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In order for the resource centre to carry out some important activities Higher Education in Nepal

relevant to their schools and teachers at local level, they can generate funds
locally. Some additionlil funds in the form of machining fund can be given to
them from the centre. This chapter deals with the system of higher education in Nepal in general.
!U'tationship between higher education and development of the country will be
Community mobilization Iscussed. The changing functions of higher education will also be dealt with.
way the concept of multi-university came to Nepalese higher education and
The community is one of the very important partners in education. The it was implemented will also be discussed. The Multi-university concept
present model of community participation is confined to their contribution to brought up after 1990 on the assumption that there would be competition
school construction, and their involvement in the school management the universities and as a result the quality of higher education would be
committee. By transferring school management to community, the !inhanced. The situation after the implementation of Multi-University concept
government has initiated to involve the community to a greater extent. But be critically observed.
the pace of progress in management transfer of school to community. is very Theoretical bases and international trends are taken in perspectives while
slow and the number of schools which are trying togo back to the previous i~eaJing with the issues of Nepalese higher education. Major problems in the
position of government support is also not less. In that sense, it is suggested rNepalesehigher education will be briefly discussed. In order for Nepal to
that the resource centre should be developed as a community centre so as to "j:;"nrove higher education, Nepal should initiate reforms in higher education
involve the community in activities of the cluster schools and encourage the clear visions and strategies. For this purpose, new horizons in Nepalese
schools to playa role in community activities. In this regard, the resource education will be presented so as to guide the future reform.
centre should be guided towards initiating activities which will promote such
participation. At the same time, the people should be given awareness Visions of higher education
training and orientation on education regulation so that they get clear
understanding of their roles. It should be appreciated that the very notion of higher education has

A final important point is that the 'community' in Nepal does not ¢~nged from knowledge producing mechanism to human resource

necessarily involve the parents. The active people of the community usually development procedure. It is not easy to internalize this idea without

take part in the affairs of the local school no matter whether they have their sufficient discussions especially for those who are· brought up and have

children in that school or not. In many cases the leading parents send their bc:en working in the university under a classical system of higher

children to a boarding school far away, but still take leadership in the local education.
school management committee. It can be argued that community Higher education in particular and education in general is given to
participation only becomes effective when the people participating send their youths for making them'able to cope with the future demands of the
children to the local school and when all parents become involved in the Sbciety-. Education is imparted in anticipation of how the world would
school's activities. The resource centre can be a very useful centre to emerge in the foreseeable future and what it would expect from the youths
promote this idea in the mind of the people. in order to be able to cope with the emerging society. The education we
offer becomes useless· if it is not in consonance with the emerging needs of
the society. In order for education to be relevant, therefore, it should not
only be up-dated to address the present needs but also have full potential to
address the emerging needs. Therefore, it is necessary that our education
follows the pace of change as elsewhere in line with the world's education
so as to make our youths able to cater for the needs for the emerging
sooiety. If they are given obsolete education, it is just wastage of time and

100 New Horizons in Education in Nepal New Horizons in Education in Nepal
energy. We should therefore visualize in anticipation the future needs of
Because of research, experiment, and experience, the process of
our society and provide education to our youths so as to enable them to
learning in the future will be different from what it is today. Innovative
cater for those needs. After all today's young students are expected to lead
... works in the field ofeducation, psychology, and human mind are yielding
the society after a decade, that is why, they need the skills and abilities not
new ideas about how human brains effectively receive information and
only needed by the present society, but compatible to the society after a
retain that information. For example, experts in teaching argue that engaged
decade. As a matter of fact, the students who are in the university classes
leaming helps retention for long. These procedures will produce new means
today, no doubt, will have important responsibilities after some years.
.of educational delivery which will be used to make learning and teaching
Without enabling these youths to lead our future society, our future cannot
effective. As we see today, instead of chalk and talk, multi-media
be hopeful.
~!presentations are taking place in many classrooms. The teachers should be
There are two ideas emerging in our society regarding educational
!~epared to use different pedagogical skills in the future if they want to
visions: the changing concept of future needs and anticipating those needs
~J:)erform according to the demands of the time. The classroom delivery has
and changing education accordingly. The argument behind the idea is that
to interactive mode from lecture method. Because of technological
the world is emerging with new possibilities of human strengths and
lJ<ivancement, new mechanism for educational delivery is likely to appear for
capabilities. The world has demonstrated that the future is going to be more
teachers have to be prepared. In this way, there will be a change in
demanding and challenging for which· our citizens must have new skills and
!~thods of teaching in the future.
abilities to face them comfortably. It is prudent to argue that in another 10
similar line, because of several reasons like exposure to new
years' time, many new possibilities and opportunities will appear in the
media, mechanism, and comprehensible inputs available, most
market. In order for our youths to take advantage of those new opportunities,
, as the present learners are different from the learners in the past
our people would need to have new skills and abilities. Even the skills and
us, the future learners will be different from the present learners in terms
abilities that we possess at present will have to be changed or updated in
what they bring with them in the classroom. Unlike us, a six year old child
order for us to be able to cope with emerging needs of the society. The
can have some knowledge of and exposure to new technology like
implication is that unless we update our present skills and abilities they may
information technology, international media like BBC, CNN,
not be of great use after some years. This is what the world has witnessed so
j!"nvery Channel, etc. through which they widen their understanding of the
far. The main function of our education, therefore, is to equip learners with
Before they go to school, they would get some vague ideas about
the necessary skills and.abilities keeping the emerging needs for the society
things through which they would widen their imagination, queries,
abreast. The quality of education, therefore, is judged on the basis of the
**oning, and understanding. In a way, it can be argued that the learner after
extent to which it gives them the knowledge, skills, and abilities the
years will be different from today's learner. I have no doubt that the
emerging society is expecting of them.
When visualizing the future education, it should be noted that changes
illUdents who come to my class at the university to day come with better
laderstanding of the subject matter and wide horizons than what I had when
in education are taking place in the three elements of education: i.e. content,
doing my university education. Therefore it is not only the content and
pedagogy and learner. Around this argument, it is said that the content of
llilldagogy that are changed today,the learners are also changed. The change
1\iii learning in the future will be different from what we deal with today. The
(lontent, pedagogy and learner will certainly put pressure on the teachers
explanation is that the world would have entered a new phase with new
in the way s/he delivers in the classroom. We need to understand
ideas, new contents, and new demands in some years. For example, many of
us did not hear about Family Planning, Aids, Computer, Environment, etc.
~omplexity of the situation if we want to develop new system of
for our future citizens. It is, therefore, necessary that for any
during our school time. But these things offer contents for school education
IIftnntrv to cope with the emerging needs, the system of education must
today. By the same token, it can be argued that there will be a change in the
in line with new changes in the respective areas so that the youths
contents of learning in the future.
competent with contemporary skills and abilities.

102 New Horizons in Education in Nepal

Horizons in Education in Nepal 103
Quality of higher education
Politics of change in education
Generally the quality of higher education refers to what is learnt
Basically two factors influence change in education: internal and (contents) by the learners and the degree of internalization of what has been
external. The existing system of education changes when there is change in learned. The quality of education is also seen in light of its relevance. What it
the political system of the country so that the changed context of politics is means is to what extent what learners learn from educational institutions is
served by the system of education. Putting it another way, in order for relevant and useful for the learners in the world of work, academic work, day
education to be compatible with politics, changes in education take place. to day life, etc. In other words, the degree of relevance of education is a
This is how the system of education moves towards achieving the goals set . major concern for determining the quality of education. Another major
by the national politics. The existing system of education changes also component of quality of education is the level of achievement or the degree
because of external influence. For example, when new things appear in of internalization of it. The learners should learn what they learn, at least, at
education in any part of the. world through innovative works, they will make an acceptable level and internalize what they learn to a reasonable extent so
impacts on our education as well. Many things are happening in education all that they could use that knowledge or skill as and when they. need. The
over the world. Through research and experiment, many new things are quality of education is measured therefore on the basis. of what has been
coming up regarding how learning can be effective, how to produce effective received by the learners and how they use that knowledge and skills when
learning materials, what kind of classroom interactions are conducive for needed. This aspect of quality of education is called cognitive part of
learning, etc. Some new insights are established based on experiences as education which is determined by the curriculum approved by the authority
well. All these exercises provide new insights to those who are involved in concerned.
policy making and management of education. People influenced by such As a matter of fact, traditionally, we have been using teaching, training,
happening bring change in the existing system of education so as to make it· research and services to the community as the main criteria for evaluating the
more competent. quality of university. This approach to quality refers to the supply side of
In this way, change in education is inevitable over a period of time. If education. The assumption is that once the quality of the supply side is
we appreciate it, things will move smoothly. Otherwise, we will have to ensured, the product will automatically be of high quality. Some people tend
bring about change in education under pressure. In our situation, the time has to put a question mark to this assumption and argue that without examining
come for us to bring about necessary changes in education for both reasons: the quality of performance of the product, we cannot be assured of the
as we have achieved Loktantra for which we need to change our education so quality of education. Based on this argument, the quality of education is
that our students appreciate democracy as their way of life for which they judged on the basis of what the learners can do and what not, and how they
need knowledge, skills and abilities compatible with democracy. Also there ~ope with the competitive world. Tl1is approach to quality refers to the end
has not been any change for long in our higher education whereas in many product of education. The growing trend is that a system ·of higher education
parts of the world, tremendous changes have taken place in the contents and should be evaluated from the both perspectives.
pedagogy of higher education. Gaining insights from the world experience, Furthermore, it is necessary that higher education should strengthen its
we need to bring about changes in our education. It is therefore prudent to cJlpacity to enable its products to perform a critical analysis, to anticipate and to
argue that our higher educ.ation as a whole is on the crossroads of change. If have a prospective vision. Higher education institutions must adopt
the government gives it a visionary look with some kind of political organizational structures and education strategies that make them highly
consensus, it will follow a right direction. If it fails to bring about reform in dynamic and flexible thus enabling them to respond with both the timeliness
the system of higher education, the individuals working in this field will take and. anticipation needed and to creatively and efficiently face an uncertain
a risk and do the reform works differently leaving the system behind. f4ture. These are meta-cognitive qualities that an educated person must possess
110 as to be able to work in a democratic way. In this perspective, higher
education is seen as a contributing factor to promote sustainable democracy. In

New Horizons in Education in Nepal 105

104 New Horizons in Education in Nepal

other w<>rds, WI can achieve sustainable democracy by promoting higher
education _ But for this we need to have high quality higher education involving • Promote national identity, patriotism, ethics
meta-cogrtitive aipCct as well. It has been a matter of prime concern for all • Promote technology and skills for national development
countries.. develll!ling or developed, to revitalize the existing efforts seriously • Create leading occupations and people for all round development of
directed "'t()war~ making higher· education more qualitative, relevant, and the country
innovative: in orh enrich the human resources as an invaluable economy. To • Expand horizons of knowledge through research and innovation to
this end, higheullcation should be accepted and also practiced as an energizer promote the quality of human life
to activate: effdllve and enabling transformation of knowledge and skills to • Be creative and analytical
individuaI s so !lit the emerging society benefits from capable citizens who • Respect human rights, strengthen democracy, and create just society
stronglyre:el thtsocialobligation to make significant contributions to further • Compete with the rest of the world.
empower flte so:ietyinaII aspects.
Bytbe samloken, in order for higher education to contribute to economic What happens if the learners achieve the goals but they do not acquire
growth, sc::::>cial &velopment and sustainable democracy, it has to be of high the skills and abilities they need to cope with the demands of the society and
quality. N""epal'se[ortstowards reforming higher education and adopting multi­ do not contribute to the development of the nation? In this context, the
university strate~es could be considered as her desperate wish to improve the quality of higher education should be examined against the extent to which
quality or higher education. In this context, the present situation of Nepalese the learners are capable of leading the country in all respects.
higher edl.:u)ation IlouId be examined in light of the extent to which it has been As the goals mentioned above are set at national level, they are bound to
able to er:J.hance~ quality since the implementation of the multi-university be vague and philosophical. They can be further elaborated and made more
concept. rhe tenn"quality" obviously is relative in the sense that it is difficult to explicit in order for the higher education institutions to narrow down their
define in absoluklerm. The quality can be gauged in relation to a set ofgoals of focus. No matter how vague they are, what becomes clear is that Nepalese
our higher edUcaiiOIL Furthermore, the quality of the goals of higher education higher education is expected to contribute to the development of the country
to be ach:i.eved siJouId be seen in terms of their relevance. Thus the quality by training people for different responsibilities, integrating higher education
relates to the degree to which an institution is fulfilling its goals, and relevance with productive sectors, developmental activities, business, industry, and
relates to the. to which those goals are applicable to the needs and strengthening democracy by producing people with reasoning, tolerance,
demands of so:iety. Another important issue regarding this issue is the working culture, and so on.
mechanisr:r:l of IISlfSsment of achievement to ensure that students achieve what It can be argued that the reason behind the adoption of multi-university
they are slllpposealoachieve. For the purpose of this argument, quality of higher strategy to reform Nepalese higher education was to enhance the quality of
education includes relevance as well because achievement of goals will make higher education so as to make it contribute more to the development of the
less sense ifthe I~lls and abilities students leam are less relevant to the societal country. The extent to which the country has achieved what it intends to
needs. It is, therefore, argued that reform in higher education should assure both achieve through the adoption of multi-university strategy should be
quality and relevL1Ce. examined in light of what has been achieved so far towards this direction.
The quality of our higher education should be examined in light of the For example, the quality of the students from Institutes of Engineering
general ~nction! of higher education and the goals set for our higher and Mepicine, TU is regarded as excellent not only at national level but also
education at national md regional levels. The quality of Nepalese higher at international level. But the question is whether or not the quality of TV
for example, in light of the extent to which it is should be evaluated based on such cases. As TV is said to have been serving
achieving the fuiIowing goals as envisaged by High Level Education more than 92% of Nepalese higher education, the quality of Nepalese higher
Comrnissi<ln p~in BS 2055, (1998 AD). Putting all the goals together, education is based on what TV produces in terms of the quality of the
the major empbalis of our higher education will be on to produce citizens students. It does not mean that other universities are not important. It should
with skills and alllities to: also be kept in perspective while evaluating TU's quality of education that it

106 New Horizons in Education in Nepal New Horizons in Education in Nepal 107
is serving to a large population with a very limited resource. Historically, TV failure rates. What emerges out of this discussion is that there is absence
being the only national university has been bestowed upon several the sense of accountability on the part of university authorities. Only a
responsibilities. The point is that the contribution of TU to Nepal's ..ruled study will provide us with sufficient evidence for determining the
development cannot be underestimated. Nevertheless, its services should be of higher education at TU. However, the general comment on this
examined also in light of what the country needs in terms of human resources is that TU has not been able to offer quality higher education to
for its future development. contribute to the social and economic development of the
The overall position ofTU is very different from what we can see in the .ion. Despite this fact, it should be noted that these days, students at TU
products of the Institute of Engineering and Medicine. Even today, for • putting tremendous pressure on teachers to award high marks while
example, no medical college in Nepal can be accepted as competent as _king answer sheets but not much on reforming the elements that
Institute of Medicine, TU. But the products of most of other campuses in the CiWntrihute to quality higher education.
field of humanities, education, management, science, etc., putting a couple of What is getting even worse is that TU stopped administering Entrance
institutions aside, have not been able to present themselves as the best in the Exams in the Faculties- Education, Science and Management- in the year
market. The Nepalese market would not put them on the top of the-list. 2006, under outside pressure thus becoming perhaps the only university in
Another way of evaluating the quality of system of education is to see how the world to abolish a system of student selection for admission.
the products of any institution under that system get access to the reputed The Kathmandu University (KU) is reported to have been successful, to
institutions for the next level of education. If we examine the intake of BP some extent, in providing quality education in the sense that the products of
Health Institute, Dharan, Medical Colleges under TU and KU, MBA courses some of its departments have a greater opportunity to grab jobs in the market.
in most reputed colleges in Kathmandu, it would appear that TU's products The international acceptance of the products of this university is also
are not the main choice. The job market in Kathmandu also determines the reasonable. Pokhara University and Purbanchal University are also
quality of MBA, for example. In this context, it can be argued that TU is struggling to provide quality education. They have been successful in doing
under tremendous pressure to enhance its quality if it intends to meet the so to a very limited extent through some of their affiliated campuses. They
emerging needs of the society. have also been able to offer some new areas of studies because of the
As has been argued, TU is expected to produce competent human flexibility in academic matters.
resources for different responsibilities. An analysis of how the top ten of any But the problem with these universities is that they are serving a very
discipline under TU are welcomed by the Nepalese market could be an limited number. of students and they are also adopting a liberal policy of
indication of the extent to which TU has been able to perform well. The affiliating campuses. They lack monitoring mechanisms for quality,
experience of the Department of English Education, Central Department of mechanism for reviewing academic packages, exchanging professors for
Education, Kirtipur, where I work, in this regard, has not been so quality, collaborating with business, productive and service sectors, etc. In a
encouraging. There are good reasons to believe that many other departments way, being new in the field, some new areas of study are being offered, but
face similar problems. There could be many explanations for this. However, in a way" they are also following the path of TU in many cases. Examining
employability of graduates is obviously the most important indicator of the quality of the new universities in light of the national objectives of higher
quality of the institution. In this pretext, TU has not been the best choice. education, it would appear they are also not doing much.
Hence there is need for change. What can be argued here .is that keeping the performances of the
The situation is not, in any case, satisfactory. There may be several universities established even after the concept of Multi-university was
explanations for this. Whatever the explanation may be, a country cannot implemented as well as the universities established before, the reform
afford to ignore this situation. But surprisingly enough, there has not been process of Nepalese higher education has not been successful and does not
any review of the situation keeping in perspectives the issues like what led seem to follow a smooth path. It is therefore necessary to bring about
the students to fail in such a large number, how could the situation be changes in the university education as a whole through policy intervention.
improved, and is. it the exam system or teaching that is responsible for the

108 New Horizons in Education in Nepal New Horizons in Education in Nepal 109
he could himself create knowledge usable in other events and transform
Meta-cognitive aspect of higher education
skills and abilities in other situations as per needs.
In a way, it is true that our education has not been successful in leading
Meta-cognitive aspect of learning is equally important for the over all
learners to use the knowledge, skills and abilities as per the demand of
development as well as for the development of how the learner makes use of
situation. The main reason for this could be the way education is
cognitive aspect of learning in the real situation.
_livered and processed in the classroom through formal teaching. Perhaps
Worldwide, what is regarded as the crux of learning is how it makes
is what we need to reconsider in our future reform initiatives.
impact on the learner in learning to think and learning to learn. As the need
A university education is seen as an opportunity to develop a range of
of the society is changing, it is not possible for a person to remain equally
and social skills. According to Sir Graham Hills, Former Vice
skillful all the time once he acquires some skills. These skills need to be
Ihancellor of Stray University, Universities are no longer just knowledge
updated continuously to make those skills relevant to the needs. It is
IiHnrles. For him" give young people confidence and competence. There is
therefore necessary for a person to be prepared to keep learning and Updating
the skills and abilities already acquired. For this purpose, the notion of attention to people and less to subjects.
Further elaboration of these meta-cognitive abilities could be as follows:
continuing education- learning to learn- becomes very important. The meta­
Accessing, selecting, and evaluating knowledge in an information
cognitive aspect of learning has a very important role in this regard which
involves the following elements in general. soaked world.

Developing and applying forms of intelligence beyond academic

Unlike the past, the present world is full of information. We need to be

skillful in how to access the information available in print, electronic media, work.

and in other areas. Another skill needed is how to select and evaluate the Working in teams.

Facing, transforming, and peacefully resolving the conflict, which

knowledge and information we desperately need. Here the question is not

involves participatory and active citizenship skills.

about where to fmd the information. but the skill needed for selecting and
Creating, transposing (change position), and transferring

evaluating the information from a vast sea of knowledge and information.

Equally important is the ability to develop and apply skills and abilities or knowledge.

Dealing with ambiguous situations, unpredictable problems, and

intelligence beyond academic work. The problem with our learners is that
they have limitations in applying the knowledge they have gained in a unforeseeable circumstances.
vii. Coping with multiple careers by learning how to locate oneself in a
broader context. They may have the knowledge but they cannot use it as and
job market and to choose and fashion the relevant education and
when needed. The main reason for this is that they learn things only in an
academic setting which limits their ability to apply the learned skills and training.
abilities in a real context. This is what we need to improve. Due to limitation
There have been numerous attempts to defme core skills: generic
of learning only in academic setting, our learners find it difficult to work in a and personal qualities; which higher education helps to
team in practice. For example, as working in a team is not promoted through
_eIOO. They include obvious skills in writing and speaking both in the
our instructions. The absence of such an environment where learners face
tongue and foreign language, numeracy and use of communication
unpredictable situations, unanticipated problems, participation in difficult
.oDIW10gy. They also contain other intellectual skills like the ability to
circumstances, transforming already learned skills and abilities to resolve the
on and learn from practical experience; the ability to assimilate large
problems facing currently becomes hard for our learners. Therefure, our
of information quickly and to analyze issues from several
learners become unprepared to face unpredictable events. They become
~ctives; problem solving and decision making; evaluation of risks and
individualistic lacking participatory skills. In this enormous world, there is and an understanding of the nature of change and
no possibility for a learner to learn all the skills and abilities. What is to adapt appropriately. There are other social skills like
important for him is to learn some basic and important skills and abilities so
--."'ina effectively in groups or teams, and personal qualities including

110 New Horizons in Education in Nepal Horizons in Education In Nepal
drive, self-motivation, self-assessment,. time management, ability to work The relationship between higher education and national development is of

without close supervision, leadership potential, enterprise and initiative. It is

reciprocal type; one helps the other to grow. ASIAWEEK, June 30, 2000

argued that university education substantially develops.these competences in

t,.presents this relation in a more explicit manner by publishing a study report on
the students. It is therefore necessary to promote these meta-cognitive skills
;"'rhe Best Universities in Asia". The report was based on a large survey of the
and abilities along with academic subjects and research. :.iversities in Asia. The main criteria for evaluation of the universities were
~ltademic reputation, student selectivity, faculty resources, research, financial
ffigber education and national development tlesources, students per academic-staff member, number of graduate students,
in international journals and internet band-width per student, etc.
The stage of overall development of a country has a strong relationship on these criteria, Kyoto University (Japan) was the first, Tohaku
with the quality of its higher education. There is no debate on how significant (Japan) was second, and the University of Hong Kong was the third.
higher education is in the social and economic development of a country. To be . the list of 77 best universities, there were the universities from Japan, Hong
specific, it is basically the knowledge driven economic and social growth that a Australia, South Korea, Singapore, China, Taiwan, Philippines, New
country can achieve only with the advancement of its higher education. ~i11i:Uld, Thailand, Malaysia and a couple of universities from India and Sri
In a way, higher education of a country stands as an indicator of its status Out of those 77 universities, only 3 universities from the SAARC region
of advancement. Observing the functioning of higher education of a country, the list. The universities from SAARC included in the list were
people tend to make judgment on a country's stage of overall advancement. The JQwaharlaJ Nehru University, the 41st, University of Mumbai, the 76th and the
main reason for this is that it is through higher education that a country prepares University of Colombo, the 77th. There were no other universities from
its graduates for positions of leadership and responsibility in a rapidly and ,~SAARC Countries in the list. Let alone the universities from Nepal.
increasingly complex and competitive world. Furthermore, how a country cursory look at the selected universities and their countries would
. advances largely depends upon what goes on in the university. It is, therefore, 'Knnarently reveal a strong relationship between the quality of higher education
widely accepted that the destiny of any country is shaped in her classroom. It is the country's stage of economic and social advancement. Based on the
in this context that university is accepted as a mirror of socio-economic and it can be argued that the more the higher education of a country is
cultural advancement of a country. Management of a university demonstrates ~VlUlced, the more it will contribute to achieve higher growth in social and
also depicts how the country is managed. Nepal became an example for this ~n:omic sector and vice versa. The implication is that those countries which
statement when after the success of Loktantik Andolan, all the universities had not been able to improve their higher education or are not preparing for
no authority for long and, were distributed among the influential political parties hnproving their higher education will be left far behind in terms of
for the purpose of appointing Vice-Chancellors, and other positions. !Ilde:velopment thereby widening the gap from the advanced countries. The gap
There is no doubt that, in order tor higher education to be able to eventually be converted into a threat for losing talented brains and
contribute to the desired level· of development, higher education institutions ~erbating socio-economic life.
need to be able to respond, in an effective manner, to changing education and What was reported in the ASIAWEEK was an indication of the
training needs of the country, and adopt more dynamic and flexible strategies !i,VnpOrtance of higher education in the social aftd economic development of a
for the operation of them. It is, therefore, noted that only those institutions of So is the case with the role of economy in the development of higher
higher education which can appreciate the changes taking place in higher lllducation. Education is the cornerstone of overall development,. and higher
education in the world and move towards responding to multi-dimensional .ation in particular plays a key role. It is higher education in particular,
demands placed on them can achieve social advancement and economic ,is part and parcel of the human endeavor for more civilized existence. In
growth. It should be obvious that simply following the rhetoric past trends in sense, it is also important to note that investment in education is made to
higher education would not lead a country to achieve social and economic ilchieve overall advancement of the society. The contribution of education to
growth. development, therefore, goes beyond economic returns. This is all about
quality of life in its totality, including individual dignity, self-respect, and
command over one's own life which is the true hallmarks of individual
112 New Horizons in Education in Nepal 113
Horizons in Education in Nepal
freedom. The essence is that there is a fundamental democratic sense in which Ill. production and application ofknowledge, and

education of every kind and level, therefore, should be made available to iv. training of the skilled labour force.
everyone to the extent that slhe is capable of receiving it Here comes the
notion of access to higher education for all as long as they have the intellectual Universities are considered to have an ideology free role. However, the
ability to get it. Putting it another way, no body should be discouraged to get of mankind has given the university the role of formation and diffusion
higher education only because slhe has fInancial problem. The state should ideology (ideology is defmed as a set of ideas or beliefs that form the basis of
work on different scholarship schemes to support those who have the merit for economic or political theory). It is apparent that economic and political
doing higher education but face fmancial problem. visions provide the fundamental basis for national development
It is the responsibility of policy-makers, thinkers, leaders, managers and Universities are the institutions which, whether we like it or not, have
the whole higher education workforce to make the higher education of a always been mechanisms of selection of dominant elite (best students and best
country functional in line with the demand of the time. To move along with teachers). Universities also form a network by selecting elite. Cambridge group,
this line, what is necessary for universities is to be prepared to challenge and group, Harvard group, TV group, Edinburgh group, etc. are examples of
reassess their routine practices and conditions without any preoccupation in this sort. They have undisputed dominance in their societies as well as all over
order to develop new strategies conducive to teaching, training, research and world.
extension policies capable of stimulating creativity and fostering the , The most obvious function of the university is the generation and
emergence of new forms of thought. The challenge is, therefore, how to application of new knowledge. Universities perform this job by carrying out
devise and implement innovative strategies to achieve a new order of higher riaorous research through its departments and research institutions. This role of
education, new structures and new practices without which no country can university has been becoming strong after science oriented universities in
make a progress. the US brought technological revolution. Even in Europe, there was a tradition
It is frequently argued that knowledge by itself does not transform using national scientific research centres for research purposes.
economy of a country. It is basically the critical mass of human resource that The fourth function of the university is to train skilled labour force needed
brings about changes in socio-economic strengths of a country. This is the the country. To day, this role of university has become most important.
type of mass we need for sustainable democracy. For that we need to have country tries to provide the information and training about new
appropriate institutions of higher education and innovative academic to its professionals and bureaucrats so that they can actively
packages that keep contemporary changes abreast through pure and applied I'articipate in and contribute to the process of national development.
research. As society moves further, its needs and aspirations change so does the
iexpectations from the university. As the university remains as the sole
Functions of higher education: A changing concept ~,ihstitution for the creation of ideas through rigorous processes, it becomes
ultimate source for generating new process of development in accordance
Higher education institutions are expected to perform several functions. As the potentiality of the country. In this way, the university is emerging as
we develop new technology and enter a new era, we face new challenges which development leader. There is increasing belief in the way that the
lead us to expect our universities to perform new tasks. Traditionally, university functions towards leading the society to advancement. As said
universities are associated with four major functions. The advancement of the until some years ago, universities were expected to generate
university and the quality of higher education it offers is examined in light of and disseminate the new knowledge for public consumption. The
how successfully it performs these tasks. That is why universities are regarded trend is that the university works by adopting collaborative and
as the main contributors to the existing civilization of the mankind. processes with relevant service sectors which enhance
Traditionally the four tasks of higher education are: pilrticipants' deep-rooted experiences in the activities they. are involved, and
strengthen the existing stage of knowledge to a more refIned understanding
i. generation and transmission of ideology,
the processes and contents of the areas ofstudy. This process has created
ii. selection and formation ofdominant elite,

114 New Horizons in Education in Nepal New Horizons in Education in Nepal 115
more faith in university research and dependence in higher education as well made tremendous progress. Perhaps, Mexico (more than 700m US D), China
as led higher education to be seen as a development partner. For example, and Indonesia (more than 400m US D), were prepared to receive loans from
American President George W. Bush, once announced his willingness to the World Bank because they were determined to work in this line of
offer as much money as needed to manufacture a car which consumes fuel as development in the field of higher education. It should be appreciated that
less as possible. This is an indication that the President believes that the investment in higher education is made keeping not only the national market
scientists and researchers are capable of manufacturing a car which can work but also the international market in perspectives. This is a lesson that a
very well while consuming very little fuel. In addition, modern higher country like Nepal can learn from international experiences. Considering the
education is expected to produce youths to do the following tasks; temperate climate and location between the two countries- China and India,
and other SAARC countries, Nepal can emerge as a destination for quality
1. participate in the development works through extension programs, education for millions of people of this region if we can provide quality
ii. coordinate international cooperation, and higher education and take care ofother relevant factors.
iii. apply knowledge and skills gained through research in a practical
world which is described as services to the community. Overview of development of Nepalese higher education
iv. supporting innovation by generating new knowledge, accessing
global stores of knowledge, and adapting knowledge to local use. Development of higher education in Nepal
v. providing the foundation for democracy, nation building and, social
cohesion. The beginning of Nepalese higher education is dated back to 1918 (B S
It should be noted that the function of higher education has shifted its 1969 Bhadra 27) when Tribhuvan-Chandra College was established. Initially
focus from ideological expansion and knowledge gain to national and it was affiliated to Calcutta University till 1980 B S. After 1980 BS, it got
international development and sustaining democracy. affiliation from Patna University. They it was named Tri-Chandra College. It
The emerging trend is that countries are beginning to largely depend on was only after a long gap, Tribhuvan University (TU) was established in
research findings, consultations and recommendations of universities for 1959 A D. Before its formal establishment, in B S 2005, Bhadra 10, First
future planning and implementation of qevelopment works. For example, University Planning Senate under Mrigendra Shamsher was constituted. It's
Georgia University in USA once signed an agreement with Georgia first meeting took place in Sarswati Sadan on Bhadra 14, 2005 B S. In BS
Municipality to provide all possible technical inputs in the area of 2016, Ashad 30, Tribhuvan University (TU) was formally inaugurated. At
development and business. In return, the Municipality agreed to provide the time when Tribhuvan University was established, there were only 29
necessary funds for the university both for internal management and carrying colleges which were affiliated to Patna University, India. All those colleges
out research and innovative works. The s~ength of university is that on were brought under Tribhuvan University soon after its establishment. Since
institutional basis it holds a large amount of useful and relevant information the establishment of TU, the growth of Nepalese higher education has been
which can be used for the. benefit of both the university as well as the remarkable.
country. As an institution, it has a pool of experts and world-wide access to For a long time, TV remained as the single premier institution for higher
the latest information on any area of study. Universities keep working on education. It was the only institution responsible for higher education all
finding new knowledge through rigorous research work.. It can be argued, over the country. TV had to take care of both quality of and access to higher
therefore, that if development plans and implementation strategies are education. From the beginning of TU, it emerged as both teaching and
congruent with the recommendations and consultations rendered by the affiliating university though there were also arguments that it should not be
university, the plans will be very likely to be successful because they are an affiliating university. It was responsible, therefore, for providing
based on rigorous research work and wide discussions. among the affiliation to any new college initiated by either the government or by the
professionals. In this way, higher education has emerged as an integral part private sector in any part of the country eventually leading it to have its
of development initiatives. The countries which appreciated such a paradigm colleges all over the country. The result is that now it has 60 constituent
shift of the functions of higher education, and moved towards that direction colleges whereas the number of affiliated colleges is more than 400 in the

116 New Horizons ill Education in Nepal New Horizons in Education in Nepal 117
year 2007. The likelihood is that, in the given situation, the number of There were some government colleges like Tri-Chandra College before
affiliated college will grow every year. University was established in 195.9. From 1918 to 1971, higher
The growth of higher education in Nepal passed through different stages expanded in accordance with the people's initiatives. The
over the time. Mainly, the development of higher education can be described Rovernment supported the initiatives of the people without much trouble.
under four stages: The expansion phase, the consolidation phase, the there was a lack of coordination among the higher education
reemergence of the private sector, and the multi-university phase. there was a progress in terms of expansion and community
ioarticipation. What was common among them was that all the colleges were
Tbe expansion pbase (1918-1971) the same examining board, i.e. TU Examination Board. TU was thus
the quality of higher education.
The establishment of TU in 1959, after the establishment of democracy, should be noted that during that time, the people who led the
can be seen as the expansion .phase of higher education in Nepal. It was the development of Nepalese higher education were influenced by Indian Higher
time when the Nepalese people had got a victory over the 104 year long 'Education System which was influenced, to a reasonable extent, by the
family rule of Ranas. The Ranas were heavily criticized for being against Higher Education System. In addition, due to lack of Nepalese people
educating the people. They were said to have a strong feeling that educating teach at higher level, many Indian teachers were involved in the Colleges
the people would mean the uprising of the people against the Rana's Nepal who also influenced the way the development of higher education
atrocities and hegemony. Once the Ranas were dislodged from power, place. The effect was that the expansion of higher education had a lot to
people's interest in opening higher education institutions reached on how higher education was managed in India. For example, the
unprecedented height academic stuff like subject combination, teachers' qualification and training
During that time, people had a new spirit and zeal for all round reauirements, pedagogy, examination, and the way Colleges were managed
development of the country. Even though the people were not educated, they highly influenced by the Indian system of higher education. It was
could understand the importance of education for the development of the because of that, TU grew as an affiliating university from the
country. With the new vision and new political mission, people from r:beginning though Sir Ivor Jennings who was working in India, and was
different parts of the country started opening new institutions of higher hauested to provide technical advice on Nepalese higher education during
education in their own initiatives. An aggressive expansion of higher inception of TU, had clearly expressed his view, based on Indian and
education was apparent not only in higher education, it was also the case 1t.merican experiences, against making TU an Affiliating University. There
with school education; the people were keen to open new colleges and new some kind of technical support from India to the development of higher
schools where the government was not able to offer funds from the Iducation in Nepal. Under a Colombo Plan, Professors from India used to
government treasury. The result was that several new colleges were to Nepal to work at the Nepalese Colleges. Nepalese students also used
established in a short period of time. It was the time when the community go to India for higher education either under the Colombo .Plan or on self­
people did not wait for the government to take initiative to establish new ii.'t;"t;",." Th,e flow of Nepalese students to India for higher education is stilI

colleges and hire teachers in their locations. In a way, those colleges were As many scholars from Nepal go to India for Ph.D., the Higher
community initiated colleges which received different kinds of contributions mucation of India is still somehow influential for shaping up Nepalese
from the community ranging from funds to land and local construction education
materials. From the point of view of expansion of higher education in Nepal, On the whole, the period between 1959 and 1971 was a remarkable
substantial progress was achieved during that period of time which would for the expansion of higher education in NepaL According to Royal
not have been achieved without the initiatives of the community. Local lOmmission for Higher Education, 1982, (BS 2040), there were 52 colleges
landlords and businessmen donated land and money and common people training centres all over the country and Centre for Economic
offered labour and local materials for the construction and establishment of peveiopment and Administration (CEDA). All these education institutions
education institutions. brought under TU.

118 New Horizons in Education in Nepal Horizons in Education in Nepal
The consolidation phase (NESP 1971-1976) Those who were politically powerful were able to establish some
in their locality with the Government's fund. The number of
A historic reform with the assistance of the US Government was ~UlUCIll:; aspiring for higher education was much more than the capacity of
initiated in 1971 in the name of National Education System Plan (NESP). colleges. Then it became apparent that the existing colleges were not
The NESP started the reform process in the whole system of education from fIiOUUl\;ient to cater for the emerging demands for higher education. The
Primary to University. The result of the NESP was that the whole system of was thus under enormous pressure to reopen access to new
education was nationalized. All education institutions, except a few, as the demands for higher education grew up. Eventually the
including those colleges which were initiated and managed by the .....vprnment could not resist the policy of having only the Government
community, were also brought under the government control. As a corollary, i'~um:gcs because of the growing demands for it. The Government adopted
both the private and government colleges were brought under the policy of allowing the community to initiate private colleges. Soon after
government system of management. Consequently, the colleges were decision, there was proliferation of both for-profit and not-for-profit
required to follow the guidelines of TU regarding both academic and colleges in several parts of the country.
management procedures. The government took the responsibility for This period of educational development in Nepal, as said earlier, was
. financing those community colleges also. Consequently, the property of . for being political for the reason that the political system based on
those (private) community colleges automatically became the property of direct control of the King nationalized the system of education. The
TV. behind the move could have been, as was mentioned in the national
At the time ofNESP 1971, there were 53 colleges and training centres. of education, to produce young people with profound respect to
They were brought under TU. These colleges covered different parts of the the absolute monarch. After the nationalization of education, it was difficult
country ranging from the Terai to Mountains and Doti Campus in the West open new colleges. The move was interpreted as the government's motive
to Ilam Campus in the East. Some of them could not continue afterthe NESP control access to education. In line with this, the centralized system of
for several reasons. Many colleges that are holding regional strength today ~ducation controlled teacher recruitment and curricular matters. Despite
were established during that time. these restrictions, what it did remarkably well was the consolidation of
Though the decision of the government to bring all the colleges under education by introducing a national system of curriculum,
TU was severely criticized for being political, through that intervention, it is ,examinations, teacher recruitment procedures, salary scales, and service
appreciated, the government was able to consolidate, to some extent,' the conditions of teachers, etc.
academic aspects; teacher recruitment and salary procedures, examination
system, etc. all over the country which otherwise would have been very ;Reemergence of the private sector (1980s)
difficult. Once the government took responsibility for running those colleges
under TV, it became hard for people to open new colleges mainly because of It has already been argued that the Government took full responsibility
Government's inability to provide financial support. The then Government education after implementing NESP in 1971. But within a decade, scarce
seemed to have the desire to bring the whole system of education absolutely and the pressure to accommodate more students in TU's colleges
under its own control. As a result, there was a slow growth of higher pressure on government so apparently that TV alone could not
education institutions after the NESP. Many people blamed the government any longer as an exclusive provider of higher education. At the same
for trying to control people from getting educated. It should be noted that the the Government was under enormous pressure to allocate as much
Multi-party democracy established in 1950 was replaced by the direct rule of as possible to basic and primary education. It became thus difficult for
the absolute Monarch in 1960. The demand for higher education was to be Government to put aside the money needed for higher education in order
met by the existing colleges which eventually led them to have more students address the youth population willing to go for higher education. As a
than what those colleges could actually accommodate. the Government decided, in 1981, to adopt the policy on granting
~ermission to private colleges by inviting the community back to participate
college management. Subsequently, in 1982, the Royal Commission for

120 New Horizons in Education in Nepal New Horizons in Education in Nepal 121
Higher Education emphasized the greater role of the participation of the Ministry of Education and Sports has forwarded an Act to the Parliament
people in the promotion of higher education. This is how the community as which has a provision for private university. The mOdality of operation of
well as the private sector reemerged as a competent partner in the Nepalese private university has not yet been made clear. Nevertheless, it can be
higher education. Since then, there has been increasingly effective role of the understood that more freedom would be given to it in terms of autonomy and
private sector in the Nepalese education. academic matters. It would also be expected to be economically independent
As the decision of the government on inviting the private sector in in terms of resource mobilization.
education was not based on any systematic study and rigorous thinking, the
government was not clear about how the private sector should be utilized as The multi-university phase (1992-)
a contributory factor and regulated as a supplementary partner of the public
system. The result was that the private sector began to function as it liked The term "multi-university" is found to have' been used to refer to two
since there was no regulatory framework developed by the Government for situations: Having more than one university in a country, and a student doing
dealing with the private sector. The private sector itself set the rule of the a degree course under two universities. In international arena, the latter
game which was not objected by the Government. This situation obviously meaning is popular whereas in Nepal, because of having Tribhuvan
provided impetus for the emergence of the two kinds of colleges under the University as the only university for a long time, the former is popular.
private initiative: first, the colleges initiated by the community the profit of Nepal adopted the policy of having a single university (e.g. TU) for a long
which would go to the college management so that the college would be able period of time- 1959-1986. (Mahendra) Nepal Sanskrit University (NSU)
to serve more people with quality education, and second the colleges was established in 1986 as the second university in Nepal. The nature of
initiated by individuals of which a large part of the profit would go to the NSU in terms of financing was the same as TU.
founder's pocket. In this way, commercial types of colleges have emerged The concept of Multi-University was materialized only after the report
since then. It should be noted that expensive private schools with for-profit of the National Education Commission, 1992 which was formed by the
motive were already in place making education like any commodity that can Government established after the restoration of democracy in 1990. The
be sold and bought. Thus the notion of involvement of the private sector both National Education Commission, 1992 suggested the idea of establishing
for institutional profit and individual profit entered the Nepalese education Multi-universities in order to provide higher education to the qualified and
system. talented people living in all Development Regions of the country. The spirit
The involvement of the private sector in higher education tremendously of the Commission towards implementing the concept of Multi-University
contributed to expand access to higher education. It has also contributed to was to establish one university in each Development Region and bring under
establish higher education institutions which offer quality higher education. this university all the TU's colleges in the regional. As it appears in the
There are private colleges~ both community and individual funded- allover report, the concept of Multi-university was initially brought up to provide
Nepal covering mountains and the terai. There are 60 constituent colleges of more access to higher education for those who would otherwise be left out.
TV but the number of affiliated colleges is more than 400 in the year 2007. It The report envisaged a greater role of University Grants Commission in this
seems that every year the number is going to grow unless another decision regard.
on affiliation policy is made. This is a clear indication of the expansion of In line with this, in 1992, an Act was passed by the Parliament to
higher education once the provision made on granting private colleges. establish Kathmandu University as a Non-Government University though,
In the 1990s, the Government became prepared to establish universities contrary to the suggestion of the Commission, the UGC was not given any
with more focus on privatization. The universities established after 1992 role in the process. Another provision made in the Kathmandu University
established more private colleges when they have a couple of their own Act was that, unlike TU and NSU where the King was the Chancellor, the
colleges. It happened also with the universities which were established after provision had been made for the Prime Minister to be the Chancellor. After
the restoration of democracy in 1990, e.g. Kathmandu University, the Amendment of the Education Act in 2006, the role of the King as
Purbanchal University, Pokhara University. Furthermore, it is learnt that Chancellor of TV and NSU has been transferred to the Prime Minister.

122 New Horizons in Education in Nepal New Horizons in Education in Nepal 123
Another important provision made in the Kathmandu University Act was that universities were established to stop over flow to the prestigious
the University was to be established outside the Kathmandu Valley. in Bangkok some years ago. The establishment of Pokhara and
Following this trend, two universities; Purbanchal University (PU) in 1993, It,trbanchal University neither followed the procedures already worked out
and Pokhara University in 1996, were established in Biratnagar and Pokhara did they receive technical and professional inputs from UGC and experts
respectively. Altogether, there are now five universities. There are two other their establishment. All what was seen was the prevalence of political
degree awarding institutions in the field of medical science- B P Koirala pel;ision on the establishment of the universities.
Health Science Academy and Medical Science National Academy- which Reviewing the policies and strategies regarding the establishment of
regarded as deemed university. Two years ago, Bouddha Lumbini University -universities, it appears that they have not been established in consonant
was established in 2005 though there is a lot to do to make it a functional what has been envisioned by the Government's policy documents also.
university. it looks that the development of higher education has been influenced
The idea of adopting multi- university strategy for the enhancement of by a group of politicians and less guided by technical and professional
Nepalese higher education was recommended by the Royal Commission on For example, the Ninth National Plan (1997-2002) maintains that in
Higher Education 1982, National Education Commission, 1992, and High to better manage the country's higher education, in order to make it
Level National Education Commission, 1998. Higher Education Project qualitative and competitive, and to make it serve the national and
(HEP) which was implemented during 1993-1999 funded by the World Bank ,tej;donal needs of the country, multi universities will be established in all the
also supported this idea. One of the basic ideas envisaged by the HEP was development regions. In order to expedite the matter, a coordination
the formation of two regional campus clusters in the western and eastern committee for the establishment and management of university involving
development regions. For that purpose, a campus in each cluster was to be MOE, TU, and UGC was to be constituted. The implication was that at
identified to lead the cluster. The lead campuses of TU were expected to initial stage it was promised that technical and professional inputs for the
initiate phasing out the Proficiency Certificate Level (PCL) and coordinating of a university would be sought before establishing a new
the TU campuses in the satellite areas for bringing them under their university. But it becomes obvious how such a process was bypassed when
leadership. Funds under HEP were allocated to these campuses to equip them reviewing the actual process of how the Act for the establishment of a
with adequate facilities so as allow them to emerge eventually as competent university was passed by the Parliament. Neither inputs were received from a
institutions with more autonomy finally taking a shape of university. It was committee as said above nor was UGC involved in the process. What has
hoped that those institutions would eventually emerge as universities and argued above is more than enough to show that political decisions
bring the campuses in the cluster areas under their jurisdiction. (Mahendra) prevailed much in the process of implementing the concept of multi­
Morang MUltiple Campus in Biratnagar and Prithvi Narayan Multiple university while putting the technical and professional inputs aside. One of
Campus in Pokhara were identified as the lead campuses and they were the reasons for why our higher education has not been able to function as
financially supported under the HEP project for that purpose. Funds made expected can be attributed to over political interventions in all the affairs of
available under that scheme were exhausted to improve their infrastructure, the universities.
library, equipment, etc. The two TU campuses had adequate number of It is also argued that in a professional setting, people do not want to
students, qualified faculty, infrastructure, and other facilities sufficient for confine a university to a geographical region. The concept of regional
them to emerge as a university. But instead of promoting these colleges as university may raise some issues. A university is universal; it works beyond
university, Purbanchal University in Biratnagar and Pokhara University in political and geographical boundary. We have universities in UK, USA,
Pokhara were established as new universities. As a matter of fact, the Australia which have been running programs in Asia and in many other
international trend is that a university is not established as a new institution; countries. However, it can also be argued that a university has a geographical
rather a competent campus with adequate independence and autonomy locus and focus in the sense that it is expected to serve mainly the area of its
emerges as university. This is what happened in UK in 1993 when 6 highly location with the focus on the needs of the society it is supposed to serve.
reputed colleges were converted into 6 universities. In Thailand also, four

124 New Horizons in Education in Nepal New Horizons in Education in Nepal 125
Universities in Nepal 840 on daily wages. The position of the technical administrative staff is as
. follows; 1959 permanent, 312 temporary, 1315 on contract, and 878 on daily
There are 5 universities in operation in Nepal: Tribhuvan University, wages.
Nepal Sanskrit University, Kathmandu University, Purbanchal University, Nepal Sanskrit University (NSU) was established in 1986. It offers

and Pokhara University. There are other two institutions of higher education courses in Education, Science (Ayurved) Medical Science (Ayurved) and

in operation which award degrees: i.e. B P Koirala Health Science Academy Sanskrit. Balmeeki Campus, a TV's constituent campus was handed over to

and Medical Science National Academy. These two institutions are regarded NSU after it was established as University. This university has 12 constituent

as deemed universities which do not approve other institutions to run similar campuses and 17 affiliated campuses. There is only one campus in

programs like the five universities mentioned above. The two higher Kathmandu (Balmeeki). Its Central Office is in Dang. It has also covered

education institutions are under the Ministry of Health. It should be noted many parts of the country. It has started teaching other areas than Sanskrit

that Bouddha Lumbini University was established in 2005, but it has not yet like Education, for example.

started academic programs. In this way, altogether there are 8 institutions of As of 2005/6, there are 3104 students studying under this university.

higher education with a university status. Universities like Agriculture and There are 372 teachers working in different areas. There are 429

Forestry University and Open University are in the pipe line. administrative staff (both administrative and technical) working at this

Tribhuvan University (TU) was established in 1959. It is regarded as a university.

national or state university since it gets government funds for its operation. Kathmandu University (KU) was established in 1991 by an A~t passed

TU is the largest and oldest University in Nepal. It has 60 constituent by the parliament. It offers courses in the area of Science, Management,

campuses and more than 400 affiliated campuses. The constituent campuses Law, Education, Arts, Engineering and Medical Science. It has 6 constituent

are fully under the control of TV. The affiliated campuses receive a nominal colleges and 11 affiliated colleges. It has set "Quality Education for

fund from the University Grants Commission. They are privately managed. Leadership" as its mission statement. It has its own constituent colleges in

Their quality of education is controlled by TU through curriculum and Kavre, Dhulikhel and Lalitpur. It has affiliated colleges in the Kathmandu

examinations. Valley. There are five Medical Colleges affiliated to this university out of

It has five technical institutes and four faculties which are led by the which three are out of the Kathmandu Valley. As of 200617, the university

Deans. The technical institutes are: Institute of Engineering, Institute of has 2476 students in constituent colleges and 2686 students in affiliated

Medicine, Institute of Forestry, Institute of Science and Technology, and colleges. It has 193 full time teaching staff and 69 part time teaching staff.

Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science. Under these institutions, there The number of non-teaching staff is 139. (UGC 2005/6, Pocket Pal 200617)

are 36 central departments (UGC 2005/6). As of 2005/2006, there were Purbanchal University (PU) was established in 1993. Its Central

20612 students studying under these technical institutes. Office is in Biratnagar, Morang, the Eastern Development Region of Nepal.

The faculties are: Faculty of Education, Faculty of Humanities and As reported by UGC 2005/6, it has three constituent colleges and 86

Social Science, Faculty of Law, and Faculty of Management. It has also affiliated colleges. The number of students studying under this university is

research centres in the areas of Education, Economics, Asian Culture, and 8812. It offers courses under Science and Technology, Management, Law,

Science. As of 2005/6, there were 132504 students studying in these Medical Science, Education, Arts covering courses like Computer

faculties. There were thus 153126 students under TV in the year 2005/6. Application, Rural Development, Fashion Designing, Information

According to UGC 2005/6, altogether there are 5907 teachers working at Technology, etc. Under its constituent colleges, it has only 43 teachers, and

TU. Out of them, 4909 are on permanent status, 114 on temporary, and 947 122 administrative staff.

on contract. Looking at the number of part time teachers struggling for Pokhara University (PU) was established in 1996. The Central Office

contractual service, it seems that there are many teachers working at TV on of Pokhara University is in Pokhara, Kaski, the centre of the Western

the hope that they will have a permanent job. Similarly, there are 3574 Development Region. It has 3 constituent colleges and 23 affiliated colleges

permanent administrative staff members, 161 temporary, 276 on contract, out of which 14 are in the Kathmandu Valley. It offers courses in the area of

126 New Horizons in Education in Nepal New Horizons in Education in Nepal 127

Management, Arts, Science and Technology. It has 408 students in its
!il I ! I was perceived to be unable to provide access to and quality in higher
, I! constituent colleges and 5207 students in the affiliated colleges. It has It was therefore proposed that multi-universities should ~
initiated Computer Application Courses, Business Administration,
Engineering, Health Care Management, Biochemistry, .etc. The number of
-established by promoting TV's large campuses initially as lead campuses and
allowing them to emerge as university for the enhancement of
teaching staff working in the constituent colleges of pO is 44 and the number both the access and quality. It looks that the planners intended to provide
of administrative staffis 85. higher education by breaking TU into several small universities on a
Boudha Lumbini University (BLU) has not yet done much on teaching regional basis. Taking into account the international trend, it is so clear that
courses. It was basically expected to pursue studies on Buddhism- Buddhist most universities famous for quality in the world have students in a
philosophy, research on Buddhism, Search literature in the relevant areas, manageable size, say 20·30 thousands. In terms of coverage of area also,
etc. But being a university, its Act passed by the parliament may allow it to most of them are confined to a limited area. Many of them are confined to an
pursue independent academic works like any other university. The future area and are called University Campus. What seems emerging is that for
course of development of this university is, by and large, dependent upon quality of higher education, among many factors, number of students and
how the government supports it in terms of operationalizing its activities. geographical coverag~ can have a significant role. Looking at the problem
The other two degree awarding higher education institutions are B P from this point of view, it could be argued that quality was another prime
Koirala Health Science Academy, Dharan, and Medical Science National concern for the reason for why the concept of multi-university was proposed.
Academy, Bir Hospital, Kathmandu.. They have been offering courses at TIle trend in higher education is that universities are moving towards
Proficiency Certificate Level, Bachelor and Maser's Level in Medical becoming result-oriented. This notion has certainly led them to avoid
Sciences. Tl;lere are 125 students studying in Medical Science National expansion, and concentrate on quality products. Worldwide, universities are
Academy, Bir Hospital, Kathmandu, and 721 students studying in B P struggling for becoming "Knowledge Empire" instead of "Territorial
Koirala Health Science Academy. Empire". It should be noted that universities with 20 to 30 thousand students
under a single campus have been most successful in offering quality higher
Multi-university strategy for access and quality education in the world. In this context, it can be argued that Tribhuvan
University should be restructured allowing the large campuses emerge as
Worldwide higher education has moved from class to mass. More and autonomous universities so that they can provide quality higher education.
more people want to do higher education. It is argued that no body should be At the initial stage, Prithvi Narayan Muliple Campus and (Mahendra)
barred from getting higher education for-fmancial reason. In a way, now the . Morag Multiple Campus were identified for this purpose. Later on, other
concept of higher education for all is emerging. campuses like (Mahendra) Multiple Campus, Nepalgunj, Ram Swaroop Ram
Nepal adopted a multi-university strategy for reforming higher Sagar Multiple Campus, Janakpur, Thakur Ram Multiple Campus, Birgunj
education for both quality and access. Not much discussion took place at . were also put in the list for the same purpose. It could be argued that had the
national level on why Nepal should have many universities, apart from idea of regional cluster been implemented successfully, by now, these
reports prepared by different Conimissions on different occasions suggesting campuses would have emerged as university.
that the multi-university strategy should be followed in order to provide
more access to higher education. Dwelling upon the Report of the TU emerging as a strange university
Commission of 1992 for understanding the reasons for why multi-university
was proposed, it would be obvious that access to higher education was the Tribhuvan University, Ii synonym of Nepalese higher education, has :Jj
priority. However, several ideas can be devised from the proposal of the emerged as a strange university in the world. There are several oddities ,II

Higher Education Project to establish lead clusters and later to promote those accumulated in TV over time which are unusual in a modem institution of


clusters as regional universities. Keeping in perspective the HEP approach to

establish lead clusters with sufficient autonomy, it would be apparent that
higher education. These oddities are the results of the continuity of

visionless leadership, over politicking of universities, higher education


New Horizons in Education in Nepal New Horizons in Education in Nepal 129

without national priority, etc. The most unfortunate but striking thing is that Another strange thing about TV is that it has several teachers and
the poIiticalleadership of all the time never realized that without developing ilrofessors who do not teach even a single period in the whole year. They
higher education, no country can develop its socio-economy. As higher not seen a classroom for years. This is unusual in the sense that
education has become a development partner of a country, the persistent a university teacher cannot continue his job without doing
poor performance of Nepal in the field of socio-economy is attributed to the 'P,",UlIlg or research, but here in TV, it is those teachers who constitute an
poor quality of Nli1'alese higher education. Most politicians think that :mfluential power centre. Worldwide, it is unusual for a university to have
political settlement is the most crucial thing for a country but how can it be professors on payroll. But in TV they are the ones who influence most
achieved and sustained without insightful leaders and committed and ,secu;ions including the appointment of the Vc. In addition, higher education
competent citizens for which development of quality higher education is Nepal has gained another oddity this year by introducing the system of
essential. tlmDointing the VC with a political party tag.
TV is a very large university in terms of its number of students and Modem higher education has high correlation with the costs incurred in
coverage through constituent and affiliated colleges. It has a very large education and its quality. One of the reasons for why the quality of
number of students which is unusual for a modem ~iversity. It is a very s education is questioned is because TV spends very little money on
large university also in terms of number of campuses it has. TV has 60 that contribute to quality education. The obvious explanation is that it
constituent campuses scattered all over the country and about 400 affiliated .Iets money from the government only for salary and it raises very little
campuses locations of many of which the TV authority is unknown about. tDoney from students. The apparent reason is that TV students pay less than
Since there is complete absence of clear ideas about how to deal with the • dollar a month even at Master's level making TV as one of the cheapest

issue of affiliated colleges, there is likelihood of approving many other universities in the world. The paradox is that TV has no money for quality

campuses in the years to come. The paradox is that on the one hand, TV has education but it offers almost free higher education. One wonders whether it

is enhancing students' competence level or killing their potential.

not been able to offer quality higher education in its own campuses, on the
Another interesting thing about TV is that a large number of students sit

other hand, it is affiliating more than 400 private colleges without any plan.
TV is a university where the students have to wait almost for a year for
in the final exam as regular students without attending even a single class in

the whole academic session. They do not who the teachers are in the

exam results. This is very unusual because this is a very long period of time
department. No university in the world entertains such students. In TV there

for students to keep track of an academic matter. Obviously the students

is no difference between the students who attend a class on a regular basis

have to lose one academic year for going on to the next level. In many other
. IPld who do not. Campuses are under pressure to certify that all the students
universities in the world, it does not take mo~tl. than a couple of months , time
bl\ve attended at least 70 % classes. Student leaders feel proud of being able \.I.lli"
for bringing out exam results. Even inNli1'al, the SLC Board publishes "
allow these students to sit in the exam as regular students.
results of about 3 hundred thousand students within two months. HSEB also
A modem university performs several functions. But the three
used to publish exam results in a short period of time. TV is a university
fimctions- teaching, research and community services- are essential for
which offers courses on testing and examinations but cannot improve
. becoming a competent university. From this point of view, TV is not a full­
efficiency and quality of its own examinations. The pass rate of TV and
. fledged university, rather it is merely a teaching university in the sense that
absence of accountability makes another story. Amid these oddities, now-a­
all what it does is teaching; it does not carry out research and community
days, students at TV have started putting pressure on teachers for high marks
services. It has become necessary for it to initiate other two major functions
instead of putting pressure on the authority to bring about reforms in the way
to become a full-fledged university.
teaching and learning takes place, exams are conducted, instructional Based on papers, discussions, reports, it is therefore not difficult to
materials are developed, classroom interaction takes place, entrance exam is understand why professionals and scholars were in favour of promoting TV's
administered, etc. The TV authority looks enthusiastic to reward students in large campuses into regional universities. The size of TV was becoming very
the name of internal assessment but has no courage to move towards large causing problems in managing it, and the coverage was sO wide that it
reforming educational delivery.
was virtually difficult for TV executives to visit all campuses during their 4

130 New Horizons in Education in Nepal New Horizons in Education in Nepal 131
years' term. It is hard for them to know the Chiefs of those campuses, put the traditional roles of higher education like ideological dissemination,
aside the issue of knowing teaching staff and the students. I would like to ~ll.::hing for knowledge, providing training for human resources, etc. The
recall here that the President of an American University once said that he of higher education is also not satisfactory both in terms of the
could can fifty percent of his students by name. TU is growing as one of a of the academic packages as well as the quality of delivery. The role
very few largest universities in the world. The size of the students and the Nepalese higher education in contributing to the country's social and
given facilities may have negative impacts on the quality of the higher growth is limited. Most of our universities are of teaching and
education it offers. This situation led TU to be unable to compliance with its nature. Weare accustomed to the traditional way of higher
calendar of operation, manage academic activities well for quality, use ~ucation in such a way that responsible people in TU- e.g. the Senate
examinations for quality improvement, publish exam results on time, etc. leaders of university teachers', organization, student leaders,
The size of TU was also a problem for being flexible in academic matters. It do not ask, for example, why TU is opening more than 400 private
had to postpone its set programs including final examination quite often ~olleges instead .of it givi~g pr?p:r a~tention to its. own 60 c?nsti~.ent
causing problems for many students. Since it has its central office in l.eolleges for quahty educatIOn. Similar IS the case With other UnIversIties.
Kathmandu, it was also not practicable to ask all campuses to come to universities have almost no role in research, innovation,
Kathmandu for every kind of administrative work including marks sheet and ~ommunity service, etc. The education programs of the universities are not
transcript for the students. All these factors contribute to quality one way or in and collaborated with the productive, business and service
another. Keeping these views in mind, it was proposed that TU should be Putting a couple of private colleges aside, there is no integration
brought under a manageable size so that it could sustain its leading role in i.Mtween higher education and business sector. Even though these colleges
the field of Nepalese higher education as well as contribute to establish more established some kind of integrative relation with the business
universities in a professional way. It was in this line, the concept of Multj­ what they are doing is simply giving the students some exposure
university was put forward for operation. work, there is absence of genuine integration of education with the
The 10th National Development Plan document also puts emphasis on
~l.,roductive or service sector. All these universities expect full funding from
improving .the quality of higher education and making it relevant to the
societal needs. The action plans developed for implementing the
There is no doubt that the trained personnel and the labour force needed
recommendations of the Education Commission Reports 2049 BS and 2055
the country are produced by the universities. However, the quality of
BS also gave importance to both- quality and access. The international trend
has always been in question within and outside the country. It is
is that every time when any change in hi~er education is proposed, it is the
,~"t:I.Oi:1Use of this the problem of unemployment is growing. It is also true that
quality that comes in mind. Further argument for multi- university with
has not been able to produce a good number of entrepreneurs and
regional distribution is that, based on international experiences, universities
environment where someone would be encouraged to initiate business
enhance developmental activities in the region which will be helpful for
his own initiative at his risk. In this situation, economic growth of the
Nepal to achieve balanced growth all over the country. It could have been
country is hindered.
one of the reasons for why Multi-university concept was proposed. In the
There could be many reasons for why our higher education has not been
Nepalese context, it can be argued that the idea of multi-university was
to be associated with national development. The statement made earlier
conceived for both quality and access. It would be interesting to look
the advancement of higher education is a mirror of the social and
empirically into the extent to which Nepal accomplish quality higher
~nomic advancement of the country and-vice versa makes sense here.
education after establishing multiple universities.
Apparently, there are several problems in our higher education. It is
pmcult to deal with all the problems here. However, some problems are briefly
Problems in Nepalese higher education
~scussed below.

Examining the performance of our higher education in light of the

functions as discussed above, it would appear that on the whole it is guided

132 New Horizons in Education in Nepal 133

Lack ofpolitical consensus and visionary leadership and relevance

Higher education is, no doubt, a very powerful political center because it The higher education in Nepal has problems in terms of quality and
has highly educated mass (e.g. professors and students). Universities of any -''''''ance also. For a university to ensure quality higher education, it must
country cannot function well unless there is political consensus among the key quality faculty, committed and well-prepared teaching staff, sufficient
players like the political parties, government, students, teachers, etc. It is resources for instructional materials, quality students in a manageable size in
impossible to get politics out of a university, what is possible is achieving a classroom, quality control mechanism in place, etc. These elements have
consensus among the key players on how to depoIiticize university very weak presence in our higher education. Weak linkage is there between
management. For long, Nepal has been passing through different stages of higher education and productive, business, and service sectors. This
political turmoil which had impacts on the growth of higher education. Every C.!... _.: __ has given another problem to our higher education. As there is

time, Nepalese higher education became victim of political interest of the ~mplete absence of collaboration between our higher education and productive
leaders and political power centres due to the political potential of it. One of the both quality and relevance becomes the problem. On the top of that, lack
problems of Nepalese higher education has thus been the political interference flexibility in programs, continuity of the old packages for long, absence of
from the government in the overall management ofuniversities. In the Nepalese exams, research, and community service, etc. have compounded the
universities, the Senates, for example, never had an opportunity to have a say in
the selection of their Vice-Chancellors. Every time the Vice-Chancellors were There is no well-defmed standard in our higher education. By the absence
imposed to universities by the government. Unfortunately, most VCs happened a mechanism for accreditation, quality has suffered. From the point of
to be more loyal to the political masters and less to the university. In most of the there is absence of sense of accountability on the part TV
cases, they also happened to lack visions of higher education in Nepal. What is iluthority, and the authority in the campuses. Selection of quality students is
very important is that there should be political consensus on putting a visionary problem in our higher education. In most cases, it is the students who
leader in the position of the VC of a university rather than distributing how students should be selected for higher education. Absence of a
universities among the political parties and appointing their cadres as VCs. entrance examination for selection of students has been another problem.
Once a visionary VC is appointed through a political consensus and academic for example, has no choice; it has to accept whoever with minimum
procedure, the VC can manage the rest of the issues. comes to join it in the area of humanities, education and
jnanagement. How would it be possible to delivery quality higher educatiori in
Jrinancing higher educadon

Nepalese higher education has always been· associated with financial

~:.lnstitutional problems
problems. The main reason is that government appoints a VC on the basis of his
political loyalty, not on the basis of his strengths in leading the university to be
Our higher education has problems also in terms of institutional
fmancially independent. Such a VC always looks at the Ministry of Finance for ~arrangements. As TV covers more than 92% of the Nepalese higher education,
funds. He does not look for ways to generate funds utilizing the university's
problems become the problems of the whole higher education in general.
physical resource. It is said that lack of stable scheme for resource mobilization
!Compared to many mtemational universities in the world, TV looks gigantic
is a big problem of Nepalese high education. On the top of this, Nepalese
has about two hundred thousand regular students, 60 constituent Colleges
government never gave a high priority to higher ed~cation. It allocates a very
400 affiliated colleges. It has more than 10 thousand teaching and
small amount of money to higher education. How can the higher education of a
inistrative staff on pay roll. The new universities like KU, Pur. U and PU
country function well without sufficient funds for physical development,
adopted affiliation policy like TV focusing in Kathmandu. University
instructional materials, research, publication, professional growth of teachers,
Commission has been established to coordinate higher education. In
etc.? Shortage of fund has always been the problem of Nepalese higher
it is completely non-existent. In absence of an effective institution to

134 New Horizons in Education in Nepal New Horizons in Education in Nepal 135

~ 14
accredit and coordinate, the whole higher education has suffered. For example,
there is none to take into notice of use of unethical means in exam centres.
'New Horizons in Higher Education in Nepal
Problems with reform efforts It is crystal clear that in the existing set up of TU and other universities,
is very little chance for them to make expected improvement in the
Nepal made efforts to bring about reforms in higher education by of quality higher education. The whole higher education in Nepal
adopting multi-university strategy, by developing 20 years' strategic vision to be guided by new visions and missions of modem higher education.
for TU, and by implementing Higher Education Project (HEP) I (Loan) and this purpose, it is necessary to appreciate the new changes taking place
Higher Education Project (HEP) II (Grants) with the World Bank. It was higher education in the world, and to develop implementation strategies
already argued that the multi-university strategy did not contribute much to reforming our higher education. For this purpose, the following
improve the higher education because it was guided by politics; instead of ~uggestions are put forward.
allowing TU's competent colleges to emerge as university, new universities
were established without adequate preparation. The first HEP did something changing trend of higher education
but because of political interference, and also because of a large size of TU,
very little visible reform was accomplished. The 2nd HEP has already been Higher education in the world has been changing fast. It is frequently
delayed because of political situation. The absence ofVCsin the universities that in order to enjoy full benefit of higher education, it is necessary
for long led this project suffer a lot. Even after along time of the a country to bring about necessary changes in it. Failing to appreciate the
appointment of the Chairman and Member Secretary of the University iNlanges taking place in higher education will lead a country to lose both and
Grants Commission, VCs, and other positions, nothing significant as the and physical resources- brain drain and money going out in the name
reform initiative has been brought out for our notice. It is difficult to say education.
whether it is, because of the nature of the job or because of the appointment The world of higher education faces a unique paradox of tension
of the wrong people, the higher education is still suffering. In short, it can be ktween the old and new and between tradition and innovation. Getting
said that there are problems with the reform strategies as "ell in our higher happed into such tensions generates both strength and inertia for further
education. / lievelopment of higher education. The countries which manage to handle this
move beyond the tradition, but those countries which cannot escape
International cooperation the traditional trap apparently get overwhelmed and continue the status

University is universal in the sense that it goes for finding truth. Truth is By nature, university is classical, traditional and conservative.
universal. It also implies that it should work in collaboration with other IfnivPTsity professors are also the same though they tend to be different from
universities for reducing digital gaps with developed countries, gaining support traditional while working outside the university as consultants or
from them through exchange programs for both teachers and students, and also I.hri~nrs to other institutions:What is hard to understand is why a professor
to bring back the students who go to US, Australia, UK, and other countries for ultra-modern when advising others- e.g. Ministry of Education and
education and stay there. Ifiooked at the list ofthe universities in the world that or International donors, the private sector, etc, but is found too
TU, for example, has established linkage with, it would be along list, but it ItIn~prvative when the reform of hislher department is in question. That
seems that TU has not accomplished any significant gain mainly because the be why many of the universities established at the initial phase of
linkage is weak. This should be reviewed to ensure that these linkages are education, for example, say 15 th century, are in the same locations,
converted into collaboration for the benefit of the Nepatese students and doing much the same things- teaching through lecture, and being
teachers. lMnaged in the same way. Some changes in those universities can be
~h!i:prvf'rl but the core functions are pretty much the same.

136 New Horizons in Education in Nepal Horizons in Education in Nepal 131

Universities are facing several challenges created by internationalization f.or In this way, rapid changes are taking place all .over the w.orld
of politics, finance, technology, population explosion, job market, etc. Thc the field .of higher educati.on.
process of democratization of the world politics has an impact on university The implicati.on is that the relati.onship between higher educatiQn and
management which is leading us to accept the notion of participation, state has changed. NQW higher educatiQn instituti.ons are becQming m.ore
hearing voices of the stakehQlders, and allQwing participatiQn of than direct. The state has m.ore supervis.ory rQle than interventiQnist.
stakehQlders in the process of making decisiQns which have an impact on a way, it appears that m.odern higher educatiQn has m.oved a IQng way
their future. This process has forced the university tQ review its academic becoming independent, self-sufficient, flexible, innQvative, realistic,
aspect, financial arrangements, and management part from different ied-type, needs-based, creative, visi.onary, anticipative, participatQry,
perspectives. cQst-effective and recQvery, c.ompetitive, etc. It has als.o moved
The financial challenge of university has led it to do more things with mass frQm class thQugh class has still been the main centre fQr
few resources .or look for ways to generate resources itself for its regular and ng. In this pretext, the g.overnment cannQt direct .or cQntr.o1 the way
developmental activities. World-wide after 1975, there is budget cut in educati.on changes. Rather it shQuld be happy with the role .of a
higher education. To survive in this situation, universities are under ~IlCllmUQr. The role .of the state, as a matter of fact, is tQ prQvide enabling
tremendous pressure to search for· alternative ways so as to avoid or reduce framework t.o co.ordinate, regulate, accredit and provide guidance and
over dependence on government allocations. Different ways of generating for both private and public higher education institutiQns s.o that
funds could be adopted like providing technical inputs t.o the government meet natiQnal training, research and services needs .of the c.ountry as
and n.on-government sect.ors and research and management issues. It is also as the emerging demands .of the international c.ommunity. As a result,
possible for a university to go f.or a joint-venture with business sectQr .or education is forced to move towards more .open and flexible path .of
initiating business on its own, etc. Other alternatives are fee, d.onatiQns, fQr its growth and fQr being able to address the emerging issues
end.owments, external assistance, etc. Generating funds through different bQth financial independence and providing higher educatiQn to all on
schemes pr.ovides .opPQrtunities for a university to .offer quality educatiQn. basis.
The presence of effective technQlogy for doing things in a different A cursQry look at the issues .of higher educatiQn presented above
paradigm has also been a challenge f.or cQnventiQnal ulljYbrsities tQ adjust !lPParently gives the impressi.on that the present position of Nepalese higher
their way of educational delivery. The new technolQgy .of infQrmati.on and is not functiQnal in terms .of policy, politics, financing,
c.ommunicatiQn has been SQ effective that it has nQ barrier .of distance and access, and quality. Nepal, therefore, must mQVe tQwards
time leading t.o create knQwledge-based ec.on.omic gr.owth strategies- higher pwlULUlg new hQrizons in higher educati.on SQ that they provide us with

education institutions are cQnfronting with the need tQ adjust tQ new guide for the future reform in our higher education. These
circumstances. This is h.ow it has been PQssible f.or many individuals t.o ilWdelines will work as a framework fQr decision makers tQ form policy .on
.obtain higher educatiQn degrees virtual universities through electrQnic education. To define p.olicy, I f.oll.ow Haddad (1994) "An explicit or
media like internet and audi.o and visual means. decisiQn or grQUP of decisi.ons which may set .out directives f.or
The university classroQms have als.o changedby the use .of technolQgy. future decisi.ons .or initiate, sustain .or retard action, .or guide the
Instead .of chalk and talk, many classes have multi-media project.ors with ImPlementatiQn .of previous decisi.ons" in .order t.o lead the discussi.on
enQugh flexibility in managing teaching and learning effectively. The In a br.oad way, fQur majQr p.olicies, as follQws, can be put
university educati.on has changed in such a way that there is gr.owing f.or the refQrm .of Nepalese higher educati.on:
pressure .on the teachers t.o ad.opt new techn.ol.ogy requiring them to undergQ Diversify increasingly higher educatiQn programs and structures tQ
new .orientati.on and training. The distance and .open system .of learning have increase their responsiveness to labQur market and sQcial demands.
br.ought the nQtiQn .of life IQng learning pushing teachers and learners f.or Keeping the class or elite approach active, itshQuld movetQwards
learning to learn rather than mastering s.ome skills .once and remaining the mass and class.

138 New Horizons in Education in Nepal Horizons in Education in Nepal 139


i ~:
Develop sustainable resource mobilization schemes for higher I~chnology, effective evaluation system, use of examinations for educational

education institutions to improve their resource base necessary to refonn, etc. In addition, selection of students, review of curriculum based on

provide quality teaching and research. :teaching and examination on a regular basis, integration of research into

Integrate higher education with productive and service sector for ~aching, competent selection of staff, and stable scheme for their career

making education qualitative, generating resource, and relevant. development, etc. are also equally important. It is also necessary for an

Develop appropriate implementation strategies with the .institution to have full time staff committed to teaching. Teachers must be

involvement of the stakeholders to ensure the success of higher -.vailable for students for consultation. Otherwise, they do not get full benefit

education refonn, (e.g. political consensus). of formal education. The institutions must assure teachers of timely

Based on the broad policy framework as presented above, the following promotion, job security, and opportunity for enhancing qualifications for

policies and strategies, though they are not the only ones, are suggested for .career development.

the refonns in the Nepalese higher education. It should be noted that as TU In case of TU, there has not been a review of its academic package for

holds 92 % of the Nepalese higher education, most of the suggestions may years, selection of students has suffered a lot due to over pressure from

give the impression that TU is on the focus. student unions, exams have not been refonned for long due to lack of

Because of research and innovation, academic programs at university . involvement of exam experts and unwillingness of the authority to refonn
level in terms of both contents and methods have been changing frequently ~ern, research has not been an agenda for the authority in TU, etc. In this
all over the world so as to meet the demands of the society and the market. situation, unless some strong steps are taken, refonn in TU can be just a wild
For this purpose, the following issues should be kept in perspectives while (iream. In this context, it is necessary for TU campuses to have freedom for
bringing about refonn in higher education in Nepal. a.cademic refonns like bringing about refonns in curriculum, text materials,
exam, teacher training and staff development (pedagogical skills - both short
Academic reform: World class teaching tenn and long term training), strong mechanism for students' selection, etc.
Without such provisions, quality higher education cannot be delivered. In
For any educational institution to grow, it is necessary that the academic this situation, it is necessary to develop new visions for the refonn of higher
programs it offers must be of high quality. One of the reasons why we are education in Nepal with the involvement of all stakeholders. The refonn has
arguing for refonn in TU is that the existing package of higher education to be comprehensive in nature- reforming all components together. There
being offered need improvement so that they become able to equip our will be no effective refonn if it is only a piece meal operation.
students with necessary skills and abilities. For that purpose, the future
refonn must make universities offer high quality higher education and also University governance: Visionary leadership of the VC
carry out high quality research. It is only after offering high quality
education, it is possible to get support of students to raise fees and obtain Many people seem to believe that one or two persons in an institution

high recognition from the society. For this purpose, it must have excellent Q:annot do much regardless of· the person's capability in making the

faculty, talented and committed students, and excellent teaching and leaming institution serve as expected. What is important, for them, is the overall

environment including physical infrastructure and facilities. . situation in which the institution has to work and the support of all those
The first and foremost responsibility of an education institution is to who work for the institution at different levels of responsibility like
strive for providing best possible- world class education to its leamers. For professors, administrative staff, students and outside agencies. One could not
this purpose, it should make efforts to take care of all the elements that agree more with the importance of the context and the role of the people
contribute to offer the best education possible. The elements that deserve working as subordinates in an institution to make it work efficiently. One
proper attention for providing high class teaching and training could be like would also argue, however, that from the point of view of governance,
clear course objectives, appropriate leaming materials, proper classroom bdership of an institution is the most important, and the chief executive
instructions with appropriate pedagogical processing, and the involvement of makes a big difference. It does not mean that there is no role left for others,

140 New Horizons in Education in Nepal New Horizons in Education in Nepal 141

they are also equally important. The point is that how subordinates those plans. Furthermore, the search committee can examine the track
contribute to make the institution work efficiently depends largely upon how records of the possible candidates to ensure that they do what they promise.
the chief of the institution (VC in this case) creates conducive environment Such a process, no doubt, facilitates the search committee to present to the
for them to work either by making formal decisions or by the way slhe board appropriate persons for the position of the Vc. The Senate/Governing
functions. In other words, if the chief is a competent one, slhe determines the Board gaining insights from the search committee makes the decision on the
role for others, if not, others will find their roles on their own which wi11lead appointment of the Vice-Chancellor. After following such a process, it does
the institution to a mess. This is how the future of an organization, by and not matter much who appoints the VC since who is going to be appointed
large, depends upon the functioning of the chief executive. Similar is the already becomes obvious. The VC selected through such a process must
case with the govemance of university. have political support from the government. As he is accountable for what he
Visionary leadership and political support of the govermnent are said to does, the VC has full-fledged authority to make his team, set his priority,
be the two main contributing factors to the successful development of a visualize the future of the university, determine policies, and develop
university. As Vice-chancellor (VC) is the chief executive of the universities strategies for implementation. It is prudent to expect good delivery from the
in Nepal, it is thus essential for a university to find a visionary leader. What VC selected through a competitive process. The VC should demonstrate a
is popularly said about the university is that once a university puts a sense of accountability and comply with his promises. Failing to satisfy
visionary and committed leadership in place, the rest is almost done. The those conditions may lead him to quite the job.
explanation is that the visionary leadership knows how to put the system of One of the major problems in the development of higher education in
the university in order, how to keep the stakeholders and the cooperating Nepal is the way the VC is appointed. Unlike the above procedures, we have
agencies in good sense of humour, and how to handle academic matters in a legal provision in the Act of some universities like TU to adopt a political
order to keep up the university. The appointment o.f.1he VC, therefore, is so approach by forming a search committee headed by the Minister for
crucial for the development of the university. ~ducation (pro-chancellor), irrespective of his academic background, to
In most advanced universities in the world, the selection process of the search for a person for the position of the Vice-Chancellor. Even when the
VC is different from how it is done in Nepal. Genemlly, the Governing Prime Minister, as the Chancellor, appoints the VC, the process of selection
Board of the University first visualizes the future directions of the university is essentially political. Nepal's experience is that the board headed by the
through its long and short term plans which provide, in a way, a framework Minister does not genuinely search for an appropriate person, because it does
for determining what kind of person with what general and specific skills not carry out any exercise to find out what kind of person is needed for a
and abilities is appropriate for the position of the VC. The Governing Board particular university at that time, and who can perform well in that particular
or the Senate constitutes a "Search Committee" to look for such a person and situation. The committee neither publicly invites individuals to indicate their
determines the processes to be followed for the selection. For this purpose, willingness nor does it approach to those who are appropriate. Rather the
the committee invites interested and competent individuals to indicate their . committee waits for a signal from a power centre- the Prime Minister .or the
willingness to serve in the position. Furthermore, the committee also Party Headquarters- depending upon which is powerful- both of which are
approaches to the most appropriate persons, if there are such persons, for the obviously political. The sad thing about the selection of VC is that even the
responsibility. What is crucial is the perfect matching between the kinds of Loktantrik government did not follow a standard process. What happened in
person the university needs and the person the committee recommends for the year 2007 was that the universities were distributed to different political
the approval of the board. parties having a major role in the parliament for the purpose of the VC's
In the process of selection, the potential candidates can be asked to appointment. The major political parties- the Nepali Congress, Nepal
present to a group of competent professionals involving a wide variety of Communist Part (UML), and Nepal Communist Party (Maoist) appointed the
audiences their visions and commitments to demonstrate that they have the VCs for the universities they got without any academic and professional
knowledge of the pertinent issues of the university, they have plans for the criteria. Perhaps Nepal stands as the first country in the World to appoint the
development of the university, and they know the strategies to implement VC tagging the party's name. The VC appointed by following this process

142 New Horizons in Education in Nepal New Horizons in Education in Nepal 143

II ~
may be some one very intelligent and loyal to the party, but there may not be basis of his/her presentations to competent audiences involving senior
a good match between the person appointed and the person desperately academicians.
needed for the development of the university. One wonders whether the In order to search for appropriate persons for Nepalese universities, as
parties are interested in promoting their influence in the university or in the happens elsewhere, each university should constitute a competent
development of higher education in New Nepal. recommendation committee involving Senate members with sufficient
A VC must possess several skills and abilities depending upon particular :twademic background, immune from politics, and clear visions of Nepalese
situations of the university. If the VC is appropriate for the situation, things education. The committee should follow standard procedures for the
would move forward, otherwise no matter what reform is initiated, it would ~llNUon of appropriate persons for the position of the vc.
not happen. This is one of the reasons why, despite enormous efforts in the
past, the reform process of the Nepalese higher education has suffered a lot. f·!Pnllti..",1 consensus
This issue needs proper response if higher education reform is a priority.
Different universities follow different procedures for the selection of the At this point of time, we must accept that without political consensus,
VC. What is common' in most advanced universities is that they follow no possibility of reforming higher education in particular and
competitive procedures using transparent criteria mostly academic. education in general. If we want to reduce political costs of
Generally, the Governing Board of the University/Senate first visualizes the it is essential that we all agree on what we should do and what
future directions of the university through its long and short term plans not do in the name of reform of higher education, and how we
which provide, in a way, a framework for determining what kind of person it. Without political understanding, as happened in the past, many
with what general and specific skills and abilities is-~propriate for the initiatives may go wrong. It should also be noted that we should learn
position of the VC. It constitutes a "Search Committee" to look for such a can accomplish what we propose to accomplish. It has been
person and determines the processes to be followed. The potential candidates that without reaching an agreement with all political forces
can be asked to present to a group of competent professionals involving a of their strengths and size, there is no way to implement any
wide variety of audiences their visions and commitments to demonstrate that package. For this purpose, it is necessary that we all agree on basic
they have the knowledge of the pertinent issues of the university, they have !procedures and contents of the reform of higher education in Nepal.
plans for the development of the university, and they know the strategies to We can learn a lot from international experiences as well. It has been
implement those plans. On the basis of the overall performance, candidates inh<tp.rvp.rI in a largest public university in Mexico, the National Autonomous
are selected for the position of the VC. of Mexico that without political consensus on both sides -
For example, Oxford University, appoints the Vice-Chancellor on the Jtakeholders and political parties- no reform is possible in higher education.
basis of the election performed by Congregation (on the nomination of a 1999 the university faced tough time, even closure of the University for a
committee consisting of the Chancel10r and representatives of Council, a strike supported by the majority of its students when the tuition fee
Congregation and the Colleges) from among the members of Congregation. raised from US D 8 to US D 100 a year. The authority of the university
In Lancaster University, a VC search committee is formed by the University not implement the reform plan of the university due to lack of political
Senate. The committee invites applications openly from competent tonsensus. The same country offers an example of the reform in higher
academicians not confining to the university. Following competitive Iktucation by rising tuition fees when there was political consensus before
processes of selection, the committee recommends 2-3 candidates to the decision on the fee was made. In Northern Mexico, in the University of
Chancellor for appointing the vc. University of Edinburgh maintains a the University was able to collect US D 300 from each student as
glorious history of electing the Rector, a very popular position in the contribution in 1993 when it shared the proposal for raising tuition
university, by all the teaching and . administrative' staff and students. The with the students and teachers. The university authority clearly
Prime Minister of UK, Gordon Brown, was once the Rector of the Insented its idea about why it needed that much funds and how the funds
University. In some Scandinavian universities, the VC is selected on the be utilized. When the university teachers and students were convinced

144 New HQrizons in Education in Nepal Horizons in Education in Nepal 145


abO.ut the prO.pO.sed refO.rm, the process of raising fee was successfully In fact, it is well knO.wn that modem higher education is very expensive.
implemented. Since then, the students have been paying the agreed amO.unt The quality Qf higher educatiO.n is, in a way, determined in terms of the
to' the uni:versity. either generated by the institutiQn itself or made available fO.r it by the
The lessO.n is that we need to' know hO.w we can get things with the state. As was discussed abQve, it was Qnly those rich cQuntries like Japan,
support O.f all stakeholders. For this, in the Nepalese case, politicai consen&us KO.rea,, Hong, etc. could have high quality universities
is the crux. The issue of political CO.nsensus is even more important in ~cause of their affluence and the schemes fQr resource generatiQn. In a way,
Tribhuvan University where it is the students who set the rules for refO.rm. It appears that the more the resources are available for teaching staff,
is necessary to work on achieving pO.litical consensus involving .~:tr"h equipments, technO.logy, learning materials, infrastructure,
stakeholders first, and then initiating necessary refO.rms. the better the higher educatiO.n is. In this sense, SQme people tend
equate funds with quality Qf higher educatiQn thQugh funds may nO.t
Financing higher education be a guarantee O.f quality O.f higher education unless Qther factQrs
management, teaching staff, infrastructure, etc. are taken care of. Many
Modem higher educatiO.n is trapped into the paradox of quality and things like participation Qf teachers, administrative staff, students, etc.
access. Because O.f internatiO.nalization O.f higher education- worldwide alSo. resPQnsible fO.r that.
access to higher educatiO.n- there is growing competition in higher educatiO.n There are different sources O.f funds fQr higher educatiO.n. The public
institutiO.ns. No matter where an institutiO.n O.f higher education is situated, ~ ••1.._:-'_. is a majQr Qne. The sQcialist cQuntries tend to O.ffer 100w
there will be influx O.f international students as long as ~ is knO.wn for il:UUCanQn and health care by providing as much funds as PQssible from the
quality. It is thus the quality of higher education that deterqrlnes the future O.f treasury. In the name Qf providing equal educatiQn for all,
an institution of higher education. Put it another way, there is a little value O.f 'lI'UI.aausr cQuntries tried to' give public subsidy in educatiO.n but, in most
an institution of higher educatiO.n unless it offers quality higher educatiO.n. their educatiQn at higher level suffered. The world has witnessed that
At the same time, it shO.uld also be appreciated that higher educatiQn has subsidy for higher educatiQn is necessary but for sustainable grO.wth
moved towards mass frQm class O.r elite. Putting it anQther way, there is a higher education, competent and sustainable scheme generatiO.n
grQwing realization wQrldwide that higher education shQuld be accessible fQr necessary. It is also. argued that subsidy to higher educatiQn serves the rich
all prO.vided that they have the merit to' pursue it irrespective of their the CQst O.f the pO.Qr.
c;apability to afford it. As higher educatiQn has become an essential aspect O.f In the Nepalese case, O.ur higher education started with a scheme Qf high
natiO.nal development, financial situatiQn Qf an individual shQuld nO.t be a \Subsidy. Tribhuvan University was established as a State University where
barrier for doing higher educatiQn. If any Qne has financial prO.blems, there the mO.ney needed fO.r salary of the teaching and administrative staff
should be provisions for schQlarships, grants or loan schemes O.r any sort O.f be the resPQnsibility Qf the Government. It is here where a student at
SUPPQrt so that he finds his way to' higher education. For this purpose, either level pays less than a DO.llar a month whereas a child at preprimary
the state has to' support higher educatiO.n to a considerable extent in terms Qf pays about 5 times than that It WQuid have been alright
public subsidy in higher educatiO.n O.r it should come up with a competent the subsidy scheme had the government been able to provide adequate
pO.licy framework so. that private institutiQns of higher education emerge to the university, but as after 1975, government subsidy gQt reduced
with a provisiQn of differentiated fee structures and scholarship schemes. .over the wQrld, TV also. started getting budget cut every year. In this
This provision will ask those who can affO.rd higher education pay more and Nepal must review its financing policy Qn higher educatiO.n. It
those who cannot affO.rd will pay much less or will get scholarships. and should not offer low quality higher education in the name Qf 100w
Furthermore, it is not PQssible to' prO.vide higher educatiO.n to' mass unless the with gO.vernment subsidy. Since TU holds high responsibility fO.r higher
delivery modality is diversified. In O.rder for the state to Qffer higher l<JucatiQn, if its quality suffers due to' lack of necessary funds, in fact, the
education to' mass, open O.r distance mode Qf education,, will have education of the cO.untry as a whQle suffers.
to be explored.

146 New Horizons in Education in Nepal Horizons in Education in Nepal 147

Gaining insights from such experiences, many countries tried to find There are many ways of resource mobilization. Apart from private
out, through research and analysis, alternative methods of financing higher , two main sources have been identified: income generation through
education, particularly cost recovery and the redistribution of the financial 'the sale of services; and support by industry and commerce including access
burden of investing in education. The idea behind it is that once multiple facilities, donations and grants. Saleable services might include
contributors are found for higher education there will be less pressure on , continuing education courses, fee, renting facilities and
public funds. The possible alternative methods could be like fee, donations, and the sale of support. Other sources are expected to come in the
endowments, income generation scheme of higher education institutions, ,lIform of research funding, scholarships, work placements for students, and
collaborations with business, productive and service sectors, external aid, :Ictirect grants. It is also possible for higher education institutions to
etc. itcoHaborate with business and productive sectors in business and production.
There is no debate on the need for public subsidy in higher education. A involvement of students in the service, business and production
university like TV which is serving, by and large, the middle income people 'ACtivities yields both resources and rich experiences in real works eventually
with modest or low income must be given sufficient funds for its :1eading to achieve quality education.
development and day to day management. But there is also an argument that For this purpose, our higher education has to be aware of the
public subsidy in education involves a transfer of income from poor or potentiality of the country, national needs and aspirations. If our higher
average income taxpayers to the children of the' rich or to those who may education becomes relevant to the society, invesbnent in higher education
become rich as a result of their education. So runs the argument, and at first :becomes justified and resources can be generated for further development. In
sight, it appears that education subsidies may indee{ redistribute income in rline with making our higher education relevant to the emerging needs of the
the wrong direction from the point of view of equity, that is, from the poor to ICOuntry, we should work with relevant agencies in a collaborative manner
the rich. In this context, Nepal must revisit the existing public subsidy and strive for making the delivery of our higher education in consonance
scheme in higher education and look for ways to alternative methods. It With the needs of the relevant sectors. To make our higher education relevant
should be noted that without stable financing schemes, no university can ,and meaningful, we should be prepared to work with our line Ministries and
offer quality higher education. TV must learn a lesson from the discussions 1heir Departments. For example, Faculty of Education should be prepared to
above to be financially sustainable. review its programs in order to make them relevant to the development of
~ucation in Nepal. It should play, in collaboration with Ministry of

Collaboration for resource mobiUzation and quality ,Education and Sports, a very important role in carrying out research studies
~ecessary for the Ministry and bringing about changes in the whole system
Any institution' of higher education needs schemes for stable financial ".f education. Whenever the Ministry of Education and Sports intends to
provisions. Every institution of higher education complains that there is lmake a decision on educational reform, Faculty of Education should make
scarcity of resources for the activities it wants to carry out to promote ,available technical inputs based on rigorous exercises. In other words, it is
teaching and research. Part of the reason is the historic dependence on the the Faculty of Education, the Central Department of Education where highly
public exchequer. The challenge for the institutions is how to make 'qualified professionals work and it is the place where education at high level
substantial efficiency gains through improved management and innovation is practiced. lf policy decisions are based on the back up of such a centre
in resource gain. It is widely recognized that additional alternative sources of 'there would be a high possibility of success in the implementation of new
private funding and other means of income generation must be pursued, changes in education. In the same way, involvement of our students in such
although considerable caution is expressed in relation to means, especially activities enriches our delivery mechanisms by exposing students to real
the contentious issues of fees and to other charges falling directly on activities which enhance effective learning. In a nutshell, the argument is
students. In this case, higher education institutions should be prepared to that the Faculty of Education should work as a technical wing of the
explore the possibilities of mobilizing additional resources in their own Ministry of Education and Sports. In return, the Faculty of Education will
initiatives. gain funds for its development and upgrade its faculty members.

148 New Horizons in Education in Nepal Ne'<'<' Horizons in Education in Nepal 149

But unlike this, the Ministry of Education and Sports has been training . This is how these countries are taping through education both talents
its teachers through National Centre for Educational Development (NCED) and financial resources from outside.
with the financial support from external donors. It seems that the Ministry In our case, there is a lack of coordination between the government and
runs such programs as long as there are external funds available. When Ute universities for utilizing national experts for professional inputs within
donors stop funding the government, it will ask the University, Faculty of !lJld outside the country. Nepal should initiate collaboration with
Education to train school teachers. What is debatable is whether the Ministry biternational universities for inviting international students to Nepal so that
should work with the university to get its human resources trained or should it can emerge as a good place for learning. Nepal with its natural beauty and
provide training by itself. This is one of the areas where the university temperate climate has enormous potential for succeeding in this endeavour.
authority should initiate discussion with the Ministry of Education and Collaboration with international universities through exchange programs for
Sports so as to initiate collaborative approach to involve the Faculty of both teachers and students is necessary for the reform of our higher
Education in the Ministry's work. In the same way, Institute of Agriculture, education. TV has signed agreements with many universities for exchange
Institute of Forestry, Medicine, Engineering and other institutions should programs but the agreements seem to be very weak as they do not involve
serve as technical wings of the relevant Ministries. To be more specific, for .tudents and teachers in the exchange programs.
example, Central Department of Economics should work as a "Think Tank" Keeping the importance of resource mobilization in mind, our
of the Ministry of Finance. It can be argued that the economic policies of the universities should establish resource mobilization unit at the centre as well
country to be adopted by the Finance Ministry can first be widely discussed as at the campus level so that it gets due recognition. To promote the idea of
involving the professors and students if. the Central Department of resource mobilization, the centre can allocate certain amount as a matching
Economics. Then they can be refined for nlaking these policies yield better fund so as to encourage those campuses which effectively work in this
results. This is where students from the whole country with rich experience direction.
in their local issues and Professors with high qualifications and international TU campus has a lot of land within its compound along the ring road.
exposure work together for academic improvement. Collaborations with :Balkhu site along the ring road can be presented as an example for
business, productive, and service sectors will give us ample opportunities for ·promoting University's land as a business centre for the purpose of both
making our higher education relevant. ·resource generations as well as for collaborative work with business centres
The emerging trend is that there is no national boundary for higher )by involving students in real learning activities. It can be a good place for
education. We should learn from what happens elsewhere regarding resource · developing a business-corn-academic centre. TV Campus can initiate joint
management for higher education. As a matter of fact, Universities in USA, ·business with different business agencies. For example, Auto Centre in
UK and Australia have been managing quality higher education not fully 'collaboration with Institute of Engineering, (Mechanical Engineering) -for
depending on the resources received from their national budget. Rather they developing Parking lots, Fuel selling, Motor repairing, Hotel management,
are generating funds by offering quality education to students who come .~tc. Many of the students and teaching staff can be involved in the
from Asia and Africa and providing. technical inputs to national and ,management of these business activities. On the top of that, TV Campus can
international business centres and industries. It is learnt that Warwick offer education in real context and generate funds and employment. TV has
University (UK) earns over 54% of its income from non-public sources. City already initiated such kind of scheme at Tripureshwar (e. g. World Trade
University (UK) and Cranfield School of Business (UK) generate nearly half ). It should be noted that there are several universities in the world
of their income from the private sector. It is also learnt that Australia earns which offer employment to their students in a good number. They generate

about 8 billion Australian Dollars every year from education. USA's case is : both employment for students and resources for quality education through

growingstron~r in this regard. There was 25% increment in the number of 'isuch schemes. TV Campus also can do a lot about it. It can present itself as

students going to USA in the year 2006, and 28% increment in the year 'In example of growing fmancial independence. It can also look for ways to

2007, making almost 7 thousand students heading towards USA for higher maximally use the university facilities by running evening and morning

classes in proper locations, classes at weekends, etc.

150 New Horizons in Education in Nepal New Horizons in Education in Nepal 151

III111 i
Mechanism for quality control: Accreditation
;,'I;. ".
I ii. The institution has effectively organized the human, financial and 1

physical resources to accomplish its purposes. ~

1,1.1 Quality of higher education has been the concern of all. Quality of iii. The institution is accomplishing its educational and other purposes.

1 education is defined as the achievement of skills and abilities by the students Course of study, contents, teaching methodology, interaction

as set by the system. The achievement of students is examined by carrying between teacher and faculty, project work, research, appropriate

out assessment by institutions in light of the set standard and objectives. assessment of students' academic achievement in all its programs,

Before we had multi-universities we used to depend solely on Tribhuvan documenting: proficiency in skills and competencies essential for

University for evaluating whether or not the students achieved the expected college students, mastery of the level of knowledge appropriate to

level of competence, In this regard, what happens in other universities in the the degree granted, control by the institution's faculty of evaluation

world is that they involve competent experts from another university as of student learning and granting of academic credit. Also, staff and

external examiners who in collaboration with the internal evaluators faculty service that contributes to the institution's effectiveness·.

examine whether the achievement of the students is up to the acceptable iv. The institution can contribute to accomplish its purposes and

level or not. Unlike international practices, in Nepal, even after establishing strengthen its educational effectiveness.

five universities, in most of the cases, there is very little involvement of v. The institution demonstrates integrity in its practices and

external experts from other universit~ in the assessment of student relationships.

achievement. Kathmandu University and Tribhuvan University, for example,

can exchange their professors as external examiners while assessing their After the establishment of the accreditation board and asking the
students in Science, Education, Management,. Medicine, Engineering, Law, institutions to be a member of the board, every institution will have the
etc. responsibility to ensure that the student evaluation is carried out with due
Perhaps University Grants Commission may take initiative in leading processes. Institutions unable to perform ethically will be under pressure to
the universities to follow this process for ensuring quality. One would seize to work because the board will not recognize the degree from such
otherwise ask how the quality of higher education would be ensured and the institutions. The institutions should also be prepared to allow the board to
set standard would be maintained when only the same individuals and supervise its facilities and the way it functions. This process will tremendously
institutions are involved in teaching and assessment all the time. It is, help achieve quality education.
therefore, suggested that our universities start involving experts from other
universities in external evaluation. Department of higher education
In this regard, setting a board for accreditation has become essential.
After the accreditation board is established, institutions of higher education The development of education in general and development of higher
should 'be encouraged to be a member of the board. These members should education in particular has witnessed several changes worldwide in terms of
allow the board to examine the standards of education they provide and the contents, pedagogy, management, resource mobilization, etc. Whoever
faciIitiesthey have. Basically, the accreditation board is essential for makes policy decisions and manages higher education institutions, it is
ensuring the public, the students, and the employing agencies that an prudent to assume that they have .some understanding of the' nature and
institution has been meeting the necessary requirements for higher education :evelopmental trends of higher education. Policy and management decisions
and will continue meeting the criteria in the future. made by those who have no basic understanding of the nature of higher
The Board can be interested, not confining to, in the following criteria education and the changes undergone can cause problems in the
in general: development of higher education. For that purpose, many universities in the
i. The institution has clear and publicly stated purposes consistent world have already commenced the teaching of higher education related
with its mission and appropriate to an institution of higher issues under the department of higher education. Appreciating the
education. significance of the knowledge of higher education for dealing with its issues,

152 New Horizons in Education in Nepal

New Horizons in Education in Nepal 153


Nepalese universities should establish Department of Higher Education so as It is very likely that the turn over will go up as the number of students
to offer courses in higher education. It is good to have teachers and abroad for study is incredibly growing everywhere. It could be in the
managers of a university to get good understanding of the nature of higher of education or trade or tourism.
education and its developmental trends. Once the courses are offered, the In this context, it is obvious that if Nepal becomes competent enough
university can make them obligatory for those who wish to lead tertiary its human resource capability to compete with the rest of the world, it
education institutions as chiefs and heads. The courses can include contents have ample opportunity to take advantage of the access to the world.
like development of higher education, resource mobilization in higher if it is left behind in terms of equipping its human resources with the
education, pedagogy, world trends in higher education, research in higher itnecessary skills and abilities, the opportunities available even within the
education, etc. It is also useful to establish resource mobilization unit in each will also be grabbed by others let alone getting benefit fro~
Campus and a Central Unit at the Central Office of the university. This will tr8!Ooauzation. What is becoming clear is that even the opportunities presently
help the university to generate funds for research, infrastructure, publication, ravailable in the country are requiring new skills and abilities for which our
exposure, etc. Some kind of matching fund can be allocated to encourage need to update their existing skills and abilities. The
institutions to generate more funds. internationalization of politics and extensive use of information technology
In addition, it should be appreciated that there haye been changes in the and electronic media has made the world open for all.
nature of the contents of learning, process of learnin~ and the nature of the The effect of globalization on us is that our students who are
learner in higher education. Because of the advancement through research academically high performers and able to afford expensive education are
and diversification, higher education has become a discipline in itself. The highly interested in joining universities abroad. Every year, a good number
nature of higher education as a core area for learning can be useful for all 9f students go to USA, UK, Australia, India, Europe, and the Philippines for
those who deal with higher education no matter whether some one teaches it higher education. It is, no doubt, a good sign of internationalization of our
or manages it. In this respect, it is logical to suggest that all those who teach society. However, it is not without a problem for the country. The
at higher education level need some pedagogical orientation to higher explanation is that we spend money on our children's education up to higher
education. For this reason, the university should run courses for all secondary level in the country which is said to be more expensive than
university teachers on pedagogy for higher education including evaluation, university education but when they go abroad for higher education many of
research, preparation of text materials, etc. them do not come back because of unavailability of opportunities as well as
political and economic reasons. This is how we have been losing good brains
Globalization: Cballenge and opportunity every year. It is impossible to stop the youths to go abroad. We cannot bring
them back unless we improve our overall working situation by improving
Globalization has been an opportunity as well as a challenge for Nepal. our education system, socio-economic situation, and the opportunities to use
Our present society is facing many challenges. It is very likely that it will the skills and abilities they learn there. The countries like India, China, and
face more challenges in the future. No mater whether one would. agree or Malaysia, for example, had similar problems until some years ago. Now they
not, it is widely observed that there is increased internationalization of have been able to bring their skilled people back from USA, UK and
production and trade, integration of global economy and enhanced mobility Australia after improving the socio-economic and working situations in the
of capital, intensified environmental and political inter-dependency, and country. This is the lesson that Nepal must learn.
socio-cultural transformations causing new information and communication The advantage of globalization for the universities in the developed
flows. Capital resources make a move round the world at the click of a countries is that they have been able to run offshore campuses in different

button. Human resources are also not confined to political and geographical countries in the world and generate resources for their development. In other

boundary rather every body has access to opportunities anywhere in the . words, they have been able to extend t~eir services throughout the world.

world if he or she has useful knowledge and skill. Even in a country like For example, several universities in the USA and Australia have been

Nepal, the daily turn over of foreign exchange in the name of education is running courses in China, Hong Kong, Singapore, etc. Some international

154 New Horizons in Education in Nepal New Horizons in Education in Nepal 155


courses are being run even in Nepal. The Nepalese Government is under For this purpose, some kind of exchange programs with the universities
enormous pressure to allow Nepalese colleges (already established or to be are attracting our students will have to be initiated. In this connection,
established) to offer foreign university courses for degrees. At the same time, decisions or schemes will have to be thought of to encourage our
it should be noted that many courses of universities of USA, UK and f(students to come back after they complete their education. Some kind of
Australia and other foreign educational institutions are in operation in Nepal. 'inducement can be introduced to bring them back. This issue deserves
Some institutions are running foreign courses to be partly done here in Nepal investigation. It is also urgent to assess our situation so that either we
and partly in the respective countries. This process is facilitating our students be prepared to offer similar kind of quality higher education or
to go outside either for jobs or further education. If we do not look for ways develop schemes to attract students from outside. It is necessary to
to compensate these loses we are likely to lose both money and talent. ;IIlUUlllze our diplomatic channels and responsible agencies to explore the
It is therefore necessary to look for ways to make our higher education .possibility of expanding contacts and making policy decisions to facilitate
compatible with the higher education offered by international institutions process. Our universities should be prepared to establish exchange
and enter the global context for exchange of students, and develop strategies [programs in collaboration with universities from USA, Europe, Japan, and
to take advantage of the opportunities generated,Ahrough globalization of which will offer opportunities for both exposure and resources.
education. / Another thing that we need to do is to work with Non Resident Nepali
7community to bring about changes in different fields in Nepal so that they
Exchange programs back with money and skills. It is learnt that Malaysia, India and China
been able to bring back its people to the country for good reversing the
The quality of an institution of higher education depends also upon the drain. In this case, we will be gaining brain instead of losing it.
extent to which it has been able to establish its linkage with other higher In order for institutions to do something about it, they need freedom at a
education institutions in the world based on genuine partnership, mutual degree. They should initiate strong exchange programs both for
trust, and solidarity. Especially in the field of higher education, because of teachers and students with international universities involving joint research
research and technological advancement, economic and political integration, programs, exposure and updating in academic matters.
the growing need for intercultural understanding and the global nature of
modern communication, and consumer market, an institution must have blstitutional autonomy and responsible accountability
relation with other universities. International cooperation is a goal shared by
the world academic community; it is a sine qua non (must) for assuring Universities must be accountable responsibly to those they receive
quality and efficiency in the functioning of institutions of higher education. from and th~ service they provide to. It must be noted that
The strength of an institution is examined in light of how it has been able to iUtonomy should not be taken as uncontrolled interference, but it certainly
diminish the phenomenon of brain drain and brain gain through this process. the notion of evaluation of the works the universities do in light of
Broader international intellectual exchanges should stimulate an overall they are supposed to do. Furthermore, universities are required to
improvement in the flexibility, range and quality of higher education and the actions they initiate. They should also be prepared to examine
help to remedy some of the causes of external brain drain. A scheme for this and failures in a transparent manner so that the rest of the world
may need the country to adopt different policies. However, steps like the tftderstands how things in the university are taking place.
arrangements whereby' students follow part of their courses at a foreign For example, in some years, exam results of TU were so disappointing,
institution, inducements (incentives or TOR) by the country of origin to their there were no explanations for why the results happened to be so, and
nationals to return home after completing their studies, increased research measures were taken to improve the situation. On many occasions, we
and library facilities and easier access to scientific data bases will be helpful. vandalisms in the University Campus, Kirtipur due to low pass rate in
Our higher education must consider these issues while reforming it in the exam. The TU authority neither took action against them nor gave any
future. regarding the vandalism. It ignored the case as if nothing

156 New Horizons in Education in Nepal Horizons in Education in Nepal 157


happened. Similarly, there have been vandalisms several times in other TU with a large number of students and more than 11 thousand teaching and
campuses by the students showing dissatisfaction to exam results, and administrative staff, the one bearing 92% responsibility of Nepalese higher
procedures and several other issues related to teaching and leaming. But we education, loses basic characteristics of a university? Let alone the problems
rarely see .the authority responding to those concerns. Instead they made that students are facing about exams and their results, teachers about
decisions on Internal Assessment, for example, without knowing how that academic reform, promotion and development, retirement, etc. Who should
would be handled and what would be its impact on the teaching and learning take the responsibility for leading the university to such a mess?
situation at TU. People need assurance from the authority that such matters It is therefore necessary to make legitimate and moral provisions for
will be taken care of in a reasonable manner. Absence of analysis, institutions to be responsible and accountable for their performances.
explanations and remedial measures is an indication of the authority not
being accountable. We need to promote TU and other universities as
institutions with a reasonable degree of responsible accountability. The
leniency of the university authority to award high marks without high Obviously the student's role in the making of university is very crucial
academic performance led students to expeaC~ore marks with low though many of us believe that one of the main reasons for why TU has not
performance. been able to perform as expected so far is because of the politics that the
Institutional autonomy is considered to be one of the important elements students bring in the university with them. The power of the instructions they
for the promotion of an institution. This part has been ignored in TU. If we receive from their political sources looks more effective than the power of
want to improve the financial situation of our higher education institutions, it the instructions the professors offer. It is true that TU students are unusually
is necessary that they are given more autonomy. The notion of autonomy has . strong to influence not only the TU executives but also the government. It is
also to do with admission of students. Putting Institute of Engineering and very difficult to say whether students' supremacy over university
Institute of Medicine and other Institutes aside, it is the Students' Unions management is good or bad. The reason is that it is the strong force of the
which govern students' admission. Until an institution is free to select the students that can pose a threat to the regime. They are the ones who played
students for admission, the institution never exercises institutional and are playing an instrumental role in sustaining democracy. As the student
autonomy. The year 2006 has been even worse for TU regarding admission force is emerging as a creative and powerful partner worldwide, it must play
of students due to external pressure, TU enrolled students without following and be given to play an active and constructive role in bringing about
any selection procedure. It could not stick to the mandatory provision made positive and equitable changes in the system of higher education. Decision­
by the Senate on entrance exam. Entrance exam is an inherent element of a makers and institutional heads, therefore, must place the interest of students
university if we accept university as an autonomous institution. Nalanda and their needs at the centre of their concerns. Students should also keep it in
University, one of the first great universities in the recorded history used to mind that the time they spend at the university is the most precious time in
administer rigorous entrance exams for selection of students for admission. their productive lives. They should be reasonable, accountable and
How can we ignore it in the 21't century? In this respect, this issue has to be responsible to what they do. Their future, therefore, depends largely upon
addressed with the involvement of all stakeholders in the future. how they utilize the time when they are in the university. It is necessary to
Examining TU's performance on the basis of some recent cases, it make both the students and those who are responsible for Nepalese higher
would clearly indicate that it already has some declining syndromes. The education feel how precious it is for the students to be at the university.
introduction of internal assessment with 20% weighting without any The role of higher education, traditionally, is to provide wisdom and
professional exercise but with the intention of increasing students' marks Jexpertise which equip young people with skills and abilities needed for their
without enhancing academic achievement level has seriously damaged the future roles as professionals and social leaders. In the process of making
academic integrity ofTU. It has also put the teachers' life under a threat. If capable, their involvement in the university affairs is crucial.
the present situation persists, no doubt, TU's credibility will be at risk. In i,Furthermore, they can· also make things work better .if they are properly
that case, what would be the credibility of Nepalese higher education when iinvolved in the activities of their strengths. Their involvement in the university

158 New Horizons in Education in Nepal New Horizons in Education in Nepal 159

affairs can itself be a kind of training for them. Another argument is that if they The students at TU have already increased their share of educational
are given a proper role in decision making processes, they are likely to cost based on the initiatives of the colleges. Many colleges collect more than
minimize external political influences. the fixed tuition fee from the students during the time of admission. The
It is essential to involve the students in the university affairs in a more fund collected thus may not be used for the teachers' salary, but it can
constructive way so that instead of they become a problem of the authority, certainly be used for purchasing books and instructional materials.
they will be the strengths of the university who would have continued Department of English Education, Kirtipur, for example, collects additional
dialogue with the government and political power centres for depoliticizing fund from M.ED. students for books and thesis writing. Similar is the case
higher education and improving teaching and learning situations. The with other departments. It is an example of students being co-operative if the
involvement of students can be contributory to develop policy on selection case is made strong. Most students understand that they can create their
of students and faculty, selection of Vice-Chancttll0r, determining fee future through university education. They know that the time lost at the
structure, and developing schemes for resource generation, sticking to university is irreparable. We can make their time most productive by making
operation of calendar and regularizing exams, depoliticizing university the university equip them with the most useful skills and abilities. There are
administration, implementing curricular reforms, etc. The university good reasons to believe that students support such endeavors. For this, it is
authority should be able to convince the students that they are the young important that the university authority initiates dealing with the students.
people who invest both money and time in higher education, and it is their
voices that should prevail in the reform of higher education. It can be Role of University Grants Commission
believed that TV authority can improve the situation with the involvement of
the students in policy making. Similar is the case with the tuition fee It is necessary to have a central organization to coordinate all higher
structure at TV. On the one hand, TV's financial crisis is such that it has no education institutions and set policy and criteria for funding and
money whatsoever for instructional materials, and on the other hand, the TV development. Apart from setting policies for funding and coordinating
authority has not raised its low tuition fee for long. The university should institutions of higher education, the central coordinating institution can be
learn lessons from elsewhere to gain consensus on the major issues. It is made responsible for several other important functions like quality assurance
evident that if the authority is competent, students are not a problem in through accreditation process, making its consultation mandatory for
sorting out many problems of the university including the issue of raising establishing new universities, reviewing higher education policies to update
fees. .contents and delivery mechanisms of higher education, funding based on
What is important is that, like any stakeholder, they should be performance, initiating new areas of studies and research, etc.
responsible. After all, it must be noted that they are one of the important The University Grants Commission has been established for several
stakeholders in the future development of the society. As they are the future . ." ~~4~ One of the reasons for why Nepalese higher education is not

leaders, it is important that their views are brought out amongst the iJ1Wlctlonmg well is because of the weak role of it. Some times, it looks as if
development partners. Universities should be prepared to involve students in a does not exist. It does not seem to have been doing more than like a post
creative way so that many things which the university could not do for fear of office- receiving funds from the Government and releasing the funds to
students' persistent disagreement could be sorted out by converting the trouble respective Universities. It has not been effective in many of the tasks
making force into a powerful resource for making university perform well. ,assi~ned to it. Even after its establishment, for example, new universities
Chile offers another example of a country which appreciated the established without its involvement. The impression is that this
contribution that students can make to reform higher education. After a iJnsumtion has not been very effective in doing what UGC is created for. It is
detailed analysis of how development projects in education can be ,difficult to judge whether this is because of the roles given to it or because of
contributed by stakeholders' involvement, it involved students in the leadership of the UGC. Whatever the reason, in .order for higher
preparation of the WorId Bank projects. ;Mucation to serve the country, its role is very significant for which it ShDUld
given to play necessary rDles without any hindrance and the leadership .of

160 New Horizons in Education in Nepal Horizons in Education in Nepal 161


UGC should also have courage and knowledge to lead Nepalese higher interest of the affiliated co lIeges and transfer all the affiliated colleges from
education. For this to happen, strong legal provisions should be made so that TU to these universities according to their convenience and interest. It is also
it becomes able to coordinate higher education and ensure quality. In necessary that TV stop giving affiliation to any new college. By doing this,
addition, people with insights, visions, dignity and courage should be TV can concentrate on its own campuses to help them provide quality
appointed as leaders to this institution. education and publish exam results within a reasonable period of time. There
Another thought regarding coordinating higher education is also so many things that TV should have done like reforming curriculum, text
floating. If UGC cannot playa significant role in the development of higher and exam system, improving teachers' skills in handling large
education in Nepal, perhaps the establishment of an institution like Higher ;~1i:l:S:S\::S, generating reSOurces for its infrastructure, and academic matters, etc.
Education Policy Council (HEPC) may b7 necessary where the policy it has not been doing any thing apart from giving affiliation to new
framework for higher education can be deb~ted and formulated. The debate ... v ....:ges. TV cannot and should not continue affiliating colleges. It should

on establishing HEPC with necessary pro~isions for coordinating higher over how to consolidate its works and initiate the process of
education institutions has aroused. It is also useful to establish a department laecentralization so that its competent colleges could offer quality higher
of higher education policy under the UGC. But what is important is no feducation by themselves. For this it must be prepared to review its affiliation
university should lose its autonomy and academic freedom in the name of
creating any apex institution to coordinate higher education institutions. Another thing that TV can do in order to reduce its gigantic size is to
Higher education should not be the victim of emerging politics as it has iftrovide the status of deemed university to its large and competent colleges,
already witnessed a dirty game of politics when appointing the Vice­ least 10 for the first time, indicating them that after some years they will
Chancellors for different universities. People involved in higher education a university status. They should be given five years or so for
would always welcome any change aimed at facilitating higher education to iPreparation. They should also be given all sort of technical and other helps
contribute to the development of the nation. need to emerge as university. The deemed universities should be given
kinds of help to act as university. In addition, TU must promote the T U
Restructuring higher education: Affiliating and deemed university IiJampus, Kirtipur, as centre of excellence in genuine Sense so that it will
full autonomy to function as a lead institution.
The Nepalese higher education needs restructuring. There is no doubt
that higher education in Nepal is growing enormously, but the growth is Jleemet/ Univel'$Uy
unplanned. At present, TV has 60 Constituent colleges and about 400
affiliated colleges. The number of affiliated colleges is likely to increase Giving "Deemed University" status to an institution of higher education is
every year. Perhaps TV is the first University in the world to have such a way to give it more autonomy for development Deemed university
large number of affiliated colleges. As a matter of fact, it is ridiculous to be interpreted as an institution with the following characters though this
have so many affiliated colleges scattered all over the country under TV limited to the criteria listed below. There can be other points as well.
alone when it is becoming unable to take care of its own 60 constituent
colleges in a proper manner. It happens when TV gets visionless leadership. i. It is autonomous in the sense of setting its own educational agenda
The number of students is also growing every year causing delay in (courses, syllabus, teaching methodologies, exams, etc.)
publishing results. ii. It is administratively autonomous in the sense that it does not need
to abide by the rules· and regulations of any other university on
Affiliating University administrative matters. It can develop its own system and rules of
In this context, it can be suggested that Nepal government should It can award degrees under its own name, instead of that of a
establish some affiliating universities on a regional basis or as per the university to which it is affiliated.

162 New Horizons in Education in Nepal Horizons in EdUcation in Nepal 163

IV. It cannot be an affiliating university in the sense of allowing other enormous change in the way higher education is delivered in many countries.
institutions to affiliate themselves to it. Now the time has come for us to examine whether the present structure or set up
v. It cannot be a purely teaching institution. Research has to be an of TU Campus is appropriate or not in light of the expectations of it and work
integral part of its activities. ':On how to bring about reforms in it so that it becomes a functional institution as
expected of a University Campus for the delivery of quality higher education
The University Grants Commission should work on this policy and according to the emerging needs of the society. For example, take the case of
bring the blue print out for the provision of deemed university. It has been :.the infrastructure created for College of Education during 1963- 1996 which is
almost a decade since UGC started talking about deemed university, but how the Central Department of Education. There has not beerl significant
there has not been any sign oflegitimate ~rovision for it. '1!:xpansion of the infrastructure but the number of students coming to this
If the provision for Deemed UniverSity is going to take a long time, a institution every year has incredibly increased. In this situation, we tend to say
provision can be included in the existing University Grants Commission Act there is unnecessary pressure on the Campus to enroll more than it can
that the institutions which have unique and distinct character of their own ;accommodate whereas we do not talk about the fact that the number of the
and self-sufficient in teaching staff, financial matters, students, and other Students is logical keeping in mind the population expansion and increment in
important areas, could enjoy the privilege of a university without losing their ·the number of higher education aspirants since then. The pressure on admission
distinct character and autonomy. ,became a problem because no more classrooms have been built since then. In
~this case we need to look at the problem from a different perspective. How can
TV Campus, Kirtipur: Centre ofexcellence i·the infrastructure ofthe Campus remain as it was for 45 years when the number
;ofCampuses that produc~ B. Ed. has become more than 200 and the number of
For the educational institution, a commitment to Center of Excellence ;.students joining education courses has enormously increased?
program distinguishes it as being advanced in its use of information In this pretext, it is necessary to examine the existing set up and operation
technology. It further provides the institution with expanded opportunities ·of TU Campus so that the things necessary for improving it can be identified. It
for partnership with international institutions of higher education and is needless to argue that TU as a whole needs changes because of contemporary
research groups. This might include, but is not limited to, senior-level thinking on higher education, the changing trends of higher education, potential
relationships, recruiting opportunities, joint event participation, etc. A Center of higher education to collaborate with productive and service sectors, and
of Excellence may experience increased leverage with funding agencies as Nepal's expectations ofTU in the present time. The need for change in higher
business and education partnerships are increasingly becoming prerequisites I~ducation has 'also'been felt because the higher education in the modem age
for grant funding. As a Center of Excellence, the institution can participate ; largely depends upon the resources it generates itself rather than dependence
in a web-based community of institutions doing work in similar areas. This the government allocation. As a matter of fact, without sufficient
community will foster communication and further enhance relations between ~sources, quality higher education is not possible. When the government
institutions. It will provide a unique opportunity for TU to demonstrate how , I eannot provide necessary resources, the institutions responsible for higher
autonomy, decentralization, openness, flexibility and mutual cooperation and 7.1Mucation are forced to generate resources on their own. In other words, higher
use of technology can improve learning in the classroom and/or the feducation must adapt the structure that is conducive for doing these activities
administrative functions of an institution. Ultimately, the Center of j like resource generation involving all kinds of schemes- fee collection from

Excellence will serve as the producer of content for public consumption IClollaboration and consultancy, decentralization, . accountability, quality
ultimately contributing to the national development. It will solve also some · improvement, academic reform, efficiency in exam' results and management,
of those problems related to unemployment. (data base, staff development, etc. For this to happen, cooperation of students
It has been a long time since the establishment of Tribhuvan University and teachers is essential for which communication with them and preparation of
Campus, Kirtipur. There have not been competent reviews of its performance in •~mpetent schemes for reforms are essential.
light of its efficienty, requirements, expectations, etc. when there has been

164 New Horizons in Education in Nepal , New Horizons in Education in Nepal 165

Head ofthe celltre ofexcellence: Pro-Rector Open University in the budget speech of the Minister· of Finance in the year
2007, so far, there has not been any initiation from the Ministry of Education
One of the problems with the present set.up of the TU Campus is its and Sports. For people who have some kind of involvement in the initiation
administrative structure. In all other Campuses under TU, it is the Campus of the idea of Open University in Nepal, it cannot be any thing but the
Chief who becomes responsible for overall management of the institution. negligence of the Ministry of Education and Sports in the reform process of
But in the TU Campus, a different position called "Principal" as the chief of higher education. The Ministry has taken several steps to deliver school
the institution is created which does not seem to have a strong role in the education and teacher training through distance mode. but none in the higher
overall management of th\ TU Campus as there are different Central education sector.
Departments which are in \ a way given financial and administrative The last phase of 20th and the beginning of 21 st century made
autonomy and have direct communication with the Central Office of TU. unbelievable advancement in the communication sector. Even the
This provision has made the "Principal Office" trivial. On the one hand, the conventional universities are increasingly becoming dependent on electronic
TU rules do not explicitly mention the role and responsibility of the media for teaching, testing, research and communication. It is the
Principal and on the other hand Central Departments handle most of their government's foolishness not to go for the Open University to enhance the
cases on their own making the whole Campus run without any coordination. nation's capacity to offer more access to and quality in higher education. It
In this situation, the Principal becomes just a coordinator for physical stuff. must be noted that Open University with its rich publications and
It is hard to understand what the Principal Office does except taking money strengthened communication channels will contribute to provide quality
from students and cleaning the garbage. It is therefore necessary to think of a higher education even through conventional universities .
. new position with strong academic and administrative leadership as the Meanwhile TU can initiate distance learning to address the mass
leader of the University Campus for doing all the necessary things. Keeping aspiring for higher education. A proposal with the details of what, why and
the size and significance of the centre of excellence, it would be wise to how of distance learning has already been submitted to TU. Through this
create the 'Pro-Rector' position for the leadership of the TU Campus, scheme TU can resolve many issues that are causing problems in the
depending upon the structure we adopt. conventional way of educational delivery.

Diversify higher education! Open University or distance education Involvement of students in community service

It has been quite sometime, since Nepal initiated discussions on Community service is one of the core functions of the university.
establishing Open University in line with higher education reform. Attempts Community service is a process of involving marginalized people in the
were made in the past to develop documents for the conceptual clarity of process of getting awareness, sharing knowledge and resources, practicing
Open University, form a committee to work on this issue, work on the draft . citizenry, etc. Community service performed under the guiding principles of
act to be submitted to the parliament for approval. The need for Open university enhances core commitment of the participating student& to
University is long standing. Most people support the idea .tO$t the private working with people rather than working for people from a distance.
students who sit for TU exams should be directed towards the Open Through this process a culture of serving to needy people, helping poor and
University system. The argument is that Nepal like several other countries in weak people, culture of peace, harmony and tolerance can be inculcated in
the world needs Open University to offer education for those who cannot go i~the young brains. It. is not a quick fix of development. Community service
for face to face classroom learning as well as for the improvement of TU. 'creates a situation in which socially excluded members of society get
This is how TU can get rid of a huge number of non-enrolled (Private) : opportunity to use universities and universities get opportunities to reach the
students. community which. otherwise would not happen. Nepal's experience in the
It is very difficult to understand why the process of establishing Open conduction of National Development Service (NDS) in the eighties was so
University has not been given priority. There was mention of establishing successful in awakening rural people as well as refining the young

166 New Horizons in Education in Nepal New Horizons in Education in Nepal 167
graduates' mind thrQugh practical experiences in the rural areas. The then Research and publications
regime considered NDS as a threat. As a result the program was done away
with. One of the major functions of higher education is research and
One of the core functions of a modem university is to serve the rural innovations. It is mainly because of this strength of the university, every
and disadvantaged community. The argument behind it is that it is the year renowned professors of different universities and research centres get
ordinary community or underserved community who need service from t~l'e Nobel Prizes. Many universities in the world, due to lack of funds, seem to
enlightened people o( the country, it is they who need to be strengthene(i to have problems in carrying out research studies as expected.
participate in the activities that are set by those who have achieved high At present, Nepalese Universities do not seem to have given adequate
level of education and the best manpower the country has produced. Not ""n~""A to research and pUblications. It should be noted that research and

only that the students serve the community, the community gives them back pUDllcauons are considered to be indicatars of the advancement of the
the kind of insights based on the reality of the society so as to refine their university. University teachers get proper credit and recognition for carrying
theoretical knowledge with practical experiences. This is where community out good research and publishing competent articles in the national and
service of a university should be seen as a way of putting the theory. intp international journals. What is even more important is that the publications
practice or establishing an interaction between theoretical knowledge into are judged on the basis of how they are quoted by others. But unfortunately
operation in a proper context. in TU, there is no difference between a publication in an international
For any country, unless the people from the bottom level, rural or in a national daily when competing for promotion. This is not an
community, and disadvantaged community participate in the main stream of encouraging environment for promoting publications.
politics and socio~economic activities, it cannot achieve stable social Nepalese universities do not seem to have made much progress
advancement. Some people tend to argue that unless there are professors, regarding research mainly due to lack of funds. They are having hard time
doctors, engineers, lawyers, bureaucrats, politicians, etc. from such a managing their regular classes. The funds they get from the government
community, unless they are included in the overall mobilization and exhausted mainly by paying salary of the staff. These universities have
management of human and physical resources of the country, the country been able to generate adequate funds by themselves so that they could
cannot achieve modernity. the funds for research work. The universities with non-government
That is why, different kinds. of community services should be initiated initiatives have also been weak in this area. In many universities in the
through students' participation so that high literacy rate can be achieved, the research has· been an integral part of teaching. The faculty members
process of democratization gets strengthened by involving marginalized encouraged to conduct research works and share them with their students
people in making informed decisions, urban and elite graduates get exposed thatthe students get some kind of exposure to research. In some countries
to the real situation of suffering in the rural areas, etc. eventually becoming government establishes separate research centres in specialized areas so
enlightened about the real problem of the country. TU can initiate the NDS they serve the needs of the country.
program or similar programs in collaboration with the Ministry of Education TU has established different Research Centres in the field of
and Sports. For example, MOES can create mobile teachers' positions to be ;Economics, Education, Science and Asian Culture. Some scholars are of the
stationed at the schools. in the rural and disadvantaged areas so that the ~oDinion that these research centres should be merged into the respective
MOES find competent and committed teachers to serve in the rural areas, so that the students and the faculty get opportunity to get
and in return, TU finds funds for running such a program. It is learnt that the ~fnvolved in the research work. These centres do not seem to have involved

Ministry of Finance appro~ed 12 thousand positions of teachers on the policy research. One would argue that research should be an integral part
request of MOES. These positions can be utilized for the NDS program. In "niversity education which should be appreciated by TU. TU should keep
this way, Nepal's higher education gets stronger if such a community service idea in mind while restructuring it in the future.
is made obligatory at the Master's leveL Another important aspect regarding research is that universities should .
prepared to work with the Ministry concerned to collaborate for research

168 New Horizons in Education in Nepal Horizons .in Education in Nepal 169
related works and the University authority should coordinate with the
government for leading the two- Ministry and University- to collaborate for
Open University and Distance Education

research work. As a matter of fact, research is an inherent part of higher

education. It is always good to integrate classroom teaching and research.
There have been cases where Ministry's under-qualified staff led research
works funded by the external agencies but the qualified faculty worked there
Open University has become a popular education institution
as an enumerators. This situation is detrimental to the promotion of both
It is like any other conventional university in the way education
quality(research and education.
are developed, students are enrolled, exams are conducted, degrees
awarded, etc. It is, however, different in the way instructional modes are
New mode of organization and operation
educational services are provided, to some extent, degrees for
works are awarded, entry conditions for students are set (e.g.
In order to be able to cater for the needs of the emerging society and the
(innovative study without academic background), etc. As it appears, Open
competitive challenges, higher education institutions should transform from
Tn;"",,.,,;", is like a conventional university, plus tremendous flexibility in the
rigid, conventional and traditional structure to forward looking, adaptive and
use of mixed mode- both face to face and distance, and permission
flexible structure. These transformations include academic structure, mode of .
students to do courses in the both-Open and conventional university- for a
delivery and pedagogical processes, physical infrastructure, and the teaching
use of modem technology in instructional delivery, etc.
profession. The role and use of technology is paramount in this regard in both
Open and distance learning is one of the most popular and most widely
teaching and management.
modes of educational delivery worldwide. Open University
Flexibility is very important for institutions to adapt to the changing
!facilitates a learning process without requiring students to attend day-to-day
environment. Tertiary education institutions need to be able to respond the
teaching. It makes best use of the potential of students to study on
emerging needs properly by establishing new programs, reconfiguring existing
own. Students are provided with interactive study materials and
ones, and eliminating outdated programs. For this purpose, TU should give
learning facilities where they can seek acaMmic and other
autonomy to Campuses. Campuses should also be prepared to give autonomy
of· educational assistance when they need. In a country like Nepal,
to department so that all disciplines and departments can think on their own
full of hills, mountains, and difficult terrain, which has its
over how to bring about changes in their departments and the subjects they deal
popUlauon scattered all over the difficult lands, which has scarce resources,
with. There have been lots of changes in different areas of higher education
~stablishing an Open University for the delivery of higher education for a
through r~ch and experiments. All these subjects should be allowed to. have
of people can be of paramount importance.
independent thinking and initiate to practice latest things and innovative ideas
The Open University has the potential to generate new ways of teaching
in their areas of concem.
learning. Because of its close links with information and technology, it is
to development of new learning and new patterns of information access
application. It can be believed that it can lead to innovative delivery of
pducation through which a large scale of population can be addressed. It also
~ignificant1y contributes to promote life long learning.
Open University prepares quality materials (self-study books,
audiocassettes, videos and software) and makes available for
who intend to do courses under its schemes. They can be single module
complete package. They can be purchased or collected from the
Institutions. The Open University can run its own TV Channel. It can use the
technology and be innovative and developmental in its approach to

170 New Horizons in Education in Nepal Horizons in Education in Nepal 171

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