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168 Lower San Carlos Heights, Purok 24, Upper Irisan, Baguio City

168 Lower San Carlos Heights, Purok 24, Upper Irisan, Baguio City



-One who labors in Master’s vineyard.
-One who has faith and perseverance
-One who teaches embraces the doctrines of the apostles. (The Apostolic Faith Mission of
Portland, Oregon (Philippines) Inc. )
-One who follows the church standards
-is one who follows and lives a holy life
-is one who is a “first partaker of the fruit”


A church worker must experience the definite work of grace called Salvation (must have the
fruits of salvation. Better for him or her to experience the work of holiness and baptism of
the Holy Ghost and Fire to be able to be more effective laborer in the Master’s vineyard.

1. Ye must be born again. John 3:7
2. A good worker will be a man of prayer. 1 Thes. 5:17, Luke 18:1
3. He must be a warrior for God and must keep a “fighting spirit” at all times
4. He will “pull when the going is tough” and lend his faith and enthusiasm to everything
that is being done
5. He must be instant in season and out of season. 2 Tim 4:2
6. Have no fellowship with those who “bring not this doctrine”. 2 John 1: 10
7. They would not be “unequally yoked together with the unbelievers”2 Cor. 6:14
8. He will never willfully miss an opportunity to tell lost men story on the cross.
9. He must be a soul-winner at heart.
10. He must be courteous and pleasant to all whom meets and he must always walk in
11. He must be willing in heart as well as in outward attitude, willing to go and ready to
stay, willing to speak or remain silent
12. He must not allow himself to become so encumbered with debts. Debts are to be feared
like the plague. Be sure not to look for sympathy or charity, live within your means. It is
good Christian disciple to live simply.
13. He will sing heartily, will not allow his attention to wander when things takes place that
are distracting to the meeting is not impaired or hindered anyway.
14. He will be “on his toes” every minute to do what he can see that the success of the
meeting is not impaired or hindered anyway.
15. He must not be a gossiper nor be given to excessive foolishness in anything or any time.
16. Avoid the extreme fashions of the world and to dress in modest apparel. 1 Tim 2:9
Dress Question
- And not to draw attention to yourself
- Try not to show your poverty in your dress
- Never be the fashion plate of the church
- Tight or skimpy clothing is immodest
- Short shorts are immodest
- Not to wear low neckline
If you have to put up your hand to hold your neckline in place when you bend over is
-a good guideline for a woman’s dress is to the knee and to the elbows
- Even if you dress modestly, it is possible to act and sit immodest
17. His clothing and linen must be well kept, pressed and immaculately clean and his shoes
well shined.
18. Will not indulge in worldly amusements, such as dancing, card playing and theater
going. 1 John 2:15

1. I am engaged in a form of Christian service which is mentioned in God’s word. I enter to
this covenant not casually, not experimentally but prayerfully.
2. It is privilege to take my place before the congregation and join in the spirit of worship,
that privilege places upon me the responsibility of living in public and private so that I
may be worthy of this place of honor.
3. I offer my service to the ministry of music humbly but with a spirit of willingness.
4. I will not allow nothing trivial to me from attending services, rehearsals and in being
5. I will endeavor to improve my voice and musicianship in order to serve more acceptably.
6. In my private devotional time, I will sincerely pray for the pastor, the church, the music
director, my fellow members and the ministry in which I have a share.
7. I promise to enter the church reverently for each service with a heart-preparedness,
ready to worship my Lord, JESUS CHRIST.
8. I will make my testimony brief and simple without any contention or discourtesy so that
hearers at the very start will not be discredited and left “high and dry” by the spirit of
9. Don’t be a comedian. Don’t even try to be one. It is bad enough to be one and thus miss
the real purpose in giving your testimony, let alone trying to be one, and failing in even
that people may be amused by your humor, but souls will never be won for the kingdom
unless you glorify your Father which is in Heaven. Don’t be an entertainer, but a soul
10. Don’t slam church unions, lodges or doctors. Doesn’t slam anything except sin and
Satan. You can hit them hard as you please. Be an ‘encourager”, not a “slammer”
11. Fight the good fight of Faith. In a fight, two sides drawn up against each other. And
where there is such an engagement, someone is bound to be hurt. It is often true that
some injury is sustained by both sides, one more than the other, however, if you should
suffer a little in the good fight of faith, don’t withdraw or complain. Rather, fight in such
a manner, by the help of God, that you will escape with least injury and Satan will be
utterly routed. Don’t be a quitter. Don’t be a complainer. Don’t be a “moaner” or
”groaner”. Fight the good fight of faith.
12. I promised to be serious Christian every day. “ If any man will come after me, let him
deny himself and take up his cross and follow me” Luke 9:23
13. I promise to give my tithes and love offerings regularly.

1. Stamping the feet detracts the attention of the crowd. Don’t be a “stamper’.
2. Pass the song number to the next person in the line quickly. Do the same for the request
for the short testimonies.
3. Meet all engagements faithfully, especially your appointments in God’s service. Never
be late. If you can’t be on time. BE EARLY.
4. Be deliberate in speaking. Don’t talk too fast. Don’t try to make your long testimony
appear short by crowding a great many words into a short period of time.
5. The Spirit of God cannot guide one in giving his testimony or anoint it when he does, if
the person habitually repeats it word for word keep out of ruts.
6. Look the person in the eye to whom you are testifying. Don’t look at the pavement or
the floor. You can’t convince a sidewalk.
7. Don’t stand for testimony while the song leader has the floor. This is discourteous to
him. So long as he is standing he has the floor. If he should get up during a song, after
you have stood up, to ask for another verse of the song on to direct the singing in any
way. Take your sit again and when he sits down you may arise.
8. A testimony made possibly by an act of contention or discourtesy is discredited at the
very start by the hearers and is usually left “high dry” by the spirit of God.
9. Don’t be a comedian. Don’t even try to be one. It is bad enough to be one and thus miss
the real purpose in giving your testimony, let alone trying to be one, and failing that
people may be amused by your humor, but souls will never be won for the kingdom
unless you glorify your Father which is in Heaven. Don’t be an entertainer, but a soul
10. Don’t slam churches, unions, lodges or doctors. Don’t slam anything but sin and Satan.
You can hit them as hard as you please. Be an encourager not a slammer.
11. Pay your tithes regularly to have rich blessings and avoid curse.
12. Greet another with a Christian smile and warm hand shake. Remember those fellowship
to God.
13. Don’t forget to have fellowship with one another.
14. It is more blessed to give than to receive.
15. Be hospitable
16. Invite strangers but careful.
17. Visit the home of friends, brothers and sisters.
18. Pray before the meeting or services.
19. If someone testifies, say God bless you or Amen.
20. Pray one on one, with one mind, purpose and heart, working together, respecting and
honoring one another with focus on unity, love and peace.
21. Don’t be ashamed if God give you tears.
22. Have concern to whom you have prayed for. Ask him if he is saved, sanctified or
baptized with the Holy Spirit.
23. Follow up the spiritual growth of those you have prayed for.
24. Invite your neighbor and friends if you have bible study at home.
25. Have care for the lonely and distressed person.
26. Encourage one another.
27. Consecrate your lives to Jesus.
28. We should often talk to our responsibilities.
29. Have frequent communications to brothers and sisters.
30. Do menial works in the Master’s vineyard.
31. Do ushering to the altar.
32. Maintain your Fire, cleanliness and holiness.
33. You should be a good neighbor.
34. Above all you should be well disciplined worker.
35. Follow a Christian Courtship. Elopement has no place in heaven.
36. Say a right thing in right situation because right things not said in a worse situation is
worse than a line.
37. He must have his own bible. Bring them with you on church services..
38. Always keep the Sabbath holy.
39. Lend your money and charge interest in bank rates. Don’t charge interest on emergency
borrowing. For borrowers you should be on time on payments of debts.
40. To have friends, prove yourself friendly
41. We should always be part of the solution.


A worker must have a mastery of the bible doctrines and teachings by heart as believed
and taught by the Apostolic Faith Mission with international headquarters at Portland,
Oregon, USA. His understanding and mastery of the doctrines and methods will
ultimately accomplish the purpose of improving his or her personal spirituality, for its
underlying purpose is to bring closer to God and a more perfect unity with one another
than we have even before experienced.

A worker can be teacher provided he is she is able to read and write. We do not need to
go to Bible schools to become teachers but attending Sunday School and bible studies
in the church regularly will enhance our understanding and learning from the teachers
principles and methods of teaching. There is a saying “Experience is the best Teacher”.


There are elders, the duties of whom are to assist and stand behind the ministry in loyal
support of all that is done for the furtherance of the Gospel. These Godly men and
women do work of spiritual nature that is otherwise done only by ministers. They pray
for the sick, either with another minister or with another elder. A minister often uses
them for confirmation of the truth when he is giving counsel for reproof.
The deacons and deaconesses are those who labor in the temporal interest of the work
of God.
A worker must not select the nature of the work. Our pastor knows your talents,
strengths and weaknesses. He will see to it that you like your work. You should not want
for somebody to do menial job as long as you can do it. A successful church
administrator has a relative experience on those menial jobs like janitorial, gardening
and cooking.


A worker of his home church can also be a worker in other branches. A worker should
possess all the qualities of the church standards and conducts. While away from home
church he has to love by faith and to live just like the people he pasture.
A church worker in foreign lands should see to it that the light would always shine from
his or her Christian heart to his or her employer.


Understanding and applying the concept of the men at work in a kingdom will make our
gospel go forward. Cooperative work had proven to be guide in maintaining one’s
spiritual standing. Let’s do it and we will see each other in heaven.

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