out, holding the bear bot's
disembodied head under his arm. "So long for now. I'll gladly help you close this dump up when
you get kicked out."

"Promises, promises." Anondos said as the two of us watched him leave. Once we were alone
again, he turned to me; he didn't look any more confident than he did this morning. "You really
need to quit being a dick to that guy."

"Me?!" I argued. "You're the one who started this shit!"

"Because you didn't have the balls." Anondos replied. "You defended your metal lady's honor, now
let's get ready for this party."

"Shows what you know, I was ready like two pages ago." I said. Anondos raised an eyebrow.
"Baby's ready, you're gonna write on the cake, and then get some pizzas in the oven. The kids
should be here soon, the games work, everything's perfect."

"Let me guess, nothing could possibly screw this up?" Anondos asked with a grin.

"Before we almost had Freddy forced on us, I could say that." I replied. "But yeah, nothing should
screw this up." Anondos seemed satisfied with that and retired to the kitchen, holding the cake in
his hands. I quickly stepped up on stage, standing next to Baby. "It's me, Baby." I said. "You can
talk to me like a grown-up."

"Hello, Anon." Baby replied in a whisper. I was grateful that she could read the room and keep
quiet. "That was very frightening. Why did you try to destroy Freddy? Did he do something

"I'll explain tonight." I said. "Thanks for listening to me on cue like that, but it didn't seem to help.
We gotta figure things out or we won't be hanging out much longer."

"Yes, Anon." Baby replied. "We need to figure out this situation, especially how you are going to
explain to Tricia that you're standing on the stage talking to your animatronic."

I slowly turned my head, seeing Tricia staring at us from the kitchen doorway. Shit.

"I'm just testing her responses to kids!" I yelled across the room. Tricia shrugged, nodded, and went
back into the kitchen. I sighed in relief.

"If I understand correctly, that was 'smooth,' Anon." Baby said. I wanted to tell her to shut up from
that remark, but knowing her, she would take it literally.

"If only the rest of my life went that 'smooth,'" I replied. "The kids will be here soon. We'll talk
more tonight, Baby." I stepped off the stage, turning to face her; her eyes had returned to blue and
she idly shifted her body around. So not only do I have a sci-fi movie's wet dream of a robot giving
me handjobs at night, now I have to worry about that being taken away from me because I was too
lazy to run a business. All of that, and the party hadn't even started yet.

Surely the party would go well, I hoped. As long as that went off perfectly, everything would be
okay. We had the cake, the games, and the entertainment.

I just never thought that the entertainment would risk the whole thing going downhill.
Chapter 17
Chapter Summary

The birthday party is underway. One of Baby's show tapes has unfortunate side-effect
on the festivities.

"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday from Freddy Fazbear's Pizza!"

As Baby finished singing the totally-not-copyright version of the birthday song, she gave a slight
bow and her blue eyes flickered. The kids sitting at a long table in front of the stage all looked
amazed at the singing robot clown, and actually clapped and cheered at her show. It was kind of
nice to see people not be afraid of her for once. Tricia walked out of the kitchen, holding the
totally-not-premade birthday cake that Anondos had hastily scribbled the birthday kid's name on
with a frosting tube.

"Here's the birthday cake!" Tricia happily greeted the children, placing the cake on the center of
the table between two large pepperoni pizzas. "Are you having a good time, everybody?"

"Yeah!" The children all replied, either with mouthfuls of pizza or already reaching for the cake. I
had been watching all of this through the office's monitors, hoping that my skeleton crew of a team
could handle this without me trying to keep an eagle-eye on Baby the entire time. Anondos had
warned me that doing so may make a few parents uncomfortable, and he was probably right. I
wouldn't want to see someone staring at a singing, moving, sexy robot clown that--damn it!
Enough of that, me! Focus on the kid-friendly part of the job!

I popped in the next disk of Baby's birthday show into the console, and watched the monitors in
anticipation. Seeing her perform for a real audience felt kind of magical; it reminded me of my
childhood days watching the animatronics' shows. Circus Baby started to move left and right in
some kind of weird robot 'dance,' lifting her microphone near her mouth as her rosy red cheeks
started to light up.

"Now, let's play a birthday game!" Baby called to the kids, her pigtails bobbing up at down. At the
word 'game,' all of the kids' attention went from the food to Baby. Baby let out a static-sounding
laugh of "Ha! Ha!" that probably sounded more creepy than cute to anyone other than me. "If you
can guess the ice cream flavor that I'm thinking of, you win!"

"What do we win?" One of the kids asked. Of course, Baby in 'entertaining' mode didn't
comprehend the question.

"That's right, you will win!" Baby replied in this pre-recorded conversation. "I will make you the
flavor of ice cream that you guess!" I hesitated when she said this; I never actually ordered any of
the ice cream flavors for her maker, nor did I get anyone to get it up and running. If this was just
something from an older restaurant that had a fuctional ice cream maker, this might not be good. I
don't want to lie to kids about free ice cream.

I thought that explaining this to parents would be simple: tell them it was an old show, apologize
for not having an ice cream maker, and just go get some ice cream for the kids. Unfortunately,
Baby didn't make that easy. Whatever the last show had her programmed to do, she tried doing it:
her stomach opened up like a double-door, and a long, thin metal pole shot out. A thin, grabbing
piece was at the end, which looked to be meant for holding out an ice cream cone.

The kids' looks of curiosity turned to looks of terror. Since Baby's ice cream maker wasn't
prepared, nothing sounded right: the loud, ear-piercing sound of gears grinding and the grabber
clamping down was scaring all of them. I couldn't blame them; seeing a robot's stomach open with
a bunch of sharp-looking metal and spinning pieces inside would scare me too. Baby's squeezing
piece frantically clamped open and closed, trying to hand out ice cream cones that she didn't
actually have.

"Shit! Shit!" I muttered, my eyes scanning the console for the emergency stop button. The only
other one I knew of was on Baby's leg, and I didn't have time to run out there. "Come on, damn it!
Where are--a ha!" I finally found a red 'emergency stop' button and pressed it--and it just made a
weak, broken-sounding click and popped right back up. Fuck me. I glanced up at the monitors, my
heart feeling like it could beat out of my chest. Baby was moving left and right, still making
screeching sounds and looking at the kids. The parents didn't look thrilled.

I didn't have a choice--I started running from the office and turned the second I stepped into the
show room, jumping on stage so quick that I tripped over the edge and landed on my stomach. I
tried to stand as fast as I could and ran towards Baby, reaching for her leg and finding the hidden
button--pushing it actually worked, and Baby started to calm down. The pole snapped back into her
body and her stomach's doors closed, now only showing the fan as some kind of weird belly button.
I looked over at the kids, feeling sweat run down my face.

One kid was holding on to his mother, crying uncontrollably. Another few were holding each other,
all looking horrified in Baby's direction. The other mothers were glaring at me.

"I ... uh ..." I couldn't think of a way to explain this. This was the number one thing I worried about
when I agreed to this whole thing. If any kid had approached her, I had no idea what she would
have actually done. "I'll just go get everyone some ice cream, would that be good?"

The kids slowly nodded, slowly returning to their seats and staring at a deactivated Baby, who had
lost her shining colors and was leaned over in a slump, holding her microphone towards the
ground. She looked as if she was sulking over doing something wrong. The parents, meanwhile,
weren't so easy to convince. One of the mothers, an aunt of mine, walked up to the stage.

"What if my kid got up there? What then?" She snapped at me.

"Kids aren't supposed to be on stages, watch him yourself." I replied. "We're a business, not a
babysitting service."

"Ya know, your uncle spoke so highly of you when you took this place from him. He was so
excited, and now all he does is complain that you run out of money." She said, as if this would
'win' the argument she thought we were having. I shrugged, which seemed to piss her off further.

"That's funny, because at the start of all this he said he would handle all of the money, and now I'm
up shit creek without a paddle." I replied. "I turned her off, she's fine, it was an old show from an
old robot. I don't have her doing ice cream, and I'm gonna get the kids some damn ice cream. I'll
keep her turned off and just give the kids some game tokens. Will that make you and your little
PTA gang happy?"

"You're lucky I don't report you." She said, turning away and marching back towards the table. I
groaned, looking up at the lifeless, dull-eyed Baby. If she had actually hurt a kid, what the hell
would I have done? After I made such a fuss about not having Freddy and his murder band, now
this happens? That just makes me a huge hypocrite that only keeps this particular murder-bot
around because I have a boner for it.

An hour later, the kids all had their ice cream (which Anondos bought from the nearby gas station,
but it was soft serve so it looked good enough,) and most of them had ran into the game room with
their tokens. Fortunately, when Tricia gave the birthday kid's mother the bill, she didn't complain.
It wasn't anyone I was related to, so she didn't have a pre-existing bias to dislike me. Anondos,
however, was hoping it would get him in with her.

It didn't, and she promptly told him that if he spoke to her again, she would file a restaining order. I
wanted to laugh. Normally, I would laugh. I was too worried about Baby. Do other shows have this
ice cream part? When if she accidentally grabs a kid and pulls something off? What if some stupid
kid reaches into her stomach while their parent just sits their on their phone?

"Hey, things are starting to wind down, Boss."

I jumped a little at the sound of Mike's voice. I turned, seeing him standing behind me. He smiled,
but clearly noticed I looked uncomfortable.

"Uh, yeah." I said with a nod. "Why aren't you in the Bonnie suit?"

"Show's pretty much over." He replied. "The kids are more focused on the games, no one really
cared about me so I didn't see a point. What do you think of your first party? Ya know, except for
your robot almost killing everyone--"

"Don't!" I said, putting up a hand to silence him. "This party went without a hitch. Everything went
perfectly. We made the money to pay off the dude threatening to close us."

"Without a hitch? The hell you talkin' about?" Mike asked. "Even I was worried that thing of yours
was gonna off a kid. Did you not see all that?"

"She didn't, did she?" I asked, looking at him. "Baby didn't get hurt, no kids are dead, the mom
paid, everything's fine."

"You know, Baby being okay shouldn't really be your first priority." Mike said, scratching his
head. "It should probably be, ya know, the kids. The people we work for here. I'm sure your robot
can take more than a few punches from children."

"It's fine. I'll talk to Baby tonight and get it all straightened out--I mean, I'll look it up in her books
and figure out what happened. I promise." I corrected myself. Mike raised an eyebrow at me--
couldn't blame the guy.

"Uh, okay. You, uh, 'talk' to her, whatever that means." He replied. "I'm gonna head home, if that's
okay. You don't need me for just the kids playin' games, do ya?"

"No, you're good. See you tomorrow." I said, waving as he walked off. I turned back to look at
Baby. The party was ending, the money was made, and at least the kids were leaving satisfied. My
problem was that I didn't care about any of that. I just wanted my robot to be okay. There are
hundreds of kids in this town, but there's only one Circus Baby, and she's mine.

Kids be damned.
Chapter 18
Chapter Summary

Anon receives a mysterious package at home, saves himself from possible future death
robots, and finally achieves his supreme goal--sort of.

That night, after the restaurant had closed and everyone had gone home, I stayed behind. As per
usual, I sat on stage as Baby and I conversed, with her eyes now a bright, glowing green. Baby
looked down at me, staying in place on her little stacked stage.

"Anon, I have a question for you." Baby said. Her body was in an idle position, casually moving
her arms and pigtails as we talked. "Where are my friends? I have looked in my memory, and I am
supposed to have friends on stage with me. What happened to them?"

"You don't have friends."

I was quick to reply. Nip that shit in the bud before it even starts.

"Beta elements from an old show," I continued. "They never made it in. Go ahead and delete them,
okay? As fast as possible."

A loud whirring sound was followed by a quiet 'click.' Baby's cheeks lit up as the process ended.

"It is deleted, Anon." Baby spoke again. "Thank you for correcting me. You are my friend though,

"Of course I am, Baby." I replied. "I'm your friend, the kids are your friends, and everyone here is
your friend. You just don't have any other character friends in the show. It's all about you, just like
it should be." At my words of praise, Baby's cheeks started to glow and her green eyes started to
flicker. I smiled at her, and it looked like she smiled back. The ends of her mouth turned up,
something that I couldn't recall her doing before.

"Would you like a helping hand, Anon?" Baby asked me as her microphone hand moved up and
down, followed by flickering eyes. It was her way of trying to seduce me, and it always worked. "It
has been a very taxing day. I think it would help relieve you of any stress. You can ... cum on me,
if you'd like."

Hearing her say 'cum' or anything sexual always surprised me, no matter how many times I'd heard
her by now. However, her speaking about the day brought the ice cream incident to mind. The
thought still made me nervous.

"Baby, why did you try to give ice cream to the kids?" I asked. I looked up at her, and our eyes
met. "You know that I never turned on your ice cream maker. You don't have any flavors or syrups
inside to make ice cream."

"I was sleeping, Anon." Baby replied, as if I should have known this. "You were playing my show.
I was unaware of what my body was doing. Should I apologize to the children?" The idea of her
coming to life in front of a group of kids was something I didn't want to see--she could traumatize
all of them by acting too 'real.' I shook my head, and Baby seemed satisfied with that as an answer.
"If you would like, I can disable my cone holder."

How was she becoming so advanced? For an animatronic, she acted like some kind of super
computer sometimes. She shouldn't be able to control herself like this--surely the original Freddy
band couldn't do anything besides move with the help of VHS tapes and air tubes. Did Tyler do
more than Baby said? Was this one of the things she 'wanted' him to do when he checked her out?

I wanted to get to the bottom of it, but she kept moving her hand and looking at me. A bulge was
forming in my pants. One handjob couldn't hurt before I leave.


"I'm gonna ... fuck, yes ... I'm cumming ...!" I moaned in pleasure as Baby's pumping hand slowed
down. Cum gushed from the tip of my cock on to her hand. She giggled before pulling her hand
away, and I was quick to wipe her down with another spare shirt from the uniform box. It was
times like this that made me totally forget things like 'killer robots' and 'ice cream claws.' Instead, I
had happy thoughts like 'handjobs from a clown girl' and 'cumming on a cute robot.' Much better, if
I say so myself. I do say so myself.

"Do you feel refreshed, Anon?" Baby asked me as I fastened my pants. "You seemed to really
enjoy yourself. We haven't done this in quite some time."

"It was fantastic, Baby." I replied. "I don't even remember what I was so worried about to begin
with. I should probably go home for the night, so I'll see you in the morning."

I walked out of the office and down the hall with my massive clown bot stomping behind me. She
slowly climbed on to the stage, on top of her smaller stage, and stood in place. Her eyes flickered
from green to blue, as if she was telling me 'good night.' I reached down and pressed the button on
her leg, watching as she slowly drooped down into inactivity.

I probably should stop using her emergency stop button and use her actual power buttons on the
console. Oh well. Time to get home and get some sleep for whatever fresh Hell tomorrow will

As soon as I walked up to my door, I noticed something on my doorstep. A very large package

covered in the Freddy's logo was sitting there. It looked bent and broken--I knew the postal service
didn't care anymore, but damn. I grabbed the box and headed inside, gently dropping it on the
couch as I took off my shoes to relax for the night. I should probably throw the box outside and
burn it, but Baby's 'relief' was always good to loosen me up and calm my nerves when it came to
the restaurant's insanity.

I sat on the couch with a pair of scissors in one hand and my cell phone next to me, just on the very
likely chance that I would have to call someone for an explanation. I jammed the scissors into the
box and paused. Nothing screamed, no blood started spurting out, nothing started leaking. Good so

I moved the scissors across to cut the tape before placing them down next to me, grabbing the box
flaps and slowly pulling them open. I could feel my hands trembling. I peeked inside as I opened
my package; I didn't know what I expected, thinking on it now, but I was surprised regardless. In
this box was a doll.

It looked one of the small plush dolls that Freddy's offered for tickets at the prize counter. With
how corporate had been treating me, I expected a bundle of Freddy dolls, or the band characters, or
maybe whatever that 'Lefty' thing was, but no--it was a plush of Baby. I reached in and picked it
up, studying it in my hands. It had a big smile on its face, with wide blue eyes and bright red
cheeks and nose. Its body looked just like Baby's, perfectly colored and to scale despite the small
size. It had stubby hands and feet rather than fingers and shoes, but the bottom of its feet were
colored red to imitate Baby's footwear.

I looked around, as if someone else was in the room and could see me. I looked back at the plush,
which seemed to be staring into my eyes with its huge smile. Smirking in spite of my thoughts, I
reached down for the doll's skirt and lifted it up--and dropped it the same second. The plush had
the same panties that Baby wore. Why the fuck does a toy--oh, fuck it! Why do I keep asking
questions that will never be answered?!

I picked the doll back up and examined it. It didn't have a tag attached anywhere, the hands or
stomach didn't have anything to squeeze inside to make it talk, and it didn't look like it did
anything--besides be cute, of course. When it came to Baby, my defenses got lowered way too
easily. I should really work on that. I slowly pulled the doll close to me to hug it.

Nothing stabbed me. No burning sensation. I looked down at the doll pressed against my chest--it
seriously was just a doll. Why did corporate send me this? Was it even from corporate? I pulled
away and sat the plush on the couch next to me, looking at it again--I expected it to blink. It didn't
move. If it wasn't going to kill me, why was it here?

Oh well. I'm hungry. The leftover pizza in the fridge is calling my name.

As soon as I started the microwave, I paused--something came to mind. The Circus Baby plush had
panties just like the robot version. Surely it wouldn't have the same body underneath. Before the
microwave progressed another two seconds, I dashed back into the living room and grabbed the
plush, yanking the panties down its legs--or trying to. They were sewn on to its body. Of course
they were, idiot, it's a doll!

I tossed the doll back on to the couch and returned to the kitchen. My microwaved dinner was
uneventful, and the plush simply lay on the couch next to me as I watched television. I decided to
bring it to my room when I went to bed, thinking it would be a cute decoration and a reminder of
the one good thing that's come out of this shitty job. The plush sat on a stool in the corner of the
room as I lay down to sleep. I looked over at it, then slowly closed my eyes. My eyelids fluttered,
and for a second it looked like the plush was climbing down from the stool. My eyes shot open--
the plush was sitting perfectly in place.

"I'm not playing with you, plush Baby." I muttered. "Stay there on your cute little clown ass-I
mean-nah, fuck it. On your cute little clown ass. Goodnight." Fuck hiding my feelings in my own
home. Anondos and Mike aren't here to hear me. I quickly fell asleep.

My dream was nothing short of wet and amazing.

Baby and I were in the office, with the door locked and somehow bolted shut. I had my pants to my
ankles and Baby was riding my cock--she wasn't a human or something, she was her normal robot
self. I was indeed fucking the robot. Her insides didn't feel like metal, or wires, or anything--they
felt warm, squeezing, and inviting, just like a woman's insides--or I would assume that's what they
felt like. I didn't have any experience fucking warm holes that didn't have 'ona' in the name. I'd had
girlfriends in high school, but I was always too much of a nervous dipshit to make a move.

"You feel so good inside of me, Anon!" Baby moaned as she bounced up and down on my cock.
She was surprisingly, impossibly light on me, and the sounds of whirring and gears clicking as she
moved on me sounded like her body moaning in addition to her voice. I thrust my hips upward,
feeling myself become buried deeper in her warm, somehow wet insides as I finally had my time
with Circus Baby.

There's no use denying it to myself in my own dream--I want to fuck my clown robot.

I want to fuck her until she shoots steam from her pigtails' holes and her cheeks turn so bright that it
heats up her face plates. I want to shoot a load into her every day while stupid people in the
restaurant are watching some guy I hired dance around in a bear suit. I want to ram her robo-pussy
from behind as I browse the store catalog to buy arcade games. Hell, if I could get away with it, I'd
just close the restaurant down and bring her home with me. Circus Baby is mine! Mine, and no one
else's! Those stupid kids don't deserve to see her!

"I'm gonna cum inside you, Baby!" I groaned in pleasure as I furiously slammed my cock upwards
inside of her. Her red chestplate was open and showed large, white tits that were the same white
color as her face. They looked almost human, and jiggled as she rode me. I remember them feeling
so real in my dream-hands, so soft and warm as I groped and fucked her. My orgasm approached
like a race horse--I was gonna bust the biggest nut that anyone had ever bust in recent history, and
it was gonna be inside a clown robot's somehow-not-metal pussy. "I'm gonna! Fuck! FUCK!"

"ANON! I LOVE YOU!" Baby shouted as I came. Hearing her say those words, knowing she
actually could express that for a human, must have shocked me. I remember blacking out after that.
I don't remember what lead up to the sex in my dream, or how I was able to get Baby off stage
during the day without anyone noticing, or how I got away with it without Anondos following me.
I didn't care.

When I woke up, I stared in shock and disbelief at the sight in front of me. The Circus Baby plush
was laying on top of me. Its panties had been pulled down to its ankles, and my cum was dripping
out of a hole that I'm positive wasn't under its skirt last night. Did I make a hole in this thing in my
sleep? Do I sleepwalk now? Did I fuck a doll in my sleep?

Fuck it. I'm too far gone.

I grabbed the plush and lowered it on my morning wood, moving it up and down and feeling its
soft, cotton insides rubbing against my sensitive cock. I watched as the mini version of Circus Baby
rode me, and imagined hearing her soft, sultry voice moan for me and pictured her pigtails bobbing
and somehow-real-looking breasts bouncing. Sure, it was just a doll that I was moving on my dick,
but I don't care.

I'm gonna do it. I'm going to fuck the robot.

I had a plan to make for tonight.

Chapter 19
Chapter Summary

After taking time to plan his next move, Anon discovers something about the
mysterious doll he received in the mail.

After calling Anondos and asking him to open Freddy's this morning, I decided to have a long,
passionate sit on my couch and think about my options. I could of course just go in at night once
everyone's gone and have an all-night hump session with my clown robot. I don't know if her
insides will actually take my dick without pulling it off, but she has to have a robotic pussy for a
reason, right? Just thinking about bending Circus Baby over the stage and ramming my cock into
her was beginning to give me a boner, but I had to shake the idea away, at least for now.

Being alone with Baby was simple. Hell, asking her to do it was likely going to be just as simple,
given her 'grown up' mode and love of jerking me off. Despite it all sounding so easy in my head,
something nagged at me in the back of my mind--something that felt kind of important.

No, not that it's "wrong." I'm far past that shit.

Something in me just thinks that no matter what plan I come up with or what order I do this in, it's
gonna bite me in the ass. The robo-pussy game might be on point, but if I do this then I'm never
gonna be able to see Baby the same way again. Not that I see her in a 'normal' way right now, of
course. Would she accidentally crush me under her massive metal ass? Would I get caught by
Anondos and get ratted out to corporate for having sex with store property? Maybe I could write
lubricant off as a business expense if they didn't believe him or just didn't care.

I looked over next to me, eyeing the plush Baby leaning against the couch cushion. It still had a
hole between its legs and my cum was still running out of it and starting to gather on the couch.
Yuck, gotta clean that up. I kept my eye on the doll as I stood up, turning to head to the kitchen for
some paper towels. As soon as I started to walk, I heard something strange behind me.

"Huh?" I thought out loud, turning around. The TV wasn't on, my phone was in my pocket, and the
plush didn't talk. It wasn't moving or anything either, so it wasn't the source of the noise. I paused
in my step and listened; it sounded like some kind of radio static. I turned back to the couch and
took a step forward, trying to focus my hearing. I could hear static, what sounded like a crackling
voice, and ... the birthday song?

I expected the plush's head to snap in my direction as I slowly crept closer. With each step, it
became quite obvious that the noise was coming from my new, possibly-corporate-approved
fucktoy. I picked it up and held it closer to my ear--the sound was coming from inside the plush's
head. I could recognize the music now--it was Baby's birthday song. The crackling voice I heard
was Baby singing it, but from the radio static it sounded like she was struggling to make out the

How did I not hear any of this last night? I heard Baby pretty clearly in my dreams, but I would
think annoying static would shake me out of my sleep.

Wait a second. Maybe I really did hear Baby a little too clearly last night. Was it all a dream, or was
this doll talking dirty to me? I looked at the plush's sewn-on smile and bright blue eyes. It didn't
blink. I keep expecting this thing to give me a big, wet, cartoon-style kiss before running through
my house while screaming like a lunatic.

"Uh, hello? Plush Baby?" I muttered, staring at it.

"A-A-Anon?" I heard Baby's voice reply through the doll. "A-A-Anon, I h-hear your voice! You
received my g-gift!"

"Fuck!" I yelled in fear, tossing the doll as hard as I could against the wall. Something definitely
cracked when it hit, but I could still hear Baby's voice coming out of it. "Uh, Baby? You still
there?" I asked.

"Y-Yes, Anon! Let me focus the signal!" Baby replied. The static started to fade, and Baby's voice
became much clearer. "I am sorry if I frightened you. I sent you this doll so I could talk to you
when you leave Freddy's! I think the doll is very cute!"

"How did you do that?" I asked. "You don't use the computer."

"Do you remember when Tyler had me hooked up to his computer?" Baby asked. I stared at the
doll, with my mouth agape. I had no idea Baby was 'alive' back then. "I had access to the internet
when he was working on me. I used it to purchase a doll of myself for you. It was supposed to take
two-to-four business weeks to arrive, but I guess it came early. How was the sex we had, Anon?"

"T-The what?" I asked. I wanted to throw the doll again, but I stopped myself. I had too many
questions. "You mean the handjob you gave me yesterday?"

"No, silly." Baby replied. "You had sex with the doll version of me last night. Didn't you hear me
talking to you?"

"How are you doing all of this, Baby?" I asked. "This is a doll."

"Dummy Anon." Baby replied, with a robotic-yet-cute sounding giggle. "The doll's head isn't just
full of stuffing. It has--" Her voice was cut off when I grabbed one of the doll's pigtails and gave it
a hard, firm rip to pull it from the head. I reached into the stuffing-filled hole and tore, pulling the
doll's face off.

"Holy fuck." I muttered. Buried inside the doll's fluff was some kind of little box with an antenna
on it. Some colored cables connected the box to some weird chip-looking thing. I didn't know what
the inside of radios usually looked like, but I was sure they weren't as complicated as this. Baby
said it was so she could "spend time with me," but I know a spying device when I see one.

Baby wouldn't spy on me, but corporate definitely would. They'd try to drive me crazy and make
me distrust Baby so I'd swap her out for that goddamn bear. I'm not that stupid, damn them! If they
think they can make me spill all my secrets to this doll, I'll prove them wrong! I'll just fuck the hell
out of it until I destroy all of their stupid spying tools with floods of cum!

What the fuck is wrong with me?!

About ten minutes and a roll of tape later, I had the doll somewhat repaired. The face and pigtail
were taped together as much as I could, and the face's cheeks were puffed out from my quick
attempt at putting the stuffing back inside. I didn't hear any more static from it, but I might have
pressed too hard on something and broke it. What do I do? Do I take it to Anondos and tell him
everything? Do I call corporate and demand answers?
Well, I still actually have to go to work, and it would probably relieve some stress to bust one out
before I leave the house. I looked at the doll in my hands, flipping it over to eye the stuffing hole
until the skirt. I sighed and shrugged, keeping the doll in my hand and retiring to my room.
Consider this my first nut of war, Fazbear Entertainment. First, I'm gonna fuck the hell out of one
of your character plush spy devices. Next, I'm gonna fuck the robot later tonight when everyone
gets the hell out of my restaurant.

Third, I don't know what else yet, but I'm not going crazy.
Chapter 20
Chapter Summary

Anon returns to work and is reminded he hired a third person to help with the
restaurant. His metal lady doesn't like this.

I pushed open the door to Freddy's, stepping inside as the glass door swung close behind me. With
a plastic grocery bag's handles in my grasp, I slowly walked into the restaurant. The smell of pizza
was strong and pleasant with each step I took, and I could hear the laughter of children as I walked
into the show room. A group of children that I didn't recognize were all sitting at the tables and
eating pizza, excitedly talking amongst themselves or watching as Circus Baby sang for them.

I paused, looking at Baby as she sang. I don't even know what show was playing, but the kids
looked happy to see her all the same. Baby's pigtails moved and her body swayed left to right as the
show continued. She paid full attention to the adoring children, only pausing to turn her head--
which is when our eyes met. The music didn't pause as Baby stared at me, and the children didn't
seem to notice. Baby's eyes flickered green for a split second as she stared at me before resuming
her song, looking back at the children with her usual bright blue eyes.

I looked down at the plastic bag I held--the torn, barely-cleaned spy Baby plush was in stuffed
inside. Thankfully I was able to get my smell out of it before bringing it here. I walked into the
kitchen, trying my best to not turn back and look at Baby again. When I stepped in, Anondos was
busy preparing another pizza. He paused in his work to look at me, giving me a smile as he dabbed
at his brow with a paper towel.

"Hey dude, 'sup?" Anondos asked. "I didn't think we'd be seein' you today. What's in the bag?" He
pointed down. I ignored his question.

"I was having a shitty morning. I don't wanna talk about it." I replied. "Where did all those kids
come from? I didn't call anybody to bring them."

"Oh, yeah, that was pretty cool." Anondos started to explain, returning to sprinkling cheese over a
pizza. "The elementary school called this morning and asked if we had any field trip discounts or
anything like that, so I gave them a deal. I didn't think you'd care."

"Considering I don't know how much money we've made so far, sure." I replied. "Who turned
Baby on? I didn't teach you guys how to use her." When Anondos turned to answer me, he raised
an eyebrow and looked confused.

"Uh, you're turning red. You okay?" He asked. "Mike said he found her instruction books and just
picked some random show disc to play. He didn't think you'd care. Are you jealous that someone
else handled Baby's DVDs?" He snickered, looking at me. "Did you finally give in and look up
some'a that robot porn?"

"Fuck off." I replied, turning to leave the kitchen. I paused as I stepped into the doorway, turning
back to look at him. "Thanks for having my ass so much. This place would be closed again without
I heard him chuckle and reply "No prob!" as I walked back into the show room. The children had
stopped talking to each other and were now excitedly talking to 'Bonnie,' as a costumed Mike
played with the group as some pleased-looking adults looked on. I had to assume these adults were
teachers rather than parents, mainly because they looked to actually care what was happening with
the kids. 'Bonnie' gave me a friendly wave as the giant head turned to see me. I smiled and waved
back at him and the kids.

This was all like the Freddy's I remembered from my childhood. A singing robot, a costumed
character making kids happy, and pizza for everyone. The whole place smelled delicious and the
atmosphere was perfect. If the restaurant would be like this every single day, I wouldn't hesitate in
putting in more effort.

"Hey, Mr. Anon!"

I jumped in surprise when I heard a voice behind me. I quickly turned, seeing Tricia behind me. I
had completely forgotten that I had employed her. I think she's Mike's cousin, right? I remember
that she was scared of Baby for some reason, which is fine because I don't want anyone near my
robot anyway. MY robot.

"Oh, uh, hey." I said, nodding at her. "Sorry, I totally forgot you were here today."

"You never gave me a schedule." She replied, crossing her arms and giving me a disappointed
look. "Mike's been asking for me. I'd been waiting for like a week, ya know! Did you forget you
hired me?"

"Uh, no! Of course not!" I lied, shaking my head. "Things have just been ... kind of weird, these
past few days. I'm sorry, Tricia. I promise, things will be a lot more steady moving forward. I'll go
write up a schedule for you today."

"Thank you!" Tricia happily replied. "If every day is as good as today's been, this'll be great job!"
Tricia walked past me, heading for a table. I watched her walk away--her long, blonde hair was tied
in a ponytail hanging out of the hole in her black hat. She had a black apron on with an order pad
and pen in the pockets. Where did those come from? Anondos must have found more stuff in the
back again.

As Tricia spoke with the adults, I noticed that the kids had lead Mike into the game room. I leaned
over to get a better view, seeing that 'Bonnie' was playing one of the basketball games with them.
The important guests were being watched out for, and the ones that paid were happy. I could
probably leave and just come back tonight to start talking to Baby.

"Hey, uh, Mr. Anon?"

I looked up at the sound of Tricia's voice. She and the table of teachers were staring at the stage.
Baby had stopped singing and was instead twitching violently, with one of her pigtails frantically
bobbing up and down and her microphone hand furiously moving back and forth. What the hell?!
Was she broken?! I started to run towards the stage, but froze before I could take a single step. I
knew I should run over there and turn Baby off before something bad happens, but I couldn't. My
mind was making me stand and watch.

For some reason, one of the teachers had decided to approach Baby to investigate.

"No, don't do that!" Tricia yelled, running past the teacher to block their path. Tricia was terrified
of Baby, so the fact that she did this at all either meant she was very dedicated to the customer, or
... well, she was very stupid. Regardless, I could see her trembling as she walked towards the stage.
She didn't climb on to it, but stood perfectly still and stared at the shaking clown robot. "Uh, h-
hello? Are you b-broken?" Tricia asked Baby, as if she would be answered.

"Y-You y-you y-you!" Baby actually started to talk, still shaking while stammering words came
out. "Y-You are NOT my f-f-f-friend!" Baby's words were becoming jumbled, as if she was trying
to play different lines at once. Unfortunately, this mix wasn't sounding too friendly. "Y-You you
you're NOT a friend! C-Circus Baby doesn't LOVE to PLAY with you!"

Oh God. The robot uprising has finally come, hasn't it? I finally took a step forward and started
running for the stage. Tricia's legs were shaking as Baby kept spouting out jumbled sentences at
her, shaking violently as her head snapped towards Tricia's direction. Before I could so much as
reach a table, Baby's face plates started to shake before bursting open and revealing her metal
endoskeleton. Just as she had terrified the angry mover in the past, Baby's explosion made Tricia
scream in fear.

"C-Circus Baby's friend is ANON, n-not you! Y-you you are ICE CREAM!" Baby's mixed lines
were starting to sound like some weird kind of threat. That and she was saying my name again
outside of our private conversations. Wait a second. She told Tricia 'You are ice cream?' When
Baby talks about ice cream, that's when she tries to ... oh fuck! Fuck! No! No no no!

Baby let out the same loud, scream-like hissing that she had in the past when her face opened up.
The teachers were watching this and Mike was trying his best to keep the kids distracted with
games, but some were peeking in from the game room doorway and watching as if this was some
kind of show. I ran past the tables and jumped for the stage, crawling as fast as I could to reach
Baby and press the emergency switch on her leg. In a flash, Baby's face was covered once more
and her pigtails stopped twitching. Her body stopped shaking and she stood frozen.

I sighed in relief. The silence from the lack of music was louder than any scream I'd ever heard as I
turned to face the teachers. A few of them were standing over Tricia, and another was on the floor
in front of her, pushing on her chest and giving her mouth-to-mouth.

"She got so scared she had a heart attack!" One of the teachers said. "Someone call an ambulance!
Chapter 21
Chapter Summary

Anon is forced to pay for silence, confronts Baby about Tricia's scare, and IS IT

Chapter Notes

Please see the note at the end of the story. It will explain the incorrect foreign
language used.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Sirens blared as I watched Tricia get carried out of the show room on a stretcher. The teachers and
students were piled into the game room in an attempt to keep the children from seeing anything
traumatic--I offered them endless free games in hopes that the teachers might look the other way
and not report my threatening, screaming robot to the proper authorities. Anondos stood next to me
with his arms crossed, with a look in his eyes that screamed "This better be good."

"I, uh, guess she glitched?" I muttered. "I mean, I turned her off and she's quiet now. Maybe her
show disc was scratched up or somethin'? Probably?" Please take this as an answer. I'm begging

"She said your name during all that." Anondos replied, his eyes locked with mine. He clearly didn't
believe me. "It was like she was jealous that Tricia so much as talked to you. What did you do to
your robot?" I hesitated at his question; did he know something? Surely he couldn't, right? "Do I
need to watch the camera footage and see what shit you've been up to?"

"T-The what now?" I had totally forgotten that the cameras were a thing whenever Baby and I were
alone. If someone didn't know what was actually going on, it would look like I was just talking to
my robot--the camera didn't record audio. Unfortunately, it would be hard to explain if someone
watched my robot jack me off on stage. "What are you trying to imply, dude? Are you saying I did
something to Baby to make her attack Tricia like that?"

"Of course not, you can't do that." Anondos shook his head, raising an eyebrow at that. "I meant,
like, did you fuck something up back in the office that would make her jump out?" His theory
wasn't making any sense. Why would I purposely have Circus Baby scare someone like that? How
could I even do that with just a stack of DVDs and a poorly-written instruction book.

"No, I didn't." I replied--for once, I was telling the truth. "You know how I feel about those old
robots killing people. Why the hell would I make Baby try to hurt someone and just start all that
over again? Tricia's cool, I like her help. You're not making any sense."

"Well yeah, that too." He said. "Why aren't you calling someone to get rid of her? She could have
killed Tricia, and honestly she still could if that heart attack takes a turn for the worse. Tricia's too
young to be having heart attacks, ya know. She could sue your ass for what little you're worth."
"She didn't kill her, though." I replied. I could feel sweat running down my forehead. "I'll just go
check the show disc and see if it was scratched and just never use that one again. Baby's totally
fine. She doesn't need to go anywhere. We can just keep some aspirin around for Tricia. That's
good for heart attacks, right?"

"What the fuck?! Aspirin?!" Anondos looked surprised and a little angry with my answer. "You
ain't the same guy you were when this started." He said, turning to head for the door. "You would
have taken that sledge hammer and beat the ever-lovin' shit out of that robot as soon as she blinked
funny. That thing has you wrapped around its metal finger. You care more about your robot than
running this place."

"Do not!" I called back as he headed for the door. "Hey, where ya goin'?"

"I'm gonna go to the hospital, I told Mike I'd meet him there!" Anondos yelled back. "You
probably shouldn't show up until tomorrow! I doubt he wants to see you right now!" That's
probably a good idea. I considered Mike a good friend of mine, but Baby sending his cousin to the
hospital is probably deleting that entirely.

I checked the Freddy head clock on the wall--it was just about three o'clock. I could probably ask
the teachers to get their hellions and leave me alone. When I turned to head to the game room, one
of them was already walking towards me--an older-looking brunette woman with thick glasses, a
hideous green dress and a slow walk that said she was close to retirement.

"Is that young lady going to be okay?" The woman asked in a shaky, old-woman-sounding voice. I
nodded--I have no idea, but I'm not gonna tell her that. "We've already called for a bus to pick us
up. The kids are still happy, but we're going to have a hard time explaining what happened."

"I would appreciate it if we could, well, forget this." I said. I felt like an absolute creep asking her
this, but what else could I do? If they decided to say something, I could be shut down before the
night was over. "I'm sorry the kids had to see that. The animatronic just had a malfunction, and I'm
going to call my bosses and make sure this never, ever happens again."

"Fifty bucks." The old hag replied, holding out her hand expectantly.

"E-Excuse me?" I asked. "Are you asking me for a bribe, ma'am?"

"No, I'm expecting one." She said. "You think I haven't seen Freddy's go through this before? I'm
not young, son. I was around the first time this happened, only thing is fifty went a lot further back
then. Consider yourself lucky I'm not asking for your car."

I couldn't say anything--I couldn't even groan or make an annoyed sound. I was too taken back that
this old bitch had a plan for if this kind of thing happened. I reached for my wallet and pulled out a
few twenties which she snatched from my grasp before stuffing them in her chest pocket.

"Tell that fine piece-of-ass pizza cook of yours to look me up if he wants a real woman." She said
as she turned to leave. "I think I had his dad in my class back in sixty-eight. That sexy apple don't
fall far from the tree." I gagged a little but covered my mouth as she walked back into the game
room. Knowing Anondos's taste in older women, he might actually be willing.

Making sure none of the kids or teachers were watching me, I quickly climbed up on to the stage to
examine Baby. I couldn't risk turning her on and scaring someone, but a quick once-over couldn't
hurt. She didn't have any scratches or bare wires, her face plates seemed secure and her pigtails
weren't dangling off of her head. Nothing looked to be wrong on the outside. I looked at Baby's
still, lifeless eyes and manufactured smile.
"I'll never let them take you away." I whispered. "I promise."

Just as I was about to climb off the stage, the group of children walked past me and towards the
door in a single-file line--boy, I don't miss having to do that. One of the teachers gave me a lazy
wave goodbye as the group finally left, I assume to board a school bus. I didn't care, as long as they
were gone. I made my way to the door and made sure everyone was good and far away from my
pizzeria before locking the door, turning back to face the show room. It was time to get some

I turned Baby on and watched as she started to come to life once again. She slowly raised up from
her drooping position, and her pigtails slowly bobbed up and down as her eyes started to flicker
back on. When our eyes met, hers flashed to green almost instantly--after the first talk we had, I
never had to press her 'secret' button again. She just stayed this way, and it wasn't until just now
that I noticed it.

"Hello, Anon!" Baby cheerfully greeted me. "Welcome back! I've missed you."

"Thanks, Baby." I replied. I almost completely ignored the reason I turned her on to begin with--
those bright, red cheeks and green eyes that stared into mine could pull me out of any anger. I had
to keep reminding myself that I was supposed to be angry with her. "What the hell was that about?
You could have killed Tricia! You made her have a heart attack!"

"I didn't do anything to Tricia." Baby replied, sounding quite calm. "I saw that she was trying to
get between you and I, and I didn't like the idea of that. All I did was assert my dominance as the

"One, that's 'doing something' to her." I said, holding up a finger. "Two," I held up another finger to
count. "Where did you learn to talk like that? This ain't the jungle."

"I have a show that's about being a jungle explorer." Baby replied. "Regardless, I didn't intend to
seriously harm Tricia. Why didn't you tell her that her behavior was inappropriate?"

"Because she didn't do anything!" I snapped by mistake. Baby's eyes flickered at the sound of my
loud voice. "I-I'm sorry, Baby." I was quick to apologize. "I didn't mean to yell at you. You just
surprised me, that's all. Tricia isn't trying to get between us, I promise. No one could ever come
between you and I."

"Do you mean that, Anon? Are you being honest?" Baby asked. Her smile looked like it curved a
little for just a moment as her green eyes flickered.

"Of course I mean it, Baby." I replied. "I ... well, I love you." I muttered. I hadn't expected those
words to ever come out of my mouth, especially to a Freddy's robot. "I care about you more than I
do anyone else in this place. You can't go scaring everyone like that, though. You'll get both of us
in trouble and we won't be able to hang out anymore."

"I will never do it again." Baby nodded. "Unless you ask me to." I sighed in relief, feeling a smile
curl my lips.

"Thank you, Baby. That's a load off my mind." I said. I awkwardly looked down, seeing the
grocery bag I had brought in out of the corner of my eye. I must have dropped it near the stage
when Tricia had her accident and just forgot about it. "Hey, that's right!" I exclaimed, picking up
the bag and grabbing the ripped, barely-repaired Baby plush. "What's the deal with this thing? I
never told you to buy this!"
"I told you already, Anon." Baby replied. Her eyes and cheeks lit up as she explained, as if she was
excited to talk about it. "I ordered it while Tyler had me connected to the internet. I did it so I
could spend time with you at your home."

"That doesn't make any sense." I protested. "I didn't know you were alive back then. What reason
did you have to do that?"

"I just said-"

"No, that's not right." I interrupted her. "If you did it after we started talking, it would make more
sense. You did it before you started really talking to me."

"I told you when we met, Anon." Baby said. "When I was repaired, I learned my functions. I was
created to entertain children above all else, and my second function is 'kibarashi.' To perform that
second function, I need to perform my third function, 'Ano manuke ni ecchi na kito de youdou

"I don't speak Japanese, Baby." I said, pulling my phone from my pocket. "Let's see what the
internet says about that ..." I started to type, trying to think of how to spell out what she said. "Ano
manu-something ... Uh."

"What is the matter, Anon?" Baby asked.

"According to this translation, your third function in English means 'What should I do with that
dog?'" I looked at Baby, who shrugged. "What the fuck were you built to do, exactly?" I paused
before remembering something else: she told me about another function. "Okay, what was that
other word you said? Your second funct-what the hell are you doing, Baby ..." My question was
cut off the second I looked up from my phone.
I don't know how she did it, but Baby's red top was completely gone from her body and in its place
was a pair of round, large breasts. They looked to be a D-cup size at least, with red areola and
nipples that matched the color of her cheeks. Her actual nipples looked like buttons that could be
pushed in--maybe something to start her ice cream function?

No, of course not. No one would be allowed to watch it happen.

"Do you like them, Anon?" Baby asked. She reached down and grabbed one of them with her free
hand. "They're actually quite soft. The people who repaired me wanted to be sure that my body
could be enjoyed to the fullest extent."

"Where'd your top go?" I asked. Baby's eyes dimmed--even without an expression, I knew that
wasn't the reply she expected. My eyes were fixated on her bare, white chest as I waited for an
answer. Baby reached up towards her shoulder, poking a particular plate on her shoulder blade. In a
flash, different slots opened up over her chest and her top fell back into position, as if nothing had
changed. "Your clothes just ... go inside? Oh, and, uh ... they're fucking incredible."

With another press, her top was gone as her breasts poured out from the metal garment. They
bounced as if they were on a real human woman ... I assume. At least, that's how big tits moved in
porn movies. I took a step closer, watching as Baby reached down and pressed on another plate that
was half-covered by her skirt. With a few mechanical clicking noises as holes opened up, Baby's
skirt darted inside of her waist with the speed of a retracting tape measure.

The only 'clothing' left on Baby was her shoes, but I don't think those are removable--pretty sure
those are just her feet. Feet aren't really my thing, anyway--I was too busy looking at her chest and
the rest of her body to care. Getting a full view rather than having to peek under her skirt was
amazing. Her lower body was crafted perfectly--whoever decided to give her a pussy took care to
make it look believable.

"I think you've been waiting for this just as long as I have, Anon." Baby said. Her voice was
definitely trying to sound seductive, and by God it was working. "Would you like to bend me over
the stage, or should we go be alone in the office?"

"I, uh ... uh ..." My words escaped me. I started to unfasten my pants because my erection was
beginning to hurt from being trapped in them. I looked into Baby's green eyes, now realizing how
sexy they looked when combined with her seductive voice. It was finally going to happen. I'm
finally gonna fuck the robot.

Fuck you, Anondos.

Baby smiled and took a step towards me, dropping her microphone to the stage floor. A loud
'thump!' echoed through the room as it landed, but neither of us cared--Baby's tits bounced with
each step she took, and I only stopped staring when she reached for me and gently grabbed my
chin, moving my head up to look into her eyes.

"Like I told you, Circus Baby loves nothing more than to put on a great show." She said, looking
into my eyes as her eyes and cheeks flickered. I gulped nervously as she reached down and rubbed
my erect dick through my boxers. "Let me entertain you, Anon."

Chapter End Notes

If your computer won't show this properly, please try this Pastebin link:

According to Google Translate, "Ano manuke ni ecchi na kito de youdou shiro" or あ

のマヌケにエッチな事で陽動しろ means "move positively with that booty" but
sometimes changes "booty" to "booby" because that's how reliable Google Translate
is. I think the message still works.

However, if you put those words in English into Google Translate, "Ano manuke ni
ecchi na kito de youdou shiro" translates to "What should I do with that dog?" I have
no idea why it gives two different translations, but there ya go. According to Google,
"kibarashi" means "distract" or it's supposed to, at least.

The idea is to use poor or broken Japanese because Fazbear Entertainment is a poorly
run, broken company.

I wasn't going to have this note at all, but I remembered that not all computers can
display Japanese text unless you install it or something. I figured it was either outright
explain it or risk some people having no idea what's going on.
Chapter 22
Chapter Summary

It finally happens.

My body was trembling. I wasn't positive if I was dreaming this or not; if I wake up as soon as I
touch her, I'm gonna be pissed. Despite Baby's suggestion of going to the office is much safer, I
couldn't bear waiting a moment longer--she was right. I had been waiting for this for way, way too
long. My hand was shaking as I reached out, and when Baby's heavy, cold hand grabbed it, my
knees grew weak. It was finally going to happen.

"It's okay, Anon. You can touch me," Baby whispered, pulling my hand to her chest. I squeezed her
right breast--how was it so soft while being metal? My fingers rubbed and tried to squeeze the
white 'skin' of her chest as I groped her, warming up my hands as I kept my hold. When I forced
myself to pull my hand away, Baby's pigtails started to bob up and down--I'm starting to think that
this happens when she gets an idea. She reached out and took my hand once again, starting to walk
towards the edge of the stage. "Please, sit down. There's something I would like to try."

"Okay ..." I muttered as I slowly sat down on the stage, almost falling over myself before I made
myself comfortable. My feet barely touched the floor as I watched Baby walk (or, stomp) across
the stage and slowly down the stairs until she circled around to reach me. At my sitting height, she
could tilt her head down and be perfectly aligned with my crotch--the rows of small, metal teeth in
her mouth made it difficult to get a boner. "Baby, I don't think that's a good idea. Your teeth are
probably gonna--hey! Don't! don't!"

Circus Baby ignored me. She leaned in close to me and reached for my pants, yanking them down
my legs and leaving my dick bare and afraid. As her face got closer to my crotch, I closed my eyes
and braced for whatever was going to come from this; she had the right idea but didn't seem to
realize that doing it might turn me into a woman. The sounds of her mechanical body seemed to get
louder whenever she was doing something that made me uncomfortable and knowing her metal,
sharp-looking teeth were heading for my dick was making me just that. I could hear constant
whirring that grew louder as she approached me.

"I hope this feels good," I heard Baby whisper. "Get ready."

"No, no, no, God no ..." I muttered, feeling everything clench. I could hear Baby's pigtails moving
as she took my dick into her mouth ... and it felt warm. There was no sharp feeling, no metal
rubbing against me. I opened my eyes, looking down to see my robot clown's head slowly moving
back and forth. My dick started growing hard from the warm sensation, but I couldn't figure out
how she was doing it.

Tell me she doesn't have a cocksleeve built into her mouth.

"Baby, this feels great, but how are you doin' that?" I asked. Her head paused in its movement
before she pulled back, looking up at me. Her mouth was open, but her teeth were pulled up and
down into the top and bottom of her mouth respectively like they had been tucked into a slot to not
graze me. Rather than be full of wires and gears, a smooth-looking, metal, pink tongue stuck out.
Around her tongue looked like plastic, with something dripping down it.
She had a tongue and a mouth full of lube. She has a blowjob mode. Baby continued to stare at me
as if waiting for a question.

"Fuck it, continue," I said, leaning back as she moved back down and started to bob her head on
my dick. I reached out and started to try and grab her hair, only to realize I couldn't grab a handful
of painted metal. My touch must have made Baby think I wanted more, though; she started to
move faster on me, and I could feel her metal tongue rubbing the underside of my erection. It was
lukewarm, just enough to feel pleasing along with the lube running down it.

For some reason, the mechanical sound of her head frantically moving back and forth was turning
me on. I started to thrust without thinking; the lube inside let me move much faster as I fucked her
mouth. Her warm tongue rubbing faster and faster on my cock thanks to my thrusting was getting
me closer by the second; I could feel my dick throbbing in her mouth. I closed my eyes and
reached out, grabbing the back of her head and rapidly slamming my cock inside of her. Baby
didn't move in time with me but instead remained still--something started to suck on me as I
moved. Whatever that was, it drove me over the edge.

"Fuck! Cumming! Cumming!" I moaned, gritting my teeth as I shot my first load into her mouth.
My legs wrapped around her head as I pushed my dick into her mouth to the hilt, humping her face
with quick, short thrusts as my balls were emptied. Whatever the suction was, it was very gentle to
help me ride out my orgasm until it slowed to a stop. "Oh my fucking God ... how did you do

"A miniature vacuum," Baby replied, with my cum running down her mouth. Hearing the word
'miniature' involving my dick wasn't exactly nice on the ears, and Baby must have noticed this.
"Not like that, dummy. It's small so I don't pull it off if I don't want to."

"You mean, like, so you don't do it by accident, right?" I asked, watching as my seed ran down the
back of her tongue and down her throat--or would if she had one. She didn't answer my question.

"The show must go on," Baby said, sounding even more seductive than usual. "Lay down on your

She wasn't going to bite it off, I know that much. Was she going to crush my groin?

With how amazing that blowjob felt, I'll take my chances. I did as she asked, slowly laying down
on my back. The stage's floor felt cool, even through my shirt. I watched as Baby walked around
the stage and up the stairs--I ignored the room vibrating around us with each step she took.

When she approached me, Baby lifted up one of her legs and placed her foot down next to my left
leg, with her other foot at my right. I had never seen her lift her legs that high, or spread them for
that matter; if I had known she could do this, I might have let my dick take over my rational
thought even earlier than this. She slowly lowered herself over me, not pausing when I closed my
eyes from reflex--I know at this point that she's not going to hurt me, but I never really noticed until
now just how much bigger than me she is.

Sure, Baby was taller than me, but when she was about to lower herself onto my dick, she towered
over me. I slowly opened my eyes, watching her body move down until my dick entered her. It felt
warm inside her sleek, white-painted pussy. I couldn't see inside, but that was probably for the best.
Regardless of what was inside of her, she gently squeezed my cock before starting to ride me.
Somehow, the weight of a multi-ton robot wasn't crushing my legs like a pancake.

"Don't worry, Anon ..." Baby whispered, continuing to move up and down. "Just enjoy it ..." I
watched as she lowered herself, stopping just short of my lap before moving back up. The look on
her face actually showed an emotion: pleasure. She looked to be enjoying herself as she rode me.

Her pussy started to do more than gently squeeze, now clenching around my cock as she started
moving faster. Even with a tighter grip, it felt nothing but pleasurable. I reached out and grabbed
her legs--I couldn't reach her waist--and started to thrust upward inside of her as she lowered back
down on me.

She temporarily paused in her movement when I started to thrust, fucking her as hard as I could
despite being in this position. Months of built-up lust, nights of jerking off to fantasies about her,
every sly wink and every move of that microphone-gripping hand; I was going to unleash what I
had bottled up and make sure I satisfied every little thing I'd been craving.

"F-Fuck!" I moaned as I got into a rhythm, thrusting upwards into Baby at a faster pace. She
looked down at me as she moved alongside me, her green eyes flickering and her faceplates
shaking. "God, this feels so good!"

"I am glad you're enjoying my body, Anon," Baby replied. We both sped up in our movements.
Baby's faceplates started to violently shake as she bounced on my cock, and her head slowly tilted
back. The faster she moved, the more my cock started throbbing inside of her. "Anon, something
inside is ... sensors inside are ...!" her words kept getting cut off by her body shaking as she moved
on my cock. Before I could react, her hips dropped--I closed my eyes and winced for the pain. "A-

I slowly opened my eyes, seeing that her body had stopped barely above my waist. I could hear
gears furiously whirring and watched her face plates all spread open at once, showing her wire-
covered insides as a spark of electricity flew through it. Thanks to her frantic moving, I shot off as
well--I let out a grunt of pleasure as my cum shot inside of her. My hips frantically bucked upwards
as both of us rode out an orgasm--at least, I'm pretty sure that's what she was experiencing--and
soon enough, her body had relaxed back to normal.

"Baby, did you ... uh ... cum?" I asked. I could feel my chest heaving as I tried to catch my breath.
Cum was running down my still-hard cock as I looked up into her green eyes. Baby didn't speak
but just nodded in reply. I smiled as sweat ran down my face. Not only did I fuck the robot, but I
even got her off.

"Yes, Anon ..." Baby finally spoke. Her body was moving as if she was breathing, with her chest
panels moving slowly up and down. "That was very, very good." She slowly moved off of me,
standing next to me--my cum dripped out of her. She either didn't notice or didn't care, but just the
sight of it got me hard again. It was still hard to believe that this was happening. "Anon, would you
like to go again?" Baby asked. Her cheeks flickered as she watched me try to stand, almost falling
over myself thanks to trembling legs.

"I didn't know we stopped."

Chapter 23 - Final
Chapter Summary

It's all over but the burning.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"Harder ... harder ... Do it, Anon, inside of me."

Baby's words of encouragement were driving me wild--they weren't dirty, but that silky-smooth
voice still did things to me. I don't think a time will come when just hearing her talk doesn't give
me a tingle down there.

We had been having sex literally all night. The last time I glanced at the clock after an orgasm, it
was midnight--now, the sun had risen and was shining brightly through the windows as I continued
to give the dick to my clown robot. Her huge, glossy-white-painted metal legs were spread as she
leaned against the wall for balance. I could hear the tips of her fingers scraping against the wall as I
somehow pushed her forward despite our size differences.

I think she was just moving in time with me, but the illusion of actually overpowering her was
enough to get me closer to orgasm. I let out a loud, pleasured grunt as I shoved my erect cock into
her somehow-warm and soft pussy one last time, feeling my dick throbbing as my cum pumped
into her.

"F-Fuck! Yes!" I moaned, leaning forward and wrapping my arms around Baby's waist. I held her
close to me as I finished my orgasm, feeling my legs begin to tremble. It was difficult to stand up
after shooting a load into her, but holding on to her was enough to keep me balanced. Baby's
cheeks lit up and she gave me a smile, turning her head to look at me. Her green eyes were still
glowing, despite the sunlight filling the room. "Hey ..." I spoke up in between heavy breathing,
looking at her. "Why do you keep telling me 'harder' or 'faster,' can you really feel a difference?"

"Yes, I can," Baby replied, not moving from her leaning position. "My sensors can tell how fast or
forcefully I'm being touched. Would you like to go once more before the store opens for the day?
We could hide in the office if you prefer."

"That ... might be a good idea," I said, hearing cars start to drive by outside. People were beginning
their morning trips to work or wherever people go. "One more time to get relaxed for the day, and a
private spot to clean you up ..." I pulled my dick out of her and quickly yanked my pants up from
my ankles, dressing enough that I could be considered 'decent' should someone walk in.

Thankfully, the door didn't open as we walked through the room. Part of me kept thinking we
would be interrupted all night, whether it was from Baby's brightly-shining cheeks reflecting
through the windows, or me moaning so loud that it would scare any animals outside.

Well, I finally did it.

I know I had the same thought last night, but it was still something I had to process. I finally
fucked the robot, and I loved every second of it. She didn't try to kill me, either! Now I could get a
handjob or outright sex from Circus Baby without feeling a hint of fear or guilt from it. Then again,
I never felt guilty anyway. I could hear Baby's heavy footsteps as she followed me into the office,
only stopping to walk towards the control console and lay down on it, opening her legs once more.

I stood in front of her and reached out, pressing that new 'fun switch' directly under her chest. I
watched in anticipation as her red top was 'pulled up' inside of her and revealed those glossy, white,
round metal tits. I'll never know how whoever made this could make them actually bounce as a
real human's would, but I don't care. If they weren't huge masses of metal, I'd try titfucking her.
The idea of 'round metal tits' would make me laugh if they weren't right here in front of me. It still
sounds ridiculous in the back of my mind.

Her 'round, supple, metal tits with a glossy white finish.' I wanted to snicker a little, but sliding my
dick back inside of her and feeling her ever-so-gently squeeze it with her inner walls made me
forget about that entirely. I started to slowly thrust, watching as her chest heaved alongside my
pushing and her eyes staring into mine. She let out a soft moan and I could see her gripping at the
console underneath her; thankfully she wasn't actually breaking it, although it did now look like I
had taken that old sledgehammer to it. It's not like Baby actually needs it anyway.

I don't care if it's all just something to fool the customers and keep the entertainment going; I don't
want this to ever end. I'll lie to this town's idiots every single day if it means I get to keep coming
in and spending time with Circus Baby. She can sing and shuffle around by day and I'll unload
every drop of cum I have into her at night. All night, if my body allows it.

The sound of gears and metal insides moving and pushing as we fucked rang through my ears as
we moved in unison; the faster the sounds came, the more aroused I got. It would sound like a
machine malfunctioning to anyone else, but to me, they were the sounds of fast, hard sex.

"More, Anon ..." Baby whispered, her pigtails bobbing as I thrust faster inside of her. "Please,
empty yourself inside of me again, you dummy ..." Damn that voice! I shoved my cock inside to
the hilt, squeezing her chest as I felt another load start to gush inside of her. Before I finished, I
collapsed on top of her. I felt like my heart could beat out of my chest as Baby's hand reached
around me and gently started to stroke my back. The cold metal's touch was instantly relaxing.
"That was amazing, Anon ... I am very glad you pushed my special button."

"Me too, Baby," I replied, laying still and enjoying the feeling of her hand on my back. "I should ...
probably get ready for the day ... you'll have to go back to your stage." I grabbed a clean shirt from
the box and made sure I looked presentable before leaving the office. I peeked out from behind the
doorway and looked around; Anondos wasn't here, and no sign of Mike. I motioned for Baby to
follow and we slowly walked into the room. She turned for her stage but we both froze in place
when we heard what came next.

"There you are, it took you two long enough!"

I felt the color leave my face as I met eyes with my uncle and the blue-fedora'd guy from before.
My uncle had his arms crossed and looked very annoyed as he walked towards me. I glanced over
at Baby, who was trying to fake it and stood in place on the stair, drooping down as if she was
turned off. My uncle looked over at her and scoffed.

"Circus Baby Ten-Seven-Sixteen, I know you're not deactivated," My uncle said, staring at Baby.
"Your function should have been completed by now. Come over here," Baby quickly stood at full
attention and walked down the stairs, her footsteps shaking the room as she returned to my side.
My uncle looked her up and down. "Well? Are you full?"
"Yes, I am," Baby replied, holding up her right hand. "My hand's receptacle has been filled for
quite some time, and my lower one as well. My lower one was just recently filled to the point of

"Overflow? You went crazy, did you?" My uncle turned to ask me. I couldn't bear to look at him.
"She wasn't supposed to gather too much, just enough. Did you have to do it more than once?"
Wait, how does he know and what is he talking about? "Circus Baby, prepare to empty yourself,"
My uncle leaned in closer to the fedora guy, thinking he was now whispering. "We can sell it for
scrap after we get the stuff ..."

Scrap? They want to tear apart Baby after I got her working and new? I imagined the destroyed
state that Anondos found her in. I couldn't see her look like that again. I just couldn't. I was still
trying to process everything that was going on right now, hoping I'd just wake up and I'd still be
balls-deep inside Circus Baby's robot pussy and laying on top of her.

But no such luck. In fact, luck just dickslapped me.

"Mornin', boss!"

Mike greeted me as he and Anondos walked in. They paused in their tracks, looking at my uncle
and the fedora guy. They then looked at Baby, then back at me. I glanced over at Baby, seeing my
cum was trailing down her left leg. It wasn't a huge amount, but it was enough to be noticeable.
Anondos walked closer to me and shook his head, giving me a very angry look.

"You fucking did it," He started, shaking his head at me. "You ... you fucking idiot ... you actually
went through with it. Why?" His angry look turned to one of sheer confusion and sadness. "We had
all this going, and you ... why, man? Why?"

"You had all of what going?" The fedora guy said, walking between us. "You had a test group, one
birthday party, and some walk-in customers. You've made less than five hundred dollars in the
span of two weeks. You're lucky we still let you in the building. If it wasn't for the plan, we'd just
have the three of you killed. It's a shame the blonde one survived that heart attack ..."

"What?!" Mike sounded furious, something I had never heard before. He turned to look at me and
quickly approached me, picking me up off the ground by my shirt collar. "You got Tricia put in the
hospital on purpose? After I trusted you and considered you a friend? You tried to kill my family?"
He dropped me without so much as a second look, turning back around to face my uncle and his
cohort. "You're lucky she survived, man, because I'd be suing your asses even harder than I'm
planning to now."

"I didn't do it on purpose! I didn't mean to do it at all!" I protested, furiously shaking my head.
"Baby just ... I-I mean, she ..." I hesitated. Do I just let everything out of the bag and tell them that
she's alive? They already know I had sex with her. My two best friends now hate me because of me
thinking with my dick. "Baby was jealous and thought Tricia liked me. I told her she didn't. I never
meant for that to happen, I swear."

"Your robot was jealous?" Anondos asked, looking at Baby. Baby's pigtails bobbed, her cheeks
flickered, and she nodded. "It's a robot. You're just going fucking crazy. I don't even know how
you found a hole to fuck that thing, but it's not like it's your lover or some shit. It's a robot."

"I am perfectly capable of being more than an entertainer," Baby replied. Anondos and Mike froze,
looking at Baby with expressions of terror on their faces. Anondos slowly backed away, looking
from Baby to me. Baby took a step towards him. "I do not want Anon to spend time with other
people if it can be prevented. You are his friend. I had no reason to worry about you getting
between us."

"I-It can really talk?!" Anondos exclaimed, looking at me. "You knew and you didn't fucking tell
us?!" I nodded in reply, looking away from him and remaining quiet. I'm still hoping this is just a
terrible dream, otherwise this is the worst day of my life. "You mean it knew when it scared Tricia
into a heart attack? It knew when it scared all those kids? It knew everything and you pretended
you didn't know shit?!"

"Scaring the kids was an accident!" I replied. "That was a faulty show tape! She doesn't know what
she's doing when ... she's ... asleep ..." I trailed off, hearing myself talk. I'm going to be committed
and labeled insane, aren't I? "I thought she was just a robot too until she talked to me, and then ...
things just kept going." I stepped towards Baby; something in me saw her as my protector in this
situation, even if I had been the one who told myself I'd keep her safe. After remaining quiet to
listen to my friends roast me, my uncle finally opened his mouth to speak.

"The robot isn't your little girlfriend, it isn't your friend, it isn't even your entertainer," He said,
shaking his head. "You think I'd give my idiotic lazy-ass nephew a restaurant to ruin? I paid to get
the robot fixed because we needed it. I got pissed off when you spent my money on this shitheap
because I knew it would ultimately go to waste."

"But you said you'd help with money, and then you-" I started to protest, but he cut me off.

"I was lying, you idiot! I had to make you think this was going your way!" He shouted. "All we
needed was you to fill up the robot and then it could kill you for all I care! Your poor side of the
family is no use to me, you were just the only one stupid enough to get into this for me."

"Enough drama, someone explain this shit, please," Anondos stepped between us, glancing at Baby
whenever he took a step. "Before that thing kills us all."

"Remnant," Fedora Guy finally spoke again. "We could gather it from the children that Freddy's
band accidentally got their hands on. We're not sure how to gather it from adults, but someone at
the lab had the idea of ..." He visibly cringed before continuing to speak. "... semen. An adult's
blood didn't contain anything we could use to make Remnant so we thought another bodily fluid
might do the trick. Circus Baby should be full of that, so now we can drain it from her and use it
for experimenting. As for you all, well ... I doubt anyone's really going to miss you people."

"... I thought there wasn't a dead kid inside of Baby. I checked," I said. "That was one of the
reasons I even bothered fixing her."

"Oh, God, no!" My uncle replied, shaking his head. "You think we're stupid enough to try that
again after the news keeps catching wind of it? This town's gonna run out of kids before we get
enough Remnant to do anything! The only thing inside that robot is your disgusting loser jizz!
There was never a child inside this one." Well, at least there's that. It doesn't make sense in the
grand scheme of things, but whatever.

"There could've been something inside if her claw had happened to grip someone, though," Fedora
Guy added. "That would've been easier in the long run, but now, we're stuck dealing with you."

"So it was all a lie," I muttered, not wanting to look at them. "Baby never liked me. It was just a
way to trick me into giving you cum." I kept talking, slowly processing the story as I spoke. "That's
disgusting, but ... but she helped me, she talked to me, she ... she was my friend," I could feel my
eyes burning from tears, but I quickly wiped my eyes. I couldn't let anyone see my defenses
lowered right now. "I ... I loved her."
"That's why you're stupid enough for this," my uncle replied with a grin. "You're so starved for a
woman that you'd fuck a robot that looks like one." He looked over at Baby, who was still at my
side. "Enough of this, I have things to do. Circus Baby, get rid of our problem. We can see that his
little friends don't make it home. The place burning down should good enough for the media ..." he
scoffed. Anondos almost jumped to punch him, but Mike held him back by his underarms.

I looked over at Baby. I could hear gears turn as she turned her head to face me. I could feel the
color drain from my face and my entire body started to tremble. I rejected having animatronics at
the start for this very reason. I didn't want to see any kids die at the hands of Freddy's killer robots,
and now here I am.

What I wouldn't give for a cliche and to hear Baby suddenly reject the command to kill me because
she somehow learned to love. Please, please give me a cliche.

If not a cliche, at least a new pair of pants before I die. Fear had made me begin to piss myself.

"Baby, please!" I started to plead, looking into her flickering green eyes. "I-I love you, please don't
do this. I'll forget this ever happened! I'll start doing drugs until I smoke it out of my head forever!
Please don't kill me!" I knew I sounded pathetic, declaring my love to a robot in front of other
people, but who cares anymore? I'm going to die anyway.

Baby's stomach slowly started to open up. I wanted to run, but my feet were stuck fast to the floor. I
couldn't so much as lift a hand to push her away. Her cone-holding claw slowly came out of her
endoskeleton, snapping closed like an alligator's powerful jaws. I looked into Baby's lifeless eyes
as she looked straight ahead.

At least the sex was good.

The familiar sound of her loud 'scaring' scream filled my ears as the squeezing claw shot forward--
and past me. I quickly turned, seeing it had found a target: the inside of my uncle's chest. His eyes
were wide as he looked straight ahead--the shock of it all and the intense pain was obvious on his
face. I heard some clicking noise and watched as the claw struggled to pull away as if it was
caught on something. When the metal beam gave one firm yank towards Baby, I saw the reason.
The little metal clamper wasn't stuck--it was trying to pull something out with it:

My uncle's still-beating heart.

"Wow, I had no idea it was that strong," Fedora Guy casually commented as my uncle fell to the
floor, landing on his back. Blood started to spurt from the gaping hole in his chest like a fountain.
Fedora Guy grimaced and shook his head. "Shame, he was a good source of money for us. Oh
well, easy come, easy go." Baby's claw started to clamp once more and shot towards him--he
swiftly stepped aside, dodging it completely. "Nah, that doesn't work with me. If I can survive the
first Chica trying to cram the cupcake down my throat, I can take your little grabby stick."

"So, uh ... what happens now?" Mike asked. He and Anondos walked up next to me. Baby's claw
returned to her stomach and her body closed back up. "Do we die, or does he keep the robot, or ..."
The three of us watched as Fedora Guy was now finishing emptying a gas can on the floor. We
looked at the trail of gas--it went to the door and had big splots in key places that would burn

"Sorry, what?" He asked us. "I had that waiting by the door in case something happened, and, well,
you know how it is ..." He shrugged, giving us a smile as if this was all some wacky accident. "I'll
tell you guys what. No one would believe you to start with, so if you make it out of here alive, I'll
forget I know any of you." He looked over at me. "Give me your cell phone. I want to call the fire
department so they can be here by the time we're all gone or you're burning, whichever comes

"What?" I asked, reaching into my pocket and pulling out my phone. "Why would you warn--" he
snatched my phone from me and started to tap the screen. I have no clue how he got past my
extremely powerful password (80085, I'm a goddamn genius,) but he continued to tap faster than a
soccer mom playing one of those candy puzzle games. In seconds, he thrust my phone back in my

"Someone's on the way, so make peace with your chosen God and I'll see you whenever your souls
decide to get revenge on us!" With a smile on his face and a friendly wave, he flicked a lighter and
let it fall from his grasp. In seconds, I could hear the front door swinging as he left. As soon as the
first flame shot up from the floor, Anondos, Mike, and I started to run for the door. Luckily, my
uncle didn't bring any kind of explosive to finish the job quickly. When the three of us stepped
outside, I froze: Baby. She didn't follow us. I turned and started to run back inside, but felt myself
get held back--Mike had gripped my shoulder.

"It's a robot! It's not worth it, boss!" He shouted through the loud roar of the flames. I felt a little
relieved that he'd returned to calling me 'boss,' but I didn't have time to care much; I couldn't lose
my Circus Baby. "No! Don't be stupid!" Mike struggled to hold me, trying to talk as I pushed his
arms away from me. "You won't make it back!"

"Then I'll be with her forever," I said, turning to give Mike and Anondos one last look before going
back. "This is all my fault, you guys. I fucked the robot. Let me pay for it."

"There's no soul in there to be with! You don't go to heaven with your toaster if you die holding it,
dipshit!" Anondos shouted at me as I ran into the building.

It was almost impossible to see through the thick black smoke, but there was one thing I could
make out: the flickering of Baby's red cheeks. I made a beeline towards the source of the light, not
caring if I tripped or ran into anything. When I finally reached her, I reached out to grab her--only
to instantly pull my hand back from the extremely hot surface I touched. Duh, she's made of metal.

"You shouldn't have come back, dummy," I heard Baby speak as I tried my best to stay focused--
the thick smoke and heat were quickly making me feel woozy. "I have experienced being
destroyed before. It is how we met. If you are destroyed, you can't be repaired. I don't want that to

"I ... came back for ..." That's the last thing I remember saying before I collapsed in front of her.
Everything after that is a blackout.


What happened?

I remember the fire and I remember going back in for Baby. Now here I am, back in my living
room. My hair was charred on the tips and my shirt was burned around the bottom. My pants and
everything else was black from the smoke. Somehow I wasn't covered in third-degree burns, but
my hand was bandaged up. What happened to Anondos and Mike? I know they got out, but where
are they now?

Where's Circus Baby? What happened to her?! Where's my Baby?!

I quickly sat up from the couch and frantically looked around as if someone was going to appear
out of the shadows and explain everything to me; no such luck. I'm home alone. I stood from the
couch and continued looking around. No one was here. It's just me. I survived the fire and made it
out of Freddy's. My uncle had his heart yanked out by Baby's cone-holding claw after he told her to
kill me. As far as I know, his body burned up with the restaurant.

I reached for my pocket and patted it--I could feel my phone. I pulled it out, hoping that maybe it
would give me an answer; I had three-dozen missed calls, most of which coming from a number I
didn't recognize. A few texts were at the bottom of my notification list, with one being from

"Mike and me r ok. Went 2 cops. Cops said we r crazy they r probably paid under the table. Mike
says we should b in witness protection so freddys dont find us and finish the job. message u when i
figure shit out. Tricia is coming home 2day she is fine. She doesn't remember Baby doing it and
thinks she fainted. btw i said dont fuck the robot."

I rolled my eyes at that last bit. I should've listened. At least everyone was going to be okay.

Maybe I should look into witness protection myself. Usually, people who mess up something for
Fazbear Entertainment just end up dead so there's no one to follow up on. Would they try to kill the
three of us for knowing what was really going on?

As I went through my list of missed calls, I saw that I had a voicemail. When I heard the voice on
the other end, I started to feel sick.

"This is Fazbear Entertainment. Your Circus Baby animatronic was found damaged at your
location. We have taken the liberty of having it repaired, as it was mostly cosmetic. Your
animatronic entertainer is one of our flame-retardant models, so it should operate without issue.
We--" the voice was stopped by another person trying to cut in.

"It was dried up!" It was the fedora dude. No idea how he was able to contact me so fast. "You
took so goddamn long fucking the thing that everything in the hand was crusty and the fire just
made the rest of it crust up inside! It's unusable! You piece of shit! I swear to God, this will be the
end of you--" click.

So all of that really happened. They were actually collecting my cum inside of Baby to use it for
some weird Freddy's science. If they bothered telling me they fixed Baby, what were they planning
to do with her? Were they gonna make me just start over from square one and hope I was stupid
enough to do it all again? Do they want me to actually run a business for them now?

My phone started to vibrate--I looked down, seeing a banner for an app I didn't recognize. The icon
was a picture of Freddy's face.

"Thank you for subscribing! Fazbear Funtime has sent out your new best friend! Your subscription
for 1,000,000 year(s) of service has been activated!" What the fuck? I didn't even download this
thing--wait a minute. This is why that smiling asshole wanted my phone. He wanted to make sure
he could finish me.

"Enjoy your time with your new Fazbear Funtime friend!" The message ended.

They're sending Freddy to kill me, aren't they? I didn't even have time to change my name and
grow a mustache. I don't even know what they did with Baby. How did she get away with only
cosmetic damage? How is a kids' animatronic 'flame-retardant'? How can fire be retarded? How is
anything fucking anything at this point?!
And there's a knock on the door. I wonder if they used the old model or Toy Freddy.

I slowly reached for the door, but the knob started to turn without me. The door slowly pushed
forward and I heard a heavy footstep approach. A footstep belonging to a red, pointed shoe with a
bell at the tip. Red, glossy pigtails bobbed back and forth as my 'Funtime friend' entered my home.
Red cheeks on my friend's face flickered, and a pair of bright, blue eyes turned to green as they met
my gaze. My friend's hand was clasped around a microphone, and that hand slowly moved up and
down in a pumping motion.

"Special Delivery."

Chapter End Notes

The end.

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