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MODULE 1 deliver the physical product or service(s) to the

buyer or user.
Defining Marketing for the New Realities
3- Service channels to carry out transactions
Marketing is an organizational function and a with potential buyers.
set of processes for creating, communicating, • The buyer chooses the offerings he or she
and delivering value to customers and for perceives to deliver the most value the sum of
managing customer relationships in ways that the tangible and intangible benefits and costs.
benefit organization and its stakeholders.
Value, a central marketing concept, is primarily
Or marketing is “meeting needs profitably.” a combination of quality, service, and price
(qsp), called the customer value triad.
Marketing management is the art and science
of choosing target markets and getting, The New Marketing Realities
keeping, and growing customers through
Three transformative forces:
creating, delivering, and communicating
• Technology
superior customer value.
• Globalization
The Value of Marketing • Social responsibility

• Financial success often depends on marketing What New Capabilities have these forces given
ability. consumers and companies?
• Marketing builds strong brands and a loyal
customer base.
-Can use the Internet as a powerful information
Core Marketing Concepts and sales channel, including for individually
differentiated goods.
• Needs
• Wants -Can collect fuller and richer information about
• Demands markets, customers, prospects, and
Target Markets, Positioning & Segmentation
-Can reach customers quickly and efficiently via
• Marketers identify distinct segments of buyers social media and mobile marketing.
by identifying demographic, psychographic, and
behavioral differences between them. -Can improve purchasing, recruiting, training,
• They then decide which segment's) present and internal and external communications.
the greatest opportunities.
-Can improve cost efficiency.
• For each of these target market the firm
develops a market offering that it positions in Company Orientation toward the Marketplace
target buyers’ minds as delivering some key
• Production Concept
• Product Concept
Marketing Channels • Selling Concept
• Marketing Concept
To reach a target market, the marketer
• Holistic Marketing Concept
usesthree kinds of marketing channels:
1- Communication channels deliver and receive Production Concept
messages from target buyers. • It holds that consumers prefer products that
2- Distribution channels help display, sell, or are widely available and inexpensive.
• Managers of production-oriented businesses • Four key constituents for relationship
concentrate on achieving high production marketing are customers, employees,
efficiency, low costs, and mass distribution. marketing partners (channels, suppliers,
distributors, dealers, agencies), and members
Product Concept
of the financial community (shareholders,
• The Product concept proposes that
investors, analysts)
consumers favor products offering the most
quality, performance, or innovative features. Integrated Marketing
• Within the integrated marketing component
Selling Concept
of a holistic strategy, businesses work towards
• The selling concept holds that consumers and
making marketing decisions that create value
businesses, if left alone, won’t buy enough of
for stakeholders through a clear, concise
the organization’s products.
marketing message. All activities within
• It is practiced most aggressively with unsought integrated marketing, including advertising,
goods—goods buyers don’t normally think of public relations, direct marketing, online
buying such as insurance and cemetery plots communications, and social media marketing,
and when firms with overcapacity aim to sell work in sync with one another to ensure the
what they make, rather than make what the company's customers and business partners
market wants have the same experience with and perception
of the company.
Marketing Concept
• The job is to find not the right customers for Internal Marketing
your products, but the right products for your • Internal marketing is aimed at catering to the
customers. specific needs of the business's own employees.
Internal marketing ensures that employees are
• The marketing concept holds that the key to satisfied with the work they perform each day
achieving organizational goals is being more as well as the philosophy and direction of the
effective than competitors in creating, organization as a whole. Greater satisfaction
delivering, and communicating superior among employees leads to increased customer
customer value to your target markets. satisfaction over time, making internal
Holistic Marketing Concept marketing a key aspect of the holistic approach.
• The holistic marketing concept is based on Societal Marketing
the development, design, and implementation • Societal marketing is aimed at creating
of marketing programs, processes, and activities marketing initiatives that are based on ethically
that recognize their breadth and sound business practices, such as
interdependencies. environmentally-friendly production or
• Holistic marketing acknowledges that meaningful interaction with the surrounding
everything matters in marketing— and that a community. Marketing campaigns that are
broad, integrated perspective is often intentionally socially responsible provide
necessary. another method for businesses to build long-
lasting, beneficial stakeholder and partner
Relationship Marketing relationships
• Relationships with people and organizations
that directly or indirectly affect the success of
the firm’s marketing activities
MODULE 2 so, all corporate headquarters undertake four
planning activities:
Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans
• 1. Defining the corporate mission
The Value Delivery Process • 2. Establishing strategic business units
• 3. Assigning resources to each strategic
• We can divide the value creation and delivery business unit
sequence into three phases. First, choosing the • 4. Assessing growth opportunities
value is the “homework” marketers must do
before any product exists. They must segment Establishing Strategic Business Units
the market, select the appropriate target, and
• An SBU has three characteristics:
develop the offering’s value positioning. The
• 1. It is a single business, or a collection of
formula “segmentation, targeting, positioning
related businesses, that can be planned
(STP)” is the essence of strategic marketing.
separately from the rest of the company.
• The second phase is providing the value. • 2. It has its own set of competitors.
Marketing must identify specific product • 3. It has a manager responsible for strategic
features, prices, and distribution. planning and profit performance, who controls
most of the factors affecting profit
• The task in the third phase is communicating
the value by utilizing the Internet, advertising, The Nature and Contents of a Marketing Plan
sales force, and any other communication tools
• Marketing plan is the central instrument for
to announce and promote the product. The
directing and coordinating the marketing effort.
value delivery process begins before there is a
• It operates at a Strategic and Tactical level
product and continues through development
• Marketing plan is a written document that
and after launch. Each phase has cost
summarizes what the marketer has learned
about the marketplace and indicates how the
What is Value Chain? firm plans to reach its marketing objectives.
• A marketing plan is one of the most important
• The value chain is a tool for identifying ways outputs of the marketing process. It provides
to create more customer value because every direction and focus for a brand, product, or
firm is a synthesis of primary and support company. It informs and motivates key
activities performed to design produce, market, constituents inside and outside an organization
deliver, and support its product about its marketing goals and how these can be
Core Competencies achieved.

• Characteristics of Core Competencies Marketing Plan Contents

• A source of competitive advantage and make • Executive Summary
significant contribution to perceived customer • Table of Contents
benefits. • Situation Analysis
• Applications in a wide variety of markets • Marketing Strategy
Difficult for competitors to imitate / copy • Marketing Tactics
Corporate and Division Strategic Planning • Financial Projections
• Implementation and Control
• Whether they let their business units set their
own goals and strategies or collaborate in doing
Executive summary -The executive summary is and a break-even analysis. On the revenue side
the first section to appear on the page after is forecasted sales volume by month and
your title page. This section should outline the product category, and on the expense side the
goals of your report expected costs of marketing, broken down into
finer categories. The break-even analysis
Situation analysis - This section presents
estimates how many units the firm must sell
relevant background data on sales, costs, the
monthly (or how many years it will take) to
market, competitors, and the
offset its monthly fixed costs and average per-
macroenvironment. How do we define the
unit variable costs.
market, how big is it, and how fast is it growing?
What are the relevant trends and critical issues? Implementation controls - The last section
Firms will use all this information to carry out a outlines the controls for monitoring and
SWOT analysis. adjusting implementation of the plan. Typically,
it spells out the goals and budget for each
Marketing strategy - Here the marketing
month or quarter so management can review
manager defines the mission, marketing and
each period’s results and take corrective action
financial objectives, and needs the market
as needed.
offering is intended to satisfy as well as its
competitive positioning. All this requires inputs MODULE 3
from other areas, such as purchasing, Conducting Market Research
manufacturing, sales, finance, and human
Marketing Research - is the systematic design,
collection, analysis, and reporting of data and
Marketing tactics - Here the marketing findings relevant to a specific marketing
manager outlines the marketing activities that situation facing the company
will be undertaken to execute the marketing
• The product or service offering section • To undertake marketing effectively
describes the key attributes and benefits that • Changes in technology
will appeal to target customers. • Changes in consumer tastes
• The pricing section specifies the general price • Market demand
range and how it might vary across different • Changes in the product ranges of competitors
types of customers or channels, including any • Changes in economic conditions
incentive or discount plans. • Distribution channels
• The channel section outlines the different
forms of distribution, such as direct or indirect. PURPOSE OF MARKETING RESEARCH
• The communications section usually offers • Gain a more detailed understanding of
high-level guidance about the general message consumers’ needs: Example: views on products
and media strategy. Firms will often develop a prices, packaging, recent advertising campaigns
separate communication plan to provide the • Reduce the risk of product/business failure:
detail necessary for agencies and other media There is no guarantee that any new idea will be
partners to effectively design the a commercial success
communication program. - Can help to achieve commercial success
Financial projections - Financial projections • Forecast future trends: It can also be used to
include a sales forecast, an expense forecast, anticipate future customer needs
OVERVIEW OF THE MARKETING RESEARCH • Portray these variables by answering
PROCESS who,what,why and how questions.
• Example: consumer attitude survey to your
• Why should we do research?
company services.
• What research should be done?
• Is it worth doing the research? Causal Research – The most specific type of
• How should the research be designed to research is causal research, which usually comes
achieve the research objectives? in the form of a field test or experiment. In this
• What will we do with the research? case, you are trying to determine a causal
relationship between variables. For example,
The Marketing Research Process
does the music I play in my restaurant increase
• Define the problem dessert sales (i.e. is there a causal relationship
• Develop research plan between music and sales?)
• Collect information
• Analyze information
• Present findings • The collection of data relates to the gathering
• Make decision of facts to be used in solving the problem.
• Data can be primary, i.e., collected from the
original base through empirical research by
“A problem well-defined is half solved” means of various tools.
• Data can be secondary, i.e., collected from
• Identifying and defining the problem or concerned reports, magazines and other
opportunity is a crucial first step in the periodicals, especially written articles,
marketing research process government publications, company
• When defining the problem, it is important to publications, books, etc.
think broadly about the possible causes.
There can be broadly two types of sources
Problem definition involves: • Internal sources: existing within the firm itself,
• Specifying decision alternatives such as accounting data, salesmen’s reports,
• Itemizing the possible causes of the symptoms etc.
• Listing the reasonable alternative courses of • External sources: existing outside the firm.
action that the marketing manager can
undertake to solve the problem Step 4 Analyze the Information

Step 2: Develop the Research Plan • The researchers compute averages and
measures of dispersion for the major variables
Exploratory Research Design - It is defined as and apply some advanced statistical techniques
collecting information in an unstructured and and decision models in the hope of discovering
informal manner. additional findings.
• Examples: Reading periodicals, visiting • Run summaries with the tools provided in
competitor premises, examine company sales your software package (typically Excel, SPSS,
and profits vs. industry sales and profit Minitab, etc.), build tables and graphs, segment
Descriptive Research Design - It refers to a set your results by groups that make sense (i.e. age,
of methods and procedure that describe gender, etc.), and look for the major trends in
marketing variables. your data. Start to formulate the story you will
Step 5: Present the Findings

• As the last step, the researcher presents the

findings. Researchers are increasingly asked to
play a proactive, consulting role in translating
data and information into insights and
recommendations for management

Step 6: Make the Decision

• Some organizations use marketing decision

support systems to help their marketing
managers make better decisions. MIT’s John
Little defined a marketing decision support
system (MDSS) as a coordinated collection of
data, systems, tools, and techniques, with
supporting software and hardware, by which an
organization gathers and interprets relevant
information from business and environment
and turns it into a basis for marketing action

• Once the market research process is

complete, the information collected might be
stored by the company in another system also
commonly known as marketing decision
support system. This system generally has all
the data collected from the market and can be
used by marketers and management alike to
make the right decisions for the company. At
the same time, it is not necessary that the
market research process give completely
accurate results. In fact, over time many
innovators and thinkers have ignored market
research analysis and launched the product by
gut feeling and have still succeeded.



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