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GLOBALIZATION human consciousness is critical on how they impact the growing

outcomes and markets of globalization.

is a process of interaction and integration among the people,
Westernization- nananakop
companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven
by international trade and investment and aided by information Globalization-
Globalization and westernization are not the same
This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on
political systems, on economic development 
1. Realism- display of power/ ipapakita yung advantage ng bansa
Technology- mga phones and apps
nila without war.
Economic-mga business
-The realist perspective explaining globalization focuses on the
Politics- international organizations shifting distribution of power among states (Walt, 1998 and
Synder, 2004).
Culture- pagkahilig sa kpop or kdrama, naaddopt na
Economic Sanctions
Environment- awareness sa buong mundo
- They explained that the core idea of dominating the world
Individuals- primary actor and driver of globalization because
through the employment of power. This force comes from
without people, theres nothing.
different angles, depending on the power availability of a nation
Realists argue that countries open their economies to the
1. Create and multiply around the globe-social networks and world because of two contending reasons:
cultural activities which break the traditional norms and practices
1. . Financial returns of expanding markets offer new economic
in the political, economic, and cultural realms of most
opportunities to the capitalist (origin country).
communities (social media)
2. . The continued centrality of political power and military strength
2. Expansion and Stretching-of social operations and
are obvious forces of interdependence and realistic behavior of the
connections which is seen in the financial markets and trading
more and most powerful countries
operations around the globe. ( mcdonalds)
Realists see economic alliance and corporation as medium of
3. Intensification and Acceleration-human activities which
flourishing activities under favorable security conditions. Economies
describes the process of world and individual connection works
tend to forge partnership if they see advantages from other
(internet, mas lalong napabilis yung human activities)
countries. In some cases, political-military alliances are sometimes
4. Consciousness and awareness- People, as the primary actors of used especially within the bipolar world where economic power is
globalization are the frontliners as reflected in their experiences. The utilized to strengthen military capability
2. Liberalism- valuing the importance of international relations maintenance of peace and solidarity. (Examples: Organization of
Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and North Atlantic Treaty
-is a perspective in international relations where actors and
Organization (NATO)
institutions emphasize relationships, and negotiations
-Liberalists observe the importance of interaction and GLOBAL ECONOMY
communication and focus on solving problems and conflicts
-The global economy is highly interdependent.
affecting them.
-Refers to the interconnected worldwide economic activities that
-. This idea is very evident in countries where democratic
take place between multiple countries (activities can have either a
governance and institutions play major roles in maintaining
positive or negative impact on the countries involved)
national cohesiveness in managing domestic and international
affairs Global exchanges of commodities- create an opportunity to
more sustainable and equipped economy while pose a risk to the
emerging and less performing country.
1. Spread of Democracy and Institutions - follow rules of
Economic Systems
international organization
1.Market Economy- Decision making of private individuals
- as a frontline of liberalism has been utilized as a sociopolitical
apparatus in challenging political actors who act beyond their -Economy under the will and interest of the individuals
power and control.
-Freedom to purchase and sell products, services, and properties
-The strong participatory presence of citizens in key issues
affecting the interest and welfare of the public could be used as a -Is not planned by a single person or group that has the ability to
reference in balancing the interest of stakeholders manipulate or direct the economy solely

Global Economic Tiles- economic alliances -Promotes competition among business and firms

-Liberalists see economic ties and cooperation such as market Hongkong ,New Zealand ,Australia, Switzerland
integration and economic alliances are fitting fixtures of 2.Command Economy- A central economic planning body handles
globalization the entire decision making.
-. The core belief of liberalism is that economic alliance and - The quality and quantity of goods and services produced is based
integrating the domestic economy into a regional or economic bloc on the decision of the government
will deliver prosperity and security.
- Production quantity is dictated, consumer behavior is directed,
International Organizations- Liberals believe that the formation and market operation is controlled by a single authority
of leading regional and international organizations like global
commerce and governance are main instruments in the -Private individuals have no say in the economic operation
North Korea, Cuba, Russia, China*1978 -It includes making decision, and choices on comparing the costs
of products to be produced and traded, the availability of the
3.Mixed Economy- market driven economies
product, and the efficiency of producing and buying products
- Combination of market and command economies
Law of Comparative Advantage (David Ricardo)
-State can take over the ownership and operation of a private
-Advantage explains that free trade efficiency is attainable if two
company for the purpose of maintaining the interest of the nation
countries can produce more goods and trade products separately
Philippines, United States, United Kingdom, France
2. Mercantilist-

International Trade Concept

-Is the process and the system when goods, commodities,
services cross national economy, and boundaries in exchange
for money or goods of another country (Balaam and Veseth,
1. Descriptive Theory- – it deals with the natural order and the
movement of trade
laissez faire- French term for “leave alone”, the notion that
individuals are best economic agents to solve the problems
through invisible hand rather than government policies
- also addresses the questions which product to trade
2. Prescriptive Theory- This theory views government to have
participation in deciding which countries to alter the amount,
composition, and direction of goods
-Should interfere and restrict with the movement of goods and
1.Economic Liberals- explain the importance of free trade and the
role of individual’s preference in choosing economic activity.

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