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Importance activities

Sustainability is development that

meets the needs of the present
without compromising the capacity
of future generations,
guaranteeing a balance between
economic growth, care for the
environment and social well-being.


Joyce Andrea Pereira R.

Section: 10-3
Description Problematic
#1. It reduces the electricity spent #1. The refrigerator spends 467
on opening and closing the fridge a kWh/year, when opening and
lot. closing it, also in the cooling part.

#2. If less toilet paper were used, #2. Deforestation increases.

deforestation would be reduced.
#3. It takes up to 500 years to
#3. recycle plastic bottles or take degrade and causes the death of
them to a collection center marine species.

#4. avoid food waste, reduce #4. Food waste accounts for about
greenhouse gas emissions and 8% of all human-caused
sustainable activities contribute to climate change greenhouse gas emissions

at the home #5. LED light consumes less #5. They contain gases that mix
energy and contributes to the mercury and argon in small
#1. Do not open the fridge more environment, since it does not quantities, which makes them
than necessary contain toxic mercury.. highly toxic.
#2. Reduce the use of toilet paper

#3. recycle plastic bottles Sustainable practices create a

healthier, safer and more productive
#4. Avoid food waste environment. From a social point of
view, sustainable practices help
#5. Replace conventional lighting strengthen the bonds that are forged
with LED in society, improve the quality of
people's lives and provide hope for a
better future.

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