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Sarina ,

Malay woman


Complaint :
Admitted to hosp due to SOB since Feb

HOPC : SOB started after 3 weeks of coughing w/ white sputum

check batuk pasta Dr confirm Kan bukan TB infection .

Aggravate night

Relieve -

sitting position
Associated symptoms
chest discomfort

PMH : (✗ de hx asthma )
① Breast cancer ; diagnosed since 2 years ago [ Dec , 2019 ]

has undergone 12 cycle of chemotherapy ,

23 cycle of
and of the right side
radiotherapy mastectomy

② Gallstones ; Has undergone cholecystectomy in 2018

③ Seafood allergy -

itchy throat

④ medication ; banya k tapi yang pt se but Satu

Tab . Tamoxifen ✗ 20mg ✗ BD

Social hx : Non -
smoker / Non alcoholic drinker

occupation ✗ inga + tanya

lives w/ husband S children

Family hx :
Daddy -
Hx lung cancer

General inspection :
① Looked pale
② Breathless

③ On non

rebreather mask

④ on chest tube at the right side

DX : metastasized breast cancer complicated w/ pneumothorax

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