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Activity 5

While watching the video, answer the following questions:

1. Phoebe and Monica meet a handsome man at a newsstand. What does Monica do to catchhis

One of the girls tells him to whistle to another but this one does it in an inappropriate way and the boy
instead of liking him gets scared.

2. What happens next? With a partner, think of three possible alternatives to what will happennext.
Write your ideas down.

I imagine the boy will smile at them.

I think the boy will come over to talk to them.
I imagine that the boy will think that they are very friendly.

3. Watch what happens and check if you were right.

It was not what I expected, the boy got scared because it whistled in an ugly way so he was left standing in
the street and an ambulance ran over him, nothing went as I expected.

4. Monica and Phoebe take care of the man during his hospital stay. Check on the list below thethings
you think they’ll do for him, then watch and check with a partner:

read the news to him do his nails

bring him flowers shave him
bring him a tree make up names for him
write him a get-well card kiss him
cut his hair fight over him
knit him a sweater change his pajamas
sing to him bring him balloons

5. If you were the man, what would you do when you woke up? What do you think the man
actually does? Tell a partner and watch to check if you were right.

I really couldn't understand what is going on since I have been in a coma, but I know I would have been
involved in an accident because I am a patient in a hospital, I would feel very well and act calm, I would look
for a nurse if there is no the room to explain to me why I'm there.

6. Imagine that you’re Phoebe or Monica and you decide to take care of a stranger like they did.What
would you do? Make sure you use the future tense, will or be going to for this composition.
I will be more cautious with the patient since I feel that the girls were somewhat abrupt when treating
the sick boy
I will be nicer to him when he reacts because when he woke up the girls didn't treat him very well, I
think I'd sing him a song to make him feel calm.
Palabras que no entendí

English Spanish
woozy Mareado
gosh Dios mio
both Ambas cosas
shaved Afeitado
guess Adivinar

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