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6 AM - 2 PM Shif2 PM - 10 PM Shif10 PM - 6 AM Shift 1

16 19 19
21 20 28 2
20 23 25 3
22 18 30 4
18 25 32
17 20 27

F 9.12
Critical 3.68

Source of Variation

H0 = There is no significant difference in the mean of defective bulbs per 100 among the three production shifts
H1 = There is a significant difference in the mean of defective bulbs per 100 among the three production shifts
e = 0.05
One way Anova/Single Factor
Anova: Single Factor

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum AverageVariance
6 AM - 2 PM Sh 6 114 19 5.6
2 PM - 10 PM S 6 125 20.83333333 6.966666667
10 PM - 6 AM S 6 161 26.83333333 20.56666667

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value
Between Grou 201.4444444 2 100.7222222 9.11971831 0.002560248
Within Groups 165.6666667 15 11.04444444
Total 367.1111111 17
Accept when:
Calculated Value (F value) < Critical Value
P Value > level of significance (margin of error)

F Value (9.11971831) > Critical Value (3.6823203Reject

P Value (0.002560248003) < level of significance (Reject

Reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis

H0 = There is no significant difference in the mean of defective bulbs per 100 among the three production shifts
H1 = There is a significant difference in the mean of defective bulbs per 100 among the three production shifts

As the figure shows, where F value = 9.12, which is greater than the critical value = 3.68 and
where P value = 0.00256, which is less than the level of significance = 0.05.
It only shows that there is a significant difference in the mean of defective bulb per 100 among the three production shift.
he three production shifts
he three production shifts F Value
Critical Critical


F crit
3.682320344 Reject

he three production shifts

he three production shifts

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