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Chr Order (of Journal

backstory) GP Order Narrative Expo Method of Expression Manifestation Location Key Beats Legend Logic Piece END:
Sacrifice is
needed, Kunara
has vision.
Realizes Aapo is
Begin w/ Status To better ensure more worthy cuz
Kunara crafts the arm in the workshop, Cutscene and Very Beginning of Quo + Beginning Aapo's survival for Kunara is kinda a
8 1 has the eureka! I'm done moment. dialogue with Kunara. Don't Need game Exposition Tutorial when she's gone. fuckup.
Kunara absorbs
sour stuff, yeets
Kunara assigns Aapo to test out the gauntlet Objective-based Immediately after Beginning himself into
9 2 by crystal. mission. Possible GP1. Exposition Transitional Areas volcano.
Cinematic illustrates: a. That Kunara Aapo leaves with
adopted Aapo, b. That corruption a sense of,
exists, and c. There may come a time everything little
when Aapo will have to defend himself Dialogue. Can blend Upon completion Beginning thing is gonna be
10 3 should anything happen to her. with tutorial. TBD of GP2 Exposition Ruins alright.
Kunara wants to
teach Aapo to
respect the Earth,
Kunara teaches Aapo how to use the and never disobey
gauntlet for self defense and absorb Combat tutorial Upon completion Beginning or disrupt its
11 4 corruption. sequence. Possible of GP3 Exposition Mountains harmony.
Kunara doesn't
bring Aapo. Nor
does she tell him
about the journey.
She feels she
must fulfil her
Shamanic duty,
Kunara and Aapo go to bed with a bedtime and that Aapo will
story (stretch); Aapo wakes up and Kunara understand. She
is missing. Aapo waits for Kunara to return, Upon completion Inciting Incident & wants Aapo to be
12 5 but she never does. Cinematic TBD of GP4 Second Thoughts Volcano safe.
Aapo begins his journey to go find his Player progressing Upon completion Plot Point 1; END
13 6 caretaker in the wilds. beyond tutorial area. TBD of GP5. of Act 1 Act 1
Details the conflict between industrialists
and zealots. Doesn’t outright detail what the Two-part murals. One in
zealots are doing; leave the exposition about Industrialist's side in underground
sacrifice to the non-essential exposition Underground, Zealots area, and one in
1 7 points. in Mountains. TBD mountain area. Act 2 Obstacles Act 2
3 8 Chi'Lito has erupted. Lava. Spicy Lava. TBD Cues in Ruins. Act 2 Obstacles Act 3
Environmental cues,
A lamentation that war has broken out i.e. spears, weaponry,
2 9 between factions. scenes of battle, etc. TBD Ruins Act 2 Obstacles
Writes of the device’s progress--as well as Blueprints that can be
Aapo’s. He has fashioned the prototype into found in underground
a gauntlet of sorts. Would make traversing Workshop area. Note In a tiny workshop Prophecy
the landscape far easier than on foot. Also tacked onto area in the demands Kunara
6 10 first indication of vison? blueprints. TBD underground. Act 2 Obstacles go alone.
Aapo combats the Golem at the end of the
15 11 ruins. Combat sequence X End of Ruins Act 2 Obstacles
Kunara reports Aapo is growing up well. He Most befitting a shrine On a tiny shrine at
writes of his guilt; his yearn for the past. She or small monastic the beginning of
also writes of his visions. There's hope for structure in the the mountain
5 13 her people's return. mountains. TBD area. Act 2 Obstacles
This could be an
incredible mural for
the very end, as well
as punctuated by
some environmental Some mural in a
clue that former temple right
Player learns of his people’s old ways--how sacrifices walked the before the
7 16 sacrifices would appease the volcano. same path you did. TBD volcano, Crisis
Aapo awakens the corrupted Sneagle from At the end of the
16 15 its slumber, combats it. Combat Sequence X mountain area. Act 2 Obstacles
In the middle of
the mountain
Cutscene of Kunara area, preferebly
He is close to the summit of Chi’Lito. His writing. Aapo picks on a high-up
heart hurts without Aapo, and he fears for the note up, looks to location, providing
what must happen. She finally understands volcano. Sun is over a clear vantage of
14 14 the Prophecy. volcano. TBD Chi'Lito. Midpoint
Reaching end of End of volcano
17 17 Encountering Kunara at Chi'Lito's peak volcano area. X area. Plot Point 2
Kunara feels torn
between her
and her
Moral deliberation; is what he is doing right? Upon completing responsibility as a
18 18 (Save for end dialogue so sad) Final dialogue. X GP17 Climax mentor.
Kunara implores
Upon completing Aapo to consider
19 19 Fight Kunara Ya fight 'em! X GP18 Confrontation the greater good.
Kunara is defeated, but not dead. They
accept their defeat, feeling themselves a
failure. They declare you worthy to carry on
their race, absorb the chaotic energies you'd You can go along with
collected, and say goodbye, before their plan to sacrifice
sacrificing themselves. Aapo leaves the yourself to dispel the Upon defeating
20 20 summit with a bittersweet feeling of hope. corruption. X Kunara Denouement


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