36th Commencement Exercises Script

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Before we begin our ceremony, please be reminded of the following:

 Turn your phones into silent mode as it may interfere with our sound system.
 Be courteous to those around you by refraining from making unnecessary noises.
 During the processional, our usherettes will guide you to your designated seats.
 Likewise, we have our official photographer. Hence, parents and guests must refrain from taking
pictures in the restricted areas such as the front and side areas of the stage. Take pictures in your seats.
 Students, parents and visitors/guests must stay on their designated seats during the program.
 During the awarding ceremony, we are encouraging you to express your pride by applauding.
 Everyone must finish the entire program as we expect this ceremony to last approximately two hours or
 Always maintain the cleanliness of the venue.
 Always wear your facemasks and please maintain social distancing in accordance to our health and
safety protocols.

36th Commencement Exercises Script

INTRO: Commencement – a word of French origin which means beginning. Indeed, there is a good reason
they call ceremonies, commencement exercises. Graduation is not the end it is the beginning. Good afternoon
and welcome to Clark Educational Center’s -36th Commencement Exercises with the theme: “K-12 Graduates:
Pursuing Dreams and Fostering Resilience in the Face of Adversity”. I am Ms. Precious Menor, Grade 10 class
adviser, and I will be the Lady of the Ceremony for today’s Commencement Exercises.

PROCESSIONAL: Ladies and gentlemen, let us extend a warm welcome to the ever-dynamic and supportive
Faculty and Staff of Clark Educational Center, Inc.

Co-founder- Rev. Virginia B. Cruz

Chairman of the Board- Dr. Edilberto B. Cruz Jr.

School Administrator- Madam Joyce C. Cabugao

Finance Head- Mrs. Jacqueline C. Prado

Operations Manager- Mr. Joel B. Cruz

Human Resource Officer and Accounting Officer- Ms. Leah May C. Cabugao

School Accounting Clerk and Records- Mrs. Connie D. Fabular

School IT Coordinator- Ms. Ludelyn G. Apostol

School Cashier- Mrs. Elizabeth V. Galicia

Campus Pastor- Mr. Paul Claver P. Marcelo

School Librarian- Ms. Arlene Pagsolingan

School Supply Officer- Mrs. Marilyn F. Evangelio

School Principal- Ms. Levi Ruth B. Gomez

High School Department Assist.Principal- Ms. Raysan Joy P. Castro

Grade 12 Class Adviser- Ms. Shahara B. Fernandez

Grade 11 Class Adviser- Ms. Marie Joy M. Mancera

Grade 10 Class Adviser- Ms. Precious D. Menor

Grade 10 Co-Adviser- Ms. Jackylou M. Mines

Grade 9 Class Adviser- Ms. Tonyrose Jasmin R. Palaganas

Grade 9 Co-Adviser- Ms. Magelene M. Ningal

Grade 8 Adviser- Ms. Anjanette D. Macaraeg

Grade 8 Co-Adviser- Ms. Daisy C. Ollica

Grade 7 Class Adviser- Ms. Ria Mae B. Aquino

Grade 7 Co-Adviser- Ms. Jolly Joy B. Abiang

Let us now welcome the graduating class of school year 2021-2022.


Velasquez, Emmanuel Jacinth D. Mr. & Mrs. Arturo B. Velasquez Jr. Brgy. Quezon Blvd, SCCP
Bandoy, Christina S. Mr. & Mrs. Abelardo Ordonio Jr Brgy. Lucao, Dagupan City
Cabuay, Lea Mae B. Mrs. Mercedes Cabuay Brgy. Mapolo- polo, Basista
Masiclat, Krisha M. Mr. & Mrs. Arnel Masiclat Brgy. Balaybuaya, Bayambang,
Solomon, Maria Zaendy Althea D. Mr. & Mrs. Zaldy D. Solomon Brgy. Pasima, Malasiqui
Aquino, Joshua Louis P. Mr. & Mrs. Leo M. Aquino Brgy. Calomboyan, SCCP
Bandong, James Godwin E. Mr. & Mrs. Arman M. Bandong Brgy. Cruz, SCCP
Castro, Jabes Ray P. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond M. Castro Brgy. Roxas Blvd, SCCP
Fabular, Isaiah Albert D. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. Fabular Brgy. Calomboyan, SCCP
Muerong, Cyber James P. Mr. & Mrs. Virgilio D. Muerong Brgy. Lucban, SCCP
Peralta, John Darryl M. Mr. & Mrs. Dario D. Peralta Brgy. Rizal Ave., SCCP
Zara, Anthony Joseph L. Mr. & Mrs. Antonio A. Zara Brgy. Bolingit, SCCP
Castro, Hazel Grace C. Mr. & Mrs. Marlon Castro Brgy. Cruz, SCCP
Catama, Mary Laine B. Mr. & Mrs. Ruel Catama Brgy. Magtaking SCCP
De Guzman, Mickaela Jamae C. Mr. & Mrs. Joel De Guzman Brgy. Bega, SCCP
Delos Santos, Genevieve P. Mr. & Mrs. Marlon Delos Santos Brgy. Malibong, Urbiztondo
Padlan, Clarisse Ann E. Mrs. Lolita Padlan Brgy. Pangoloan, SCCP
Parayno, Ma. Angelica A. Mrs. Annie Parayno Brgy. Bolingit, SCCP
Resuello, Kristine Anne E. Mr. & Mrs. Arnulfo Resuello Brgy. Balaya, SCCP
Tamondong, Maribeth Van C. Mr. & Mrs. Marcial Tamondong Brgy. Turac, SCCP
Tomagan, Jasmin D. Mr. & Mrs. Severiano Tomagan Brgy. Turac, SCCP
Cardinoza, Markus Kristoffer M. Mr. & Mrs. Joan D. Cardinoza Brgy. Guelew, SCCP
Francisco, Pierre Calvin P. Mr. & Mrs. Gaspar Francisco Brgy. Rizal Ave., SCCP
Reyes, Vanness Andrew S. Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Reyes Jr Brgy. Balayong, SCCP
Fernandez, Elisha Karylle B. Mrs. Susan Fernandez Brgy. Pagal, SCCP
Mondero, Shella Mae C. Mrs. Carolyn Mondero Brgy. Tandoc, SCCP
Munda, Jelanie R. Mr. & Mrs. Froilan Munda Brgy. Pangoloan, SCCP
De Vera, John Cedric N. Mr. & Mrs. Rodolfo De Vera Jr Brgy. Tarece, SCCP
Ferrer, Leigh John B. Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Ferrer Brgy. Balayong, SCCP
Lomboy, Benjie R. Mr. Benie Lomboy Brgy. Balococ, SCCP
Villanueva, Karl Cesar C. Mrs. Armida Villanueva Brgy. Ilang, SCCP


PRAYER: To bless this momentous occasion, let us seek Divine Intervention. May I call on Miss Maria
Zaendy Althea Solomon, to lead us in prayer.

ANTHEM: Please remain standing for the singing of the Philippine National Anthem and to be followed by the
Pangasinan Hymn to be conducted by Ms. Jolly Joy Abiang, Grade 7 co-adviser.


6. WELCOME ADDRESS: Members of the Graduating class, honored guest, faculty and staff, family, alumni
and friends, Good Afternoon and once again welcome to the 36th Commencement Exercises of Clark
Educational Center.

To set the tone for this afternoon’s event let us welcome our remarkable and ever-vibrant principal, Ms.
Levi Ruth B. Gomez, for the Welcome Address. A big hand please.

INTRO OF GUEST SPEAKER: Thank you for that warmth welcome, Ma’am Levi. For the past 36 years,
CEC has been the home of innumerable individuals who are exceptional and prominent in various fields.

With that, may I call on Ms. Jackylou Mines, Grade 10 co adviser to do the honor of presenting this afternoon’s
guest of honor and speaker.

-------------SPEECH OF GUEST OF HONOR AND SPEAKER------------------------------------------

Ace John Mark Liwanag, thank you for sharing your words of wisdom with our students. We hope his remarks
inspired you, our dear Grade 12, to confront the world with courage and commitment. Let us now present our
distinguished guest of honor and speaker with a plaque of appreciation. Let me read the plaque's content.

(Reading of Plaque)



At this moment, may I call once again our school principal, Ms. Levi Ruth B. Gomez to do the honor of
presenting this year’s candidates for graduation who will then be confirmed by none other than our school
administrator, Madam Joyce C. Cabugao.

ADDRESS OF THANKS: I believe that the graduating class has a lot to be thankful for. May it be good, bad,
exciting, or excruciating. May I call on Mr. Isaiah Albert Fabular for his address of thanks.

Thank you, Mr. Fabular.

MUSICAL NUMBER/CANDLE LIGHTNING CEREMONY: This batch spent their final high school years
at home. They are denied physical contact with their classmates and teachers. They missed wandering down the
corridor, hanging out with their buddies during free time, and even laughing with each other. The pandemic
created a great barrier and defined borders. Virtual sessions were established to replace the old high school
routine. Regardless of this barrier, they have created memories in various ways. Even if they don’t interact
physically, their hearts were linked by invisible cords that will bind them forever. Their senior high school
adventure was made remarkable by these extra-ordinary occurrences. There are always tunes that encapsulate
emotions and many unforgettable moments. With a round of applause let us have our graduates for their
graduation song to be followed by the candle lighting ceremony.

VALEDICTORY ADDRESS: At this point, let us all be ears to no less than the batch valedictorian herself as
she encapsulates everything high school life has to offer. A big hand for Maribeth Van C. Tamondong for the
valedictory address.

Thank you, MS. Tamondong.


Ladies and gentlemen without dilly-dally, to receive the manifestation of their unstoppable effort and
unwavering faith in themselves that in the end, they will get what they have been persevering for. We are
deeply elated to call on the 2022 CEC graduates to receive their diploma. May I request our school principal,
Ms. Levi Ruth B. Gomez, our school administrator, Madam Joyce C. Cabugao and our Guest of Honor and
Speaker, Mr. Ace John Mark Liwanag to distribute the diplomas. May I call on the Grade 12 class adviser, Ms.
Shahara B. Fernandez.

Ma’am Sha---Graduates, As I call your name, please come up on stage and with a paint of smile, gladly accept
your certificate.


Moving on, we would also like to recognize the students from Grade 11 who excelled in their Academics. May
I request our school principal and school administrator to stay on the stage for the awarding of medals and
certificates. Proud parents please accompany your child as they receive their award.

May I call on the Grade 11 class adviser, Ms. Marie Joy M. Mancera.

ALUMNI PLEDGE: Ada Velez said and I quote “Loyalty is the pledge of truth to oneself and others.” To lead
the Alumni Pledge of our graduates to their alma mater, may I call on Kristine Anne Resuello (With Honors)

CLOSING PRAYER: Everything that we do is for God’s greater glory. With this, may I call on our Campus
Pastor Mr. Paul Claver for the prayer and consecration.

CLOSING REMARKS: The Closing has finally arrived. Tomorrow, new challenges and opportunities await
to our students that will further test their mettles as improving individuals. To officially close this afternoon’s
affair, may I call back on stage our endearing school administrator, madam Joyce C. Cabugao.

OUTRO: Thank you ma’am Joyce! Dear parents, thank you for all of your support this school year and we look
forward to your continued support in the future. Dear students, as you continue your journey, may you look
back on this stage of your life with love and pride. May God fill your heart with love. Because that love takes
you further in your life.

Ladies and Gentlemen this concludes the 36th Commencement Exercises of Clark Educational Center. This has
been Ms. Precious Menor, your host for this program. God bless and stay safe!

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