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TOPIC: Writing an internal analysis report (about 2500

words) of the firm that your team chosen and

SUBJECT : Strategic Management


1. Vũ Lâm Phương 6. Ngô Thị Kiều Loan

2. Trần Thị Huyền 7. Nguyễn Thị Thùy Linh
3. Ngô Thị Hường

Ha Noi, 5/2020


Internal Organization Analysis.....................................................................................................2

A. RESOURCES......................................................................................................................... 2

1. Tangible resources.............................................................................................................. 2
1.1 Financial resources........................................................................................................2
1.2 Organizational resources...............................................................................................3
1.3 Physical resources.........................................................................................................3
1.4 Technological resources.................................................................................................3
2. Intangible Resource.............................................................................................................3
2.1 Human resources...........................................................................................................3
2.2 Innovation resources......................................................................................................4
2.3 Reputation resources....................................................................................................4
3. CAPABILITIES..................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Distribution..................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Human resources...........................................................................................................5
3.3 Research and Development : Innovation and technology resources..............................6
3.4 Management: Ability to envision the future of products...............................................6
4. CORE COMPETENCIES.....................................................................................................7
4.1 Valuable......................................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Rare.............................................................................................................................. 8
4.3 Costly to imitate.............................................................................................................. 8
4.4 Non Substitutable........................................................................................................... 8
4.5 Organized....................................................................................................................... 8
B. VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS....................................................................................................10
Primary activities.................................................................................................................... 10
1.Inbound logistic............................................................................................................... 10
2.Operations...................................................................................................................... 10
3.Outbound logistic............................................................................................................ 11
4.Marketing and Sales........................................................................................................12
5.Service............................................................................................................................ 13
II. Support activity.................................................................................................................. 13
1. Firm infrastructure.......................................................................................................... 13
2. Human resource management.......................................................................................13
3. Technology..................................................................................................................... 14
4. Procurement................................................................................................................... 14
REFERENCES.......................................................................................................................... 16

Internal organization Analysis


1. Tangible resources
1.1 Financial resources
From 2019, after changing the new logo includes golden Houblon flowers in a star shape, as a
symbol of the brewer’s essence, Habeco’s business picture in 2019 has generally improved
significantly, gradually increasing market share in new markets, but still maintaining market
share in traditional areas. At the end of 2019, Habeco’s financial statements show that the
Corporation still has VND 2,877 billion in cash and bank deposits, which is the largest item in
the asset structure at a rate of 36,7%. Reduced dept helping interest expenses in 2019 decrease
by nearly one-third compared to 2018, to VND 30.9 billion. In contrast, financial revenue,
mainly from deposit interest, is up to VND 171,9 billion, which is 5.56 times higher than
business expenses.(Source:VIETNAM INVESTMENT REVIEW).


However, entering 2020, Habeco and other beer companies face many difficulties due to the
double impact from Decree 100 and Covid-19. Many restaurants and tourist resorts had to
suspend operations, and the demand for beer products fell sharply. In the first 4 months of the
year, the targets of output, revenue, and budget payment are only 44-50%. Profit before tax
decreased by 93% over the same period, when it was only nearly 16 billion dong. Many Habeco
production units had to stop operations, cut labor and wages.

However, sales volume increased again in the past 2 months, helping this business profit 100
billion. The target of 2020 also decreases compared to 2019. Accordingly, the consumption of
main products is about 225 million liters, the sales revenue is nearly 4,224 billion dong, 45%
lower than the implementation in 2019. Ants also dropped to 248 billion. Dividend is expected to
split 6%.

1.2 Organizational resources

1.3 Physical resources
Habeco owns a dense distribution network which wide spread almost every important areas of
the region (Hanoi - Me Linh Brewery; Hanoi - Hung Yen Brewery; Hanoi - Hong Ha Brewery
(in Viet Tri - Phu Tho); Hanoi - Nghe An Brewery; Hanoi - Hai Phong Beer Factory; Hanoi -
Thai Binh Beer Factory; Hanoi - Quang Tri Beer Factory; Hanoi - Vung Tau Beer Factory

1.4 Technological resources

Hanoi Beer products are produced on lines and technologies of the Federal Republic of Germany
with a completely automatic bottling line, ensuring food quality, safety and hygiene. The Habeco
beer production equipment system today has always been modernized, mostly automated at all
stages: raw material processing, cooking, drinking water, quick cooling, fermentation, filtration.
beer, beer extraction, pasteurization, labelling, palletizing ...

The board of Habeco has paid more effort to ensure equal quality of their products at different
production facilities. All production lines and equipment of Habeco’s breweries meet the same
standards. Materials for beer production at all breweries are of equal quality and strictly
controlled by Habeco before reaching its subsidiaries. In the past, when outdated technology was
applied, beer production depended mostly on material sources, water resources, and fermentation
techniques. But now, when modern technology allows the corporation to deal with water
problems to achieve the desired quality, Habeco has concentrated on improving the traditional
brewing technique that requires long fermentation. Mistaken products must be processed based
on ISO requirements. “Currently, the quality of 100 percent of Habeco’s products is strictly
controlled by the corporation and its subsidiaries based on ISO 9001-2000 and ISO 22001-2005

2. Intangible Resource
2.1 Human resources
Habeco’s resources have 5000 employees (2019) including people with bachelor’s, master’s
degrees; people reached diploma level; vocational training; unskilled- workers ; and experienced
engineers. Besides, the average working-age of employees is 38,5 years old.


A skilled and experienced workforce helps the company produce high-quality products, reducing
waste, saving production costs. Moreover, with talented and qualified business staff, it allows
Habeco to ensure high productivity and consume well in the market . In recent years, the income
of workers is always improving, which shows employee loyalty and retention level for the
organization is high.

2.2 Innovation resources

Throughout the years, Habeco invests continuously on making up-to- date changes in
technology and the managing system to meet the requirements of the market. In 2019, Habeco
shook hands with FPT IS to launch the ERP business management system including main
modules: financial accounting, management accounting, purchasing management, warehouse
management, consolidated financial statement,... More specifically, ERP will help to connect
multidimensional data such as financial data, business data, technical data,... which will connect
all activities of the business, creating foundation for digital transitions. When come to operation,
this system will help Habeco standardize and automate the management process , production line
and business activities, accurately control data from all stages of the system, reduce costs,
increase labor productivity… Habeco also has continued making investments to upgrade modern
technology in the production line, having adequate facilities and creating a green environment in
accordance with international standards in the production area.

2.3 Reputation resources
Brand name and brand image are the things that Habeco takes time to build. Throughout the
year, beginning as the first local beer brand in the Vietnam market, Habeco has been able to
make an impression of a brand that carries traditional value and quality beer line with affordable

Vietnam Report Joint Stock Company has just announced the top 10 prestigious companies in
the food and beverage industry in 2019. Accordingly, Hanoi Beer-Alcohol-Beverage Joint Stock
Corporation (HABECO) is the leading domestic beer company in the list with the strong points:
large capacity, affordable, commercial communication system,….With nearly 130 years of
history with more than half a century of recovery and development, Habeco is now leading a
domestic beer company in the Vietnamese beverage industry with the famous product lines such
as Truc bach beer, Hanoi Bold and Light Beer, Hanoi Beer Premium, Canned beer,... These
products have received consumers’ trust in both quality and style which meet the taste not only
of domestic but also foreign beer connoisseurs, affirming the position of a national brand.

3.1 Distribution
Habeco is the second largest distributor in the beer industry in Vietnam with 345 primary
distribution agents. HABECO's distribution system is mainly through various levels of agents,
through major distributors, supermarkets, retail stores, and restaurants, consumers. The
HABECO’s distribution agents are mainly concentrated in the Northern provinces and North
Central which creates opportunities for the company to dominate the highest market share in the
region. The three provinces with the largest number of primary agents are Ha Noi (78 agents),
Nghe An (24 agents) and Ho Chi Minh City (22 agents). Distribution agents are usually
concentrated in cities and regions which have HABECO’s factory, with a wide network of
factories Northern provinces allow the company to reduce transportation costs, which can push
production costs.. This form of distribution has brought HABECO's brand name to consumers in
different regions, becoming familiar to the people.

3.2 Human resources

Habeco has great Human resources capability. In order for the system to be operated
professionally according to the parent company - subsidiary management model, the corporation
reorganizes the units and divisions, compact, effective management, and specialized departments
and branches accordingly. Focusing on efficient and synchronous management of quality,
management of input materials, integrating the ISO system of factories and companies with the
Corporation's ISO system. In addition to the remuneration regime with attractive salary, the
Company always creates a united and competitive working environment for employees to
promote their creativity, dynamism and effectively contribute to operational results. business of
the Corporation. Labor structure of the Company is appropriate and responsive to the needs of
production and business.

Habeco always focuses on investing in the learning of employees to approach science,

technology and new knowledge. The Corporation regularly organizes training to improve
professional qualifications, skills and foreign languages in many forms: inviting domestic and
foreign officials and specialists to teach at the Corporation; sent to study at home and abroad;
internal training..

Last but not least, Habeco treatment toward employees is also shown in quantity. With a
reasonable income distribution policy, employees who do jobs with higher complexity, higher
expertise required, larger scale and higher working efficiency will be ranked higher wages. In
recent years, the average income of the employees of the Corporation is relatively high. The
company always takes great consideration in motivating its employees. Labor motivation
activities for employees in the Corporation include material methods such as wages, bonuses,
emulation, or mental stimulation activities for all employees of the company. improve work
motivation, dedication and capacity contribution to the company voluntarily and happily. With a
salary that is quite relative to society, on average 4 times the basic salary in society, in addition
to bonuses for completing plans, saving or having a business initiative. basic and fair living
standards for all employees.

3.3 Research and Development : Innovation and technology resources

In terms of Research and Development function, Habeco’s capability is shown in its ability in
making use of innovation and technology resources. The company invests considerable time and
effort in developing their technology and being up-to-date in the changing market.

One of the outstanding technologies applied by Habeco is to operate the project “Investment
project of experimental beer production system” at the Institute of Technology, in Me Linh,

That operating project will provide facilities for research, technical development, analysis and
testing in the beer, wine, and beverage fields; research and development of new products;
researching, testing and applying new techniques, processes and advances before launching the
production scale in order to improve product quality and diversify products of Habeco. All
equipment for product research and development is equipped with modern, synchronous,
designed according to international standards, the level of automation ensures the tested products
have similar quality standards. equivalent to products of the same type produced on an industrial
scale. Specifically, this institute helps Habeco reduce time for experimenting new products, and
also cut down the cost for experiments. With the advanced technology, they only need to conduct
about 500 liters per time, compared with 22,000 liters in industrial scale. Approximately 10
million dollars was the budget spent for the investment on this institute

Typically, they had the investment in bottled water extraction line; completed and put into
operation the canning line of 60,000 cans / hour at Hanoi - Me Linh Brewery; New construction
of the Beer - Wine - Beverage Technical Institute; Pilot Plant system for research and
development of new products; launching new products and innovating product packaging design
to meet the needs of consumers … A pilot plant is a pre-commercial production system that
employs new production technology and/or produces small volumes of new technology-based
products, mainly for the purpose of learning about the new technology.

3.4 Management: Ability to envision the future of products

Globalization has created a whole new consuming trend and made great changes in
consumer purchasing habits and this does not exclude beer. The consumer trend of
customers strongly changed from the mid-end to high-end market. Being in the Vietnam
market long enough, Habeco was quick to catch on to the slightest change of the market
and has taken effective action to satisfy the customer’s needs. The innovation that Habeco
makes include:

 Prepared a rebranding strategy and a business strategy for both the medium and long
term, ready to compete with competitors in the near future.

 Paying special attention to new trends, thereby giving recommendations to improve the
current brand image.
 Concentrating on the construction and development of the distribution system through
the investment in all resources.
 Building the most comprehensive sales policies and support agents to bring benefits to
both parties.
 Promoting the training of market staff with a high sense of responsibility, enthusiasm for
work to be in charge in the market.
 Taking into account the innovation of the industrial revolution 4.0: Habeco has joined
hands with FPT to implement the ERP project to gradually integrate the business in the
context of the digital revolution, contributing to enhancing the strength and position in
the market. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a process used by companies to
manage and integrate the important parts of their businesses.

4.1 Valuable
 Brand image: Habeco affirms its position as the cultural beer producer of Vietnam
and as the trusted beer brand for every Vietnamese. Habeco’s products target
mostly the mid-end segment to meet the taste of almost everyone, which always
are among the best-selling products in the market, representing the beverage
culture of the capital. One of the biggest reasons customers choose Habeco beer is
because the brand has high reliability.

 Distribution network can be considered a valuable resource of Habeco. This

helps it reach out to more and more customers. Also it ensures greater revenues
for habeco and measures that promotion activities translate into sales as the
products are easily available.
 Technology is also a valuable resource of the company, not only does it help the
company raise the company productivity and quality, the implementation of up-
to-date technology helps reduce a considerable cost:

o Self-contained, automatic bottle washing machine ensures a perfect bottle

clean in all aspects: chemistry - physics - microbiology, energy saving,
water saving.
o Bottled beer filling machines with the principle of vacuum have
improved the quality of beer and reduced waste.
o Automatic pasteurizer makes operation simple, easy to control and
absolutely controls quality information.
o Fully automatic cooking system, which recovers energy and recovers
condensate very effectively. All processes are controlled and data saved by
the most advanced software available today.
o The outdoor fermentation tank system is automatically controlled by a
computer system that has ensured the uniform product quality, reduced
hard labor, increased labor productivity ...
o Laboratory system is equipped with modern equipment: chromatographic
analyzer, automatic beer analyzer, spectrophotometer ... to help ensure
product quality in all stages

 Employees are valuable sources of Habeco, the majority of the workforce is
highly trained and chosen through high education criteria which result in high
performance in work output.
 The innovation resource of Habeco can be considered valuable because it helps
Habeco keep up with customer needs and therefore enhance the brand beer lines
To conclude, Habeco has valuable capabilities of distribution, Human resources,
management and R&D that help the firm neutralize threat and exploit opportunities.

4.2 Rare
It is a fact that Heineken’ product is higher-end customer segment so the price of the
product is higher than other beer products of the same type, but is still taken in by
consumers and increasingly expanding the market with continuously increasing revenue.
Foreign beer brands such as Budweiser or Sapporo with higher prices come with higher
quality but consumption is quite slow. HABECO also with long-standing beer brands in
Vietnam still retains the price of over 10,000 VND per bottle, which is suitable for the
working class, offices, students, ... so it still maintains its position in the market. Not any
can keep it tradition in price while raising its product segment.

4.3 Costly to imitate

Due to its limitation as a low-end segmentation and depend considerably on importing,
all of Habeco resources are made use of at maximum to reduce any unnecessary cost. So
there are no resources that are costly to imitate. This is both an advantage and a

4.4 Non Substitutable

Referring to Hanoi culture, beside the elegance and magnificence of people with a
thousand year history of civilization, cuisine plays an important role in daily life, and it is
impossible not to refer to Habeco specially Hanoi beer- a symbol of image “Bold culture
of the capital”. Habeco also always preserves the beautiful cultural values of Hanoi along
with nurturing the beer brand of Vietnamese people to elevate their status.

4.5 Organized
 Human resources are well-organized. In order for the apparatus to be operated
professionally according to the parent company - subsidiary management model, the
corporation implements the reorganizing of units and divisions; effective management,
and specialized departments and branches accordingly. For HABECO, employees are the
source and the driving force of the business process, so the human factor is heavily
invested by HABECO. In addition to the preferential remuneration with attractive salary,
the Corporation always creates a united and competitive working environment for
employees to promote their creativity, dynamism and effectively contribute to the results
of their operations. business activities of the Corporation.
 Moreover, Habeco always has long-term production and ordering plans from 3 to 5 years
to reduce input costs and also to be proactive in long-term supply of raw materials. This
also can avoid sudden risks, for example, because of Coronavirus some borders have to

Distribution Human resources Research and Management
Capability Capability Development Capability

Valuable Yes Yes Yes Yes

Rare Yes Yes Yes

Costly to imitate Yes

Non Yes Yes


Competitive Competitive Temporary Temporary Temporary

Consequences partly competitive competitive competitive
advantage advantage advantage

Performance Average Average returns Average returns Average returns

Implication Return to above-average to above-average to above-average
returns returns returns

Core competencies:

From the analysis above, it can be seen that Distribution and R&D provide a sustained
competitive advantage. The patents are a source of unused competitive advantage. There exists a
temporary competitive advantage for employees

As a large corporation with a long tradition, the brand of Hanoi Beer is a brand loved and
trusted by a large number of consumers, so the consumption of products is very
convenient, production is not enough market demand. Currently, HABECO's market
share is 10%, ranking third in Vietnam's beer market. In the North market Hanoi beer
products dominate most of the beer consumption market.
 Firstly, the distribution channel system of Habeco is wide, especially in the
North. HABECO has a wide consumption market in 36 provinces and cities with
a large customer network of more than 1000 agents and more than 5000
restaurants and hotels. It is also a long-standing brand associated with Hanoi
culture. Customers have a long-term attachment to HABECO, so they are very
enthusiastic and loyal.
 Secondly, HABECO has built an internal management mechanism, thoroughly
applied and implemented ISO management on product quality, environment and
food safety, so product quality is always guaranteed.
 Thirdly, selling expenses / revenue ratio is at a relatively high level. The budget
for advertising, promotion, sales promotion is large, advertising and promotion
expenses account for 5.8% of the total cost, excluding advertising and promotion
 Habeco now also has a variety of product lines from low-end beers to high-end
beers which are suitable for everyone’s taste.
The current production capacity is not enough to meet the market demand, but when
Vinh Phuc brewery goes into operation, it partly meets this demand.

 Firstly, production cost is still high because the main raw materials such as Malt,
rice, sugar, houblon ... account for nearly 50% of production cost which must be
imported, not yet exploiting the domestic raw material market, so the competitive
advantage price competition is not high.
 Secondly, products of Habeco are distributed through agents, not yet a form of
 Thirdly, the product structure is still quite common, 330ml bottle beer is a high
class beer line, but consumption is very limited and the market is narrow.
 Fourthly, Habeco has not paid much attention to developing export markets, the
export expertise and foreign language ability of staff in charge of export are still
 Besides, marketing plans have not been planned and implemented at the right
time. The range of a Marketing strategy with specific implementation roadmaps is
still lacking. It is only at the level of implementing activities like advertising,
promotion and sales promotion sporadically.
 Moreover, the distribution system of Habeco is quite narrow, which is mainly
concentrated on the region of the North and part of Central.
 Finally, the professional qualifications of the market management staff are not
high. On the other hand, the regulations on responsibilities as well as the
regulations on rewarding and discipline are lacking and unclear, so there is no
measure to evaluate the quality and effectively manage the market staff.


Primary activities
1.Inbound logistic
 Main materials to produce beer of HABECO are mainly malt, houblon flower,
rice, sugar, water,.. Nearly 60-70% of materials (malt, houblon flower,..) are
imported, the others are available in Vietnam. The suppliers of HABECO are
companies which have traditional relationships, ability, reliability. Thus, it can
ensure the stability and quality. The first step in receiving material is researching
materials markets which include considering goods, updating information about
materials on magazines, internet,... The second step is negotiation with companies
who supply materials. With traditional suppliers which have a strong connection,
advantages of payment, delivery terms and favorable prices, the company will
sign the contract for each year. For new suppliers, HABECO conducts tender
invitations using an offer of competitive price methodologies . Complying the
contract is the final step by signing the import contracts, reviewing of conditions,
L/C opening, collecting shipment document, procuring payment, declaring

 Producing
 Hanoi beer is produced with assembling and technology of Germany.
HABECO's beer production equipment system today is modernized and
automated at all stages: material processing, cooking, water filtration,
quick cooling, fermentation, beer filtration, beer extraction, pasteurization,
labeling, palletizing …

 In order to maximize business efficiency and maintain, improve product
quality, HABECO has built up and strictly adhered to the quality
management system (ISO 9001: 2000); Environmental management
system (ISO 14000: 2004) and Food safety management system (ISO
22000: 2005).

3.Outbound logistic
 Process: The sales department first receives a purchase order from the client and checks
inventory availability to ensure they can fulfill the order. The sales department then sends
the customer order to the warehouse for picking and packing. The order is shipped and a
warehouse clerk updates inventory levels. The business bills the client and eventually
collects cash for the order
 Channels of distribution: The distribution channel system of HABECO is the network
providing products from the Corporation to 2 trading companies namely Habeco Trading
One Member Ltd for bottled and canned beer, and Ha Noi Beer Trading JSC for draft
beer. These two trading companies will then sell the products to the distributors level 1,

level 2, restaurant, retailing points, provide HABECO’s products to consumers.

 However, in general, HABECO’'s distribution network is still smaller than SABECO

which owns 800 primary agents and has a nationwide distribution network.

4.Marketing and Sales

 Market research and identify target market
 The company continuously conducts many research. In terms of large
research plans, the company has to rely on professional and branded
market research firms in the world such as the Nielsen,... together with the
other small surveys. The company also focuses on issues related to
customer’s satisfaction, product’s quality, retail, ….Therefore, they
propose strategies to improve products and create new products that are
suitable to consumer taste. In 2014, Uni Aqua Purified Water was
launched to tap into increasing demand strength of bottled drinking water.
In the year 2018, the company changed the identity of Hanoi Beer, Truc
Bach Beer, Hanoi Beer Premium for a modern look well-fitted with the
customer’s needs.

 Product policies
 HABECO always concentrates on products, especially beer which account for
more than 70% of the total output of the company. The company is promoting the
development of beer lines in the high-end and near-high-end segments by
launching new products such as Hanoi Bold and Hanoi Light in the second
quarter of 2019, implementing the strategy of building new images and brands. A

new bright spot has emerged is beer bottles, beer cans Truc Bach restoration,
which is the company's strategic product .
 The research and development of products are done regularly to be able to meet
customer needs.
 Advertising
 Every year the company spends a sizable amount of costs to come up with a
brand promotion strategy . The company has used a lot of advertising means such
as: TV, media, panel, internet, radio, outdoor advertising. Event activities are also
held monthly and quarterly such as "Hanoi Beer Festival" at different provinces
and cities Quang Binh, Nghe An, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh city; promotional activities
with the program "Turn on the lid to win" on the occasion of the Lunar New Year
every year. They also become the sponsor for various events: Football League,
Earth Hour campaign,..
 Expenses for marketing and advertising activities of the company increased from 168.8
billion VND in 2014 to 300.1 billion in 2016. Compared to SABECO, both companies
increased spending on marketing activities and increased the proportion of this cost to
revenue. However, SABECO got better results with expenses for marketing rising more
slowly, nevertheless increasing growth rate over the years while HABECO has slower
growth rate.

HABECO mainly focuses on instructions for use and storage. Many customer gratitude
conferences are organized annual.
 At primary distributions and wholesalers:
Be careful in loading and unloading goods, adhere to the principle of first in first out.
Products are transported by dry clean means, when loading and unloading must be
gentle, avoid hard impact. The company also noticed that products should be stored in
which is dry, well-ventilated, the temperature below 35 degrees Celsius.
 For customer:
Products should be refrigerated at a temperature of 10-12 degrees C to give better taste.
The company also suggests customers check the expiry date before use.

II. Support activity

1. Firm infrastructure
The role of a firm’s infrastructure is central to its success. Habeco has managed a large
infrastructure including its management, human resources, financial and technological
infrastructure. It is also educating its suppliers and focusing on innovation. The investment
project includes upgrading and expanding the existing infrastructure at the current breweries,
bringing into use an integrated management system to enhance automated production, reduce
energy consumption and support efficient manufacturing management.
Moreover, compared to Sabeco, it has a database for effective marketing and an advanced
information system to better understand customers.

2. Human resource management

Habeco can analyse human resource management by evaluating different HR aspects, including-
recruiting, selecting, training, rewarding, performance management and other personnel
management activities. The effective HR management can allow Habeco to reduce competitive
pressure based on motivation, commitment and skills of its workforce. The company can also

achieve its cost minimisation objectives by analysing hiring and training costs with their relative

(Source: Habeco labor


Acquisition and retention of highly skilled and experienced employees, which help the company
produce high quality products, reducing waste, saving production costs, consuming well and
maintaining position in the market. Great benefits and amazing corporate culture makes Habeco
drive efficient management of human capital.

In addition, Habeco always trains staff to interact effectively and customer service better than

3. Technology
In a modern, technological advanced, almost all value chain activities depend on technological
support. Some examples are automation software, hardware, equipment mostly imported from
European with assistance from Germany, Czechoslovakia…. The technological integration in
production, distribution, marketing and human resource activities requires Habeco to realise the
importance of technology development.

Technical staff system of Habeco gradually grew in quality and quantity, so they can undertake
as well as improve a number of productions at the processing stage.

Equipment system is capable of producing high quality products but with the current capacity, it
can not meet all the needs of the market, so it has a major influence on the consumption of the

However, in terms of technology development, Habeco is still slower compared with Sabeco in
integrating innovation in product design

4. Procurement
Most of the main raw materials for the production of beer, machines and equipment from
European. The negotiation sign contracts with companies and distributors of raw materials and
equipment successfully, but they are influenced by fluctuations in input prices, payment rates
due to supply depends on weather condition as well as sales and tax policy of the supplier.

Habeco should have policies with suppliers of raw materials to ensure stability in the early stage
of procurement.

In particular, Sabeco buys raw materials and spare parts at a higher price. But, It transports faster
than Habeco


1. Habeco bắt tay FPT IS mở chìa khóa chuyển đổi số

2. Bản báo cáo Bạch- Tổng công ty cổ phần Bia-rượu-nước giải khát Hà Nội

3. HABECO khẳng định vị thế trong ngành thực phẩm – đồ uống Việt Nam 2019

4. Lễ khánh thành “Dự án nghiên cứu và phát triển sản phẩm” và Gắn biển công
trình Chào mừng Đại hội Công đoàn Công Thương Việt Nam lần thứ III

5. Habeco "sống khoẻ" trong cơn biến động

6. Tạ Minh Hà( 2019) Nghiên cứu năng lực cạnh tranh của tổng công ty Bia-Rượi-
Nước giải khát Hà NỘi (HABECO)


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