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Name:____________________________________Grade&Section________ Date:_______

Topic: Proper Waste Disposal

Learning Competencies & Code: Practices proper waste management

at home, in school and in the

community. H6CMHIIh-8

Concept/ Short Input:

Recycling is very important as waste has a huge negative impact on the natural environment.

Harmful chemicals and greenhouse gasses are released from rubbish in landfill

sites. Recycling helps to reduce the pollution caused by waste. Recycling reduces the need for

raw materials so that the rainforests can be preserved.

Reusing is the act of taking old items that you might consider throwing away and finding a

new use for them. Get the most mileage out of the materials you encounter. Jars from grocery

store foods can be used to store leftovers or to take lunch to work. Use old clothing as cleaning


To reduce is to make something smaller or to become or feel smaller, or forcing someone into

a less desirable position. When you sell off half of your doll collection, your actions are an

example of reduce. An example of reduce is when your stomach gets smaller because you are on

a diet; your stomach reduces.

To recycle is to use again or to reuse waste material by converting it into something new. An

example of recycle is when you return bottles, which are then processed into new glass



How can a school and community maintain a healthful physical environment?

Identify and separate waste Proper waste management

Waste could be classified as biodegradable; Reduce waste by recycling then. When you

non-biodegradable is waste that can decompose recycle, you break down waste products back to

or destroy by itself. Non-biodegradable those their basic material for reuse for the same

that cannot be destroyed by any means even if purpose or for other purpose.

they are burned.

Hazardous waste is dangerous waste that are

harmful to people, plants and animals.

o Biodegradable – paper, kitchen waste,

yard cutting

o Non-biodegradable – plastic,

polystyrene, glass, cans

o Hazardous waste – chemicals, used

batteries, expired medicines

Items that can be recycled:

 Paper: office paper, magazines, newspapers, and junk mail

 Green, clear and brown glass bottles and jars.

 Juice and milk cartons

 All plastic bottles and containers marked, but no lids please

 Steel (tin) and aluminum cans and empty aerosols

Waste Disposal Practices. There are eight major groups of waste management methods, each

of them divided into numerous categories. Those groups include source reduction and reuse,

animal feeding, recycling, composting, fermentation, landfills, incineration, and land application.

Effective segregation of wastes means that less waste goes to landfill which makes it cheaper

and better for people and the environment. It is also important to segregate for public health. ...

You have a legal obligation to correctly describe waste as it leaves your site

using the correct waste transfer documentation.
Activity 1:

A. For online learners – Listen and reflect to the song title “Anak ng Pasig”. Create a

three (3) to five (5) minutes short video showing ways practicing proper waste management

at home, in school and in the community. Your Output will be sent to the email address

provided by your teacher. Use the rubrics given as your guide

B. For offline learners - Make a photo documentation of solid wase management at home.

Then create a checklist if it is properly segregated. You can used long bond paper and any other

art materials for your additional designs. Submit your output together with your module. Use the

rubrics given as your guide.

Activity 2: Journal

Write a short reflection with at least 5 sentences, on the importance of practicing proper

waste management at home, in school and in the community.


 The 21st Century MAPEH in ACTION 6,Page 270-273




Notes: a) This is exclusively for the use of Digos City Division.

b) The Division welcomes suggestions for the improvement of this worksheet or email

Prepared By: JENNY D. CORPUZ

DMMES,Digos Oriental District

Creteria Score

Total Score /50

Excellent – 25
Good – 15
Needs improvement – 10

Photo Documentation:

Creteria Score

Total Score /50

Excellent – 25
Good – 15
Needs improvement – 10


Creteria Score

Total Score /30

Excellent – 15
Good – 10
Needs improvement – 5
Key Answer:

Activity 1:
A. Learners Output may vary.
B. Learners Output may vary.

Activity 2: Learners Output may vary

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