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this discussion, the existence of the law depends on

Legal Positivism the social fact and depends on the presence of

certain structures of governance.
So from the natural school of thought, we are going
to discuss the next most prominent school of thought So what are the social facts and structures being
which is called the positivist school or legal referred to here?
positivism. So in this particular school of thought is a This refers to the legislative structure of a particular
reaction against the natural law theory. In definitions society. So
of legal positivism.
Legal Positivism Defined (2): What laws are in force
Legal positivism Defined (1): is the thesis that the in that system depends on what social standards its
existence and content of law depends on social facts officials recognize as authoritative; for example,
and not on its merits. So the English jurist John legislative enactments, judicial decisions, or social
Austin formulated it, thus the existence of law is one customs. The fact that a policy would be just, wise,
thing, its merit and demerit another. Whether it be or efficient, or prudent is never sufficient reason for
be not is one enquiry. Whether it be or be not thinking that it is actually the law, and the fact that it
comformable to an assumed standard, is a different is unjust, unwise, inefficient or imprudent is never
enquiry. sufficient reason for doubting it. According to
positivism, law is a matter of what has been posited
The positivist thesis does not say that law’s merits (ordered, decided, practiced, tolerated, etc). Austin
are unintelligible, unimportant, or peripheral to the thought the thesis “simple and glaring”. While it is
philosophy of law. It says that they do not determine probably the dominant view among analytically
whether laws or legal systems exist. Whether a inclined philosophers of law, it is also the subject of
society has a legal system depends on the presence competing interpretations together with persistent
of certain structures of governance, not on the extent criticisms and misunderstandings.
to which it satisfies ideals of justice, democracy, or
the rule of law. So for positivists, the law is what is posited, so kaya
yun positivism, that is the root word for positivism.
Okay so when we talk about positivism, they are So what does the verb posit mean? It means to put
trying to distinguish the discussion between what the in place or put in position. So that means for
law is and what the law should be kasi if you notice positivists, the law is something that was put in to
in the natural law theory, the naturalists keep relating place or position so okay the law is put into place by
the law to a particular moral standard. For example, what? It is put into place by social facts, structures,
for the greeks, the law should make the citizens and standards. So different societies have difference
happy, so happiness. For Acquinas, the law must be structures, standards, and social facts. Pero in most
reasonable however for positivists such as John modern societies, this particular standards refers to
Austin, he states that before we talk about what the the legislative branch of government. For example,
law should be, let’s focus on what the law is right if you analzye the new civil code under the positivist
now. So, ang language kasi ng natural law is dapat theory, the civil code is law from the simple fact that
ganito dapat ganyan, but instead of talking about it is passed by legislation. Similarly, the RPC is a law
anong dapat sa batas, pag-usapan natin ano ang by the fact that it was passed by legislation. So yung
batas. So, that’s basically what legal positivism is. positivist, gusto nila ilabas muna yung conversation
na kung masama or mabuti ba ang isang batas or
The discussion of the current state of the law is isang particular provision of law. Hindi muna yan
according to positivists, the proper subject of pag-usapan for them. That’s why it is said here that
Philosophy of Law. It should not about the merits of the fact that a policy would be just, wise, efficient, or
the law. So the positivists do not want to focus on prudent, is never sufficient reason for thinking that it
the discussion of whether a law is good or bad. They is actually the law. So even something that is just,
just want to focus on what the law is, so looking at wise, efficient, and prudent, if it’s not passed by
legislation, then that is not law. And the alternate of For example, sa doggies, there’s a theoretical
that the fact that a law unjust, unwise, and inefficient, example, the name of the law is republic act YYY, so
or imprudent, is never sufficient reason for doubting this is how political criterion test of the postivist
it. That means just because a law for positivists, that apply. So if you ask the positivist, “is republic act
it is unwise, unjust, and unreasonable, it does not YYY valid?” so the positivist will tell you that if RA
erase the fact that it is law if it’s passed by legislation YYY passed through congress and it followed the
and if it is not repealed by legislation. So for the required constitutional procedures such as multiple
positivist, just because the law is bad, let’s not make readings, then YYY is valid. But if it did not pass
it any less of a law. through the constitutionally approved procedures, or
there is a fatal effect on the procedure, then YYY is
So this is the discussion of the author Tabucanon. A not a law. So, its validity depends on whether or not
different discussion but same principle. So legal it passes the standard required by Philippine political
positivism defined (3), also known as “classical legal structure, again that’s the legislative department. So
thought, is the opposite of natural law theory. While that is the political criterion test.
the latter anchors a law’s worth on its compliance
with moral standards, legal positivism regards a So for naturalists, it’s a natural law just to distinguish
law’s validity by its social convention i.e. law as them, this is how the moral criterion test applies. So
posited by society and not by absolute ideas of if you ask the naturalist or the natural law thinker, is
morality or notions of justice. For a legal positivist, a republic act YYY valid, the naturalist will tell you that
law is law when it is backed by coercive power of the if YYY promotes the common good, it promotes
state. Law is a component of society’s larger political happiness of the citizen, it is reasonable, it conforms
framework; it is a political or social creation. This is to the morality and natural law, then RA YYY is valid.
the “political criterion” test of legal positivism;
whereas natural law conforms to the “moral criterion”

So let’s try to analyze, so it says here that positivism

is the opposite of natural law theory and next it says
that the validity of law depends on its compliance
with social convention. Again, in the Philippine
context, the law is the law because it follows the
social convention of being passed through the
legislative process so that’s the modern society on
how laws are passed. It also says here that the law
involved the coercive power of the state, of course,
if you do not follow the law then there is a particular
sanction but much important in this paragraph i think
is the mention of political criterion test of legal
positivism, in contrast to the moral criteria test of
natural law. So for political criteria test, that means a
law is a true law if it meets the required standard by
the political structure of a particular society. Again,
hindi siya all the time legislative kasi for example, This is valid. However, in contrast, if RA YYY does
tribal societies,, that’s not exactly followed yung not promote the common good, causes unhappiness
legislative department. But when we talk about the to the citizens, or is not reasonable or does not
moral criterion test, this means that a law is a true conform to the principles of morality then RA YYY is
law if it meets the standard of natural law. not law. For Naturalist, the validity depends on
whether or not it passes the standards of morality
and natural law. So that is moral criteria test.
lose, that's how positivist see the law. So for them,
I just put up this picture. So to evoke that imagery, unlike naturalist, uh, you follow the law because it's
again, that philosophy employs it's, it's like a the law period. Hindi ka na magtanong, Does it
conversation, so for example, Naturalist has promote the common good? Does it make people
comments about the law. happy? For them, the approach in studying law
should not be like that you just need to focus on the
Plato, just like when you gather with your friends, law and not what is ought to be. You know, the law
there's a particular topic and there's a back and forth is the law, just as basketball, there are rules and you
exchange of ideas. So the first to comment about law just need to follow them know.
is really the, the Greeks, the natural law
philosophers, then eventually, there’s this So for positivist, uh, strict study of law as it is,
disagreement coming from the Positivist. So if means you do not ask this or question it, you just
there’s a discussion, and someone criticizes you, know, or you just study what has been placed by a
you do not just take it lying down. legislation or posited by legislation.

So pag may mag kontra sa ‘yong idea, you’ll also So in contrast to the overlap thesis mentioned in
have a reply. So later on, we will see that, the natural natural law, the positivist have what is known as
list also have something to say against the Positivist. SEPARABILITY THESIS. (from Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy.)

So severability basis, as explained by Tabucanon:

The examples given by Tabucanon here are,

versions of law that have nothing to do with
morality. For example, opposite driver seat, that
One way of understanding LEGAL POSITIVISM is
by using this analogy, Bernardo, and even some of has nothing to do with reasonable, common good,
the original philosophers in positivism uses the nothing to do with morality. That those laws can exist
independent of, morality, or even if there's no
analogy of a sports game. Sports game, let's just
overlap with a natural law
take a common example, basketball game. In
basketball, that if you shoot the ball beyond the three
point line, then you score three points, you do not So if we can attempt to visualize the overlap thesis
question anymore” Bakit three points? Bakit hindi we can also attempt to visualize the separatability
two?” they cannot question “Gawin kaya nating 2.5?”
“Why three? Is that fair?” of course, no one does

And you do not need to assess the rules. You just

need to know that the rules are there. They're
posited, they're placed into position, and you play
the game according to the rules. It's either win or
seat placement). Therefore, according to this
commentator, it is also possible to hypothesize that
there can be an entire legal system that really does
not have any overlap with morality.


So John Austin is the philosopher that is open

credited to be the father of the Positivist school of

We use the similar figures in overlap thesis, but take

note of letter D, because in overlap thesis, the
preferable figure is letter B because there's a strong
overlap between moral principles and law. But for It is relatively simple, in positivism:
positivist, all those models are valid. “What is the law? Eh di yung gipasa ng Congress.”
“Mahasulan sila sa mga Natural Law Philosophers,
Take note of this: The positivist do not say that na mag consider pa sa reasonable, utopia, common
the law is not influenced by morality. They, they good.”
know that, uh, there are times that morality really
influences the law. It's just that for positivist they It’s simplicity gives it an evocative power that
do not attribute the existence of law to its contributes to adapt to that period. So it's a relatively
overlap with morality. simple way of engaging with the law.

Excerpts of the original work of John Austin, entitled

Province of Jurisprudence Determined.

So for a naturalist, Figure B is the ideal situation, but

for positivist, all of these figures are acceptable. Like
for Figure A, they accept that sometimes there's
overlap with natural law and jural law. For B, that
happens C it happens, but the difference is figure D Take note: This list is not the kinds of law for John
it is possible for a law to exist, even if it has no Austin. What he is trying to show here is these are
relation to common good, even if it has no the several usages of the word law in the English
relation to morality. language. So this is not the types of law. This is how
we encounter the terms like a law or rules or

So it is possible to conceive of a particular law that

does not have anything to do with morality (i.e. driver
this species constitute of what is usually
Gi classify niya into four. For Austin, only the second termed ‘INTERNATIONAL LAW’.
item should be considered as the topic of Philosophy
of law; yung positive laws lang. Again, positive in the So, when we talk about METAPHORICAL
sense that it is posited or placed by legislation. So, AND FIGURATIVE LAW, as encountered in
the rest are phrases that properly use the word law. English Language. Their relation to law is a
very slender and remote analogy to three
Lets go to number three: laws. So sinabi dito, laws of fashion.
For example, according to Coco Chanel, if
Rules of Positive morality cannot be considered law you're a lady there's this rule in fashion that
for the following reasons: before you leave the house, you take one
● Positive moral rules which are laws accessory para elegant. Para di overkill ang
improperly so called, may be styled laws or OOTD mo. So, in formal conversation, say
rules set or imposed by opinion; for they are this is a law on fashion, but again this is a
merely opinions and sentiments held or felt remote and slender analogy of the law. It's
by men in regard to human conduct. the term. This is an example of a LAW
(Positive Moral Rules): that is to say, such of METAPHORICAL AND FIGURATIVE
the laws or rules set by men to men as are SENSE. Concepts like this are excluded
not armed with legal sanctions; or such of from the study of law.
those laws or rules as are not positive laws,
or are not appropriate matter for general or Here is another example of
particular jurisprudence. METAPHORICAL OR FIGURATIVE LAW.
This is from One More Chance. An ICONIC
So laws of moral conduct are not considered PIECE OF PHILIPPINE CINEMA (char). So
‘laws’ in the true sense of the word. We yung rule na makipag break ka daw, dapat
sometimes say that they're laws in English bigyan mo ng three months bago ka
conversation language but they are merely maghanap ng bago. Of course, that is
opinions and sentiments. The implication metaphorical or figurative laws or rules. It has
here that morality can be subjective and just nothing to do with law or it should be
based on opinions and sentiments. So, excluded from the study of law.
statements that involve positive moral rules
are merely opinions. Statements such as : So, for Austin, a DIVINE LAW should also be
- HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY excluded in the strict science of jurisprudence.
- CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO Austin did not define divine law as nonsense or
GODLINESS without use. It's just that he believes that the topic of
So, of course Austin makes it clear; that is not the divine law should fall under the science of legislation.
law we are talking about. More on that later-

So now let’s go to LAWS METAPHORICAL AND But bakit niya pa kailangan i discuss ito na obvious
FIGURATIVE; ang number four earlier. man na hindi- yung laws of fashion- that's not part of
● Laws metaphorical or figurative, or merely Positive Law?
metaphorical or figurative, are law improperly
so called. A law metaphorical or figurative Because for positivists, there was a great confusion
and a law imperative and proper are allied by of the term law by the Naturalists. So dili na mag ka
analogy merely; and the analogy by which dimao. Kay may dalawa sila- jural law and non jural
they are allied is slender and remote. law. So, in Philosophy of law during that time; the
Instances of such a use of the term ‘law’ are language was very confusing. That's why in the
the expressions- ‘THE LAW OF HONOR’, opening of this book or work- John Austin made it
’THE LAW SET BY FASHION’ and rules of
clear that we are only talking about positive law a wish. Sabihin mo yung gusto mo paired with a
(wala ng iba)- there was a statement of the obvious. sanction or an immediate evil (or punishment if hindi
sinunod ang gusto mo). The law does not just say it
So this is one of the important concepts of positivism wishes for the citizens. It also accompanies what it
as set forth by John Austin. wishes with a SANCTION, FINE, or
For the essential difference of a positive law (or the IMPRISONMENT. It is this coercive force of law that
difference that severs it from a law which is not a helps law secure a position in society and part of
positive law) may be stated generally in the following social reality. The legislature cannot just say what it
manner: wishes for the citizens or how it wants the citizens to
act. It also needs to impose punishment and it is the
Every positive law or every law simply and strictly so EXECUTIVE department that enforces these
called, is set by a sovereign person, or a sovereign commands and sanctions.
body of persons, to a member or members of the
independent political society wherein that person or Those are the basics of John Austin.
body is supreme. Or (changing the phrase) it is set
by a monarch, or sovereign me☐number, to a person or HANS KELSEN: THE PURE THEORY OF LAW
persons in a state of subjection to its author.
Hans Kelsen was an Austrian jurist, legal
Again, in the Philippine context, when we talk about philosopher, and political philosopher. Also, one of
the sovereign body of persons, this refers to the the authors of the AUSTRIAN CONSTITUTION. His
LEGISLATURE. But in positivism, the element of most influential work is THE PURE THEORY OF
COERCION is also very important. So, the executive LAW. We will take a few excerpts from that.
department also plays a role in positing or According to Kelsen,
positioning the law. Although it is the legislative that
makes the law, the executive ENFORCES the law. The postulate to differentiate law and morals,
It is a branch of government that applies FORCE so jurisprudence and ethics, means this: from the
that the law is feared and citizens are SUBJECTED standpoint of scientific cognition of positive ethics, its
to it. justification by a moral order different from the legal
order, ir irrelevant, because the task of the science
So, as mentioned by Austin: of law is not to approve or disapprove its
Every law or rule (taken with the largest signification subject, but to know and describe it.
which can be given to the term properly) is a True, legal norms, as prescriptions of what ought to
command. Or rather, law or rules, properly so called, be, constitute values; yet the function of the science
are a species of commands. Being liable to evil from of law is not the evaluation of its subject but its free
if I comply not with a wish which you signify, I am description. The legal scientist does not identify
bound or obliged by your command, or I lie under a himself with any value, not even with the legal value
duty to obey it. If, in spite of that evil in prospect, I he describes.
comply not with the wish which you signify, I am said
to disobey your command, or to violate the duty to So, one who is engaged with the study of law is not
which it imposes. supposed to approve or disapprove it but just to
know or describe it. For positivists, if you're going to
When I am talking immediately of evil itself, I employ study the law, no comments on whether it's good or
the term SANCTION. The evil to be incurred being bad or whether it's valuable or not. Your task as
signified directly once the obnoxiousness to that evil someone who studies the law is just to know it and
with the expression or inclination of the wish are describe it.
indicated indirectly. OLD ENGLISH, let's simplify: Scientists when they observe under a microscope,
he writes his observations. Sa microscope, wala na
So basically, for him, the law is a command. So, man comments ang scientist na this is for the
when you say a command, there is an intimation of common good, this is reasonable, this is evil. He just
writes his findings. So for positivists like Kelsen, positivism is the opposite of Natural Law Theory. So
ganun din dapat yung Philosophy of Law. As a let's go to the specifics of that. The main criticism of
scientist of law, you're only supposed to describe it- positivist’s School of Thought against a Naturalist is
not to assess it, not to approve or disapprove of it. that, Naturalist commits what is known as the “is-
–----------------------------------------------KATE END—-- ought” fallacy. And the common comments that legal
----------------------------------------------- positivists say that the law is the law, even though
it's immoral, and they posit that its legal requirement
Not to make us a scientist of law, you’re only is what makes the law a true law, should not be
supposed to describe it, not assess it or approve or confused with its moral requirement. Legal positivist
disapprove of it.Ok. If you're following the lecture, look at natural law as confusing between the laws
out of all the schools of thought, although dalawa meeting the requirement and its compliance
lang naman yung diniscuss natin so far, the requirements.
operating philosophy the Ateneo de Davao College
of Law is really a positivist school of thought. So Jeremy Bentham, a legal positivist cites that is-ought
actually ganito lang ang thinking natin noh? fallacy and our view on the law as it should be
distinguished from the law as it should be, the
As a student, your task is to know the law and to proposition that a law is valid it's not the same as the
describe it. As a student, you're not asked for your one who ought to obey it. Food is food whether it is
opinion or your input whether you think the law is well or badly prepared and its existence, I.e. that it is
good or bad. Most of the time and you are not going not the same as one ought to eat it. Ok so it's one
to be asked that , you're not going to be asked of thing to describe what the law should be and what
your opinion. It's not because Ateneo is hostile to the law is. This fallacy occurs in the works of
such discussion , it's because we don't have the Naturalist when they try to interchange and
luxury of time. Kasi four or five years is a short period discussion of what the law is and what the law ought
to know the law. And you're going to be prepared for to be. For example when we go back to our previous
the bar exam. And hindi naman magtanong yun sa discussion on natural law philosophers, like for
bar exam if you think this law is reasonable or do example si Thomas aquinas sabi nya na “ A law that
you think this law is good , walang ganyan na is unjust law is not a law”. For positivists, they find
question noh? So parang positivist talaga ang that statement confusing. Kung ang just law hindi
underlying philosophy of at least most of Philippine sya law, eh ano sya, just a bunch of words? What is
law schools. You just have to know the law and it trying to say when Sir Thomas said that an unjust
describe it and know how to apply it. law is not a law. If there's a particular law that is
unjust, then what is it? So parang ganun confusing,
This is different in American schools, like in the US ang language na yun is confusing. Again because
they value more like hindi naman sila pabonggahan the naturalists keep on switching between is and
ng scores noh? They value more the public service ought. So, parang sabi ng positivist, baka eto yung
in their law school. They value the practicum more, sabi ni St Thomas Aquinas yung gusto yang sabihin
like for example Obama, he was known in his law na an unjust law is law but a law ought to be just.
school, not because he is a top notcher kasi wale From this initial phrase, he separates nya into 2
naming ganun sa US, but because I think he was the phrases noh. Less confusing and more
class president, he was the head of their publishing grammatically correct let's not confuse is and ought.
in their legal publication, so Iba ang kanilang So that's the frustration of the positivist with a
attitude. I just noticed noh basta law school ano naturalist. For them don't tell us what the law ought
talaga positivist. No other comments from the to be and tell us what the law is, that should be the
students, basta alamin yung law then tapos na. concern in the first place, so ayawg ingna kung unsa
ang dapat sa balaod , ing na kung unsa ang balaod.
OK so we're going back to these two philosophers, That is the ought fallacy kasi naturalists tend to
we're going to discuss positivism as criticism against interchange the two concept together that is how the
Natural Law Theory. I mentioned earlier that fallacy is committed.
according to this commentator, Austin produces a
So going back to the work of John Austin, he did not clear way of thinking about the law by creating the
discredit the principle of natural law, it's just that for science of legislation and jurisprudence.
him, we have to organize how we approach law . For Furthermore Austin wanted to show that we can
him there should be a distinction between the make sense of the law on its own and we don't have
science of legislation and the science of to derive our logic from natural law. The law can
jurisprudence. And going back to John Austin, that make sense even if you don't have to bring God into
the department of science of ethics which is the discussion. It is logical and it's own. So this is
concerning especially with positive law as it ought to related to criticism against naturalists. Again there is
be is styled the science of legislation; that the a lack of precision in the language of natural law
department of the science of ethics which is theory. The positivists are concerned in the Natural
concerning especially with positive morality as it Law Legal Theory, there’s always this back and forth
ought to be, has hardly gotten a name perfectly between jural law and natural law. This can be
appropriate and distinctive. Now, though the science confusing to the readers. So Austin says that I
of legislation , or positive law as it ought to be, is not determined positively what that matter is, and I
the science of jurisprudence(or positive law as it is) distinguish it from various objects which are
still the sciences are connected by numerous and variously related to it, and with which is not
indissoluble ties. So the study of what the law ought infrequently blended and confounded.
to be should be relegated to the science of
legislation. Of course from the term itself science of And regard that earlier as John Austin clarified noh
legislation means it is the concern of the legislature. na positive law hindi to yung law of passion, laws of
So kung anong dapat sa batas, what the law ought morality hindi to metaphorical or figurative laws.
to be, give that problem to the congressmen, give Again this is all, and similarly John Austin also
that problem to the legislative council, kasi their separated, wants to separate the study of legislation
concern is the science of legislation. and the study of jurisprudence. Again his goal here
is to really clear up the confusion in the language.
It's also the concern of science of ethics but the The dominance of the natural law’s School of
discipline of knowing what the law is should be Thought got a lot of confusion, that's why they want
relegated to the science of jurisprudence so this to focus on the positive law. That is his reaction to
refers to the study of the law as what it is at the the confusion in laws noh. Ok so let's now go to, next
present moment, so kung ano ang batas sa ngayon criticism against naturalists and this is the more
or what the law is right now, that is the concern of important or incisive criticism of when we talk of
the students, that is a concern of the lawyers. So morality, morality is subjective and therefore it does
gusto nya no ni John Austin, I-seperate nya para not make sense to make morality the basis of law or
hindi confusing ang language. So there has to be have the law overlapped with morality.
this distinction so that the thinkers will not commit
that is-ought fallacy. END

According to the Scottish philosopher named (?) the

analytical positivist influenced by those methods still
Positivism as a Critique to Natural Law Theory
affirmed the Australian belief that law can and ought
to be made the subject of study separately from And therefore, it does not make sense to make morality
morals that can be seen as a system or rules with the basis of law or require the law to have a strong overlap
the logic of its own capable of more satisfactory with morality or natural laws. A substantial portion of
elucidation than heretofore; and that the methods of Kelsen’s work, the Pure Theory of Law, discusses this
linguistic analysis pursued by the philosophers can criticism: “In view of the heterogeneity, however, of what
be employed in jurisprudence to clear up many men in fact have considered as good or evil, just or unjust,
puzzles which have troubled legal theorist; and to at different times and in different places, no element
produce clear thinking for lawyers generally. So
common to the contents of various moral ordered is things from a certain framework of assessment. So, if
detectable. (Hans Kelsen, Pure Theory of Law)” you’re going to make a judgment that a law is bad, you
can only make a judgment from your point of view as a
“For if one does not presuppose an a-priori, that is Christian, as a secular moralist, as an Atheist, etc. There’s
absolute, moral value, one is unable to determine what no such thing as an absolutely bad law or an absolutely
must be considered good and evil, just and unjust, under good law because as Kelsen says, the validity of a positive
all circumstances. And then, undeniably, also that which legal order cannot depend on its conformity with
the mentioned coercive order commands may be someone’s system kasi iba-iba naman tayo. So that’s his
considered as good and just, and that which it prohibits as positivist criticism of natural law theory.
evil and unjust, so that this order to too is- relatively-
moral and just. All moral orders only have one thing in When we talk about morality, that’s always subjective.
common: namely, that they are social norms, that is, Okay so let’s go to current events to conceptualize the
norms that order a certain behavior of men- directly or discussion. You’ve heard of the news, yung from
indirectly- towards other men. All possible moral systems a suspected killer’s fans are still promoting
have in common their form, the “ought”; they prescribe him only after a local politician and two others were
something, they have normative character.” We gunned down in the Philippines. All supporting the
mentioned this before when we discussed morality that suspect continued to gain traction in social media. This is
religion is heterogenous- iba-iba ang religions sa basically the headlines in the news nung may pinatay sa
Philippines. And in turn, religious morality is also Ateneo de Manila during a law school graduation. Former
heterogeneous, similarly Kelsen made the observation mayor of the city of Lamitan in the Philippines was
that there is great heterogeneity on what men consider as attending her daughter’s graduation when she died on July
good and evil. There is no single a-priori statement that is 24, a man shot and killed her and two others at the
common across all different senses of morality. So, graduation ceremony at Ateneo de Manila University’s
walang one statement or particular conclusion that all School of Law. The shooting suspect was identified as
religions and all senses of secular morality around the Chao-Tiao Yumol, a doctor from Lamitan and a micro
world have in common. The only thing that’s common influencer who used his verified profile on Facebook
and observable across all different senses of morality is where he had about 60,000 followers at the time to discuss
that religions have different senses of morality and they politics. In the immediate wake of the shooting, Yumol’s
all have a theme that tend to direct how people treat each Facebook page gained nearly 13,000 new followers
other. So the postulate make under the according to reports from local outlet, Rappler. And it
became the hub of comments, many of the people praising
“The postulate made under the supposition of a relativistic the shooting and sympathizing with Yumol’s decision. So
theory of value, to separate law and morals and therefore you’ve heard of this naman siguro no, yung doctor na
law and justice, merely means this: (1) if a legal order is assassin sa college of law, he has many sympathizers. So
judged to be moral or immoral, just or unjust, these why am I bringing this up? It’s like ano kasi, that story is
evaluations express the relation of the legal order to one like a darker version of the story of Antigone. Kasi, dba
of many possible moral systems but not to “the” moral remember sa story of Antigone, she defied jural law for
and therefore constitute only a relative, not absolute, the sake of greater reality which is the natural law. So, for
value judgment; and (2) the validity of a positive legal naturalists, hero si Antigone kasi gidefy niya ang jural law
order does not depend on its conformity with some moral for natural law. But that story seems to imply that if a
system.” What he’s trying to say here is that you’re going person believes a law is unjust, then you are free to violate
to make a particular moral judgment against a particular it. Yun yung parang another implication of that story-
law, you can only assess the morality of law from a certain human law must always yield to natural law. Ito naman sa
moral system and you can never analyze it under “the” story ni Yumol, he was steadfast in his decision to kill
moral system kasi there’s no such thing as “the”' moral those people kasi he believed that it was for the greater
system. There’s no universal sense of morality, and good. Kasi he did it against the corrupt local government
therefore, whatever judgment we can make against a law, officials; and he had supporters no, supporting his act of
there can never be an absolute conclusion. So when we killing those people. Yun yung interpretation ni Yumol ng
discuss relativity, it is said that you can only judge certain natural law eh- kasi yung pagpatay niya doon sa mga tao
na yun, he said he was doing it for the greater good. He So, the natural thesis can be sustained if the law’s
violated jural law in order to fulfill his pursuit of natural characteristic activity is to provide dictates that are
law, the greater good of his local community something. rational standards for conduct and that it provides these
So it’s really like a darker version of the story of Antigone dictates as a means to and because they are means to
no, anyway that’s just my personal reflection. Pero ito realizing social order. Thus, we should say that it is the
yung basis ng criticism ng positivist na if you’re going to lost characteristic activity to provide dictates back by
violate jural law, for the sake of natural law or a greater compelling reasons for action and that the law fails to do
reality, then magkaiba-iba naman tayong lahat ng sense of so is a defective law.
greater reality, so how does that make sense? Morality is
very subjective. And if you’re going to inculcate in the
The natural thesis can be sustained if the law’s
people’s minds that “ah sige, okay lang mag violate ng
characteristic activity is to provide dictates that are
human law in the name of natural law, then it can lead to
rational standards for conduct and that it provides these
unexpected consequences like yung nangyari sa ADMU
dictates as a means to and because they are means to
no. Kasi for him, tama man ang ginawa niya. And in that
realizing social order, thus we should say that it is the
sense, yielding to the greater principle of justice. But
law’s characteristic activity to provide dictates back by
anyway, ginarelate ko lang. Just take note na that’s one of
compelling reasons for action and that the law fails to do
the criticisms of the positivist to the natural law view. You
so is a defective law.
know, our sense of morality is subjective and it’s very
unreliable. Di natin pwede pilitin na magoverlap and law
and morality kasi morality is extremely subjective. We mentioned in the earlier part of this course
that order is one of the aim of the law. So, one of the
purpose of law is the goal of social order. So sagot ng
naturalist sa positivist na, if you want social order to be
Defenses of Natural Law Theory
achieved, you have to make it understood to the citizens
what are the principles behind the law and usually which
As I said before, Philosophy is like a conversation. If
someone speaks against you, of course you reply no? principles have something to do with morality. Kase, for
Maraming mga negative comments ang positivists sa positivist diba, dura lex sed lex. Okay, andyan yung law
naturalists, so it also follows na mag reply din yung mga so sundin mo lang. And follow the law regardless if you
naturalists. Of course, sila Plato, sila Aristotle, sila St. think it is good or bad. So the naturalist reply, if you want
Thomas Aquinas, they cannot reply to the criticisms social order and if you want people to follow the law, you
anymore for the simple fact that they are already long cant just say to them na okay yan yung gipasa ng
dead when the positivist school of thought came about. legislation so sundin mol ng noh? You still have to show
So, these defenses come from the students of natural law to them that the law promotes happiness, the law
legal theory or the modern philosophers that still prescribe promotes social good like the Greeks wanted it, you still
in the natural law theory. So, what are some of the have to show to them that the law is reasonable just like
defenses of the naturalists against the criticism of Aquinas wanted it because if people understand the law
positivism? they are more inclined to follow it. Then at the end of the
day, there will be more social order. It is crucial to explain
to people the moral principle behind the law. People
WHAT ARE THE DEFENSES BY THE follow the law if they understand the moral principles. Di
Second, natural law principles are the creative force of
First, the incorporation of natural law is crucial for the law.
promoting social order.
Okay, the first defense is that: The incorporation This is taken from Scottish philosopher, Patton.
of natural law is crucial for promoting social order. This
is from the Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Law.
make sense? So because of those decisions that make
exceptions to the general rule then the body of law also
grows. So, in that sense, natural law is the creative force
that helps the positive law grow. Patton commented that
proud daw mga students ni Austin kase organize sila noh.
Eto yung natural law, eto yung positive law. And that the
law has an internal logic that is independent of morality.
But Patton says that the law does not exist for the sake of
consistency. Consistency is desirable but it must yield to
one purpose of law which is justice. So sometimes when
we look at the law it really is not consistent in the sense
na may general law, may exception tapos yung exception
may exceptions to the exceptions. So, for criticism ni
Patton, yung positivist they are obsessed with ordering the
law na dapat ganito na dapat ganyan lng. But that is not
the point of the law. Even it is sometimes the law is
inconsistent, magulo, may exception to the exception, and
importante at the end of the day is that justice is serve.
That is why judges make exception to the exception all
the time. The law, as an organic body, is messy, it’s not
clean, because the goal, although the idea is the law
should be in order, that is not the case. In marriage, it is
not consistent, paiba-iba, but the goal of the law is not to
be consistent but to serve justice. So, yun yung reply ng
naturalists. If consistency lang ang habol natin sa law eh
di judges will just decide based on the law regardless if it
causes injustice. And as we see in your cases, that is not
the case. Decisions are made all the time with equitable
considerations and these considerations are based on
Let us simplify. Kase diba gusto ni John Austin natural law.
na organize ang language sa law. Gusto nya i-separate ang
school of legislation and school of jurisprudence. Again
because he wants clarity in the discussion of law. He Finally, positivism does not address common law
wants clarity in language. However, those subscribed to jurisdictions and customary rules.
the naturalists school of thought, they reply that it cannot
be denied that the lines are blurred between what the law So, positivists say under the command theory that
is and what the law ought to be especially since the law in law there must be a command and a threat of evil if the
grows and changes, so the growth of the law is attributed command is not followed. But in common law
to natural law. Kase when judges make landmark cases, jurisdictions where the laws are not written, how can there
they often draw inspiration in natural law such as be a command? In international law for example, there’s
reasonableness and common good. Hindi naman all the no commanding body that dictates to countries. So how
time ang mga judges, dura lex sed lex. Now ito ang rule, come international law exists? What is the element of
so yan na. command there? So according to critics, positivism is not
enough to explain all kinds of legal system.
The law grows because judges make equitable
exceptions all the time. Pag nakita ng judge na yung strict
application ng law will cause injustice to the litigants, it
will not serve the ends of justice then hindi positivist and
approach ng judge. It goes back to: Is this fair? Does this

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