10 Xi Ic Neet CPT-2 - 2016530

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Wrong Answered Questions

4 A body is in equilibrium under the action of three forces Which of the following statements is wrong?

can be represented by the three sides of a triangle taken in


D None of these YOU MARKED

6 Three concurrent forces of the same magnitude are in equilibrium. What is the angle between the forces. Also name the
triangle formed by the forces as sides

A 60o equilateral triangle

B 120o equilateral triangle

C 120o, 30o, 30o an isosceles triangle YOU MARKED

D 120o an obtuse angled triangle

14 How could a 10kg object be lowered down from a height using a cord with a breaking strength of 80N without breaking
the cord?

A lowering the object very slowly

B lowering it with an acceleration less than 2 m/s2

C lowering it with an acceleration greater than 2 m/s2

D object cannot be lowered down with breaking the cord YOU MARKED
17 A force of 100 dynes acts on mass of 5 gm for 10 sec. The velocity produced is

A 2 cm/s

B 20 cm/s

C 200 cm/s

D 2000 cm/s YOU MARKED

42 A rope of length 5m is kept on frictionless surface and a force of 5N is applied to one of its end. Find tension in the rope at
1m from this end

A 1N

B 3N

C 4N


48 Which of the following relations associated with Newtons second law remains valid for all velocities?


53 Which of the following has the largest de Broglie wavelength provided all have equal velocity?
A Carbon dioxide molecule YOU MARKED

B Ammonia molecule

C Oxygen molecule

D Nitrogen molecule

62 If the radius of first Bohrs orbit be a 0, then the radius of third Bohrs orbit would be:

A 3 a 0


C 9 a 0

D (1/9) a 0

63 What is the shortest wavelength line in the Paschen series of Li2+ ion ?


81 Electron enters the subshell for which (n + l) value is minimum. this is enunciated as:

A Hunds rule
B Aufbau principle

C Heisenberg uncertainty principle

D Paulis exclusion principle YOU MARKED

83 n and l values of an orbital A are 3 and 2 and another orbital B are 5 and 0. The energy of

A B is more than A

B A is more than B

C A and B are same YOU MARKED

D A is four times than B

99 In the sixth period, the orbitals are filled in the order of-

A 5s , 5p , 5d

B 6s , 6p , 6d, 6f YOU MARKED

C 6s , 5f , 6d , 6p

D 6s , 4f , 5d , 6p

108 Food reserve of Diatoms is

A Starch

B Chrysolaminarin
C Paramylum YOU MARKED

D Glycogen

112 Locomotion in Euglena occurs in which of the following ways

A Flagella


C Pseudopodia

D Both 1 and 2

118 Protozoans are classified on the basis of

A Nutrition YOU MARKED

B Reproduction

C Mode of locomotion

D Excretion

123 Plasmogamy is fusion of

A Two haploid cells including their nuclei YOU MARKED

B Two haploid cells without nuclear fusion

C Sperm and egg

D Sperm two polar nuclei

124 A dikaryotic cell has

A Two similar haploid nuclei YOU MARKED

B Diploid nucleus

C Two similar diploid nuclei

D Two dissimilar haploid nuclei

134 Which of the following shows coiled ssRNA strand, capsomers and no envelop?

A Retrovirus YOU MARKED

B Poliovirus

C Tobacco mosaic virus

D Measles

154 Which of the following features is/are correct regarding Phylum Echinodermata
(a) Reproduction is sexual
(b) Fertilisation is usualy external
(c) Development is direct with no larval stages
(d) Digestive system is complete with mouth on upper (dorsal) side and anus at lower (ventral) side

A Only (a) & (b)

B a, b and c

C a, b, c and d YOU MARKED

D All are incorrect

156 The mantle in the phylum-Mollusca is a

A Calcareous shell YOU MARKED

B Chitinous outer covering

C Soft spongy layer of skin

D None of these

157 In which phylum, the body is divisible into head trunk and collar?

A Arthropoda YOU MARKED

B Mollusca

C Urochordate

D Hemichordate

160 Hemichordates have....

A Closed circulation, colourless blood

B Closed circulation, coloured blood YOU MARKED

C Open circulation, coloured blood

D Open circulation, colourless blood

168 Which of the following statements is true about Mollusca ?

A Muscular foot on dorsal side YOU MARKED

B Closed circulatory system

C Organ of Bojanus for excretion

D None of the above

175 Male genital pores in earthworm are found in

A 14th segment

B 17, 19

C 18.


177 Earth worm moves with the help of


B Setae

C Parapodia

D Setae and muscles

180 Gizzard in Pheretima in an organ :

A Secretes slime
B For absorption of digested food YOU MARKED

C For excretion

D For Crushing food

183 Pharygeal nephridia of Pheretima are found in segments.

A 6,7 and 8 YOU MARKED

B 5,6 and 7

C 3, 4 and 5

D 4,5 and 6

184 Which structure is known as lower lip of cockroach ?


B Labium

C Mantum

D Submentum

189 Number of segments in cockroach leg :


B 5
C 6

D 9

190 Anal styles are found in:

A Housefly

B Female cockroach

C Male cockroach

D Both male & female cockroach YOU MARKED

192 Mouth part of cockroach are suited for :


B Absorbing

C Cutting & chewing

D Drinking

197 Which phylum has the following features?

(i) Digestive track is complete, straight or U shape.
(ii) Worm like, unsegmented marine animal.
(iii) Respiration is done by gills.
(iv) Excretion by single proboscis gland.
(v) Circulatory system is naturally open.

A Arthropoda


C Hemichordata

D Urochordata

Not Visited Questions

5 P, Q and R are three coplanar forces acting at a point and are in equilibrium. Given P = 1.9318 kg wt, the
value of R in (in kg wt)

A 0.9659

B 2

C 1

D 1/2

11 A string of negligible mass going over a clamped pulley of mass m supports a block of mass M as shown in the figure.
The force on the pulley by the clamp is given by


19 At a place where the acceleration due to gravity is a force of 5 kg-wt acts on a body of mass 10 kg initially at rest.
The velocity of the body after 4 second is

21 Gravels are dropped on a conveyor belt at the rate of 0.5 kg/sec. The extra force required innewtons to keep the belt
moving at 2 m/sec is

A 1

B 2

C 4

D 0.5

37 A particle moves in the xy-plane under the action of a force F such that the components of its linear momentum p at any
time t are , . The angle between F and p at time t is

A 90

B 0

C 180
D 30

39 Two forces with equal magnitudes F act on a body and the magnitude of the resultant force is F/3. The angle between the
two forces is

43 A body of mass 5 kg starts from the origin with an initial velocity . If a constant force acts on the
body, the time in which the ycomponent of the velocity becomes zero is

A 5 seconds

B 20seconds

C 40seconds

D 80seconds

44 A balloon of mass M is descending at a constant acceleration . When a mass m is released from the balloon, it starts
rising with the same acceleration . Assuming that its volume does not change, what is the value of m ?


49 A particle moves in the x-y plane under the influence of a force such that its linear momentum is
where A and k are constants. The angle between the force and the momentum is

A 0o

B 30o

C 45o

D 90o

50 The block is placed in a frictionless surface in gravity free space. A heavy string of a mass m is connected and force F is
appled on the string, then the tension at the middle of rope is

C zero

55 Which of the following conditions is incorrect for .

A must be single valued at any particular point

B must be positive

C must be a continuous function of its coordinates

D None of the above

56 means

A radial probability density

B Probability density

C always positive value

D 2&3

57 The following graph between probability density and distance from the nucleus represents-

A 2s

B 3s

C 1s

D 2p

60 The wavelength of a spectral line emitted by hydrogen atom in the lyman series is 16/15Rcm. What is the value of

A 2

B 3

C 4
D 1

66 The number of radial nodal surface in 4d, 5s, 2p respectively

A 1, 4, 0

B 4, 1, 0

C 1, 4, 1

D 2, 4, 0

68 In an atomic orbital the sign of the lobes indicates the-

A Sign of the probability distribution

B Sign of charge

C Sign of wave function

D presence or absence of electron

70 Which of the following is correct radial probability distribution curve for various orbitals ?


71 Which of the following graphs correspond to one node ?

72 Which of the following statement is correct

74 The number of radial nodal surface in 3s and 2p

A 2, 0

B 2, 1

C 1,0

D 0, 2

89 In a given atom, no two electrons can have the same values for all the four quantum numbers.This is called:

A Hunds rule

B Paulis exclusion principle

C Uncertainty principle

D Aufbaus principle

92 Which of the following electronic configuration is correct for copper, (atomic number 29)?

93 Which of the following electronic configurations is not possible according to Hunds rule?


95 Out of the following which is the correct set of quantum number for outermost electron of potassium
(Z = 19)?

A 1

B 2

C 3

D 4

96 Azimuthal quantum number of last electron of 11Na is

A 1

B 2

C 3

D 0

100 In ground state of :

13 electrons have spin in one direction and 11 electrons in other

14 electrons have spin in one direction and 10 electrons in other


15 electrons have spin in one direction and 9 electrons in other


14 electrons have clockwise direction and 10 electrons in

anticlockwise direction

111 Which of the following statements about Euglenoids is true?

A Euglenoids are flagellates

Euglenaplaced in continuous darkness lose their photosynthetic

activity and die

The pigment of Euglenoids is quite different from those of green


D They are a marine protists

117 Totally parasitic protozoans belong to

A Ciliata

B Sarcodina

C Mastigophora

D Sporozoa

127 LSD is obtained from a

A Rhizopus stolonifer
B Phytophthora infestense

C Albugo candida

D Claviceps purpurea

136 Read the following statements

I. Virus was first observed by Adolf Mayer in tobacco plants
II. Virus means poisonous fluid or venom
III. Viruses can pass through bacteria proof filters
IV. W. M. Stanley showed that viruses could be crystalized
V. Viruses are very active outside the host cell.
How many of the above statement is/are incorrect

A Four

B One

C Two

D Three

138 Which of the following statement is false?

A Envelope is present in TMV

B TMV has single stranded RNA molecule

C The bacteriophage has a double stranded DNA molecule

D Most animal viruses are DNA viruses

139 Virus are

A Obligate parasite
B Obligate saprophytes

C Facultative Parasites

D Facultative saprophytes

144 Reverse transcriptase enzyme is found in


B Bacteriophage

C Mycoplasma

D Retrovirus

147 Lichens are pioneer organisms of vegetation in a

A xerosere

B hydroponics

C marine life

D hydrosere

151 In sea stars, Madreporite is the opening for;

A Digestive system

B Water vascular system

C Excretory system

D Circulatory system

159 In hemichordates, the dorsal nerve cord is...

A Absent

B Present throughout length

C Restricted to collar reason

D Restricted to tail reason

161 &&&&.is connecting link between annelida and arthropoda

A Peripatus

B Ticks and mites

C Limulus

D None of these

170 Which of the following does not belong to phylum Mollusca?

A Peripatus

B Unio

C Octopus
D All of the above

172 Which of the following is connecting link between Annelida and Mollusca ?

A Neopilina

B Dentalium

C Pila

D Pinctada

176 Setae are found in all body segments of earthworm except :

A Last segment

B First segment

C Clitellum segment

D First, last and Clitellum segments

186 The dorsal plate of skeleton found on the abdomen of cockroach is called :

A Pleuron

B Sternum

C Tergum

D Vertex
188 Tongue like structure in Periplaneta is :

A Maxilla

B Hypopharynx

C Labium

D Labrum

194 Oxygen is carried to the tissues of cockroach by which organ :

A Skin

B Trachea

C Plasma

D Respiratory pigment

198 Larva of hemichordate is

A Amphiblastula

B Tornaria

C Ammocoete

D Planula

199 Identify A, B, C, D, E and F given in the figure.

A-Blood glands, B-Ducts of pharyngeal nephridia, C-Septal nephridia,
A D-Tufts of pharyngeal nephridia, E-Buccal cavity, F-Ingergumentary

A-Ingergumentary nephridia, B-Blood glands, C-Tufts of pharyngeal

B nephridia, D-Buccal cavity, E-Septal nephridia, F-Ducts of pharyngeal

A-Ducts of pharyngeal nephridia, B-Ingergumentary nephridia, C-

C Blood gland, D-Septal nephridia, E-Buccal cavity, F-Tufts of
pharyngeal nephridia

A-Blood glands, B- Septal nephridia, C-Buccal cavity, D-Ducts of

D pharageal nephridia, E-Ingergumentary nephridia, F-Tufts of
pharyngeal nephridia

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