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Chapter 10 - Other Public-Key Cryptosystems

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The first published public-key algorithm

that appeared in a seminal paper defin- Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
ing public-key cryptography.
True or False: The effectiveness of the
Diffie-Hellman algorithm does not de-
pend on the difficulty of computing dis-
crete logarithms.
True or False: The Diffie-Hellman algo-
rithm itself is limited to the exchange of true
secret values.
The Diffie-Hellman protocol can be sus-
ceptible to ________ attacks.
True or False: the Diffie-Hellman pro-
tocol authenticates the participants;
therefore, it is not vulnerable to
man-in-the-middle attacks.
The use of _________ and _________
can overcome the vulnerability in the digital signatures; public-key certificates
Diffie-Hellman protocol.
The _________ public-key scheme is
closely related to the Diffie-Hellman ElGamal
True or False: The ElGamal cryptosys-
tem is used in the digital signature stan-
dard (DSS) and the S/MIME email stan-
Using the ElGamal technique, a
________ value of k should be used for
each block if the message must be sent
as a sequence of encrypted blocks.
True or False: The security of ElGamal
is based on the difficulty of computing true
discrete logarithms.
True or False: The calculations to recov-
er the one-time key K used in the El-
Chapter 10 - Other Public-Key Cryptosystems
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Gamal technique are infeasible if p is at
least 300 decimal digits and q-1 has at true
least one "large" prime factor.
The _________ (ECC) system is a com-
elliptic curve cryptography
peting system that challenges RSA.
Compared to RSA, ECC offers
_________ security for _________ key equal; smaller
True or False: Elliptic curves are ellipses. false
In general, cubic equations for elliptic
curves take the form of a _________,
Weierstrass equation
which says y^2 + axy + by = x^3 + cx^2
+ dx + e.
In the definition of an elliptic curve is a
single element denoted O and called the point at infinity
________ or the zero point.
The fastest known technique for taking
Pollard rho method
the elliptic curve logarithm.
True or False: The security of ECC de-
pends on how difficult it is to take the true
elliptic curve algorithm.
For equal key lengths, the computation-
al effort required for ECC and RSA is
________; thus, there is a computational
advantage to using ECC with a short-
er key length than a comparably secure
The sum of three points on an elliptic
curve that lie on a straight line equals zero
The purpose of the Diffie-Hellman Key
Exchange is to allow two users to se-
curely exchange a key that can then be symmetric
used for subsequent _________ encryp-
tion of messages.
Chapter 10 - Other Public-Key Cryptosystems
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True or False: The Diffie-Hellman Key
Exchange uses a session key in the
private key encryption scheme between
two users.
An example of a key exchange proto-
col is to create _________ public/private
Diffie-Hellman keys each time the two
users communicate.
True or False: An example of a key ex-
change protocol is to create a known
public/private Diffie-Hellman key, publish true
them in a directory, and consult the di-
rectory to securely communicate.
True or False: Elliptical Curve Cryptogra-
phy is used in the IEEE P1363 Standard true
for Public-Key Cryptography.
In Elliptical Curve Cryptography, the sum
P+Q is the reflection of the ________ R.
The two families of curves that are com-
monly used in Elliptical Curve Cryp-
prime; binary
tography are _________ curves and
_________ curves.
Prime curves use integers modulo a
prime (the group Z_p) and are best used software
in _________.
Binary curves use polynomials with bi-
nary coefficients (the group GF(2^n)) hardware
and are best used in _________.


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