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13 �� �J�\ �'

OM 1053


Supporting Learning

Topic: Transposition & Simultaneous Equations

Department of Well Engineering

Transposition of
In mathematics, engineering and science, formulae are used to relate physical quantities to each
other. They provide rules so that if we know the values of certain quantities, we can calculate
the values of others. In this unit we discuss how formulae can be transposed, or transformed,
or rearranged.

In order to master the techniques explained here it is vital that you undertake plenty of practice
exercises so that they become second nature.

After reading this text, and/or viewing the video tutorial on this topic, you should be able to:

• transpose formulae in order to make other variables the subject of the formula

1. Introduction 2
2. Solving a simple linear equation 2
3. Transposition of simple formulae 3
4. The formula for the simple pendulum 5
5. Further examples of useful formulae 6

---- ---··- ---·-------·······-

With practice the amount .of working written down will reduce because you will be able to carry
out many of the stages at the same time. Having gone through the steps of solving an equation,
the same technique, particularly the idea of keeping the balance by doing the same thing to
both sides, is what we are going to do when we look at the transformation of formulae.

3. Transposition of simple formulae


Consider the formula v = u + at. Suppose we wish to transpose this formula to obtain one for t.
Because we want to obtain t on its own we start by subtracting u from each side:
v - u+at
v-u at
We now divide everything on both sides by a.
v-u at
a a
v-u .
and so finally t = --. We have transposed the formula to find an expression for t.
Consider the formula v2 = u2 + 2as and suppose we wish to transpose it to find u.
We want to obtain u on its own and so we begin by subtracting 2as from each side.
v2 - u2 +2as
v2- 2as - u2
Finally, ta.king the square root of both sides:
u = v'v2 - 2as
Notice we need to take the square root of the whole term ( v'v2 - 2as) in order to find u.

. Consider the formula s = ut + tat2. Suppose we want to transpose it to find a.

Because we want a on its own, we begin by subtracting ut from both sides.
s = ut + 2a.t2

s-ut = -at2
Multiplying both sides by 2:
2(s - ut) = at2
Dividing both sides by t2:
2(s - ut)
and so
2(s - ut)
... ·-· ..... - - - - -··· ·---
Exercise 1
Rearrange each of the following formulae to make the quantity shown the subject.

1. v = u+ at, u

2. v2 = u2 + 2as, s
1 ,.2
3. s = vt - a� , a
4. p= 2(w + h), h

5. A= 27fr2 + 21frh, h
1 2
6. E = mv +mgh, v
7. E = -mv2 + mgh m
2 '
8. a(3b - 1) = 2b + 2, b
t .
9. -- =3s,
· t
10. 2t _
+ 5 = 3t, s

4. The formula for the simple pendulum

We began ,;,;th the formula T- 2,rlf Let us now try to rearrange this to find an expression

for g.

We begin by squaring both sides of the equation in order to remove the square root.

T2 = (21f)2�
To remove the fraction we multiply both sides by g:

Dividing both sides by T2 gives

By observing the two square terms on the right, we note that this formula could be written, if
--we wish, in the equivalent form .
T z �
...... . Transp·osition·applied to equations
An equation is a mathematical statement that says two expressions are equal. For

x -3=7
is an equation where x is a unknown variable. To solve this equation means we need to
find the value. ( or values) of x so that
Left Hand Side = Right Hand Side
· Hence we need to make x the subject ofx -3 = 7. That is we need to remove the 3 on
the Left-Hand Side. How?
Add 3. We need to add 3 to both sides because we have to maintain the balance of the
In this case x = 10 is a solution, or a root, of the above equation. The process of

iinding the value of x is the same as transposition of fonnulae. Let's try some examples
in. the field of electrical principles and mechanics .

. Example 2 electrical prin_cip/es

If the voltage, V, across a resistor is 10 volts, find the current I through the resistor,

given that V =IR.

r Substituting V = 10 and R = 100 into V = IR gives
What are we trying to find?
The value off, How do we find!?
Divide both sides by 100:
100[ 10
100 100
Canceling the 1 OO's on the Left-Hand Side:

.. .........
solving equations. Let's try some engineering examples.
Example 4 €/ectroniC§;
The power, P, dissipated in a circuit is given by

Where I is current and V is voltage. Transpose the formula for V .
We want to get V =---. How can we achieve this from P =IV?

We need to remove I from the Right-Hand Side (RHS). How?

Divide both sides by I . Thus

p = IV [The I's on the RHS cancel out]


p =V Or V =p
I I.
In Example 4, how do we know t�at we need to divide both sides by I?
The subject that we want to obtain is V.
What does the formula P =IV do to V?
It is multiplied by!.
We want to remove I and find Von its own. How can we remove!?
We can divide by I .
One way of obtaining the subject in many cases is to see what the formula does to the
subject and then do the opposite on the other side. In Example 4 the subject {V) is

multiplied by I so we need to divide the other side by I , thus obtaining V =p

Example 5 mechanics
The velocity, v of an object with an initial velocity u and constant acceleration a
after time t is given by
v =u+at
Transpose to make t the subject of the formula.

We need to get from v =u +at tot=---
[square root]
[nth root]
For example

J49 = 7 (positive square root)

'ef8 = 2 (because 2 x 2 x 2 = 8 or 23 = 8 ; � denotes the cube root)
What is gX and 256" equal to?

gX =}JS =2
256.V. =4 (bacause 4x4x4=256)

Now let's take a look at roots where letters represent variables.

We also have

J;1 =( .rar =a

w =(�r =a
(These can be shown by using the rules of indices which are explored in the next
Example 6 materia(s
The second moment of area,! of a rectangle of height h and breadth b is given by

I =J_bh

Make h the subject of the formulae.

First we need to remove J_ from the right-hand side. How?

Multiply both sides by 12: 12! =bh3
By what means can we find h ?
We can initially obtain h 3 and then find h . So divide both sides by:

12/ = h3

And now take the cube root, ( �) of both sides:

Example 8 thermodynamics
A gas in a cylinder in state 1 with pressure P1 , temperature T1 and volume V1 expands

to state 2 with pressure P2, temperature T2 and volume V2 • A formula relating these

variables is given by Pfi = P.}\ . Make the subject of the formula.

T1 r.

From Pfi

= P:Yi

we needT1 =---. Taking the inverse, ( r of both sides gives

Pf1 P:Y-2
How can we find T1 =---?

Multiply both sides by Pf1 :

SUMMARY .. . . ". . .
The square root, . end ibe.nth'root,
. ·if"", are
. ..

1 :_ .;;_ =
· 2-_. .. =aY..
The inverse oi.x (x ,,(O) is ·defined as .

. -1" .1 . ..
. 3- .x .. =-. .
x '>:
(·� )-�
::::= !!..
··.(a '.i
4- · .... 0, b ::1; 0)
.· � : . a.. . .
It is well worth .spending· some time. learning these, 1 to 4, because they are· nused
. .
throughout the book. .

- - ·-- ---· - -- ---- ---- ---· --- ---�-- -- - -

5- The sum of the angles of a polygon is given by the formula s = 90(2n - 4) where n is
the number of sides possessed by the polygon. Transpose the formula to make n the
subject and use the transposed formula to find n when s = 720° .

6- The impedance Z ohms of an electrical circuit is given by

Z= 2 1
R + 21rfll- Zstnc . where R is the resistance in ohms, L Is the inductance in

henries and c is the capacitance in farads. Transpose the formula and show


7- �he resistance of a wire is given by R = X:f . Transpose the formul� for D. Also

find the diameter if the length is given as 12m, resistance is 6 n and the constant K=
4.5 and p =2

8- The power (P) that can be safely transmitted by a rotating shaft is proportional to the
speed of rotation (s) and the cube of the diameter of the shaft (d) and is given by the

equation P = ksd3 where K is a constant.

Transpose the formula for speed.

Also find the speed if P = 100 horsepower, d = 10 and k = --2!_.


"9- The orifice equation is given by Q = K.fP where K is the orifice coefficient and Q is
the orifice flow. Transpose the above formula to make P the subject and solve for P (in
bar) given that the orifice coefficient is 80 and orifice flow is 130 Umin.

10- Density= mass/volume. Find the density when the mass is 2.5kg and the volume is
170 cm3• Give the answer in units of kg/m3•

··- ------·-·· -- .. - ·-· .. ·-- ... -·

· 1.5;2-S.olving sirn�il�rie.ou:S equations
Simultaneous equations contain more than one unknown quantity. When this happens
there are usually two or more equations. For example in the two equations
x +2y =14 3x +y =17
The unknowns (variables) are x and y, such equations are called simultaneous
equations and to solve them we must find values of x and y that satisfy both equ_ations at
the same time. If we substitute x--4 and y=S into either of the two equations above we
see that the equations is satisfied. There are three algebraic methods used to solve
simultaneous equations having two variables.
So the solution is . x = 1, y = 3

METHOD 2: Ellmlnation
. l::iy equating
. .. the coefficients
. .

Step 1: Multiply both equations by suitable non-zero constants. The coefficients of the
variable to be eliminated become equal.
Step 2: Add or subtract one equation from the other so that the variable with equal
coefficients gets eiiminated.
Step 3: Substitute the value of x or y thus got in the equation to get the value of the


3x+2y=ll ___ (1)

2x+3y=4 __ (2)

Step 1:
9x+6y=33 Multiply equation (1) by 3

4x+6y=8 Multiply equation (2) by 2

Step 2:
Subtracting the above two equations, y is

Step 3

- - ·-···· - .. --- -· - -----. --· ·-···-···

Step 3: Plot these points on a graph.

step 4: They \It/ill intersect at a common point.

.... · . . .. . . . .

This is the unique solution.

Solved problems

1. A lifting machine obeys the law

E = aW + b

Where E is the effort force, W is load and a, b are constants. An experiment

produces the following results:

Effort forces of 45.5 N and 53 N lift loads of 70 N and 120 N respectively.

Find the values of the constants (a) and (b).


Putting E = 53, W = 120 into E = aW + b gives

53 =120a+ b (t)

and E= 45.5, W = 70 into E= aW +b gives

45.5=70a+b (tt)

--· ··------------- ····-

Multiply (tt) by 2
6u + 9a = 129 (**)

("*) - (*) gives

3a= 30

Substituting a= 10 into Ct)

iu+20= 33

a=lO m/s and u=6.5m/s


3. The length, .e0 of an alloy varies with temperature t according to the law

Where.e0, is the original length oftlie alloy and a·is the coefficient of lin�ar

expansion. An experiment produces the following results:

At t = 55 °C .l=20.11 m

At t = 120 °C £=20.24 m

Determine .e0and a(the units of aare/°C)


We have

f0(1+55a)=20.ll (t)
£ (1+ 120a)= 20.24
0 (tt)

Ct) divided by Ctt) gives

l0(1+55a) _ 20.11
£0(1+ 120a)- 20.24
s( (1.2 x 10-')- �) + � = 6. 6 x 10-'
(6 x 10- )+2 = (6.6 x 10-3)

2- = (6: 6 x 10-3)-(6 x 10-3)= 6 x 10-4
Ri = 6 x 310-4 = 5000

Substituting � into Ct) gives

J_ = (1.2 x 10-,3 )- -1- = 0. 001

R1 . 5000

R1 = O.OOl = 1000
R1 = 1kn and Js = 5kn
5. By applying Kirchhoffs law in a circuit we obtain

25(11-12)+56!1 =2.225
1712 -3(!1-!2)=1.31
Where 11 and 12 represent currents. Find I1 andr,;


Opening up the brackets gives

254 -25[2 + 56[1 = 2.225

17[2 -3[1 + 3[2 = 1.31
8111 - 2512 = 2.225
-3/1 + 20 l2 = 1.31

Solving these gives 4 = 50 mA and 12 = 73 mA

.. ·- ·- .... �-- ·-· --· - ..... -- ·-·

2. The forces acting on a bolt are resolved horizontally and vertically, giving the following
simultaneous equations

3.4F1 - 0.8F2 = 3.9

0.7FI + l.4F2 = 2.05

Find the values of Fi and F2, correct to three significant figures.

3. Two ladders of length /1 andl2 lean against buildings on opposite sides. Find the

heights x and y (in meters) reached by the tops of the ladders in the positions
shown as they satisfy the equations

3 x + s·y = 11
4x + 5 y = 21

4. When an effort (E) is applied to the gear box on a diesel engine it is found that
resistance (R) can be overcome, and that (E) and (R) are connected by a formula :

E= a+ bR
9. The amount of water in m 3 / hr discharged from a centrifugal pump is x and the

amount of discharge from a reciprocating pump is y • The pumps are connected in

series. After many trails of discharge, the relationship between the resultant flow is
found as follows:

3.:z; + 5y = 17
4x + Sy= 21

Solve for X and y •

10- A drilling compai:,y purchased X tooth bits which costs 300 OR each and
Y insert bits which costs 500 OR each. The total expenditure was 4900 OR and it
spent 165 OR more on the insert bits than it did on the tooth bits. Form two
equations and solve them to find the number of tooth ( X ) and insert ( Y ) bits.

11- The power in a mechanical device is given by

P = aN +

Where a and b are constants.

Find the values of a and b · if P = 13 when N =3 and P = 12 when

N = 2.

12- The law connecting friction F and load L for an experiment to find the friction force
between two surfaces is of the type:

F = aL + b

Where a and b are constants. If L =7.5 when F =6, and L =2 when F =2.7

Find the values of a and b.

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