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Kaleem Ahmad

Certificate ID: 50477 Nationality: Pakistan University: BPP English Test
Language: ENG University Student ID: AP1009896
Oct 11, 2022 - 11:13 AM UTC

Overall Score: 7

Comment: You can present and justify ideas in the written and spoken form with a high degree of fluency. In writing, the text is generally well organised and conveys a clear message.
You can produce complex structures and use a variety of good vocabulary that shows awareness of less common collocational expressions, despite errors. In communication, you
can maintain interaction, communicate effectively as well as participate in a native-paced conversation using a good range of grammar structures and lexis. The assessment
demonstrates that you have good receptive skills.

Reading Score: 6

Comment: This level means you can understand and process both factual and opinion based texts. You can recognise the theme and main significance of a piece, and comment
critically on it deciding if a more depth scan is required. To improve practice reading more lengthy, complex texts (journals, novels, etc.) within and outside of your current interests.

Listening Score: 8

Comment: This level means you can understand enough to follow extended speech on abstract and complex topics of academic and vocational relevance. You can follow extended
discussions even when it is not clearly structured and when relationships are only implied and not signalled explicitly. You can follow most lectures, discussions and debates both
within and outside your field. To improve try actively listening to spoken language delivered at fast, native speed from a variety of sources.

Speaking Score: 6

Comment: The presentation fully covered the requirements of the task, though some areas were more fully covered than others. A fairly good level of language was displayed with a
mix of simple and complex structures (player safety was compromised / technology began to seep into every aspects of our lives / can be instantly made right by having views on
empire decisions) and idiomatic lexis (everything has a dark side/ provided comfort to / made sports more exclusive). There were frequent systematic errors in articles (introduction
of technology in sports / Second benefit is), and plurals (which baseball player wear) but these did not impede communication. There was some dependency on repetition. Ideas were
linked using simple linking devices (the most important factor.../ for example / now I will tell you about../ now I will tell you. my personal reflection) and some were slightly faulty
(sometime). Delivery is not completely natural. Pronunciation and intonation pose a slight strain on the listener, but the overall message remains clear.

The task was fully met in that the candidate gave valid and appropriate answers to all questions and most ideas were developed and expanded on with good examples. The lexis and
grammar selected was accurate and suitable for the subject matter (people should learn those language which are internationally preferred). Errors occurred but did not impede
communication (its take too much time / its minimise your time/ make me empathy / learning languages important because / conversate). Ideas were delivered naturally, with little
hesitation and were linked well with a range of discourse markers (in my point of view). There were a few occasions where these were faulty ( ) but this did not impede
communication. Pronunciation is natural and clear and intonation is coherent with the key message. Pronunciation was generally clear and would not cause comprehension problems
in an international context.

The task was met and most of the responses were relevant and expanded on but there was limited flexibility of expression of some ideas. The candidate was able to describe the
image with mostly accurate language (they are sitting in restaurant and they are conversate each other about their working..working together on their laptops) and comment on with
appropriate lexis and grammar ( its convenient and good for us/we saw that due to the corona..). Some lexis was faulty (get interact/get distract/people are convert on online).
Delivery was mostly natural with some use of discourse markers (as well as) though others were slightly faulty (sometime). Pronunciation is usually clear.

Writing Score: 8

Comment: The writing fully met the requirements of the task with a variety of points made about the topic. The candidate listed some valid points with examples and the reader was
informed. The text was logical and coherent. A range of linkers was used with accuracy (For example, Furthermore, No doubt). There was a high degree of accuracy of the grammar
structures and lexis used ( expensive and requires a sufficient amount of time while computers translate with just a click). Where errors did occur (subject verb agreement: give
profound understanding/ plurals: with other), these did not impede communication A great range of lexis and grammar structures was displayed which included collocations and
phrasal verbs (Diminishing culture eradicates identity / inducing tolerance / profound understanding of one's own culture / unlocks new dimensions of thinking / provides impetus).
Where errors did occur (liberalizing mind / can easily be relied), these did not impede communication.

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