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The Lord is risen! He is truly risen!

This is the greatest megafu kanyaw nga rason wawahi it is right to believe
feast for all Christians because on this day took place the that he appeared first to his mother.
greatest work the Lord has done for us – to save us, to
redeem us. Mary’s role in the Resurrection of Christ,” The Gospels mention various appearances of the risen
said Pope St. John Paul II, “was the completion of her Christ, but not a meeting between Jesus and his Mother.
mission at the Annunciation in Nazareth.” This silence must not lead to the conclusion that after the
Resurrection Christ did not appear to Mary; rather it
Kakurug nga importante ya Biernes Santo, where we invites us to seek the reasons why the Evangelists made
celebrate the suffering and death of our Lord Jesus such a choice,” Mary witnessed the entire paschal
Christ; his suffering and death for us. But if we remain in mystery and “alone remains to keep alive the flame of
Good Friday, , nu maultimo tera laman kan biyernes faith, preparing to receive the joyful and astonishing
santo, we could have ended with death, we could have announcement of the Resurrection.” (relate Tenebrae)
remained in sin! Ngem mari nga namanda y Hesus kan
patay! Y Hesus naginnolay e pinatalaw na ya talaw ya If the evangelists didn’t write about Mary’s encounter with
patay en liwat ! her risen Son Jesus, “this can perhaps be attributed to
the fact that such a witness would have been considered
This is an important message for us. This is telling us too biased by those who denied the Lord’s Resurrection,
that if we have been with Jesus in his passion, in his and therefore not worthy of belief,” John Paul II continued
suffering, we shall also be with him in his triumph. This is in 1997.
what Jesus proclaimed to his mother Mary first.
The great saint offered another reason too. The Gospels
Now in my dear friends the Gospels mention nothing list only a few appearances by the risen Lord, “certainly
about Jesus appearing to his mother Mary after his not a complete summary of all that happened during the
Resurrection. Ang tanong nagpakita kaya si Hesus sa 40 days after Easter.” For instance, St. Paul highlights
kanyang ina noong siya ay nabuhay? Sa kanya kaya siya that Jesus appeared “to more than 500 brethren at one
unang nagpakita? Yes! I Maria ya unna nga napasitan y time” (1 Corinthians 15:6). How is it, John Paul II asked,
Hesus. After all, y Maria ya ina y Hesus, igina ya unna “that an exceptional event known to so many is not
nga napasitan ya kulabit nga Hesus, ya nangabban kan y mentioned by the Evangelists?” Obviously, the
Hesus katu kulabit igina. She was the first Christian from Evangelists didn’t record all Jesus’ appearances.
the moment of the Annunciation and Incarnation. So,
“How could the Blessed Virgin, present in the first Son, so that she too could delight in the fullness of
community of disciples (Acts 1:14), be excluded from paschal joy.”
those who met her divine Son after he had risen from the
dead?” asked John Paul II. “Indeed, it is legitimate to There is a beautiful tradition in our faith, that is padafun o
think that the Mother was probably the first person to salubong. This dramatizes the encounter of Jesus and
whom the risen Jesus appeared.” his mother Mary immediately after he resurrected from
the dead. Naonna nga napasitta y Hesus kan y ina na ta
Posing another question, he asked rhetorically if Mary’s sennu iddan na kan igina ya kappia en inanama. Ammu y
not joining the women going to the tomb at dawn can Hesus ya hurung en dammat ya kanonagan y ina na. he
“indicate that she had already met Jesus? Those women appeared to his mother to give the hope to his mother, an
had been faithful and had been at the Cross. Of course, assurance that good will always triumph over evil.
Our Lady had been the most faithful of all.”
My dear friends we will not remain in suffering. We will
John Paul II offered yet another reason for believing not remain in pain. This life will not come only after
Jesus appeared first to his mother: death. No! We shall attain this even in this life. We shall
enjoy a better and greater life. We shall triumph over
The unique and special character of the Blessed Virgin’s evil, over sorrow, over pain right here on earth, right here
presence at Calvary and her perfect union with the Son in in this life! This is what the rising again to life of Christ is
his suffering on the Cross seem to postulate a very telling us!
particular sharing on her part in the mystery of the
Resurrection. The resurrection, ang muling pagkabuhay, ang bagong
buhay did not only happen to Jesus, it also happens to
Thus, this appearance would be part of “completing in us. Siya ang nanguna, sumusunod tayo. This happens
this way her participation in all the essential moments of to us if we allow our sinful self to die. This is the
the paschal mystery.” summary of our Christian life, to die to sin and begin a
So it’s “reasonable to think that Mary, as the image and renewed life. Resurrection or new life only comes if we
model of the Church which waits for the Risen One and die to sin. Resurrection or better life only comes if we
meets him in the group of disciples during his Easter can endure the stage of death, of suffering, of struggle
appearances, had had a personal contact with her risen and of pain. The sorrow and darkness of Good Friday
was defeated by Easter. Naginnolay si Kristo. We shall
also rise with him! We shall triumph towards the end!

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