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Morgan Hawkes

Analyzing Cartoon

What is happening within the comic? What type of conflict is this? Explain why.

Slide 1:

Slide 2:

Slide 3:

Morgan Hawkes
Modeling Cartoon with Graphic Organizer

Important event Characters involved Setting/Timeline in


Slide 1

Slide 2

Slide 3
Comic Strip Drafting Worksheet

Name: _______________________________

Title: _____________________________________________

Main Events you plan to include:



Why did you choose these three events? Why do you find them important?




Slide 1 Slide 2

Slide 3 Slide 4 (you do not need to include a fourth

slide, but you can if you want! If not, use this
as extra planning space!)

Cartoon Checklist and Rubric

Name: _________________________


_______ I have included at least three slides in my comic strip

_______ I have included 1-2 characters in my comic strip

_______ I have included an explanation as to why this comic is important on each slide

_______ I have included dialogue OR a written explanation of the type of conflict on each slide

Criteria Not Meeting Meeting some/most Meeting All

Expectations Expectations Expectations

Accuracy of event ● Event within ● Event within ● Event within

within the story (10 comic strip is comic strip is comic strip is
pts) not mostly contextually
contextually contextually accurate to
accurate to accurate to The Odyssey
The Odyssey The Odyssey

Amount of effort in ● There is little ● There is a ● The effort has

creating the comic to no effort in reasonable exceeded
strip (5 pts) creating the amount of expectations
comic strip effort in in creating the
● There is no creating the comic strip
details comic strip ● There are
● Lacks ● There are several details
creativity most details ● Is very
● Is somewhat creative

Use of dialogue or ● There is little ● There is some ● There is a

written explanation of to no dialogue dialogue or clear
conflict type (5 pts) or explanation explanation explanation or
but not dialogue listed
enough to get
a clear picture

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