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Nozzle clogging for ‘Si’ killed steel

Billet casting through the metering nozzle for ‘Si’ killed steel is an established practice. At one stage
Si killed steel for metering nozzle casting was considered to be quite free from nozzle clogging. The
steelmaker only had to keep the Al level low. Nozzle clogging was more of an issue with Al killed steel,
says PK Ghosh*

HOWEVER, with demand for quality, yield, level (>0.007%) is the reason for nozzle
and lower alloy consumption, nozzle clogging, which is true in many cases but
clogging can occur for ‘Si’ killed steel. For it was not the case for this plant (Plant A).
a plant, it may not be for all the heats and The Al level was always below 0.004% and
that baffles and influences the perception nozzle clogging occurred in the Al range of
and remedial measures. 0.002 % - 0.004%. It was suspected that
This paper describes how the problem ‘CaS’ formation could be a reason behind
of nozzle clogging was solved for two the clogging. However, SEM analysis did
different grades of steel in two different not show any CaS presence in the steel
Plants – Plant A for 0.80% carbon and Plant sample. Finally, it was ascertained that the
B for 0.15% Carbon. incidences of nozzle clogging were closely
The root cause of the problem was connected with the final oxygen level of the
established as low soluble oxygen at the steel at the end of ladle refining.
end of the treatment. All high carbon steel grades are ‘Si-
A unique programme was established killed’ and the main inclusions are MnO(x)
for ‘Ca’ addition for high carbon grade. SiO2(y) type. The values of subscripts x and
This programme was worked out after y depend on the chemistry of the steel or
identifying the crucial process parameters rather the relative molar percentages of Mn
and coming up with a ‘Ca’ treatment and Si in the steel. From the casting angle,
programme to ensure 100% success. the values of Mn and Si are important
To eliminate nozzle clogging for because they decide the subscripts x and y
low carbon grade, ‘Ca’ treatment was and whether the inclusion shall be liquid at
eliminated with a unique non-metallurgical 84 Grade. This led to a quality problem, casting temperature. There are two rules of
action. slowing down the productivity and rejection thumb that can be used.
of billet. One rule envisages that the Mn2/Si
Discussion Typical failures are shown in the Figs. 1 should be more than 1.60 and in another, it
Plant A - Nozzle clogging of high carbon and 2. is estimated that Mn/Si should be minimum
steel: 3.00.
This plant encountered nozzle clogging Insight in to nozzle clogging The main constituents of Si killed steel
with a maximum severity for AISI 1080- The most common belief is that a high Al are Fe are C, Mn and Si, but if the steel is

Fig 1. Speed Graph of Clogging Heats Fig 2. Speed Graph of Clogging Heats

* President, Steeltap International LLC, New Jersey, USA

March 2019

Cont casting - GOSH AIST.indd 1 13/03/2019 10:14:43

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