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Two ext

1.Material deprivation like bad enviroment likely effect wc families, less space to
stufy damp enviroment
which effect child achivemnt
Cultral deprivation mc families enhance their childrens experiences like going to
the museum which leads them
to do better in education wheras wc families might not be able to afford to do
these or dont value
education as much.

2.society is miniature, through mirroring the workplace which prepares for wider
Role allocation- puts you to your future job
Social solidarity is encouraged through working together and having a culture
together and consensus

3.create social ineqialites

the curriculum may place a higher value on middle class cultral capital and place
some at a disadvantage
mc parents encourage their children to be interested in bookes which means they
gain symbolic power
at school. they gain praise through this which makes the more then likey to be
however, wc children may not feel liike their culture is valued in schools and find
it hard to engage
with the curriculum and so be less sucessful unfair to blame school as some provide
extra resources
to reduce alienation to the wc

Another way is teacher labelling, this could lead to pro or anti school subcultres,
mc students
are seen as ideal students whilst teachers may judge wc students as troublesome,
tjis leads them
to develop a negative self image from this interaction which willk lead to
and will result in a self fulfilling prophecy and more likely to partake in anti
school subculture
to gain status Fuller black girls anger to prove teacher wrong

Not reliable as its impossivel for the researcher to repeat its research and get
the exact results due
to enviroment changing, makes it hard for thje researcher to find trends and
patterns and takes
longer to analyse the data, unstructered interviews will get different answers adn

cost and time, as the researcher has to gather the data themselcves which is time
consuming which means to
get a large sample it will take along time, can be expensive as needing to gain
access to places and
expenses in preparing and carrying out the research.
4.Difficult to make comparisons
No useful for finding trends, finding correlations.
Typically small samples, low representativeness
Low reliability as difficult to repeat the exact context of research.
Subjective bias of researcher may influence data (interviewer bias)
Disliked by Positivists
Time consuming
Expensive per person researched compared to qualitative data
Difficult to gain access (PO)
Analyzing data can be difficult
Close contact means more potential for harm
Close contact means more difficult to guarantee anonymity and confidentiality
Informed consent can be an issue with PO.

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