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Short term plan

Unit: Transport School: SKO Timiryazevo district

Lesson: Types of transport Michurinskaya school
Teacher name:
Date: 27.07.18
Tashlyk Tamara Nikolaevna
Class: 6 Number present: absent:
Learning – use imagination to express thoughts, idea,
objectives experiences and feelings; read independently a limited range of short simple
fiction and non-fiction texts; – ask simple questions to get information about a
growing range of general topics.
Lesson objectives – demonstrate your product through the drawing on the topic
of the lesson;
- demonstrate the reading independently a limited range of
short simple texts;
– use simple questions to get information about a growing
range of general topics of the lesson.
Assessment All learners will be able to:
criteria - use 4 simple questions
- create the pictures on the topic
Most learners will be able to:
- use 6 simple questions
- read independently short texts
Some learners will be able to:
- express thoughts, idea, experiences and feelings
Language Subject specific vocabulary and terminology:
objective Transport, car, train, airplane, boat, transportation system,
scientific progress, ferry, spaceship
Useful classroom language for dialogue/writing:
Can you say why…? How do you think…?How can you get

Value links Educational values are formed in regard to the topic of the
lesson. They are: openness and cooperation. These values we
will achieve in the lesson by working in pairs or groups.
Cross-curricular History, painting
Previous learning Unit: Transport, Theme “How do you get to school?”
By car, by bus, by train
Planned Teacher/Students performance Resources
Teacher and students greet each other.
Forming the groups:
1 minute - Count yourself from 1 to 3
- Form the groups with the same number
(one+one, two+two, etc.)
Task 1 “Guess the riddle” Riddles
Instruction: adapted from
- Look around the class. There are some http://
sheets with answers to the riddles on the eng4kids1674.
Warm-up - Look at your desks. There are some sheets 2014/03/
8 minutes with riddles. transport.html
- Take the riddles from the desk. (Appendix 1)
- Find the answers to the riddles on the
- Glue small sheets with answers to the
pages with riddles.
- Try to be faster. Remember that this is a
- When one team finished the other teams
- Take your places in your groups. Keys for the
- Check each other with keys. task
- Take the sheets with the table to fill the (Appendix 2)
Note: Teacher awards the quickest team. For
speed – green gitons, for quantity – yellow, for
quality – blue. During this task students evaluate
each other in groups.

Answer my question:
Setting the - What are we going to speak about at this
theme of the lesson?
lesson Teacher’s feedback (oral)
Differentiation: by outcome (keys for the task)

Setting the Instruction:

lesson - The objectives of our lesson will be the ability
to ask and answer simple questions, read short
texts independently and the ability to express
objective your thoughts and ideas.
1 minute - Answer these questions:
1. What do I know on the theme of transport?
2. What do I want to understand during the
3. What will I be able to do at the end of the
Task 2 “Imagination” Pictures of
Project work Instruction: transport
8 minutes - Answer my questions: (Appendix 2)
o What kind of transport do you
o Why do we use the transport?
- Work in groups of three
- Design your own transport on a sheet of
- Present your product to the other groups Criteria
- Listen to each other (Appendix 3)
- Assess the projects of others groups using
Teacher’s feed back (oral)
Group assessment
Differentiation: by group ability
Task 3 “Reading the text” Blackboard
New vocabulary:
Pre-teaching transportation system – транспортная система
vocabulary scientific progress – научный прогресс
ferry – паром
spaceship – космический корабль
Note: words on the blackboard

Task “Match and Remember ” Blackboard

Pre-Reading Instruction:
4 minutes - Work in pairs.
- Look at the blackboard.
- Read new words.
- Match new words with their definitions
Task “Skim the text” Text
While- Instruction: adapted from
Reading - Skim the text individually. https://
4 minutes - Underline the new words in the text.
- Compare the result in pairs. transport-
(Appendix 4)
Task “True or false” Text
Instruction: adapted from
- Work in pairs https://
- Read the text yourself again
- Make truth and false statements transport-
- Take your product transport/
5 minutes
- Change paper with other pairs (Appendix 4)
- Evaluate statements of each other using the
1. Write 3 true statements
2. Write 3 false statements
3. Use the correct English grammar
Teacher’s feedback
Peer assessment
Differentiation: by difficulty of task
Task “Make a dialogue on the topic” Task for
Instruction: formative
- Work in pair assessment
- Ask questions to find out how students (Appendix 7)
Task 4 come to school. https://
(for FA) - Use grammar correctly.
7 minutes - Have a clear pronunciation. pourochniy-
- Write questions plan-po-
Teacher’s feedback angliyskomu-
Peer assessment yaziku-na-
Differentiation: by difficulty of task
Task “Tree of success” Reflection
Instruction (Appendix 6)
- Come the blackboard
Reflection - Look at the poster
2 minutes - Select the color circle that suits you
- Hang your circle on the tree of success
- Explain why you used this color

Teacher’s feedback
Home task:
Additional information

Differentiation – how do Assessment – how are Health and safety check

you plan to give more you planning to check
support? How do you plan learners’ learning?
to challenge the more able

- Differentiation by - I’m planning to check Health saving technologies.

teacher’s support the students' learning Applying
- Display questions through formative History, painting
- Differentiation by group assessment , asking The national idea “Mangilik Yel”
ability questions, through tasks
- Differentiation by by working in pairs and
difficulty of task groups.
- Questions were
formulated at all levels
according to Bloom’s

Appendix 1
With seat belts on, “All Aboard!” The pilot takes us Across the lake
We drive around. Clackity-clack. Up so high— I row and row.
We stop and go We go speeding A giant “bird” The harder I pull,
All over town. Down the track. Up in the sky. The faster I go.
What is it? What is it? What is it? What is it?
(Answer: CAR (Answer: TRAIN) (Answer: AIRPLANE) (Answer: BOAT)

Riddle 1 Riddle 2 Riddle 3 Riddle 4

Appendix 2

Picture 1 Picture 2

Picture 3 Picture 4

Appendix 3

1. Present your product should everyone in the group
2. Say 2 sentences for each person in a group
3. Give a title to a product

Appendix 4
Transport has always played an important role in people’s life. It’s a way of travelling from one
place to another. Modern transportation system is rather well developed thanks to rapid scientific and
technological progress. There are lots of busses, mini-vans, taxis, personal cars, bicycles, trains,
airplanes, even ships and ferries in every developed country. However, a couple of centuries ago, there
were only carts carried by horses and old-fashioned boats. Perhaps, the discoveries made in the field of
transportation in the 20th century were the most important. Thus, in 1961 the first human spaceflight
was launched. In 1969, the first astronaut stepped on the Moon. Nobody knows exactly where else is
scientific progress taking us, but it’s most likely that soon we will travel by spaceships more often.

Appendix 5

4. Write 3 true statements
5. Write 3 false statements
6. Use the correct English grammar

Appendix 6

Appendix 7
Template for development of Formative assessment activity
English _6_ grade

Unit Transport
Topic Modern transport

Learning objectives – ask simple questions to get information about a

growing range of general topics.

Level of thinking skills Applying, knowledge, understanding

Assessment criteria Ask questions to find out the general and specific
information in the class


Make a dialogue on the topic “Types of transport”

Assessment criteria Descriptor

Ask questions to find out the A learner:

general and specific information - works in pair
in the class - asks questions to find out how students come to
- uses grammar correctly.
- has a clear pronunciation.
- writes questions

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