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CRESCENT HILLS SUBDIVISION HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION Minutes of 2022 Annual Meeting Monday, September 19, 2022 ‘The Crescent Hills Subdivision Homeowners Association held its annual meeting on Monday, September 19, 2022 at 6p.m. at the Cedar City Library. 1. REGISTRATION AND SIGN IN 2. CALL TO ORDER & CALL OF PROXIES Teri Cunningham called the meeting to order at 6:06 and welcomed the homeowners and introduced the board. It was mentioned that there are currently 210 homeowners in the Subdivision, 3. READING OF ANNUAL MINUTES MOTION: ‘There was a motion to approve the 2021 annual minutes. The motion was seconded and it passed by majority. Reseinding vote was due to 2021 minutes not discussing the $27,000 landscaping costs ineurred. 4, FINANCIAL REPORT A. Operating Account Tt was reported that as of August 31, the operating bank balance was $8873 and the zeserve balance is $4357.10. B. 2023 Budget Toe presented the budget for 2023. Debbie to send reserve accounting to Clarissa to post on website, Joe indicted that the association retained a new landscaper who ‘would also do snow removal per push. Prices would be more than what we are currently paying and were adjusted accordingly on the budget for next year. MOTION: There was a motion to approve the 2023 budget as presented. The motion was seconded and it passed unanimously. 5, NEW BUSINESS ‘A. Election of Board Members It was mentioned that we need to replace two board positions as Teri and Sharon's terms were up. The term is for 3 years. The names nominated from the floor were Dave Hahn, Kent Bamey. Each nominee gave address. There was a motion to elect Dave Hahn & Kent Barney as new Board members. mn was seconded and it passed unanimously. B. Other 6. OPEN FORUM (3 Minute Max) ‘There was question as to whether the road at the top of Meadow would connect. It was determined that the master plan would have it connected eventually. ‘There was question as to whether the drainage issues from last year had been corrected. It was addressed that the city has placed rocks and cleaned drains. Any street drainage issues should be addressed to the city. The landscaping company will pick up trash in common area and drains. There is a lot of construction debris within the subdivision. It was reported that we should talk to Alex or report to a board member and they can address with Alex. Parking on Meadow Street is horrible, It was mentioned that the streets are owned by the city. Board agreed to address at the next board meeting. Emergency vehicles are not able to get through. It was suggested that we could have % of the street red curbed. Suggestion of speaking to fire department. It was asked if board members could be appointed with positions as last year there were nol appointments other than President and Vice President. The meeting minutes were read indicating that all members agreed to having all others be members at large. All minutes should be located on website. There was question about what happened with the results of the emergency special meeting in results to hiring management. Teri explained that candidates were reviewed by the board and the board agreed to retain Asset Management during the last board meeting. There was a request for pictures of the flooding showing emergency. Debbie will get pictures and send to Clarissa for posting. Tt was mentioned that there are weeds coming up where the asphalt meets concrete. Most ‘thought that the city would be responsible for that area. The Board will confirm if itis a city issue. ‘There was discussion about creating a class action lawsuit to go after the developer or city for flood damage. It was determined that this was not a HOA issue and that it was a ‘homeowner issue. ‘There was discussion about whether the board needed to meet more often. It was determined that there is not much to meet about currently but if the board thought it necessary they would make that change. It was asked who takes HOA complaints and how are they handled. All complaints can be directed to Debbie. She then will consult with the board, 7. ADJOURNMENT ‘There was a motion to adjourn meeting at 7:06 p.m.

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