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Residency Program Doctor of Medicine (MD) Curriculum (Phase-B) Paediatrics res Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University [ai Tinmoaction @ (2, | Goals and objectives 8 103. Admission Raquerents Phase B 8 (G4. | Curicstum structure Phase B 05 05, | Teachingand learing methods 06 (06. | Record of Training o7_| 07. [ Research co 08. Assman 8 {2 | Superson and Talaing Montrina 1 0 | Carla implementation, Review ad Upaatna « | Phase B Sylabus 1% Residency Program Papdaties 4. Introduetion: Pdatice is hat branch of medicine concerned wih the study and fave of fonts, children and youth health and cvease, the growth fond development, and thelr opportunty to acteve fll potential as ‘ut. In tho eomaindr of tue document, relerence to chien ao includes ifort, chadren and youth A Pedlaticien is ¢ specialist trained th dhagnaie and treiment of abroad range of deesses Invahing elsen based on 2 sous knowledge of marl growth ane dovelopmont and of tho wide range of snicalconions encounterod innit, chron and yout 2. Goals and Objectives: +" Residants must comonstate th raqusto knowledge, cil, and aiuces (reflective patontcenterd care and servico To verse population In'all aspects of specialist pracice, the ‘yauate most be abl 9 adress cues of ago, gender, 04a) ‘Sontation zur, eel and ethic ina pratesstonal manner + Upcn completion of vaining. a esident is expected > bo a ‘competent spocalit' in Pediatios capable of aseuming.@ onsite role the special. + The resident must aoqure a working rowiedge of the Iheocetcal bats ofthe spect, inctudng ts fourdatons in the bavi medealecences and research, + Competence is t0 be scquted trauzh coordinated fearing frporiences organized” under the aog. ol a univesly eportment of Pedatics. The sil have locuded both the ecassary practical circal experances and formal educational ches ‘+ Through hismer taining. he resident wil have acquired 2 degree af independent responsibilty for cincal decsons and an Undorstandng of the nature of tho rolatoncipe botwccn fetering “shyscan and a consulant Pesaran, Foloving Completion of traning and ceeaton in Pediatrics, the resident ‘wl be prnarod ‘or independent practice capable of assuring 3 Cansotonte rien the speci. + Propare trainee fo beable to meet aod respond tothe changing heathcare aceds aed expectation ofthe soc + To ensure that they have appropriate foundation ‘or Heong learning ane turer raining + To nelp tam ceveton ental thinkng kl and problem solving stelle managing heath retin Residency Program Paodatics General Objectives: ‘The educational and Vain process sims fo produce paediatric Gan adress al agpects ofthe heathcare needs of patients and the faries, “+ Minain the highest standards appropiate in thor professions fe Are avare of cunt hiking about tical and egal sss. Ae able to act as safe indopendent practioners whist ecogrizing the imation of thei own expertise and are able to fesogrize the obigaton fo Sook assistance a coleagues were appropiate 1+ Are amare of the procodures and abo ike appropiate action ‘when things go wrong, bat in ther owm practi and in that of hers Will be honest and cbjecive whon assessing the performance of those they have supervised and tan. “+ Can fake advantage of formation technology :0 enhance al sacpocts of ptr care Can develop management plans for the ‘whole pstlon” and ‘maintain knowledge in cher araatof medicine whic ircinge on the specially ‘+ Understand that effective communication between them and thei pationts can fad to more effochve tresiment anc care + Aap appoprate Krowedge and ekil In the diagnosis and rmanagomentof pation. © Estabish a dierentia! diagnosis for patients presenting with redial problems by te appropriate use of the clinical history, txaminaon an investigations ‘+ Ae competent perfor the cor investigations and procedures required in hee specaes © Develop clncal procice which is based on an analysis of felovont cla! tals and to have an understanding of he research metrodoleges. ‘+ fre able to apply the knowledge of ticlagcal anc behavioral sciences in clnal practice Residency Program Poodiaties © Are able Wenity and take responsibiny for ther own ‘educational node an the attainment of those nocd. “+ Have developed he sts ofan etecive lencrer 3. Admission Requirements for Phase B: Resicents who nave passed Phase A Final Examination ae eile {or enrcimentin tne Phaze Program, 4. Curriculum Structure for Phase B: Tre traning s designed to develop bath the generic and specay pectic atirbutes nocessary fe practee indepondenly as. @ ‘ansullant Paediatrician, The sim ist tain indus to provi the highest stendar cf servic to patients with all paediatric dsordes This icludes ne daveloprent of peiive attxies towares Wong looming an the aby 1 adapt to future technological advances and the changing expectations of society 4.1 Phase B: Paediatric Specialty Training: in-depth special. specie edleatanal and taining program i this phase wil make te vesident competent ard prepare them forthe Specialy qualicaton. i wil provide educational program covering the speciaty of Paediatics and ts subspeciaes, Blotaistes, Research Methodology ar Medial Edveation along wit ction of specie lineal waning Expected outcomes at the complation of the Phase & program: Residents of this waning program wit be equipped to function ‘fecvely whi the caent and amerong professional, medical and Seca cantons. A the completion of he traning pregrem, as dafnad by fis cumculim, He expected Bet @ new Paecnnan wil Rave veloped the cnical eklls ond howe eeduired the Hecrees ‘rane for competant Paaditic practew Wis wxpecte Mat a new Paediatrician wil beable to 12 Utl2e efecive communication with paints and their femies ‘anc wih ptotesional collegues, 2 Be dovited ta Welong eaing Residency Program Paciatrics 1» Be equpped to manage both acute and chron predate cbeortos 12 dently the pothoptysilogy and manifestalons of paecatie Csorders, and modem theracetcs, which can be applied to pation! dagness and management 1a oply eporopriata skis 10 pertorm necessary dagnostic and therapeutic decisions 1» Demonstrate a capacty 1 rationally analyze circa dele and published work 12 Demonstate an understanding ofan commitmnt othe rte of research in advancing medica care 12 Develop a commitment to compassionate, etticalsrofessionst benavir 12 Identity heath issue of importance in the community and contribute consirusivey fo adoress nose issues, 12 Apply primary and secondary prevention strategies in prevention ‘Of iseases and ensure cpimsihealth of the chien 5, Teaching and Learning Methods: ‘The bulk of leaning ocew's as a resut of clinical exnerences {experintl laming, on theeb lnarning) 2nd sef-rectod lesming. ‘The degios of self-directed earring wil increase a= Voinees became more experianced. Teaching and loorring oDcu's using ‘several metnods that ange ftom formal didactic lactres to planned Cinical experiences. Aspects covered wil inctuce knowledge, skis and practees relevant to the discipline In ofder to achieve speci learning outcomes and competencies. The thecraical part of the Ccurum prsenis the custant body of knowledge necessary fo: practce. Tis can be imparted usag lectures, grand teaching rounds Cirico-pethological matings, morbiaiyimeraly review meetings. Iterature reviews. and presentatons, joumal cubs, seitdreced leaming,conarences and seminars 5.4 Phase B Training Rotations: The resident wil stat the airing rotation from the paren parietal andrtate through folowing blocks subsequent Residency Program Paediatics Ty General Paediatrics 2 ments (Bock atthe becinning 2) Neonatclogy 2mrenthe 3} Peediaic Neurology 4 monty 4) Pediat Pulmonology & 1 month Ccardogy 5} Peodiatc Nephrology 2 months 6) Pediat Haematology and 2 months ncatosy 7) Peedatie Gastroenterology! 2 months 8) General Posies Rest of the 12 months (4 Bleck) atthe ond 6. Record of Training: “The evidence requis confiming progress thcugh traning includes! + Details of the taining ctaions, the taining plan agreed with wookly fmotales and outy rosters and qumbers of practca precodues and outcomes. ‘+ Confrmstons of stendance st events In tw educational ogra, at departmental ané inerdepartmental meetings anc other educational vents + Contimaton (contfcates} of atendance at subect-basedskils valninginsrciona couses. 1 Recowded attendance at conference and moetings ‘+ -Apropery compete logbook wth enres capable of testifying to the traning objactves which have been attainee and the standard of performance achieves + CME act + Supercar reports on observed pesormance (inthe workplace): of dttes, practical procedures, of presentation made ‘and teaching aetvty: of advising and working with others, of Sslancards of cate netee, coespondance and communication ‘wih other, 6 Residency Program 6.1 Logbook Residents are reauited to malaain 2 logbook ia vich entioe of cademicprfecsional wore done dung the par of raining shut bbe made on 2 daily basis, and signed bythe supervisor. Completed and daly cored loghook wil form a part of the appicaion for ‘Sppeaing in Phase Final Examination, Padiaics 7. Research Development of research compatonies forms an important part of the Residency Program curicuum as they afe an essanal sol of sls for effective cinical pracica. Every Resident shal cay out Werk on an assigned resoare> project under the guidance of @ Tecoprized supeniser the project shal bo writen ad subi i the fom of & Thess Research Regor! ae per general drectve issued by the Univers autborty 8, Assessment: “The assesament for caticaton ofthe MO degre othe Universi is Comprehensive, ntagrated and phase-centarad attempting 10 kenkty atribues expected of specialists for independent grace ans Ifelong leaning and covers cogaive, psychomotor and affcive oman, I keeps set referonce io the comoonens, the contents, the competencies and the cilia lid down in the curiculm. [Assessment includes both Formative Assessment and Summative (Phase final) Examinations, 8.4, Formative Assessmert: Formate assessment wil be conducted thoughout she taining jhases. Ik wil be carried out for tracking the progres of residents providing feedback. and peepating them fer fra assessment (Phase tometion exams) ‘There wil be Conincous (day to-day) ane Pend ype of formative Continuous (day-to-day) formative assessment in Classroom end workplace settegs provides guce to a fesifen’s taming. and a ‘aculys teaching / leaning Siategles to ensure formative lesan raining xtcomas. Residency Program Paediatrics Periodic formative assessment is quasbiomal end is

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