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Constitution known as a supreme law of the land which we already heard several times this means that

this is the highest law in the country. All law must comply with the principles set in a constitution.
remember that " No one not even the president can go against with the constitution. The source of the
sovereign power is the people because whatever power is the government officials have it all comes to
the people, the people actually fair it gratifies the constitutions has become the authors on the 1987
Constitution while the civilian authorities is supreme over the military. We have three constitutional
bodies which are commission of audit, election and human rights and the legislative bodies they govern
a state to make law such as from barangay, municipality down to congress. The function of government
is to ensure the safety of the people, creates job, establish justice and promote general welfare. We
have several kinds of Law fist is declaratory or remedial law where in it is the laws that are made to
announce corrections to the routines that have been decided by the court. This is just an example of
why there was a law about cyberbullying because we are in a modern era/technology. Common law is
the law that comes from the court it is decided cases that are the basis of our decisions. Temporary or
Perpetual Law lets talk about first the ordinance it is allowed to change after 6 months a law where in
temporary is same as resolution, temporary in nature after that ordinance is satisfy so that it is a natural
depth but in ordinance in perpetual in nature unless it is replaced by another law or it is recorded in
effect by another law then its time the ordinance will end. Rules and Regulations when we say rules,
these are the ones that have no effect, just like guidelines, in order for a rule to be effective, it needs to
be regulated. We have the rules but the rules are crippled by people disobeying it, so we have to
reinforce it by regulating the behavior, attitude for example is the students. Rules and Regulations are
different because rules are just guidelines or instructions while regulations have the effect of law.
People are accountable to the law, so the laws should be equal whether rich or poor and whatever is in
the law should be followed.


What I learned in this section is that we have rights like right to life, liberty, property, due process of law
and equal protection of rights where it talks about not just and individual or citizens but also the babies
and the disabled A born baby as long as a member and living in the same country will not be harmed or
harmed because you will violate human rights. Second is right to have liberty this means the right of us
people to use or use facilities to express ourselves, we have the right to do what we want without
interference from the government or others as long as it does not affect their lifestyle. Third is right to
property, this refers to tangible and intangible properties, we have the right to own, sell, or use our
properties in any way as long as we do not exceed the limits set by our law. While in the Due process
applies to all when we commit a sin, whether it is seen or not, we should be prosecuted, but even if
there is a case, we have a maximum response. A person is presumed innocent until proven guilty
because we have due process so the case needs to be heard first even if you are guilty because it applies
to all cases. The witness can tell a lie even if he sees it, so all cases have/has to be heard, without
hearing we cannot just give any judgment in any person who has a case. Besides, only render a
judgment after the trial. So when it's brought to a real life situation, you don't just have to listen or
believe what others say to other people because that's unfair to the person who you're not sure and can
talk to if what others say to him is true, it's not right to destroy others person. Its not really unfair to
justicent the saying of him/her regarding to others and that is what is taught and the importance of due
process that we should not just believe what is said. In the procedural process of law, we are entitled to
be heard in the substantive process, we cannot arbitrarily ask why the liberty of property is immediately
deprived, so this is the protection of the person or us from unreasonable actions of the government, it
also has limitations when you see that you have committed a sin For example, if you stole, you were
seen on CCTV or videotaped, even without an arrest warrant, you can be arrested immediately, so that's
the essence of the equal protection of law, and that's what limits due process, not when there's equal
protection, it only means there's no rich, no poor. . So, equal protection is the ideal that we should all
experience. When there is a law that prohibits doing, everyone must follow it even if they have power or
are in a position in the government. There should be no poor or rich and no male or female because it
will lead to discrimination. There should be no special privilege. The limitation of equal protection is
different when it comes to PWD lanes that have priorities like their health. We can treat different
people, because people have different situations as long as what the law says will be followed because
that is what we will teach others.


Here you are not allowed to be searched when you are at home or anywhere, especially your papers
cannot be against unreasonable searches and seizures, it is said here that the confiscating of our
property is not allowed to arrest you and specially to search. This should not be ignored, even if there is
an arrest warrant, you cannot just present it if there is no probable cause. There must be a warrant of
arrest with probable cause, which means there must be competent proof that it is true because the
judge cannot just issue a warrant because only, he alone can issue it, not the staff of the brgy. or brgy
guard or whoever. That is our protection against government abuses, so it fails when a government
employee attempts or enters your house or property without a warrant, that is called government
abuse. You can't be arrested unless you or you live to commit a crime and that's called citizen’s arrest.
When we say warrant, it is a written order. A search warrant may be issued from the search seizure
personal property that personal property is the subject of the offense. Also, important to know that the
president of the Philippines has the authority to order police action.


When a person commits a sin. The police officer will go to the area and then he will take it to the
prosecutor’s office take note that the prosecutor’s office is a quasi-judicial body and not a regular court.
The prosecutors are the ones who evaluate the cases. Evaluating the case whether it has probable cause
or probability if a person really committed a sin it is called probability that there is a right that it did
happen. When the case is still with the prosecutors, there is not what we call double jeopardy, so it
means that if the case is dismissed in the first place, you can file a complaint again. Remember that the
prosecutor is inferior to the Department of Justice (DOJ) so the superior of the prosecutor’s office is the
DOJ. So when one case has been dismissed by the prosecutors or lawyers, they can file a complaint
again, but it will be brought or directed immediately to their superior which is the Department of Justice
and when it is brought and dismissed again for the second time, they will go They went to the regular
court which is called The Court of Appeal because the prosecutors are supposed to bring the case to the
court of appeal but because they don't see probable cause or they have been paid to cover up a case.
Complainants still have an option which is direct to the COA because they are also the ones who will
review the case and when it is finished and they see that there is probable cause, it will go directly to the
trial court here where they will start arresting those who have It's a sin or it's okay to give up because
the preliminaries are over here, which starts with whether a person is guilty or not guilty. After the
arrangement, its time trial and when it is proven that a person has been acquitted, he cannot be
dismissed. All criminal cases prosecutors will see if there is probable cause in short, the prosecution is
the bridge within the police down to court.


This is the right of the people against illegal detention. This means that when you are suspected of a
crime, you are not simply imprisoned because you are still a suspect. Except in cases, innovation or
rebellion when the public safety requires it. Just like our former President Duterte answering the
question about declaring a martial law he said 'YES' if there is invasion of rebellion because a president
has a constitutional duty to declare it and when it is declared it means the writ of habeas corpus is also
suspended and everything we are now suspects, just suspects.


Upon the discussion of Article 3 Bill of Rights those sections help me to realize my rights especially those
limitation of its rights to protect myself not only myself but also the people around me. I also learned
who are the people I can approach, where should I go and what should be the process I should do when
involved in a case. It is important that we know this while we are still young because this will give us a
guide so that we or I cannot violate the rights of other people and we can apply it in real life to avoid
and it will lead to social change. in our mind that everything we do has consequences attached. Also, to
improve our community promoting welfare of our society through improving especially the quality of
life and being having a civic minded citizen's that would develop one step ahead to help our country.

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