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Aleksa Mikael E.


Please fill-in the table.



Neck flexion Supine Side Lying

Neck extension Prone Side Lying
Shoulder elevation Sitting Supine
Shoulder abduction Sitting Supine
Elbow flexion Sitting Side Lying
Wrist extension Sitting (Pronation) Siting (Neutral)
Wrist flexion Sitting (Supination) Siting (Neutral)
Hip flexion Siting Side Lying
Hip extension Prone Side Lying
Hip abduction Side Lying Supine
Knee extension Siting Side Lying
Knee flexion Prone Side Lying
Ankle dorsiflexion Siting Side Lying
Ankle plantarflexion Prone/Standing Side Lying

A 10-year-old girl of Indian origin presented to the pediatric outpatient department with a history
of insidious onset and gradually progressive pain and weakness, predominantly affecting the
proximal muscles of both upper and lower limbs, for the past four years. She also complained of
dusky red rash with swelling, itching, and photosensitivity over the face and extremities, and
pain and swelling over bilateral knee joints since the past three years. She also developed
multiple hard ulcerated lesions with chalky white discharge over face, chest, trunk, and
extremities over the last six months. Her past medical and family history were unremarkable.
For this part of the activity please refer to the case above. I want you to be able to provide
manual muscle testing commands/instructions for your 10-year old child against gravity.


Upper trapezius Please watch me and try to follow my instructions. So first, turn your head
like what I’m doing and shrug your shoulders upward. *demonstrate* Now,
I’m going to try to push your shoulder and head apart. You have to hold it
and try to resist me.
Aleksa Mikael E. Navera

Deltoid middle Hold your arms up in the air just like this. *demonstrate* I’m doing to be
pushing down here and you hold it. Make sure that I won’t be able to push
it down. You have to hold it.

Biceps brachii Please bend your elbow and make sure that it stays that way. I’m going to
be pulling your arm down so you have to hold it, for me not to be able to
pull it.

Wrist extensors Please bring your hand back just like this. *demonstrate* and hold it in that
position while I’ll try to straighten it. Remember, your goal it for me not to
be able to straighten it.

Wrist flexors Please bring your hand back just like this. *demonstrate* and hold it in that
position while I’ll try to straighten it. Remember, your goal it for me not to
be able to straighten it.

Iliopsoas This activity requires you to sit down so please take a seat. Are you able to
lift your knees like this? *demonstrate* Okay, so hold it right there while
I’ll try to push it down. Remember, do not let it have it my way. You have
to hold it.

Quadriceps Are you able to lift your knees like this? *demonstrate* Okay, so hold it
right there while I’ll try to bend it down. Once again, please hold it and try
to resist.

Ankle Please bring your foot up like this *demonstrate* and hold it while I’ll try
dorsiflexors to push it down. Please remember to hold it and resist it.

Neck flexors (Supine) Please bring your head up the table and hold it right there. Now,
try to hold out while I’ll try to push it down. Be strong and resist
everything I do.
Aleksa Mikael E. Navera

Gluteus medius Can you lie on your side? Now, try to lift your leg up in the air just like
this. *demonstrate* Please make sure that your knees are straight. Now, try
to hold it up while I’ll try to push it down. You really have to be strong and
resist my force.

Neck extensors Please lie on your belly while bringing your head up off the table. Hold it
right there are I try to push your head downwards. Keep strong and don’t
make your head drop.

Gluteus Lie on your belly and bend your knee. Now, try to lift your whole leg up in
maximus the air and hold it. Do not let me push your legs down down.

Hamstrings Please bend your knee and hold it there. I’m going to be pulling here so
hold it and don’t let me pull your leg down. Hold it there and try to resist.

plantarflexors Can you stand up on your tip toes without holding anything? If not, you
can hold my hand if you want and/or need some help.

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