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Name of Student : Keth Jourly M. Pabillon

ID# : 119-00918

Gmail Account :



 Having a muscular body  Having a fit body  Other people cant
 Having a girlfriend  Soft hearted accept what they are
 Hardworking  Merciful  Other people make fun
 Aggressive  Wearing light color of them
clothes  Others never respect
 Very genuine them

What are your thoughts?

The biggest problem we face is that many people still see gender inequality as a women's issue even
though by gender we refer to all genders, including male, female, and the LGBTQI. We have to respect
every gender because we are just humans making fun in other gender, and we can hurt other people's
feelings by doing so. Gender inequality has been a major issue in recent years. The dominant gender has
been men because for the past year only men do the work and women stay inside the while doing house
chores because women is being discriminate because they think that they cant do what men can but
they are wrong because todays timeline women can do what men can.


1. distinguish sex, gender and sexuality and provided examples on how each is manifested in real life


Primarily refers to physical attributes-body characteristics notably sex organ which are distinct in
majority of individuals.

Example: Having a penis at birth means your sex is male.


Is the composite of attitudes and behavior of men and women

Example: Having a soft appearance means that the society sees a person as feminine.

Encompasses personal and social meanings as well as sexual behavior and biology. It includes ways our
bodies develop and respond sexually, includes sexual acts: kissing, touching, intercourse, includes
feelings about these activities and responses.

Examples: Being non-binary, pansexual, lesbian, gay.

2. how can you describe your discovery of your sexuality, your sense of being male or female?

Sexuality is diverse and personal, and it is an important part of who you are. Discovering your sexuality
can be a very liberating, exciting and positive experience. Some people experience discrimination due to
their sexuality. If someone gives you a hard time about your sexuality, it’s good to talk to someone
about it.

3. look for books or articles dedicating their discussion on human sexuality. Write down an essay
comparing how these materials define sex, gender and sexuality.

you might not have realized that sex and gender are not the same, as most people do. However, sex and
gender are conceptually separate in the eyes of sociologists and the majority of other social scientists.
Physical or physiological distinctions between males and females are referred to as sex, which can
include both primary sex characteristics (such as the reproductive system) and secondary sex traits (such
as height and muscularity). The term "gender" refers to the social and/or cultural roles and distinctions
that come with being male or female. The degree to which a person identifies as either male or female is
known as their gender identity. Sociologists refer to gender as a core status because it is such a
fundamental aspect of identity, socialization, institutional engagement, and life possibilities.

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