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At the end of this module, students are expected to:

a. Define drug education;

b. value the importance of drug education;
c. Differentiate licit from illicit drugs;
d. Explore the nature and effects of drug abuse on health and social relationships; and
e. Promote a drug free community.


1. “Bawal na Gamot” was written by Willy Garte, based on the lyrics of this song, what is it all

2. What does stanza 3 would like to emphasize?


3. Is there any situation in your life, wherein it comes to your mind to put yourself into drugs?

4. For you, what are the possible reasons why people engage themselves into drugs?

Drug Education

The Youth Drug Awareness Program is a very effective program to protect young people from
danger and keep them away from drugs. Youth today are the most vulnerable people that may be
affected by illegal substances that are widely abused.

Many drug users start their habits early, typically in the teenage years . They are especially
vulnerable to drug exposure because adolescence is a time of discovery, exploration, curiosity, and
identity quest. Young people with dysfunctional backgrounds are thought to be more susceptible and
likely to continue to abuse drugs once they have begun, and to experience more aggravating issues if
they have not been processed. These young people, in difficult circumstances, are linked to poverty,
family disintegration, displacement, discrimination and lack of appropriate alternative activities.

Prevention of drug addiction, through problem recognition, awareness and policy execution, is
vital to the effectiveness of reducing and preventing drug violence. Positive actions, including the positive
handling of feelings and responsibilities, should be developed and promoted in our own families during
the early life of young family members and passed on to the later stage of life. They need to be nurtured
b a caring and understanding community.

A. DRUGS is a substance that can affect the way a living organism functions.

✔ It is taken by ingestion , inhalation and injection.

✔ Any drug can be dangerous when used in excess of this. Some drugs may also be harmful if
taken in unsafe combinations or by a hypersensitive (allergic) person in ordinary or even small

Drugs may usually be categorized between legal and illegal drugs. Laws and regulations regulate
the supply, consistency and price of 'LEGAL' medicines. Examples of approved medications are the
medicines that doctors administer to patients. Illegal drugs, on the other hand, do not have any price or
quality control. This ensures that a patient will never be certain if the medication they are consuming is
exactly what they believe it is. Often, the patient cannot be confident about the potency or efficacy of a

There are a lot of different types of medications that you should be conscious of. Some are
licensed, others are classified as club drugs, prohibited or illegal substances, and some are considered
designer pills. These include the following:


Antidepressants are psychiatric medications used to

combat stress and behavioral conditions such as
obsessive-compulsive behavior, food conditions, and other
psychological disorders.


Barbiturates are sedative medications that slow down the central

nervous system in the same manner as alcohol. A minimal dosage
can help us feel happy, sociable and enthusiastic. For higher levels
of aggression and agitation typical symptoms and slurred voice,
there could be a lack of balance and difficulties in keeping awake.
Falling over and injuries are becoming more possible. Injected into
the vein barbiturates create an almost instantaneous sensation of
warmth and somnolence.

Drug Education
Hallucinogens interact with the natural functioning of the brain by excessively loading the
brain with serotonin (the neurotransmitter responsible for emotional modulation, sensory
awareness, sleep cycles, appetite, body temperature, sex desire, and muscle control). This excess
serotonin can lead the body to develop dependency on Hallucinogen. The abuse of Hallucinogens
may leave the body unable to produce adequate amounts of serotonin on its own.

The short-term effects of Hallucinogens can include:

● Hallucinations
● Fluctuations in heart rate
● Intense feelings and sensory feedback
● Feelings of distorted time
● Dry mouth
● Anxiety or paranoia

The extended abuse of some Hallucinogens may produce a variety of long-term effects, including:

● Speech problems and memory loss from repeated PCP use

● Bladder ulcers and kidney problems from Ketamine use
● Paranoia
● Visual disturbances
● Mental problems
● Flashbacks


A drug that are inhaled in the shape of a

chemical or liquid that can be contained
everywhere, such as nail polish remover,
gasoline, glue and aerosol cans.

A drug extracted from opium or




a. to define health education,

Drug Education
b. to understand the importance of health education,
c. to develop health consciousness,
d. to acquaint students about alcohol and smoking, and
e. to identify the common accidents at home and the contagious diseases


Health is wealth. It is one of the best known wellness aphorisms. We all know that it is incredibly
significant, invaluable and indispensable to good health.


Motive Questions:

1. What can you see and say in the above picture?

2. Are those things really helpful? Why yes, why not?


A. What is Health Education?

According to World Health Organization (WHO), “Health education is any combination of

learning experiences designed to help individuals and communities improve their health, by
increasing their knowledge or influencing their attitudes”.

Moreover, Health Education is a social science that tries to draw on the biological,
environmental, psychological, physical, and medical sciences to prevent and manage illness,
disability, and premature death through academically driven voluntary behavioral modification
activities. Health education is the development of individual, group, institutional, community and
systemic health knowledge-enhancing strategies

Also, Health education generates awareness, skills as well as encourages people to take
positive attitudes toward their well-being. Health education increases the awareness of physical,
mental, emotional and social health. This motivates people to improve and sustain their health,
prevent disease and reduce unhealthy behavior.

To sum up, it is the transmission of what is learned about health through beneficial
behavior patterns for individuals, families and communities through educational processes.

B. The Importance of Health Education

Health education is important as it develops health awareness and attitudes. Health

education is not just about staying healthy. It also concentrates on emotional, mental, and social

Drug Education
health. The drive to teach about the value of safety builds. As a result, they strive for good
health, disease prevention and risky behavior.

1. To make a person learn the habits and practices that promote health and follow them
faithfully throughout his or her life.
2. To change the ill life habits.
3. To nurture good behavior and lifestyle.
4. To reduce or eliminate health risk factors.
5. To prevent illness, promote health and enhance the health level of all.

C. Alcohol and Smoking


According to the 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 86.3 percent of
people aged 18 or older reported drinking alcohol at some point in their lifetime; 70.0 percent
reported drinking in the previous year; 55.3 percent reported drinking in the previous month.

Study shows that use of alcohol during adolescence may interfere with normal
development of the adolescent brain and increase the risk of developing AUD. In addition,
underage drinking leads to a number of immediate effects, including accidents, sexual attacks
and even deaths — including those from car crashes.

● What is Alcohol?

- It is known as a depressant, meaning it delays vital functions — resulting in slurred

expression, erratic movement, perceptions disrupted, and an inability to respond quickly.

As for how it affects the mind, it is best understood as a drug which decreases the ability
of an individual to think rationally and distorts their judgment.

The amount of alcohol consumed, though classified as depressant, determines the form of
effect. Most people drink for the stimulating effect, like a beer or a glass of wine taken to
"loosen up." But if a person consumes more than the body can handle, they experience
the depressing effect of the alcohol. They start feeling "dumb" or losing coordination and

● How Alcohol Affects your body?

1. It begins to weaken your inhibitions (your natural senses), then it starts influencing your
consciousness and eventually it gets to your vital functions. This means it is powerful enough
to kill you.
2. It reduces your nervous system’s activity, thus slowing down your reaction time. This may
cause you to be unaware of your environment and make you feel quite 'out of sync' with
everything that is happening.
3. It run the risk of developing liver disease, when you drink alcohol, the liver is the only organ
in your body that can flush out the deadly toxins inside it. The liver extracts the toxins from
the alcohol in your blood but some of the liver cells die every time it does so.
4. It will cause your brain cells to become dehydrated and will limit your brain function quite a
lot. Many people that drink don't really know they become dehydrated because they drink
fluids when they drink alcohol so they do not feel thirsty.

Drug Education
(source: google)

● Common Reasons Why People Drink Alcohol.

1. Stress
Drinking alcohol is, to some is a way to alleviate tension. The alcohol adorns them with
various stressors in their lives, such as work, education, relationships, money etc. Ironically,
when people drink too often to cope with their stress, they usually make the problems they
are stressed out even worse, and they can create worse problems, such as alcoholism.

2. Peer Pressure
Most people drink just because the people around them are drinking, so they may feel an
underlying social pressure to drink because they're not "the odd one out." Someone might
feel pressured to drink because, for example, the majority of their colleagues enjoy happy
hour. Direct social pressure is much higher, and that's when people deliberately urge others
to drink.

3. Fun
People tend to drink alcohol generally so they can have fun. Getting intoxicated makes
them, feel relaxed and "spirited" and it can be a nice thing to drink alcohol with friends. If
people in social situations are anxious, drinking helps them "let go loose" and have more fun.
People drink to have fun at parties, nightclubs, barbecues, and more, because they think
alcohol enhances their experience.

4. Inhibitions
Being under the influence of alcohol contributes to loss of inhibitions. It gives people a
sense of bravery and carelessness which allows them to do things that they wouldn't do while
being sober – safe or unsafe. If people are nervous or afraid of doing something, they may
be drinking alcohol to help shed the inhibitions that stand in their way.

5. Curiosity
In general the reason for curiosity applies to a younger crowd. Students who have never
drunk before may be drinking alcohol because they are curious about what it tastes like, or
they are curious about what it feels like being drunk. They start drinking alcohol in a purely
experimental way, just because they want to experience firsthand drinking.

6. Preference
Some people just drink alcohol because they just enjoy the taste. They choose to drink
alcohol in certain cases when they are hungry and want to enjoy a cocktail, such as a glass
of wine or a beer, over other beverages, such as soda, iced tea or coffee.

7. Accessibility

Another reason people drink alcohol is that the alcohol is affordable. They may enjoy
alcohol for any of the other reasons, but they would not be looking for it out. They choose
to drink only because the alcohol is already there and it’s easy to – “because they can.”

NOTE: Whatever your justification behind drinking, understand that there is a difference between casual
drinking and abusive drinking. Sober Nation does not discriminate on drinking, we simply stand by the
fact that some people cannot drink at a normal rate. The habit is an obsession.


Drug Education
Smoking is also seen as a bad habit that some people use to alleviate any tension or to
lift their moods. They did not know that they're slowly destroying themselves.

✔ Cigarettes contains the following:

a. Nicotine- it is the addictive drug in cigarettes. It narrows your blood flow
and places additional pressure on the heart that can lead to coronary
b. Tar damages the cilia to the point where they cannot properly eject things
that should not be there which would make you prone to chest infections.

c. Carbon Monoxide is a poisonous gas which joins up with red blood cells
making them incapable of transporting oxygen around the body.


● Reasons of Smoking

a. Feeling down or sad

b. Having trouble sleeping
c. Having trouble thinking clearly and concentrating
d. Peer pressure
e. Curiosity
f. Anxiety
● Health Risk Caused of Smoking

a. Lung Cancer
b. Heart Disease
c. Sexual Problems
d. Fertility
e. Menopause

1. Lose of sense of smell.
2. Stained teeth and bad breath
3. Yellow fingernails

D. Common Accidents at Home

Regardless of how much we strive to make our home environment as safe as possible, accidents
at home can still happen-even in the most diligent of households. When this comes to health and safety
of our families, especially those of young children, it makes sense to know exactly what to do if these
common situations do occur.

1. Falling objects
When kids start moving on their own, there seems to be an increased danger that they
might pull objects down on top of themselves. Being mindful of the children's safety involves
making sure that all electrical cables, tablecloth edges and towels are out of sight to help deter
injuries from happening.

Drug Education
2. Trips and Falls
Falling can influence people of all ages, but it is most frequent in the very young and the
very elderly. Sometimes, falling over as a kid would just hurt their ego, and a few calming words
are all they need. Nevertheless, whether the person who falls subsequently is somnolent, vomits
or loses consciousness, it is necessary to seek medical advice.

3. Bruises
Only a fall that isn't severe will lead to poor bruising, which can be very painful. Applying
a cold pack-or even a package of frozen peas-to the affected area may reduce swelling. Often
extreme bruising will mask more serious conditions such as broken bones, and whether there is a
lot of constant discomfort or mobility of the limb is very minimal or difficult, once again medical
assistance should be given.

4. Sprains
Sprain is when the ligament that connects the parts of the joint is stretched, twisted or
torn. Knees, knees and wrists are the most prominent areas of the infected body. If this happens,
apply an ice pack from your first aid kit, rest the affected area and give it time to heal.

5. Cuts
Every injury means that there will be some blood, and that could be one of the most
complicated aspects found with first aid for children. Pressure to stop bleeding and apply
antiseptic to the area. It is necessary to determine the condition, so (usually) if the
bleeding stops after the impact, it is likely to be a small cut that does not need stitches.

6. Burns
Hot drinks cause more burns and scalds of kids under the age of five and, of course,
children must be kept at a reasonable distance from open flames, cookers, irons, hair
straighteners and torches, because these can be dangerous. Each burn should be placed under
cold running water for ten minutes and then analyzed.

7. Choking
Kids can often be enthralled by placing objects in their mouths and swallowing them,
which means that choking is a common hazard.

8. Poisoning
Some of the poisoning cases include medications, kitchen goods and cosmetics around
the home. This is also vital to avoid something that may be harmful if ingested well beyond the
control of children as an integral part of first aid at home.

9. Glass-related injuries
Broken glass can inflict severe wounds, and if you have a small child, due attention
should be given to using the material in the home in furniture or fittings. Making sure locks,
tables and shelving meet with British health requirements.

10. Drowning
Children can drown in very shallow water, so they should be supervised at all times when
they are nearby. They include ornamental garden ponds, water features, and even pools.

E. Contagious Diseases

Contagious diseases (such as flu, colds, or strep throat) spread from person to person in a
number of ways. One way is through direct physical contact, like touching or kissing a person with an
infection. Another example is that an airborne microbe passes through the air after sneezing or coughing

Usually people get contagious diseases by touching or using things that an infected person has
touched or used-like sharing a straw with someone who has a mono or taking a shower with someone
who has an athlete’s foot. And sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are distributed through all forms of
sex — oral, genital, or vaginal.

Some of the highly contagious diseases are:

1. COVID-19

It is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered corona virus

Drug Education
Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory
illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people, and those with underlying
medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer
are more likely to develop serious illness.

2. Norovirus (“Stomach Flu”)

Also referred to as norovirus food poisoning causes inflammation of the intestines,
resulting of discomfort, nausea, and diarrhea or vomiting. You may become infected if you come
into contact with stool or vomit from an infected person or consume food or drink contaminated
with the virus. Please wash your hands with soap and water after using the toilet and before
cooking or touching food.

3. Influenza

Known simply as "flu," the flu virus causes symptoms such as fever, chills, cough, sore
throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, and fatigue. The flu virus passes by the
droplets of the sick person's cough or sneeze. You can also get sick by touching the surface of
the virus and then touching your mouth, eyes or nose. The best ways to prevent it are getting a
flu vaccine each year, washing your hands often, and avoiding touching your face.

4. Meningitis

Meningitis is an infection of the protective membrane around the brain and spinal cord.
Symptoms cause diarrhea, fatigue, light exposure, and frustration. Bacterial meningitis is the
most infectious of all forms of meningitis. Some of these bacteria propagate by saliva and mucus,
and you can get them by licking someone with meningitis or exchanging utensils. Antibiotics can
help treat bacterial meningitis and there are vaccines to prevent it. Although most people recover
fully, meningitis can cause serious complications, such as brain damage and hearing loss, so visit
your doctor as soon as you notice symptoms.

5. Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD)

HFMD is a contagious disease caused by several different viruses. Symptoms vary from
nausea and sore throat, to painful mouth sores, and skin rash on the palms, thighs, ankles,
elbows, and buttocks. You can get HFMD by rubbing the infected person with the blood, urine, or
blister oil, or by touching the items that have the virus on them.

6. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

The STIs have been transmitted by sexual touch. About 19 million new diseases occur
per year in the United States. These are several various forms of STIs, including Chlamydia,
vaginal herpes, gonorrhea, hepatitis B, HIV / AIDS, syphilis, and so forth. STIs can be serious:
they can lead to tumors, miscarriage, complications of abortion, diseases in other areas of the
body, and even death.

7. Tuberculosis (TB)

TB is a relatively rare disease in the United States, but it is widespread in other parts of
the world and highly contagious. TB is caused by a bacteria that attacks the lungs and causes
coughing, chest pain, and other symptoms. Untreated, it could be lethal. When a person with TB
coughs, sneezes or talks, TB bacteria are released into the air. You can become infected by
breathing in the contaminated air. If you think you may have been exposed to it, please contact
your doctor for a test. When you become sick, treatment is in order to keep the infection from
getting worse.
1. Wash your hands a lot. This is particularly important before and after preparing food, before
eating and after using the toilet.
2. Use the vaccine. Immunization will significantly decrease the chances of catching a lot of
diseases. Hold the recommended vaccines up to date.
3. Using antibiotics wisely. Only take antibiotics when prescribed. Unless otherwise directed, or
unless you are allergic to it, take all the prescribed doses of your antibiotic, even if you start to
feel better before you finish the medication.
4. Stay at home if you have symptoms and signs of infection. Don't go to work or college whether
you have diarrhea, diarrhea or fever.

Drug Education
5. Be wise about cooking food. Keep counters and other kitchen surfaces tidy when cooking meals.
In fact, refrigerate the leftovers promptly. Do not require cooked foods to sit at room temperature
for a longer period of time.
6. Disinfect the 'hot areas' in your home. Which include the kitchen and bathroom — two areas that
may have a high concentration of bacteria and other infectious agents.
7. Don't share your personal items. Use a toothbrush, comb or razor blade of your own. Will not
swap drinking cups or cooking utensils.
8. Through a little common sense and proper care, you will stop contagious diseases and keep them
from spreading.
(Adapted from the document by CHWS)

Drug Education

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