Cubism and Futurism

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Arts 9

Hone thy Sword - ACTIVITY 8

With a pencil and bond paper, make your own Futurism sketch. Choose any theme or
subject matter with movement and apply multiple lines, to imply different observation points.
Give it a creative title and a short description.

Shoot Your Arrows – WRITTEN WORK 3

Identify which is Cubism and which is Futurism.






Copyright © Waltan Taikun O. Taccad, M.M.Ed. 2021 21

Arts 9

Prepare For Battle - PERFORMANCE TASK 2

Cubism - Futurism

Combine your knowledge of Cubism and Futurism art through painting. Your work may
be more inclined to either of the two genres, applying both genre’s characteristic traits. You may
use any coloring medium and technique. Pencil and scratch paper are suggested for preliminary
guide or forming of ideas. Don’t forget to maximize the use of lines and shapes for a better effect.
Scan through these samples below.

Shoot Your Arrows – WRITTEN WORK 4


G Reconstruction of objects based on geometric abstraction
F French painter, collagist, draughtsman, printmaker and sculptor
E Spanish painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist, and theatre designer
D Breaking down an object into parts and reassembling the image
C Using new elements, textures, and shapes to build up images
B Adds implied motion to shifting planes with multiple observation points
A An Italian poet who found Futurism in Milan, 1909


A. Filippo Marinetti D. Analytical cubism F. Georges Braque

B. Futurism E. Pablo Picasso G. Cubism
C. Synthetic cubism

Copyright © Waltan Taikun O. Taccad, M.M.Ed. 2021 22

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