Escola Naval - Prof Gama - Provas Anteriores

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Based on the text below, answer questions 21, 22 and 23.

Organizing Intelligence for Counterinsurgency

EFFECTIVE, ACCURATE, AND TIMELY intelligence is essential to conducting any form

of warfare, including counterinsurgency operations, because the ultimate success or failure
of the mission depends on the effectiveness of the intelligence effort. The function of
intelligence in counterinsurgency is to facilitate an understanding of the populace, the host
nation, the operational environment, and the insurgents so that commanders may address
the issues driving the insurgency.
Insurgencies, however, are notoriously difficult to evaluate. The organization of the
standard military intelligence system, developed for major theater warfare rather than
counterinsurgency, compounds the difficulty. Intelligence systems and personnel must
adapt to the challenges of a counterinsurgency environment to provide commanders the
intelligence they require. This is a "best practice" in counterinsurgency, without which
counterinsurgency efforts will likely fail.

(September-October 2006. MILITARY REVIEW p.24)

21)According to the text above, what are the key elements for the success of awarfare

(A)Causing results, complexity, done at the right moment.

(B)Causing results, precision, done at the right moment.
(C)Affectivity, precision, done at the right moment.
(D)Affectivity, complexity, done at the right moment.
(E)Efficiency, precision, done at the right moment.

22)What is the function of intelligence in counterinsurgencies?

(A) To host the insurgents and the whole population in a good operational
(B) To develop the best practice possible.
(C) To provide the commanders with an understanding of the whole situation.
(D) To compound the difficulty of the operation.
(E) To challenge the counterinsurgency environment.

23) "( ... ) counterinsurgency efforts will likely fail". What does the word "likely" mean in
this sentence of the text?

(A) similarly
(B) widely
(C) hopefully
(D) probably
(E) accurately
24) Read the text below. Why do the Navy and Marine Corps units formulate new

To control risks and avoid danger, Navy and Marine Corps units often develop
new strategies and adopt "best practices" from commercial industry. In turn, these
efforts produce a wide range of successes: innovative problem-solving strategies, new
technologies, and award-winning safety programs. These Success Stories show the
continuing interest of the Navy and Marine Corps in taking care of our people by
integrating safety practices into our operations.

(http://www. safetycenter.

The Navy and Marine Corps units formulate new strategies....

(A) to help commercial industry.

(B) to be awarded prizes for safety programs.
(C) to keep their operations safe.
(D) to help commercial industry.
(E) to produce a wide range of technologies.

25) Read the text below observing what the underlined words in bold refer to.

Seriously, I do believe that ships have 11souls"; their soul is made up of all the
blood, sweat, and tears that everyone who serves on the ship gives to her, and from the
little pieces of themselves that every crew member leaves behind, be it their hopes,
fears, or dreams. I've left part of my soul on each of the ships that I've served on, but
have also taken some of their personalities with me, so I think it's a good trade.

(http;// boats.html)

Which is the best alternative considering some of the statements are true (T) and
others are false (F)?

I - The word "her" (line 2) refers to ship.

II - The word "that" (line 3) refers to the little pieces of themselves.
Ill - The word "their" (line 3) refers to hopes, fears, or dreams.
IV - The word "their" (line 5) refers to ships.
V - The word "me" (line 5) refers to the author of the text.

(A) I- (T) II- (T) Ill- (F) IV- (T) V- (T)

(B) I- (F) II- (T) Ill- (F) IV- (F) V- (T)
(C) I- (F) II- (T) Ill- (T) IV- (T) V- (F)
(D) I- (T) II- (F) Ill- (F) IV- (F) V- (F)
(E) I- (T) II- (F) Ill- (T) IV- (F) V- (T)
26) Observe the picture below. Which alternative below is NOT possible to happen in this
place, based on the sign?

(A) Rest and sleep.

(B) Do exercises.
(C) Accept smallchildren.
(D) Get someone to help you.
(E) Get medical treatment.

27) Observe the sign below. Who can use the seats?

(A) Any person with a baby in the arms.

(B) A 45-year-old senior professor.
(C) A 50-year-old blind man.
(D) A 55-year-old senior accountant.
(E) Any person carrying a lot of bags.

28) Observe the sign below. What is NOT true according to the sign?

(A) They may check how old you are.

(B) They may check your document.
(C) They will sell cigarettes to you if you are 27.
(D) They will sell beer to you with a discount.
(E) They will sell beer to you if you are over 27.
29) Match the signs with the descriptions. Which is the correct matching order?

Sciences 1
A ... K
:,r1,,;,.r,:= ..........,.

Put your message where they least expect it. Durable, removable floor graphics
create interest and can provide information and directions. Floor graphics turn your
floors into valuable marketing space.

( ) Banners & Photo Murals

Big, bold banners generate interest and excitement and also provide a graphic
backdrop for special events on campus. Use big, bold custom banners to generate
excitement for special events.

( ) Labels & Decals

Incorporate colors and symbols in bright, bold designs that will serve you for years to
come. Easily put your name or message on almost any surface with custom decals
and labels in an unlimited variety of sizes and die-cut shapes.

( ) Window Lettering
Inform customers of the services of your shop with professional, easy-to-read
window graphics from FASTSIGNS®. Eye-catching color window graphics make
identification easier and increase awareness.

The correct order is:

(A) 3-4-2-1
(B) 2-4-1-3
(C) 3-2-1-4
(D) 2-3-4-1
(E) 4-2-1-3

30) Which is the correct option to complete the sentence below?

My son is allergic to sea food. If he (1) ___ shrimps, for example, his throat (2)

(A) eat I swell

(B) eats /swells
(C) ate / swells
(D) eats /swelled
(E) eat/ swelled

31) Which is the correct option to complete the sentence below?

Of course I'd love to meet you. If 1 (1) the day off next Friday, I (2)______
you a visit. Is 2:00 ok with you?

(A) will take/ will pay

(B) take /pay
(C) will take I pay
(D) will take /would pay
(E) take / will pay

32) Choose the best option to rewrite the sentence keeping the same meaning.

On May 2nd , 2008, Mary asked Paul: "Where did you go yesterday, honey"?·
Mary wanted to know where...

(A) had her boyfriend gone the day before.

(B) did her boyfriend go yesterday.
(C) her boyfriend had gone the day before.
(D) her boyfriend has been yesterday.
(E) her boyfriend has gone the previous day.

33) Analyse the sentences below. Which is the correct sentence?

(A) I enjoy reading very much.

(B) I don't mind to listen to classical music.
(C) I must to talk to you.
(D) I avoid to go out at night.
(E) I suggest you to study more.
34) My little sister went to Peter's home yesterday. He was stressed and shouted:
"Do not touch my things!"
What did he say?

(A) He said to the little girl do not touch his things.

(B) He told to the little girl not to touch his things.
(C) He said to the little girl to not touch his things.
(D) He told the little girl not to touch his things.
(E) He told the little girl to not touch his things.

35) Which sequence best completes the sentence below?

People (1) (2) hours and hours (3) video games (4) _
the same personality traits (5) people with Asperger's syndrome, a form of

(A) who-spends -playing-exhibits-like

(B) whom -spend- play- exhibit -as
(C) who - spends-plays - exhibits- like
(D) who-spend- playing -exhibit- as
(E) whose- spend-play- exhibit -like

36) Which sequence best completes the sentence below?

(1) __this study, John Charlton (2) the University (3) Bolton (4)
England and colleagues examined nearly 400 gamers, most of whom were
male, and questioned them (5) how much they played video games.

(A) In - of - of - in - about
(B) At - of - in- in - from
(C) In - in - of - at - about
(D) On - in- at- in - for
(E) On - of - in - on - from

37) Which sequence best completes the text below?

What is a story?

The word "story" (1) be used as a synonym of "narrative", but it (2)

also be used to refer to the sequence of events described in a narrative. A narrative
(3) also be told by a character within a larger narrative.

(A) must - can- must

(B) will - can- must
(C) must -must- can
(D) may - must- should
(E) may - can- can
38) How can you reply to this statement?
I had a difficult test yesterday.

(A) So did I.
(B) Nor did I.
(C) So had I.
(D) Nor had I.
(E) I had.

39) Which sequence best completes the conversation below?

Ann: Mary's car broke down yesterday. The mechanic said it will take him 4
daysto fix it this time.
Ben: Again? I can't believe it. (1) just a few days ago. I think
sheshould find another mechanic!

(A) She fixed the car

(B) She had fixed the car
(C) She has the car fixed
(D) She has fixed the car
(E) She had the car fixed

40)· Which sequence best completes the text below?

A Special Easter Night

Once upon a time there (1) little white bunnies whose occupation (2)
to distribute coloured, painted and flower-drawn eggs on Easter Eve night, in a
village of poor people. Sometimes they also (3) them different items they
(4) , like clothes and food.


(A) was- were- gave- needed

(B) were-was -gave-needed
(C) was- were- given - need
(D)were- were -given-need
(E) was -was -given- needed

41) Which of the alternatives below completes the sentence correctly?

If you (1) to the party, you'd meet all our old school friends.

(A) would go
(B) went
(C) go
(D) will go
(E) have gone
42) Read the extract below and choose the only word which can replace "far" in "we
were far behind":

A few weeks ago, no one imagined that we'd have accomplished what we did
here tonight. For most of this campaign, we were far behind, and we always knew
our climb would be steep.

(A) distant
(B) away
(C) apart
(D) more
(E) considerably

43) Read the extract below and choose the only verb form which is NOT in the
passive voice.

"We know the battle ahead will be long. But always remember that, no matter
what obstacles stand in our way, nothing can stand in the way of the power of
millions of voices calling for change. We have been told we cannot do this by a
chorus of cynics. And they will only grow louder and more dissonant in the
weeks and months to come.(...)

For when we have faced down impossible odds, when we've been told we're not
ready or that we shouldn't try or that we can't, generations of Americans have
responded with a simple creed that sums up the spirit of a people: Yes, we can.
Yes, we can. It was whispered by slaves and abolitionists as they blazed a trail
towards freedom through the darkest of nights: Yes, we can. It was sung by
immigrants as they struck out from distant shores and pioneers who pushed
westward against an unforgiving wilderness: Yes, we can.


(A) we have faced down

(B) we have been told
(C) we've been told
(D) it was whispered
(E) it was sung

44) Which sequence best completes the sentence below?

"We can stop sending our children (1) schools (2) corridors (3)
shame and start putting them on a pathway (4) success."

(A) for - in - on - of
(B) for - to - with - to
(C) to - with -of - to
(D) to - with - on - of
(E) to - in - of - for
45) Which of the alternatives below completes the sentence correctly?

We've (1) finished our research on this subject

(A) still
(B) yet
(C) already
(D) no longer
(E) any longer

46)'Which of the alternatives below completes the sentence correctly?

He's been working on this project (1) _

(A) since three hours.

(B) for three o'clock.
(C) from three o'clock.
(D) for three hours.
(E) right now at three o'clock.

47) Which of the alternatives below completes the sentence correctly?

(1) have you known her?

(A) How long time

(B) How long
(C) When
(D) How many times
(E) What time

4 8) Which of the alternatives below completes the sentence correctly?

(1) people went to the meeting last Friday.

(A) A little
(B) Little
(C) None
(D) Every
(E) Few

49) Which of the alternatives below completes the sentence correctly?

I need (1) about the next exams.

(A) advices
(B) some advices
(C) an information
(D) some information
(E) informations
50) What is the correct way to complete the sentence below?

It's a tragedy anytime someone dies, but some of the pain is softened when thatloss
translates into changes designed to save (1) _


(A) other people's lives.

(B) others lives.
(C) other peoples's lives.
(D) another lives.
(E) another people lives.

21 B
22 C
23 D
24 C
25 A
26 E
27 C
28 D
29 B
30 B
31 E
32 C
33 A
34 D
35 D
36 A
37 E
38 A
39 E
40 B
41 B
42 E
43 A
44 C
45 C
46 D
47 B
48 E
49 D
50 A


21) Which alternative below is NOT CORRECT, based on this text?


The rescue of Captain Phillips drew widespread praise for the Navy and Mr.
Obama, but some experts warned that it could escalate the campaign by Somali pirates,
who have vowed to take revenge on Americans and are holding more than 200 hostages
from other countries.
Mr. Obama praised Captain Phillips for his "courage and leadership and selfless
concern for his crew," and he said he was "very proud" of the Navy and other
American agencies involved in the operation.


(A)The word "it" (line 2) refers to the rescue of CaptainPhillips.

(B)The word "who" (line 3) refers to the Somali pirates.
(C)The word "his" (line 5) refers to Captain Phillips.
(D)The word "his" (line 6) refers to Captain Phillips.
(E)The word "he" (line 6) refers to Captain Phillips.

22)Read the text below. Why has the US government changedcredit card regulations?


Credit card companies in the US will soon be bound by new restrictions on their ability to
charge fees, or raise internet rates on existing borrowings.
The bill is designed to protect credit card users from unexpected fees or increases to
their interest rates.
The US government has been concerned to tighten its regulation of the banking system
in the light of the credit crunch and banking crisis.
“This coments a victory for every American consumer who has ever suffered at the hands
of the credit card industry”, said Senator Christopher Dodd, chairman of the Senate banking
Americans currently owe nearly $1 trillion on their credit cards. The US government has been
concerned to tighten its regulation of the banking system in the light of the credit crunch and
banking crisis.

(Adapted from

The US government has changed credit card regulations...

(A)to keep their ability to charge fees and raise interestrates.

(B)to help financial companies.
(C)to raise the credit limitations.
(D)to raise consumer protection.
(E)to avoid a credit crunch and banking crisis.

Based on the text below, answer questions 23 and 24.


Cairo -- Egypt has begun forcibly slaughtering the country's pig herds as a
precaution against swine flu, a move that the United Nations described as "a real
mistake" and one that is prompting anger among the country's pig farmers.
The decision, announced Wednesday, is already adding new strains to the tense
relations between Egypt's majority Muslimsand its Coptic Christians. Most of Egypt's pig
farmers are Christians, and some accuse the government of using swine flu fears to
punish them economically.

(Adapted from

23) Which is the best alternative considering some of thestatements are true (T) and
others are false (F)?

I- The action Egypt has taken against the swine flu increased the conflict
II- between Muslims and Christians. The action Egypt has taken against the
swine flu causedanger among pig farmers.
III- The U.N. considered the swine flu a real mistake.The U.N. supported
IV- the decision taken by Egypt.
V- The population of Egypt is mostly Muslims. The government
VI- wants to punish the Egyptians.

The best alternative is

(A)I- (T) II-(T) III- (F) IV- (F) V -(T) VI- (F)
(B)I- (T) II-( F) III- (T) IV- (T) V- (F) VI (F)
(C)I- (F) II-(F) III-(T) IV- ( F) V- ( F) VI (T)
(D)I- (T) II- (T)III- (T)IV-( F) V- (T) VI (F)
(E)I- (F) II-(T) III-( F) IV-( F) V- (F) VI (T)

24) The word "prompting" in this extract from the first paragraph "(…) and one that is
prompting anger among the country's pig farmers." has the same meaning as:

(B)finishing with
(D)responding to
(E)preparing for
Based on the text below, answer questions 25, 26 and 27.


Climate change over the next 20 years could result in a global catastrophe costing
millions of lives in wars and natural disasters.
A secret report, suppressed by US defense chiefs and obtained by The Observer,
warns that major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged
into a 'Siberian' climate by 2020. Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread
rioting will erupt across the world.
The document predicts that abrupt climate change could bring the planet to the edge
of anarchy as countries develop a nuclear threat to defend and secure dwindling food,
water and energy supplies. The threat to global stability vastly eclipses that of terrorism,
say the few experts privy to its contents.
'Disruption and conflict will be endemic features of life,' concludes the Pentagon
analysis. 'Once again, warfare would define human life.'

(Adapted from,12374,1153530,00.htrru)

25) According to the text above, what will be the result ofclimate change?

(A)Hunger, war, lack of rain, public disturbance.

(B)War, eclipses, cold weather, lack of rain.
(C)Hunger, cold weather, conflict, eclipses.
(D)Terrorism, nuclear threat, eclipses, rising seas.
(E)Public disturbance, rising seas, global stability,nuclear threat.

26) What is NOT true according to the text?

(A)Humans will have violent times.

(B)England will be colder than it is today.
(C)Climate changes will happen unexpectedly sudden.
(D)Climate change will be more serious than terrorism.
(E)Europe will be under the sea.

27) Considering the text, what does the word "dwindling" meanin this extract
"(...) countries develop a nuclear threat to defend and secure dwindling food, water and
energy supplies."

28 - Read the text below. Why was this Army soldier in easternAfghanistan praised by
the Defense Secretary?


Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Thursday praised an Army soldier in eastern

Afghanistan who drew media attention this month after rushing to defend his post from
attack while wearing pink boxer shorts and flip-flops, Reuters reported. Gates said in
prepared remarks that he wants to meet the soldier and shake his hand the next time he
visits Afghanistan.
"Any soldier who goes into battle against the Taliban in pink boxers and flip-flops
has a special kind of courage, 11 Gates said in a speech to be delivered in New York. "I
can only wonder about the impact on the Taliban. Just imagine seeing that: a guy in pink
boxers and flip-flops has you in his cross-hairs. What an incredible innovation in
psychological warfare," he said.
Army Specialist Zachary Boyd, 19, of Fort Worth, Texas, rushed from hi sleeping
quarters on May 11 to join fellow platoon members at a base in Afghanistan's Kunar
Province after the unit came under fire from Taliban positions. A news photographer was
on hand to record the image of Boyd standing at a makeshift rampart in helmet, body
armor, red T-shirt and boxers emblazoned with the message: "I love NY". When the
image wound up on the front page of the New York Times, Boyd told his parents he might
lose his job if President Obama saw him out of uniform.

(Adapted from http://,2933,521138,00.html)

This Army soldier in eastern Afghanistan was praised by theDefense Secretary...

(A)because even being tired he kept his position.

(B)because he helped his fellows invade Afghanistan.
(C)because he presented an incredible innovation inpsychological W arfare.
(D)because President Obama saw him out of uniform.
(E)because he went into battle in his underwear.

29 - Read the text and check the statements below.


Just where in the world is the bluest sky? Expedia wanted to know for its "Blue Sky
Explorer" project. They asked NPL to develop a blue sky standard and some cheap
equipment to measure it. Their solution was to use cheap light-emitting diodes as the light
standard, rather than the typical expensive noble gas lamps, and the belt-and-braces
device was calibrated against an international "colourimetry" standard.
The result? Rio de Janeiro came out on top, followed by the Bay of Islands in New
Zealand and Uluru in Australia. Unsurprisingly the UK did not figure in strongly in the top
10, but Castell Dinas Bran in Wales came in at number nine.

(Adapted from

Which is the best alternative considering some of the statementsare true (T) and others
are false (F)?

I-The research is about the colour of the sky in differentparts of the planet.
II-Expedia used a previous blue sky standard in the research.
III-The lamps that are currently used in the measurement werereplaced by cheap ones.
IV-NPL adjusted the device to use an internationalncolourimentry" standard.
V-Rio de Janeiro and New Zealand got first rank in theResearch while Australia
came in second.
VI-It was a surprise that the UK did not figure in strongly in the top 10.

The best alternative is:

(A) I-(T) II-(F) III-(F) IV-(F) V-(T) VI-(F)

(B) I-(F) II-(F) III-(T) IV-(T) V-(F) VI-(F)
(C) I-(F) II-(T) III-(T) IV-(F) V-(F) VI-(T)
(D) I-(T) II-(F) III-(T) IV-(T) V-(F) VI-(F)
(E) I-(T) II-(T) III-(F) IV-(F) V-(F) VI-(T)


30) Which of the alternatives below completes the sentence correctly?

Juliet and Romeo in the balcony scene: “Oh, Romão, if my brother ______(1) us t
together, certainly he ______(2) you. Please, go away now.

(A)Will see- will kill

(B)Sees- will kill
(C)See- kill
(D)Will see- kill
(E)Will see- will kill
31) ______(1) will it take you to finish the project? More thana week?

(A)How long
(B)How much time
(C)How many times
(D) For how long
(E) How much

32) Read the extract below and choose the only sequence thatcan complete it.


The other day I was chatting to a friend about children. We were discussing the
fact that we had both been (1)______ by rather strict parents, and had both decided
to try to be more tolerant when we (2)______and had children of our own. The
problem that my friend had found with this strategy was infinding a way to
control his kids now that they are teenagers.
He said the fact that he had (3)______them for more than 13
years, providing all the love and care they needed, is notenough to persuade
them to respect his decisions.

(A) brought up - grew up - looked for

(B) grown up - brought up - looked for
(C) brought down - had grown up - looked after
(D) brought up - grew up - looked after
(E) grown up - had grown up - looked like

33)Which alternative is grammatically correct?

(A)He would like that I could come.

(B)He would like me to come.
(C)He would like that I came.
(D)He would like me coming.
(E)He would like me come.

34) Which of the alternatives below completes the sentencecorrectly?

There are no figures for ______ (1) of the applicants successfully get off waiting lists. It varies
since it depends on the strength of the application pool and whether the fully accepted students
decide to attend or go elsewhere.
(A)how many
(C)how much

35) Which of the alternatives below completes the sentencecorrectly?

The private military company Blackwater has offered its ship as an escort, (l)
includes armed security, small boats and air platforms, but to date it hasn't had any
customers inthe region.

(D)In which
(E)In what

36) Which of the alternatives below completes the textcorrectly?

Some people believe that if we are ______ (1) that they're really, really______ (2) in our
school this will get them off the wait list."

(A)Convincing - interesting
(B)Convince - interested
(C)Convinced – interesting
(D)Convinced - interested
(E)Convince - interesting

37) Which is the correct option to complete the sentence below?

The furniture for our living room (l) delivered.

(A)Has not been

(B)Have not been
(C)Were not
(D)Does not have
(E)Has not

38) Which sequence best completes the text below?

How to get off the B-school wait list Every school has a different policy about whether you
should be in touch with ______(1).Some say outright don’t call______(2), we’ll call
______(3). If______(4) Is one of follow those instructions. Disobeying will most likely do more
harm than good.
(Adapted from http:/ /ww1,. forbes. com)


39) Analyse the sentences below. Which TWO sentences expressthe same idea?

(1)Those poor children must have new shoes.

(2)Those poor children have had new shoes.
(3)New shoes must be provided for those poor children.
(4)New shoes must have been given for those poor children.
The correct answer is

(A)1 and 2
(B)land 4
(C)2 and 3
(D)2and 4
(E)1 and 3

40) Choose the best reply to this statement.

Mary: I have all the books the teacher told us about lastclass.

(A)Neither have I.
(B)Nor have I.
(C)So had I.
(D)So do I.
(E)So did I.

41) Which sequence best completes the text below?

"That we are ______(1) the midst_____(2) crisis well understood. Our nation
is______(3)war against a far-reaching network ______(4) violence and hatred. Our
economy is badly weakened, a consequence of great and irresponsibility ______ (5)
the part of some, but also our collective failure______ (6) make choices and prepare the
nation(7) ______a new age."
(Adapted from Barack Obama' s speech/ January, 2009)

(A)At- to - ln- of - at- in- to

(B)In- to - on- with- at- in- to
(C)In- of - at- of- on- to- for
(D)At- of - in- for- at- to- for
(E)In- of - at- with- in- to- to

42) Choose the best sequence to complete the blanks.


Trump has been so (1) in large part because he has lifestyle brand
managed to build athat around the (2) lifemost
he lives andto cultivate people aspire to. He works (3) image, and he uses it
thebusiness lines and to expand into new find new areas for profit.
(Adapted from http:/ /

(A)success - luxurious - hard

(B)successful - luxury - hardly
(C)successfully -luxuriously - hardly
(D)successfully -luxurious - hard
(E)successful - luxurious - hard

43) Which sequence best completes the conversation below?

Jane: Will you colour your hair when it (1)______ to get gray?

Mary: Yes, I will.

Jane: But will you do it yourself or will you go to thebeauty parlor?
Mary: Oh, I don't think I'm able to do it myself. I (2)_____my hair (3)______

(A)Start - will have - colour

(B)Will start - will have - coloured
(C)Starts - will have - coloured
(D)Starts - have - colour
(E)Will start - have - coloured

44) Which is the correct option to complete the text below?

______(1)last month I spent four days in______(2) Angra with______(3)

from______(4) Parana. Her father is______(5) uncle of mine who moved
(6) south 2 years ago.

(A) 0 - the - a - the - the – the

(B)The - 0 - a - 0 - an - the
(C) 0 - 0 - a - 0 - an - the
(D)The - the - a - the - the – the
(E) 0 - 0 - the - 0 - an - 0.

45) Choose the best option to rewrite the sentence keeping thesame meaning.

On July 2nd ,2009, Peter asked Jane: "What time are we

meeting tomorrow"?

Peter wanted to know what time...

(A) they are meeting tomorrow.

(B) are they meeting tomorrow?
(C) they were meting the day after.
(D) were they meeting the next day?
(E) they are meeting the next day.

46) Which sequence best completes the text below?


Conventional wisdom among college and university students (and

many of their parents) in early 2007 is that "everything needed for research
is available free on the Web." Therefore, academic libraries are often viewed
as costly dinosaurs- unnecessary expenses in today's environment. This
idea is uninformed at best and foolish at worst. If college and
university libraries and librarians (1)______, we ( 2)______to invent, better
yet, re-invent them.
(A)Don't exist - will have
(B)Existed - would have
(C)Didn't exist - would have
(D)Exist - won't have
(E)Didn't exist - wouldn't have

47) Which sequence best completes the text below?

When we go out on weekends, I don’t mind______(1). I enjoy______(2)

by car because it is more comfortable and I can’t resist______(3) to take
photos. However, I avoid______(4) at night as I prefer not______(5) the
risk of______(6) on the wheel.

(A)to drive -travel -to stop -driving -run -sleep

(B)driving -to travel -to stop -driving -run -sleep
(C)drive -traveling -stopping -to drive -to run -sleep
(D)driving -traveling -stopping -driving -to run -sleeping
(E)to drive -traveling -stopping -driving -to run -sleeping

48) What is the correct way to complete the sentence below?

Today black spots or shadow zones around Somalia only benefit pirates. __________
(1) well-lit watchtowers, in the form of maritime security outposts, can help change that.

(B)In spite of
(D)In addition to

49- Which of the alternatives below completes the sentencecorrectly?

"There (1) people on the wait list in the pastfew

years whose interest level was inappropriate," says Meehan.

(D)has been
(E)have been

50) Mary saw her boyfriend with another girl and they had aquarrel. She
shouted: "Don't come here anymore!"

Which alternative best reports what she said?

(A)She said her boyfriend do not come here anymore.

(B)She told to her boyfriend not to come here anymore
(C)She said to her boyfriend to not to go there anymore.
(D)She told her boyfriend not to come there anymore
(E)She told her boyfriend not to go there anymore.

21 C
22 A
23 E
24 B
25 E
26 D
27 B
28 A
29 D
30 B
31 A
32 D
33 B
34 A
35 C
36 D
37 A
38 B
39 E
40 D
41 C
42 E
43 C
44 C
45 C
46 C
47 D
48 C
49 E
50 E


Based on the text below, answer questions 21, 22 and 23.

Inside The U.S. Navy's Leadership School

The top level of Navy leaders hip is its admirals. There are 238 of them. They have
responsibility for more than 390,000 members of the Navy and control an annual budget of more
than $130 billion. They are the equivalent of a corporate C-suite. Of the more than 3,000
captains who serve in the Navy, roughly 38 barely 1% make the cut to admiral each year.
In 2001 the chief of naval operations the Navy's CEO asked retired Vice Admiral Phil
Quast, who had spent 38 years in the Navy , to establish the program that became the Executive
Learning Office. "Of 238 admiral positions, fewer than 40 are concerned with actual war
fighting," Quast notes. "The vast majority is doing jobs analogous to that of a CEO, CTO, CFO,
COO or other functional business areas. Our job is to help them develop the business acumen
they need to run the business of the Navy as excellent stewards of the public's money and its

(Adapted from

21) Which is the best alternative considering some of thestatements are true( T) and others are
f al se ( F) ?

I-The American Navy has less than three hundred admirals.

I I - Each Admiral is responsible for more than 390,000members of the Navy.
III-The current leadership program is 38 years old.
IV-Most Admirals are more like Company Executivesnowadays.
V-About a quarter of U.S. Admirals do jobs related to warfare.

The best alternative is:

(A) I- (T) II-(F) III-(F) IV-(F) V - (T)

(B) I- (T) II-(F) III- (F)IV- (T) V-(F)
(C) I-(F)II-(F) III-(T) IV-(T) V- (F)
(D) I-(T) II-(T) III- (T) IV-(T) V- (T)
(E) I-(F)II- (T)III-(F)IV-(F) V- (F)

22)Which alternative below is NOT CORRECT, based on the text?

(A)The word "They" (line 4) refers to Admirals.

(B)The word "who"(line 8} refers to Vice Admiral Quast.
(C)The word "our"(line 13)refers to CEO, CTO, CFO, coo.
(D)The word "them"(line 13)refers to Admirals.
(E)The word "they"(line 14)refers to Admirals.

23)The word "steward" in "(...) to run the business of the Navy as excellent stewards of
the public's money and its trust."means:
(D)public relation

Based on the text below, answer questions 24 and 25.


The contest between athletes who use performance-enhancing drugs and the authorities
trying to catch them is much like a race itself. Each time a new drug test comes out, athl etes
and their doctors figure out a way to outsmart it.
But a new "biological passport" that measures blood and body chemistry over tim e may
finally be putting a dent in sports doping.
Professional cycling is the first sport to embrace the relatively new test, and it's just
nabbed its biggest catch: an Italian cyclist, Franco Pelli zotti, who was one of the favorites to win
this year's Giro d'Italia. The Giro ct-Italia, a grueling three- week event secon d in size and
importance only to the Tour de France, kicks off on Saturday.
(Adapted from http://newsdiscovery.c om/tech/biological- passport-cycling-dop.inght ml)

24)What is NOT true according to the text?

(A)"Biological passportn is a kind of test that checks ifathletes have used illegal
(B)Professional cycling is the first sport to accept a new drugtest which promises to stop
sports doping.
(C)The Giro ct-Italia will be cancelled.
(D)Franco Pellizotti won't be able to take part in this year'sGiro d'Italia.
(E)The Tour de France is more important than the Giro d'Italia.

25)Considering the text, what does the word "outsmart" mean inthis extract?

"Each time a new drug test comes out, athletes and their doctorsfigure out a way to
outsmart it."

(C)C ignore
(E) Avoid

Based on the text below, answer questions 26 and 27.


In our age, everything is the newest New Thing or the biggest Big Thing. Steve Case
of America Online already calls the new century "the Internet Century," and some
authorities whisper that the Internet rivals the importance of Gutenberg's invention of the
printing press in the 15th century.
We suffer from historical amnesia.
Suppose you were born in 1900. You wouldn't yet watch movies, let alone global
TV. Fewer than 10% of U.S. homes had phones, and fewer than 8% had electricity.
Antibiotics hadn't been discovered. As yet the Internet isn't in the same league with these
Each changed lifestyles and popular beliefs, The automobilesuburbanized
America and inaugurated mass travel. Antibiotics,vaccines and public-health advances
helped raise life expectancyfrom 46 in 1900 to 77 today. The explosion of
prosperity a
consequence of electricity, other technologies and modern managementshortened working
hours and expanded leisure. Movies and TV transformed popular culture. As a matter of
fact, the Internet is
too young for anyone to foretell its ultimate significance.

(Adapted from http://Newsweek, January 24, 2000)

26)Considering some of the statements are true (T) and others are false (F), which is the
best alternative?
I-Steven Case considers the 21 s t century theInternet Century.Some specialists are
certain that the Internet is as important as Gutenberg's invention of the printing press.
III-The TV was invented before 1900.
IV-Phones were common in the beginning of the 20th century. By having
electricity people could have more free time.
V- It is still too early to say the Internet is the biggestBig Thing in the 21s t century.

The best alternative is:

(A)I- ( F)II- (F) III- ( F) IV- (T) V - (T) VI ( T)

(B)I- (T) II- (T) III- ( F) IV- ( F) V- (T) VI- ( T)
(C)I- ( F)II- (F) III- (T) IV- ( F) V- ( F) VI ( T)
(D)I- ( T)II- (T) III- (T) IV- ( F ) V- ( T) VI ( F)
(E) I- ( T)II- (F)III- (T) IV- ( F) V- ( F)VI ( T)

27)The word “raise” in "(...) public-health advances helped r ais e life expectancy (...)." means:

(A)Come up
(B)Bring on
( D)Put up

Based on the text below, answer questions 28 and 29.

The turning tide for the turtles

With their exquisite shells, their smiling faces, their deliberate movements, and their
amazing sea-born agility, sea turtles have always captured human imagination. Once severely
endangered, turtle populations are growing steadily thanks to conservation projects worldwide.
And with more than 8000 km of coastline, large stretches of which are favorite nesting spots for
turtles, Brazil is one of the leaders in the race to protect them.
(Adapted from http//

28)Choose the only alternative which is correct.

(A)Conservation projects have endangered turtlepopulations.
(B)Conservation projects have helped turtle survival.
(C)Turtle populations are in danger due to conservationprojects.
(D)Human projects have captured sea turtles.
(E)The 8000km of coast line are favorite nesting spots.

29)The relative pronoun "which" in "(…..)) large stretches of which are favorite nesting spots for
turtles." refers to:

(A)8000 km.
(D)Large stretches.
(E)Turtle populations.


30)What would you say if you didn't have a pen and wanted touse your friend's?

(A)Could you borrow your pen?

(B)Could you lend your pen?
(C)Could you borrow me your pen?
(D)Coul d you lend me your pen?
(E)Could you borrow my pen?

31)Which alternative completes the sentence correctly?

Put the loaves in the______(1) and bake them till they go brown.


32)Read the extract below and choose the only sequence thatcan complete it.

2016 Summer Olympics

The 2016 Summer Olympics, officially known as the Game of theXXXI Olympiad, are
a major international multi-sport event to becelebrated in the tradition of the Olympic Games,
as governed______(1)the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The host city of thegames
will be Rio de Janeiro, Brazil as announced______(2) the 21stIOC Session held______(3)
Copenhagen, Denmark,_____ (4)October 2n d, 2009. They are scheduled to be held______(5)
August 5t h______(6) 21st, 2016.

33)Which alternative expresses the same idea as this sentence?

The Superwoman has been replaced by a "real woman.”

(A)The Superwoman was a "real woman".
(B)A "real woman" has replaced the Superwoman.
(C)The Superwoman replaces a "real woman".
(D)A "real woman" has been replaced by the Superwoman.
(E)The Superwoman has replaced a "real woman".

34)Which alternative completes the sentence correctly?

Our teacher the homework assignments when he remembered that

Tuesday was a holiday.

(A)already gave
(B)already given
(C)was already given
(D)would already give
(E)had already given

35)Which alternative completes the sentence correctly?

Listen! He is broke! If he______(1) the money, he______(2) you.

(A)had - would certainly help

(B)had had - certainly helped
(C)has had - would certainly help
(D)had had - helped
(E)has – helped

36)Which alternative below completes the text correctly?

I certainly didn’t think the film was boring.______(1) I really enjoyed it!

(A)In spite
(D)On the other hand
(E)On the contrary

37)Which is the correct option to complete the sentence below?

Wood______(1) if ______(2) no air.

(A)won't burn- there was

(B)won't burn- there will be
(C)doesn't burn- there was
(D)wouldn't burn- there is
(E)doesn't burn- there is

38)Which sequence best completes the sentence below?

I don’t want to argue______(1) anyone______(2) that.
(A)At- with (B)On- about (C)With- on (D)With- about (E)At- about

39)Analyse the sentences below. Which alternative is correct?

(A)A little people passed the exam because it was too difficult.
(B)Few people passed the exam because it was too difficult.
(C)Much people passed the exam because it was too difficult.
(D)Many people passed the exam because it was too difficult.
(E)A lot of people passed the exam because it was too difficult.

40)Choose the best reply to this statement.

Carol: I got caught up in the traffic.

You: ______

(A)Neither did I.
(B)Nor did I.
(C)So got I.
(D)So did I.
(E)So do I.

41)Which is the correct option to complete the sentence below?

I don't mind paying to go to the dentist or ______my eyes______

(A)To have - checked
(B)To have - checking
(C)To having - checked
(D)Have - checking
(E)Have – checked

42) Which sequence best completes the conversation below?

Jane: Did you paint your bedroom when you (1)______ to your new flat?
Mary: Yes, I did.
Jane: But did you do it yourself or did you call a painter?
Mary: Oh, I don’t think I’d able to do it myself. I (2)______ bedroom (3)______

(A)moved - have - painted

(B)moved - had - paint
(C)move - have - painted
(D)move - had - painted
(E)moved - had - painted

43)Which is the correct option to complete the text below?

Water shortages don't just affect______(1).______(2)can also seriously harm______(3)

environment.______(4)water comes from rivers and groundwater so every drop______(5)
use has a direct effect on the______(6) environment.
(Adapted from:
(C)Us-We-its-Its-we -0
(D)Us- They- our-Our-we-0

44)Choose the best option to rewrite the sentence keeping thesame meaning.

On August 2nd, 2010, Mary asked Peter: "What were you doing thismorning at 8"?
Mary wanted to know what...

(A)was he doing this morning at 8?

(B) had he done this morning at 8?
(C)he had done that morning at 8.
(D)he were doing that morning at 8.
(E)he was doing that morning at 8.

45)Which TWO sentences are NOT correct?

(1)If you dye your hair, your old friends won't recognize you.
(2)I never speak to you again if you don't tell me the truth.
(3)Callie won't enjoy the trip if we will stay in cheaphotels.
(4)If you help me with my Science project, I'll edit youressay for your English Class.

The answer is

(A)1 and 2
(B)1 and 4
(C)2 and 3
(D)2 and 4
(E)1 and 3

46)Which sequence best completes the text below?

Where the Jobs Are: Nurse Educator
Health care is one field that hasn't gotten______(1) beaten in the brutal economy, and
nurses have fared______(2)______(3). They had an unemployment rate of (4) 1.4% in the
fourth quarter of 2009.
Nurse educators have______(5) been faculty members of teaching hospitals or nursing
schools. Those positions still exist, but overthe past couple of decades, jobs at medical
equipment makers, and at staffing outfits that serve those companies, have
enjoyed______ ( 6) growth.
(Adapted from

(A)bad - especially - good - mere - traditional- enormously

(B)badly - especially - well- merely- traditionally- enormous
(C)bad - special - well - mere -traditional-enormous
(D)badly - specially -good -merely -traditionally-enormously
(E)badly - special -well -merely -traditional- enormous

47)What is the correct way to complete the sentence below?

According to this article, everybody in costal cities______(1)find a way to escape from the
2012 tsunamis.
(A)are trying to
(B)is trying to
(C)trying to
(D)have tried to
(E)have been trying to

48)Which sequence best completes the text below?

Almost everyone who studies, lives or works abroad experiencessome degree of

culture shock. This period of cultural adjustment involves everything from______(l) the food
and language to______(2) how to use the telephone. No matter how patient and flexible
you are,______(3) to a new culture can, at times, be difficult and frustrating. It is
easy______(4)lost, depressed and homesick. You mayeven want______(5)back home!

(A)get used to - learning -to adjusting -to getting - go

(B)getting used to - learn -to adjust -to get - to go
(C)getting used to -learning - adjusting - get -to go
(D)getting used to- learning - adjusting- to get - to go
(E)to get used to - learn - adjusting - to get - go

49)Which alternative completes the sentence correctly?

Unlike the atmosphere, which______ (1)by turbulent weather systems, the deep waters
are fairly stable. This is because it______(2)from above, in contrast to the atmosphere, which
______ (3)from below.

(Adapted from

(A)is characterized - is heated - is heated

(B)was characterized - heated - is heated
(C)was characterized - is heated - heated
(D)is characterized - heated - is heated
(E)is characterized - is heated - heated

50)Mary saw James, her doctor, two days ago.James said: "See me tomorrow again.

Which alternative best reports what he said?

(A)He said Mary will see him tomorrow.
(B)He told to her to see him the day after.
(C)He said to her to see him tomorrow.
(D)He told her to see him the day after.
(E)He told her to see him the day after tomorrow.

21 B

22 C

23 A

24 C

25 D

26 B

27 E

28 B

29 C

30 D

31 D

32 C

33 B

34 E

35 A

36 E

37 E

38 D

39 B

40 D

41 A

42 E

43 D

44 E

45 C

46 B

47 B

48 D

49 A

50 D


21) Which of the alternatives below completes the sentence correctly?

Let's go to the mall,______(1)?

(A)Will we
(B)Won’t we
(C)Shall we
(D)Don't we
(E)Let we

22) On May 2nd my mom asked me: Do you know that Osama Bin Laden was assassinated

Which alternative best reports my mom's speech?

(A)Mom asked me if I know he was assassinated yesterday.

(B)Mom asked me if I knew he had assassinated the day before.
(C)Mom asked me if I know he assassinated yesterday.
(D)Mom asked me if I knew he was assassinated the day before.
(E)Mom asked me if I knew he had been assassinated the daybefore.

23) Which of the alternatives below completes the sentence correctly?After the referee______(1)
the whistle, the match will start.
(A)Is blowing
(E)Does blows

24)Choose the best option to rewrite the sentence keeping the samemeaning.

He had his hair cut yesterday.

(A)He himself cut his hair yesterday.

(B)He wanted to cut his hair yesterday.
(C)His hair needed cutting.
(D)He cut his hair yesterday.
(E)The hairdresser cut his hair yesterday.

25) What is the correct way to complete the sentence below?

Most of the instructions in this handout______(1)

(A)have not been followed.

(B)are not being follow.
(C)are not been followed.
(D)are not been follow.
(E)have not being followed.
26)Which sequence best completes the text below?
David Beckham______ (1) in a minor car accident on Friday. The football ace______ (2) near
Torrence in California when he______ (3) into the back of a stationary vehicle with his Cadillac
(Adapted from

(A)involved - was driving - run

(B)was involved - was driving- ran
(C)was involving - drove - was running
( D)has been involved - had been driving - run
( E)was involved- drove - ran

27) What is the correct way to complete the sentence below?

Though Ann was only 10, she ______(1) first place in the competition.
(C)Has won
(D)Had won
(E)Was winning

28)Which of the alternatives below completes the sentence correctly?

The radio alarm clock went______(1) at the same time as usual.


2 9) Choose the best reply to this statement.

Dayse: I haven't seen The King's Speech yet.

You: ____________(1).

(A)Neither have I
(B)Nor do I
(C)So have I
(D)So do I
(E)So did I

30)Which sequence best completes the text below?

Riding a bicycle is a low impact form of exercise that can beenjoyed by people
of all ages and fitness levels. It can help______(1) your general health while______(2)
gentle on your joints. It's also a great way______(3) fun, get fit and spend time with friends
and family. Always______(4) a helmet and be aware of traffic rules when on the road.
(Adapted from:

(A)improving - to be - to have - wear

(B)to improve - being - having - wear
(C)improving - being - to have - wear
(D)to improve - to be - to have - wear
(E)to improve - being - to have - wear

31)Which sequence best completes the text below?

Mr Stephens, (1) recently defended WikiLeaks boss Julian Assange, said the latest
move has made a mockery of celebrity super-injuncti ons. "It's becoming increasingly
untenable______(2)super-injunctions can continue in the way they have, as there are so many
people______ (3) breaking the law and in contempt of court.
(Adapted fro

(A)That -that - that

(B) Who -which -who
(D)Whom-which- 0

32)Which of the alternatives below completes the sentence correctly?

(Airport Requirement) Passengers ______(1) present their valid travel documents and boarding pass
at airport security check and at the boarding gate in order to be allowed to board the airplane.


33)Analyse the sentences below. Which TWO sentences express the sameidea?

(1)The man stopped to smoke.

(2)The man gave up smoking.
(3)The man stopped smoking.
(4)The man didn't smoke.

The correct answer is

(A)1 and 2
(B)1 and 4
(C)2 and 3
(D)2 and 4
(E)1 and 3

34- Choose the best sequence to complete the blanks.


Time (1)in a number of ways. For instance, we______ (2)the passage of time via
the orbital motion of theEarth and other planets in the solar system (Dynamical Time). The
Measure______(3) on the rotation of the Earth on its axis withrespect to the stars, as well
(Universal Time).
(Adapted from: )
(A)can be measured - can measure - base
(B)can measure -can measure -can base
(C) can be measure -can be measured - can be based
(D)can measure -can measure -can base
(E)can be measured - can measure -can be based

35)Which alternative is grammatically correct?

(A)He suggested me to go on a diet.

(B)He suggested me that I went on a diet.
(C)He suggested me going on a diet.
(D)He suggested me that going on a diet.
(E)He suggested going on a diet.

36) Which of the alternatives below completes the sentence correctly?

"Because he was driving so_

______(1) he was______ (2)hurt in the accident.”

(A)fastly - hardly
(B)quick - serious
(C)fast - seriously
(D)fastly – badly
(E)quickly - serious

37)Which alternative does not express the same idea as "Always do right" in the
sentence below?

"Always do right. This will gratify people and astonish the rest"(Mark Twain)

(A) You should always do right.

(B) You can always do right.
(C) You always have to do right.
(D) You must always do right.
(E) You always ought to do right.

38) Which is the correct option to complete the sentence below?

I congratulated her______(1).

(A)for passing
(B)to passing
(C)for pass
(D)on passing
(E)on pass

39) Which is the correct option to complete the sentence below?

If nobody______(1) anything at once, I______(2) the police!

(A)doesn't do- will have call

(B)do - won't have call
(C)do - have to call
(D)does - will have to call
(E)will do - have to call

40) Which of the alternatives below completes the sentence correctly?

The receptionist allowed Mary into the concert halllate.______(1)she was late.
(D)in spite of

41) Which sequence best completes the sentence below?

When you stay______(1)after midnight, your attention surely______(2)

(A)Woken- dropped
(B)Awake-has dropped
(C)awoken- has dropped
(D)awake- drops
(E)woken - drops


Based on the text below, answer questions 42, 43 and 44.


Ever been walking down the street in a major city and suddenly get the eerie feeling that
something is not quite right above you? Some of the buildings around you will be designed with
lots of glass. Huge plates of the stuff. What might happen if that glass shattered and started
falling all over you? This happens more often than you might think. And with large glass
fac;ades becoming part of modern building design, it 1 s becoming even more of a concern to
architects, builders and engineers.
Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute want to help by using sensors to sound the alarm
before the glass is already breaking and falling. Four sensors are situated on the edge of the
pane at a distance of one meter from each other. One sensor produces an ultrasound wave
that is registered by the others. If the signal remains constant, the pane is not defective. If it
changes, this indicates a fissure, which most often emanates from the edge of the pane and is
initially invisible. It is only as time goes by that it gets larger due to various factors, like
fluctuations in temperature. The information is relayed to the building control systems and an
alarm goes off.
The modules are also equipped to with light and temperature sensors that can instruct
the building control system to lower shadesto prevent the building from getting too hot.
(Adapted from:

42)According to the text, in what way has the modern buildingdesign worried architects,
builders and engineers?

(A)Glass facades make buildings quite expensive.

(B)Glass facades make buildings too hot.
(C)Glass facades require control systems, which are not safe enough.
(D)Glass facades make people afraid of living in modern buildings.
(E)Glass facades make buildings dangerous for people on the streets.

43)Which alternative below is CORRECT, based on the text above?

(A)The word "stuff" (line 4) refers to "glass".

(B)The word "others" (line 13) refers "acoustic signals".
(C)The word “it" (line 14) refers to "the pane".
(D)The word "which" (line 15) refers to "defective".
(E)The word "that" (line 21) refers to "modules".

44) Which is the best alternative considering some of the statementsare true (T) and others
are false (F)?

I-Modern building faQades might be dangerous.

II-The sensors show when the glass is breaking or falling.
III-A glass fissure is not easily seen in the beginning.
IV-The sensors can help controlthe building temperature.
V-A change in the signal indicates that the pane is notdefective.
VI-Changes in temperature do not have any influence on the sizeof glass fissures.

The best alternative is

(A)I-(T) II-(F) III-(T) IV-(T) V-(F) VI-(F)
(B)I-(F) II-(F) III-(T) IV-(T) V-(F) VI-(F)
(C)I-(F) II-(T) III-(T) IV-(F) V-(F) VI-(T)
(D)I-(T) II-(F) III-(T) IV-(T) V-(T) VI-(F)
(E)I-(T) II-(T) III-(F) IV-(F) V-(F) VI-(T)

Based on the text below, answer questions 45, 46 and 47.


Yesterday I watched a movie in which Joan Allen's character had a job which seemed to consist
entirely of standing around while other people do the actual work of restoring historic artwork in old
buildings(the movie was "Hachiko: A Dog's Story"). This seemed like a nice, luc rative job -- she certainly
dressed well, and lived in an enormous, stately home with her music-professor husband -- and one that
left her plenty of energy and free time. And it got me thinking about the idea of work in the movies; how
so often jobs (which take up a huge amount of our waking time in real life) are treated by movies as a
dismissible fantasy thing, sometimes to unintentionally comic effect.
Ever notice how young women in the movies, who usually have some sort of underling office
job, live in adorably decorated apartments that an administrative assistant couldn't possibly afford -- and
are never shown doing anything at work other than taking personal calls andhaving lunch? Or the way
writers in the movies, like the hero of "Mar ley & Me" or Carrie Bradshaw in "Sex and the City," seem to
effortlessly make a fortune while doing very little actual writing? Or the way attractive female executives
(see Renee Zellweger in "New in Town," and quite possibly Sandra Bullock in the upcoming "The
Proposal") prance around on their high heels and tight skirts and do well, nothing? Or how people in
the movies routinely have the kind of careers, like Allen's in "Hachiko," that seem a tad difficult to pull
off in real life? I remember a Hilary Swank movie from a couple of years back in which she effortlessly
transitioned from real estate agent to…wait for it…shoe designer, and lived happily ever after.
(Adapted from
45)The main aim of this text is to

(A)list women jobs in the movie industry.

(B)recommend movies which talk about jobs.
(C)compare careers in different movies.
(D)criticize the way careers are portrayed in movies.
(E)describe some fantasy careers which appear in movies.

46)Which of the alternatives below is correct?

(A)The author saw "The Proposal" before writing the text.

(B)Hilary Swank's character made no effort to change hercareer.
(C)Carrie Bradshaw's character is not a writer.
(D)Jobs are treated by movies in a funny way on purpose.
(E)The characters mentioned are all rich, well dressedwomen who live
in adorably decorated apartments.

47)What was the author's motivation to write this text?

(A)She would like to work in the movie industry.

(B)She watched a film and thought about the topic.
(C)She's doing some research on movies on the job.
(D)She writes film reviews for her blog.
(E)She wants the movie industry to be more realistic.

Based on the text below, answer questions 48, 49 and 50.


London Ambulance Service figures today reveal that the number of 10- and 11-year-olds
requiring medical treatment for alcohol abusehas more than doubled in the past two years.
The figures come as health groups called for restrictions on cheap alcohol after it was
revealed that youngsters could get drunk for half the price ofa bar of chocolate.
Campaigners called on the Government to tackle the "plague" of illness caused by cheap
alcoholic drinks after an investigation found that strong cider was available in city
supermarkets for aslittle as l0p a unit.
Former chief medical officer Sir Liam Donaldson has recommended that parents should
not let children under 15 drink alcohol. But many young people are consuming an average of
15 units a week, theequivalent of a pint of beer every day.
A report by Alcohol Concern and the Children's Society reveals that parents who drink to
excess might also be influencing their children. At least 2.6 million children in the UK now live
with parents drinking "hazardously".
(Adapted from
48)Considering the text, what does the word "tackle" mean in thisextract?

"Campaigners called on the Government to tackle the "plague" of illness caused by cheap
alcoholic drinks."

(A)To handle
(B)To save
(C)To restore
(D)To check
(E)To protect
49)Considering the text, what does the word "reveal" mean in thisextract?

"London Ambulance Service figures today reveal that the number of 10- and 11-year-olds
requiring medical treatment for alcohol abusehas more than doubled in the past two years."


50)According to the text, the increase in drunken 10-year-olds ismainly due to:

(A)Figures in health groups.

(B)Drunken youth restrictions.
(C)Alcohol abuse among parents.
(D)Lack of public medical treatment.
(E)Low prices of alcoholic drinks.

21 C
22 E
23 B
24 E
25 A
26 B
27 A
28 B
29 A
30 E
31 E
32 D
33 C
34 E
35 E
36 C
37 B
38 D
39 D
40 E
41 D
42 E
43 A
44 A
45 D
46 B
47 B
48 A
49 D
50 E


Based on the text below, answer questions 21 and 22.

A Shift from Nursing Homes to Managed Care at Home

Faced with soaring health care costs and shrinking Medicare and Medicaid financing,
nursing home operators are closing some facilities and embracing an emerging model of care
that allows many elderly patients to remain in their homes and still receive the medical and social
services available in institutions.
In the newer model, a team of doctors, social workers, physical and occupational
therapists and other specialists provide managed care for individual patients at home, at adult
day-care centers and in visits to specialists. Studies suggest that it can be less expensive than
traditional nursing homes while providingbetter medical outcomes.
The number of such programs has expanded rapidly, growing from 42 programs in
22 states in 2007 to 84 in 29 states today. In New York City, a program run by a division of Center
Light Health System, formerly known as the Beth Abraham Family of Health Services, has over
2,500 participants at 12 sites in the metropolitanarea.
"It used to be that if you needed some kind of long-term care, the only way you could
get that service was in a nursing home, with 24-hour nursing care," said Jason A. Helgerson,
the Medicaid director for New York State. "That meant we were institutionalizing service for
people, many of whom didn't need 24-hour nursing care. If a person can get a service like
home health care or Meals on Wheels, they can stay in an apartment and thrive in that
environment, and it's a lower cost to taxpayers."

( Adapted fro m http;// )

21)According to the text, which of the alternatives below iscorrect?

(A)Elderly patients prefer to receive medical care at home.

(B)Medicare and Medicaid are no longer offering medicalservices.
(C)A new model of health care is coming out.
(D)Medicare and Medicaid are nurse home operators.
(E)Elderly patients will have to stay in their homes.

22)Considering the text, what do the words "soaring"and "shrinking"mean in this extract?

"Faced with soaring health costs and shrinking Medicare andMedicaid financing[...] ."

(A)Seeking- closing
(B)Increasing - improving
(C)Claiming- improving
(D)Seeking- falling
(E)Increasing - decreasing
Based on the text below, answer question 23 and 24.

Why Join the Navy?

In the Navy, you'll find there's much more to be gained than a regular paycheck. In
fact, the Navy experience can shape your future through outstanding financial benefits,
unparalleled career potential, and the lifestyle of freedom and personal growth that you' ve
been waiting for.
Launch your future in any of dozens of dynamic career and jobareas - each with excellent
opportunities to earn promotions by advancing through the ranks.
Report to work in a different time zone or a different hemisphere. Take on life as a world
traveler. Experience people and places that most others simply can't. And see firsthand the
positive impact you'11 make - for yourself, your country and the world at large.
(III) ______
Do it all while earning competitive pay, generous vacation time and other special
bonuses that make the difference between getting ahead and just getting by.
( IV)______
The Navy has a strong interest in the long-term health of its Sailors and their families,
which means that outstanding benefits are standard - for both you and your family, including
full coverage from some of the nation's most talented professionals.
( V )______
Think about it. As long as you have the drive to make a difference in the world- and in
your own life - there will be a place for you in America's Navy. Enlist now!

(Adapted from

23) The following headings have been removed from the text and replaced by (I),(II),(III),(IV) and

1-Secure your finances

2-Get Medical Care
3-Join the navy
4-Find your niche
5-Go global

Therefore, the correct order of the headings is:

(A)I-(3) II-(1) III-(2) IV-(4) V-(5)

(B)I-(4) II-(5) III-(1) IV-(2) V-(3)
(C)I-(4) II-(1) III-(3) IV-(2) V-(5)
(D)I-(3) II-(5) III-(1) IV-(2) V-(4)
(E)I-(4) II-(2) III-(3) IV-(1) V-(5)

24- Considering the text, what do the expressions "getting ahead" and "getting by" mean in this

"[...] and other special bonuses that make the difference between "getting ahead" and just getting by".

(A) progressing - passing

(B) passing progressing
(C) surviving progressing
(D) surviving passing
(E) progressing surviving

Based on the text below, answer questions 25 and 26.

Navy preps submarines for 1st female officers

HARTFORD, Conn. For Ensign Peggy LeGrand, the biggest concern about serving on a
submarine is not spending weeks at a time in tight quarters with an entirely male crew. What
worries her is the scrutiny that comes with breaking one of the last gender barriers in the military.
"I have a feeling more people will be focused on us. Our mistakes and successes will
be magnified more than they deserve", said LeGrand, a 25-year-old Naval Academy graduate
from Amarillo, Texas.
LeGrand is among a small group of female officers who are training at sites including
Groton, Connecticut, to join the elite submarine force beginning later this year. While the Navy
says it is not treating them any differently from their male counterparts
, officials have been working
to prepare the submarine crews - and the sailors' wives - for one of the most dramatic changes in
the 111-year history of the Navy's "silent service."
The change is a source of anxiety for others, including the wives of submariners , who
worry the close contact at sea could lead to sailors cheating.. The issue really has to do with
the creation of a relationship that becomes very close and then results in further relations ashore.
That is, of course, what bothers the wives. "They know the kind of relationships that happens
between the shipmates”, said retired Navy Rear Adm. W.J. Holland Jr., a former submarine
The initial class of 24 women will be divided among four submarines , where they will be
outnumbered by men by a ratio of roughly 1 to 25. The enlisted ranks, which make up about 90
percent of a sub's 160-sailor crew, are not open to women although the Navy is exploring
modifications to create separate bunks for men and women.
The female officers, many of them engineering graduates from Annapolis, are
accustomed to being in the minority, and so far they say they hardly feel like outsiders. The
nuclear power school that is part of their training, for example, has been open to women for
years because the Navy in 1994 reversed a ban on females serving on its surface ships, including
nuclear-powered vessels.

(Adapted from http://www.militarytimes .com)

25)Which is the best alternative considering some of thestatements are TRUE (T) and others are

I-The female officers who will join the elite submarine forceare all engineering graduates from
II-Peggy LeGrand is worried about being confined in tightquarters with an entirely
male crew.
III-America's submarine force is over a hundred years old.
IV-Female officers have been serving at sea for less than twodecades.
V-Allowing female officers in the elite submarine force is the last gender barriers in the military.

The best alternative is

(A)I-(T) II-(F) III-(T) IV-(T) V-(F)
(B)I-(F) II-(F) III-(T) IV-(T) V-(F)
(C)I-(F) II-(T) III-(F) IV-(T) V-(T)
(D)I-(T)II-(F)III- (F)IV-( T)V- (T)
(E)I-(F)II-(F)III-(F) IV-(F)V-(F)
26) Considering the text, what does the word "magnified" mean in this extract?

"I have a feeling more people will be focused on us. Our mistakes and successes
will be magnified more than they deserve."


Based on the text below, answer questions 27, 28 and 29.

Genetically Modified Foods, Pros and Cons.

Genetically modified foods (GMS) are becoming increasingly common in many countries. However,
before one opts for any of these foods, it is very important to know about their pros and cons.
There are a variety of reasons for developing GMs. For instance, occurrence some of foods are
genetically modified to prevent the allergies after consumption, while some are developed to improve
their shelf life.
Though the seeds of GMs are quite expensive, their cost of production is said to be lesser than that of
the traditional crops for these foods do have natural resistance towards damaging pests and insects. This
reduces the necessity of exposing crops to hazardous chemicals. It is also said that GMS grow faster.
Due to this, productivity increases, providing the population with more food. At times, GMS crops can be
grown at places with unfavorable. climatic condons whereas a normal crop can specific season or under
some favorable climatic conditions. grow only in The biggest threat caused by GMs is that they can have
harmful effects on the human body. It is believed that they can cause diseases which are immune to
antibiotics. Moreover, according to some experts, people who consume such foods have high chances of
developing cancer. Besides, not much is known about their long-term effects on human beings.
In many countries, manufacturers do not mention on the label that foods are genetically modified
because they think that this would affect their business. However, this is not a good practice as
consumers do not get the chance to decide whether they should really opt for these foods. Experts are of
the opinion that with the increase of genetically modified foods, developing countries would start
depending more on industrial countries because it is likely that the food production would be controlled by
them in the time to come.

(Adapted from

27)Which is the best alternative considering some of thestatements are TRUE (T) and
others are FALSE (F)?

I-All types of GMs last longer than their traditionalcounterparts.

II-The cost of production of GMs is higher due to the cost ofthe seeds.
III-Some companies omit information about their products tosave money.
IV-GMs crops require less chemicals than traditional ones.
V-GMs consumption can make some organisms resistant toantibiotics.

The best alternative is

(A)I-(T) II-(F) III-(T) IV-(T) V-(F)
(B)I-(F) II-(F) III-(T) IV-(F) V-(T)
(C)I-(F) II-(T) III-(F) IV-(T) V-(F)
(D)I-(T) II-(F) III-(F) IV-(T) V-(T)
(E)I-(F) II-(F0 III-(F) IV-(T) V-(T)

28- Which alternative below is INCORRECT, based on the textabove?

(A)The word "their" (line 3) refers to "Geneticallymodified foods".

(B)The word "their" (line 8) refers to "foods".
(C)The word "that" (line 10) refers "the cost ofproduction".
(D)The word "they" (line 18) refers to "Geneticallymodified foods".
(E)The word "them" (line 31)refers to "developingcountries".

29)Which of the alternatives below states an aspect of GMs thatis NOT mentioned in the text?

(A)GMs may prevent the occurrence of allergies.

(B)GMs seeds are more resistant to pesticides and insects.
(C)GMs can have harmful effects on the human body.
(D)GMs crops are likely to grow despite climatic conditions.
(E)GMs contain genes added or transferred into plant seeds.


30)What is the correct way to complete the sentence below?

I'm going to leave early tomorrow in case (1)______ a lot of traffic.

(A)There to be
(B)There would be
(C)There will be
(D)There are
(E)There is

31)What is the correct way to answer the question below?

What do you do?

(A)I do doctor.
(B)I do medicine.
(C)I do the medicine.
(D)I am a doctor·.
(E)I am doctor.

32) Which of the alternatives below completes the sentencecorrectly?

Rio de Janeiro doesn't get ( 1 )______Petrópolis.

(A)As many rain as

(B)As much rain than
(C)As much rain as
(D)So many rain than
(E)So much rain than

33)Which is the correct option to complete the sentence below?

He's done a lot of work today, (1)______?

(A)Hasn't he?
(B)Does he?
(C)Isn't he?
(D)Doesn't he?
(E)Is he?

34) Which sequence best completes the sentence below?

The little girl wouldn't go into the sea (1)______her mother did so, too
(A)Except for
(D)If not
(E)But also

35) Which of the alternatives below completes the dialoguecorrectly?

Paul: Do you have to take him home tonight? James: In fact, I (1)_____He is taking a


36) Which of the alternatives below correctly completes thesentence?

She will never talk to him again, and (1)______I.

(A)Neither do
(B)Either do
(C)Neither will
(D)Either won't
(E)Either will

37)Choose the best reply to this statement.

Michelle: Have you replied to his e-mail yet?

You: (1)______I've been busy all morning but I'll do it.

(B)Not yet
(C)Not still
(D)Not already

38)Which of the alternatives below correctly completes thesentence?

According to some scientific studies, if children (1)______exposed to dirt early in life,
their immune system will be strengthened.

(C)will be
(D)won't be

39)Choose the best option to rewrite the sentence keeping thesame meaning.

She got her brother to do her homework.

(A)She herself did her homework.

(B)The homework was too difficult for her brother.
(C)She persuaded her brother to do the homework for her.
(D)Sister and brother did the homework together.
(E)Her brother offered to do the homework for her.

40) Which sequence best completes the text below?

Apple(1)______over 15 million iPads just in the final three months of 2011. Now
the popular tablet computer(2)______in its third generation. But as Apple prepared (3)
______a new iPad on March 7t h, it (4)______ legal challenges in China over rights to the
name of the device.
(Extracted from

(A)Sells - is being - to launch - faced

(B)Sold - is -launching -faces
(C)Sells - is - launch - faces
(D)Sold - is - to launch -faced
(E)Sold - is being - to launch - faced

41)In which two sentences the verbs are NOT followed by thecorrect preposition?

(1)They had to leave to the party right after work.

(2)He's always dreaming with his ex-girlfriend.
(3)She strongly disagreed with him.
(3)They had to apologize for being rude.

The correct answer is

(A)1 and 2
(B)1 and 4
(C)2 and 3
(D)2 and 4
(E)1 and 3

42) Which of the alternatives below correctly completes thesentence?

What I like about Jenny is that she always comes (1)with great ideas.


43)Which is the correct alternative to complete the followinginstructions?

(1)______a game card in the card slot. (2)______ power. Important:(3)______insert or

remove cards when the power ison as it damages the machine. (4)______the game card

(A)Insert- Press - Do not - Tap

(B)To insert -To press - To do not-To tap
(C)Insert -Press - Do -To Tap
(D)Insert - To press -Do - Tap
(E)To insert -Press -Do not- Tap

44) Which alternative contains a clause from the passage in theactive voice?

The ABSTRACT is not a part of the body of the report itself. Rather, the abstract
is a brief summary of the report contents that is often separately circulated so potential
readers can decide whether to read the report. The abstract should very concisely
summarize the whole report: why it was written, what was discovered or developed,
and what is claimed to be the significance of the effort. The abstract does not include
figures or tables, and only the most significant numerical values or results should be
(Adapted from )

(A)[…]That is often separately circulated [...] .

(B) […]The abstract should very concisely summarize the wholereport [...].
(C) […]Why it was written [...] .
(D)[ ...] What is claimed to be the significance of the effort.
(E)[ ...] Only the most significant numerical values or resultsshould be given.

45)Which is the correct option to complete the sentence below?

Windsurfing will be dropped from (1)______Olympics after London 2012 Games and
will be replaced by(3)______ Skate boarding for (4)______Rio 2016 Games..

(Adapted from

(A)0-0-the - 0
(B)an - the -the -the
(C)the -the -0-the
(D)0 - a - the -a
(E)the - a -0 -a

46) Which alternativebest reports the stranger's speech inthis passage?

In 1953, I got married. A few weeks after the wedding, I suddenly fell ill. My
husband took me to a hospital. I was there for almost a week. I was in so much pain.
And no one could say for sure what was wrong. One night, in the hospital, a stranger
came to see me. He told me, "Janie, you're going to die tomorrow". That was my name
then, the name I was born with.
(Adapted from

(A)He told her she was going to die the day after.
(B)He said to her she was going to die tomorrow.
(C)He told she is going to die the day after.
(D)He said to her she is going to die tomorrow.
(E)He told her she was going to die tomorrow.

47) What is the best sequence to complete the paragraph?

This place looks like a thousand other hotel bars up and down the country until (1)
______take into account (2)______ location: reached via a half-hidden lift in the lobby of
St George's hotel. Perched 15 floors above Oxford Circus, the bar offers some of the
best views of central London through(3)______"wall of windows". (4) also lies next door to
theBBC's Broadcasting House, so you're almost guaranteed to seea minor celebrity or two.

(Adapted from

(A)They - it- their - Its

(B)You -it -your -They
(C)They -its - they - It
(D)You -its - its -It
(E)We -its - their - Its

48) Which sequence best completes the text below?

We're in danger of (1)______locked in the midfield stalemate of agreement, so

allow me (2)______ up the left wing.Given the extraordinary wealth of top flight football
in thiscountry, I do think the game owes a greater degree of pastoral care to its players,
and of a more profound nature than (3)______ out their cars and living arrangements.
Football clubs now gain control over players when they're youngsters, but not nearly
enough effort is put into (4)______ rounded, educated individuals.

(Adapted from

(A)Been -opening - sorting -developing

(B)Be -open -to sort - developing
(C)Been -to open - to sort -develop
(D)Being- to open - sorting - developing
(E)Being- open -to sorting - develop

49)Which sequence best completes the text below?

Months and years passed, and I grew more distant (1)______ each (2)______my
friends. Various people flew (3)______and (4)______of my life. I lost some friends to
distance, some tocircumstance. Mostly, they just drifted away (5)______ me, toward their
own lives. A few of these people are still in mylife, and I'm very lucky, because not everyone
still has afriend who knew them when they were seventeen .

(Adapted from html)

(A)From -of- in -out- from
(B)Than - of -out -in - of
(C) Of -from -in -out - to
(D) Than -of - over -out -from
(E) From -of -over -in – of

50)Which of the alternatives below completes the sentencecorrectly?

(1)______ is a bad habit and it can cause lung cancer.

(A)To smoke
(D)To smoking
(E)The smoke

21 C
22 E
23 B
24 E
25 B
26 C
27 E
28 E
29 E
30 E
31 D
32 C
33 A
34 B
35 B
36 C
37 B
38 B
39 C
40 D
41 A
42 D
43 A
44 B
45 C
46 A
47 D
48 D
49 A
50 C



Based on the text below, answer questions 21, 22 and 23.

Exercising Body and Mind at the Same Time?New Device Lets You Read While You Run

Engineers from Purdue University have devised a new system that will facilitate a very specific
type of physical and mental multitasking - helping treadmill runners to read text on a display screen.
The system, called ReadingMate, compensates for constantly bobbing eyes so runners can
train for a marathon while reading their favorite novel.
"Not many people can run and read at the same time," said Ji Soo Yi, an assistant professor of
industrial engineering at Purdue University. "This is because the relative location of the eyes to the text
is vigorously changing, and our eyes try to constantly adjust to such changes, which is burdensome."
Instead of increasing the size of the displayed font, Yi and his colleagues decided to compensate
for a runner's head motion.
"You could increase the font size and have a large-screen monitor on the wall, but that's
impractical because you cannot have numerous big screen displays in an exercise room," Yi said.
According to a report on the system published recently in Human Factors: The Journal of the
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, the engineers recruited 15 multitasking volunteers to perform a
"letter- counting" test while jogging on a treadmill and using ReadingMate. The participants were asked
to tally how many times the letter 'F' appeared in two lines of text nested in 10 lines of text that were
displayed on a computer monitor.
While performing the test, the participants wore goggles equippedwith infrared LEDs. An infrared
camera tracked the motion of the LEDs,essentially recording the movement of the runner's head. To
compensatefor the head motion, the displayed text was moved as the volunteersran along the treadmill
with their heads bobbing.
The researchers found those who used the ReadingMate system performed better at multi-
tasking their physical and mental assignments, particularly when it came to reading smaller font sizes
and smaller line-spaced text.
Besides aiding people with the novel task of reading while running, the researchers said their
system could be used to assist airline pilots or those working in heavy industry.
"Both may experience heavy shaking and turbulence while reading information from a display,"
Kwon said. "ReadingMate could stabilize the content in such cases."

(Adapted from

21)According to the text, which alternative is correct?

(A)Reading Mate allows street runners to read their favorite novels. ., ;,·
.(B)Runners compensate for training reading novels.
(C)Increasing the size of the displayed font was the solutionto adjust the runners
eyes to the text.
(D)It s not possible to install monitors in an exercise room.
(E)It s stressing for the eyes to adapt themselves to constantmovement when

22)Corisidering the text, what does the word "tally" mean in thisextract?

“The participants were asked to tally howmany times the letter “F” appeared in two lines
of text […]”

23)In the last paragraph "both" refers to:

(A)reading and running.

(B)heavy shaking and turbulence.
(C)airline pilots and those in heavy industry.
(D)reading smaller font sizes and smaller line-spaced text.
(E)physical and mental assignments.

Based on the text below, answer questions 24, 25 and 26.

Facebook deserted by millions of users in biggest markets

Facebook has lost millions of users per month in its biggest markets. In the last six months,
Facebook has lost nearly 9m monthly visitors in the US and 2m in the UK. Studies suggest that its
expansion in the US, UK and other major European countries has peaked. In the last month, the world's
largest social network has lost 6m US visitors, a 4% fall, according to analysis firm Social bakers. In the
UK, 1.4m fewer users visited in March, a fall of 4.5%. Users are also turning off in Canada, Spain,
France, Germany and Japan, where Facebook is extremely popular.
Alternative social networks have seen surges in popularity with younger people. Instagram, the
photo-sharing site, got 30m new users in the 18 months before Facebook bought the business. Path,
the mobile phone-based social network founded by former Facebook employee Dave Morin, which only
allows its users to have 150 friends, is gaining lm users a week.
Facebook is still growing fast in South America. Monthly visitorsin Brazil were up to 6% in the last
month to 70m, according to Socialbakers, whose information is used by Facebook advertisers. India has
seen a 4% rise to 64m - still only a fraction of the country's population, so there is room for more growth.
As Facebook itself has warned, the time spent on its pages from those sitting in front of personal
computers is decreasing fast because people now prefer to use their smartphones and tablets.
Although smartphone minutes have doubled in a year, to 69 a month, that growth may not compensate
for dwindling desktop usage.
Facebook will tell investors about its performance for the quarter. Wall Street expects revenues
of about $1.44bn, an increase from $1.06bn a year ago. Shareholders will want to know how fast the
number of mobile Facebook users is growing, and whether advertising revenues are increasing at the
same rate. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has created a series of new initiatives designed to
appeal to smartphone users. One initiative, Facebook Home, is software that can be downloaded onto
Android phones to feed news and photos from friends and advertising directly to the owner's locked
home screen.

(Adapted from

24 - Which is the best alternative considering some of the statementsare TRUE (T) and others are

I-Facebook is gaining users in the US and the UK.

II-Facebook is the owner of Instagram and Path.
III-People are spending more time on their PCs.
IV-Facebook has recently introduced new software.
V-Facebook has probably made more money this year than in 2012.

The best alternative is

(A)I-(T) II-(F) III-(T)IV- (T)V-(F)

(B)I-(F) II-(F) III-(T)IV- (T)V- (F)
(C)I-(F) II-(T) III-( F)IV-(T)V- (F)
(D)I-(T) II-( F)III-(F)IV-(T)V- (T)
(E)I-( F)II-(F) III-( F)IV-(T)V- (T)

25)Considering the text, the words "surge"(line 10) and "dwindling"(line 26) mean respectively a
sudden (1) and (2)

(A)increase - shrinking
(B)increase - progressing
(C)decrease - increasing
(D)decrease - passing
(E)abatement - surviving

26) In the extract: "[...] which only allows its users to have 150 friends[...] ", the
pronoun"its" refers to:

(C)Dave Morin

Based on the text below, answer questions 27, 28 and 29.

Slash and burn

Brazil s rainforest is going up in smoke. Again.

As Brazil's skyscrapers and silos rose, it seemed the most impressive quality of this 21st-century
Latin American powerhouse was its ability to grow without trashing the environment. Just last year , Brasilia
was boasting about a steep decline in deforestation in the Amazon rainforest, a feat that President Dilma
Rousseff trumpeted as "impressive, the fruit of social change." What would she say now?
After nearly a decade of steady decline, forest cutting has spiked again in the world's largest
rainforest. The nonprofit Amazon watchdog organization, Imazon, released a study reporting that
deforestation at the hands of farmers and ranchers jumped 90 percent in the 12 months since April of
last year. And since burning always follows felling, another 88 million tons of carbon dioxide and other
gases hit the atmosphere-a 62 percent increase on the year.
For decades, Brazilians were told that ruin in the Amazon was the price of development. But
recent research has imploded that assumption. A paper published by the National Academy of
Sciences shows that continued deforestation threatens not just the trees but the progress and riches
their removal were thought to guarantee. The paper bolsters an old theory by Brazilian climate scientist
Eneas Salati, who argued that the Amazon actually produces half its own rainfall. The takeaway: remove
too much of the forests and the Amazon could dry out. And more than the jungle is at stake. Reduced
rainfall from forest cutting could dry up the water that powers hydroelectric dams, thus slashing Brazilian
power-generating capacity by 40 percent by midcentury. It could also rob the food larder, cutting
soybean productivity by 28 percent and beef production by 34 percent.
Brasilia quickly countered the environmental skeptics by saying that these are unofficial figures,
noting that the National Space Institute is still crunching the satellite data. The government is still
basking in last year's numbers: only 4,600 square kilometers of forests felled, a fraction of the 27,700
square kilometers lost in 2004. But the Rousseff administration would do well to heed the smoke signals.
Even Brasilia admits that Brazil's continued rise to glory turns on the country's ability to stay green.

(Adapted from

27)Which is the best alternative considering some of the statementsare TRUE (T) and others
are FALSE (F)?

I-In 2012 fewer frees were cut down than in previous years.
II-Until recently the destruction·of the Ama zon· forest was seenas a necessary evil.
III-The President agrees with the numbers presented by scientist.
IV-The Amazon forest might die because of lack of rain.
V-Farming and livestock sectors might produce more food as aresult of deforestation.

The best alternative is:

(A)I-(T) II-(F) III-(T) IV-(T) V-(F)
(B)I-(F) II-(F) III-(T) IV-(F) V-(T)
(C)I-(T) II-(T) III-(F) IV-(T) V-(F)
(D)I-(T) II-(T) III-(F) IV-(T) V-(T)
(E)I-(F) II-(F) III-(F) IV-(T) V-(T)

28)What does the word "thus" mean in the following extract?

“Reduced rainfall from forest cutting could dry up the water that powers hydroelectric dams, thus
slashing Brazilian power generating capacity by 40 percent by midcentury.”

(D) Because of.
(E)In addition.

29)Considering the text, what does the word "crunching" mean in thisextract?
“[…] The National Space Institute is still crunching the satellite data.”


30)What is the correct way to complete the text below?

"American Field Service, one of (1)______ Exchange programs, Said It saw a 6 percent increase in the
number of families willing to host students next year."
(B)the oldest
(C)the older
(E)the most old

31)Where do you think this conversation takes place?

Paul: I think we/ve passed the exit.

Sam: Ok. Let/s change lanes and take the next exit.

(A)At the airport.

(B)In a supermarket.
(C)On a freeway.
(D)In a movie theatre.
(E) In a library.

32) Which of the alternatives completes the sentence correctly?

(1)______he cannot afford a car, he rides a bicycle.


33)Which is the correct option to complete the sentence below?"I always tell my kids to

(1)______before going to bed.I hate to wake up in a messy house!"

(A)put their toys out

(B)keep their toys in
(C)put their toys away
(D)keep their toys away
(E)put their toys in

34)Which of the alternatives below contains a mistake?

(A)He laid his hand on her head.

(B)She is laying the table for lunch.
(C)He’s been lying in the sun for hours.
(D)Don’t lay on this sofa.
(E)I’m sure he·lied to me.
35)Which is the correct option to complete the paragraph below?

"Plan your perfect vacation by reserving (1)______room at (2)______Best Western

Hotel. Situated on (3)______Northern Drive, half mile from (4)______downtown, our hotel

mixes spacious guest rooms and convenient location."

(A)The - 0-the - 0
(B)A - the -0- 0
(C) A - the - 0- the
(D)A - the - the -a
(E)The - a - 0-a

36) Choose the best reply to this statement.

Michelle: Are you going to Michelle’s get-together?

You: I won’t go unless I (1)______ all my chores in time.

(B)Will finish
(E)to finish

37) Which of the alternatives completes the sentence correctly?

"As a teacher, the thing that annoys me most is (1)______

(A)the cheat
(C)to cheat
(D)to cheating

38)In the alternatives below, the gerund was used correctly in onlytwo sentences.

(1)This laptop is definitely worth buying.

(2)He stopped eating fast food in order to lose weight.
(3)They can t afford buying a new car.
(4)She refused seeing him.

The correct sentences are:

(A)1 and 2
(B)1 and 4
(C)1 and 3
(D)2 and 3
(E)2 and 4
39) Which of the alternatives completes the sentence correctly?
"Harry went to the office on Monday (1)_____ not felling well.”
(C)In spite of

40) Mark the alternative where there is a mistake.

(A)She moved the table carefully.

(B)He ran as fastly as he could.
(C)She studied hard for the test.
(D)Thor smells bad. Let s wash him.
(E)John speaks perfect English.

41) Which alternative below is INCORRECT?

(A)If my father were alive, he would be turning 70 next week.

(B)If my boyfriend would have a job, we could get married.
(C)They would be happier if they had a house by the sea.
(D)Would you go to the party if you weren’t' feeling well?
(E)I would go out with him if he was more polite.

42)Which alternative contains a clause from the passage in thepassive voice?

"There is nothing the internet likes more than rumours about Apple products. In the last few
days, specifically, it was rumours about the possible appearance of an iWatch. The frenzy of
speculation was sparked by an article written by interface expert Bruce Tognazinni, who argued
that a watch would "fill a gaping hole in the Apple ecosystem" and herald a new phase in how
we interact with technology. The article offered no proof that Apple was working on a watch - or
that the device that was rapidly christened an iWatch was even a timekeeper. But the story -
true or not - offers a fascinating insight into the rapidly emerging field of wearable computing."

(Adapted and abridged from

(A)[…] it was rumours about the possible appearance of an iWatch

(B)[…] a watch would “fill a gaping hole in the Apple ecosystem
(C)[…] The article offered no proof that Apple
(D)[…] or that the device that was rapidly christened an iWatch
(E)[…] But the story offers a fascinating insight

43)Which is the correct alternative to complete the dialogue?

Peter: I don t think I’ve got to study for the test.

Jane:(1)______.This subject is really easy.

(A)So do I·
(B)Neither do I
(C)So have I
(D)Neither have I
(E)Neither am I
44)Which is the correct alternative to complete this sentence?

"There s been a rumor that Jane is seeing someone from the office, (1)______?"

(A) is there
(B) isn t there
(C) has there
(D) hasn t there
(E) doesn t it

45) Which is the correct option to complete the paragraph below?

"Lego releases a Star Wars themed animation in tribute toFather's Day in the UK, 16
June. Lego depict how Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker (1)______spend Father's Day,
assuming they have buried their long-running feud a trip to the theme park perhaps? Maybe a
father-son fishing outing or just a good old game of catch?"
(Adapted from

(B)Have to
(E)Had to

46)Which alternative presents the actual words said by Brad Pitt inthis passage?

"Brad Pitt admitted he hadn't tried Vegemite before, despite being aware of its existence
through the famous Men At Work song. But the actor had no hesitation when offered a
personalized jar of Australia's favorite spread by presenters on The Project."
(Adapted from

(A)"I am aware of Vegemite and I’ve tried it before.”

(B)"I am being aware of Vegemite but I had never tried it before.”
(C)"I am aware of Vegemite but I didn’t try it yesterday.”
(D)"I am aware of Vegemite but I’ve never tried it.”
(E)"I am being aware of Vegemite but I had never tried it.”

47)Which is the best sequence to complete the paragraph?

"If you have to deliver bad news, (1)______offer unnecessary details because when
you (2)______every single reason for your decision, the other person can use those
reasons as negotiation points. Your decision is firm, and this will come across most clearly if
you (3) ______short and to the point."
(Adapted from

(A)Won’t- will explain - will be

(B)Doesn’t- explain - be
(C)Don't- explain - are
(D)Won’t-will explain - are
(E)Don’t - explain - will be
48)Which sequence best completes the text below?

"Over 250 members of the Brazilian Navy in the UK (1) ______stationed since the contract
(2) ______at the end of 2011 for threeOcean Patrol Vessels and ancillary support services,
which(3) ______a manufacturing license (4) ______ further vessels of thesame class to be
constructed in Brazil."
(Adapted from

(A)are now - signed - includes - enables

(B)has now been - was signed - includes - enables
(C)is now- signed - is including - to enable
(D)are now - was signed - is including - enables
(E)have now been - was signed - includes - to enable

49) Which of the alternatives completes the paragraph correctly?

"Alex is very (1)______ and his girlfriends, Janice, is very (2)______. She has (3)______hair
and beautiful eyes.”
(A)pretty - handsome - dark straight brown
(B)handsome - pretty - straight dark brown
(C)handsome - pretty - straight brown dark
(D)pretty - handsome - brown dark straight
(E)handsome - pretty - brown straight dark

50) Which sequence best completes the text below?

"Derived (1)______"vita", meaning life (2)______Latin, vitamins are necessary to convert

food (3)______energy. When people don't get enough vitamins, they suffer diseases like
scurvy and rickets. The question isn't whether people need vitamins.They do. The questions
are how much do they need, and do they get enough (4)______foods?"

(Adapted from http://

(A)from - in - in - out
(B)of - in - into - of
(C)of - of -in- in
(D)of - of - in -out
(E)from - in - into - in

21 E
22 A
23 C
24 E
25 A
26 B
27 C
28 A
29 E
30 B
31 C
32 D
33 C
34 D
35 B
36 A
37 B
38 A
39 C
40 B
41 B
42 D
43 B
44 D
45 A
46 D
47 C
48 E
49 B
50 E

Based on the text below, answer questions 21, 22 and 23.

The War at Home: The Struggle for Veterans to Find Jobs

In today's tough and competitive job market, it can be challenging for any adult to land a decent
job. Though education can definitely improve outcomes, sometimes it's not just about the degree.
Experience can also play a major role in helping people find jobs. Yet in some cases, if you do not have
the right kind of experience, thismay be of little help. Just ask one of the many college-educated military
veterans who serve their country only to return to find a job market that will treat them as rookies.
Army veteran John Lee Dumas said he had zero anxieties about finding a job after graduating
college and had been told that his military experience would give him a leg up on other candidates. But
things did not turn out that way.
"I quickly found out that I was lumped together with recent college grads for entry-level positions,
and that an employee that had two years' experience at a job in a similar industry was considered way
more qualified than I was despite my four years as
an officer in the army", Dumas said.
When Dumas did find work, he said it was difficult to acclimate to the civilian office environment.
"I often found that my peers and above had a hard time dealing with my direct approach and attitude
about tackling problems head on, often asking for forgiveness rather than permission", he said.
One issue is that veterans are too modest when it comes to stating their accomplishments in the
"For some reason, I've had veterans not tell me about their awards and honors, but it should all be
listed - from commander' s coins to medals of honor," Hurwitz said.
Navy veteran Tom Graves, who has a career in world force development helping companies
understand the benefits of hiring skilled and experienced military veterans, agreed.

(Adapted from

21)Considering the text, which word can replace “ despite" in thisextract: "[…] despite my four
years of experience […]”

(D)In spite of.

22)According to the text, which alternative is correct?

(A)The largest obstacle for veterans to find a job is theirprevious experience as

military officers.
(B)Important accomplishments as a military officer do notcount when applying for
a job as a civilian.
(C)It was difficult for John Lee Dumas to deal with civiliansbecause they never asked
for permission.
(D)Things did not turn out as John Lee Dumas expected becausehe had a leg up on
other candidates.
(E)Veterans should value their experiences as officers whenapplying for a job in the
civilian market.
23)Considering the text, what does the word "skilled" mean in thisextract?

"[…] the benefits of hiring skilled and experienced military veterans[…]”


Based on the text below, answer questions 24 and 25.

How to Exercise While Sitting At Your Computer

Is your work stressing you out? Is your work making you fat? Of course, it is. If you are in a
relationship with your work like me (I hate the word "workaholic"), then maybe you are also dealing with
some relationship issues like stress and weight gain. Every person who has a desk job does not need
to indulge in a tub of ice-cream after a particularly stressful day at work to gain the pounds. In fact, the
downside of being a way too dedicated employee is that it will makeyou fat! The stress to perform plus
the inactivity of a desk job will definitely increase your waist size. What's more, you will become lethargic
once four hours of inactivity can seriously send your metabolism levels to an all-time low. If you think
that a 30 minute walk every day is enough cardio activity in a week to maintain your metabolism, you
are wrong! Yes, I was surprised too! The mathematics of this is that when you perform any cardio
activity, it elevates your metabolism rate for a span of time, but not the entire day. Because the rest of
the day you are sitting idle on your chair without much activity, the 30 minute walk is not enough, nor is
the 1-hour intense workout. What you need to do to keep yourself from pilling on the pounds is to keep
your metabolism rate high all day long. For that, you need to break the no physical activity routine from
9 to 5 by exercising while sitting at your desk!
Here are simple exercises that take 5 minutes of your day and prevent you from feeling stiff.
(A)Neck: To stretch your neck, slowly flex your head forward and backward, side to side and look
right and left. This can be donealmost any time to lessen tension and strain. Never roll your head
around your neck--this could cause damage to the joints of the neck.
(B)Shoulders: Roll your shoulders forward around 10 times, then backward. This helps release the
tension off your shoulders.
(C)Wrists: Roll your wrists regularly, around every hour or so. Roll the wrists 10 times clockwise,
then 10 times counterclockwise. This will help minimize the potential for getting carpal tunnel syndrome if
you spend a lot of time typing.
(D)Ankles: Roll your ankles regularly. As with your wrists, rollthe ankles in a clockwise motion
three times, then counterclockwise. This helps improve blood circulation, and prevents that tingling
feeling you can get when blood circulation is cut off, also known as "pins and needles".

(Adapted from and

24)According to the text, which alternative is correct?

(A)Stress and weight gain cause relationship issues.

(B)A regular high rate of metabolism prevents weight gain.
(C)Exercising from 9 to 5 prevents putting on weight.
(D)Inactivity elevates metabolism all the time.
(E)Lethargy is a result of waist size increase.
25)According to the text, which alternative is correct?

(A)To relax your shoulders, roll them. Repeat the movement nomore than 10
(B)Ankles and wrists should be exercised regularly, but morerepetitions are
recommended to relax the ankles.
(C)To minimize carpal tunnel syndrome you should spend a lotof time typing.
(D)"Pins and needles" sensation results from poor blood
(E)Rolling your head is certain to result in problems in theneck region.

Based on the text below, answer questions 26, 27 and 28.

American Students Test Well in Problem Solving, but Trail ForeignCounterparts

Fifteen-year-olds in the United States scored above the average of those in the developed
world on exams assessing problem-solving skills, but they trailed several countries in Asia and Europe
as wellas Canada, according to international standardized tests results released on Tuesday.
The American students who took the problem-solving tests in 2012, the first time they were
administered, did better on these exams than on reading, math and science tests, suggesting that
students in the United States are better able to apply knowledge to real-life situations than perform
straightforward academic tasks.
Still, students who took the problem-solving tests in countries including Singapore, South Korea,
Japan, several provinces of China, Canada , Australia, Finland and Britain all outperformed American
"The good news is that problem solving still remains a relatively strong suit for American
students," said Bob Wise, former governor of West Virginia and president of the Alliance for Excellent
Education, a national policy and advocacy group focused on improving high schools. "The challenge is
that a lot of other nations are now developing this and even moving ahead. So where we used to, in an
earlier era, dominate in what we called the deeper learning skills creative thinking, critical thinking and
the ability to solve problems - in terms of producing the workers that are increasingly needed in this
area, other nations are coming on strong and in some cases surpassing us”
The new problem-solving exams were administered to a subset of 15-year-olds in 28 countries
who sat for the Program for International Student Assessment, a set of tests every three years commonly
known as PISA and given by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a Paris-
based group whose members include the world's wealthiest nations. Almost 1,275 American students
took the exams.
Critics of the rankings on international tests have tended to characterize the high performance of
Asian countries in particular as demonstrating the rote learning of facts and formulas. But the problem-
solving results showed that students in the highest-performing nations were also able to think flexibly.
Even on interactive tasks, the American students ' strength, all the Asian countries that
participated in this round of exams outperformed the United States.
"To understand how to navigate a complex problem and exercise abstract reasoning is actually a
very strong point for the Asian countries," said Francesco Avvisati, an analyst on the PISA team at
the O.E.C.D.
(Adapted from http://www.nytirnes .com)

26)Considering the text, the words "trailed" (1s tparagraph) and "outperformed" (3rd and 6t h
paragraphs) mean respectively "followed______” and "did “

(D)Behind/the same
(E)Side by side/the same
27)Say if the statements are T (true) or F (false) and choose thebest alternative.

( )American students outscored students of developed countries inall kinds of tests.

( )Results suggest American students are good at problem-solvingtests.
( )American students have outstanding results in problem-solving
tasks and in academic subjects like reading, math and science.
( )American educational authorities are concerned about theperformance of students from
other countries.
( ) Asian students only perform better when it comes to memorizingfacts and formulas.

(A) (T) (F) (T) (T) (F)

(B) (F) (F) (T) (T) (F)
(C) (F)(T) (F) (F) (T)
(D) (F) (T) (F) (T) (F)
(E) (T) (F) (F) (T) (T)

28)In the extracts:: “[…] but they trailed several countries […]” (1st paragraph) and “[…] the first time they were
administered.”(2nd paragraph), the underlined pronouns refer respectively to:

(A)American students/students from other countries.

(B)tests/American students.
(C)American students/tests.
(D)tests/students from other countries.
(E)American students/several countries.

Based on the text below, answer question 29.

How New Words Are Created

Below we can find the description of five different processes that have led to the creation of new
words in the English language.
Many of the new words added to the ever-growing lexicon of the
English language are just created out of the blue, and often have little or no etymological pedigree. A
good example is the word dog, etymologically unrelated to any other known word, which, in the late
Middle Ages, suddenly and mysteriously displaced the Old English word hound (or hund) which had
served for centuries.
(II) ______
Some words arise simply as shortened forms of longer words
(exam, gym, lab, bus, vet, phone and burger are some obvious and well- used examples). Perhaps less
obvious is the derivation of words like goodbye (a shortening of God-be-with-you) and hello (a
shortened form of the Old English for "whole be thou").
(III) ______
Like many languages, English allows the formation of words by
joining together shorter words (e.g. airport, seashore, fireplace, etc.). The concatenation of words in
English may even allow for different meanings depending on the order of combination (e.g.
houseboat/boathouse, casebook/bookcase, etc).
(IV) ______
The drift of word meanings over time often arises, often but not always due to catachresis . By some
estimates, over half of all words adopted into English from Latin have changed their meaning in some way
over time, often drastically. For example, smart originally meant sharp, cutting or painful; A more modern
example is the changing meaning of gay from merry to homosexual (and, in some circles in more recent
years, to stupid or bad).
(V) ______
New words may arise due to mishearings or misrenderings. According to the "Oxford English
Dictionary", there are at least 350 words in English dictionaries (most of them thankfully quite obscure)
that owe their existence purely to typos or other misrenderings (e.g. shamet"aced from the original
shame fast, penthouse from pentice, sweetheart from sweetard, buttonhole from button-hold, etc).

(Adapted from

29)The following headings have been replaced by (I), removed from the text and(V).
(II), (III), (IV) and which presents them in the correct order. Choose the alternative

1-Change in the Meaning of Existing Words

2-Creation from Scratch
3- Fusion or Compounding Existing Words
4-Truncation or Clipping
5- Errors

(A) ( 2) ( 4) ( 3) ( 1) ( 5)
(B) (3) (4) (2) (5) ( 1)
(C) (4) (2 ) ( 3) ( 1) ( 5)
(D) ( 4) (2) (1) (3) (5)
(E) (2 ) (5) (3) (1) ( 4)


30)Which sequence best completes the text below?

On 18 December 2008, President Lula signed the National Defense Strategy, ______a
fifteen month drafting exercise. The document was principally drafted by Minister for Strategic
Planning Roberto Mangabeira Unger, and it provides a security policy framework that places
defense in the context of the government's broader goal of national development. In terms of______
the relationship among the strategic tasks of "sea denial", "sea control" and "power projection", the
Brazilian Navy will be ruled by an unequal and joint development. If the Navy accepted______ the
same weight to all threeobjectives, there would be a big risk mediocre in all of them. Although
all of them deserve , this will happen in acertain order and sequence.

(Adapted from

(A)concluding/design/provide/to being/to bedeveloped

(B)to conclude/design/to provide /of being/to bedeveloped
(C)to conclude/designing/providing/to be/to beingdeveloped
(D)to conclude/designing/to provide/to being/to being developed
(E)concluding/designing/to provide/of being/to bedeveloped
31)What is the correct way to complete the text below?

Learning a second language is not______learning a firstlanguage. It is______.

(A)the same like/harder

(B)the same/more hard
(C)the same as/harder
(D)the same/more harder
(E)the same as/more hard

32)Which of the alternativesbelow contains a mistake?

(A)Be punctual.
(B)Do make an effort to be on time.
(C)Arrivein time for the dessert, then.
(D)Don't be late, will you?
(D)This time try to not be late.

33)Which sequence best completes the text below?

On Monday, September 2nd ______ International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) Inspectors completed
their fifth trip to International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) Inspectors completed their fifth trip to Rio
and, at ______ press conference wrapping up ______ trip, gave organizers cautious approval of
______ way things are going.
(Adapted from The Rio Times - Weekly Online Edition, Issue LVIII)

(A)0 /the/ 0 /the/a

(C)A/0 /0 /the/0
(D)0 /the/a/the/the

34)Mark the alternative that indicates the two sentences in whichthe infinitive was used correctly.

I - I can't stop to talk to you right now. I'm very busy.

II - Please, remember to turn off the lights when you leave.
III - He doesn't mind to stay home alone on Saturday nights.
IV - You must to watch this new TV series starring Will Smith.

(A)I and II
(B)I and III
(C)I and IV
(D)II and III
(E)II and IV

35)Which alternative contains an extract from the text in thepassive voice?

Discoveries of oil off Brazil's coast were cited as justifications for increasing Brazil's navy.
While the oil finds will almost certainly increase Brazil's future prosperity, the US sought to turn the
strategic dialogue in Brazil away from fantasies that another country -- potentially the United States --
would try to seize the oil fields to a productive discussion of energy security and the importance of
maintaining freedom of the seas. The April 2008 announcement of the reactivation of the US Fourth
Fleet caught Brazil by surprise and provoked much negative commentary. Even many Brazilians not
prone to accept the wild-eyed theories of U.S. intentions to invade the Amazon suspected that the
announcement, coming as it did on the heels of President Lula's announcement that Brazil had
discovered more oil off the Brazilian coast, could not have been a coincidence.

(Adapted from

(A)Discoveries of oil off Brazil's coast were cited asjustifications for increasing
Brazil's navy.
(B)While the oil finds will almost certainly increaseBrazil's future prosperity [...] .
(C) [ ...] another country -- potentially the United States -would try to seize the oil
(D)The April 2008 announcement of the reactivation of the USFourth Fleet caught Brazil
by surprise.
(E)[…] coming as it did on the heels of President Lula’s announcement […], could not
have been a coincidence.

36)Which alternative is correct?

(A)The teacher said the student do not eat in class.

(B)The teacher told the student not to eat in class.
(C)The teacher said to the student to not to eat in class.
(D)The teacher told to the student not to eat in class.
(E)The teacher told the student to do not eat in class.

37)Which is the correct option to complete the paragraph below?

The construction of means to control maritime areas will focus ______ the strategic areas _____
maritime access ______ Brazil. Two coastal areas will continue to deserve special attention: the strip
that goes ______ Santos _____ Vitória, and the area around the mouth of the Amazon River.
(Adapted from


38) Which question word best completes the paragraph below?

Would you like to know educational specialists are

flocking to Finland? Partly, their interest has been stimulatedby how well Finnish students
scored in 2001.
(Adapted from

39)W.hich is the correct alternative to complete the dialogue?

John: I've never gone horse back riding.

Sue: ______. I' d be afraid to try.

(A)I wouldn’t either

(B)Neither did I
(C)So have I
(D)I haven’t either
(E)Neither would I

40) Which of the alternatives completes the sentence correctly?

After she ______ the competition, she _____ a professional dancer.

(A)has won/became
(C)was winning/was becoming
(D)has been winning/has become

41)Which of the alternatives completes the sentence correctly?

If you need ______ about what to remove from your ______toavoid problems at check
in, this leaflet is for you.

(A)Some information/luggage
(B)The informations/luggage
(D)An information/luggage

42)Mark the correct sentence.

(A)What would you do if you see a bug in your food?

(B)If you'll have some time tonight you should study.
(C)When I graduate, I'll apply for a job in another country.
(D)If it will rain tomorrow, I won' t go out.
(E)I'll give you a call as soon as I' ll get home.

43)What is the correct way to complete the text below?

If you are visualizing many paradisiacal swims in clear blue waters, then the Croatian
islands are calling your name. Most of the residents of Croatian islands have their own small
boats to travel between islands and the coast - it's ______way toget around.
(Adapted from

(B)The easier
(D)The easiest
44)Which is the best sequence to complete the paragraph?

Dangerous bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics if they_____prescribed too often.

That is why the overuse of antibiotics is harmful.

(A)Won' t be
(C)Will be
(E)Can't be

45)Which is the correct option to complete the paragraph below?

China's recent rise has made people think that everyone learn Mandarin.
But China itself seems to have caught the English bug. Some 175 million Chinese are now
studying English in the formal educational system.
(Adapted and abridged from Newsweek)


46) Which sequence best completes the text below?

Each naval district______at least one base from which it and its vessels______,but, except for
Aratu in the 2nd Naval District, most______ not large. Aratu to be the MB’s number two dockyard
complex outside Guanabara bay.
(Adapted from

(D)have/are operated/are/seem
(E)have/are operating/is/seem

47) Which of the alternatives completes the sentence correctly?

The population must bear in mind that______the UK hasmoved to a treatment phase for
swine flu, it is important that people all over the world continue to do everything they can to
stop the virus from spreading.
(Adapted from

(C)In spite of
(E)In addition to
48)Which of the alternatives is grammatically INCORRECT?

(A)Will you please put away your pens?

(B)Put your pens away, please.
(C)On my command, put them away.
(D)Let's put them away because we won' t write anymore.
(E)I've done enough writing so I' ll put away them.

49)Choose the best reply to this statement.

Michelle: Your flat needs painting.

You: I know. I______shortly.

(A)Have it paint
(B)Have painted it
(C)Have been painting it
(D)Am having it painted
(E)Am having painted it

50)In which alternative is the idea expressed by the modal verbINCORRECTLY stated in

(A)In China, there might be 10 million teenage internetaddicts.(Possibility)

(B)It must be hard for him to work and study at the sametime. (Obligation)
(C)You mustn' t park here or you' ll receive a fine.(Prohibition)
(D)Could you lend me your book for a week? (Request)
(E)If you' re getting fat you should go on a diet. (Advice)

21 D
22 E
23 C
24 B
25 D
26 C
27 D
28 C
29 A
30 E
31 C
32 E
33 D
35 A
36 B
37 D
38 A
39 D
40 B
41 A
42 C
43 D
44 B
45 B
46 B
47 A
48 E
49 D
50 B

21)Read this sign and answer the question.

(Taken from

By reading the sign, we CANNOT infer that

(A)The place where the sign is offers risks.

(B)It is permitted to work before you enter.
(C)You need permission to enter the place.
(D)Only authorized people can work there.
(E)It is a limited or restricted place.

Based on the text below, answer questions 22 and 23.

Life in the Navy - Frequently Asked Questions

Many of your questions about the Navy have been asked and answered before. See if you can find
your question in the list below. Or, to get the most complete picture of the Navy, locate your nearest
recruiter and set up a meeting.
It depends. Normally ships will go to sea for 10 days to 2 weeks each month for training operations.
Extended operations away from home port can last up to 6 months, and ships deploy every 18-24
months. This varies depending on the mission and type of ship. Ships on 6-month deployments spend
time visiting ports throughout the world. If you are on a shore duty tour, you will likely spend no time at
sea during the course of the duty assignment (usually 2 to 3 years).
There are plenty of activities available to sailors. in their off-duty time. Depending on the size of the
ship, you'll have areas for exercise, watching movies, playing cards, emailing friends, and purchasing
snacks and other items. Many ships also provide college classes.
The tempo of operations will dictate actual length. While in home port or on shore duty, it is very similar
to that of civilian jobs. While out to sea, it is often longer because of the workload needed to keep the
ship, aircraft and other machinery working properly and efficiently.
Under normal circumstances, you will be eligible for a promotion from E-1 to E-2 in 9 months, from E-2
to E-3 in 9 months, and from E-3 to E-4 in 6 months. Advancements on the basis of merit can occur in
basic training to E-2 without waiting the 9 months. By referring friends who join the Navy, you can be
promoted even faster!
Once you have completed basic training and any follow up schooling, you will probably move just once
to your first permanent duty station. Naturally, if you stay in the Navy past your first enlistment (or if you
request a specific deployment) you may have to move again.

22)The following headings have been removed from the text andreplaced by(I), (II),
(III), (IV) and (V). Number them toindicate the correct order and choose the corresponding

( )What things are there for me to do on a

( )ship? How often will I have to live in another place?
( ) How long is the normal workday?
( )How much time will I spend at sea?What is the career plan like?


23)The words and expressions that can replace "picture", "locate" and "set up" in the
extract "[…] to get the most complete picture of the Navy, locate your nearest recruiter and set up a
meeting." while keeping the same meaning are

(A)photo/assign a location to/arrange.

(B)image/discover the place of/combine.
(C)photo/ascribe a location to/combine.
(D)notion/assign a location to/combine.
(E)idea/discover the place of/arrange.

Based on the text below, answer question 24.

Top Tips for Safe Travel

The world isn't dangerous or unsafe. Quite the opposite. There are some desperate
places and people, even in your home town, but these are a minority. In fact, you're more
likely to get into trouble at home than travelling if you follow these common sense tips on your
1)Scan all your major documents. Scan your travel documents and email them to yourself
that way your documents won't go missing even if your bags do.
2)Get travel insurance. This is mainly for health costs if you get ill or injured while abroad.
Hospital costscan quickly get into the tens of thousands of dollars, evenfor a minor injury.
3)Get vaccinated. Visit your doctor before you leave to get all the relevant
vaccinations/immunizations for thedestinations you're visiting, and to learn what health
precautions you should follow.
(Adapted from

24)According to the text, which statement is correct?

(A)The majority of places that tourists visit are likely tobe safe.
(B)When you are travelling, you may get into trouble more easily than when you are in
your home town.
(C)Unless you have common sense, you will be safe whentravelling.
(D)Health care in a foreign country isn't so expensive assome people might imagine.
(E)Before travelling, you must see the doctor and ask for acheck-up.

Based on the text below, answer questions 25 and 26.

How to Become a USNA Midshipman

Posted by: Jacqui Murray ! December 8, 2010

There are lots of how-to books on getting in the Naval Academy, but they're
quite dry and impersonal. Mine - Building a Midshipman - is from the perspective of
a woman who did it (my daughter!) and how she accomplished such a lofty goal. It's
down-to-earth and should give confidence to any teen, male or female, considering a
military academy as their college of choice.
I wrote this because there was a need for a book like this. When my daughter
wanted a step-by-step on how to get into the Naval Academy, all she could find were
books that told her how hard it was, how selective they were, how very few could
achieve it. My daughter brushed the negativity off, but I wondered how many kids
were discouraged by thatapproach.
I decided to write a book (a) explaining how to achieve the goal, not why kids
couldn't; (b) showing how teens can solve the problems that stand in their way rather
than why they can't, and (c) sharing the many but predictable steps that will take a
motivated, committed applicant where they want to go rather than why they can't get
That approach worked for my daughter and I had no doubt it would work for
others. From what I hear from readers,it's true. I hope you find it useful.

(MURRAY, Jacqui. Building a USNA Midshipman. How to crack the United States Naval
Academy Application. 2nd edition, 2008. Adapted from

25)According to the text, which statement is correct?

(A)Many books fail to tell the applicants how selective theNaval Academy
examination board is.
(B)The previous books on how to get in the Naval Academyare discouraging and
do not show any emotion.
(C)Teenagers are always confident when they choose amilitary academy as
their college.
(D)The author of the book "Building a USNA Midshipman" succeeded in getting in
the Naval Academy.
(E)Jacqui Murray decided to write her book because theother books take the
perspective of men.

26)Considering the text, the words "lofty" in" […] how accomplished such a lofty goal." and
"brushed off" in” […]she brushed the negativity off […].”mean respectively

Based on the text below, answer questions 27, 28 and 29.

The Future of Libraries Has Little to Do with Books

On a Monday morning between Christmas and New Year's Eve in Paris, the line for modern
art museum Centre Georges Pompidou winds around the block. But the patrons waiting in the
cold aren't there to catch a glimpse of a Magritte-they're young locals queueing for access
through themuseum's back door to another attraction: the public library.
In a digital age that has left book publishers reeling, libraries in the world's major cities seem
poised for a comeback, though it's one that has very little to do with books. The Independent
Library Report published in December by the U.K.'s Department for Culture, Media, and Sport
found that libraries across the nation are reinventing themselves by increasingly becoming
"vibrant and attractive community hubs", focusing on the "need to create digital literacy, and in an
ideal world, digital fluency."
Taking into account the proliferation of freelancing, the gig economy, and remote working (also
known as 'technomadism'), the rise of library as community hub begins to make sense. Cities are
increasingly attracting location independent workers, and those workers need space and
amenities that expensive and unreliable coffee shops simplycannot provide enough of.
Furthermore, when one considers that the most vulnerable and underserved city dwellers are
also those who generally do not have access to the Internet, the need for a free and publicly
connected space becomes even clearer.
According to a 2013 Pew poll, 90 percent in the U.S.said their community would be negatively
impacted if theirlocal library closed. But if libraries are going to survivethe digital age, they need to
be more about helping patronsfilter vast quantities of digital information rather thanaccess to
analog materials. Good news came for U.S.libraries in November, when Federal Communications
Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler announced a 62 percentincrease in spending on high-speed
Internet for schools and public libraries. When it comes to this need for connectivity, Britain's
library report stated a "Wi-Fi connection should be delivered in a comfortable, retail standard
environment withthe usual amenities of coffee, sofas and etc." The reportsuggested that libraries
focus less on loaning physicalbooks and more on widening access via loaning of e-books, which
the report noted was up by 80 percent in Britain from 2013.
Also in 2013, the first bookless public library in the United States opened in San Antonio,
Texas. The city's BiblioTech offers an all-digital, cloud-based collection of more than 10,000 e-
books, plus e-readers available for checkout. Located in San Antonio's underserved South Side,
the BiblioTech provides an important digital hub in a city with a population that still struggles to
connect to wireless Internet. Last month saw the opening of Canada's Halifax Central Library,
designed by a world-leading Danish design firm. With its auditorium, meeting space for
entrepreneurs, multiple cafes, adult literacy classes and gaming facilities, actual books seemed
like an afterthought.
(Abridged from

27)Mark the only option that is FALSE according to the text.

(A)Libraries are making efforts to reinvent themselves in order to remain relevant for the
(B)According to a poll, a small percentage of Americans said their community would be
negatively impacted if their local library closed.
(C)Nowadays some libraries have become places that providefavorable conditions for
some independent professionals to work.
(D)In some communities, libraries serve as places where city dwellers can have free
access to the Internet.
(E)There has been a sharp increase in the loaning of e-books in Britain.

28)The word "unreliable" in "[..] those workers need space and amenities that expensive and
unreliable coffee shops simply cannot provide enough of." is the opposite of


29)In the excerpt "But if libraries are going to survive thedigital age, they need to be more
about helping patrons filter vast quantities of digital information rather than access to
analog materials." the pronoun "they" refers to

(B)The digital age.
(D)Quantities of digital information.
(E)Analog materials.

30)Which is the correct option to complete the sentence below?

I don't know how some teachers ______ such disrespectful andrude students.

(A)Look forward
(B)Come down to
(C)Come up with
(D)Put through to
(E)Put up with

31)Which is the correct option to complete this paragraph froman article on Managing
Multicultural Teams?

When a major international software developer needed a new product quickly, the
project manager assembleda team of employees from India and the United States. Fromthe start
the team members could on a delivery date for the product. The Americans thought the
work could be done in two weeks; the Indians predicted two to three months. As time went on,
the Indian team members proved reluctant setbacks in the production process, which the
American team members would find out about only whenwork was due to be passed to them.
(Adapted from

(A)producing/not to agree/to report

(B)to produce/not agree/to report
(C)producing/to not agree/to report
(D)to produce/not agreeing/reporting
(E) produce/not agree/reporting
32)Which sequence best completes this paragraph from arecommendation letter?

John is a very______teacher. Attractive andprofessional-looking, he has interpersonal

skills and is______understood by students and parents alike. He carries out every
responsibility and in a timely manner.
(Adapted from


33)Which sequence best completes the quotation below?

“______Ebola outbreak in West Africa is already______ global threat to______ public
health and it's vital that______ UK remains at______ forefront of responding to
epidemic." Michael Fallon, Defense Secretary, 2014.
(Adapted from


34)Which is the correct way to complete the text below?

Many wounded as Moroccan police beat protestors

(Reuters) - Moroccan police beat protesters who defied a ban on

demonstrations. across the country on Sunday, leading to arrests and dozens of
injuries, some of them life threatening, witnesses said.
Much of the anger______ at the Makhzen, Morocco's royal court. "Protest is a
legal right, why is the Makhzen afraid?", crowds in casablanca chanted. "Makhzen
get out. Down with despotism."
A Reuters correspondent______ seven riot police attacking one bearded man
in his 30s, repeatedy hitting his head and body, causing severe bleeding.
"We______ unauthorized here to preserve order because of this protest", said
a senior police officer on the scene who No to give his name. one was available at
the Interior Ministry to comment on the protesters' reports.
(Adapted from

(A)directed/was seen/have called/was declined

(B)was directed/was seen/have called/declined
(C)directed/saw/had called/were declined
(D)was directed/saw/have been called/declined
(E)directed/was seen/had called/declined
35)Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue.

Megan: I'd like to live abroad.

Julie: So ______I. Which country do you have in mind?
Megan: Probably Australia, because it's hot. I wouldn't liketo live in a cold country.
Julie: I wouldn't ______.Ihate feeling cold.


36)Which is the correct alternative to complete the dialogue?

Susan: What did George ask you yesterday?

Sandy: He asked me______

(A)do I need a ride home

(B)did I need a ride home
(C)if I needed a ride home
(D)I needed a ride home
(E)would I need a ride home

37)Which is the correct way to complete the paragraph below?

What Explains Brazil's Surfing Boom?

Brazil______ more than 4,000 miles of coastline, and Brazilians______its waves at

least since the Australian surfer Peter Troy ademonstration in Rio de Janeiroin
1964. So why the sudden dominance? The answer is that thecountry itself ______

(A)has/have surfed/has given/has changed

(B)has/have been surfing/has given/has changed
(C)has/have been surfing/gave/has changed
(D)has had/have been surfing/gave/changed
(E)has had/have surfed/has given/changed

38)Which is the correct option to complete the text below?

Major Current Environmental Problems

Ocean Acidification: It is a direct impact of excessive production of CO2.

25% of CO2 is produced by humans. The ocean acidity has increased by the
last 250 years, but by
2100, it______ shoot up by 150%.
Acid Rain: Acid rain occurs due to the presence ofcertain pollutants
in the atmosphere. Acid rain is a known
environmental problem that______ have serious effect on human health, wildlife
and aquatic species.
(Adapted from

39)Which is the correct way to complete the paragraph below?

How to Become a Pro Gamer

Easy to understand, that is. fun and games.______ for a living isn't all It takes time, skill and
determination ______in today's competitive circuits. If you're up for the challenge, here's what you
need to do.
(Adapted from*v=3)

(A)To play/to win

(D)Playing/to win
(E)To play/winning

40)Analyze these sentences.

I-Would you still love me if I hurt you?

II -I wouldn't travel alone if I were you.
III-Even if she would study, she didn't pass.
IV-If you would stop smoking, you'd be able to runthe marathon.
V-She wouldn't eat broccoli even if you'd cover it withcheese.

Choose the correct option.

(A)Only I and II are grammatically correct.

(B)Only II and III are grammatically correct.
(C)Only II and IV are grammatically correct.
(D)Only I and IV are grammatically correct.
(E)Only II and V are grammatically correct.

41)Which question word best completes the paragraph below?

The National Gallery in London is among a growing number of venues that have
banned selfie sticks. isso wrong with walking around a gallery taking pictures of
yourself? The gallery says it needs to protect artworks andother visitors. But some
users can't see what the fuss is about.
(Adapted from

42)Which option contains a correct sentence?

(A)Medical students are taught that if they were empatheticand used the right body
language, patients will see themas compassionate.
(B)Medical students are taught that if they are empatheticand use the right body
language, patients will see themas compassionate.
(C)Medical students are taught that if they are empatheticand use the right body
language, patients would see themas compassionate.
(D)Medical students are taught that if they are empatheticand use the right body
language, patients saw them as compassionate.
(E)Medical students are taught that if they were empatheticand used the right body
language, patients saw them ascompassionate.

43)Which of the sentences below is INCORRECT?

(A)Don't you believe him if he talks to you.

(B)Do not shut down these computers!
(C)Did study hard not to fail, but I did anyway.
(D)Let us not go to the beach. It's going to rain.
(E)Do forgive me, I didn't mean to be so rude.

44)Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue.

John: I'll have to buy a new smartphone. Mine is broken.

Paul: Why don't you have it instead?

(D)to repair

45)Which of the options completes the sentence correctly?

Mary has a brother,______?

(A)does Mary
(B)doesn't she
(C)has she
(D)hasn't Mary
(E)does he

46)Which of the options completes the sentence correctly?

People who are middle-aged and older tend to know more than young
adults they have been around longer, and score higher on vocabulary tests,
crossword puzzles and other measures of so-called crystallized intelligence.
(Adapted from

(E)in case

47)Which is the correct way to complete the paragraph below?

Unclean Water Kills Half a Million Newborns a Year

In 18 countries of Sub-Saharan Africa, access to water in health care

facilities is as 20 percent. Access to water in larger hospitals is typically
than it is in smaller, primary health clinics, where most people receive their care,
the report finds.
(Adapted from

(A)low as/better
(C)less than/good
(E)less than/best

48)Which is the correct option to complete this paragraph?

We would like to invite you to participate______ a conference on the Contemplative Heart of Higher
Education that will be held______ Amherst College______ April 24-26, 2009.
This year's conference will be the first to be sponsored the new Association for Contemplative Mind
in Higher Education, which is affiliated with the Center for Contemplative Mind in Society. The
conference will explore the special role that contemplative practices can play in cultivating those
capacities of attention, equanimity, wisdom and compassion that are central to the lives our students
and ourselves.
(Adapted from


49)Which is the correct option to complete the paragraph below?

How to Succeed in High School - Studying at Home

In order to be successful, set regular study and homework hours. Making

this part of your routine creates a positive pattern for success. Create a well-lit
study area.______ a CD player if you______ it helps you stay focused.
Otherwise, highlight the space with yellow andother upbeat hues that may help
keep your mind fresh.
(Adapted and abridged form
(B)Including/will find
(D)Include/will find
(E)Include/would find

50)Choose the best reply to this sequence of questions.

"Do you have secrets you've kept from your family? Would youlike to get them
off your chest?

(Adapted from:

(A)I have./I would.

(B)I haven't./I wouldn't.
(C)I have./I do.
(D)I do./I would.
(E)I do./I do.

21 D
22 A
23 D
24 C
25 E
26 B
27 B
28 C
29 B
30 E
31 D
32 A
33 B
34 D
35 C
37 A
38 E
39 D
40 E
41 A
42 D
43 B
44 C
45 D
46 A
47 E
48 B
49 C
50 C

Based on the text below, answer questions 21, 22 and 23.

Navy looking for drone operator flying device aroundWashington

state base

Published February 27, 2016

(I) ______
A civilian employee of Naval Submarine Base Kitsap Bangor reported seeing the drone,
spokeswoman Silvia Klatman told

According to the Navy, it is illegal to operate a drone above the base without the permission of the
Navy. "It's our intent to support the investigation and prosecution of this reported act, and any others
that may occur, in coordination with civilian law enforcement," Klatman said. reported that agents interviewed families who lived in houses surrounding the base.
Officials said the drones were seen operating at night. "It could be a hoax, but worst-case
scenario, it could be clandestine, foreign government, a cell," Al Starcevich, a whose family's house
is located between the base and Hood Canal in Washington, told the website. "The creepy thing is
they're only doing it at night.
Starcevich told The Seattle Times that agents told him there had been repeated incidents around
the base involving an alleged drone.
Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor' airspace was designated as "prohibited" by the FAA in May 2005, at
the request of the Navy. (IV) across The prohibited area extends to the water Hood Canal and the
Navy-owned portion of Toandos Peninsula.
Doug O'Donnell, chief pilot at Avian Flight Center at Bremerton National Airport, said security
forces are supposed to shoot down aircraft that violate the FAA rules.
The Bangor base houses eight of the Navy's 14 ballistic missile submarines, according to Each can warheads. carry up to 24 missiles with multiple nuclear warheads.

21)By reading the text, we CANNOT state that

(A)the Navy plans to work with non-military agencies on thecase.

(B)there has been more than one report on drones in thatregion.
(C)there has been a huge number of exercises to fightdrones.
(D)the Navy controls part of Toandos Peninsula.
(E)the Defense Department has shot down a spy drone.

22)The sentences below have been removed from the text and replaced by (I), (II), (III)
and (IV). Number them to indicate the order they must appear to complete the text
correctly. Then choose the option that contains that sequence
( )They said they haven't seen anything unusual.
( )No aircraft of any kind is allowed to fly over the area up 2,500 feet
( )The U.S. Navy is that searching for the operator of a drone that has been seen flying
near a Washington state naval base at night since Feb 8.
( )What are you going to see at night unless you have an infrared camera?


23)According to the text, it is right to say that

(A)There are 14 submarines on Bangor base at house eight.

(B)The total number of missiles on Bangor base is 24.
(C)There are six submarines that are not kept on Bangorbase.
(D)Half of all Navy’s submarines are kept on Bangor Base.
(E)There are eight houses for the Bangor base submarines.

Based on the text below, answer question 24.

The Armel-Leftwich Visitor Center

Welcome to the Armel-Leftwich Visitor Center of the United States Naval Academy. Visit
the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD to see where future officers areeducated
and trained.
The Visitor Center is conveniently located inside USNA Gate 1 at the Annapolis harbor.
Pedestrian entrances are onPrince George and Randall Streets. The Visitor Center provides
guided historical tours for visitors, as well as groups.
Anyone 18 or older must show a government-issued photo ID or original passport to enter
USNA grounds. Visitors from the states of Minnesota, Illinois, Missouri, New Mexico and
Washington are required to present a SECOND PHOTO ID.
The Visitor Center is the first stop on a visit to the undergraduate college of the U.S. Navy
and U.S. Marine Corps. Information specialists welcome visitors to view the 13-minute film,
"The Call to Serve", and to take a guided walking tour with a professional, certified guide.
Admissions Information
United States Naval Academy Admissions briefings, lasting approximately one hour, are held
at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday, on the second deck of the Visitor
U.S. Naval Academy Museum
The museum's artifacts are displayed in galleries located on two floors in Preble Hall. The
first floor is devoted to the exhibit entitled "Leadership and Service: The History of the United
States Navy and the Naval Academy. The famous Rogers Collection of antique ship models
is thefocus of the second floor exhibit.

(Adapted from

24)According to the text, which statement is correct?

(A)There is a single pedestrian entrance, which is locatedon Prince George

(B)People under eighteen are required to show a photo ID ororiginal passport to
visit USNA.
(C)"The Call to Serve", a film that lasts less than thirtyminutes, is shown to
(D)United States Naval Academy Admissions briefings takeplace from 10:00
a.m. to 2:00 p.m., six days a week.
(E)The museum presents an exhibit called "Leadership andService" on the
second floor.

Based on the text below, answer questions 25 and 26.

Additional Factors That Affect Sleep Comfort

By Richard A. Staehler, MD

The type of mattress one uses is not the only factor forpatients with pain and sleep
difficulty. Many other factorsneed to be considered that may affect sleep, including:
-medication side effects;
-irregular sleep patterns;
-caffeine/alcohol/tobacco use;
-sleep apnea;
If comfort is not the only thing making sleep difficult,it is advisable for the patient to
consult his or her familyphysician to discuss other possible causes and treatmentsfor
If anyone experiences significant or persistent back pain,there may be an underlying back
condition that has nothingto do with the mattress. It is always advisable for peoplewith back
pain to consult with a health care provider for athorough exam, diagnosis, and treatment
As a reminder, sleep comfort is first and foremost amatter of personal preference. No
one should expect thatswitching mattresses or beds will cure their lower backpain, and
changes in the type of bed or mattress used shouldbe made solely for the sake of comfort.
(Adapted from
25)Which option expresses a recommendation?

(A) "The type of mattress one uses is not the only factor for patients with pain and sleep
(B) "Many other factors need to be considered that may affect sleep [...]."
(C) "[...] it is advisable for the patient to consult his or her family physician [...]."
(D) "If anyone experiences significant or persistent back pain [...]."
(E) "[...] sleep comfort is first and foremost a matter of personal preference."
26)Considering the text, the word "solely" in" [...] changes in the type of bed or mattress used
should be made solely for the sake of comfort.” means

(C) nearly.
(D) lately.
(E) quickly

Based on the text below, answer questions 27, 28 and 29.

Hard Lesson in Sleep for Teenagers

By Jane E. Brody October 20, 2014

Few Americans these days get the hours of sleep optimal for their age, but experts
agree that teenagers are more likely to fall short than anyone else.
Researchers report that the average adolescent needs eight and a half to nine and a
half hours of sleep each night. However, in a poll taken in 2006 by the National Sleep
Foundation, less than 20 percent reported getting that much rest on school nights. With
the profusion of personal electronics, the current percentage is believed to be even
worse. A study in Fairfax, Va., found that only 6 percent of children in the 10th grade and
only 3 percent in the 12th grade get the recommended amount of sleep. Two in three
teens were found to be severely sleep-deprived, losing two or more hours of sleep
every night. The causes can be biological, behavioral or environmental. The effect on
thewell-being of adolescents on their health and academic potential - can be profound.
Insufficient sleep in adolescence increases the risksof high blood pressure and heart
disease, Type 2 diabetes and obesity, said Dr. Owens, pediatric sleep specialist at
Children's National Health System in Washington. Sleeplessness is also linked to risk-
taking behavior, depression, suicidal ideation and car accidents. Insufficient sleep also
impairs judgment, decision-making skills and the ability to curb impulses, which are "in a
critical stage of development in adolescence," Dr. Owens said. With the current intense
concern about raising academic achievement, it is worth noting that a study by Kyla
Wahlstrom of 9,000 students in eight Minnesota public high schools showed that
starting school a half-hour later resulted in an hour's more sleep a night and an increase
inthe students' grade point averages and standardized test scores.
When children reach puberty, a shift in circadian rhythm makes it harder for them to
fall asleep early enoughto get the requisite number of hours and still make it toschool on
time. A teenager's sleep-wake cycle can shift as much as two hours, making it difficult to
fall asleep before 11 p.m. If school starts at 8 or 8:30, it is not possible to get enough
sleep. Based on biological sleep needs, a teenager who goes to sleep at 11 p.m. should
be getting up around 8 a.m.
Adding to the adolescent shift in circadian rhythm are myriad electronic distractions
that cut further into sleep time, like smartphones, iPods, computers and televisions. A
stream of text messages, tweets, and postings on Facebook and Instagram keep many
awake long into the night.
Parents should consider instituting an electronic curfew and perhaps even forbid
sleep-distracting devices in the bedroom, Dr. Owens said. Beyond the bedroom, many
teenagers lead overscheduled lives that can lead to shortnights.
Also at risk are many teenagers from low-income and minority families, where
overcrowding, excessive noise and safety concerns can make it difficult to get enough
restful sleep, the academy statement said. Trying to compensate for sleep deprivation
on weekends can further compromise an adolescent's sleep-wake cycle by inducing
permanent jet lag. Sleeping late on weekends shifts their internal clock, making it even
harder to get to sleep Sunday night and wakeup on time for school Monday morning.

(Adapted and abridged from

27)What does the pronoun "their" refer to in the excerpt "Sleeping late on weekends
shifts their internal clock, making it even harder to get to sleep Sunday night and wake
up on time for school Monday morning.”?
(B)Minority families.
(C)Safety concerns.

28)Mark the only option that is FALSE according to the text.

(A)Most Americans are sleep deprived nowadays but teenagersare the age group
mostly affected by it.
(B)Sleep deprivation may lead to several diseases such asdiabetes, obesity and
(C)For a teenager, falling asleep early is only a matter ofself-discipline.
(D)According to research done is some schools, starting classes half an hour later
increased student performance.
(E)A teenager's social status may influence his/her sleepinghabits.

29) Which words are similar in meaning to "curb" and "curfew" in the following extracts:
"Insufficient sleep also impairs judgment, decision-making skills and the ability to curb impulses
[...]." and "Parents should consider instituting an electronic curfew and perhaps even forbid sleep-
distracting devices in the bedroom [...]."?

(D) encourage/device
(E) encourage/delay.

30)Which option best completes the paragraph below?

Eat healthy

In today's fast-paced world, it is so easy______ through a drive-through window to

grab something to eat. It is also easy______ into a gas station______ a bag ofchips,
a soda, and some candy. However, this is notthe best choice for our bodies. Simply put
the more junkyou put into your body, the worse you are going to feel. Try______ your body
with healthy food, drink plenty of water, and skip fast food lines as much as you can to feel
healthyand happy.
(Abridged from
(A)driving/stopping/to buy/to do/to nourish
(B)driving/stopping/to buy/doing/to nourish
(C)to drive/to stop/to buy/doing/to nourish
(D)to drive/to stop/buying/doing/nourishing
(E)to drive/to stop/to buy/to do/nourishing

31)Analyze these sentences.

I-The boss discussed about the new sales report.

II- Does the coefficient of kinetic friction depend onspeed?
III- My son finally succeeded in finding a new job.
IV- Some people still blame the driver on the accident.
V- He apologized for his girlfriend to being late.

Choose the correct option.

(A)Only I and II are grammatically correct.

(B)Only II and III are grammatically correct.
(C)Only II and IV are grammatically correct.
(D)Only I and IV are grammatically correct.
(E)Only II and V are grammatically correct.

32)Which is the correct option to complete the sentence below?

25 simple well-being tricks to health-proof your body

Let's be honest, we could all do with looking ourselves better. And if you follow these simple well-
being tricks to health-proof your body, you'll soon feel the benefits.
Here are 25 instant body boosters from top to toe.


33)Which option completes the paragraph below correctly?

Electric Bikes

The US is different from other countries when it comes to electric bikes. Nearly 32m e-
bikes in 2014, most of them in China, where they are primarily used for transportation.
They are popular in much of Europe, too. They are common in the Netherlands and
Switzerland; German postal workers use them to get around and BMW offers one for
about $3,000.
Electric bikes are different from motorcycles or mopeds, which rely on motorized
power; they are bicyclesthat______ with - or without - help from an electric motor.Riding an
e-bike feels like riding a normal bike with astrong wind behind you; the motor just
helps you to gofaster or climb hills. Unlike mopeds, e-bicycles______ onbike paths and they
cannot travel faster than 20mph.

(Abridged from

(A)were sold/can be pedaled/are usually permitted

(B)were sold/can pedal/usually permit
(C)are sold/can be pedaled/are usually permitted
(D)have been sold/can pedal/usually permit
(E)have been sold/can be pedaled/are usually permitted

34)Which of the sentences below is INCORRECT?

(A)If the Earth dies, you die. If you die, the planetsurely survives.
(B)If you don't want to wait 1,5 seconds, press Control-Power button.
(C)I will not go away if you promise to change and behaveyourself.
(D)You could see it through my eyes if you would realize how special you are.
(E)My mother is going to kick me out tomorrow unless I stopall contact with my

35)Choose the correct option to complete the text below.

International Congress

Join us______ our2016 International Education Conference______ Orlando, at the

Disney's Board Walk Inn'The BoardWalk is located within the Walt Disney World Resortand
10 minutes away______ the Epcot Theme Park. In additionto the Education Conference,
we are also hosting a BusinessConference that will be held on the same days, at the same
(Abridged from


36)What is the correct option to complete the text below?

Mosquito Screens to Be Used at Rio Games

Even as athletes grow increasingly concerned about outbreak of______Zika virus in

Brazil, organizing committee for the August Olympics in Rio deJaneiro said it would charge
national delegations to have mosquito screens on athletes' rooms.
______screens, one measure Brazilians are using to help ward off the mosquito that is the
primary transmitter of Zika, will be installed in communal areas "where required," but affixed to
lodging only if national delegations decide to pay for it, said Philip Wilkinson,______
spokesman forthe Rio 2016 organizing committee.



37)Choose the best reply to the statement below.

I went to school yesterday.

(A)So I did.
(B)So did I.
(C)Nor I did.
(D)Neither went I.
(E)Neither did I.

38)Mark the correct option.

(A)Beth got married with an American engineer last week.

(B)After 30 minutes standing in line, he was tired ofwaiting.
(C)The disadvantage in having a car is the need with insurance.
(D)During his high school years, he had always been good inmath and chemistry.
(E)There are some differences of living in a house andliving in a flat.

39)Choose the correct option to complete this forum post.

Always hated my nose and finally______

My "beak-like'' nose needed to be shaped, but I was afraid the surgery would hurt too
much. A friend talked me into______after hearing me complain so many times. If I had
known how easy the recovery was, I would have done it along time ago'


(A)it had fixed/getting it done

(B)had fixed it/getting it done
(C)it had fixed/it getting done
(D)had fixed it/it getting done
(E)had it fixed/getting it done

40)Which is the correct option to complete the excerpt below?

The Legacy of Hartlepool Hall

‘[...] Where did you get this recipe for roast chicken, my dear? Quite delicious.'
'It's the same thing we have every day, Daddy, replied Annabel.
Is it really? It tastes quite different this week. Do you have a good cook at Hartlepool Hall, Edward?
Is Mrs. Horton still there? But she ______be. She______ be dead by now.'
(TORDAY,Paul. The Legacy of Hartlepool Hall. London: Weidenfeld& Nicolson, 2012.)

(A)might not/can't

41)Which is the correct way to complete the excerpt below?

The Legacy of Hartlepool

"He thought that if he had the courage to visit the Long Gallery, the portraits of______ ancestors
would come to life in______ frames. ______ would point ______fingers and say: 'We did
______duty. We spent the money as______ was meant to be spent [...]."
(TORDAY, Paul. The Legacy of Hartlepool Hall.London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2012.)

(E) his/its/They/theirs/our/it

42)Mark the only sentence that is correct.

(A)I don't mind doing all the housework.

(B)She suggested to go to a new restaurant on Sunday.
(C)They avoid to go out at night because of the violence.
(D)The children refused making their beds.
(E)He promised not being late next time.

43)Which is the correct option to complete the paragraph below?

How to prepare yourself for entrance exams

While you are studying for the test,______ the time to anticipate what obstacles you
might encounter when taking the actual test. A helpful tool for doing this will be the practice
tests:______ which questions trip you up the most. Then,______ up with strategies for
handling those minor issues while you take your exam.


(A)are taking/notice/comes

44)Which is the correct way to complete the paragraph below?

No language is easy to learn well, though languages which are related to our first
language are______ . Learning______ a completely different writing system is a huge
challenge,but that does not necessarily make a language another. In the end, it is
impossible to say that there isone language that is______ language in the world.
(Adapted from

(A)easier/ more difficult/ harder

(B)the easiest/ more difficult/ harder
(C)as easy as/ the most difficult/ the hardest
(D)easier/ more difficult than/ the hardest
(E)the easiest/ more difficult than/ the harder

45)Which question word best completes the paragraph below?

So if smoking is so bad for you,______ is it so hard to quit? Stopping smoking is difficult

for several reasons: nicotine is highly addictive, rewarding psychological aspects of smoking
and genetic predisposition.

(Adapted from


46)Which is the correct option to complete the dialogue?

What did John tell Mary last Saturday?

John told______ the day before.

(A)Mary that he will buy some flowers

(B)her that he had bought some flowers
(C)him that he did buy some flowers
(D)to Mary that he bought some flowers
(E)that he has to buy some flowers

47)Which of the options completes the sentence correctly?

Peter's got blue eyes,______?

(A)isn't he
(B)does Peter
(C)doesn't he
(D)has Peter
(E)hasn't he

48)Choose the correct option to complete this novel excerpt.

"Where is Louisia?", shouted Paul.

"Paul", said Mrs Schobert softly [...] "Louisia has not______ nor ______. She has not______ home -
yet. I am sorry. I don't know what to think."
(HOOD, P.F.F.; HOOD, C.L. Tomorrow, soldier. Part Three: Himmler's Gas Station. An autobiographical novel
in four parts. Milton Keynes: UK.Author House, 2007, p.40.)

(A)called/wrote/ come
(B)called/wrote/ came

49)Which of the options completes the sentence correctly?

Surveys have found that even though 80% of smokers would like to quit smoking, less than five
percent are able to quit on their own______ the highly addictive properties of nicotine.

(B)due to
(E)instead of

50)Which is the correct way to complete the text below?

You can now edit and format your Google Docs by voice

About six months ago, Google______ voice typing for Google Docs on the web______ you
to dictate your text into a document. Today it's taking this feature a step further by also allowing
you to edit and format your text by voice, top.

This______ You can now say things like "select all," "align center , " bold", "got to end of
LINE", or "increase font size" and Google Docs______ and follow your commands. You can
find a Full list of available commands here [...]


(A)has introduced/to allow/means/understanding

(B)introduces/allowed/meant/has understood
(C)has introduced/to allow/is meaning/understood
(D)introduced/to allow/means/will understand
(E)introduced/ allowed/meant/understand
21 E
22 A
23 C
24 C
25 C
26 A
27 A
28 C
29 B
30 C
31 B
32 D
33 A
34 D
35 D
36 B
37 B
38 B
39 E
40 C
41 D
42 A
43 C
44 D
45 E
46 B
47 E
48 E
49 B
50 D

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