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Instruction: Read the historical recount text below and do the exercises!


Nobody could believe it, but it happened! The Titanic, which was the largest ship ever built, sank a few hours after
hitting an iceberg.

The tragedy happened in 1912, on its first trip across the Atlantic Ocean. The Titanic was travelling from
Southampton to New York with 2201 people on board. Only 711 of them could be saved by the Carpathia, a ship
which was sailing some miles away, while 1490 people lost their lives in the accident.

Too many people died because there were not enough lifeboats for all of them and the crew was not prepared
for such a catastrophe; they thought that the ship was safe in any difficult condition and could not sink. And also,
many passengers were sleeping and they were not dressed warmly to survive in the very cold waters of Atlantic

New safety measures were taken after this accident and now ships carry enough lifeboats, life vest and survival
kits for all the people on board and the crew is well trained for emergency situation.

I. Write the correct synonym of the following words from the text!

1 Sink Tenggelam

2 Hit Menabrak

3 Trip Perjalanan

4 First Perdana/pertama

5 catastrophe Malapetaka

6 Carry Membawa
II. Match the sentence in part A that you think is the main idea to the empty spot in part B


The impact of tragedy for new safety measure

Facts about the famous ship and the accident

The causes of passengers died in the accident

The sinking moment of the great ship


Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3

Paragraph 4

III. Choose the most correct answer based on the text you have read


What does paragraph 3 tell us about?

A. Facts about the famous ship and the accident

B. The great ship sank
C. Causes of the big numbers of dead passengers
D. Lesson learnt from the accident
E. The crew preparation before sailing


Which statement DOES NOT agree with the text?

A. It was the first trip of titanic

B. The titanic was traveling from Europe to America
C. Carpathia could save half of the titanic passengers
D. There were not enough lifeboats in Titanic
E. Many passengers died because they could not survive in the cold water of Atlantic Ocean

What were the passengers doing when the ship struck the iceberg?

A. Having dinner
B. Taking a rest
C. Monitoring the ice berg
D. Helping the other passengers
E. Preparing lifeboats


Which word in the text that has similar meaning to the word “drowned”?

A. Sank
B. Catastrophe
C. Carry
D. Sailing
E. Hit


The tragedy happened in 1912, on its first trip across the Atlantic Ocean. The underlined word can be best replaced
with the word …

A. Maiden
B. Tragedy
C. Misfortune
D. Voyage
E. Strike

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