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Autophagic Punctum

Plant Signaling & Behavior 8:5, e23902; May 2013; © 2013 Landes Bioscience

Plant intelligence and attention

Michael Marder
Department of Philosophy; The University of the Basque Country; UPV-EHU; Ikerbasque: Basque Foundation for Science; Vitoria-Gasteiz, Basque Country

T his article applies the phenomeno-

logical model of attention to plant
monitoring of environmental stimuli
Attention as Selectivity

Attention in general is not reducible

and signal perception. Three comple- to the mental concentration that usu-
mentary definitions of attention as ally distinguishes this attitude in human
selectivity, modulation and perdurance beings. Rather, a cross-species and cross-
are explained with reference to plant kingdoms definition of attention I propose
signaling and behaviors, including for- entails a disproportionate investment of
aging, ramet placement and abiotic physical or mental energy by an organism,
stress communication. Elements of ani- tissue, or cell into a particular activity or
mal and human attentive attitudes are into the reception of a singled-out stimu-
compared with plant attention at the lus or set of stimuli. Still falling short of a
levels of cognitive focus, context and non-anthropocentric theory of attention,
margin. It is argued that the concept of von Uexküll described how a relevant
attention holds the potential of becom- stimulus is noticed (gemerkt) by an animal
ing a cornerstone of plant intelligence subject, such that a portion of its envi-
studies. ronment is transformed into “perception
signs” (Merkzeichen).3 In the course of this
Introduction noticing, which stands for the most basic
stratum of attention (Aufmerksamkeit:
Studies of plant intelligence have tended sharing, in German, the grammatical root
to concentrate on memory as a bench- with “noticing”), the world is imbued with
mark of intelligent behavior.1,2 Although significance for the particular life-form in
memory has a bearing on all three question. Philosophically speaking, what-
modalities of time, including a remem- ever is so noticed corresponds to the non-
bered past event, the present of storage indifference of the cell or organism, whose
and the possibility of future retrieval, it survival often depends on registering the
is a marker of intelligence heavily biased perception signs appropriate to it and vital
toward the past. On the other hand, for its survival.
attention is a feature of intelligent con- For a vast majority of Western philoso-
duct in the present, whereby an organ- phers, plants are indifferent and insensate
ism selectively responds to ever-shifting beings.4,5 Vegetative intake of nutrients
stimuli in a way that allows it to maintain and exposure to sunlight are taken to be
Keywords: plant intelligence, adequate levels of adaptation to its envi- symbolic of a passive mode of living that
phenomenology, attention, selectivity, ronment. Before processing, evaluating does not pursue any objectives whatso-
intentionality, focus and communicating information, plants ever. Contrary to this bias, studies of plant
Submitted: 01/16/2013 must first attend to—or take note of— foraging behavior have revealed highly
the bits that are relevant to their optimal selective adaptational responses to patch-
Accepted: 02/06/2013
growth and development. Attention’s ily distributed subsoil resources. Clonal
Citation: Marder M. Plant intelligence and atten-
chronological precedence is matched in plants selectively allocate offspring ramets
tion; Plant Signal Behav 2013; 8: e23902; importance by its scope, insofar as atten- to the preferential patches of soil in the
Correspondence to: Michael Marder; tion accompanies all other components presence of multi-patch environmental
Email: of intelligent conduct. heterogeneity.6 In environments with Plant Signaling & Behavior e23902-1

homogeneous resource distribution, the that register blue and red/far-red light attentive focusing on varied events in its
presence of competition likewise solicited in the apical meristem’s chryptochromes environment.
a stronger root proliferation response and and phototropins, as well as in leaf phy-
“conferred a selective advantage to plants tochromes, respectively.15 Plant signaling Attention as Modulation
proliferating in the direction of the most consequently involves communication
recently acquired patch.” 7 Morphological from a focus of attention to other tis- Given the variability of environmental
plasticity in foraging behavior explains sues not directly affected by the stimu- circumstances, it is unreasonable to main-
the “different patterns of spacer pro- lus, or coordination among the multiple tain a constant focus on a single stimulus
duction and hence different patterns attentive foci, each of them singling out or group of stimuli. Attention implies as
in the placement of resource-acquiring a vital piece of information about envi- much fixity as movement or change9,11–13
structures.”8 ronmental conditions—often, by way of keeping the attentive organism attuned to
As these examples demonstrate, forag- parallel processing, as in the case of leaf the variations in its surroundings. In other
ing behaviors in plants are highly selec- photosensitivity. words, attention motivates a chain of
tive. They are accompanied by attention Attention individuates whatever falls focusing-defocusing-refocusing, in keep-
to numerous environmental factors, within its focus or foci by bringing the ing with the needs of the attentive subject
foremost among them resource availabil- stimulus into sharper relief against the at any given time, or, as in the case of non-
ity and the presence or absence of com- blurry background of the relatively sessile organisms, place. In the tripartite
petitors. Moreover, they help illustrate undifferentiated context, experienced as scheme of attention, these modulations are
the general phenomenological theory of “white noise.” For humans, this individu- expressed in the interchangeability of the
attention, usually restricted to human ation (or phenomenologically speaking, present focus and other, previously insig-
consciousness. According to this the- thematization) yields the objects of expe- nificant, points in the context wherein it
ory, the act of paying attention depends rience, along with the conscious directed- is situated.
upon three interrelated and dynamically ness (intentionality) toward these objects. Before the onset of abiotically-induced
structured elements: (1) focus or thema- Consciousness and its acts do not preexist stress, such as in drought conditions, plants
tization; (2) context; and (3) margins the attentive attitude but are co-orignary perceive cues emitted by their already-
or horizons.9–11 The first element (focus) with this attitude. Attentionality and damaged neighbors.2,17,21,22 In plant-plant
is a selective zeroing-in on a significant intentionality share the same functional communication, the foci of attention can
stimulus or set of stimuli. In the case and structural scope.9,20 therefore overlap, even if the contexts
of foraging, a stimulus plants focus on While it plays the role of putting into from which they stand out are different,
is the quality of the soil, which must focus and thereby singularizing crucial namely actual drought conditions in the
be assessed as a precondition for select- environmental inputs, the attention of one case and proximity to a stressed plant
ing a resource-rich patch. But, in order plants is objectless. Their unique sight in the other. Due to an identical focus, the
to attend to an appropriate stimulus, does not translate visual stimuli into pic- response to a communicated cue will also
the attentive subject must first single it tures but into instructions for growth or be the same as to the onset of drought.
out from a general field, or context, that reproduction.15 Plant attention is likewise Since plant attention is active, rather
surrounds it. If the stimulus is not sig- active, rather than contemplative, as it than merely contemplative, its stress-
nificant for the subject, it will remain feeds directly into the plants’ phenotypic related modulation results in behavioral
dissolved in the context, which ought plasticity and capacity for adaptation. To changes that often entail the activation
to be understood as the background individuate the foci of attention, it is not of stress-inducible genes—rd (responsive
“white noise.” Growth in homogeneous necessary to transform them into objects, to dehydration), erd (early responsive to
environments in the absence of competi- that is to say, forms that are cruder still dehydration), cor (cold regulated) and
tion resulted in a random rooting of the than the discernments and discrimina- kin (cold-inducible) in Arabidopsis—and
ramets of Leymus chinensis and Hierochloe tions of which plants are capable. Not subsequently, an extensive transcriptional
glabra.6 Under these conditions, neither only do plants distinguish between reprograming.23
of the species focused on any given patch mechanical and herbivore-induced dam- In accordance with their evolutionary
of the soil. While information about age but they also respond by releasing rationale, acts of attention put the attentive
resource density is still potentially useful, appropriate airborne volatiles or commu- organism on its guard, emphasizing with
it is relegated to the context of attention nicate through belowground stress cues, greater intensity some stimuli over others.
and is not brought into the focus of the indexed to the specific stress factor.16–19 External dangers and threats vary for dif-
attending organism. The more dire a threat, the more does ferent species and kingdoms, and so does
While a single-minded or unifocal the need arise for an attentive singling the attentive comportment that responds,
attentive comportment is said to absorb out of its source with the view to its miti- at times preemptively, to these. Although
the attentive subject, involuntary atten- gation or to altering a relevant facet of in Husserl’s phenomenology attentional
tion is dispersed throughout the sentient plant morphology and physiology so as to changes are taken to be signs of freedom—
body.12–14 Multifocal attention is simi- reduce the impact of the stressor.20 Plant “the free turning of the regard”9 —they
larly characteristic of the green plants behavior is a cumulative outcome of its in fact are determined by changes in the

e23902-2 Plant Signaling & Behavior Volume 8 Issue 5

environmental conditions of an attentive stimulus. In plants, mobility belongs in focus of attention, except that a single focal
organism. To be sure, phenomenological the domain of signaling and cell-to-cell point, with its limited action potential, is
freedom does not entail arbitrariness: the communication—the mobile hormonal insufficient as an investment of energy
attentive attitude is “wandering in a deter- signals that play an important role in the into the act of trap closure. A twenty-sec-
minate manner,”9 determined, that is, by control of shoot branching24 and plant ond delay between the respective stimula-
the temporal and spatial fluctuations in action potentials, resulting, for instance, tions of two sensory hairs allows for the
the subject’s life-world. In plants, these in a rapid transmission of oxidative and accumulation of an action potential strong
modulations are predominantly tempo- nitrosative stress signals between root and enough to shut the trap.3,15,32 In the pres-
ral, though the frontiers of growth do not shoot apices of Arabidopsis.26,28 As reac- ent moment of the second stimulation,
preclude a spatial “wandering,” which we tion times (and hence quick shifts from attention builds upon the short-term elec-
will explore in a subsequent section of the one focus within the context of attention trical memory of the first stimulation to
present study. to another) make a difference for the sur- complete the investment of energy with
The open-ended morphology of a plant vival of an organism, the relative speed of a Ca 2+ influx at a threshold where it can
objectively expresses its acts of attention intercellular communication in plants is attain its intended foraging goal.15,33 The
over time, as its body plan is adjusted to crucial for their inclusion among atten- continuum of intelligence thus extends
environmental conditions, for instance tive subjects. If plants are “fast biosensors from the retention of short-term electri-
through the hormonal control of shoot for molecular recognition of the direction cal memory, through the monitoring of
branching.24 The decision on activating of light, monitoring the environment and further developments within the focus of
a particular axillary meristem is taken at detecting insect attacks,”27,30 then their attention, to the anticipation of prey—the
the intersection of local information pro- attentional modulations are on the par intended target of this deliberate behavior.
cessing and a global network of hormonal with sudden changes in environmental Only as a temporally coherent ensemble
signaling, attuned at the same time to the conditions that make up the concrete con- do the three behavioral modalities add up
external environmental factors and the text of their growth and development. to purpose-driven, intelligent conduct.
plant’s internal physiological and devel- What the example of Dionaea so clearly
opmental needs.24 The interplay between Attention as Perdurance conveys is that the practical success or fail-
these various levels of attention in plants is ure of attention does not depend on atten-
thus no less complex than in animals and Attention cannot be entirely isolated tion alone. The duration of attention is
humans, who permanently shift between from other characteristics of intelligent due to the memory, on which it draws in
attention to an external object and to their and deliberate behavior, and especially the temporal continuum extending toward
internal (mental and physical) states. from memory and anticipation. Following the future attainment of a goal. This is so
The rudimentary freedom of attention the insights of the phenomenology of time not only in the “sensitive” plants, Dionaea
is palpable in the reversibility of behaviors consciousness, experience is a continuum muscipula or Mimosa pudica, but also in
attributed to attentional modulations. of retention, attention and protention, every plant species that relies on monitor-
Along these lines, “foraging responses irradiating from the present back into the ing circadian rhythms to make decisions
are reversible over the long run” and, in organism’s past and future.29 The inclu- on the most appropriate flowering time.34–
some species such as H. glabara, can be sion of attention in this uninterrupted 36
The decreasing red to far-red (R:FR)
reversed very quickly, in tune with the chain testifies to its dialectical nature, light ratios that are responsible for the
fluctuations in environmental heteroge- combining the opposites of fixity and bud burst in Betula pendula37,38 evidence
neity.6 The modular architecture of roots movement, freedom and determinateness, a complex interaction of plant memory
and branches, seeking optimal growth, rapid reaction and lingering with whatever and attention, where the calculation of the
spatially reflects the modulations in the one attends to. ratios, as well as their storage and retrieval,
plants’ attention.7 The interactions among The starkest illustration of the idea are mediated by attention to the last far-
at least 15 environmental factors, to which that there are no acts of attention with- red and the first red lights of each photo-
this attention can turn, and the enormous out memory and anticipation is the Venus period. Attention as perdurance refers to
range of responses their combinations are flytrap, or Dionaea muscipula. If attention this interaction, oriented toward a future
responsible for25 further contribute to the betokens a disproportionate and fluctuat- goal (germination, flowering, etc.).
freedom of attention-laden behavior in ing investment of energy into vital areas of
plants. In phenomenological terms, these activity, then the Venus flytrap is the case- Attention at the Margin
factors and their interactions delineate the in-point of attention to its prey, in that
context of attention, within which foci “closing its trap requires a huge expense The last element in the tripartite phenom-
may shift (or wander) in a determinate of energy.”2,15,31 Described in phenom- enological model of attention, the mar-
manner. enological terms, the context of Dionaea’s gin outlines the limits of the context and
In animals and humans, the turning of attention includes everything around the determines the horizons of the field, within
attention signifies, in the first instance, the sensory hairs that detect the presence or which acts of attention unfold. The mar-
mobility of relevant body parts and sense absence of an insect on the plant’s lobes. gins of animal and human attention shift
organs, directed toward the newly salient The insect itself would be situated at the along with the mobile attentive subject Plant Signaling & Behavior e23902-3

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