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Religious Studies 12 (RS12

the beloved Temple of Jerusalem Sts. Hippolytus and Pope St.

What is church? in AD 70. His decade-long rule saw Pontian into exile, where they were
-church is a building. Rome plant boots (or at least reconciled and died on the Isle of
footprints) in both Bavaria and Sardinia.
What is Church? Britain. Vespasian was unique in
-an assembly of God that he’d been a senator and a
soldier, so perhaps it’s no surprise
Meaning of church he was Machiavellian before there Decius (249-251)
-Refers to the people whom God was a term for it.
calls and gathers together. One of two of the later Roman
-They form the assembly of those Domitian (81-96). emperors (the other was
who, through faith and baptism, Diocletian) who put their boots on
have become children of God, Almost every major writer of the the throat of Christian believers. In
members of Christ, and temples of time from Pliny to Suetonius 250 Decius decided that all
the holy spirit. claims that Domitian, who wound Christians had to pay homage to
up ruling longer than almost any the Roman gods or be killed and he
What does persecution mean other Roman ruler in that period, was as good as his evil words. This
biblically? was a tyrant. carnage became known as “The
- the act of persecuting. the state of Decian Persecution” as it came
being persecuted. a program or Trajan (98-117) directly from the Emperor himself.
campaign to exterminate, drive
away, or subjugate people based on According to the ancient writer Valerian (253-260)
their membership in a religious, Pliny, Trajan was at best a
ethnic, social, or racial group: the monarch, at least an autocrat, and Valerian was a man whose reign
persecutions of Christians by the at worst a tyrant. (and reign of terror) got out of
Romans. hand. Like Decius before him, he
Hadrian (117-138) continued the killing of Christians.
Emperor Nero(A.D. 37-68)
 Nero (A.D. 37-68) became Like Trajan, he was of Spanish Diocletian(284-305)
emperor of the Roman descent (and perhaps Trajan’s  Born a commoner,
Empire after the death of cousin) and famous for his wall in  Went into the military &
his adopted father, the northern Britain. Hadrian kept eventually became
Emperor Claudius, in A.D. Trajan’s policy on Christians in commander of the
54. (at the age of 17). place emperor’s bodyguard.
 The sixth emperor of
Rome, Marcus Aurelius (161-180)
 The gifted organizer who
 He ruled until he led the Great Persecution
committed suicide in June, Made famous in his time for being to extinguish Christianity
A.D. 68. the Stoic philosopher-warrior and
 This monarch reigned for in our time by Richard Harris’
The Diocletianic or Great
the space of five years, portrayal of him in the 2000 movie
Persecution was the last and
with tolerable credit to Gladiator, unquestionably
most severe persecution of
himself, but then gave way Christian persecution increased
Christians in the Roman Empire.
to the greatest during his reign, though some
extravagance of temper, historians are quick to point out
and to the most atrocious that this can’t be directly traced
barbarities. back to the emperor himself. “

Great fire of rome Maximinus the Thracian (235-

Profession of Faith
-In the summer of 64 A. D., Rome 238)
-Believing the Truths of our
suffered a terrible fire that burned Catholic Faith
for six days and seven nights, With Maximinus Thrace, we are on
Celebration of the Christian
consuming almost three quarters surer grounds of Christian killings
of the city. on the part of the centralized
-Celebrating our faith through the
Roman state, particularly in the
Vespanian (67-79) person of the emperor. An
Life in Christ
authority no other than Eusebius
-Living our faith through the moral
Another emperor whose legacy states in his watershed history of
included not only the persecution the early Church that in the
Christian Prayer
of Christians but the demolition of persecution of 235 Maximinus sent
-Experiencing our faith New Testament was
relationship with God I. I AM THE LORD YOUR GOD: written in Greek, the
YOU SHALL NOT HAVE commonly-spoken
-also known as the Symbol of
Faith, is the summary of the II. YOU SHALL NOT TAKE THE
fundamental truths of Christianity. NAME OF THE LORD YOUR GOD 4. There are at least 185
It is composed of 12 articles, IN VAIN. songs in the Bible. About
corresponding to the number of 150 of these are in the
the Apostles. The word Creed III. REMEMBER TO KEEP HOLY book of Psalms, and
comes from the Latin verb credere, THE LORD'S DAY. throughout both the Old
which means ‘to believe.’ and New Testaments,
IV. HONOR YOUR FATHER people will sing about God
Creed AND YOUR MOTHER. or the events around them.
-reminds us of all the beliefs every
week when we profess the Nicene V. YOU SHALL NOT KILL
or Apostles Creed. God is creator, 5. The Bible was written by
salvation is in Jesus Christ, and we VI. YOU SHALL NOT COMMIT more than 40 authors,
are strengthened by the Holy ADULTERY. including prophets, kings,
Spirit. VII. YOU SHALL NOT STEAL. evangelists, apostles, etc.
we experience God’s  NEIGHBOR.
grace.  Part 1: The Profession of Faith
 The Sacraments of IX. YOU SHALL NOT COVET Part 2: The Celebration of the
Initiation (Baptism, YOUR NEIGHBOR'S WIFE. Christian Mystery
Confirmation, the Part 3: Life in Christ
Eucharist) X. YOU SHALL NOT COVET Part 4: Christian Prayer
 Sacraments of Healing YOUR NEIGHBOR'S GOODS.
(Penance and the
Anointing of the Sick) CHRISTIANITY DURING THE
 Sacraments at the Service Moral Values REIGN OF CONSTANTINE
of Communion (Marriage THE GREAT
and Holy Orders) Honesty
 Also known as Constantine
 Holy Orders Perseverance
 Baptism Determination
 Confirmation  Was a Roman Emperor
Books of The Bible
 Matrimony who ruled between 306
 Anointing of the Sick and 337 AD
 Reconciliation  books
 Eucharist 1. The word Bible is from the  Was the first Roman
Latin biblia and ultimately emperor to convert to
Prayer from Koine Greek tà Bißλia Christianity
(ta biblia), meaning "the  He joined the Christian
whether vocal, meditative or books". faith on his deathbed,
contemplative; prayer comes in being baptised by Eusebius
many forms – adoration, petition, of Nicomedia
2. The (Catholic) Bible is
intercession, thanksgiving, and  He wrote about how God
composed of 73 books. The
praise. Prayer links us to the does not allow people "to
Old Testament has 46 and
liturgy and gives a vital wander in the shadows"
the New Testament has 27
relationship with our Lord. but reveals to them
salvation: "I have
Morality experienced this in others
and in myself, for I walked
The way to God’s kingdom is by 3. The Bible was written in
not in the way of
living the moral life we are called three languages. Most of
righteousness. … But the
to. the Old Testament was
Almighty God, who sits in
written in Hebrew, with a
the court of heaven,
The Ten Commandments few bits in Aramaic. The
granted what I did not influential of the JOHN
deserve." medieval popes.
 He called the First Council The Fall of the Roman  John son of Zebedee (not
of Nicaea in 325 that Empire  to be confused with John
produced the statement of the Baptist) was the third
Christian belief known as -Roughly speaking, the Dark Ages disciple considered to be
the Nicene Creed.  corresponds to the Middle Ages, or part of Jesus’ “inner circle”
Edict of Milan (313 A. D.) from 500 to 1500 AD. with his brother James
and Peter. Like James,
 "that it was proper that the doctrinal declension Peter, and several other
Christians and all others disciples, John was a
should have liberty to -It was dark because the light of
follow that mode of the Gospel of Christ was all but
snuffed out in this period, and  John was given the
religion which to each of
them appeared best” because the darkness of sin had nickname “son of thunder”
 granted all person’s pervaded all ranks of the church -  John died of old age.
freedom to worship from the pope all the way down to tradition holds that he
Council of Nicaea (325 A. D.) the common folk. preached in Ephesus, was
also known as NICENE exiled to the island of
CREED Patmos (where he wrote
APOSTLE means chosen by
Revelation), returned to
Ephesus, and died of old
DISCIPLE means a learner or age after 98 AD.
the first ecumenical a follower of God
council of the Christian
church, meeting in ancient PETER
Nicaea (now Turkey). It
was called by the emperor  Peter, also known as
 Andrew was Simon Peter’s
Constantine I, an Simon, Simon Peter, and
brother. Like his brother,
unbaptized catechumen, Cephas, was one of Jesus’
he was a fisherman.
who presided over the three main disciples (along
opening session and took  Andrew
with James and John).
part in the discussions.  is always mentioned
Like many of the apostles,
THE GOLDEN AGE OF THE second, and he’s referred
Peter was a fisherman by
CHURCH to as Peter’s brother
trade, but he grew into one
of the most prominent  Tradition claims Andrew
Innocent III (1160-1216) was crucified in the Greek
leaders of the early church
 During the late city of Patras around 60
Middle Ages, the after the resurrection.
According to Catholic AD, and that like Peter, he
Catholic Church didn’t consider himself
flourished — tradition, he was also the
first pope. worthy of dying the same
especially under
way as Jesus. Instead, he
Pope Innocent III.
JAMES was bound to an X shaped
cross, which became a
 Elected pope on  James son of Zebedee
January 8, 1198, symbol known as Saint
(also known as James the Andrew’s Cross.
Innocent III
Greater) was another one
reformed the
Roman Curia, of Jesus’ three main
reestablished and disciples, along with his
expanded the brother John and Peter.
pope’s authority Like many of the disciples,  Philip the Apostle is only
over the Papal James was a fisherman mentioned eight times in
States, worked before Jesus called him. the New Testament, four
tirelessly to launch  James is the only disciple of which are the lists of
Crusades to whose martyrdom is apostles.
recover the Holy recorded in the Bible (Acts
Land 12:2). Herod had him BARTHOLOMEW
 Pope Innocent III killed by sword, and he
was one of the  Bartholomew is one of the
was likely beheaded. 
most powerful and most obscure apostles. His
name only appears in the
four lists of Jesus’ 12 main Rome. Or he may have death and worked tirelessly to
disciples,). simply been zealous for the spread his word in the early
Mosaic Law. days of the church. 
 Peter worked in Palestine and
 Matthew, also known as is said to have worked in
Levi, was a tax collector— Rome. Catholics regard St.
one of the most reviled  Judas Iscariot is one of the Peter as the first bishop of
professions in first-century most widely known Rome and the first pope. 
Judaism. disciples. He infamously  The First Epistle of Peter is
 Matthew wrote the Gospel. betrayed Jesus for 30 believed to have been written
pieces of silver, which lead by Peter. 
THOMAS to Jesus’ death on the  The Second Epistle is often
cross. Today, “Judas” is attributed to him although it
 Thomas, perhaps better- isn’t clear who wrote it. Many
virtually synonymous with
known as “Doubting of the events in the Gospel of
Thomas,” famously Mark are believed to have been
doubted the resurrection MATTHIAS derived from Peter’s accounts.
of Jesus and told the other
disciples, “Unless I see the  Matthias wasn’t one of the
nail marks in his hands original members of the
and put my finger where Twelve. He’s also the only Peter as a Christian Leader
the nails were, and put my one who wasn’t personally
 The opening chapters of the
hand into his side, I will called by Jesus. Instead, he
Acts of the Apostles show Peter
not believe” (John 20:25). was appointed by the
working miracles, preaching
apostles to replace Judas
JAMES SON OF ALPHAEUS boldly in the streets and in the
temple and standing up
 James son of Alphaeus Who is St. Peter? fearlessly to those who had
is only mentioned in the condemned Jesus just days
four lists of apostles.  Most well-known Apostle. before. 
 “a fisher of men, “he was a  Paul first met with Peter at
JUDE fisherman by trade and was Jerusalem three years after his
 Jude the apostle is also with Jesus from the beginning conversion.
known as Jude of James, of his teachings.
 According to Matthew, Peter How Do the Fruits of the Holy
Judas of James, Thaddeus, Spirit Differ from the Gifts of
Judas Thaddeus, and was the first to believe in the
divinity of Jesus. the Holy Spirit?
Lebbaeus. Some identify
him with Jesus’ brother St. Peter’s Work After Jesus’s  gifts of the Holy Spirit are like
Jude, the traditional Death virtues.
author of the Epistle of  fruits of the Holy Spirit are the
Jude, but the Bible doesn’t  St. Peter was selected by Jesus actions that those virtues
tell us these Judes are the to carry on his teachings after produce..
same people. his crucifixion. At the Last
Supper Jesus said, “You are
Peter and, on this rock, I will
Where Are the Fruits of the
SIMON THE ZEALOT build my community. I will
Holy Spirit Found in the
give you the keys of the
 Simon the Zealot is only kingdom of Heaven.” 
mentioned by name in lists  Peter then told Jesus, “Even if  Saint Paul, in the Letter to the
of the apostles (Matthew I fall from you, I will never fall Galatians (5:22), lists the fruits
10:2–4, Mark 3:16– away.” When Jesus was of the Holy Spirit. \
19, Luke 6:14–16, Acts 1:1- resurrected, he appeared to
13) Peter, and said, “Feed my
 Simon the Zealot may have sheep, feed my lambs.” Peter
belonged to a Jewish sect was shocked that Jesus still
known as the Zealots, who trusted him even though he
were bent on revolution had betrayed him.
and looking for a Messiah  Peter reportedly became a
to violently overthrow great teacher after Jesus’s
The Twelve Fruits of the Holy

1. Charity 5. Kindness 9. Faithfulness

2. Joy 6. Goodness 10. Modesty

3. Peace 7. Generosity 11. Self-Control

4. Patience 8. Gentleness 12. Chastity

1. Charity

 Charity is the love of God and  Peace is a tranquility in our 5. Kindness

of neighbor. soul that comes from relying
on God  Kindness is the willingness to
 Being an unselfish person.
give to others above and
 Being a quiet and relaxed
2. Joy beyond what we own them. 
 Being a cheerful and pleasant 6. Goodness
4. Patience
sort of person.
 Goodness is the avoidance of
 Patience is the ability to bear
3. Peace evil and the embrace of what's
the imperfections of other
right, even at the expense of
one's earthly fame and fortune.

7. Generosity  To be mild in behavior is to be  The person’s love for Christ

forgiving rather than angry makes him recoil from the
 Longanimity is patience under thought of being an ally of the
 Being restful sort of person to
provocation. devil, from the thought of
have around.
 The person is uncomplaining occasioning sin to another.
under pain and 9. Faithfulness  Being modest means humbling
disappointment yourself, 
 means living our life in
accordance with God's will at 11. Self-Control
all times.
8. Gentleness
 Being a temperate person
10. Modesty

12. Chastity

 Chastity is the submission of -the Church became the most _Anathema and excommunication are
physical desire to right reason powerful institution of the medieval ways of cutting off heretics
 The 7 Gifts of the Holy Period. The Church was mostly 2. Schism
Spirit exempt from taxation. -from Greek “skhisma” meaning "to
CCCC #817 hear, to split" Early of Schisms
(catechism of the Catholic Church) -The celebration of Easter
2. UNDERSTANDING -The ruptures that wound the unity of -The Sacrament of Penance
Christ's body. -here we must -Another dispute is the possibility of
distinguish heresy, schism, referring sacramental absolution to
4. FORTITUDE Apostasy the perpetrators
-the act by which a baptized person, Rebaptism of Heretics
after possessing the true Christian -persons who had been baptized in
6. PIETY faith totally rejects it. heretical or schismatic sect should be
again to receive the…
7. FEAR OF THE LORD 1. Heresies and the first Eight
ecumenical defined councils The council of nicea was convened in
-St. Ireneus defined heresy as 325 C.E
The Catholic Church in the middle deviation -the first ecumenical council
Catholic Ages
-the Fourth Council of Constantinople
in 864 C.E was the eighth ecumenical

3. Monasticism
-a Greek monas, meaning “alone”
-a religious way of life characterized
by the practice off renouncing worldly
pursuits to fully devote one's Self tor
spiritual work.

4. Crusades
-a Series wars launched by the
Christian states of Europe against the
-the Word used to describe moslem
during the time of the Crusades.
-in 1071, the Seljuk Turks conquered
Jerusalem and made it very difficult
for Christians.
-the Councils of Placenza and
Clermont (1098), Pope Urban
5. Ecumenical Councils after of the
Great schism church
-the great schism that divided the
eastern and western church
6. Protestant Reformation
-Martin Luther, an Augustinian
proponent, was the First proponent of
protestant reformation.
-Luther believed that we are saved by
faith alone.
Other Leaders of Protestantism
 Switzerland
 France
 Protestantism
 England
 Ireland
Switzerland - Ulrich Zwingli
France - John Calvin
England - Henry VIII
Ireland - Edward VI

1: Catholic Reform and Ecumenical

from Trent to Vatican II
-series to the of the of Councils in the
church up to the sixteenth century
Show constant need renewal. Of the
church for reform and renewal

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