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SUBJECT TITLE: Information Security Analysis and Audit
Slot: F2

Name: Hardeep Singh

Registration No.: 20BDS0148
Digital Assignment
Topic: Impact of batteries on the environment

Battery demand has significantly increased, and the battery has evolved and been around for a while. The fact
that billions of people carry devices that need power is the cause of this demand. These technological devices
include digital cameras, computers, and mobile phones. Our toys and gadgets are powered by batteries, which
transform chemical energy into electrical energy. The anode and cathode, which are located on opposing ends of
a battery, create an electrical circuit that supplies power to an electronic device. Batteries should be carefully
disposed of once this electrical circuit has been used up, yet each year, customers throw millions of batteries
into the garbage. Even while disposing of batteries may appear innocuous, doing so can have a terrible impact
on the environment. Each battery includes potentially harmful, poisonous, and corrosive substances including
lead, lithium, cadmium, and mercury. Here are some facts regarding batteries and our environment that you
should be aware of if you're wondering what negative affects batteries may have on our ecosystem.

First, Batteries disposed of improperly lead to air and water pollution. In landfills, exhausted batteries that are
thrown in the garbage eventually deteriorate and leak. Battery corrosion releases chemicals that pollute
groundwater and surface water as well as soil. When contaminated by battery chemicals, our ecosystems, which
support thousands of aquatic plants and animals, are put at risk. This implies that we run the risk of consuming
harmful metals when we drink from tap water taps. Did you also know that lithium batteries disposed of
improperly can be extremely unstable? Landfill fires started by lithium batteries have the potential to burn for
many years. As a result, the airborne hazardous compounds have a detrimental impact on our ability to breathe
and contribute to global warming. Second, Batteries disposed out improperly harm people's health. Burns and
other risks to our eyes and skin can result from exposing the environment to lead and the potent corrosive acids
inherent in batteries. The Agency for Toxic Substance & Disease Registry states that dangerous metals included
in batteries, such as nickel and cadmium, are recognized human carcinogens. Any chemical, radiation, or
radionuclide that functions as a cancer-causing agent is referred to as a carcinogen. We run the danger of getting
malignant impairments when these substances contact with our air and water. Lead is another poisonous element
that may be found in batteries. Lead has been connected to serious health problems like neurological and
developmental impairment as well as congenital defects. Due to its very poisonous nature, the government
established legislation that prohibited the use of Mercury in batteries in 1996. Third, Batteries may easily be
recycled. As a public service, programmes like Call2Recycle would gladly accept your batteries and recycle
them on your behalf. Car batteries, which are frequently made of lead acid materials, may be disposed of by
simply bringing them to an auto parts store and dropping them off. You may ship your phone away to be
properly recycled, and this is permitted by both cell phone carriers and manufacturers. Did you know that
correct recycling practices were required prior to the 1996 prohibition on the use of mercury in single-use
alkaline batteries. Fourth, Batteries that can be recharged using fewer natural resources. Did you know that
compared to disposable batteries, rechargeable batteries use fewer nonrenewable natural resources overall? The
fact that rechargeable batteries may be reused means that fewer batteries are required to deliver the same
quantity of energy. Less resources will be used throughout the production process as a result. The cost savings
of utilizing rechargeable batteries as opposed to disposable ones is another advantage. Because they may be
reused, rechargeable batteries cost less for the consumer.

Batteries are employed to both store and release energy created. They may be found as electric cells in lamps,
electric bikes, electric automobiles, telephones, windmills, and solar panels. Whether they be lead-acid or
lithium-ion. Since they may be recycled, even if not yet enough, their environmental effect varies widely
depending on their usage and nature. The two sorts of batteries that power the things around us are mentioned
here. Lithium-ion versus lead-acid batteries. The lead-acid battery, which consists of two electrodes submerged
in a sulphuric acid solution, is one option. This technology, which is a bit older, is strong, effective, and
biodegradable. Its weight is a drawback. This kind of battery is typically seen in specific thermal vehicles or
computers. The lithium-ion battery, on the other hand, is a more modern invention that relies on the reversible
exchange of the lithium ion between a positive electrode and a negative graphite electrode. Its huge amount of
available energy is a benefit. Its huge amount of available energy is a benefit. Its disadvantage is that it is
expensive, which has traditionally limited its use to tiny devices like watches and cell phones. Nevertheless, it is
currently present in computers and electric vehicles. The effects of lead acid batteries on the environment. The
percentage of pure lead in a lead-acid battery increases with battery quality. And as this essay demonstrates,
there are negative effects on the environment as a result. Even while nations like India and China are relying on
renewable energy sources like solar electricity, the decision that seems to be the most environmentally friendly
yet results in significant collateral harm. The underlying factor is a lack of distribution networks in these
nations, forcing them to conserve their power. A 2011 research that appeared in the academic journal Energy
Policy found that at that time, the solar energy industry in China and India had already released up to 2.4 million
tonnes of lead into the environment, or about a third of global output. China closed 583 lead battery plants at the
same time due to the pollution of nearby populations. Lead not only has a negative influence on the
environment, but also on our wellbeing. According to a website, lead exposure can harm the cardiovascular
system in addition to causing memory loss. It can result in miscarriages and early births in pregnant women. The
effects of lithium batteries on the ecosystem. Most of the goods we love to use and consume across the world
include lithium batteries. The financial stakes are more than alluring for the nations that export this metal,
primarily Australia, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Tibet, and Afghanistan. However, the water-intensive process of
extracting lithium creates a host of issues, such as soil deterioration and water resource theft. National
Geographic examines the industry's excesses in its February 2019 issue: In Bolivia, this "white gold rush" even
poses a threat to the biggest salt desert in the world. In fact, there, deep inside the earth, is where 17% of the
world's lithium can be found. The mines are spreading like wildfire in violation of all laws and considerations
for the environment. Lead-acid and lithium-ion battery carbon footprints.

But even in terms of ecological transition, we still find it impossible to envision life without batteries. An
essential evil are batteries. Emmanuel Cosgrove, claims that they represent "the missing link in fully green
household self-generation. The fact that solar and wind energy is intermittently accessible is, in fact, a
drawback. Batteries are therefore essential to keep and store the energy produced for subsequent use. Batteries,
however, are not a magic fix for Emmanuel Cosgrove. A lithium-ion battery's carbon footprint has been
estimated by the Swedish Environmental Research Agency by combining the findings of about 40 worldwide
research. As a result, it's challenging. The organization estimated that each kWh of batteries generated would
produce 150–200 kg of CO2, based on the world's largely fossil fuel energy mix (which accounts for 50–70% of
the power produced). This analysis states that a 30 kWh battery would produce about 5 tons of CO2, whereas a
Tesla would produce over 17 tons. These numbers are different from those released by ADEME in 2013, which
took into consideration the complete battery life cycle (9 tons of CO2 for an electric car and 22 tons for an
internal combustion vehicle).

The reuse of lead acid batteries. The good news is that lead-acid batteries, the most common type of battery, are
99% recyclable, according to the Battery Council International. After the battery's plastic tray has been broken
up into bits, the lead can be salvaged along with it. A portion of the business can recover and reuse the
electrolyte, the acid and water-containing liquid at the bottom of the battery, or it can degrade by eliminating the
water so that only the acid is ultimately utilized. One more thing, which is especially crucial considering how
much the carbon footprint of transportation matters: the supply of new batteries is always accompanied by the
recovery of used batteries for recycling. Although it is theoretically possible to recycle lithium-ion batteries, this
practice is currently only sometimes used. Lithium is not often recycled, unlike cobalt. This is significant when
you take into account that an electric car battery, a higher co2 automobile, includes between 3 and 5 kg of
lithium. A regulation that does not place enough restrictions on manufacturers is in the crosshairs of
environmental organizations. Indeed, compared to 65% for lead-acid batteries used in thermal cars, the latter are
only required to recycle 50% of the typical weight of other battery and accumulator waste. How to lessen and
offset your carbon footprint: Some helpful advice. We must attempt to make the batteries last as long as possible
in order to lessen our carbon footprint, just as with all the other things we use that have a big carbon emission.
Studies state, for instance, that it would take between 25,000 and 150,000 kilometers until an electric
automobile became less polluting than a diesel or petrol vehicle depending on the nation of manufacturing of the
batteries and their energy mix. Additionally, the typical life of an automobile battery is 5 years. But there are
several factors that affect how long something lasts, the first of which is when it was bought. A battery performs
best when used straight away after leaving the factory. It explains why an original battery usually outlasts a
replacement or one that has been kept in a store for a long period. Therefore, treat your battery well by keeping
it away from severe temperatures, for instance. Last but not least, the most efficient strategy is still to minimize
the usage of battery-operated items, particularly by encouraging those who can avoid driving.

Many of the devices we use every day, including portable ones like phones, toys, handheld power tools, and
headphones, run on batteries. Batteries play a significant role in the transportation and energy industries on a
larger scale. With increased environmental worries about the usage of fossil fuels, several automakers have
shifted to producing electric cars. It is already well recognized that using fossil fuels to power goods like cars
causes pollution and climate change. The way we use and dispose of batteries is changing due to their use in the
automotive and power industries worldwide. The industry keeps looking for smaller and more durable batteries
as volume rises, from lithium-ion battery packs inside electric vehicles to batteries that power tiny electronics.
The market for electric vehicles has expanded as discussions about how to lower the world's carbon impact have
continued. There are legitimate worries about the use of carbon fuels, on the one hand. This has raised the need
to switch to newer systems that champion electric cars. Lithium-ion battery-powered electric cars contribute to a
decrease in road pollution. Because of this, electric car batteries do, to a certain extent, help us lessen our
environmental effect. There has also been a significant increase in demand for electric cars on the world market.
As a result, this demand causes both the manufacturing of electric batteries to rise and the volume of used
batteries to rise. We must examine the broad use of electronic gadgets in addition to focusing on the electric
vehicle. Numerous appliances and outdoor and indoor goods are powered by one type of battery pack or

Lithium is used as an anode in lithium batteries, which are used as main batteries. The most popular applications
for this kind of battery, often known as a lithium-ion battery, are electric cars and electronics. M. Stanley
Whittingham, a British scientist, developed the first form of lithium battery in the early 1970s using lithium and
titanium as the electrode materials. Unfortunately, the exorbitant cost of titanium and the pungent smell that the
reaction created restricted the battery's applicability. The first lithium-ion battery was created in 1985 and was
based on Akira Yoshino's Whittingham effort. Lithium extraction requires a lot of resources, particularly water,
and is a labor-intensive operation. One metric tons of lithium is thought to require the usage of 500,000 gallons
of water in the mining process. Since Chile is the world's top producer of lithium, the lithium mines are located
in rural regions with a very diversified ecology. About 65% of the water in Chile's Salar de Atacama, one of the
driest areas on earth, is used to mine lithium, forcing many of the local farmers and community members to go
for water elsewhere. Working circumstances may go against the norms of sustainable development objectives in
addition to having an actual negative impact on the environment. Locals often have disagreements with the
nearby lithium mining as well. Numerous reports have been made about dead animals and destroyed farms in
the vicinity of several of these mines. There have been reports of dead fish and huge animals drifting down
several of the rivers close to the Tibetan mines in Tagong, a tiny town in the Garzê Tibetan Autonomous
Prefecture of China. Further analysis revealed that this could have been brought on by evaporation pools that
had been sitting for months or even years leaking. Disposal of batteries include metals like cobalt, nickel, and
manganese, which are hazardous and may harm water sources and environments if they leak out of landfills, are
found in lithium-ion batteries. Lithium-ion battery improper disposal has also been linked to fires in landfills or
battery recycling plants. As a consequence, several governments mandate the recycling of lithium-ion batteries.
Although incorrect disposal of lithium-ion batteries has a negative impact on the environment, recycling rates
are still low since the technology is still in its infancy and is expensive. While switching all fossil fuel-powered
gadgets to lithium-based batteries may not be the greatest choice for the planet, lithium-ion batteries may be
utilized as a component of a sustainable solution. Although there isn't a shortage currently, it is a natural
resource that might run out. There are around 14 million tons of lithium remaining, which is 165 times the
amount produced in 2018, according to experts at Volkswagen. The EPA has regulations for recycling lithium
batteries in the United States. Batteries of all sizes should be sent to specialized recycling facilities since single-
use and rechargeable batteries need separate recycling procedures. This will make it possible to separate the
different metals that may be recovered for further usage in a safer manner. At the moment, there are three main
techniques for recycling lithium-ion batteries: First one, recovering pyrometallurgically, the pyrometallurgical
recovery includes the processes of pyrolysis, incineration, roasting, and smelting. The majority of conventional
industrial techniques now in use cannot recover lithium. Their primary method is the extraction of other metals
including copper, nickel, and cobalt. The efficiency of recycling materials and using capital resources is
relatively poor. In addition to having high energy needs, gas treatment processes also tend to create less gas
byproducts. Second one, metals recycling by hydrometallurgy, Aqueous solutions are used in hydrometallurgy
to extract metal from ores. It is often used in copper recovery. This technique has been used to various metals in
order to reduce the issue of Sulphur dioxide products brought on by more traditional smelting. Third one,
immediate recycling, recycling is a possibility, although it is often still more costly than extracting the ores
themselves. The need for a more effective recycling programme is growing with the expanding demand for
lithium-ion batteries and the competition among businesses to provide the most effective strategy. One of the
most urgent problems is that recycling is not prioritized in the battery manufacturing process. Electric cars are
the main sector and supply of lithium-ion batteries (EV). Sales of electric cars have significantly increased
recently, with EV incentives in place in over 90% of all global auto markets as of 2019. We should expect to see
a major improvement in the environmental effects from the decrease in reliance on fossil fuels as EV sales
continue to rise. Recent research has looked at many applications for recycled lithium-ion batteries, particularly
those from electric cars. For grid businesses, it has been shown that the secondary usage of lithium-ion batteries
recovered from electric cars for secondary use in power load peak shaving in China is successful.
Remanufacturing of lithium batteries must be taken into account due to the environmental dangers caused by
used lithium-ion batteries as well as the potential supply issues of battery parts for electric cars. A test based on
the EverBatt model carried out in China came to the conclusion that the remanufacturing of lithium-ion batteries
would only be financially viable provided the price of used batteries is kept low. Recycling will significantly
lessen its effects on the environment. Remanufacturing results in a 6.62% decrease in overall GHG emissions,
which is good news for the environment.

Tagong, a town on the eastern side of the Tibetan plateau, was the scene of hundreds of protesters throwing
dead fish into the streets in May 2016. They had rescued them from the Liqi river, where the local environment
had been severely damaged by a hazardous chemical spill from the Ganzizhou Rongda Lithium mine. There are
images of large numbers of dead fish floating on the stream's surface. Eyewitnesses claimed to have seen dead
cow and yak corpses floating downstream after ingesting tainted water. It was the third such event in the same
region in the span of seven years, including businesses owned by BYD, the world's largest supplier of lithium-
ion batteries for electric vehicles and cellphones. The mine was shut down by authorities in 2013 after the
second occurrence, but when it was reopened in April 2016, the fish once again began to perish. One of the most
important parts of the clean-up of the planet's activities is lithium-ion batteries. About 12 kilos of lithium are
included in the battery of a Tesla Model S, however, significantly more would be required for grid storage
systems that would assist balance renewable energy. The price of lithium quadrupled between 2016 and 2018,
and demand for it is growing dramatically. The lithium-ion sector is anticipated to increase from 100 gigawatt
hours (GWh) of annual output in 2017 to around 800 GWhs in 2027, according to consultancy Cairn Energy
Research Advisors. The present surge in demand, according to William Adams, director of research at Metal
Bulletin, may be attributed to the Chinese government's announcement of a significant push toward electric cars
in its 13th Five Year Plan in 2015. The number of lithium extraction projects has significantly increased as a
result, and according to Adams, there are "hundreds more in the process." However, there is an issue. Finding all
the lithium needed to accomplish this shift might have a significant environmental effect, which could become a
major problem in and of itself as the globe rushes to replace fossil fuels with sustainable energy. According to
Christina Valimaki, an analyst at Elsevier, "one of the largest environmental challenges created by our never-
ending need for the newest and brightest technologies is a developing mineral crisis, notably those required to
produce our batteries." The major issue in South America is water. Under its strange salt flats, the Lithium
Triangle of the continent, which includes portions of Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile, has more than half of the
world's lithium reserves. One of the driest regions on earth, it is also. This is a significant problem since, in
order to extract lithium, miners first dig a hole in the salt flats and pump fluid that is mineral- and salt-rich to the

They create a combination of manganese, potassium, borax, and lithium salts first, which is then filtered and
added to another evaporation pool, and so on, leaving it to evaporate for months at a time. The combination has
been sufficiently filtered after between 12 and 18 months for lithium carbonate, or "white gold," to be extracted.
Although it's an efficient and reasonably priced method, it requires a lot of water—roughly 500,000 gallons per
tonne of lithium. Mining activity in Chile's Salar de Atacama used 65% of the water in the area. This is having a
significant effect on local farmers who raise llamas and cultivate quinoa in an area where some villages already
depend on pumped water from farther away. Additionally, there is a chance that poisonous compounds would
seep from the evaporation pools into the water supply, as it did in Tibet. These include the waste materials that
are filtered out of the brine at each step as well as the chemicals, such as hydrochloric acid, that are needed to
transform lithium into a form that can be sold. Lithium is extracted in a usable form using chemicals even
though it is mined from rock using more conventional techniques in Australia and North America. In Nevada,
studies revealed effects on fish up to 150 miles downstream from a lithium processing plant. According to a
research by Friends of the Earth, the mining of lithium always degrades the land and contaminates the air.
Locals in Salar de Hombre Muerto, Argentina, assert that lithium activities have polluted waterways utilised for
agriculture irrigation as well as by people and cattle. Conflicts have broken out in Chile between mining firms
and the locals, who claim that the extraction of lithium has left mountains of dumped salt in the environment
and canals full of tainted water with an artificial blue tint. According to Guillermo Gonzalez, a lithium battery
specialist from the University of Chile, "Like any mining process, it is intrusive, scars the landscape, degrades
the water table, and pollutes the ground and the nearby wells" in a 2009 interview. This isn't a green solution; in
fact, it's not even a solution. The most troublesome component of contemporary rechargeable batteries,
however, could not be lithium. It can theoretically be produced from saltwater in the future, albeit it would need
a lot of energy. It is rather plentiful.
Image could include Helmet Clothes Clothing Person Worker and Hardhat Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia. Head of
potassium extraction at Comibol Mining, Lino Fita surveys his facility. Because of the high potassium and
magnesium content of the local brine, lithium extraction is more difficult and costly. To evaporate extra water
and isolate its salts, the brine is placed in enormous ponds for many months. The residual substance is
subsequently treated and refined. Due to a countrywide labour shortage, the firm employs a very small number
of lithium processing specialists. The factory's whole output has previously been handled by as little as three
workers. Cobalt and nickel, two more essential components, are more likely to hinder the development of
electric cars and might have significant negative environmental effects. Only in the Democratic Republic of the
Congo and central Africa is cobalt found in such large amounts. The cost has increased fourfold over the last
two years. According to Gleb Yushin, chief technical officer and creator of battery materials business Sila
Nanotechnologies, cobalt is "uniquely horrible," unlike the majority of metals which are not harmful when they
are extracted from the earth as metal ores. He continues, "One of the main problems with cobalt is that it's only
found in one nation." Cobalt can literally be found by merely digging up the ground, thus there is a tremendous
incentive to discover it and sell it, which provides enough justification for risky and immoral behaviour. In
"artisanal mines" in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, cobalt is manually mined from the earth without the
use of machinery and often involves child labour. Smart and innovative lithium-ion battery technology is
playing a very important role in the developing electric vehicle industry as we move toward global
electrification. Comparing an electric car to an ICE vehicle, there are a number of benefits. The main Engine is
removed from the vehicle body, so new battery-operated vehicle architecture does not require maintenance.
Additionally, vehicles using this battery technology have become the noisiest on the road. Lithium-ion battery
technology directly reduces the dependence on gasoline and diesel because of this zero-air pollution from the
vehicle is a benefit to the environment. The Li-ion battery can operate in a wide range of temperatures, from
minus 40 to + 70 degrees Celsius. The capacity of Li-ion battery technology to provide 300 watt hours per
kilogram of energy is gradually approaching its theoretical limit. By establishing a civilization without fossil
fuels, wind and solar energy may be used to recharge these batteries. The image below demonstrates that lithium
only provided long-term performance in terms of specific energy or power. It's wonderful that lithium batteries
are revolutionizing the globe, but how long until we have to start caring about environmental problems when the
battery system begins to wear out? The following categories describe the negative consequences of lithium-ion
batteries on the environment: Global warming, Acidification, loss of ozone, Smog created by sunlight,

The rare earth metals nickel and cobalt, which have a significant environmental effect, are combined in the
lithium-ion battery's cathode. These include resource depletion, ecological toxicity, and global warming. The
usage of cobalt and nickel metal compounds has the most negative effects on the lungs, nervous system, and
synthesis of these metal compounds. Li-ion batteries are hazardous because to the thermal runway, which causes
cells to self-heat and destroy themselves when they exceed the temperature limit. This is known as degassing,
and when hot gases are discharged from the cell, they may create a fire or explosion. When recycling, crushing a
lithium-ion cell will result in an internal short circuit that will trigger a quick, uncontrolled discharge that will
heat up or explode on the ground. Battery trash may include hazardous lithium salts and different polymers in
addition to metal oxides, phosphates, aluminum, copper, graphite, and organic electrolytes. Major
environmental repercussions may occur if lead, manganese, nickel, copper, and cobalt are not recycled. Li-ion
batteries are often disposed of in landfills nowadays, which might result in explosions or worsen existing soil
degradation. These batteries must be completely discharged and drained before recycling in order to prevent
explosions. Today, we dispose of phones and laptops with other electronic debris, but the environmental cost is

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