Mineral Reactions Can Be Classified With Regard To The Phases That Are Involved

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• Mineral reactions can be classified with regard to the phases that are involved (solid-solid and

solid-fluid reactions) or with regard to the reaction mechanisms and equilibrium conditions
(discontinuous and continuous reactions).

• A. Solid–solid reactions . Solid–solid reactions involve only solid phases as reactants and
products without direct participation of a volatile phase. A fluid may, be a passive or indirect
catalytic participant, enhancing nucleation and providing a medium for diffusive transport of
ions redistributed during growth of the new products.

• B. Solid–fluid reactions release or consume a volatile fluid and depend not only on P and T but
the composition of the volatile as well.

• Redox reactions are driven by changes in T and fugacities of volatiles, principally oxygen, and
result in changes of oxidation states and types of variable-valence phases in assemblages.

• Metasomatic reactions occur in open metamorphic systems where exchange of components

between invasive fluids and the solid phases in a rock results in an entirely new product of
mineral assemblage.

• . Discontinuous reactions occur, ideally, at a single T at a particular P.

• Reactant and product phases are in equilibrium along a univariant boundary line in P–T space.

• Discontinuous reactions: are those which are univariant on P-T diagrams in the "model" system.

• Discontinuous reactions are of two types:

• 1. Polymorphic phase transitions involve transformation of one solid phase to another of

identical chemical composition but different atomic structure in a one-component system, such
as calcite → aragonite.

2. Net-transfer (heterogeneous)

• The univariant reactions that were considered above involved reaching a point in pressure
temperature space where a reaction occurred resulting in a sudden change in mineral

• These reactions can be considered discontinuous reactions because they occur along specific
pressure temperature curves.

• Because many minerals are solid solutions, it is also possible to have discontinuous reactions
that result in a gradual change in composition of the minerals, but not necessarily the formation
of new minerals.

• These reactions are also considered divariant reactions because they occur over a wide range of
pressure and temperature conditions. Consider the hypothetical case of rocks that contain
minerals like chlorite and garnet, which are both Mg-Fe solid solutions.
• The reaction that occurs with increasing temperature (at constant pressure) is:

Chlorite + Qtz => Garnet + Mg-richer Chlorite + H2O

This reaction begins at a temperature of T1 where an initial Mg-poor garnet is produced.

As temperature increases to T2, both the garnet and the chlorite become more Mg-rich.

The reaction continues over a range of temperature until eventually the temperature reaches T3 at
which point the much more Mgrich chlorite disappears leaving garnet with Mg/(Mg/Fe) ratio the same
as that in the initial chlorite. This reaction is a continuous reaction because there is no change in mineral
assemblage between T1 and T3, but there is a reaction occurring and its effect is to change the
compositions of the solid solution minerals

• Exsolution or solvus type reactions:

• Occur in phases exhibiting complete solid solution at high T but limited solid solution at low T
(below the critical T where a solvus is defined).

• As the phase cools, it exsolves another phase, usually along cleavage planes,.. etc.

• Because both the exsolving and exsolved phase are solids, exsolution reactions are considered
solid - solid reactions.

• Examples: Plagioclase - K-feldspar,

• Calcite - dolomite.

• Ab and An),

These reactions become Exsolution reactions are useful for geothermometry and geospeedometry
(quantifying the rate of a metamorphic process).

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