EP Methodolgy Group 1

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Descriptive research design was implemented in this study.

It is involved in qualitative
research. In other words, this research is descriptive which present by qualitative way. According
to Jack (2013: 22) Qualitative research is research studies that investigate the quality of
relationship, activities, situations or material. It means that the data which collected in this
research is about situation and condition of the research field as the important aspect of the
research. Descriptive research means a reasearch focused in describing any situation or condition
in population, systemaically, factually, and accurately (Zuriah, 2007). So, the reason on
researcher chose qualitative in implementation of TPR Strategy to know the activities, situation
and material that they use in process. And the researcher will only present all the fact objectively
based on the data that is obtained from: observation and interview.

The study had been conducted from september to oktober 2022 to odd semester of eleventh
grade of SLB Negeri 1 Makassar which located in Jl. Dg. Tata Komp. Hartaco Indah Komp. SLB
Pembina Nomor 2, Parang Tambung, District. Tamalate, city Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan.
According to Creswell, "The varied nature of qualitative form of data they are place into:
observation, interviews and questionnaires, documentations, audio-visual material (Creswell,
2002)." In this research, the researcher used observation, interview and documentation, as the
instruments of this research to collecting the data. In the process of collecting data, the researcher
will identifies and analyzed the data.

The techniques of collecting the data are as follows:

1. Observation: The technique of collecting data that the researcher used observation.
Observation data are attractive as they afford the researcher the opportunity to gather ‘Live’ data
from ‘ live’ situation. Like Patton states in Research Method in Education the researcher is given
the opportunity to look at what is taking place rather than at second hand(Lois, 2005). In this
research, researcher uses participant observation. Participation means to observer is directly
involved in the situation being observed (Gay, 2000). It means the researcher participate in the
learning process which is investigated.

2. Interview: Interview is used for collecting formation which is not obtained from the
observation. In this research, the researcher used interview to collect the data for research
question to know how are the teacher's difficulties on teaching English vocabulary by using TPR
for the deaf students at SLB Negeri 1 Makassar. Method used by the teachers by selected
important way for a researcher to check the accuracy to verify or refute the impressions he or she
gained through observation (Cohen,p.445). Interties which used in this research were semi
structure interview. In this type of in interview, the researcher attempts to achieve a holistic
understanding of the interviews’ point of view or situation (Dawson, 2002). In other hand
semistructure interview the participant is free to talk about what they deems important. For this
research, when the researcher want to get the data did interview by using guidelines of interview
and also using tape recorder for taken the result from the interview. After all the data is
collecting, the researcher write in written text script.

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