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A friendly reminder from the health club
Globally, the World Health Organization Today at Dumingag, Zamboanga del Sur, malaria is in an occurrence. Babies,
estimates that in 2020, 241 million clinical cases toddlers, kids, teens, adults, and elderlies are affected. But what really is malaria and its
of malaria occurred, and 627,000 people died of symptoms? Where is it from? How was this disease spread? And how can we prevent this
malaria, most of them children in Africa. disease?
Because malaria causes so much illness and A parasite that frequently infects a particular species of mosquito that feeds on people
death, the disease is a great drain on many can result in the serious and occasionally fatal disease known as malaria. Malaria often
national economies. Since many countries with causes severe disease, including high fevers, shivering chills, and flu-like symptoms.
malaria are already among the poorer nations, the Plasmodium falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale, and P. malariae are the four species of malaria
disease maintains a vicious cycle of disease and parasites which can infect people. Furthermore, P. knowlesi, a strain of malaria that
poverty. normally infects macaques in Southeast Asia, infects people as well, resulting in "zoonotic"
(spread from animal to human) malaria. P. falciparum is the strain of malaria that is most
prone to cause serious infections and, if untreated, may be fatal. Despite the fact that
CONTACT malaria can be fatal, most cases of illness and fatalities are frequently preventable. Malaria
symptoms include fever and a flu-like disease with chills, headache, muscular aches, and
fatigue. There may also be nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Due to the loss of red blood
cells, malaria may result in anemia and jaundice (yellow skin and eyes). Infections can
grow serious and lead to kidney failure, convulsions, mental confusion, comas, and even
death if they are not properly treated.
Malaria often spreads by mosquito bites from infected female Anopheles
mosquitoes. Only Anopheles mosquitoes, which must have already consumed blood from
an infected person, may spread malaria. A tiny amount of blood containing microscopic
malaria parasites is ingested when a mosquito bites an infected individual. These parasites
CREDITS combine with the mosquito's saliva and are injected into the person being bitten around a
week later, when the mosquito takes its next blood meal.
Prepared by: Malaria can also be spread by blood transfusion, organ transplant, sharing needles or
Czar Miggyl F. Samong syringes that have been contaminated with blood, and other methods because the malaria
(Health Club President & Student parasite is present in the red blood cells of an infected individual. Congenital malaria is the
Clinic Assistant) term used to describe the transmission of malaria from a mother to her unborn child before
Approved by: or during delivery.
Mrs. Irish Ann P. Bulahan You can protect yourself prescription and medication to avoid mosquito bites.
(Health Club Sponsor & Academy Malaria has no vaccination. To determine if you need to take your prescription research
Nurse) your trip. In your area, search for steady open water (where mosquitoes may possibly
reproduce) and destroy it.,%2C%20and%20flu%2Dlike%20illness.

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