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DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP AND SOCIAL MEDIA AWARENESS DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP When using or browsing the internet, we must also be committed to digital citizenship. By saying digital citizenship, we mean, how to use the internet and technology properly. For example, determining the volidit line sou technology for the betterment of the community, and many more. By practicing proper digital citizenship, we practice LARK. L for Legal, such os copyrights, logins, and passwords. A for appre things like words, images, search engines, andr inappropriate messages. R for responsible, such as prever amage and misuse. Lostly, K for kit bbe sensitive about people, lke their feelings, rights, proper digital etiquette, and many mare There are also 9 elements of digital citizenship. DI full electronic participation, and distribution of techi commerce, buying and selling goods, Digital Communical ‘exchange of information in the form of electronics. Digital etiquette, lectronic standards of conduct or procedure. Digital literacy, understanding technology and its uses. Digital health an physical and psychological well-being in a digital world, Digital Lav, complying with online policies. Digital rights and responsibilite freedom of all online users. Last but not the least, Digital security and privacy, online precautions to quarantee safety 2 ‘Sa: seus, Egetiquettce SEBeha ‘ SOCIAL MEDIA AWARENESS Social media has become a part of our lives, everyday we use it, to share information, to promote interests, or even to share their everyday lives, Because of this, it is essential for is people who Use the internet to know or to be educated about social media awareness. For instance, having a safe online browsing, that is a needed element in social media awareness for us to be safe, By this, we are aware how to properly use social media. We should also be responsible in using social media. As an example, we should take a break from it in our bedtime, because social media gives information, and i's the last thing we want when we need to sleep, it causes serious. problems in our minds such as anxiety, Insomnia, and mony more. Being responsible in using social media also has other elements, First is fo properly watch our time in social media, according to The Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 30 minutes a day is enough screen time for us in social media, Another is being aware of clickbait, by doing this, we avoid fake news, misleading content, dnd other wrong information, SAFE ONLIN BROWSING |. What advices can you give for students like you to have a safe ontine browsing? + For students like me to have a safe online browsing, we should only visit legitimate and trusted websites. We can also use Incognito mode while browsing online. + We must also avoid downloading suspicious files, as well as visiting or clicking on unreliable links, + Do not use the same passwords in various accounts, and also, use a strong combination of symbols, numbers, and letters in making your passwords, 2. What privacy and safety practices and tips can you share that might be beneficial for others? *+ When we browse online, we should apply privacy and safety practices and tips. An example of this is. practising safe browsing, Like having strong passwords, avoiding suspicious links and files, and ‘many more 2s stated in the last slide. + To know how privacy settings of each social ‘media platform works, to understand it. We must keep our settings up to date as site policies is altered simultaneously. * Also, we should keep our personal information hidden. We should not share it online cause it can ‘endanger us not only in the online world, but also inthe real world + Antivirus softwares are also a great addition to your computer, It can help you detect and delete ‘malwares in your computer. horn henna ene ae 3. HOw can you encourage the young Generations like you to be a good digital citizens? * In the continuous rise of technology, itis essential that the young generations like me should be a ‘good digital citizen, But how do we encourage them? One way of that is building a positive online site for teenagers where they can socialize. This would create an effective positive community that would make teenagers a responsible and good digital citizen + Another way to encourage them is to let them reflect on the Impact of what they do online. That way, they learn on their mistakes, encouraging them to be a good digital citizen

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