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Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
a. scientific processes in animal/ fish raising
b. knowledge and skills in enhancing/decorating products as an alternative source of income
Performance Standard: The learners must be able to:
a. apply knowledge and skills, and develops one’s interest in animal/ fish raising
b. performs necessary skill in enhancing/ decorating finished products
Essential Questions:
1. What is the importance of animal raising on Filipino families?
2. What are the different ways of enhancing and decorating finished products?
Enduring Understandings:
1. Animal raising is a source of income for a family or big-time animal raiser. As an industry, animal raising has benefited
people who engages in this enterprise.
2. The enhancement of bamboo, wood, metal, and other finished products is through sketching, shading, and outlining.

1.1. conducts survey to find out:

1.1.2 persons in the community
whose occupation is animal (four-
legged) /fish raising
1.1.3. kinds of four-legged
animals/fish being raised as means
of livelihood
1.1.4. possible hazards that animal
Presentation of Survey Results
raising can cause to the people and
Checklist Class Discussion,
Quizzes (Identification, True or False Graded Recitation,
1.1.5. ways to prevent hazards and Enumeration) Survey Conduction
brought about by raising animals
1.1.6. market demands for
animal/fish products and
1.1.7. direct consumers or retailers
1.1.8. benefits that can be derived
from animal/fish raising
1.1.9. stories of successful
entrepreneurs in animal/fish raising
2.1. plans for the family’s animal
raising project
2.1.1 identifies animal/s to be
raised as an alternative source of Quiz no. 1 page 246
Class Discussion
income for the family (e.g, goat, Quiz no. 2 page 247
hogs, fish)
2.1.2 prepares list of needed
materials to start the project
2.1.3 prepares schedule of work for
raising, caring, processing, and
marketing of products and Work Schedule Making ( Group
Work Schedule Outline,
byproduct Activity)
2.1.4 records potential income,
expenses, and gains
3.1 discusses the importance and Quizzes and Practicum in making Class Discussion
methods of enhancing/decorating Bamboo Products Bamboo Making Activity
bamboo, wood, and metal
3.2 demonstrates creativity and
innovativeness in enhancing/
decorating bamboo, wood, and
metal products
4.1 conducts simple survey using
technology and other data-
gathering method to determine:
4.1.1 market trends on products
made of bamboo, wood, and metal
4.1.2 customer’s preference of Presentation of Survey Results Class Discussion,
products Quizzes (Identification, True or False Survey Conduction
and Enumeration)
4.1.3 types/sources of innovative
finishing materials, accessories, and
4.1.4 processes in
enhancing/decorating finished
5.1 discusses the effects of
innovative finishing materials and Quiz page 270 Class Discussion
creative accessories on the
marketability of products
6.1 enhances bamboo, wood,
metal, and other finished products
through sketching, shading, and
6.1.1 considers deliberate policies Group Activity
on sustainable development in Video Presentation
constructing the project plan Presentation of Project Plan Discussion
6.1.2 demonstrates resourcefulness
and management skills in the use
of time, materials, money, and
6.1.3 assesses the quality of
enhanced product using rubrics
6.1.4 refines product based on
assessment made
7.1 markets products
7.1.1 applies creative packaging Packaging and Label Making
and labeling techniques
7.1.2 applies technology-assisted Class Discussion
and other means of product Demonstration
marketing Flyers making
7.1.3 computes income from sales
7.1.4 prepares plans for mass
production or creating new product

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Principal – Elementary Department

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