The Simple Past

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The Past Simple

Simple past adalah Verb yang memperlihat aksi atau keadaan yang terjadi di masa lampau.
Contoh: Lisa danced yesterday.

Positive Negative Question
Past Simple Subject + past simple (verb + Subject + did + not + Verb (Question word+) did + subject + verb?
ed) She didn’t eat anything + past participle?
I ate an apple They did not eat breakfast Did you eat the chocolate?
She ate some rice What did they eat for luch?

Positive Negative Question

Past Simple with ‘be’ Subject + was / were Subject + was / were + not (Question word+) was / were + subject
I was hungry We weren’t hungry …. ?
They were in a restaurant She wasn’t at home Why was she hungry?
Were you hungry?

Positive Negative Question

Past Continuous Subject + wa /were + Verb- Subject + was / were + not + (Question word+) was / were + subject
ing verb-ing + verb-ing
I was eating You weren’t eating Where were you eating?
They were eating lunch She wasn’t eating a sandwich Was she eating an apple?


A. Past Simple Story

One autumn evening, Charles and Beth went to the theater. They attended a play. The
play started at 7:00. Charles and Beth enjoyed the theater.

After the play, Charles and Beth walked together in the park. They walked beside the
lake. The moon was bright. They talked about their future.
When Charles and Beth went home, their children were not asleep. They waited for
Charles and Beth to return. They were excited to hear about the theater!

Charles told the children about the play. Then, Beth put the children to bed. Charles and
Beth were very tired. It was a good night!

B. Past Progressive Story

Yesterday, it was raining and thundering all day. Ann was playing inside the house. She
wanted to be outside. She wasn't playing outside because it was raining. She was feeling
tired of being trapped inside the house.

Ann was trying to keep busy inside the house. She was reading her book until the
electricity went out. Then, she decided to practice her sewing. She was practicing sewing
until lunchtime. After lunch, she sat by the window and watched the rain.

While Ann was watching the rain, the phone rang. Her mother was calling to say she was
coming home. She was bringing a new game. Ann and her mother ate ice cream and
played the game.

While they were playing, the rain stopped! But Ann didn't even notice. She was having
such a good time with her mom!
C. Assignment 3
1. What did Charles and Beth attend? What time did it start?
2. What did Charles and Beth do after they left the theater? What did they talk about?
3. Who waited for Charles and Beth to return home? What did Beth do?
4. Fill in the blanks with the right words from below.

excited and children about walked

were started not park autumn
One _________ evening, Charles and beth went to the theater. They attended a play.
The play ________ at 7:00. Charles and Beth enjoyed the theater.
After the play, Charles and Beth walked together in the _________. They ________
beside the lake. The moon was bright. They talked _________ their future.
When Charles and Beth went home, their children were _________ asleep. They waited
for Charles _________ Beth to return. They were _________ to hear about the theater!
Charles told the _________ about the play. Then, Beth put the children to bed. Charles
and Beth _________ very tired. It was a good night!
5. Where was Ann playing yesterday? Why wasn’t she playing outside?
6. What was Ann doing before the electricity went out? What was she doing until
7. At the end of the story, the rain stopped. What was Ann doing?

Change each verb into the Past Progressive tense.

1. Last week I ___________ (visit) my brother in France.
2. At 5 o’clock she _________ (cook) dinner.
3. Sally _________ (study) while Jan _________ (play).
4. She _________ (sing) while they _________ (eat) dinner.
5. It _________ (work) yesterday.
6. They _________ (swim) until it started to rain.
7. The dog ________ (bark) all night long.
8. My sister _________ (laugh) at my story.
9. The cat _________ (sleep) on my bed last night.
10. The girls _________ (talk) during class yesterday.


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