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A FRESH challenge has been

launched in the High Court

that could derail the current
health ministers progress in
overhauling some local A&E
Campaigners hoping to re-
verse a decision announced
by former minister Michael
McGimpsey in February
to downgrade emergency
services at the purpose-built
Downe Hospital in Down-
patrick have lodged papers
with the High Court in Belfast
requesting a judicial review.
Turn to page 4
Legal bid to
save A&E
PSNI sorry over
sham wedding
debacle PAGE 13
Portush gets
Irish Open
boost SPORT
The pride of Northern Ireland
Since 1737
Price: 82p (IR 1.30 EURO) Saturday, July 23, 2011
ColERAinE council workers
have been left devastated
after a fellow employee died
in a tragic workplace accident
Alan Devenney, 39, had been
working at the loughanhill
recycling site shortly before
midday yesterday when it is
understood he became trapped
by a lorry.
DUP MlA Adrian McQuillan
knew Mr Devenney and
described him as kind spirited
and a decent man.
See page 5
Man killed at
council site
for Sheep & Cattle
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THE European Commission will include a Small Farm support scheme in the package of CAP reform proposals, to be published on Wednesday, October 12. This matter was discussed at a meeting held in Brussels earlier this week involving Farm Minister Michelle ONeill MLA and Georg Haeusler, Head of Cabinet of the EU Agriculture and Rural Development Commissioner.
My clear understanding is that the proposed measure will be funded totally by Brussels, Michelle ONeill told Farming Life.
It will be available as a standalone annual payment from within the Pillar One budget , and will not be tied in with cross compliance or other related measures. The Commission will provide general guidelines on what constitutes a small farmer. However, regions will have fexibility when it comes to
deciding how the scheme will be implemented on the ground. The minister added: This is potentially good news for the north of Ireland, given our large number of small, family farms. The Farm Minister was also informed by Brussels that the proposed greening of the Single Farm Payment Scheme within Pillar One of the CAP will not result in the splitting of the available monies into separate funds. It was made clear that a future Single Farm Payment Scheme
will be administered along similar lines to those that are currently in place. And as regards the anticipated greening measures, it is the Commissions intention to ensure that producers adhere to standards of management that constitute good farming practice. The minister continued: The meeting with Mr Haeusler took place at a very opportune time with the publication of the EU Budget proposals at the end of June and the upcoming CAP
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Jonathan Bell, host of NI Texel Club open night on Monday, August 1, is pictured with Ruth-Ann Heslip, Billy Bennett and sheepdog Trevor at the launch of the open night. See pages 28 and 29 for full story and pictures
Small farmer scheme
is given the green light
Continued on page three
Castlewellan Show
Comber breeders
collect top title
PAGES 14 & 15
Death toll mounts
in terror attacks
Victims receive treatment outside government buildings in the centre of Oslo yesterday following an explosion that tore open several buildings including the
prime ministers offce, shattering windows and covering the street with documents PICTURE: Fartein Rudjord/AP
A BoMB ripped open buildings at
the heart of norways government
yesterday before a man dressed
as a police offcer opened fre at
an island youth camp connected
to the ruling party, leaving at
least 17 dead in the attacks.
Seven people were killed in
the bomb blast and at least nine
more in the camp shootings, the
peaceful nations worst violence
since the Second World War.
oslo police said nine or 10
people were killed at the camp
on Utoya island, where the
youth wing of the labour Party
was holding a summer camp for
hundreds of teenagers.
Acting police chief Sveinung
Sponheim said the two attacks
were believed to be linked a
man arrested for the shooting
had been spotted in oslo before
the explosion there.
Aerial images broadcast by
norways TV2 showed members
of a SWAT team dressed in black
arriving at the island in boats
and running up the dock. Behind
them, people stripped down to
their underwear swam away from
the island toward shore, some
using fotation devices.
Sponheim wouldnt give
any details about the shooting
suspect, who he said was dressed
in a police uniform when he
opened fre into a crowd of
The youth wing of Stoltenbergs
labour Party organises an annual
summer camp on the island, 60
miles northwest of oslo.
Turn to page 9

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