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Subject: Salesmanship

Department: BK1/R1/N1/A

Group name ID number

Ahmed Mustefa UUA00349R

Amir Awol UUA00324R

Ashenafi Feleke UUA00330R

Amanuel Kibreab UUA00325R

Amanuel Abebe UUA00322R

Anwar Jemal UUA00840R Anwar Jemal UUA00840R
Semir Mohammed Semir Mohammed
UUA00479 UUA00479
Unity University

Faculty of Business

Department of Marketing Management

Assignment on Salesmanship
Review and Discussion Questions

Part One
1. What are the five sales presentation methods? Briefly explain each method. Be sure to
include any similarities, differences, advantages, and disadvantages of each method in
your answer.

There are four basic presentation methods most salespeople need to master. They are the

 Memorized,
 Persuasive selling,
 Needs-satisfaction, and
 Problem-solution method.

The primary difference between the methods is the percentage of time the salesperson is
speaking. In the memorized and persuasive selling methods, the salesperson dominates the
conversation. In the needs-satisfaction and problem-solution methods, both the salesperson and
buyer share in the conversation.

Memorized method
The memorized sales presentation method is the most highly structured method. The salesperson
does 80-90% of the talking. The buyer’s participation is generally limited to responding to
questions posed by the salesperson.

The memorized presentation is a “canned” presentation; delivering the same basic presentation to
every prospective buyer. The salesperson discusses the same features and benefits hoping they
will stimulate the buyer’s interest.

The most common use of memorized presentations today is door-to-door and telephone sales.

The memorized presentation method has several advantages:-

 It increases the confidence of inexperienced salespeople.

 It ensures that a salesperson or entire salesforce delivers the same features and benefits to
prospective buyers. It is most efficient when selling time is short.
Drawbacks of the memorized presentation include:

 It is impersonal.
 It may present features and benefits that mean nothing to the buyer.
 It has limited participation with the buyer and, therefore, may be perceived as a high-
pressure sales presentation.
 It is not effective for complicated selling situations or technical products.

Persuasive Selling method

The persuasive selling presentation method is a powerful tool for both new and experienced salespeople.
It is less structured than the memorized presentation. The salesperson typically controls the approach and
beginning of the presentation but then engages the buyer more and more as the presentation continues.
The persuasive selling method has several advantages:-

 It provides an opportunity for more buyer/seller interaction.

 It provides a logical framework and flow of information.
 It allows the salesperson to handle anticipated questions and objections.
The primary drawback of the persuasive selling model is that the structure is less flexible than the need-
satisfaction or problem solution methods. Its more formal structure makes it less suitable for complex
selling situations.

Need-Satisfaction method
The need-satisfaction presentation method is the most difficult to master. The entire presentation is often
a back and forth conversation between buyer and seller. For this reason, the salesperson needs to be able
to adapt their style and the information they convey to the seller throughout the presentation.
The need-satisfaction method has several advantages:-

 It is highly flexible and customizable.

 It is particularly well-suited for the sale of complex, highly technical products.
 It is most effective at uncovering and prioritizing buyer needs.
The primary drawback of the needs-satisfaction method is the open-ended conversational nature of the
presentation process. This makes it a difficult method for less experienced salespeople to master.

Problem-Solution method
The problem-solution presentation method is a completely flexible, customized presentation that requires
full engagement between buyer and seller. It is like the need satisfaction method because it is designed to
uncover specific buyer needs or problems and then provide the appropriate solution. The primary
difference is the problem-solution method is designed to handle a situation where the buyer may not even
understand the problem or know how to solve it.
The problem-solution presentation method has several advantages:-

 It is highly flexible and completely customizable.

 It is best suited for highly complex technical situations.
 It provides an in-depth analysis of specific needs or problems.
The problem-solution presentation method also has several disadvantages:-

 Its complexity makes it difficult for inexperienced salespeople to manage the entire process.
 It is time-intensive, often taking several appointments involving multiple disciplines, over a
period of weeks or even months.

2. Assume a salesperson already knows the customer’s needs. Instead of developing the customer’s
needs as a part of the sales presentation, he goes directly to the close. What are your feelings on
this type of sales presentation?
Depending on the situation and customers behaviors, the salesperson may close the deal by explaining the
customers need perfectly and the customer doesn’t have anything to add on the presentation or the person
is a longtime customer of the organization so need and problem recognition my not be necessary since it
was disclose in previous meetings. But the majority of time, the salesperson have to develop and identify
what the specific customer needs are which can bring some hidden problems and objection of the
customer to light.

Part Two
1. What sales presentation method was Daniel using?
It’s the need satisfaction methods because the salesperson asked what the specific need of the customer is
which is getting the best profit possible. Because that he adapted the offering based on the specific need
of the customer. The salesperson also have some background information of the customer’s organization
which allowed him to estimate the customer’s activates and adopt it to his offering which made the
customer more interested.
2. Evaluate Daniel’s handling of this situation.
The salesperson clearly have background information about the organization which helped him to sell his
offering and make the buyer more interested about the product he is selling by asking important questions
which helped him to understand what the customer’s needs are and adopted his offering using the
information he have from background of the organization and the customers need.

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