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ID NUMBER: 05-2122-006008

INSTRUCTIONS: Choose 5 FORs and 3 Models. Follow the format below for your answers.



Biomechanical FOR The biomechanical frame This part of biomechanical Above mentioned Postulates regarding
of reference has four frame of reference “concerned areas” can change identify links
assumptions (by Dutton) focuses on concern areas be assessed by the among the presenting
The first assumption is the or problem areas. Concern occupational therapist. problems, biomechanical
goals, and functional
belief that the purposeful areas of this frame of In Biomechanical
activities can be used to reference are – evaluation OT uses
treat loss of range of 1. Structural stability 2. different tools for
motion (ROM), strength, Passive Range of motion assessment like
and endurance. 3. Low level endurance Goniometer for Joint
4. Edema control range of motion,
The second assumption is
5. Strength Volumetry for edema,
the belief that after ROM,
6. High level endurance. and manual muscle
strength, and endurance
These areas should be testing for strength.
regained, the patient
focused by an Along with these
automatically regains
occupational therapist formal tests, OT also
while assuming does clinical
The third assumption is biomechanical frames of observation, including
the principle of Rest and Skin’s appearance, End
stress. First, the body reference in the treatment feel during range of
must rest to heal itself. plan. motion and grip
Then, the peripheral Structural stability strength.
structure must be assumed as a primary
Low level and high
stressed to regain range, concerned area after that
level endurance can be
strength, and endurance. only, therapist can stress
assessed by using
peripheral structures
The fourth assumption is cardiac step chart and
(muscle stretching). In a
the belief that the metabolic equivalents
fracture case, bone and
biomechanical frame of chart (MET). After the
soft tissue healing,
reference is best suited formal and informal
consider as structural
for patients with an intact assessment, OT set the
central nervous system. objectives and goals
And, high level Endurance
Patients may have limited for the patient.
should take care of at the
range, strength, and
end of treatment
endurance, but have the
planning. Low level
ability to perform smooth,
endurance training can be
isolated movements.
initiated along with low
resistance activities to
boost repetition.

Rehabilitative FOR In Occupational therapy In this approach, The occupational This postulate creates
point of view, an occupational therapist therapist must assess links between functional
“rehabilitation is to focuses on performance the patient’s outcomes and specific
compensate for areas more than on capabilities and adaptive devices,
underlying deficit that performance components. determine how to modification and
cannot be remediated in The aim of the overcome the effects procedure. Frequently
a daily routine task and in occupational therapy of disability. Many the methods of the
occupation. program is to minimize assessment tools are rehabilitation approach
The rehabilitative frame of disability barriers to role available to assess theare used in combination
reference requires that performance. From the level of assistance with biomechanical or
the client must be the part Occupational Therapy needed while sensorimotor
of the rehabilitation team. perspective, activities of performing an activity.approaches. First,
Rehabilitation programs daily living ( ADL), work The level of assistancebiomechanical or
must be preferred in the and leisure, are the basic is generally labeled assensorimotor principles
environment that is most and most important minimum, moderate, can be applied during
natural to the client. The domains, where OT should and maximum rehabilitation activities
therapist must be creative focus and bring assistance. Assistance to enhance and
when coming up with independence in those may need at during reinforce the restoration
compensatory strategies areas to successfully different activities like
of the sensorimotor and
and environmental rehabilitate a patient. bed mobility, bowel- cognitive components.
modification. bladder control, skin Second, the treatment
ADL – it can be divided
care, communication program often focuses
In the rehabilitation frame into two main parts, i.e.
etc. on performance areas
of reference, theories self-care and home care. A
and performance
suggest many wide range of skills is In work evaluation,
assumptions which form required to perform ADL work behavior like
simultaneously. Thus the
the base of frame of activities like eating, work tolerance, work
restoration of
reference. dressing, bathing, conditioning, grip
sensorimotor, cognitive,
homemaking, child care strength etc. evaluated
#1 – person can regain and psychosocial
etc. and noted. Similarly,
independence through functions are combined
leisure skills are noted
compensation. Work tasks depend on the to improve functioning
down by implementing
nature of occupational in the performance
#2 – motivation is a basic different interest
roles. areas.
requirement for the checklists for adults
independence. Motivation Leisure activities like and play evaluate for
is based on values, role, watching TV, gardening, children.
and interest. playing guitar, piano, etc.
can also need
#3 – environmental independence. So, a It is essential to
factors also plays person can take a leisure identify the stage-
important roles in break when he /she need specific cause of the
independence/rehab. it without any help from dysfunction.
#4 – minimum of It will help the
emotional and cognitive therapist to decide
prerequisite skills are better rehabilitation
needed to make approach.
independence possible.
This postulate identify
links between present
problems and
functional outcomes.

Developmental FOR The developmental frame #1. The human organism While applying the In this phase of
of reference is based on develops horizontally in principle of a developmental frame
the normal human the areas of developmental frame of reference, OT plans
development. Generally, neurophysiological, of reference in clinical out the objective &
an occupational therapist physical, psychological, practice, OT must goals for the child. After
uses this frame of and psychodynamic assess the client about the assessment of a
reference in the kids with growth and in the his/her current level of child, if OT finds
gross motor skills or fine development of social skills present in the disruption in the normal
motor skills delays. language, daily living sand client at stage specific progression of growth
Developmental theories sociocultural skills at developmental periods and development (due
have typically described specific periods of time; across all domains. to any disease, injury or
patterns or sequences of #2. The human organism Growth occurs chromosomal problems)
development that are develops longitudinally in simultaneously in Postulates of change,
each of these areas in a many areas. OT looks particularly focus on the
accepted as being continuous process as he child as a whole, so it’s “gaps” in the
characteristic for children. ages; important to assess all developmental cycle.
The theories and concepts #3. The mastery of the skills development The growth interruption
behind the developmental particular skills, abilities at specific periods. OT may cause a wide
frame of reference are and relationship in each of identifies the variety of problems for
presented by many the areas of deficiencies in the the child and his/her
experts. In the clinical neurophysiological, development pattern ability to interact with
setting, this theory is physical, pychosocial and and milestones. the environment.
applied when the psychodynamic For example,
occupational therapist development, social assessment of
facilitates or assist, the language, daily living and child’s fine motor
adaptation process of the sociocultural skills, both skills, gross motor
client within his/her horizontally and skills, social skills,
environment. longitudinally is necessary language development
to the successful and other areas at the
achievement of same period.
satisfactory coping
behavior and adaptive
#4. The mastery of these
skills is usually achieved
naturally in the course of
#5. The fundamental
endowment of the
individual and the
stimulation of experiences
received within the
environment of the family
come together to interact
in such a way as to
promote positive early
growth and development
in both the horizontal and
longitudinal planes;
#6. Later the influences of
extended family,
community, social group
assist in the growth
#7. The physical or
psychological trauma
related to disease, injury,
insufficiencies or
intrapersonal vulnerability
can interrupt the growth
and development process;
#8. These such “growth
interruption” will cause a
gap in the developmental
cycle resulting in disparity
between expected coping
behavior and adaptive
facility and the necessary
skills and abilities to
achieve same;
#9. The occupational
therapy through the
skilled application of
activities and relationship
can provide growth and
development links to
assist in closing the gap
between expectation and
ability by increasing skills,
abilities and relationships
in the areas of
development as indicated
both horizontally and
#10. The occupational
therapy through the
skilled application of
activities and relationships
can provide growth
experiences to prevent the
development of potential
maladaptation related to
insufficient nurturance in
the areas of development
both horizontally and
longitudinally. (Llorens,

PEO Model The Person-Environment- Optimal function or Identify occupational Consider multi-dimensional
Occupation (PEO) model is occupational performance strengths relationships P, E and O
a model that emphasizes performance results and challenges. that determine OP for
occupational performance from a good fit between Identify PEO supports creating change. Consider
shaped by the interaction the three components and barriers. Use changes at any or all levels.
between person, (P-E-O). Maximum fit client-centered tools
environment, and relates to optimal (client determines
occupation. The person occupational satisfaction with OP)
domain includes role, self- performance, whereas Temporal approach to
concept, cultural minimum fit relates to evaluate as OP is
background, personality, minimum occupational dynamic and changes
health, cognition, physical performance, hence over time
performance, and sensory dysfunction. Disability
capabilities. The can be associated with a
environmental domain minimum or poor
includes the physical, person-environment fit
cultural, institutional, rather than the
social, and socio- impairment itself.
economic environment.
The occupation refers to
the groups of tasks that a
person engages in and
meets his/her self-
maintenance, expression
and fulfillment. The three
domains are dependent
and affected by each
other. In this model, the
overlapping area of the
three domains shapes
occupational performance
dynamically, and also
represents the level of
congruence of the
interaction between the
person, environment and
occupation. With the
higher level of
congruence, the quality of
occupational performance
is increased and vice
versa. In addition, the PEO
model takes a lifespan
perspective and so all
three domains and
occupational performance
would change over life.
Therefore, this model can
be viewed as an
assessment tool to
understand and analyze
problematic areas that
affect clients’
occupational performance
or, as an intervention tool,
to improve clients’
occupational performance
by enhancing the
congruence of the three

Ecology EHP views contacts as the Interaction between Evaluate the client and Intervention is directed by
Transactional Model means used by a person person or context contacts, what the the client’s wants and
to view his or her task affects behavior and client considers a needs.
performance task performance meaningful task, his or
opportunities. her ability to engage in
those tasks, and the
tasks required for
successful role

Model of Human The Model Of Human In the function- Occupational After the initial screening
Occupation Occupation (MOHO) dysfunction continua, functioning and assessment, the
frame of reference in areas of concern related assessment is therapist will get the
occupational therapy is to occupational roles important to set information about the
based on theories and are discussed for meaningful goals. cause of occupational
assumptions given by the assessment, and After goals setting, dysfunction, due to which
Mary Reilly. The model of interventional planning. OTs can set an individual is not taking part
human occupation was An occupational intervention plan in his occupational roles.
initially based on function is based on according to the need Its duty of a therapist to
Occupational Behavior exploration, of an individual. find out the problem in
model (developed by competency, and subsystems of an open
Mary Reilly) and later on, achievement. While, Generally, OCAIRS system. i.e volition,
it was introduced to the occupation dysfunction (Occupational Case habituation, and
occupational therapy is based on inefficiency, Analysis Interview and performance. If there is a
profession by the Gary incompetency, and Rating Scale) can be problem in one of the
Kielhofner and Janice helplessness. used as an initial subsystem, for example in
Burke in 1980. screening of performance subsystem.
This model had Occupational occupational function. We know that
undergone continuous dysfunction is where This scale focuses on performance depends on
development since it’s the occupational the valued goals, the skills available or
starting. therapist has to work interest, performance, defect in skill. Skill
and root out the causes skills of an individual, impairment may occur to
of uninvolvement in and most importantly, any injury or problem in
occupation. is he/she satisfied or the musculoskeletal or
dissatisfied while neurologic system. The
Inefficiency – refers to performing activities. therapist will focus on the
the initial level of But there is no skill training and primary
occupational limitation for the goal will be to resume
dysfunction. This may assessment. his/her occupation.
cause due to Occupational Occupational therapists
dissatisfaction with therapist’s can also remediate occupational
performance after perform various other dysfunction by directly
applying meaningful scales after doing providing an occupation in
activity. the initial screening. which the person engages
Some scales are – as therapy, counseling, and
Incompetence – it may occupational problem solving with the
occur due to major loss performance history, person to identify and alter
or limitation of skills. An interview, interest a maladaptive occupational
Individual may checklist, ADL lifestyle, and facilitating
experience feelings of checklist, decision engagement in occupation
failure or making inventory, and by improving the fit
dissatisfaction. Due to so on. between the person and
which limitation can see his or her environment.
in an occupation as well
as in daily routine.

Helplessness – it is
characterized by a total
or near-total
disturbance in
occupational roles and
performance. This is
because of extreme
feelings of
ineffectiveness, anxiety,
depression, or all three.

Neurodevelopmental Theories include: Motor control involves Spasticity and Need to inhibit abnormal
Theory Neurology learning normal abnormal movement movement patterns and
Neurophysiology sensations of patterns that provide facilitate normal movement
Neuropsychology movement. Basic incorrect info to the through controlled sensory
stimuli. With the
Cognitive psychology postural control is CNS. Evaluate tone,
performance of normal
Motor control required before movement, patterns,
movement patterns, the
Movement sciences functional skills. postural control, brain learns or develops
vestibular and better motor control as it is
somatosensory receiving appropriate sensory
systems. stimuli. Prevent abnormal
movement patterns and
replace them with normal
patterns of three sensory
stimuli to facilitate a
developmental sequence of

Spatiotemporal Theories include: Development is Child’s drive to be Neuroplasticity can be

Adaptation Human development, influenced by effective results in a elicited through play
developmental theory, environmental purpose that elicits experience. The
neurological theory, stress experiences. There is a more complex environment and the child
you are you dynamic relationship movement patterns. should be endowed with a
between CNS Dysfunction damage sense of purpose so that a
development, behavior to the CNS results in child participates actively
and the environment. ineffective motor and without distress.
behaviors or
interactions with the
environment that shut
down the

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