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SPECIAL TOPICS IN Conducting Operational Analysis

Though it is often considered overly complex, operational
analysis is a relatively simple process that is well worth
the effort. Through a few manageable steps, companies
OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS can assess their productivity and reallocate investments
to ensure activities are in line with company strategy.
Operational Analysis is a method of examining the
current and historical performance of the operations and First and foremost, a schedule must be established. This
maintenance (steady state) investments and measuring schedule will outline the timeline and resources necessary
that performance against an established set of cost, for completing the operational analysis. This stage also
schedule, and performance parameters. includes the gathering of any necessary resources.

Next, information must be collected. Methods of data

collection vary depending on the operation being
assessed. However, in all cases, strategies and methods
ought to be outlined first and then adhered to during the
process. Also, all data collection ought to provide key
insights into actual performance in comparison with
strategic planning and performance goals.

Lastly, a gap analysis should be performed. This entails

identifying and reporting performance, cost, and benefits
based on an analysis of the actual performance data. This
Why is operational analysis important? should all be considered in comparison with company
goals. Such a comparison permits the company to
Operational analysis is conducted in order to understand determine the root causes behind any gaps. Then it
and develop operational processes. ... Ideally, a thorough becomes possible to determine what, if any, additional
operational analysis should seek to examine a number of functionality or resources are necessary in order to align
functional areas including strategic planning, customer actual performance with company performance goals.
results, and business results, financial performance, and
quality of innovation

Operational Analysis Goals

Operational analysis is conducted in order to understand Thorough operational analysis ought to address a few
and develop operational processes. Using various principal questions in its effort to ascertain if operations
mathematical models, statistical analyses, and logical are efficiently meeting strategic planning. The first key
reasoning methods, operational analysis aims to area to be considered is whether financial and resource
determine whether each area of the organization is investment is delivering planned output to the optimum
contributing effectively to overall performance and the consumer base.
furthering of company strategy.
Operational analysis can also determine if there is any
Most notably, operational analysis is a strategy that works existing need for additional investment in order to satisfy
to ensure that your operations plan is aligned customer demands, or if any other adjustments ought to
appropriately with your strategic planning. By examining be made, such as lowering prices for the same level of
the current performance of the operational portion of an services. Adjustments might also include considering
investment, and then measuring that against an shifts in resource allocation so as to ensure that planned
established set of performance parameters and goals, output is being produced at the lowest possible cost.
operational analysis can reveal company strengths and
weaknesses as well as any opportunities for
Operational analysis will also look closely at whether the
Ideally, a thorough operational analysis should seek to current level of financial and resource investment is
examine a number of functional areas including strategic sufficient to meet strategic goals. This process will look at
planning, customer results, and business results, financial how other similar businesses are accomplishing this work
performance, and quality of innovation. The objective of and determine if the company is working in the best,
this process should principally be to reassess existing most cost-efficient way. Operational analysis can
processes and determine how objectives might be better recommend areas where investment could be reallocated
met, how costs could be saved and even, on occasion, if a or streamlined, as well as areas of production that could
particular function is worth being performed. use additional resources.

In addition, an operational analysis will assess if there are

better or lower-cost ways of meeting customer needs,

aligning with company strategies, and achieving benefits.
This also entails looking closely at operations to
determine if any financial or resource investments could Types of Financial Analysis
be combined with others to more effectively meet
Types of financial analysis is analyzing and interpreting
strategic and organizational goals. In some cases,
data by various types according to their suitability and the
technology or other methods could be utilized to meet
most common types of Financial Analysis are:
strategic goals more efficiently or at lower cost.
Vertical Analysis, Horizontal Analysis, Leverage Analysis,
Growth Rates, Profitability Analysis, Liquidity Analysis,
Lastly, operational analysis investigates the financial Efficiency Analysis, Cash Flow, Rates of Return,
performance of the business, determining whether the Valuation Analysis, Scenario and Sensitivity Analysis,
cost of production is compatible with the performance And Variance Analysis.
numbers and meets strategic goals. Ideally, a thorough
examination of the business’s operational processes
ought to determine the financial success of the business, Horizontal Analysis
by considering whether the current investment is being
used effectively, to yield optimum results. This process Horizontal analysis interprets the change in financial
also entails considering corrective actions that will allow statements over two or more accounting periods based on
tasks to be performed effectively and within specified the historical data. It denotes the percentage change in
fiscal limits. This is achieved through cyclical appraisals the same line item of the next accounting period
for rationality and cost efficiency. compared to the value of the baseline accounting period.

Operational analysis is an efficient means of determining

if operational assets are contributing effectively to
performance and in alignment with strategic planning. In

● The efficiency of operations for the furthering of

company strategy can be established through a
few simple steps. Operational analysis primarily
involves the collection of information and the
analysis of that data. A comparative study ought
to be drawn up, comparing actual performance
with performance goals, so that a gap analysis
can be conducted, and adjustments may be
made. [Horizontal Analysis]
● Operational analysis looks closely at financial Measures the financial statements line of items with the
and resource investments and determines base year. That means it compares the figures for a given
whether adjustments must be made so that the period with the other period.
company’s strategic goals may be met in an
efficient, cost-effective manner.

● Operational analysis is also an excellent method

of assessing the financial performance of the
business, determining whether the cost of
production is compatible with performance Pros of H.A.
numbers and strategic goals.
It helps to analyze the growth of the company from year
on year or quarter on quarter with the increase in
FINANCIAL ANALYSIS operations of the company.

Financial Analysis means the analysis of the financial

statement to reach up to the productive conclusion, which Cons of H.A.
will help the investors and other stakeholders to maintain
their relationship with the company, and there are The company operates in the industrial cycle, and if the
various types that experts and analysts use to do a post- industry is downgrading in spite of the company is
mortem of financial statements. performing better, due to specified factors that affect the
industry, trend analysis will show negative growth in the

company. future and to check whether the company is able to
pay all the long-term liabilities and obligations. It
gives stakeholders confidence about the survival of
the entity with proper financial health.
Vertical Analysis
Solvency ratios like Debt-to-Equity ratio, Equity
Measures the line item of the income statement or
Ratio, Debt Ratio, etc. give a correct picture of the
balance sheet by taking any line item of financial
financial solvency and burden on the firm in the
statement as a base and will disclose the same in
form of external debts.
percentage form.

For example, in Income Statement, to disclose all the line

items in percentage form by taking base as Net sales

Likewise, in the Balance sheet on the asset side to disclose

all the line items in the percentage form of total assets.

Pros of V.A.

The vertical analysis helps in comparing the entities of

different sizes, as it presents the financial statements in
absolute form.

Cons of V.A. Profitability Analysis

It represents the data of a single period only, so miss Profitability financial analysis helps us understand
comparison across different time phase how the company generates

The investment decision is one of the most

important decisions to be taken by all the
Trend Analysis
businesspersons. The main aim of all the
investment decisions is to ensure the maximum
Trend analysis means
profit out of theidentifying
made in from
the project. In
multiple order
time periods
to verifyandthe plotting those
viability of the in a
decision, they
graphical carry
format such that actionable information
out profitability analysis, which will check the
could be derived.
rate of return in a given period. This will help the
investor in obtaining assurance of the safekeeping
of funds
Liquidity Analysis

The short-term analysis focus on routine expenses.

It analyses the short-term capability of the
company with respect to day-to-day payments of
trade creditors, short-term borrowings, statutory
payments, salaries, etc. Its main intent is to verify
the appropriate liquidity being maintained
thoroughly for the given period, and all the
liabilities are being met without any default.

The short-term analysis is carried out using the

technique of ratio analysis, which uses various
ratios like liquidity & Sensitivity
ratio, Analysis
current ratio, quick ratio,
In business, day in and day out, various changes keep on
coming. In addition, based on the economic outlook,
different kinds of changes in tax structures, banking
Solvency Analysis
rates, duties, etc. Each of these determinants highly
affects the financials; hence it is of utmost importance
The long-termthatanalysis is also termed
the treasury as Solvency
department does such sensitivity
analysis. The focus under
analysis this analysis
with respect to eachisfactor
to ensure
and try to analyze the
the proper solvency of the company in the near

effect of the same with the company financials.

Book Value may not be equal to fair value

Variance Analysis

Business runs on estimates and budgets; after the Sum of Parts

completion of transactions, it is of utmost importance to
check the variance in between budget and estimates with Divides the business into separate sun-entities (parts)
the actuals one. Such variance analysis will help in
Add the value of each part to find the total value
checking any loopholes in the process, and hence it will
help an entity to take corrective actions for avoidance of
the same in the future. Variance analysis can be carried
out by standard costing by technique, comparing
budgeted, standard, and actual costs.
FP&A Analysis

Every company will have its own financial planning and


(FP&A) department whose main work is to analyze the

internal organization’s various data points and to
construct the Management Information System (MIS),
which will be reported to top management. Such MIS
circulated by the FP&A department is of the highest
Valuation importance for the company as there will be both
published as well as unpublished information. Such
Valuation analysis is a process to estimate the
analysis helps top management to adopt strategies which
approximate value or worth of an asset, whether it’s a
will be preventive in nature and can help in avoiding any
business, equity, fixed income security, commodity, real
major setback.
estate, or other assets.

Financial analysis is nowadays considered as the main

ingredient in business activity; without this, to run a
Discounted Cash Flow business will turn out to be futile. Hence for every
organization, to do financial analysis is not only necessary
Present value of projected unlevered free cash flow but to handle the same diligently, and all the findings of
the analysis should get duly implemented.
Captures the “intrinsic value” of the business

Comparable Company Analysis

Based on the market trading multiples of comparable


Usually focuses on forward looking Profit/EBITDA/Cash


Comparable Transaction Comps

Based on multiple paid for comparable comp. assets in

sale transaction What is a Performance improvement plan?

Focus mainly on multiple of Historical A performance improvement plan is a document that lists
Profit/EBITDA/Cash Flow where an employee is falling short and what he can do to

For instance, the performance action plan may detail

Asset Valuation skills or training the employee lacks. Alternatively, it
could specify how the employee needs to change his
Based on fair value of individual assets

behavior. In either case, the PIP will clearly state the feedback. To make matters worse, most people believe
steps the employee needs to take to make the necessary that feedback is inaccurate. These factors combined mean
improvements. that employees often dismiss reviews and continue
performing exactly the same as before.

In contrast, PIPs provide employees with a clear idea of

The purpose and benefits of a performance where they are failing and what they need to do to
improvement plan improve. When framed the right "why", performance
improvement plans can even encourage employees to try
Why do employers use performance improvements plans
to resolve issues leading to poor performance when they
could simply fire the employee? There are actually several
benefits to using PIPs.
Performance improvement plan examples
1. Better company culture
After your initial conversation with the employee, his
Using PIPs promotes a sense of accountability. manager should draw up a draft performance
Employees know that they must meet expectations or face improvement plan and send it to HR for review. Here are
disciplinary action. a few performance plan examples you can use for your
own PIPs.
This contributes to positive company culture. Hard-
working employees feel appreciated, as they know that
everyone must pull their weight. Employees who are
struggling know that managers will support them if they #1 Example to improve customer service
fall behind, by providing them with actionable objectives.
Everyone better understands what is expected of them. Our first sample performance improvement plan is for
customer service. This kind of performance improvement
plan could be necessary if clients are complaining about
the attitude or support they receive from a particular
Bear in mind that you can use performance improvement employee.
plans for more than just problematic employees. A
performance improvement plan is also appropriate for Goal: The overall goal of such a PIP may be to improve
workers who want to move up in the company (but are interactions with clients.
unsure how to do so) as well as for employees who would
be a better fit for a different position — i.e. they would Objectives: Possible objectives to meet such a goal could
like to move laterally. be to see better customer retention or engagement.

In other words, PIPs help workers feel valued in the Action: To achieve the above objectives, the employee
company, as they know their employer will support them could work more closely with customers to resolve
to reach their long-term career goals. At the same time, problems or attend a customer service training session.
performance action plans allow companies to improve
Metrics: The most appropriate metrics would likely be
their workforce with better-motivated employees.
the customer churn rate or customer satisfaction score.

2. Save time and money

#2 Example to improve the low-quality of work
Every employer wants to minimize staff turnover, as this
In other situations, an employee may have little or no
saves time and money. Helping current employees
contact with customers, but he could still be delivering
improve their performance eliminates the expenses
poor-quality work in other ways.
associated with firing workers and searching for
applicants to fill positions. Goal: Improve the quality of work.
It also prevents the need to hold interviews and schedule Objectives: Meet deadlines or produce work that is free
training for new hires. Although the employee receiving a from errors.
PIP may need training, it will still be less training than
what a new worker would require. Action: The first objective is simple — the employees
need to miss no deadlines within the timeframe set out in
the PIP. The second objective requires collaboration with
a senior team member to check for errors and judge
3. More effective than reviews
whether the quality is acceptable.
Reviews rarely have consequences. Plus, some people
Metrics: Number of late deadlines and quality of work
react poorly to criticism, even when it is constructive
(the latter may be subjective).

State what would be acceptable performance and
compare this to what you are currently seeing from your
#3 Example for productivity employee. Be specific as to where exactly the employee is
falling short, including examples of behavior and
This next example is most suited to someone in a middle
management position. Let’s say that the employee is in
charge of growing a program by increasing the number of Instead of presenting an employee with a PIP
subscribers. After several months, there is minimal (if unexpectedly, have a meeting beforehand where you
any) change. discuss performance issues.
Goal: Grow program by X amount of subscribers. All parties (the manager, HR, and the employee) should
have the chance to provide input. You want the employee
Objectives: Increase the number of clients subscribed to
to feel engaged and committed to meeting targets.
the program and decrease the number of unsubscribes.
2. Create measurable objectives
Action: Improve campaigns, better advertise (or
increase) the benefits of the program, and implement a Use the SMART framework to define the objectives your
retention strategy. employee needs to meet. Determine how you will
measure success
Metrics: Subscriptions and unsubscribes.
You need to be sure that a PIP is worth the effort. Find
out what is causing the poor performance.
#4 Example for unprofessional behavior
It could be that the employee feels overwhelmed by
The last of our performance improvement plan samples is expectations at work or perhaps he is dealing with
for unprofessional behavior. This type of PIP could be personal problems you are unaware of. Alternatively, the
necessary for a variety of situations, ranging from problem may be that the employee has no interest in
mistreatment of subordinates or coworkers to persistent staying with your company in the long term.
lateness and unauthorized absences.

Goal: Cease behavior entirely

3. Define what support the employee will
Objectives: Arrive on time, treat others with respect, or receive
attend all required meetings.
List how the employee’s manager will help him reach the
Action: Only miss work when authorized for personal or PIP goal. This could include training, coaching, or using
medical reasons. Receive appropriate workplace behavior additional resources.
The whole point of a PIP is to help the employee improve
Metrics: Some behaviors are easily measurable (for to keep him on your team. Rather than expecting him to
instance, did the employee arrive no more than 5 minutes achieve the objectives alone, consider what he may be
late every day?) Other situations are more subjective. For lacking from you that could better his performance.
example, you may need to talk to subordinates who were
finding it difficult to work with the employee.
4. Draw up a schedule for check-Ins

Specify how often you will meet with the employee to

provide feedback. Create a calendar of check-ins.
How to write a performance improvement plan
It’s no use creating a PIP and then waiting until the
Now you know what your PIP needs to include and you’ve deadline to check the employee’s progress.
seen some examples. All that’s left is to put everything
Regular check-ins will allow the employee to voice any
together and start writing a performance improvement
doubts or difficulties. Plus, they will allow you to confirm
plan for a specific employee and issue.
that he is on the right track or if further action is
You’ll only receive the benefits of performance action necessary.
plans when you create effective PIPs.

5. State the consequences of a lack of

5 Steps to create a performance improvement improvement
plan that truly works
Make it clear what the consequences are if the employee
1. Determine acceptable performance fails to meet the improvement goal.

By this point, you should know why you want to use a Being positive.
PIP, how to create a performance plan for your unique
situation, and what exactly to include. There is still one Go to work every day with a great attitude. Don’t let small
thing left: your employee needs to know how to respond challenges get you down.
and pass the PIP. Share the following advice with your
employee to ensure that the process runs as smoothly as

It is critical that your employee doesn’t perceive the PIP A PIP is a great strategy to retain an employee whose
as a sign he will soon be fired. performance has been lacking recently but who does have
the potential and motivation to remain a strong team
Remember to talk about where he is excelling and make it
clear that you want to see him improve. Set a goal the
employee feels confident he can achieve Whether you are the employer or the worker, you should
never see a performance improvement plan as a
and that will be beneficial to everyone.
superficial step before termination. Rather, it should be a
useful tool to transform a struggling employee into a
valuable asset for the company.

How to respond to and survive a performance

improvement plan

As an employee, you need to know how to get past a

performance improvement plan and gain something
positive from the experience.

How to respond to a performance improvement


Your manager should have set performance objectives

that are reasonable and attainable. Now it’s up to you to
decide whether these targets are worthwhile. If you are
uninterested in staying at the company for much longer,
you can save everyone time and stress by starting a search
for a new job instead.

If you do decide that your job is worth keeping (which

should be the case the majority of the time), try to see the
PIP positively. Consider it useful feedback to help you
learn and grow both within the company and in your
career as a whole.

How to survive a performance improvement plan

The next step is to survive your performance

improvement plan and come out as a better-qualified,
more valuable worker. This involves:

Making your job a priority.

Avoid staying out late on work nights, accept all the

optional invitations to work events, and spend your time
at work on job-related activities only.

Seeking help when you need it.

A PIP is often an indication that your company believes

you are worth having as an employee. Talk to your
manager or HR if you are unclear about anything.


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