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Aleksa Mikael E.


INSTRUCTIONS: Create an occupational profile based on the case that I will be giving you below. The occupational profile is a
summary of a client’s occupational history and experiences, patterns of daily living, interests, values, and needs. The information is
obtained from the client’s perspective and leads to an individualized, client-centered approach to intervention. Please use the given
format below for your occupational profile.

Mr. Hoang is a 58-year old Vietnamese man who has osteoarthritis in his hips and knees.  Four days ago he had a right, total hip
replacement. He has just been transferred from the acute care to the rehabilitation unit. He is able to weight bear on his right leg and
needs assistance with transfers due to his surgery and the OA in his knees.
His goals are related to independence primarily in self-care (bathing and dressing) and productivity. He has difficulty reaching his
feet, getting on and off the toilet and in/out of bathtub. He wants to get back to work ASAP as a delivery man for a local grocery store
because he is the main income earner for his family. In his job, he works six days for long hours. He must repeatedly get in and out of
his delivery minivan, carry packaged items, manage stairs etc. at client’s home/business. 


Reason the client He wants to get back to work ASAP as a delivery man for a local grocery store because
is seeking service he is the main income earner for his family. In his job, he works six days for long hours.
and concerns
related to
engagement in
Occupations in He is able to weight bear on his right leg.
which the client
is successful 
Personal interests
and values  He care and values his work and family.
Aleksa Mikael E. Navera

Occupational Mr. Hoang is a 58-year old Vietnamese man who has osteoarthritis in his hips and knees. 
History  He had a right, total hip replacement 4 days ago and has just been transferred from the
acute care to the rehabilitation unit.

Performance He is the main income earner in the family. Before his condition, he was a delivery man
Patterns  in a local grocery store. He had to work atleast 6 days with long hours.

What aspects of the client’s environments or contexts does he or she see as:
ENVIRONMENT                                    Supports to Occupational Engagement              Barriers to Occupational Engagement

Physical He is able to weight bear on his right leg. Mr. Hoang is a 58-year old Vietnamese
man who has osteoarthritis in his hips and
knees. He had a right, total hip
replacement which cause him to need
assistance with transfers due to his
surgery and the OA in his knees.

Social He is supported by his family. None

Cultural Mr. Hoang is Family Centred. He values his None

Aleksa Mikael E. Navera


Personal Mr. Hoang is a 58-year old Vietnamese man He temporarily cannot work and do his
who has osteoarthritis in his hips and knees.  job as a delivery man.

Temporal He wants to get back to work ASAP as a In his job, he works six days for long
delivery man for a local grocery store. hours. He must repeatedly get in and out
of his delivery minivan, carry packaged
items, manage stairs etc. at client’s
home/business. Since he still needs
assistance, this is his barrier.

Virtual None None

CLIENT GOALS Client’s priorities His goals are related to independence primarily in self-care (bathing and dressing) and
and desired productivity.

Please refer to the rubric below as your guide in answering the questions.
Aleksa Mikael E. Navera


Criteria Inadequate (Below Adequate (Meets Above Average Exemplary (Far Exceeds
Standard) Standard) (Exceeds Standard) Standard)
5% 7.5% 8.5% 10%
Organization Writing lacks logical Writing is coherent and Writing is coherent and Writing shows high
organization. It shows some logically organized. Some logically organized with degree of attention to
coherence but ideas lack points remain misplaced transitions used between logic and reasoning of
unity. Serious errors. and stray from the topic. ideas and paragraphs to points. Unity clearly leads
Transitions evident but create coherence. Overall the reader to the
not used throughout essay. unity of ideas is present. conclusion and stirs
thought regarding the
Level of Shows some thinking and Content indicates thinking Content indicates Content indicates
Content reasoning but most ideas are and reasoning applied original thinking and synthesis of ideas, in-
underdeveloped and with original thought on a develops ideas with depth analysis and
unoriginal. few ideas. sufficient and firm evidences original thought
evidence. and support for the topic.
Development Main points lack detailed Main points are present Main points well Main points well
development. Ideas are with limited detail and developed with quality developed with high
vague with little evidence of development. Some supporting details and quality and quantity
critical thinking. critical thinking is present. quantity. Critical support. Reveals high
thinking is weaved into degree of critical thinking.
Details and No use of specific examples; Little use of specific Some use of specific Large amounts of specific
Examples mostly generalized and with examples and details; examples and detailed examples and detailed
little detailed description. mostly generalized descriptions. May have descriptions.
examples and little extended examples that
description. go on for too long
Grammar Spelling, punctuation, and Most spelling, Essay has few spelling, Essay is free of distracting
and grammatical errors create punctuation, and grammar punctuation, and spelling, punctuation, and
Mechanics distraction, making reading correct allowing reader to grammatical errors grammatical errors;
Aleksa Mikael E. Navera

difficult; fragments, comma progress though essay. allowing reader to follow absent of fragments,
splices, run-ons evident. Some errors remain. ideas clearly. Very few comma splices, and run-
Errors are frequent. fragments or run-ons. ons.

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