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NName:___________________________ Grade and Section:__________________

Teacher:________________________ Module Code: Pasay EN6-Q2-W1-01

Second Quarter /Week 1/ Day 1
OBJECTIVE: Distinguish various types of informational/actual texts.
YOUR LESSON FOR TODAY: Distinguish various informational text.
There are five main ways to design a text:
1. Description---A text written using this structure provides details or characteristic
about a topic.
Key words include:
For instance, such as, for example, like, an example…to illustrate, characteristic, include
It answers the question:
What is being described? What it is like? What is important to remember?
2. Sequence--- A text written using this structure provides a sequence of events or
steps in a process.
Key words include:
First, next, then, finally, after, before, during, now, last, in the middle, at the end
It answers the questions:
What events or steps do I take? What do I do next? Do they always happen in this
3. Compare/Contrast---A text written using this structure discusses the similarities and
differences between two or more topics.
Key words include:
Both, same as, similar to, different, in contrast, in comparison, alike, on the other hand,
neither, unlike, just like
It answers the questions:
What are the things are being compared? How are they similar? How are they different?
4. Problem/Solution--- a text written using this structure tells about a problem and
looks for solution.
Key words include:
The question is, to solve this, The solution is… problem, issue, cause, fix, solve,
therefore, as a result, leads to, since, so, causes
It answers the questions:
What is the problem? How can we solve it?
5. Cause/Effect--- A text written using this structure tells about something that
happened and why it happened.

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Key words include:
Cause, effect, as a result, because of, since, so, consequently, due to, so then, therefore
It answers the questions:
What happened? Why did it happen? What caused it to happen? What was the effect?

Name:_______________________ Section:_________________________
PRACTICE EXERCISE 1: Distinguish the various types of informational text of the following
1. The Olympic Games first began as athletic festivals to honor the Greek gods. At that
time, the most important festival was held in the valley of Olympia to honor Zeus, the king of the
gods. It was the festival that became the Olympic games in 776 B.C. Later, these Games were
ended in A.D. 394 by the Roman Emperor who ruled Greece. No Olympic Games were held for
more than 1,500 years. Then the modern Olympics began in 1896. Almost 300 male athletes
competed in the first modern Olympics. During the games held in 1900, female athletes were
allowed to compete. The games have continued every four years since 1896 except during
World War II, and they will most likely continue for many years to come. Enumerative The
Olympic Games are a 2-week celebration featuring thousands of gited athletes from around the
world competing in 28 different disciplines. One of the more popular discplines during the
summer games centers on pool sports. The aquatic events, like diving, swimming, synchronized
swimming, water polo, etc., are a favorite of many. Gymnastics is another type of discipline. It
consists of trampoline events, artistic gymnastics, as well as rhythmic gymnastics. Additional
disciplines include track and field, figure skating, and winter outdoor sports.
2. The modern Olympics is very unlike the ancient Olympic Games. Individual events are
different. While there were no swimming races in the ancient games, for example, there were
chariot races. There were no female contestants, and all athletes competed in the nude. Of
course, the ancient and modern Olympics are also alike in many ways. Some events, such as
the javelin and discus throws, are the same. Some people say that cheating, professionalism,
and nationalism in the modern games are a disgrace to the Olympic tradition. But according to
the ancient Greek writers, there were many cases of cheating, nationalism, and professionalism
in their Olympics, too.
3. Millions of people attend the Olympic Games or watch them on television. Because of
the Olympics, people can escape the ordinariness of daily life. They identify with someone
else’s individual sacrifice and accomplishment. Consequently, the Olympics impact national
pride as an athlete’s or a team’s hard-earned victory becomes a nation’s victory. For this
reason, there are national medal counts and people keep track of how many medals their
country’s athletes have won.
4. One problem with the modern Olympics is that it has become expensive to operate.
Consequently, the city or country that hosts the games often loses money. A stadium, pools,
and playing fields must be built for the athletic events, and housing is needed for the
international athletes. And all of these facilities are used for only 2 weeks! One solution is not to
build new facilities, but to repurpose spaces. That’s what Los Angeles officials did for the 1984
games; they used area colleges and universities as the athletes’ living areas. They also solved
the economic drain by charging a fee for companies who wanted to be official sponsors of the
games. Companies like McDonald’s paid a lot of money to be part of the Olympics. By so doing,
Los Angeles actually made a profit rather than losing money as hosts of the Olympics.

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5. To host the Olympics costs a city more money than the tourism will generate, making it
an unwise investment. One example, according to CNN, was the 2004 Games. Athens, Greece
built thousands of hotel rooms, hoping that the Games would encourage tourism beyond the
Olympics. They are still waiting for that to happen. The biggest loss dates back to the 1976
Summer Games in Montreal. The $1.5 billion debt took over 30 years to pay. (Canadians
sarcastically changed the name of the unused Olympic Stadium from The Big O, to The Big O-
W-E.) In fact, the only profitable Olympics was hosted in Los Angeles in 1984 where they made
over $100 million through corporate sponsorship. Nevertheless, hosting the Games does not
provide the promised windfalls to the cities who foot the bill.

PRACTICE EXERCISE 2: Distinguish the various types of informational text of the following
1. The easiest way to get to work during rush hour is to follow these simple steps. First,
remember to grab some good music and a spill proof mug full of coffee for the trip. While
traveling from your home to the interstate, check the local radio station for traffic updates.
Subsequently decide which route to take. During the commute, breathe deeply and quiet your
mind. Little by little you will creep closer to your destination, and in the end, you will arrive to
work in a more rested state. Enumerative Structure When traffic is jammed and no one is
moving, it’s easy to get a close-up view of several different types of vehicles. For instance, you’ll
see eco-friendly cars are on the roads. Characteristics of an eco-friendly car include hybrids and
electrics. The electric cars sometimes don’t sound like a vehicle at all. They simply hum down
the road. The hybrids sound like a regular car but look like a smaller version of one. In addition
to the eco-friendly cars, there are multiple mini-vans. Mini-vans consist of a more roomy ride for
multiple passengers as well as a higher vantage point for the driver. Luxury cars make up a
minority of the vehicles on the road. Their shiny outward look matches the custom accents that
mark the interior.
2. Getting to work in the morning is the choice between two paths. The first option is the
highway. It offers highspeed convenience and a direct route. On the other hand, some prefer
the circuitous route through the back roads. It differs from the interstate in that it is not very
direct, but it does offer a quieter, more scenic view. Regardless of which route you take, both
bring you to the same destination.
3. When traffic backs up, it impacts more than just the wait time of drivers and passengers.
Delays due to excessive traffic cause people to be late to work or school. Since cars idle in the
midst of a traffic jam, then fuel is wasted. Also affected is the stress level of the motorists. All
that frustration results in impatience and anger, which, in turn, can cause accidents.
4. Traffic jams are prevalent in most urban areas, consequently drivers often experience
long wait times. Traffic management systems provide several different options to combat this
problem. Since traffic reporters provide constant traffic information through the radio, then
drivers can adjust their commute. In order to warn drivers of upcoming traffic tie-ups, digital
message signs provide drivers with approximate drive times. But the biggest change that can
lead to improved situations is regular tracking of traffic counters to determine road usage. If the
data shows the usage is high, then it likely indicates the need for wider roads in the future.
5. Traffic issues exist because of the increased number of motor vehicles in use for daily
commutes. As a result, metropolitan areas must consider options to dissuade drivers from using
their own transportation. To this end, one way to encourage drivers to leave their cars at home
would be to raise the cost of parking near office buildings and companies. Although some
people can’t afford those higher rates, it should be noted that they will consider other options for
transportation. Furthermore, cities should offer affordable park and ride facilities, allowing
drivers to car pool from a distance or consider mass transit. Dissecting Text Structures: Traffic
during rush hour. •

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Informational text is nonfiction writing, written with the intention of informing the reader
about a specific topic. It is typically found in magazines, science or history books,
autobiographies and instruction manuals. They are written using special text features that allow
the reader to easily find key information and understand the main topic. There are five (5) main
ways to design a text. Description, Sequence, Compare/Contrast, Problem/Solution,
APPLICATION: Distinguish the various types of informational text of the following paragraph.
1. Mangoes are a favorite among Filipinos as well as foreigners. Mangoes have different
shapes. They may be oval or round, heart or kidney- shaped, slender or plump. They vary in
size and weight too. When they are ripe, the color of the skin is usually yellow although there
are some which are reddish-yellow. The flesh varies from yellow to orange red. The taste can
be sweet or tart. There are a hundred varieties of mangoes in the Philippines and new breeds
are being tried.
2. The barrio is experiencing floods. The rice fields are under water. The root crops rot. These
happen because their mountains are bare and dry. As a result, the folks helped one another to
plant more trees in the mountain and in the plain to protect them from the flood.
3. Since Tony’s fingers were long and thick, he fumbled with the needle at first. But Tony
would not give up. In his mind he could see the finished blanket. He could picture the large red
star in the middle and the smaller blue stars floating around it. He pictured it on the bed in the
Baguio Cottage, and he pictured how happy Susan his wife would be. The blanket had to be
finished in two weeks in order to be ready for the cross stitch designed contest. He chuckled as
he imagined the contest official announcing that the prize went to the first man ever to win it.
Tony worked late every night, so the blanket was ready on the important night. After the
judging, everyone cheered. The judge added the gold star to Tony’s blanket.
4. In going to the famous landmarks in the Philippines like Boracay, Palawan and Batanes.
First secure the convenient flight in going there, there are some low airfare that will cater your
needs. Second, get the map or google the place so that you will be familiar with and study the
route, culture and available facility in case of emergency. Next, look for the affordable cottage
or inn for you to stay on as much as possible try to reserve early to avail lower rates. Finally, go
early to the airport two hours before your actual flight to avoid delay and not to miss the flight.
5. Palawan is the last frontier of the Philippine environment, almost all the natural resources are
intact. The Philippine flora and fauna are almost there ,it is really a paradise to live in a peaceful
place El Nido, Puerto Prinsesa and Coron. On the other hand, if you want a more amazing
perfect sceneries like Palawan, Batanes also is perfect place for your wanderlust getaway.
Clean and discipline loving people will welcome you every steps of your way.

EVALUATION: Distinguish the various types of informational text of the following paragraph.
1. Perfume is an expensive commodity. It uses ingredients from all over the world and in
unbelievable quantities. It utilizes different kinds of flowers, leaves, fruits, grass or wood to
create the desired scents. To hold the fragrance together, various oils and chemicals are used.
Perfume cater to both men and women.
2. Garbage here. Garbage there. Garbage everywhere! What a sight! Everybody just throws
his garbage on the sidewalks. The garbage collectors do not come at all. The smell of the
spoiled food and rotten wastes is awful. This is Rolly’s neighborhood. So, Rolly decided to
volunteer and campaigned to have a garbage can in each household using a used old ten
wheeler’s wheel. Rolly requested the home owners to segregate their waste from biodegradable
to recyclable materials.

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3. Art has two phases, one having to do with expression and the other, having to do with
enjoyment. You have many opportunities to take part in both of these art phases in your daily
activities. You may express yourself artistically as you sing, draw or write and as you make
things at home or at school. On the other hand, art is about getting you to enjoy if your eyes are
trained to see it. You may see examples of art in the arrangement of furniture in the home, the
packages in which food is displayed.
4. Horses are strong animals. They can carry heavy loads for many miles across mountainous
terrain or even dry lands. People who live in the province have always valued their horses.
They can ride them and use them to move goods from their farms to the market. Because
horses can standstill even the sun shines brightly.
5. In cooking Pancit all you need are vegetables like baguio beans, cabbage sayote, kintsay,
carrots. Other ingredients like meat either chicken or pork, seasoning like oyster sauce, salt,
paminta, soy sauce, onions, garlic and oil. 6 glasses of water for every 1 kilo of bihon. First,
saute it with onions and garlic plus the meat. Second, add the vegetables plus the paminta, mix
it and let it boiled. Once it boiled put the noodle( bihon) with low fire, mix it until the water
subsided. Finally, take off from the pan and serve hot.
1. COMMUNICATION (Understanding words/ vocabulary, responding to ideas)
2. Critical thinking (Analyzing the steps in relating experience)
3. Collaboration (Work with the family members)

4. Character (Love for reading and speaking)


Workbook in English 6

Lesson Guides in Elementary English 6

Christopher A. Cantos

Padre Zamora Elementary School

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Second Quarter/ Week 1/ Day 2

Grade Level:________________________________ Teacher:____________________

OBJECTIVE: Fill out forms accurately and efficiently (Biodata, Application forms)
Filling up forms
A form is a document with spaces in which to write or select for a series of
documents with similar contents. The documents usually have the printed parts in
common, except possibly for a serial number. There are many kinds of forms like bank
deposit forms, pera padala forms, community tax certificate or cedula. In looking for job
or employment the form needed is a Biodata.
Biodata is an abbreviation for Biographical data is a form needed in applying a
job. It is divided into the following content.
1. Personal data
2. Educational Background
3. Experience/Employment Record
4. Job Description
5. Character References
Important things to remember in filling up form:
1. Fill-up accurately
2. Entries should be written in all capital letters
3. Always use a black ink ball pen
4. Write N/A (Not Applicable) for those no information entries
This is one sample of a Biodata.

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Grade Level:________________________________ Teacher:____________________

References for Further Enhancement:

Fill up the form using the following information. (Use a Biodata form)
Rafael V. Solis ,Office Staff, Single, Roman Catholic, Male, Filipino, English,
Cebuano, Waray
Philippine Normal University/ Bachelor in Physical and Sports Management
Typing, driving, hosting, drawing and dancing
Jollibee Corporation- Service Crew- June to November 2005
Chowking Corporation- January to November- 2015
Attends the needs of the costumer, maintains cleanliness and sanitary procedures on
food handling, Gives utmost satisfaction in terms of service
Eden E. Dioquino—Principal II (SDO- Pasay City, Zamora St. Pasay City)
Chris A. Cantos---Master Teacher (SDO- Pasay City, Zamora St. Pasay City)
Your Barangay Captain( His/her actual address)
Residence Certificate Number: 2016 21790
Issued at Pasay City Hall on January 8, 2020
SSS Number: 19790412
TIN Number: 178179021
NBI Number: 174-1279
Passport Number: 1979WCA1402
Bank Account Number: 4183995

Fill up the following using the information below using your own Biodata.
Celia Lopez Castro is asked to fill up a biodata form. Use the information to fill
up the form.
Personal Data:
B12 L4 Coral St., Shletertown Subd. Buhay na Tubig Imus City

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Grade Level:________________________________ Teacher:____________________

Telephone No. 02 646 21 63 23 years old 5’5” 120 lbs. Decemebr 2, 1988 Single,
Roman Catholic Father: Ramon Uy Castro Mother: Caridad Lopez Castro

1994- 1999 Buhay na Tubig University Bachelor of Science in Architecture
1990-1994 Holy Water Academy –High School
1984-1990 Padre Zamora Elementary School
Typing, driving, hosting, drawing and dancing
JB Corporation- Project Engineer- June to November 2005
Ching Dee Construction Corporation – Chief Engineer- January to November- 2015
Duties and responsibilities:
Prepare the plan, estimate the cost of strength and materials, Inspect the actual
work in the site, examine the preparation of budget, purchases and maintenance
Character References:
Engr. Chris Lagman Engineer VI- DPWH Region IV A, Imus Cavite
Atty. Al Carlos. C. Carlos Prosecutor III- RTC Branch 4, Imus City
Mrs. Maria Caridad B Yu- Department Head- Imus Community High School
Residence Certificate Number: 2016 21790
Issued at Imus City Hall on January 8, 2020
SSS Number: 1979041200
TIN Number: 1781790210
NBI Number: 174-127900
Passport Number: 1979WZCCA1402
Bank Account Number: 41839958

Imagine 12 years from now you are already a full pledge degree holder or
graduate from college. At that time, you are looking for a job that will make you a living.
Using your own Biodata form. Fill up now the form using your own information.
Biodata is an abbreviation for Biographical data is a form needed in applying a job. It is
divided into the following content. Personal data, Educational Background,
Experience/Employment Record, Job Description, Character References
Important things to remember in filling up form:
1. Fill-up accurately

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Grade Level:________________________________ Teacher:____________________

2. Entries should be written in all capital letters

3. Always use a black ink ball pen
4. Write N/A (Not Applicable) for those no information entries

A.Read the following paragraph. Using the data below, fill up the information on your
Biodata form. Please write legibly in a printed way.
Kristino Avelino Uy Hidalgo wants to become a Store Manager at Eight Eleven
Corporation. He lives at 553 Ayala Boulevard Ermita Manila with a telephone Number is
787 14 90. His parents are Avelino Cruz Hidalgo an Engineer and Kerima Uy Hidalgo a
Pharmacist. They are living at 131 Justo Cabo St., Borongan City. She was born last
April 12, 1980 at Pasay City. He is single, Filipino and a devout Roman Catholic. He is
an average Filipino, 80 kilos, 5’9’’ tall. In case of emergency her aunt Mrs. Nerissa Uy
Mayor is always there for rescue and she can reach at 831 1780 as their phone
residence. Their address is 72 Jade Street, Buhay na Tubig Imus City.
He is a graduate from the University of Sto. Cristo with a degree in Community
and Health Management last March 27 2004. He can understand Waray, Ilokano,
Bikolano, Spanish, Filipino and English. She attended Elementary at Daza Pilot School
in the City of Borongan on March 1991. He graduated his Secondary Schooling from
Eastern Samar High School on April 2, 1996. He is fond of singing, dancing hosting,
driving and typing.
Last January to November 2015 he was a Sales Clerk at Pure Silver Corporation,
and from June 2000 to December 2014 he was an Inventory Clerk at SM Hypermarket.
His former jobs include inventory of supplies, auditing the needed products for
replacement, and many more. His former teacher Toffy Vargas was one of his character
references together with Lina Pimental Lao, School Nurse at SDO Pasay City and
Engineer Irvin C. Chavez, Director at National Museum. He went to the following
Government Office to:
Residence Certificate at Pasay City Hall with Number 2015 1979-140 last
January 4, 2020. SSS No. RSG 11211437, BIR for TIN 187186197, NBI
CAC1239371412, DFA for passport PHI012227914, LandBank for Bank account
8132996 and he personally signed it with confidence.

Rubric in filling up form

Criterion 5 4 3 2 1
Entry was in correct order
Clear information to details
Organization/ details are in logical order
Mechanics and Grammar
Follow the steps correctly
Observe punctuations, capitalization and spelling
Readable handwriting

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B. Pretend that you are newly graduate in college. You will apply in an advertising
company. Fill up the application form using your personal information below:
1. Personal data
2. Educational Background
3. Experience/Employment Record
4. Job Description
5. Character References


1. COMMUNICATION ( Understanding words/ vocabulary, responding to ideas)
2. Critical thinking (Analyzing the steps in filling up forms)
3. Collaboration (Work with the family members)

4. Character (Love for writing thru filling up forms)


Christopher A. Cantos

Padre Zamora Elementary School

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Second Quarter/ Week 1/ Day 3

Grade Level:________________________________ Teacher:____________________

OBJECTIVE: Infer meaning of borrowed words and content specific terms using context
clues, affixes and roots, other strategies (Mathematics)


Infer borrowed words and content specific terms using context clues in Mathematics
Inferring is the skills in reading that needs to activate the background knowledge
of the learners. Figuring out something that the author doesn’t actually say. You can
use clues that are in context, and things from your own mind. Sometimes it is called
reading the lines and it adds a lot more meaning to the story. In inferring you should
know how to hunt for cues and afterwards try to practice using it for familiarization.
As present time when we hear the word Mathematics there are some anxiety
about it because it seems that it is a hard subject. In this lesson in English we integrated
some Mathematical terms for our learners to be fully oriented about the words, and
somehow learn some background knowledge or ideas about this term in a more
meaningful way.
Here are the examples of terms or words in mathematics that we encounter
every day, operation, polygon, hexagon, digits, exponent, multiple, equations, percent,
decimal, problem, cubes, meter, difference, quotient, factor, denominator and etc.
These mathematical terms should be unlocked so that learners would not find negative
with regards to number.

Infer the following words by matching the column A to Column B.
1. Addition A. A numerical or constant factor in an
algebraic term.
2. Coefficient B. one of two or more integers or
polynomials whose product is a given

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Grade Level:________________________________ Teacher:____________________

C. A mathematical operation in which the

sum of two numbers or quantities is
3. Decimal
D. the amount left over when one quantity
4. Factor cannot be exactly divided by another.
E. A fraction that has a denominator of a
power of ten, the power depending on a
5. Remainder decimal point.
6. Ratio F. the result of the division of one number
or quantity by another.
7. Plus G. the dividend of a fraction
8 .Percentage H. proportion or rate per hundreds parts
9. Numerator I. increased by the addition of
10. Quotient J. a quotient of two numbers or quantity

Infer the following mathematical terms by giving illustrations/drawing to get the
meaning of the words.

Mathematical Terms Illustrations/Drawing

1. Rectangle
2. Rhombus
3. Radius
4. Decagon
5. Pentagon
6. Octagon
7. Heptagon
8. Cone
9. Equilateral
10. Hexagon

Infer the following mathematical words by getting the meaning inside the box
1. The result of the multiplication of two or more numbers.
2. The value of a number or quantity raised to some exponent.
3. The number of times that an event occurs within a given period.
4. Any of the ten Arabic numerals from 0 to 9.
5. not divisible by two.
6. the dividend of a fraction.

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Grade Level:________________________________ Teacher:____________________

7. a mathematical statement that two expressions are equal.

8. divisible by two.
9. a straight line joining the center or circle/sphere to any point on the surface.
10. a transparent polygonal solid often having triangular ends and rectangular
radius prism equation numerator odd digit frequency
power product even

Infer the following words using the Frayer Model Graphic Organizer. Please
study the example below so that you can come up with the same output. You can
consult the dictionary or you may use Google.

Term: Prime number

Meaning: Clarifier: (It could be a
drawing/illustrations or a paragraph or
An integer that cannot be factorized narrative, descriptions)
into other integers but is only divisible by A prime number is a natural number
itself. greater than 1 that is not a product of two
smaller natural numbers. A natural
number greater than 1 that is not prime it
is called composite number.

Example of: Not Example of:

Number 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 ,17 Number 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14,

Example Sentence: (Use the term into sentence)

Most of our lot number in our Village starts with prime numbers.
Now, try to do the following words :
1. Formula
2. Volume
3. Polygon
4. Operation
5. Cylinder
6. Arc
7. Circumference

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Grade Level:________________________________ Teacher:____________________

8. Hyperbola
9. Median
10. Quadrilateral
B. Infer the following by translating sentences into formula, drawing or even
1. Let P is equal to 8, Toto has 5 P and his sister has 3 P. What is their total P?
2. If the box has the length of 4m and has the width of 5 m, what is the total m?
3. Write the symbol of greater than.
4. What is the equivalent of Pi?
5. What is the formula of a trapezoid?
6. What is the product of 123.457 times 11?
7. Change the fraction to decimal 20/100.
8. What is PEMDAS?
9. What are the four fundamental operations?
10. Give me three example of composite numbers.

Inferring is the skills in reading that needs to activate the background knowledge
of the learners. Figuring out something that the author doesn’t actually say. You can
use clues that are in context, and things from your own mind. Sometimes it is called
reading the lines and it adds a lot more meaning to the story. In inferring you should
know how to hunt for cues and afterwards try to practice using it for familiarization.
Inferencing teaching young students to the foundation of critical thinking skills by
drawing their own observations and backgrounds.

Infer the following words by choosing the letter of the correct answer. Read each item
1. It is a mathematical statement that two expressions are equal. It is also
written as two expressions, connected by equals sign.
A. decimal B. formula C. equation D. operation
2. It is the space occupied by a flat shape or the surface of an object. A two-
dimensional extent of the surface of a solid, or of some part thereof, especially bounded
by a closed curve.
A. area B. base C. circle D. cone
3. It is a mathematical operation, the inverse of multiplication, in which the
quotient of two numbers or quantities is calculated.

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Grade Level:________________________________ Teacher:____________________

A. Addition B. Division C. Multiplication D. Subtraction

4. A fraction in which the numerator has greater absolute value or degree than
the denominator.
A. Decimal point B. Prime number C. Proper fraction D. Improper
5. A fraction in which the numerator has a lower absolute value than the
A. Decimal point B. Prime number C. Proper fraction D. Improper


1. COMMUNICATION ( Understanding words/ vocabulary, responding to ideas)
2. Critical thinking (Analyzing the steps in using Graphic Organizer)
3. Collaboration (Work with the family members)

4. Character (Love for writing thru new words in Mathematics)


Christopher A. Cantos
Padre Zamora Elementary School

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Pasay E6-Q2-W1-04

Second Quarter/ Week 1/ Day 4

Grade Level:________________________________ Teacher:____________________

OBJECTIVE: Respond appropriately to the messages of the different authentic


YOUR LESSON FOR TODAY : Responding appropriately to the messages

of the different authentic texts.
Respond is to react, reply, to act to speak or write in reaction to a question or to
another reaction.
Authentic texts are written for real world, purposes and audiences to entertain, inform,
explain, guide, document or convince.
Authentic materials provide real life examples of language used in everyday
situations. They can be used to add more interest for the learner. Authentic materials
can provide information about the target culture’s perspective on an issue or event. It is
also a good material produced for the use of language teaching. Since the reader,
viewer, or listener is using both content and context to interpret and comprehend what
they are reading, viewing or listening to learners. One of the main advantages for the
teacher of using authentic texts is to find possible interesting and relevant texts from
internet, newspaper, magazines, radio and television.
Sources of Authentic materials

Audio/ Visual Written

TV commercials, news item, weather Recipes, articles, schedules, notes,

forecast letters, cards, advertisement, brochures,
Announcement, radio talk shows, poems, application forms, instructions
interviews, debates, song, vlog, manuals, catalogues, lyrics, magazines,
animation, videos newspaper, internet


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Grade Level:________________________________ Teacher:____________________

Respond appropriately about the recent news of the continuous spread of Corona
virus. Write your ten tips on how to avoid it. It could be a suggestions, advise or effects
of not following the health protocols.











Read the Lyrics of the song “Mama” sang by Geneva Cruz in 1992 and won as
the Best Performer in the Voice of Asia. Feel the message of the song and afterwards
answer the questions by responding appropriately to the message.

Written by National Artist Ryan Cayabyab
Sung by Geneva Cruz
Mama she wrote me a letter She wants to be where you are
Saying she’s gonna be fine Mama she’s leaving her family
Please take good care of your sister To earn the money she wants
I’ll be home in three years’ time London, Vancouver, or Hongkong
Mama it seems like forever Governess, housekeeper, or nurse
You’ve been gone since I was five What is to happen to all of us children?
They say you were a good teacher With mothers who travel so far
In the same school where I can’t survive Mama’s a maid in London
Mama’s a maid in London I want to believe that she’s fine
I want to believe that she’s fine She could be lonely in London
She could be lonely in London I want to know why she had to go
I want to know why she had to go I need her, I want to be near her
I need her, I want to be near her I’ve got to be with her
I’ve got to be with her And see to it that we’re together once
And she to it that we’re together once more
more Once more……
My English teacher she told me

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Grade Level:________________________________Teacher:____________________

Suppose you are a Son/Daughter of Mama in the song, how would you respond to the
following statements?
1. “Please take good care of your sister”
2. “ I’ll be home in three years time”
3. “ They say you were a good teacher, In the same school I can’t survive” Why
do you think she can’t survive?
4. How do you feel if your Mama/mother is not at home for six years?
5. It is okay for you to leave your mother? Why?

Respond appropriately to this situation.

The Department of Education through the Deped Secretary Leonor Magtolis-Briones

announced that the National Opening Day of Classes is officially on August 24, 2020.
In this regards all the school in the country are enjoined to follow this order.
As a student of Padre Zamora Elementary School, you are tasked to post an
announcement on the school gate. What will be the content of your announcement. To
help you, please complete the following wh-questions outline. Write your announcement
in paragraph form.
Respond appropriately from the following essay, and news. Write your reactions,
comments, suggestions in each item in one paragraph.
1. We can define poverty as the condition where the basic needs of a family, like food,
shelter, clothing, and education are not fulfilled. It can lead to other problems like poor

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Grade Level:________________________________Teacher:____________________

literacy, unemployment, malnutrition, etc. A poor person is not able to get education due to
lack of money and therefore remains unemployed. An unemployed person is not able to
buy enough & nutritious food for his family and their health decline. A weak person lacks
the energy required for the job. A jobless person remains poor only. Thus we can say that
poverty is the root cause of other problems.
2. The news requiring the household members to wear face shield and facemask inside
their homes.
3. People keep on going out during the lockdown without quarantine pass and not wearing
face mask and face shield outside.
4. The government has planned to extend the lockdown to 100 days.


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Respond is to react, reply, to act to speak or write in reaction to a question or to
another reaction.
Authentic texts are written for real world, purposes and audiences to entertain,
inform, explain, guide, document or convince.

In one paragraph please respond why schoolchildren like you should follow the
order of the government to stay at home all the time until the pandemic is over.
Rubric in Paragraph Writing
Criterion 5 4 3 2 1
Clear topic sentence/ correct main idea
Clear supporting details
Organization/ details are in logical order
Mechanics and Grammar
Follow the steps correctly
Observe punctuations, capitalization and spelling
Readable handwriting


1. COMMUNICATION (Understanding words/ vocabulary, responding to ideas)
2. Critical thinking (Analyzing the steps in responding experience)
3. Collaboration (Work with the family members)

4. Character (Love for writing and speaking)


Christopher A. Cantos

Padre Zamora Elementary School

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Second Quarter/ Week 1/ Day 5

Grade Level:________________________________Teacher:____________________

OBJECTIVE: Employ an appropriate style of speaking, adjusting language, gestures, rate,

and volume according to audience and purpose


Pointers when giving a talk or speech:
Conversational style of speaking is perceived by the audience as natural and is therefore
more preferred. It sounds like you are talking to your audience in a normal, natural, or
conversational way. This style allows you to establish rapport with your listeners.
Language may also be adjusted depending on the audience. If your listeners are small kids,
you need to use simple language. Language for peers may be informal or conversational.
But if your listeners are adults, you use formal language.
Hand gestures should be used in moderation. If you overuse gestures, they lose meaning.
Simple natural gestures to indicate emphasis, direction are usually effective. Normally, a
gesture with one hand is enough. Avoid making a gesture for every sentence; use just a few
well-planned gestures. It is often more effective to make a gesture and hold it for a few
moments than to begin waving your hands and arms around in a series of gestures.
Facial Expression can be used effectively to enhance meaning. A smile or pleasant facial
expression is generally appropriate at the beginning of a speech to establish good rapport
with your audience.
Rate is the speed at which a person speaks. To keep your speech delivery interesting, your
rate should vary. If you are speaking extemporaneously, your rate will naturally fluctuate. If
you are reading, your delivery is likely to vary. Your rate should be appropriate for your topic
and your points. A rapid, lively rate can express enthusiasm, urgency, or humor. A slower,
moderated rate can convey respect, seriousness, or careful reasoning. By varying rapid and
slower rates within a single speech, you can emphasize your main points and keep your
audience interested.
Volume refers to the loudness or softness of a speaker’s voice. As mentioned, public
speakers need to speak loudly enough to be heard by everyone in the audience. You should
also adjust your volume to the physical setting of the presentation. If you are in a large
auditorium and your audience is far from you, you have to speak louder. If you are in a
smaller space, with the audiencea few feet away, you want to avoid shouting or speaking too
References for further learning enhancement:
Gr. 6 teacher made DLP

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Grade Level:________________________________Teacher:____________________


Look at the following body language.

Can you determine what each gesture mean?

Today, we will learn appropriate style of speaking, adjusting language, gestures, rate,
and volume according to audience and to purpose

Verbal communication- refers to the vocal performance of a speaker--its rate, volume,

pitch, and pauses. These aspects of vocalization are critical to effectively conveying
ideas (after all, if your audience has trouble understanding what words are coming out of
your mouth, then they will be unable to understand your message.)

Rate- refers to the speed at which a person speaks. Follow these suggestions to adjust
your rate of speech to your best advantage:
1. Choose a rate appropriate for the ideas being expressed and for a speech
setting. For example, it makes sense for a sportscaster announcing a basketball
game to speak faster than a sportscaster at a golf match.
2. Vary your rate of speech to express different thoughts and feelings. You may
want to speak slowly to emphasize an important point or to communicate a
serious or somber mood. A faster pace is appropriate when you are telling your
audience something it already knows (many speeches include background
information that sets the scene) or to express surprise, happiness, or fear. Use
pauses to change the pace and add verbal variety.
3. Use a tape recorder to monitor your rate of speech while you read aloud a
magazine article. Pay special attention to grouping words into phrases and to
slowing down and speeding up at appropriate points. Play back your speech, then
adjust your phrasing for a more effective delivery.

Volume -refers to the loudness or softness of the speaker's voice.

1. Know what volume your voice should be in your classroom. If you speak too
softly, your speech serves little purpose. At the same time, don't mistake shouting
for speaking loudly.
2. Vary the volume to get attention. Whether to choose to speak louder or more
quietly, you draw attention to your speech through contrast. For example, you can
speak softly when you narrate a sad story. In this case, a quieter approach is
usually a more effective attention-grabber.

Pitch -means the highness or lowness of the speaker's voice. Changes in the pitch are
known as inflections.
1. When you speak in a monotone, you tell your listeners you have nothing to
emphasize. When you vary the pitch of your voice, you let them know that what
you are saying is important.
2. As with volume, vary pitch to achieve the best effect. For example, you can
speak in a low tone when you quote someone. The change in pitch suggests that
you are citing evidence rather than expressing your own view.

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Grade Level:________________________________Teacher:____________________

Pauses add color, expression, and feeling to a speech. They should be used
deliberately to achieve a desired effect. Here are a few suggestions:
1. Pause for moment when you introduce a new idea or term to give your listeners time
to absorb what you are saying.

2. Try not to take vocalized pauses such as "ah," "er," and "umm." A vocalized pause is
usually ineffective (even distracting and annoying). For example, President John F.
Kennedy's famous line, "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do
for you country," was effective not only because of its language but also because it was
delivered with a pause dividing the two thoughts. I think that you will agree that "Ask not
ah what your er country can do ah for you; ask what you umm can do er for your uh
country" just don't have the same impact as the unadorned original statement.

3. Extend your pauses to two or three seconds when displaying a visual aid. This tactic
enables your audience to read the information on the visual aid without missing your
next thought. It is important to pause after the display, not before it.


Is our lesson today clear to you? Can you tell me the appropriate style of speaking,
adjusting language, gestures, rate, and volume according to audience and to purpose? If our
lesson clear to you, then you are now ready for more practices. Enjoy working!

Guess it!
Choose the correct meaning of the following gestures then write your answer on the blanks

shock proud worried hungry delighted

____________ __________ __________ _________ ___________

Write GO if the statements employ proper style of speaking, and write
STOP if not.
________ 1. Speak in loud modulated voice when speaking in front of crowd.

________ 2. Speak softly when asking a request.

________ 3. Tell jokes every time you talk.

________ 4. Use highfaluting words to impress.

________ 5. Talk as much and as fast as you could.

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Grade Level:________________________________Teacher:____________________

Speak Up!
Read the following lines with proper rate, volume, and pitch.
1. I’m afraid you can’t make it.
2. Yes, I got this at last!
3. Oh common, you’re pulling my leg.
4. Please, help us.
5. Look, it will fall.
6. You are my best friend and you know that.
7. Check this out. This is the latest model of smart phone.
8. Mom, look what Alvin did!
9. Hurry up. We’ll be late.
10. I am so proud to be your son, Dad.

We Say You Say!

With your siblings, recite the poem “Trees” by Joyce Kilmer. Use appropriate style of
speaking, gestures, rate, and volume.

by Joyce Kilmer

I think that I shall never see

A poem as lovely as a tree.

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest

Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast;

A tree that looks at God all day,

And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in Summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.

How we speak to an audience is as important as the message we are trying to tell an
audience. The nonverbal part of the speech shows how you present yourself and your

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Grade Level:________________________________Teacher:____________________

message. Through the use of eye contact, vocal expression, body posture, gestures, and
facial expression, you enhance your message and encourage your audience to listen to you
attentively. Your nonverbal behaviors express your credibility, sincerity, and your knowledge
of your speech.

Choose and Act!
Choose a line to recite in our online class or in front of your family members. Be sure to
employ correct rate, volume, and gestures.

Captain! My Captain!
by Walt Whitman

O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done,

The ship has weather’d every rack,
the prize we sought is won,
The port is near, the bells I hear,
the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel,
the vessel grim and daring;
But O heart! heart! heart!
O the bleeding drops of red,
Where on the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.

O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;

Rise up—for you the flag is flung—for you the bugle trills,
For you bouquets and ribbon’d wreaths—for you the shores a-crowding,
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
Here Captain! dear father!
This arm beneath your head!
It is some dream that on the deck,
You’ve fallen cold and dead.

My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still,
My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will,
The ship is anchor’d safe and sound, its voyage closed and done,
From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won; Exult O shores, and ring O bells!
But I with mournful tread,
Walk the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.

Writer: Erlinda B. Adami

Apelo Cruz Elementary School
Integrated the Development of the following Learning skills:
Communication: Character:
Understanding of words/ vocabulary messages teamwork
Following instructions/directions
Responding to ideas
Creativity: Critical thinking:
Determining appropriate responses
Sharing/ exchanging of ideas among siblings

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