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1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of a verb in the box.

be buy earn go (x2) have lend pay (x2) play

1 We’ll lend you the cash provided you us back tomorrow.

2 Obviously, if you more money, you pay more income tax.
3 What would you do if the company bankrupt?
4 If they give me a pay rise, I able to book a holiday.
5 That’s typical Ana. Whenever she money, she wastes it.
6 You wouldn’t have been overdrawn if you such a large sum to your sister.
7 If money was no object, we on a world cruise.
8 If I was guaranteed a win, I the lottery every week.
9 I the jumper if I had known it wasn’t machine washable.
10 If you give me the money, I it into the bank for you.

2 Circle the correct options to complete the sentences.

1 Unless / In case / Provided you have a permit, you’ll have problems parking here.
2 If you should / would / could require any further information, do not hesitate to call.
3 Had / Supposing / As long as you suddenly got rich, would you invest or spend?
4 Even if / Even though / As soon as we jump in a taxi, we’ll still miss the train.
5 Might / Assuming / Should it all goes well, how long is the journey likely to take?
6 My boss will pay for my IT course on condition / conditional / in a condition that I attend every class.
7 I’m taking my passport to the bank in case / unless / in the event they need proof of ID.
8 I’ll get you a new mobile even though / as long as / would you promise to take care of it.
9 Unless my parents help me out, I will / won’t / can’t be able to pay the bills this month.
10 Imagine what might / might have / had happened if you hadn’t had cash on you.

3 Complete the sentences with the appropriate word. The first letter is given.
1 Honestly, just listen to y . You never stop complaining.
2 The children are having a babysitter tonight. They’re too young to look after t .
3 No, don’t blame the children. I broke the vase m .
4 He was walking along the road, talking to h under his breath.
5 My mother and I often swap clothes with e other as we’re the same size.
6 The new advertising will pay for i within a few months.
7 We don’t have a gardener. We do all that o .
8 She congratulated h on getting the promotion she deserved.
9 Come on, you two. It’s time to take responsibility for y .
10 I’m pleased that my teacher congratulated m on my exam results.

Open World Advanced UNIT TEST 3 Plus PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press & Cambridge Assessment 2021

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in CAPITAL LETTERS.
1 After a number of unsuccessful deals, the company was forced into . (BANKRUPT)
2 They need a deposit of £150, followed by twelve monthly of £50. (PAY)
3 Unsurprisingly, government on housing and education is set to fall. (EXPEND)
4 The town is hoping that the new factory will bring it greater . (PROSPER)
5 I’ll need to get a £30,000 from the bank in order to start my own business. (LEND)
6 Even a small regular to charity can make a huge difference. (DONATE)
7 Only the very rich and famous can live in such an exclusive, neighbourhood. (AFFLUENCE)
8 I had foolishly taken too much out of my account and now I was by £200. (OVERDRAFT)
9 I don’t particularly like my job, but at least it’s a way of making a . (LIFE)
10 The company have announced a pre-tax of three million dollars. (LOSE)

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of a verb in the box.

boom break lose make (x2) pay (x2) rip off squander waste

1 Roy lived the life of a billionaire, always his cash on luxuries like yachts and private clubs.
2 Where’s that tenner I lent you last month? You still haven’t me back.
3 Carol is someone who no time in spending her wages.
4 So many businesses are money due to this recession.
5 How do I a living? I’m a tutor at a further education college.
6 This month we have barely even, what with paying rent and travel costs.
7 The leisure industry continues to be successful and is in many countries.
8 She bought the company for a good price and a fortune when she later sold it.
9 The tourists were by a taxi driver who took them the long way round the city.
10 I hope you’re thinking of off your student loan as soon as possible.

Vocabulary and Grammar

6 Circle the correct options in the text.
Some of the strangest wills
As a solicitor, I’ve seen some weird and wonderful documents. Let me tell you about some of the most memorable ones.
I once had a client who, in his last will and testament, left the entire fortune he had (1) done / made / paid to fifty strangers chosen at
random from the local phone book. If the man’s brother hadn’t explained it to me, I (2) thought / had thought / would have thought
it was a joke.
One very (3) lucrative / affluent / luxurious lady left instructions for her money to be spent (4) for / on / by caring for cats. Her own
children were told that (5) if / unless / in case they visited her grave every month, they would not (6) win / afford / inherit their share.
Then I recall the case of the man who gave £5,000 to his closest friends as (7) far / long / soon as they used it for a weekend away to a
European city. After a weekend in Munich they admitted they had (8) spent / paid / made top dollar for the penthouse suite of a hotel
and enjoyed (9) themselves / itself / each greatly.
You know, it might seem hilarious to write jokes into your will, but (10) on condition / even if / provided it is tempting, it’s better to be
cautious and to take the matter seriously.

Open World Advanced UNIT TEST 3 Plus PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press & Cambridge Assessment 2021

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